t -- PAGE SIX TTIE ROBXSOXIAX. THUHSDAY, CCT0E2R 1, 1914. ). STORAGE 'Plans-Perfected to Relieve Stcraw SiUtaii m in South. ! Use Like Cold Cream to Instantly Washington Pipatch. Uchi"kd Clear the Arranrrerncnls wore perfected today Sulphur, says a renowned dermatol liy the Inter-lvatc O.Hnrr-erce Commis- ojrist, just common bold-sulphur made . '. ' tkQ Ti-natnrv into a thick crsum will soothe and Ptur.itnirnt Oi?" Federal Reserve Board to relieve the cotton storage situation in t'.e South. Tbefe bravelu's of 'the Government have joined in assisting cotton plant, crs and railways of the South in mpftino- the extraordinary demand foi the storage of cotton occasioned by bold-sulphur crearrt and apply it to ' ' tne irritated parts the same as you t ne European wai. would any cold cream. The commission in an announcement i For many years common bold-sul-of new taruT and traspcrtation regu- phur has occupied a secure position lations made today, says that "for,in the Practice of dermatology and ., ' r ... . cutaneous affections by reason of its the purpose o. providing temporary , tg Jest inff ' rt It is warehousing space for the storage of not oniy parasiticidal, but also anti cotton, under arrangements approved pruritic, antiseptic and remarkably -bytha Secretary of the Treasuury and : healing in all irritable and inflamma the Federal Reserve Doajd; and for ! tor conditions of the skin. While . . , . not always effecting a permanent tne purpose of permitting the carriers . cure it never fajia to instantly sub to recognize the waehonsss as points ; due the angry itching and irritation for the storage of cotton, in order keal the Eczema right up and it is that such points should be given the.!ofte.n ycars lat bfe.fore ,?ny eruPtion f j again appears on the skin. State Commerce Commission has au thorized the carriers of the South to publish and file tariffs establishing on their lines rulc3, regulations and charges governing the storage of cot ton during the year ending August 31, 1915." The new regulations are expected not ily to nlim flu 'r' ;!. but more importantly, the financial situation which, to cotton planters, has become serious on account of the difficulty in marketing the cotton crop. With warehouse receipts for their cotton - the planters will be able to realize at once upon it and then may await a favorable time for forwarding f h crop to fjjfal. destinations. . The expense, of thir shipments -and ware housing has been fixed at a minimum. Following are the commission's reg ulations, which the railways are au thorized to put into effect immediate ly upon filing of the tariffs: '1. Cotton shipped for warehousing' and rcshipment must be consigned to nne' on ine ?m"n? l V-nnn nnn . ' , , . , . Hast year, we should lost $o,000,000 the warehousing point and freight g a net fit of $800000 paid on basis of the full local rate,the riter says. -upon which tho delivery agent" will J The V.-C. company then suggests give paid freight receipt, which the , that each cotton grower pay a liberal holdr of the cotton should retain for ! per cent, of his debt and the company the, purpose of securing reshipping pr:vil;ge. ' "2. Upon rcshipment ' from the warehousing point, the shipper will be upper will be ; rive uuuita ui the agent of ' K?dy cured T I - xi I Superior Court, xai tton into the,sciatic rheumatism. required to surrender to the line bringing ths cot warehousing point the paid freight bill i ccverir.jp that identical cotton. . Th r.-mber of bales, marts and weio-hM of cotton, as forwarded from the ware v j. . .. ; ,' h.. -.Mng point, mu?t co.niorm to the paid freight hill, and in addition the : ' i-Tc r wjjl b? requiivd to certify on I' . br.ck' .f the the naid freight bili - . . . , -. t the cotton tonder-d is the loen. iui cstto.i ree:ive(i hereunder. The j of vegetable ingredients of the high shipper will also t.e required to sur-ist purity.' When you suffer these render to thj railway agent at the tinn of r-'liirmsrst t!..? hi"' of lading covering ;t;i i mov3ment oi the cottjn of the cotton in to the warehousing point unless the bill of lading fof