THE ROBESONIAN, MONDAY. OYEMHFK I'JU. PAGE threi NORTH CAROLINA MAN FINDS QUICK RELIEF FROM DISORDERS OF STOMACH RED .-."UI.V.S NEWS LETTER or I UO1KK AY En'; afira nt Announced In Social An Old Siavt- D.-.rky I'a-'Sfv h , I C in li s Personal Mention. Iit'trins IVr.scnal. Coi rt-.-pt r.l of The Robw.onian. " iTC-ii.rti-r.o-? of Thf ;i,in. CALOMEL SICKENS! IT'S HORRIBLE! DONT STAY BILIOUS-CONSTIPATED Mr. Wade Thankful He Read About Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy. - Rel h'prin-j--:, Nov. -I Pr. ('. merit. Letters like this come from Vardell, .Mr. Lucius Mi-Rae and Dr. : il parts of the country. Myr'i J. J. I 111 attended the ineetinir of Sv- nod at Hickory last vek Mis- Je---ie Sinjrleton has returned aft-rr a pleasant visit of a few davs in Park- Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy to.i, puest of her cousjn Mrs. Charlu; She was accompanied honvi r. Miss Ava Par- N onueriul Stomach Kemedy 1 known everywhere because of its merit. E. T. Wade of Williston, N. C. was the victim of stomach disorders He tried many remedies and took a clears the digestive tract of mucoid ac- R0.,rn great deal of medicine and treat- cretions and removes poisonous mat- hv Mrs. Roach's 7ist3 ments. comma. 1 Kozier. Nv. :; Ja k !. : nvui his first avipcaraiM-e la.-t We ine-djy nvw ning . "L'l cle" Jack Carlyl.-, an H slaw horn darkey, (iied 'Monday. Oct. Jo He was thought well of hy whit; people and coloixd. His burial was largely attended hy hoth. I (,V Ail AN Ti'.i: IK-li-OV LIVI'i 'I ONE" MLl. (,V. Ol THE REST .IER AND ROWEL LEA.NSIV, Ol KV ER HE KI). Mi- T 1 P.. Af,. -. I 31- It Vti-inrrc cwiir roliflf in cnffflrorE r Relief seemed a long timo from stomah iver and bowel trou. ker of iDunru Mr. Arthur McRaj Mrs. Joe Alien attended the asocia- Manv sav it has saved thern ""Pe"1' lasl inursuay in reyeueviue. uon ai nan swamp sr.n report a 'jies. f"aio:,:i : ii.ake- yo . sic'-;; yoj los a day'- -rk. ('aionel i- ,uifkih : ami it saira?es; caiorne; inj'.re-r voir hvr. If yo i are hilioiis; feel Uzy, -h; t' irish and a:! knock- d oat, if your oo- -cis are const ipate-i and your hi ad ach?s or stomach soar. j:;st take a spoonful of harmless Hodson's Livr Tone instead of usinir sickening, Sali vating calomel. Modioli's Liver T.c.e opinion of the remedy in a letter which he said: "Your medicine has worked won Then he found Mayrs Wonderful from dangerous ODerations and manv Lille Slaughter of Goldsbon prand time. Master Norwood Rozier Stomach Remedy, took a aose and are sure it has saved their lives. is the truest of Miss Annie Johnson. spent a few days in Favetteville vis found relief at once. He told his We want all people who have chron. Misses Nellie Callahan of Greensboro itimr relatives. Mr. Carl Gregory has is real liver medicine You'll know n ic stomach trouble or constipation, no and Annie Home of Wilmington are returned home from the Philippine Is- v, ...6 v.... , -J imcic iu tiLtcnu me iiuiiic-auaiiaii Lands to me oeiignt ot nis many one dose of Mayr's Wonderful Stom- ' wpHrlinr.Mr Hpr.rv McLeod of Rpn-; f,.;.,I. ,i r,...;.. - r.. j tj t i , , . i i i .11 - j nituuo aiuuiiu iiu,ici, UICKUI ders I feel so much better I am ach Remedy-one dose will convince He ,spe.Jt1tha week-end at ' had been in the Phillipnines thri thankful to vnn inHpH. for advertls- vnn Thia ia tViP mpHicin sn manv nf . . a 1 uct" 1,1 L"e 1 """I'I""t-s inr.e j r t j i- , , , ... ... ' the home of his father, Mr. W J. Mc. years. He left Sunday for Red ,.-nrL;n x sx k. .-hourfnl ing vour wonderful remedy in tlu our neoDle have been taking with sur-; . . . ' . . . working, loal oe (heeitui papers, as otherwise I might never prising results. The most thorough Ee-ocL M r. Ernest Graham lelt Men-1 Springs, Kaeford and Fayetteville to vigor and ambition. have known of it." system cleanser ever sold. Mayr's Won dav for Charlotte, where he will or-; visit relatives. He will return home Your druggist or d-nlrr sells you A 1 rn rr with tVlio lottoi Tr XV n i Hlirfnl KtnTnQK T?attiaHv ia now hoM igage in business. i in a few davs. Miss Glennip With- a HO cent bottle of Dodson's Liver 1 t, J T klllO 1 -- VVl A V w.AIa VUXA-kHWAA J -.uamviiuuAi- -.. - - - - - next morning because you will wak-j up feling fine, your liver will he working, your headache ;.nd dizzine--gon", your .