THE ROBESONIAN THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1914.; THE BOBESONIAN PnbUshed THE COUNTT'S BUSINESS WAR REVENUE MEASURE ' Xjb,AIGHTEN YOU UP ; Charges Against Rural Policeman ; PHllios Not SmtAni Pftoi ili' C0StiV. Headnhv .... .'nu uiuov Bilioua, Gasoline Cut Ont -Tax oa MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS By from AlmaSo Red Banks Allow. - 4" - ii-xvw WVUU I Stomach Sonr Bad Washington Di'snatH 7tv. Clean Your Liver and Bowels. 3 f V t bit ' KevJSJOn Ot thp nHinim'ctrot MOftESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. ed Tax Books Turned Over to Sheriff Claims Audited and Paid. uet auU-cent box now. You men and wnmon vvYi nan- i war revenue bill was completed by SHARPE President -aucus or fspnatp iiomot. r i . r 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. r.otered as second class mail matter the postoffice at Lumberton, N. O. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year Three Months , Six Months THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1911 roaiu iHuuuajr ior me trans-; sleep, are bilious, nervous and rhnrrp of th hiU action of routine Vmsi TiinnaAt .iV i''IH,ffr.or Tr,e I1'1 said the finanort i, . . . , ,v j "r miii n hick, gassy, "immittee would nresent it following claims were paid : j disordered stomach, or have back! Senate tomorrow .P H bel eved 1 JaJ, Chain Canar and Prisoner ache and feel worn nut . t .v ' "euevea a '--J. II. C,nrrur faaAinn -Jc,.... I Are Von krpnirir u;n j i ulSpOSe OJ ' " iiiauiicini! , " . ' f"F J uuitus iih; um tuiu Clear me WAV fnt nrl j$2.80: Fairmont Hdw, Co., $5.95, i Iea? with Cascarets, or merelv W-mnppt. .,JA- Einstein, $3.35, Pope Dm i f,;Tngua P"" .every few days As the bill was completed by the W.WjCo., $22.85, White and Gougl , J vv- , 8a,t8' cathartic pills or castor, --nens. with its added levies on .46 151.18, John Smith, $2.50, Hall and! r..t. u-, , ! br and rectified spirits, and mi- .75 tarsal , $470.62, Champion Sud- Li , A. V e ou sieep ' , xae PrPsed taxes on gasoliin i - 'X. ' "1',WU?UP cleanse the stomaeh. t-omnvo t u an ntrv,;i tj--.-o? J DEMOCRATIC TICKET. sour food the undigested and foul excess bile liver and carry out of the sys- icmi au me constipated waste mat -E. L STATE. Corporation Commissioner Travis. United States Senator Lee S. Overman. Sixth Congressional District. Representative H. L. Godwin. Ninth Judicial District Judge C..C. Lyon. Solicitor S. B. McLean. County. State Senate Geo. B. McLeod. House of Representatives M. Shepl herd, G. B. Sellars. - Clerk of Court C. B. Skipper. Coroner G. E. Rancke. Sheriff R; E. Lewis; Register of Deeds M. W. Floyd. treasurer m. u. McKenzie ply Co., $284.23, McAllister Hdw. to., awj.y4,.W. H. Godwin, $1.50. Union Supply Co., $27.50, K. M. Bieps, $29.50. W. I). Oxpnrli' all supplies for chain gang andter and poison in the bowels ;$6.), feediner prisoners, $43, turu ;keys, $11.10; I). H. Morrison, keeper chain gang, salary for self I ana guards, $185; R. E. Lewis, ex j penses carrying three prisoners to I Raleigh, carryiner nrisoners in i chain eanar $60.99 ; RM PViJlu. L. H. Townsend, R. B. Lindsay, W. A. Wilkerson, J. H. Carper and W. C. Britt. rural nnliVprnon iii .each; L. II. Townsend. PTnonaoa I trip to Selma. $7.30: TI. C, Plumbing at jail, $3; T. R. Tolar, $36.25, Hasley Moore, $43.75, J. R. Regan, $19.42, J. Q. Parnell, $10. 79, W. D. Kinlaw, 15.75, Lacy Mc Nair, $12.50, all hauling for chain gang, l otai, $lb,i.b2. iourt House and Court A. T v..v . . ..... ...... jh.jj oru.