THE ROBESONIAN.MOXDAY, -JANUARY- 11. 1913. PAGE FIVE THE HOBESONIAN Office 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. MONDAY, JANUARY 11," 1913. LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE Seaboard Air Line. Train No. 19, west-bound lvs 7:18am Train No. 14, east-bound lvs 10:35 a.m Train No. 13 west-bound lvs 7:00 pm Train No. 20 east-bound lvs 10:05 pm VA. & CAROLINA SOUTHERN From Hope Mills. Train No. 79 arrives 8:55 am Twin No. 61 leaves 9:50aro Train No. 65 arrives 6:25pm Train No. 78, . leaves 8:20pra Raleigh & Charleston. Train N. 1, leaves 10:40 a. m. Train No. 2, arrives 6:40 p. m. Time of Closing1 of Mail at Postof- fice for Different Trains. The mail for the different trains out of Lumberton is closed at the postoffice as follows: S. A. L. train o. 19 6:30 a. m. V. & C. S. train o. 64 at 9:15 a. m. S. A. L. train No. 14 and R. & C. train No. 1 at 10 a. m. 4 R. & C train No. 2 at 12 m. S. A. L. No .13 at 6:15 p. m. V. & C. S. train No. 78 at 7:45. P. m. S. A. L. train No. 20 at 8 p. m. Special Notices FOR SALE THREE NICE S. C. Rhode Island, Red Cockerels, $1.00 each, also fresh eggs at $1.00 for setting of 15. V. D. Baker. FOR RENT FIVE-RROM HOUS.E with water-works, artesian pump, adjoining graded school block. John T. Biggs. WANTED t "" 500"" BUSH ELS " CORN this Vytek; trade or cuan. K. M. Biggs.,, - . SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES ThoJe who Bcd safety deposit boxes at our former place of business and have not moved them will olisa bring them at once to our new building and have new boxes as signed you. -The National Bank of Lumberton. HIGHEST PRICE FOR COTTON and seed' John T. Biggs. FOR COTTON SEED MEAL, HULLS, Hay and Grain see or phone K. M. Biggs. WANTEdTrEAiTeSTATE TO SELL at Auction. If you own a farm, citv or suburban property and want.,0 turn it into money quick, let ufl submit you a proposition to handle it. Greensboro Realty & Auction Co., Greensboro, N. C. WANTED TWENTY-FOUR Cus tomers for milk each day. Wood lawn Dairy. CHRISTMAS IS GONE, BUT THE bargains offered by the Britt Groc ery Co. are still here. Headquar. ters for fruit, ptowland Britt, Manager. EAT APPLES AND REDUCE COST of living. Over stocked on Wine, saps, 10 bbls while they last at 35c peck. 'Redmond's, 4th St. Phone 113. .JUST RECEIVED CARLOAD FER tilizer, bale tobacco canvas and lot of tobacco seed for plant beds. K. M. Biggs. FOR SALE Sanitary Wiping Rag, at 8 cents pound. Apply Robeson, ian office. " 1 1 LAND FOR SALE About 60 acres, 1 1-4 miles of court houne. Will sell as whole or in 1 to 5 acre lots. Cash or good terms at hard-time prices. Will Take cotton at more than market price. Land near church arid convenient to school. Near county home. R. E. Thompson, Lumberton, N. C. NOTICE COTTON GINNING IS about over and we will only run our gins on Wednesday and Thursday of each week Robeson Manufactur ing Co. (Oil' Mill). HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR HIGH and ovi grade cotton, seed cotton and cotton seed. K. M. Biggs. otace Blacker Bros, pay highest mar ket prices for all kinds of fur. Lumberton, N.C. Cotton Insurance At your plantation or in the Bonded Warehouses. See me before insuring S. H. Hamilton Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill .Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives oat Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds op the Whole System. 50 cents. N .MOTHER! IS CHILD'S STOMACH SOUR, SICK? If Tongue is Coated or if Cross, Fev erish. Constipated Give "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs" Dcr.'t scold your fretful, peevish child. See if tongue is coated; this is a sure t;gn its little stomach," liv er and bowels are clogged with sour waste. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold; breath bad, throat sore doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally hns 'stomachache, indigestion, diar rhoea, give a teaspoonful of "Califor nia Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the foul waste, the sour bile and fermenting food passes out the bowels and you have a well and iplayful child again. Children love this harmless "fruit laxative", and mothers can rest easy after giv ing it, because it never fails to make their little "insides" clean and sweet. Keep it handy, mother! A little given today saves a sick child to morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of California Syrup of Figs , which has directions for babies, children of all ag.-' and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. ) i-n-on.ber there are coun terfeits sold here, so surely look and see that yours is made by the "Cal ifornia Fig Syrup Company". Hand ick with contempt any other fig syrup. Report of the Condition of THE BANK OF ST. PAULS St. Pauls, N. C. at the close o fbusiness Dec. 31, 1914 Resources Loans and discounts $56,356.19 Overdrafts 71.79 Banking Houses $4,095.25 Furniture and Fix tures $1,232.39 5,327.64 Demand loans 350.00 Due from Banks and Banker,, 9,397.71 Cash Items , 113.36 ld Coin 167.50 Silver coin, including all mi--. .JiOLCftin n currency. - 505.06 Nationar bink TOtesanTtrth' eg U. S. notes Total 2,988.00 $75,277.25 Liabilities Capital stock paid in $14,000.00 Surplus, fund 2,000.00 Undivided profits, les cur rent expenses and taxes paid 1,656.75 Dividends unpaid 16.00 Notes and bills rediscounted 7,800i00 Bills payable 11,700.00 Time Certificates of Deposit 9,820.98 Deposits subject to check 26,91l37 Cashier's Checks outstanding l,322!l5 Total $75,277.25 State of North Carolina, County of Robeson, ss:: I, J. C. Lentz, Cashier of the above-named bank, so solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. C. LENTZ, Cashier. - Subscribed and sworn to .before me, this 8th day of January1, 1915. C. C. BRYAN, Notary Public My commission expires Feb. 12, 1916. Corbet-Attest: J. M. BUTLER, W. D. JOHNSON, T. L. NORTHROP, Directors. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of L. R. Hammer, deceas ed, late of Robeson county, North Carolina, this is notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 11th day of Jan. 1916, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment G. M. PATE, Executor of L. R. Hammer, deceased Thi 11th day of Jan. 1915. llloinon. CHICHESTER S PILLS y?Z . THE DIAMOND I! RAND. A c.v .tSBfflaWEBEE HB'ittffSSffi For Reliable Fire Insurance Liability Insurance Bonds of all Description Burglar Insurance, SEE R. H..CRICHTON OFFICE AT FULfeER S STABLE PHONES NOS. 7 and 169 22. yTrcN A,K y?ar ""fit for A J KiSi ! I'l-rbes-lerstHomond TlrandAX W'liS'WS&L ' " n ' " Wold mrtallicW O TFir2 !;,.",. witU Blue KILbon. v T1 9 Vi'l 1 ako no other. Hmv of onr V 17 flf Prompt. Askfor IIM'iri:s.TEnS . Jff DIAMOND i:RAM Pll LS. for li V Kl yrsr3knTias;rst,h2fe',t,AlwaysKei;jbl CALO'ilL IS MERCURY, IT SICKNS ! CLEAN LIVER You're Bilious! Your liver is slug gish! You feel lazy, dizzy and all knocked out. Ytfur head is dull, your tongue is coated; breath bad; stomach sour and bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel. It makes you sick, you may lose a day's j wortc. j nnne your liver will be" working; your Calomel is mercury or quicksilver headache and dizziness gone, your which causes necrosis of the bones, f stomach will be sweet and your bow Calomel crashes into sour bile like J els regular; You will feel like work dynamite, breaking it. up.. That's when j ing; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor you feej that awful nausea and cramp; j and ambition. j ing- Dodson's Liver Tone is entirelv If you want to enjoy ' tho I you want to enjoy nicest, gentlest liver and bow el cleansing you ever experienced just take, a spoonful of harmless. Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or J dealer sells you a 50 cent bottle of Ltodson s Liver Toive under, my per- Boylin's Jewelry Store Want lo say that we have a few Sets Toilet Cases, and Manicure Sets left on hand and rather than waif until another. Christmas to sell them at a profit, will now offer them at Less Than Wholesale Cost. PERSONAL Mr. C. B. Skipper spent yesterday in Wilmington. Mr A. J Floyd of Fairmont is a Lumberton visitor today. Mr. Thad Stone of route 4 from Lumberton was in town Saturday, Mr. Justin Oliver of Marietta was among the vistors in town Saturday Ex-Sheriff J. W. Hall of Lumber Bridge was a Lumberton visitor Fri day. Mr Greerory Lennon of Bellamy was among the visitor,, in town bat urday. Mis, Evelyn Ammons of Britt's spent the week-end in town visiting relatives. Mr W. L. Douehertv and family spent' the week-end at Fayetteville visiting. Mr J. W. Branch of the Long Branch section was a Lumberton vis itor Friday. Mr W H. Prevatt of route 3 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. H. J. Rozier of route 5 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town Saturday. St. Pauls was amongthe visitors in town Saturday. Little Miss Dorothy Finlayson left Thursday for Davidson where she has entered the high school. - Messrs. G. R. Thagard and Jno Bateman of St. Pauls were among the visitors in town Friday. Mr. Geo. D. Willard and son, Mas ter J. A., of route 3 from Maxton are among the visitors in town today. Mrs. F. Grover Britt spent the week-end at Marietta at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hamilton. Messrs. I. F. Britt and W. L. Thompson of route 4 from Lumber ton were among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. Ertel Carlyle left this morn ing for Nyack, N. Y., where he will resume his studies at the Wilson Me morial School. Mr. E. D. Pittman and daughter, Miss Ada, of route 3 from Lumber ton, were among ,,the 'shoppers in town Saturday. Recorder's Cour The following cases have been dis posed of by Recorder E. M. Britt since Thursday: Donnie and Sandy McNatt, both colored, assault, not guilty. J. S. Raymond and Lizzie Tart, resisting officer, prayer for judg ment continued on payment of cost. J. F. Morrison, drunk and disor derly, 30 days on roads. Morrison submitted to the charge, but owing to the fact that he was not renre- feented by counsel Recorder Britt struck out the submission and allow ed him to appeal to the Superior Court. Sunday School Institute. A Sunday school? institute will he held at Regan Methodist church, St. Pauls circuit, Rev. A. J. Groves, pas tor, next Sunday, January 17th. It will be conducted by Mr. M. W. Brabham, field secretary of the Sun day School Board of the North Caro lina Conference. Box Supper at Bethesda January 15. There w 11 be a box supper at Peth esda Friday night of this week. It is expected that the Uarnesvillc band will Iiiiv.i. b music. Eve-yuody is cor dially The prvcccls' will o to the b- rufit of the s-od. Your Cold is Dangerous Break It Up Now. . A cold is readil ycatching. A run down system is susceptible to' germs. You owe it to yourselfff and to others of your household to fight the Germs atonce. Dr. Bell's Pine Tar and Honey is fine for colds and coughs. It loosens mucous, stops the cough and soothes the lungs. Its guaran teed. Only 25c at your Druggist. AND BOWELS GENTLY sonal money-back guarantee that each spoonful will cleanse your sluggis.l liver better than a dose of nasty calo mel and that it won't make' you sick: Dodson's Liver Tone is a real liver medicine. Youll know it next mori- ing because you will wake up feeling vestiable. therefore