-to.mach will be sweet nr.d bowels regular. Yoii vvill feel like full f 1 one . umJ.'t my ti.-r-CT,al f.iarante? tha it will . 1 -an your -!:rrgish liver ietu-r than r:; cd'.ume'; it won't make you sick ard you car. eat any thing yn'i want witno it I.ieing -alivatrfd Y'ir drurggit g'larante-- that each i. fid wii! tart livr, clean your towel- and -traighten j ou up hy mornir.g or you tet your money baric. Children gladly take Dodson's Liver Tone heaa-e it is pleasant tasting and doesn't irripe. or cramp c,r make them sick. I am -riling million of tiottles of Dodsm'-. Liver Tone to people who have found that this pleasant, vege table liver medicine takes the place of dangerous calomel. Iiuy one bottle in my sound reliable guarantee. Ask your druggist about me. ordered more of the remedy. The here by J. D. McMillan & Son, and first dose proves no long treat- druggists everywhere." Moore County Land for Sale Two tracts near each other, 206 acres in one tract, 130 acres in the other tract, in Moore county, McNeill township, on South side of lower little river, four miles north of Southern Pines, lying on both sides of sand clay road leading from Southern Pines to Carthage. This land is well adapted to growing Corn, Cotton or Tobacco in fact, to growing any crops or fruits grown in North Carolina. Growth on land round-leaf, black-jack, hickory, pine and dogwood. Enough long leaf pine on part of land to provide timber for any buildings pur chaser may want to erect. Within 100 yards of electric light plant; near Farmers Rural Tele phone system; rural mail route; 2 miles from public school, special tax district, 8months' term; 21-2 miles from Norfolk & Southern Railroad from Carthage to Pinehurst. No better location could be asked for. ir::":ThiH ity in Moore county in fact, thereis NO OTHER LAND OP AS GOCU QUALITY IN MOORE COUNTY FOR SALE. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. APPLY TO T. D. McLEAN, : : Carthage, N. C. On last Wednesday afternoon Missjers of Lillington is visiting her sis. Ethel Johnson delightfully entertain ;ter, Mrs. R. G. Rozier Mr. and Mrs. ;ed the Priscilla club, at which timeiw. B. Barker were called to R-d 'the engagement of Miss Margaretta ; Springs Sunday on account of Mrs. Gaddy to Mr. Alexander Broom of; Barker's father's illness. Richmond, Va., was announced, th? School opened at Rozier yesterday, wedding to take place December 29. j Miss Ella May Poole of St. Pauls as Miss Bessie Jones charmingly en-(teacher. Miss Poole taught here last tertained last Thursday afternoon at 'year and has many friends here, a miscellaneous shower in honor of, Mr. Rowland Gregory spent Sunday miss Clara Callahan. Parlor and din at Red Springs visiting. Mr. Archie ing room were tastefully decorated i Britt attended the fair at Fayettevilk i J with autumn leaves and cut flowers. ; ast week. Receiving in the hall were Misses Ma-j The Kingsdale Lumber Co. has he ry McEachern and Altie Marsh, who'gUn cutting the Rozier timber around ushered the guests into the parlor, ! here. It is expected they will be in where Miss Jones presented them to j here quite a while yet. : Miss Callahan. After the guests had .q $O0OO ooooo COOOf COCO OOOCO OOOOO 0 Come To I. H. Warwick's, in Orrum For Groceries and get the Best. 8 Also a complete line of Clothing and Underwear at Reduced Prices. All New Our Shoes are the Very Best. Try them and be i CONVINCED. ooooo OOOOO O000100OO0 ooooo OOOOO i WAR! What Is It All About? "TT AS the whole world gone stark mad over a very foolish and trivial question? Are swords rattlina, cannon rumbling, mailed armour glistening just because Russia wanted to show her love for the little brother Servia i Tear aside the curtain of Europe's politic! and tec the grim and sinister game of chess that it being played. See upon what a slim, yet desperate, excuse