PAGE SEVEN. v.irvBi'-rin 4 3 i nsmsea CAPITAL THAT NEVER MELTS AWAY." THE ROBESOXIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4, 1914 "Credit tat no ANYONE makes a great mistake by abusing their credit, which is done when proper attention is not given to pay ing accounts and other obligations at the time they are due. If conditions make it impossible to pay debts, in full, when due, satisfactory' arrangements should be made for further indulgence. Good . It is a great loss when one loses credit It takes a long time to establish credit after it is once lost, and some times it cannot be regained. Everyone should make a great effort to keep good credit, as it will be needed in the trying times of the future as well as in the trying conditions of the present. An Honest Man Can -.Always Find. A Friend. PL Lumberton, PROFESSIONAL CARD! Woodberry Lcnnon H. E- Stacy LENNON & STACY Attorneys and Counsellors at Law Lumberton, N. C v Practice in Siate and Federal Courts. DR. R. T. ALLEN Dentist LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Office Over Bank of Lumberton. 327tf R. A. McLEAN, Attorney-at-law Lumberton, - - - - North Carolina Office n Weinatem buucnng. 9-18 DR. JOHN KNOX, JR. Physician and Surgeon, Lamberton, - - - - North Caroiir Residence 'phone No. 54. at Mrs U A. McLean's. Office 'phone No to. Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON j Attorneys and Counselors at Law j Lumberton, N. C I Practice in State tod Federal Courts. Notary Public in Office Ofike over First National Bank. DR. N. A. THOMPSON, Physician and Surgeon. Office at THOMPSON HOSPITAL. Lumberton, N. C. Bp-eialties :-Surgery, . .Gynecology Ear, Nose and Throat. L' btephen Mclntyre, A C. Lawrene James D. Proctor. Mclntne, Lawrence & Procter, Attorney and Counselors at Law,-i TS ,'and g Prompt attention given to all bnainesa. IRA B. MULLIS, Civil Engineer. Cotton Mill Office Building. Lumber- Ton, North Carolina. Sad-Clay and Gravel Roads, Pave nents, Bridge Sewers, Drainage and General Surveying. ' " " DR. D. D. KING Dentist LUMBERTON, . . .N- 9" Offices upstairs in Weinstem building. DR. W. L. GRAN rH AM Physician and Surgeon Office at McDonald rmg Company DfSee phone No. 26. v. .Q Resideuce phone No. 49 FIRE INSURANCE Place your fire insurance with J. BROWNE EVANS, St. Paula, North Carolina. The beat of OLD LINE Companies represented. - THOS. C JOHNSON, M. D. Call Answered Day or Night , BeaJ-V-co Thone No. 175. Office Thone Credit DR. T. A. NORMENT Announces his return to practice. Special Attention to Diseases of Di gestion and all chronic diseases. OFFICE: POPE DRUG STORE. J. M. MARTIN. Land Surveying, Map Drawing, Blueprint Making and Civil Engineer ins; in general. Office formerly oc. -upied by Mr. J. C. Parish. Maxton, N. C 825. S. 34: Britt W. S Iirti Britt & Britu ATTORNKVf AT LaW, LUMBERTON. N. C All business given prompt c tul attention. Office n,i::tajre in Arw riaildinR. . McLean L. U. Vurf.?r J. D. Mcean McLean, Varser & McLean Attoknj-'v 8 at Law, LUMBER" ON. N. C. Offc-fcH n 2nd :!cor ti Bank of miu rtci BuiicJr.g, Kconis, 1, 2 3, anu VI E. J. BRITT. AUorrtey-at-Law Lumberton. N. C. Jttices over Pope Drus Co. Prompt ttention given all business. T. A. McNElLL, Lav, yer. Land titles and Is' of executors nd administrators special attention. Office, Fifth street, west of First National Bank. Practice in all Courts. l,"m,rtin, N. C LUMBERTON MARBLE & GRAN ITE COMPANY. Manufacturers of Marble & Granite Monuments, Build ing Stone, Cemetery Curb, Land Markers, Etc., Lumberton, N. C. HOOPER & FLOYD, Managers. t. a. McNeill, jr. Attorney-at-Lav Lumberton, North Carolina. Will practice in all courts. Business attended to promptly. Rooms 1-2-3 LumbertonCotton