paci t mtra WAR NOTES. ACT QUICKLY. The Wickedest, Most Unbeliev able Event History Has Ever 'Recorded. " r From Current Opinion. The first two months of the Ea ropean war seem to have justified all the feelings of horror witn. which such a combat has been looked forward to by a shudde ing world for the last forty years. The crash of great armies has been unprecedentedly terrific. Millions of men have been actively engag ed in slaughtering each, other. One nation alone Austria-IIungary-- is" reported to have lost, in killed ana wounaea and prisoners, dou, 000 men. Cities have b'een burn ed, tens of thousands of refugees uaye uccu unveil ucipiCHa buu pcu- niless from their .homes, women hay? been outraged, children have Deen maimed, babies have been bayonetted, men have been burn ed alive, larget cities have been bombarded, without warning, from the skies, and all the horrors world seem to have been repro duced! Five of the si continent are in "some degree 1 , involved. South America alone has escaped. Canada and Australia and Ind'a have sent their troops. Fighting has occurred in South Africa and in China. Great battles have been fought in Belgium, France. East , Prussia, ' Russian Poland, ' G&licia. Seryia and the lower provinces of Austria-Hongary. The loss of life can ot t be estimated, but it has bee appallingly large. And to all appearances the worst is yet to com. It is the wickedest, most ' liZ. '1.1. 1 - a I - unoeiwyaDie eveni nisiory nas - I Wben Curtain is Lifted Facts Will Stagger the World. "It is not war, it is a holocaust. The greatest slaughter the world 's history has Known is going on be hind that censorship curtain in France. When the world learns of the price that has been paid it will be staggered, sick at heart. ' ' In those words Rev. James Malloy summed up the European war when he landed at New York on the 25th ult., according to a press dispatch - from New York. For two weeks and five days he was on the actual firing line. He acted as chaplain, attached to Gen. French's personal headquar ters. - Describing an advance of Ger mans upon a British position like a "moving forest" this eye-wi'-ness said: "As our rifles are the best in the world and our shots wonder fully expert, the Germans wer rlnnmp1 frnm thp mitsot As the Germans were in mass ed formation every bullet found not less than two marks and some times three or tour foor tellows would go down like chaff before a great fire. Whole companies mnl1 foil tniifio Tlio nmmJ nuuiu 1 (ill t V . L 1 1 1 . 1 I H T v n 1 IV! - ed would squirm out of the masses of the dead and try to go on and then it became necessary to shoot them again! The sights that I saw there showed me conclusively that this was not war but a terrible ho locaust, and that the cost in hu man lives would be almost impos sible of comprehension. Slaugh ter with the rifles was varied with organized killing with the cold steel . "Where the British have an ad vantage in their rifle fire, some thing the Germans seems unable to master, the German shell fire is tremendous. It is hard to de scribe. t There is a small hill hiii with ; a company of British sol diers intrenched on it. A German aviator flies over their heads. Ite signals the range. A number of shells are dropped. They explodo; the hill has disappeared, and in its place is agreat hole filled with dead men. Their trenches hav3 been their gravves. "One notable thing about this modern war is the large propor tion of wounded over the dead. The modern rifles are humane. I have seen many men wounded in what ordinarily have been consid ered vital spots, taken to hospitals and noted back on the. firing line in a week." Delay Has Been Dangerous in Lura-' ' ' berton. Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger. In time of kidney danger Doan's Kidney Pills are most effective. Plenty of evidence of their worth. J. T. Williams, Garden St, Marion, . N. C says: "I became all run down : as the result of kidney trouble and the best doctor in the State held out no hope for my recovery. I suffered from rheumatic twinges throughout my body, and was nervous and didn't sleep well. The kidney; secretions ; were scanty and scalding in passage, and caused me much distress. A friend finally' advised me to try Doan's , Kidney Pills and although I had but little faith in them I began using them. In a few days I felt better. I ; was soon on the road. to. recovery and i can how say that my cure is permar- j ent. I have never had the slightest return of kidney complaint since usin ! Doan's Kidney Pills." Price 50c, at all dealers." Don't ; simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that ; Mr. Wiliams had. Foster-Milburn Co. : Props., Buffalo, N. Y. 1 Sing a Song of Gladness. Manufacturers Record. j Have you tried to measure the 'depth of Europe's woe? '; Have you looked beyond the glare and glitter and pompt of marching armies to the horrors of battlefields which make all of Dante's imaginations of the In ferno seem tame and fcommon plaeet Have you opened your soul to a stndy 1 of what it means to ha v -i 400,000,000 people in an agony of suspense, of suffering of aching and , breaking hearts, for every shell fired, though it misses its mark, yet strikes some woman Vdr child's heart! L..,.,! nave you tnougnr mat never in