the sacred -Wet of millions may be sacrificed. Read the history of the past one hundred yeart, at written by one of the neatest authorities the world hat ever known, and learn the naked, ihameful truth. Just to get you started at a Review of Reviews subscriber, we make you this extm ordinary offer. We will give to you FREE! Duruy's History of the World Four splendid cloth volume, full of portraits, tk etches, maps, diagrams Today is the climax of a hundred years of preparation. Read in this timely, .authoritative, complete, AND THE ONLY CONDENSED clatsic world history of which over 2,000,000 copies kaue been told in France alone just what has taken place in the inner councils of Europe during the past one hundred years. Read in these entrancing pages how Russia has for years craftily been trying to escape from her darkness to get a year-sound open port, with its economic freedom. Read how Germany and Austria, fearful of the monster's latent strength, have been trying to checkmate her and how uicjr lure p.uncu au in uus last, supreme staic. The Lesson of the Past THU n-Mter the pra ihova roq the rlorf that wu Cmre'i and tbe rnmdair that waa RomeY He ruiatea yen tbrouh .the MKiaie Atea, toe pKnunqae old dart of fradaliam and the ctwade tDro-ta u Kfimaiancc to CDntemrorueoua biatorr. which rrof. (.roarcnor compietea to brtuiaM manner. In the etory of toe paet lie tne seerecn ot KWy. am roa will nnderetand tbent better whea yoa ftt tne Renew of Kenewa for a year for the Review of So riewa will (ire roa a aane inteBretarion of the wmnrh-i are takioi place with ancb rapidlrr. It ia not eaourh to read the dallr newa f "J arporta Yoflrabilrty to oomprrend condmooa. and to diamaa tbem prarai. eharrea paid rationallir dependa oa a troe Interpretation of thr roe-inin and the by you. Dnrar'a Hia . "reaaon why" of events. In-yoor mind yon muat brine order J tory of the World In 4 out of chaos and the Reriew of Reriewa will do h for yon. ohmet bound aa cloth. ' ' AJo antee my name for Get the rhrm REVIEW of REVIEWS J "J"si or R Yea per mooih for three montaa foe sen Lr-. w- oeV.rrs.r zz.. Ma L-.y TT" ...JT 1 hetwiae I .UL whhia 10 darn, re- . . - ,h --.r, . - .w.-T ' I reman tlx book, at rout aapennt. ATavuvjr and lire then Too .end -Scrota for ahippuif and 11. OU a month for three month to pay for the Reelew of Reriewa. If tbe boo.. treat worth more than yon pay for Dooka and mataaia aa. tether, aend them back at eat cxpeoae. Bat be aoaat, The ... -. tn 1 .1. ( tin- i W . Ji aooT lend Vo X For caab wkh order send only Si.00 an. wt today and be in time. ' eTbe beuutal -milrr art cotn only a few eenti . M mora. For a aet of thia loxnaioaa bindiai. cbaaaw I Review of RtrLtWt Ct., 30 lrin PL, K.T. raootJu abort to S xaoaJu. or tad SS.W caak la fnU. - Ln -nw-naa til , (J sIS I If i j arrived telegraph blanks, bearing the name, Clara Home, were distributed ! flW.-ajjh. person requested to write j a telegram of ten words using the let ters in the name, the telegrams, being presented to the bride-elect to be course was served by Misses Annie this the guests were invited into the dining room, where a delicious salad caurse was. served by Misses Annie Lou McMillan, Sadie Covington and Lucile Cook. As the guests left thi dining room little Miss Frances Gib son, who was standing just within the l t. ii i parior aoor, presented eacn witn a miniature suit cas containing mints, to which was attached a card bearing the inscription, "Horne-Callahan, Nov. 4th, 1914." Master Gordon Gibson then entered from the hall drawing an express wagon, Kvhich contained many express packages for the brid'.