such shipment shall have been pre viously surrendered to the railway. ; Reshipping Rules. "3. Thereupon the agent will issue a through bill of lading to the fur. ther final destination at the througtt rate from the point of origin to fuch further final destination in ef. feet at the time of the original ship ment into the warehousing point, plus thres cents a hundred pounds, provid ed such further final destination is n point to which there are established through retss in effect from the origi nal point of shipment via the ware housing point via. the warehousing point (provided, that atthe option of any interested line the minimum'1 through rate will be that from the I warehousing point plus the stoppage charge of three cents a hundred ' founds.) Where the rate from the original point of shipment to suc'i further destination is less than the rate from the original point of ship, ment to the warehousing point, plus the stoppage charpre of throe cents a hundred pound? will be charged as a minimum. "4. Shipments will be way-billed out of the warehousing point at tho', ii.io '... ,1.. ... , ' , . i iaiiic ui int.- VAV.I, piUS StOppaff.3 cii3rg of .three tents a . hundred TK-jnds. Ths distribution b rever.aa h.'-t-v;-ci'".-'i-i';-:r; ti' rhsll be on basis of thro.;'; r?.t?. ::i,d dlvir.ion . except ihtit the thvei. cent stoppage charge U'l a."cne to the lin:- brinf. ing the. -otto;i irto ths-v nusir. poirtt, it , !n j condition of priv i?gc lbs !i-e iui'i- t3?e hul cf led- irgout of the whoudns i.oirt i hall I h the Jillc brT:.7 the cottcn into th? j w-.rthousirg point. ' ZjitgM , Will ' in (-(MH inn tfl IV.! Vir do!ivercd to a car- , 'Wage t'ars:i3ucs,'-T5r -: roint in tbc itr?? It- 1 v-h re f SAYS SULPflUIl WILL DRIVE ECZEMA FROM THE SKIN AT. ONCE heal the skin when irritated and bro. ken out with Eeicma cr any form of eruption. The moment it is applied all itehine ceisss and after two or three applications the Eczema disap pears, leaving the skin clear and smooth, - He tells IiCZ2ma sufferers to get from any good pharmacy an ounce of Fertilizer Concerns Cannot Take Cot ton On Bills, llaleigh Cor., 24th, Greensboro News. Maj. W. A. Graham, commissioner ,l agriculture, who recently under took to help the cotton situation by getting fertilizer companies to agrei to taki cotton at 10 cents in payment of fertilizer bills, receives answers from the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co., and the Royster Co., declaring it impossible to do as ho requests. The Virginia-Carolina Company writes its utter impossibility to enter tain the idea. "If 99 per cent of our total amount sold on credit last year Var is collected," it writes, ."the pro fits will net us less than 80 cents a ton, though we did more than-a mil lion ton business. Suppose we take cotton at $50 a bale and had to mar ket this cotton at $40 a bale,- it would entail a loss as you see, of $10 a bale." Declaring that it costs $5 a ton to collect fertilizer and the sale price is $20 a ton, two tons of guano would amount to one bale of cotton. .If we md a11 of our business aIon will carry him with cotton as colla teral. SCIATIC RUMATISM CURED Five bottles oi Mrs. Joe f erson s H. Harrison, Clerk anceyville, N. C., of The blood is pu rifled, the body is buill back to health and strength and all the ills resulting : ' lrom impoverished or poisoned blood,) sueh as rhcumaUsm, nervous dyspep-1 I sia, gastritis, indigestion, eczema,; ! gcrof uja etc.. are completely overcome by Hrs.s' Joe . Pcrsoa's remedy. This ! renudy has -been auccesefully used for ' Vxs taml hundreds of testimonials j declare its superiority as a blood med-; jicinef It is scientifically compounded' ill's you need -Mrs. Joe Person's Rem edy for your blood. Your .druggist should have it; if he hasn't1 we will supply you. 1 Large size bottle one dollar. . Remedy Sales Corporation, Charlotte, N. C. Mrs. Joe Person's Wash should be used in con nection with tlie Remedy for the cure of sores and the relief of inflamed and comrested surfaces. It is especially valuable for women, and should always be used for ulcerations. Tho Aberdeen Plan. Charlotte Observer. Mr. Claude Hafer of Aberdeen writes Tho Manufacturers' Record a little story of how the Sand Hills Board of Trade, with the aid of the Page Trust Company, met the cotton prnriwm"w in' thn Aberdeen Reetion ........ ... , which deserves to be passed along. In short, it is to the effect that the twj I organizations negotiated a loan of ! $100,000 from the Shawmut National Bank of Boston. This money is beina; disbursedhy the Page Trust Company withoutcTiarge. It is available to the ' imers on six months loans, or lon- r?r as desired and i? nnncrtioned ai the rate of $25 a bale. By this method of distribution the money will be made j to do the greatest amount of good to the greatest number of farmers. It is co-operative work of this character j which brings the bank into apprecia. ( tion of the people. ACT QUICKLY. c!ay Has Iken Dangerous in Lum-. berton. ! Do the ritrht thine at the right time. ' Act quickly in, time of danger. In time of kidney daef Doan s Kidney Tills arp mot effective. I lontv of evidence of their worth. J. T. 'Williams. r,?.r.i St., Marion. N. r ffiyc "I bc-nf- all Tim down ; i the i-CKult of Vidnay trouble and bo?t. fiocior i'l the State held out ;o h-r' for 'my rcovpi'y. I suffered fron r;:ni"ti'- f v:-.?-; ihrovrho'-t roy body, nnu wss no?n0!is snti didn't T ' t'dnry &irrstions r.nd - rculdin'? i.i passage, .. : .-. i- t.- s. A .(''. i; - nis to 1 ry Doan's vd nHho-igh f had hut; n t'nem I bosrin usintr i jvc"e ret n't v rv-jV; -"iu Kidney VV: Pi.tl? f nv dav? I felt better I . v- "oon o"! !'i( roud to recovery and. 0-,f j ---y ncTj'- h""' thf sliehtest j 'tt'.vrr . rf '-'dncy '",r1"l2int r'ir.ce u?in .l D"'3 Y'Ancy P;ils." FH-c ". f-0.?, " r.t r-l dra!.?:-?. Don't! IVjr-- -T-Tif'nv rii'-wrhn ""l? thiti 'f r;r - k:j,i r;i'?--r-:.!i,-jl'rn Co. ! Oss "Gets-It," Ooriss Shrivel, Vanish ! ' I?i tho Hew "Way, and Ycu'll Forge?. You Ever Had Corns. "2 drops put on in 2 seconds, corn Shrivels, comes clean off!' That's the marvelous story o: "CETS-IT." the row-plan corn cure. Nothing can bo simpler for the cure of corns and It Wo Com to Euan Pol "Von CETS4T, never fails. That'll why nllllonn ot .eo)li are usinK "fVGTS.i 1"' t'-'day and tjroivir.s' away their fussy plaa era, r'.Ic'.iy tauo, 'toe-eating salves, ini ' wrapping onti':t3" that make a un3!o around tho toe anj c'r.oke it nto pala by presslnn cither, on or .iround the corn. There- Is nr thing to.stlPlj to your Etooklu;?, n .t; ::s "XO ar.so InCnimatlon or rawness, nothing o pro r ncr n round the corn. You a pply t in a seconds. No moro knives, rnzors, scissors or files, with their blood-ool-on dangers. Try "GET3-IT" tcr that rn, c::i:ua, wart or bunion. KTS-IT" is sold by drusfiists vcrywhere, 2Cc a bottlo, or sent dl i'c.'t hv K T-rpnce & Co.. Chicago. GETS-IT is sold in Lumberton by Pope Drug Company. Dyspepsia is America's curse. To restore digestion, normal weight, good health an? purify the blood, use Bur dock 'Blood Bitters. Sold at all drug stores. Price, $1.00. CENTER DOTS. Correspondence df The Robesonian. Utamberton, R. F. D. 3, Sejft 26 Picking cotton.is the order of the day in this section, yfe fieard of one man who said he had planed for 70 bales but wouldn't get but 60. Mr. Jim Spivey of Lumberton spent Sunday visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spivey. Miss Thelus McKethin spent Sunday with hor sister Mrs. Chas. Spivey. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Spivey of Lumberton attended preaching here Sunday. Mr. Charlie Bullock has entered school i.t Fairmont. Our much-loved pastor, Rev. W. R. Davis, filled his regular appoint ment Saturday and Sunday. He preached an able sarinon Saturday, usual Sunday h3 told us about his trip to Northfield, where he at tended the Bible school. His talk was immensely enjoyed. IMPORTANT TO ALL WOMEN READERS OF THIS PAPEP. Thousands upon. thousar.a.i .' wo men have kidney or blacd::- ' you':A': :;nd never suspect it. Women's complaints ut'ten piove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, o. the result of kidney or bladdar dis