linrmlosa and carmot salivate. Give it to your. chil dren. Millions of people are using Dodson's. Liver Tone instead of dan gerous calomel now.' "Your druggist will tell you that the sale of Calomel is almost stopped entirely here. " IF MEALS HIT BACK AND STOMACH SOURS Tape's Diapepsin Ends Indige8tion, Gas, Dyspepsia and Stomach Misery in Five Minutes If what you just ate is souring on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gaa and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad ta3te in mouth and stomach headache, you can get blessed relief in five minutes. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula, plainly printed on these fifty-cent cases of Pape's Diapepsin, then you will understand why dys peptic troubles of all kinds must go, and why they relieve sour, out-of- order stomach or indigestion in five minutes. "Pape's Diapepsin" is harmless; tastes like candy, though each dose will digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all the food you eat; besides, it makes you go to the table with a healthy ap petite; but, what please you most, is that you will feel that your stom ach and intestines are clean and fresh and you will not need to-re sort to laxatives or liver pills for biliousness or constipation. Ihis city will have manv "Panes diapepsin" cranks as some people, will call them, but "ou will be enthus iastic about this splendid stomach ysatakA. it for" indigestion, gases, heartburn; sourness, dyspepsia, or any stomach misery. Get some now, this minute, and rid yourself of stomach trouble and in digestion in five minutes. Report of the Condition of . THE BANK OF RED SPRING at Red Springs. N. C. at the close of business Dec. 31, 1914 Resources Loans and discounts $153,536.64 Overdrafts secured $1312 00 " unsecured 733.25 2.045.25 Furniture and Fixtures 2.500.00 Due from Banks and Bankers 11,487.76 uasn items 569.03 Gold Coin 2,855.00 Silver coin, including all mi. nor coin currency 1.570.44 National bank notes and oth er U. S. notes 1.880.00 Cotton Certificates 1.656 17 Total liabilities $178,100.79 $30,000.00 Capital stock paid in Surplus fund 3,000.00 Undivided profits, les cur rent expenses and taxes paid 213.07 Notes and bills rediscounted 43,327.24 Bills payable 8,597 77 Time Certificates of Deposit 37,08649 Deposits subject to check 55,517.32 Cashier's Checks outstanding 282.71 accrued interest aue depositors 7b.l Total S178.100 79 State of North Carolina, County of itooeson, ss: I, J. S. Jones, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. S. JONES, Cashier. Subscribed and worn to before me, this 6th day of January, 1915 J. N. BUIE, Recorder. Correct Attest: A. B. PEARSELL- JOHN J. THROWER, E. C. CAPS, Directors Report of the Condition of THE CAROLINA BANK & TRUST COMPANY Red Springs, N. C. at the close of business Dec. 31, 1914. Resources Loans and discounts $8(5,627.49 Overdraft,, unsecured 55fi.22 All other Stocks, Bonds and Mortap:.s ' 2,00' '.') j Furniture and Fixtures 2,42994 ' Demand loans 1.200 () Due from Banks and Bankers .947.98 i Cash Items 202 88 1 Gold Coin 47.V.00 ! Silver coin, including all mi- ! nor coin currency 1,599.93 National bank note and oth. er U. S. notes 1,996.00 Total . Liabilities Capital stock paid in $101,035.44 $35,000.00 surplus fund Undivided profits, less cur 2,000.00 rent expenses and taxes paid 315 69 Dividends unpaid 1,400 00 Bill, payable 32,700.00 Time Certificates of Deposit 3,047.34 Deposits subject to check 20,308.81 Savings Deposits 5,916.64 Cashier's Checks outstanding 346.96 Total $101,035.44 State of North Carolina, County of Robeson, ss: I, Jno. H. McKay, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement i true tn the best' of my knowledge and belief. JNO. II. McKAY; Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th