the history was there "such an aw- j ful weight upon so many millions j of people, and that never before i did the angels of Heaven look down upon so much human suffer ing. physical and mental, as nowt Have you thought of the mil lions and mifions, who in their homes will suffer in deepest pover ty, and who this winter will know more of famine and of starvatix'i SUBSCRIBERS WILL PLEASE CONSULT THE LABEL on their paper from time to time andfsee that they renew before their subscription expires. Tha' will save us a lot of time and labor and expense in mailingut statementss. Don't wait for a statement THE LITTLE Y L t OVV LABEL SHOWS. If renewals are not in by date on label, the, paper will be stopped. THE ROBESONIAN has to meet its payroll weekly and its expenses are heavy. Every $1.50 due the paper will help if paid promptly. ' - THE ROBESONIAN is the ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY News paper published in Robeson County. Aside from the advertising it carries, THE ROBESONIAN gives its readeis more than TWICE AS MUCH READING MATTER for the money as any other paper published in the county. HAD YOU THOUGHT ABOUT IT v- 'a Your attacks of Lumbago are not nearly so hopeless as they seem. You can relieve them almost instantly by a simple application of Sloan's Lini ment on the back and loins. Lumba go is a form of rheumatism, and than the world has ever known 1 yields perfectly to Sloan's, which pen before, while husbands and fath-! etrate? rickly a,U ?. tough twit, icuuer muscies, iimueru up uie back and makes it feel fine. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25 cents of any druggist and have it in the house against colds, sore and swollen joints, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica and like ailments. Your mon- does ers and brothers and sweethearts will day after day be among the killers or the killed ? And as you think of theso things, is not your heart so full ot gratitude tor tne blessings en-; ey back if not satisfied, but it oyea ny you ana every man. wo-i give almost instant relief. man and child who has the pnvi-1 leere of living in this country, that j . . there is no room left in your soul ! principal town, ine aepuiy may - for worrying over the pettv things 01' leaded tor milder treatment, that confront us in business? ; J1ml the" Prince of Saxony, who is Sing a song of jov and gladness 911 officer ot the berman army, a song ot thanksgiving every hour of your life. Make the best of the situation though you may nave nave real burdens to earrv, and the clouds will ere, youVknow it. seconded his 'efforts whereupon the governor reduced the demand to $100,000; which was paid immediately. the itass awav' "The trench retook the town j on September 11. The' Germais ; left behind their wounded." GERMAN'S TRENCHES WORK OF ART. 12,514 BALES GINNED. Cotton Ginned in Robeson as Com pared With Same Date Last Year. Correspondence of the Robesonian Barnesville, Oct. 6 There were 12,514 bales of cotton, counting round as half bales, ginned in Kobeson county from the crop of 1914 prior to Sept. 25, as compar ed with 6,475 bales ginned prior to Sept. 25, 1913. x . J. W. BARNES. . Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly But Conditions in These Trenches Are Terrible French Drown Germans Out London Dispatch. The Times correspondent wiring from Chalons, France, under date of Monday says: The Germans are gone and Chalons is rejoicing Latest re ports seem to indicate a general retirement from the strong line of defense which the Germans con structed to the north of Rheims and to the east and west. "Their trenches on this line are wonderful works of art. Dug to a depth of six feet they are covered and protected in many cases with layers of reinforced concrete. This work was executed by a forced labor of the inhabitants to form i defensive position in case of need while the troops were still ! fighting on the Marne. j "Up to this line the French I worked their way foot by foot until in places their front was not ; 100 yards from the German trenches. The condition of these! undrained trenches when examin- i i Peace Treaty With Russia. Washington Dispatch. Secretary Bryan, for the United States, and Ambassador Bakhmetieff, for Russia, today signed a treaty binding the two Nations to submit ail disputes that cannot be settled diplo matically to an international commis sion of five members for investiga tion during a period of at least one year, during which hostilities cannot ba commenced. This is the twenty.seventh of the so-called investigation treaties. Sim. ilar pacts have been signed between the Unitd States and Great Britain and France. No treaty of any kind has existed between the United States and Russia since President Taft ab rogated the commercial treaty of 1832. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and luxuriant at once No more falling hair. If you care for heavy hair, thac glistens ;.vith beauty and is ra diant with life; has an incompara ble softness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. ' .Tnafr nna onnlinnf inn HmihTAc t.hfk ed will be found terrible. The , beauty of your hair besides it imme wounded as well as the dead lie ; diately disolves every particle of dan. where they fell amid the wef and j druff; you caniot have nice, heavy, filth. The French in the advance healthy haii? if "you have dandruff, trenches could hear cries at nighij This destructive scurf robs the hair when the firing paused wmingf its lustre, its strength and it3 flcrnss t.hi nnrrnw hplt nvpp whu-ii ' very life, and if not overcome it pro- j duces a tevensnness ana itcning ox i the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos- i tu a;., t-u k;. folio . , I'll t- Kn tutu UiC, lUCIi 1IH llUO VUV much as the French fire dislodged fast the Germans from their minature j if y0Ur hair has been neglected forts In some trenches on the ", and is-h'in. faded, drv. scraerev or too the two armies fought. "These "terrible conditions heichts above Rheims the French had to drown the Germans out Lipes of hose were laid from the town and fire pumps worked until the water stood breast high. "Chalons suffered little from the German occupation. Not a single house is damaged and only one inhabitant was killed. The GmiTi governor imposed a fine of $600,000 on the department of The Old Standard rmeral ctrenrthentaff tonic, r:nnv?-V TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out tem. uucunic For dau nd children. 50c Marne, of which Chalons is th j If eventually vny not now 7 oily, get a 25 cent bottle of Knowl ton's Danderine at any drug store or toilet, counter; apply a little as di rected, and. ten minutes after you will Lay this was the best investment you ever made. We sincerely believe regardless of everything else advertised, that if you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair, and lots of it no dandruff no itch. scalp and no more falling hair you must use Knowlton'3 Danderine. Dyspepsia is America's curse. To restore digestion, normal weight, good health and purify the blood, use Bur dock Blood Bitters. Sold at all drug stores. Price, $1.00. - Success Seldom Comes From Great Strokes of Good Fortune. , What Success We Have Attained Has Been! Gained Through The Patronage Our Friends Have Given Us. We Thank You AIL 0 We Continue to Give Prompt 1 Service and Guaranteed Goods. . WHITFIELD & FRENCH, Inc. Wholesale Grocers. Raleigh aad Charleston Railroad TIME TABLE NO. 3 TAKING FECT MONDAY, MAY 4, 1914, 12:01 A. M. SOUTH BOUND No. 5 No. 1 Lv. Lumberton 1 :00 p m 10 :05 a. m. Pope 1:10 10:15 Kingsdale 1:15 10:23 Proctorville 1:35 10:38 Barnesville 2:00 10:54 Flowers 2:08 11:02 Marietta 2:25 11:09 Holmesv'e,SC2:32 11:13 Pages Mill 3:00 11:20 Kemper 3:20 11:26 May 3:25 11:31 Mellier 3:30 11:35 Squires 3:35 11:41 Fork 4:05 11:47 " Smithboro 4:15 " 11:56 u Zion 4:20 " 11:59 " Rogers 4:35 12:06 p'm Ar. Marion 5:00 " 12:20 " NORTH BOUND No. 2 No. 6 Lv. Marion, S. C.3:35 pm6:40 a m " Rogers 3:48 " 7. -00 44 " Zion 3:55 " 7:10 " u Smithboro 4:00 " 7:20 Fork 4:05 " 7:30 " - Squires 4:08 u 7:34 H " Mellier, 4:11 " 7:38 " May 4:15 7:43 " Kemper " 4:18 " 7:48 " Pages Mm 4:24 " 7:55 " Holmesvill 4:30 " 8:05 " " Marietta, N. C. 4:37 " 8:15 " Flowers 4:44 " 8:25 " " Barnesville 4:52 " 8:35 " " Proctorville 5:05 " 9:09 " "Kingsdale 5:17 " 9:20 " - Pope 5:23 " 9:30, " Ar. Lumberton 5:35. ' 9:45 " Prayers for peace ' in Europe arose from all parts of the IJnited States Sunday. Clergymen of all denominations read President Wil son's proclamation, itself a fer vent peace prayer, and congrega tions gathered to sing peaci hymns and take part in peace ser vices. Secretary of State Bryan took part in a peace meeting at Carnegie hall in New York. Your Fall Cold Needs Attention. - No use to fuss and try to wear it out. It will wear you out instead. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, relkf follows quickly. It checks your cold and soothes your cough away. Pleas ant, antiseptic, and healing. Chil dren like it. Get a 50c bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and keep it in the house. "Our faily cough and cold dector," writes Lewis Chamberlain, Manchester, Ohio. Money ba ' if not "-tisfied, but it nearly always help". .C. LANE, ?nperinndfn: V P IM fin ! 1 IrW in But there are Twenty Full Ounces of pure, strong Solid Ccncsntrated Lye in Mendleson's big can. You get only sixteen ounces in the cans others sell you for a dime, and many of them are inferior in quality to Mendleson's. In Powdered Lye, Mendleson sells you six teen ounces for a dime against the. twelve ounces in seme other dime cans. OneFourtli More Lye-Same Old Prico Every can warranted full strength. No fillers. No adulterant. " Jut rare Concentrated Lye That'i all Three cane solid Lye tor a quartet. . MOST ECONOMICAL A hig leader for soap making. The bi Twenty-Ounce Can saponifies eight pounds of grease, making the best hard or soft soap you ever used. That beats the best record of any other ten cent can. Mendleson's Can gives full directions tor making the best soap. Try Mendleson's Lye for other things for cleaning, for scouring, for getting the grease out of sinks and drains, for driving away dirt and disease germs, for disinfecting, for treating hogs and caring for poultry. Jut one can proves that for every use there's nothing so good as MENDLESON'S B.VE PURE AND STRONG Ctt a fourth more efth btLyfora dim at anjr 0 tk foOog WHOLESALE DEALERS R. C. BIRMINGHAM GRO. CO, LUMBERTON, N C. RETAIL DEALERS JNO. P. M'NEILLt LUMBERTON, N. C. JOHN L BROWN. RED SPRINGS, N. C I