-'iur OimmOllH fermenting e?timat"d it would yield annnollv gases; takjclamout $105,000,000. unless a slnm'i from the ' in beer production cirts rlnuxn ti, estimated' revenue source. from that: A cascaret tonicht. will Btmioii J PrefiirfPTit. TntrAnj - ;-o - ..u.hui,- Hvu v utnreu ill 1I1 M ri uu oui uy morning a lu-cen: itaise money to Loan on Cotton. u u,uK HLore win ueep Washington Special. 7th to Th your stomach sweet; liver and.' Greensboro W. 1& Dowels retrular. and head plnr f- pc,; nr.-i .. months. Don't foret thTJr j . ;v.Jun ut-ii-tntiuij wno caned nn dren. They love Casearpts h. cause thev taste good neve: gripe or sicken. CHEER UP Think How Much Worse Condi tions Might Be and Thank God jror rresiaent Wilson. . r v" " v v(, ,on mm today to see if he could suggest any way in which to re lieve the cniirrn oitnQi ; u. ! --.. 1 "UU ill nit?, houth. a sympathetic hearing, Th. ,i. irsmeni join tne I ar Heels that he was much interested in the plan P-oposed by Festns J Wade and Other St. Lftlllf) firnnnioro ;a pool of $150,000,000 for the pu-- ui lORnme u to the cotton Cantymmissioner Rory McNair Recorder's Courts. Lumberton District Recorderr M. Britt; Solicitor, R. A. McLean. Fairmont District Recorder, A Floyd. E. E. FARMERS' UNION LEADERS FOR THE CONSTITU TIONAL AMENDMENTS With sixty-five counties repre . sented, from the mountains to the sea, the State meeting of Farm ers' Union business agents in Ra leigh, October 2, voted unanimous ly to endorse the proposed Con stitutional Amendments. The president of the State Farmers' Union, Dr. II . Q. Alexander, Vice-President Tem- pleton, Secretary Faires, Organiz er Green, Educational Secretary ' Crosby and Messrs Gibson, Wright Moore and Poe of the Executive Committee also signed the follow ing statement : "We, the under signed officials of the North Caro lina State Farmers' Union, with out committing the organization auu ifL-ogmzing tuny the non partisan character of the proposed Constitutional Amendments, do hereby state to the people of North Carolina that we have ex amined the aforesaid Amendments and it is our conviction that their adoption will make for progress in this State and for the advance ment of our farming interests, and j all other worthy interests in the State. We remind the people es pecially that the taxation amend ment does not pledge the people to any plan, but simply sets free our people to work out npcMsar reforms in taxation, while leaving in lorce the present restriction oa rates. district. $75; G. B. Soil der Maxton district, $75; J. N. Buie, recorder, Red Springs dis trict, $65.58; As E. Floyd, recor der Fairmont district, $36,32; M XT TTl 1 . ' . roiger, register of deeds, sal, ary, $358.33, stamps. $5.43.- Mi Minnie Lennon, court stenogra pher, $45: R. E. Lewis, sheriff, salary $400; J. M. McCallum, au ditor, salary 216.67, stamps and 'phone calls, $4.60; National Of fice supply Co., supplies for court '.ouse $15.05: 0. w clerk of court, salarv. $341 67 court cost $93.64, stamps $6.74- 'TlS trilP tVlQ VilTDinnon .1 . .., liamcM .TOuui- ; hip rresiaent also stat- tions are hot what tkou v,., 1 . -r? tvo t . . . t- uic uccn . ' "- uiu ijui u.eneve tnat it m good days that have nassed. hut would be are we not too serious over condi- t1pr eislation in behalf of the tions as they .are, and not thank- worsen Perhaps no nation in the wona is in as good shape every way today as is the United States, and for this we should stop, think and thank God first, and then our great leader, Woodrow Wilson, for the peace we now enjoy. i ne ract that we have the great big-hearted, peace-loving Wilson as our leader in the present crisis is enough to make us rejoice and be thankful. Had you thought about