Mill building. DR. E. L. BOWMAN, Physician and Surgeon McDonald, North Carolina. LUMBERTON PRESSING CLUB W. N. SMITH, Prop. Pry Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, La dies' Work a Specialty. All WORK Fiomptly Done. West Fourth St. Phone No. 94. Dr. W. W. Parker "OPTOMETRIST EYE DEFECTS treated and Corrected by Glasses Hodernly Equipped Office with Every Facility for Expert Work Consul tation Invited and Free. ' LUMBERTON. N. 0 JAMES M. RUSSELL Architect . Lnmbertoa, N. C Is Worth E33 K3 COM .MISSION ER'S S A L E. By virtue of the authority vested in. the undersigned in a judgment en tered at January Term, PJ14, in an action . entitled Stephen , Mclntyr against John R." Locklear, and others, I will on Monday, Dec. 7th, at 12 o'clock noon, sell for cash at public auction at the court house door ai Lumberton, North Carolina, the fol lowing described lands: In Pembroke Township, adjoining the lands of Oakley McNeill, Doug, aid Cummings, A. Buie, et al: 1st Tract:: Beginning at a stake in Cummings line Lowrcy corner airi runs south 28 east, 11 chains to : stake in Lowry's line; thence south t!2 west, chains to a stake, th';-! north 11 chains to a sUke in Bute', line; then with his line to the begin ning, containing 25 acre.-, mora ,c lesj. 2nd Tmct: Beginning at a .-Uko in Oakley McNeill's line, Benjamin Lowry's. corner and runs north 2-i west, 22 chains to a stake by a pinj, 2i d corner of Vm above tract; tVncv as the line of that tr.tct -di'th r2 west, 11 chains to a stake ty 2 in the edge of the branch; then sou'h 28 east, 25 chains to Oakley Mc Neill's line; then his line to the lc giniiing, containing 25 acres. Being the same land conveyed 'by Sallic ('. McNeill to John R. Locklear by dif.l dated Maivh 1 1th, I'M)') and record-. i in book r.l':Ki; hi pv.i'" 25':, i!oiri ter's ofli'-.; i;.)!.'c-!iii co iiily. )).ul ;!' -n. f '-,x X..v-MiM -, r.ui. ja.:i:s n. ru vtor c.c-.'o: M'lNT'iU::. l.AWr.KNCK ,v i )!' 115 1Tb Toll, Atty -. Ho-v To Give Quinine To Child en. I FrnKJLIN'H isthe trade-n:ir': name e'vn t an iv.i'l roved Outline. 11 is a Tot! lr- s Syrup, plens Htit to ti'ke and docs not disturb the'i. Children take it mid tievrr know it is Quininr. ' Alito especially o:apt-M t aJiU v:i" c;ii!r. tnke ordinary Quiim.e. ioes i.'.i , vor cause nervousness i. .-rr;ni..:is in the bead. Try it the next time you i-.fM Jjiuniue lor any pur pose. Ask for J ounce original package. The name FEBRILINH is iu boiae. 25 egntg. L. E. SMITH, Electrical wiring, fixtures and lamps. Office over Stephens & Barnes Furni ture Store, Chestnut Street, Lumber ton, N. C. Phone No. 51. Dr. W. 0. EDMUND and CO. Lumberton, N. C. VETENARIAN We are prepared to do a general and special vetenary surgical work. All calls promptly filled. 'Phone 52. For Reliable Fire Insurance Liability Insurance Bonds of all Description Burglar Insurance, SEE R. H. CRICHTON OFFICE AT FULLER'S STABLE PHONES NOS. 7 and 1H P0ea Cored In 6 to 14 Dys Tour druffffist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fail! to cure any case of Itcaiac, Blind. Bleeding or Protradiac PUea ia 6 to 14 day. Tk frit applicatioBrivea Sim aad Heat, see more W At A tE. CANNOT FIGHT THE MEMORY Real Reason Why Contributions tc "Conscience Funds" Corns In More or Less Regular. Practically every government in this country, local, state or national, has what Is known as a conscience fund. Contributions are continually being re celved for this fund from unknown sources. They dribble in day aftei day, sometimes In amounts of a fev cents and sometimes In sums of sub stantial proportions. Each contribution means that some person has found the memory of dis honesty bo troublesome that bo goes to considerable trouble to get