daMf January, 1915. j. s., JONES, Notary Fubhr. My commission expires Mar. 10, 191. Correct Attest: L. J. BRIGHT, W. E. GARRETT, H. T. TOON, Directors. WE DO JOB PRINTING. .fLf.J, wrn&ZMi MMMW Clearirig The Way Beginning early in life and preparing the way for the next step is what made Leland Stanford so successful. Every Man and Boy in this community can be prepared for the good things that cross his pathway by simply starting a bank account and identifying himself with The Farmers and "The Home PETERS LOADED SHELLS The Greatest Achievement in Trap-Shooting History. Grand American ment Shot at Dayton, Ohio 1914 Grand American Handicap t 1914 Amateur Championship Single Targets. 1914 Amateur Championship Double Targets ' WERE ALL WON WITH No such Record was ever Ammunition. It indicates lof the Peters Brand, incuring user. Loaded in All Guages The last word has been said send your orders to N. Jacobi Hardware Co. 10 and 12 S. Front St, Wilmington, N. C. N T OT the bird but, a be ng furnished .throughout with solid sub stantial Furniture of late style and pleasing de sign, it makes of the home a Thing of Beauty and a Joy Forever, and creates an atmosphere of content ment and enjoyment whicT nothing else will bring. Good Furniture well bought is all Gain for you. You lose only by not having it in your homes. STEPHENS k BARNES Lumberton, N. C W MVW VV V WW w mw VVWU W VW WltY w Casparilla Carnival . TAMA FL0R1DA -Hard-Grass ESSK Celebration PESA Excur8ion Tickets will be sold for the above occasions from PEMBROKE, on February 11, 12, 13, 14 and 13, at fares nam. ed below, by the ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South TAMPA, FLORIDA, $r9.80 NEW ORLEANS, LA...... . $25.75 MOBILE, ALA .. ...... .. $21.55 PENSACOLA, FLA $20.85 Tickets will be limiteed, at time of purchase to February 26th, but an extension of fiaal return to March 15th may be obtained by depositing tickets prior to expiration and upon payment of $1.00 -" , ' 's . For Schedules, Reservations, etc., inquire of Atlantic Coast Line Ticket Agents, or W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, v WILMINGTON,. N. C. ' IT!".1 B J1-L! W IE n- '.m m m LLLAND STANFORD E1rpln hoiaTarllsh out of th horon Srani'Ti, r.irtiriK it nib to th nearest market and jnf,r.iy out of it ku th first flrinn. !i:il of I!.".nl Stan ford. Ho u a "man" fr yarn rjtrt at thn time. After he ft throusii thn flia trlot bk-IiooI h wanted to slwl law. but had no inriney. He rhnppej his w.iy to the bar by clearing a pice of woodland for his father. Here I the euo to his turcexn. Jt8 waa a first class "clear the way" man. Aft belnn ndmiftPd to the bar he went to Tort Washington, Mich., wher a fire de stroyed hi all. tin then went to CaJI fornla where he became a merchant. His buslrieaa acumen foresaw thf indent y power of a Pacific railroad bind ing the nation. He engineered It and be came Its first JTesl.lcnL Although colossus In railroading, business and poll tics, he loved his ranch and vineyard at Palo Alto, and besides ail this he never forgot the power of education as shown by the magnificent university he founded and endowed with 2u million dollars In memory of his hoy. who died In Italy. Great as were Inland Stanford's interests In life he n-vt-r showed his childhoods trait of fa.;nar things manfully better than In his ileath. IHsslnp away peace fully, ho left all In perfect order A man" at six. he was a slant at 69. .Merchants Bank, of Savings' Handicap TournaH PETERS LOADED SHELLS before made by any make o the Superior Shooting Quality satisfaction and results to the and Makes of Powder. cozy home, made cozier by adslress, Passenger Traffic Manages, General Passenger AgenU -fl I I H A

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