itf Suppose we had hpn wrapped up in war with MoTiM when this European trouble came On ! Ah. how milfh mnrn oM cotton crop except to pass the Le worWfeuVo' M t 1 " I i ' . v uuir r - . It. AioKptizip. trflonror onlnmr ! are to stanrl it tUn u u 200, stamps, $1.75; Emory Harn-Iif this was the case. No man no "10J janitor, salary, $40. Total ! matter how great he may have $1980.78. I been, is more worthy of our love Miscellaneous Andrew Smith ianfI good will than is Wrwlw repairing bridge, $3; F. F. Towa' l Wi,son' the prince who must hav. with the nlan to rniao ih .'oui me president indicated that he would lend h'ia ,the warehouse plan, which in short " " warenouses run under reaerai supervision and monev loaned on receipts from these in stitutions. cbidren wffA acwA account deserve a family. The " FIRST ni?0' doea : not respecting xnaiT f to LS?of "" eif- that may befall him rf lZ. ""oolced-for calamity before, bing it oVer X? A?0 Z0t reed tife acrffoes on your' narT' sifgftt account tnat wiif of start a banlc KOWAfiomedav" to you and. First National Bank. ncrercontroi United State Government, Lumberton, N. C. SUFFERED FOR HIS C Flm American Diplomat Illy Reward I a, ana mi soiytce Long Went Unrecognized. EAST LUMBERTON NEWS. Lumberton Mill on Full Time School Moving On Nicely $10D Collection for Orphanage Rais ing Hogs Beats Buying "White sides." Correspondence of the Robesoniau East Lumberton, Oct. 7 Thi Lumberton cotton mill is nn full time now. It did not run Satur day on account of power. The mill people are buying lots of cotton now and the people are storing lots of cotton away. The school at the auditorium is moving on nicely now. The collection at the First Bap- usi cnurcn Sunday for the or phanage was $100. Mr. Frank Britt is no better; he Kiauuany grows worse. Mr. R. A. Stone's family is sick with tv phoid fever. Miss Nora Britt daughter of Oliver Britt, has been on the sick list this week. There are two winding rooms at the Lumberton mill. -Some of the people who have been sick with typhoid fever are better. . Oliver Britt has purchased some fine pigs from C. M. Britt. Hogs cost big money now. hut tViinb- what you have to pay for "white sides. ' Hogs are fine things to uave in ine ran ot the year. It seems that the price of cottoi is on the standstill. t-heer up, farmers, and be roo t &eart. We will live way. send, work and lumber on bridge, $56.45; Alma Lumber Co., lumber $70.10; Elias Locklear. burial .-f pauper $5; Gilbert Turner, carry ing lv. l . Townsend and R. Mc Nair to bridere. $2 . 50 J TT nnnf ourying pensioner, $15; I. J. Flowers, keeper county home, sal ary, $112: T. R. Tolr county nome, $21.25; Dr. B. W. Paee. couritv nh vsipinn oq T qui- $208.33, stamps $2.90 j' A Rnrtn jr., county tarm demonstrator, sal- ary ou; Aitord Hardin, wood for county home. 22.50: J: B TT phrej', reeisterinc vital Btnt;c;..w $1; R. R. Barnes, burial of pen sioner, $15; W. O. Britt, burial of .ensioner, ($15; E. JF. Lamb, work on bridge, 47.25; Elmer Mc- iein logs tor dam, $41.99; White and Gousrh, logs for dam $112.05; Town of Lumberton, light and wa ter $38.84: JParktnn supplies for county, $5.50; State lare tor m Humphrey, $3.50; Dr. T. B. Ayers, profes sional services for prisoner, $5; Freeman Printing Co., suppli-s 108.10; Massie and Pierce, lumber for bridge, $158.18; Virginia uruige and Iron Co., $1999 29 To tal $3,119.73. Ann Prevatt and AfiMrorl s0 ders were ordered placed on regu lar pauper list at $2 per month. T. K. Currie was allowed re bate on $247. Ordered that road from Alma to ' a ""v nuioi uuv been sent bv God tn . V WW MU s VU1 1.1 CI tion The