-to-be. Mi-ss Polly McRae was hostess to the Rook club on last Thursday eve ning. The sophomore class of S. P. C. de lightfully entertained at a tea last Saturday from four to six in honor of their class officer, Miss Wallace. Miss Helen Bostick left last Fri day for Gibson, where she will enter upon her duties as teacher in one of the schools near there. Addrm. An Error Corrected Prohibition Sun day. To the Editor of The Robesonian: . Owing to the fact that the Anti Saloon League for National Prohibi tion has designated next Sunday tho 8th inst., as World's Temperance Sun day, our Sunday school at Center is preparing a very jnterefeting pro gram and desires to invite the pub lic. The photographs of Lincoln and Lee, the men who were foremost ir. the starting of this great movement, will be presented to the school on this occasion", land twill tno doubt be a source of inspiration to those who at tend the exercises. I wish to correct a statement made in Monday's Robesonian with refer ence to a dangerous bridge on the Lumberton and Fairmont road. The bridge is across a ditch on the John Lewis place near Hog Swamp, and not across the swamp as was stated. G. B. KINLAW. Lumberton, R. F. D. 3, Nov. 3, 1914. (Owing to the fact that the second paper last week was published a day early on account of the election, Wed nesday instead of Thursday, this was received too date for publication las: week and the same may be said of much of the other correspondence in today's paper Editor. WAR NOTES. j Many Women in Czar's Army. The -following is -from a London dis--. patch of the 3d: The number of women coming bjr I. wounded from the . Russian front' proves that the contingent ojadven. ! turous females on the righting line is considerable. iThese women - as a general rule cut their hair, assume n soldier's uniform and get away se cretly with the connivance of friends amoner the soldiers. Others stait alone on various pretexts, such as seeking injured relatives, and then don mala attire when they reach the front. A Cossack girl trooper, Helen Chi ba by name, went with the full knowl edge and permission of the author ities, having long been distinguish ?d as a horsewoman, swordswoman and markswoman. Colonel Tomilobbskaya's daughter, who, in male uniform on the Augus. towo front distinguished herself as a scout leader, has been wounded thre times. Partial reports of the export trade of the United States show that from October 5 to 31 inclusive a trade balance of more than $33,000,000 was established. Part of the increase was ascribed to cotton shipments, which had been almost; suspended ly the European upheaval. During the week ending October 28, 112,053 bales of cotton were exported. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for Croup. Croup scares you. The loud hoarse croupy cough, chocking and gasping for breath, labored breathing, - call for immediate relief. The very first dose of Foley's Honey and Tar com pound will master the croup. It cuts he thick mucus, clears away the phlegm and opens up and ease3 ine air passages. For sale by all drug, gists. . , , . ; j Calls Turk's Cause "Unholy." London Dispatch. Aga Kahn, who is known as tlTe spiritual head of Mohammedans in India, East Africa and Central Asia, has sent a cablegram from London addresseed to the Moslems in India and other British dominions in whi-i'i m he expresses his deep sorrow that Turkey has joined with Germany in the war. In this message, Aga Kahn, says: "This is not the free will of the Sultan, but the will of the German officers and other non-Moslems, who have forced him to do their bidding." He declares further that Turkey has now lost her position as trustee ol Islam. She has drawn her sword in an unholy cause, and the duty of Mos lems today is to remain loyal and faithful to their temporal and secular allegiance. A dispatch from Delhi, India, to Reu. ter's Telegram Company says that in view of the outbreak of Turkey it was authoritatively announced throughout India that no religious question was involved and that the Mohammedan Holy Palaces in Arabia are immune from attack by the British naval and military forces, provided the pilgrims from India to these places are not interferred with. Any Old Thing Will Do. St. Pauls Messenger. Some fool said a few days ago that there was no war; that the present condition was brought on by the mer chants "tocarry their p'int." It would pay a man like that to throw away his old head and wear a last year's hornet's nest. Two Marriages. St. Paus Messenger. Miss