rid ol it. Of cqurse, those who make rest! tution are probably far fewer than those who have taken what does nol belong to them and escaped deteo tion. The conscience fund 13 an Il lustration of the way in which a gull ty memory must interfere with efflct ency. A memory which is what a distln guished psychologist has called "in growing" takes the mind off othei subjects at great expense to the life The ingrowing memory gradually be comes the central thought of the mind and the mental power Is paralyzed. A bad conscience has often cost mei their positions, simply because It dl verts them from the duties assigned to them. It is usually far less expen sive to get rid of a bad cpnsciene than to keep it. He Spoka the Language. A daily newspaper tells of the ar rival at San Francisco of Franklin Dalt, the eleven-year-old Bon of j Philippine head-hunter. The boy cam la the care of an Episcopal mission ary who has spent five years among the tribesmen of Luzon, and is ir charge of the youngster's education The Filipino had remarked that h knew about the United States. H understood baseball, he said, althougt he called it "miki fula." "So you know baseball?" one que tioner remarked. "What do you call the umpire?" 'Tell him," the missionary prompt ed, when the youngster hesitated. "Thief sometimes, but robber most ly, the boy answered. Youth's Com panion. Too Dangerous. Dr. Alexis Carrel, the famous sur geon of the Rockefeller institute In New York, said the other day of an experiment that he deemed danger ous: "An experiment of that nature re minds me of the Cinnaminson carder. "A Cinnaminson carder shot a dog by accident. He went to show the owner how it happened, and in doing so shot him. When the police came to arrest Ujm he attempted to show them how he had shot the owner, and la doing so shot a constable. Later, In showing the coroner how he had shot the constable, he shot the coro er." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S.T.O.R I A man Money T n TP) A"M v m FALLING HAIR MEANS i DANDRUFF IS ACTI.VK i Save Your Hair! Get a 2" Cent liot- , tie of Danderine Right Now Also j Stopr, Itching Scalp. . .Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy i hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff that awful scuif. There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish ness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots i to shrink, loesen and die-- then the 'hair falls out fast. A little Danderine tonight now-any time will surely save your hair. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton-.-i Danderine from any drug store )r : toilet counter, and after the first ap plication the hair will take on that life, lustre and luxuriance which is so beautiful. It will becomewwavy and fluffy and have tho appearance of j abundance; ; n incomparable .glo.i.i land softness, but what will plea.-e yoii J most will b; after just a few weeks' 1 use, when you will actually seo a lot of fine, downy buir rev; hair grow ing al! over the scalp. I COMMI.SSIOXEIfS SALE. By v, cf the auth'.rity vfsU'J in the irncbrsicriicd in ;i't'en-terw! at December Tern, liMr;, in an ;uruo;i ir'id.-u LI. ;. Wright, ct. a!? t 1'. ). i'h'iiips ct a!,'., i will. On Monday, December the Tiii, l-.'i public auction, to the bi'uv.-a b.d.i.r, at the court bouse door in Iunil.-.r-ton, N. C, the MloxAr.-j; ti'-:--cri"i--l On the East side of Lumber Ri.