fact that he averted war with Mexico alone might havt? been worth more to our country the greatest of them all than auv thing done bv i resment we have had since Was!; lngion. it has oeen a "trying time" sinoe he entered upon the duties of governing our country, "uc ui me mosi trying in its his. fory, and to say the least he has managed tnings wen. HAPPY JACK. Tidewater Power Co. Loses Fight Wilmington Star, 8th. " - By a maioritv of 4.79 irntu a special election YidA Wilmington formally ratified a franchise for a street railway sys tem uver a numnpr nt innai o.. granted by their city council on duty dutn, last, to the Wilmington and Carolina Tipnh T?q;i,.t,- n - v Aiunnay v ')ni- pany, and submitted to the voters ior ratitication for rejection ir, compliance with the provisions of the city charter. The total. num ber ot votes cast was 2,004, of wnicn vor 7 ---.v. t.a-o x Jl LIJi tranchise and 766 acainst Th VOte Showed a mainriti.' tr. 41,. franchise in every nrecinet in thp 11 1 v. British Submarine Sinks German Torpedo Boat Destrover. London Dispatch, 7th. Submarine E-9 of the British Red Banks ho aiiw.V T , w ' na?r command of Lieuten- petitions '" ant commander Max K. Horton, e"T,0ns- yesterday made a mid intn It was ordered that the action i raai waters off the mouth of th against. Rural Poli lips be dismissed, there not being sufficient evidence to sustain tv,.. charges. It was ordered that the4 board borrow $5,000 from the Bank of Red Springs, payable Januarv 1, 1915, with interest from ma turity. ' The tax books for the various townships were turned over to snentt K. J. Lewis river Ems and sunk a German tor pedo boat destroyer. The same uumarme under the same com mander made a similar dash and sank the German cruiser Hela off Helgoland September 13. As on the former occasion E-9 has safe ly returned to her home port. DULL, THROBBING OR VIOLENT HEADACHE The first diplomatic agent of the umiea states was Silas Deane, who was born at Groton. Conn. Ha Ka. came a merchant and waa a delegate w me nm continental congress. In the spring of 1776 he waa sent to France as a secret diplomatic agent He posed as a merchant from Ber muda and upon his arrival in Paris sought an Interview with Count de Vergennes. the minister for fniwim affairs, who refused to receive him. Deane was reduced to the direst por erty and waa ejected by his landlady. Subsequent American ambassadors have complained of the lack of suit- aDie embassies, but Deane waa re duced to a point where he had to ac cept poor lodgings from a sympathetic jjTencnman. Eventually he waa given an audience with Vergennes and be gan the diplomatic relations which eventually resulted In the French al liance. In 1777 Deane waa rvnllari In the bitter controversy which fol 1 . icwea nis recall Thomas Paine re vealed the fact that supplies furnished the colonies had been furnished by the French government a diplomatic Indiscretion which cost Paine his nlae as secretary of the committee on for eign affairs. Deane, driven into pov erty and exile, died in England in 1789. Half a centurv Inter hi iim for his services abroad was adjusted by congress and a large sum was paid to his heirs. on We will lend to Farmer, and other. BONDED WAREHOUSES at Lumberton. showing Weight, and Grade, at 6 per cent.perW THE National Bank of lumberton Formerly BANK OF LUMBERTON. a. w. Mclean, President C V.BROWN, Cashier. We. ir SOIIK' We do Job Printing. J V?C ?'Bne5. nave m7m V. years, and b, lieve NATIONAL BANK OP COMMERCE, . Toledo. O. CW 1 taken Int-rTTr. ! Tke "U ft". i con!, Muaa Dr. James Headache Powders clear your head and stop Neu ralgia pam at once 10 cents A Package. You take a Dr. James' Head ache Jrowder and in inst f moments vonr head ara on1 nil neuralgia and pain fades away. ii h uie quicKest and surest reli?f for headachp. whotTiAv. lull tVn.