ease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition, they may cause the other organs to become diseased. . You. may suffer a great deal with pain in the back, bearing-down feel ings, headache and los$ of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, ;r ritable , and may be despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restor. ing health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to over come such conditions. A good kidney medicine, possessing real healing and curative value, should be a blessing to thousands oi nervous, over-worked women. Many send for a sample bottle to see what Swamp-Root, the great Kid ney Liver and Bladder Remedy will do for them. Every reader of this paper, who has not already tried it, by enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., may re ceive sample size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles at iJl drug stores. U.o . -?S2vt, . ill 3 Equals 25 A startling statement but a true one in this case. One teaspoonful of medicine and two pounds of your own ground feed (cost about 3 cents' equal, in what they do for your animals and fowls, two pounds of any ready-made stock or poultry tonic (price 25 cents) . There you are ! If you don't believe it, try it out J Buy, today, a can of STOCK & POULTRY JCC MEDICINE CtaDjci teti hto toaic Katke it result - NEGOTIABLE NOTES STOLEN Notice is hereby given thai note3 described below were stolen from th3 Post Offlte at St.' Paula, N. C, on night of September 13th, 1914 and in bar of any recovery thereon by holders of the same, tho makers, Arthur A. Mclnnis and Mary C. Me Innis of Hoke county, North Caro lina, and the undersigned N.. Mc lnnis of Robeson County, N. C., the endorser thersof, will plead the d. fence thut said notes were stolen. DESCRIPTION: Five promissory note3 for $100.00 each, dr.ted December 14th, 1912, be?ring interest from date at the rata of four per cent per" annum, made by Arthur A. Mclnnis at Mary C. Mcln nis of Hoke county, N. C, payable to N. Mclnnis or order, of Robeson coun ty, N. C, and endorsed in blank by said N. Mclnnis. The said notes were of a series, numbered and falling duo as indicated below, viz: :. Note No. 1 due December 15th, 1913, Note No. 2 due December 15th, 1914 Note No. 3 due D;;embor 15th, 1915. rv-s Mo. 4. (hie December 15th. 191(5. 2ot 3 No. 5 did Der.i'jcr ivtli, 1017. All pereons are hersby. 1!vful!y warned agairt prrchasiip: the said notsa. This Sfut. ?.ht. 1. ! . N. McTNNI?!, of r-r-iVr' - ' ARtiiun a. M'i:;:;i .: N.-c.' fJAHY C. MTNNIS of Rockfish, N C. . 9244Th NOTICE OF SUMMONS, AND WAR. KANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina, Robeson Count;. In the Superior Court, Nov. Term, 1814: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WALTER WILSON. The defendant, Walter Wilson above named will take notice that a sum mons in the. above entitled action was issued against sajd defendant on the 21st day of Sept. 1914 by C, B, Skip per, clerk xf the superior court of Robeson county,. N.. C., for the sum of $350.00 ,due by judgment' absolute cr bond, jvhich said summons is re turnable before the judge of 4ito su rio; court of Robeson county at, a court to bj helJ on the 9th Monday aftd' the first Monday in September, 1914, it being the 9 day of November. 1914, and tho defendant will also take tice that a warrant of attachment was issu?d bv ij-id clerk of th'i stper-rL.;- court on the 21st day of Septembc. . 191-1, against the property "f said defendant, which warrart is return-' able before the said couri at the said time and place above na eii for the return of the summons, when and where the defendant is vuired to appear and answer or dsniuv tc the complaint or the relief wii'. be grant ed. V'itnc3i T?r-' hand and real this the :!lct d'.v v o?j:tamber, 1911. ' ('. B. SHIPPER, (Seal.l C'cr'. or" the supono court. .':!-! !TI,.