-:-r and on the north side of Matthews Bluff fiu on the North side of the road leading from the Matthew., Bluff road to Warwick's mill and be. , t'veen .ajd road and Lumber Rive-, adjoining the lands of Butters Lum ber Co. Zillicah Phillips, Henry W. Pittman, J. F. Pitman and others, be. i inpr same conveyed to E. B. Wright ' and E.D. McNeill by deed registered ir. ' book 5-A, at page 19, beginning at i j stake in the edge of the swamp of Lumber Kiver, ZUIicah Phillip s cor ner, being the point marked "A" on the map made by Ira B. Mul. lis, dated June 21, 1911, and here to attached; and runs thence East 31.79 chains to a stake in the edge of Peter's swamp, marked "B" hereto attached; thence along the edge of Peters Swamp in southeast J erly direction to a point marked "C" on said map hereto attached; thence down said swamp in about the same direction to the point marked "D" on said map hereto attached; thence S 6:30 east 30.26 chains to a stake, be ing the point marked "E" o nsai l map hereto attached; thence South 85.15 east, 17.12 chains to a pine stump, point marked "F" on the map hereto attached; thence N. 46 west, 15.30 chains to a point marked "G ' on the map hereto attached; thencs souht 47.45 west, 15.90 chains to a stake by three pines in the edge ot Long Branch swamp, the point mark ed "H" on the map hereto attached; thence as Long Branch swamp and edge of Lumber River Swamp to the point marked "I" on tha map hereto salt at all druf stores. a &. at attached; thenco along Lumber Rive. Svvamp as the meanders there of to the beginning, being the point marked "A" on the m-ip hcr.:to attached, containing a.- per the said survey referred to 273 acre.'. And Also Indigo Island Nc. I as shown upon sr. id map containing acre.-! and also Indigo Island No. 2 as shown upon said map containing ?. acre;. Dated this 2nd day cf oNvember. !ll-i. JAMES D. PROCTOR, Commissioner. MTN'TYRE, LAWRENCE & PROC 1155Ths TOR, Attorneys. j Wilmintrton dispatch, Oct. 3ft: Th.j I "; Sen board freight engine. No. VW. ! a; 7 a. m. yesterday, in a thick far u;i:ietly rolled' up to the open dra,v j in the Ililt .n bridge and went over- bo-.ird. Ax it toppled into the f trea.e it r-ii-.-ed a br.rg.' passing-througii tht. dr.-.-r by a mi' tec of six inches. Thi lcn-m4.ive t-.vistpd i;-e!f from 'hi" tmin, and the 1V2 box cars (r'.rr,-' to u I halt, with the tender hanging over- i je writer. Mutineer Ilrad.rh iw anc! Fif j rrrin Gal lew ay both narrowly ;cipvi i with their live.;. Si-FFLftKD TV I.N TV. ON K l.R- I IN M.LY lOi'M) UKI.IF.l-' Having ruffe red for tw-r.iy-ooo yeu! wi'h :. t&r in rev side, I fl :!! foui, 1 r.-lief ia Dr. Kilmer . .S '.vamp-Root, lujccliorr.s of rrrornhier were- rr.y only relief for short ptr:oi-; of t:me. I became so .sick that I had to undergo a surgical operation n New Orleans, which benefitted me far two years.' When the same pain came back one day I was fo sick that I gave up hopesof living. A friend (advised me to try your Swamp-Root and I at once commenced using !t The first bottle did me so much gooi that I purchased two more bottles. I am now on my second bottle and am feeling like a new woman. I passrd a gravel stone as large as a big red bean and several smaller ones. I have not had the least feeling of pain; since taking your Swamp Root and T feel it my duty to recommend this, great medicine to all suffering haman ity. Gratefully yours, MRS. JOSEPH CONSTANCE. Rapides Par. Echo, La. Personally appeared before me, this 15th day of July, 1911, Mrs. Joseph Constance, who subscribed the above statement and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. Wm. MORROW. Notary Public. Letter to .Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You. Send ten cehtr toTJrT Kilmer & Co Binghamton, N. Y., for a sampfe sri bottle. It will convince anyone, will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sura and mention The Lumberton Semi Weekly Robesonian. Regular fifty cent and one-dollar sire bottles lor

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