-. , , J ' .ua VlUtl bill J I bing, splitting or nerve-racking. Send some on tn tha Amr ctna ft IK I f?( A rlirriA noilrarva nmtr f4- "lfTprinp-it's so n oerl Ipso Ua ISVr TSu?": '?,re ,von et Dr- James JTada-- , uirnrrs inrn t lpro win iw n- How's This? We offer One Hundrpt ward for any case of Catarrh th cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO,. Toledo. O. J "V "''"er?'Bnca. have known P. J. Napoleon as Pathfinder. That Napoleon was as quick wltted as any of those he commanded is evi dent from the well-known story of his cleverness in escaping: from the Red Sea when crossing with his staff. The ford waa lost, and, as it waa dusk, there waa no landmark to guide the party. Gathering his officers in HrrOa Napoleon made them all ride outward from himself as a center, as if thev were following the snokea of n want wheel. So all the natha were trlori n1 the right one was found. In reading such stories as this Is most important to see the idea In them, as the mere way of telling them ainers with every author. In fact the same stories are often told of dif ferent men. But whoever waa clever enough to think of these things, it Is well for us to remember the facts themselves. The moral Is: "Use your brains I" From "The Men with Brains," by Tudor Jenks in St. Nicholas. Statement of the Condition of The National Bank Of Lumberton at close of business September 12, 1914, condensed from Report made to the Comp troller of the Currency: RESOURCES. feTtf and D,?scounts ,..$353,631.57 Stocks and Bonds or Rn9 -n Furniture and Fixtures 4 710qJ Overdrafts J,56346 Cash and Due from Banks 85,968 24 $473,476.72 LIABILITIES. SS? itoc5 ' $100,000.00 Udivided Profits . Q i9tt Debits 244 M $473,47.6.72 You are cordially invited to do your banking with THE FARMERS FRIENn WE ARE HEADQJU fUK 4 ARTERS Consumers of Good Things to Eat You will not be limited here to Hard Tack and Navy Beans But Yon May Have Your Choice of all the Delicacies of the Season disappointment Leg-Generated Light. French Inventor has devised a mechanism which, if he is to be be lieved, will conserve the health and pocketbook while adding appreciably to tne joy or living. It is an exerciser made after the fashion of the bicycle, but connected with a dynamo of mod erate power and a storage battery. One mounts the machina and hv nA. allng for an hour or so has sufficient exercise to develop his muscles prop erly, not to mention , the pleasure of wneenng. He Km also generated enough electricity to keep several lights burning for an entire evening. The Inventor estimates that a fam ily of ordinary else may keep health at high tide and live tn a splendidly illuminated house at small cost CHEESE CUSTARD Butter hr one inch thick: remove crust: mt in cubes; put in buttered baking dih wim alternating layers of grated uieese, usine two cuds of cheese- m; one beaten egg, cne and one-half cups aum, one. nail teasDOonful unit one-fourth teaspoonful nanrikn pnn. over bread and cheese and bake until nrm. CREAM. OF RICEPUDniNnn-. ... . . I""" muic, nail cup nee, dash of salt. Cook untu tender; add cup sugar and' tea spoonim vanma while hot. Cool and iaa nan pint whiooed cream anA - v. uau jouna canaiea cherries. SUCH AS Cooked Brains Deviled Chicken Deviled Tongue Ox Tongue Tuna Fish Lobsters J. H. WISHART Best by test of 14 Tears. ' Telephone Noa. 1 and 207.

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