- THE ROBESONIAN IS NOt; PREPARED TO Do Job Printing A SHARE OF YOHR BUSINESS WILL BE APPRECIATED : ; : : CHICHESTER S PILLS WV. TnB DIAMOND BBAND. A ' Ladlral A.k rar DnnHit for , lil-ebe-ter Ulaaand Uraad IM1U in Red ad Onld mctallicN noies, tctled wita Blue Ribbon. Take aa other. Bar af nir Draraint. AikforCIII-ClfES-TERS UIAVlOND BRAND PILLS, for its yeankaowau Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 5 or 6 doses 666 will break any case of Fever or Chills. Price, 25c Write fori trial packaee of Bee Dee STOCK & POULTRY MEDICINE, also our 32 page, illustra ted book, fully explaining its uses. Address: Bee Dee Stock Medicine Company, Chattanooga, Tenn. 25c, 50c and $l. per can. At your dealer's. producing. P. P. : Black White Tan 10c In our new "Easy-Openins-Dcx." No trouble. rVduES. m job i The F. F.Dalley Co Ltd. K '- Getting Something For Nothing Edison avs it can't b" done. Live men do not at tempt it. Lazy men ar riminalal try it and fail. Don Vlavest Your Money ; n "wilH-rat" stock or cret-rich-auick schemes. DeDosit it with us and get value-received in up-to-date Banking ser vice and a reasonable interest on time and saving deposits. - We pay 4 per cent interest "The Home of. Savings" Moore County Land For Sale Two tracts near each other, 206. acres in one tract, 130 acres in the other tract, in Moore county, McNeill township, on South side of Wer little river, foyr miles north of Southern Pines, lying on both aides of sand clay road leading from Southern Pines to Carthage. This land is well adapted to growing Corn, Cotton or Tobacco in fact, to growing any crops or f ruitf grown in North Carolina. Growth n land round-leaf, black-jack, hickory, pine and dogwood. Enough long leaf pine on part of land to provide timber for any buildings pur chaser may want to erect. - Within 100 yards of electric ligh plant; near Farmers Rural Tele phone system; rural mail roue; 2 miles from public school, special tax di.-in.-t, months' term; 2 l-2-miles from Norfolk & Southern Railroad fr m CH'rth-'g.V toPinehurst. No better location could be asked for. Th;a land oian be bought cheaper than any other land of same, qual ity in Moore county in fac. thereis NO OTHER LAND OF AS GOOD QUALITY IN MOORE COUNTY FOR SALE. TERMS TO SUIT 1TRCHASER. APPLY TO T. D. McLEAN. : : Carthage, N. C. v tmrw.tm i r -y i 1 1 mi inn ii mm 9T r. C ty .y f f WW us 1 1. H. WARWICK'S. New Cash Store, g We handle the GlTUm, N. C. Come to see us O g v Famous Selz Shoes. and be convinced S &COOO OCOO CQQ$iQQGO OCGO COCCO O WHITSETT INSTITUTE Whitsett, Guilford County, ' North Carolina A Laadlnf Boardias School far Two Hondrad and Fifty 8ta.daa.ta. rnpaiat for OolUc. for Bailaau, for Saachioc, ar for Ufa, Baaaonabla Kataa. EitaolUhad M. In tba haalthfal fiedaiont ragion naar Oraouboro, H. 0. For Baaatlfol CaUloava, Virwi. ., addrau tba Praaldaat. ' W. T. WHITSETT. PH.D.. WHITSETT. NORTH . CAROLINA The Supply House FOR THE FARMER thr- vf.-i j 'J Crrrcri;. Py Gu-r, Hardv'3re, '. 'evevv , Buggies, farm rjfi.;J;v; ;,Le, -, tc... at the -.igni pnc5. hcv you. St. P&uK 9- V- THOMAS ALVA EDISON l'."My own expeHenec', says Edison, "i that If you pet something, tot hotaina, you may-he sure -you are on the wrony road. If you ect,t:is result without strenuous efrot t, there Is only one rule, apparently, la fuiiow, and that 13 to cast it aslda and begin all over asnln." And to accomplish', what 'he' has it has been necessary for him to practice what lie preaches. All of Us llfn he has been strenuous not only wi:h his head but with his hand. ' - As a newsboy ' at -twelve,, ft-telegraph ' operator at fifteen, fand then an inventor, he attributes all of his great achieve rhents to his unceasing labor.;. The car-, bonized bamboo which finally made the incandescent electrio light a success, was the reualt 4t years of research and ex- (erlnieaiing wit, other materials. The - phonopiaph was perfected at equally as groat- an expenditure of labor. To the uoinlttated lifs great workshop a.'d lah'trntpry in Kast Orange, N. J., the greatest in the world, is a temple of mys tey, where mcslthins turn everything Into gold, hut: to H.dison . It Is simply ft place 01 work. ' on time deposits. Lumberton, N. C. S3 Not only in Europe but on HEGH PRICES AT i Li Ca i fisd ie: u ti 8 : I u 4 .. -. a "1 tr Buffalo. N. Y. . hhovt. Subscribe for ;Tlv"R6Ko:-i. air SI .SO Y. . ; ' X