Clyde Brisson of this town was married Tuesday nignt to Mr. J. I. Lord, of Jacksonville, Fla. Rev. J. A. Snow, pastor of the Baptist church officiating. The couple left immediately after the ceremony for the groom's southern home." The announcement of the marriage of Mr. John Archibald McGoogan, the popular superintendent of schools in Hoke county, to MLss Frances Re becca Hodges, of Lagrange, on Nov. 18, has been received by friends. They will be at home to freinds in Raeford, N. C, after December 1. Virginia and Carolina Southern R. R 63 G7.79 64 78 4:47 pm 7:20 am Lv Fayettevill. A. C. L. Ar 11:25 am 10:40 pm 5:02 pm 7:36 am Ar Hope Mills A. C. L. Arll:10 am 10:27 pm 5:15 pm 7:45 am Lv Hope Mills .. V. & C. S. Ar. 11:00 am 9:30 pm 5:50 pm 8:20 am Lv St. Pauls ...V. & C. S. Lv. 10:25 am 8:55 pm 6:25 pm 8:55 am Ar Lumberton ...V. & C. S. Lv 9:50 am 8:20 pm 10:30 am Lv St. Pauls, N. C Ar 4:30 pm 11:15 am Lv Tar Heel, N. C .. .. .. ..Lv. 3:45 pm 11.40 am Lv Dublin, N. C. .. ..Lv 3:20 pm 12:00 m Ar Elizabethtown, N. C Lv 3:00 pm Nos 7 and 8 daily except Sunday. For folaers, reservations, rates of fare, etc., call phone 74 or write L. C. PARKER, General Pass. Ajrent. I WO rwir w-w tar iu dui r The L. C. Smith Typewriter andJCotton. WE WILL TAKE COTTON ATIO CENTS For the World's Best Typewriter and other makes. J. E. CRAYTON & CO. Charlotte, N. C. Tne i nings Those of Middle Age Especially. When you have found no. remedy for the horrors that oppress you during change of life, when through" the long hours of the day it seems as though your back would break, when your head aches constantly, you are nervous, de pressed and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains, don't forget that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundreds of women safely through this critical period. Read what these three women say: From Mrs. Hornung, Buffalo, N. Y. BurrALO, N. Y. "1 am writing: to let you know how much your medicine has done for me. I failed terribly during- the last winter and summer and every one remarked about my appearance. I suf fered from a female trouble and always had pains in my back, do appetite aud at times was very weak. "I was visiting at a friend's house one day and she thought I needed Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took it and have gained eight pounds, have a good appetite and am feeling better every day. Everybody is asking me what I am doing and I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. You may publish this letter if yoa wish and I hope others who have the same complaint will see it and get health from your medicine as I did." Mrs. A. Hobnuno, 91 Stanton St, Buffalo, N. Y. Was A Blessing; To This Woman. So. Richmond, Va. u I was troubled with a bearing down pain and a female weakness and could not stand long on my feet. Of all the medicines I took nothing helped me like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. I am now regular and m getting along fine. I cannot praise the Compound tor; much. It has been a blessing to me and I hope it will le to other women." Mrs. D. Tyler, 23 West Clopton St., South Richmond, Va. Pains in Side, Could Hardly Stand. Lorn, Wis. "I was in a bad condition, suffering from a female trouble, and I had such pains in my sides I could hardly move. Be fore I had taken the whole of one bottle of Lydia E. Ilnkham's Veg etable Compound I felt better, and now I am well and can do a good day's work. I tell everybody what your medicine has done for me." Mrs. John Thompson, Lodi, Wisconsin. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it has restored so many suffering women to health. i a. jWrite to LYDIA E.PIXKHAM MEDICINE CO. tr- (COXFIDEXTIAL) LIS S, MASS., for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered br a woman and Held in strict connaence. hua s PJMAMAM Whenever Yoa Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System, 50 cents. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Ths Kind Yoa Hare Aliays Bought Bears the Signature ofj V9

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