THE ROBESONIAN ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY. GOD AND TRUTH Jlt50 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCH VOL XLVI. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1915. NUMBER 18 BRITAIN LOSES SUBMARINE HIGH SCHOOL BOND ISSUE FA I R MONT DEPA RTM EN T DOWN GADDYSVILLE WAY THE FINAL SUMMONS BRIEF ITEMS Oh LOCAL NEWS Crew Captured When E-15 Goes Aground British Airmen Busy in Egypt In the Carpathians No Agreement Between Austria an" Italy. London Dispatch, 18th. The British, as an offset to their success in destroying a Turkish tor pedo boat, which attacked the trans port Mantiou off Chios yesterday, lest the submarine E15 which, while carrying out a difficult reconniasance in the Dardanelles mine field, ran aground on Kophez Points', the crew being made prisoners. According to the Turkish report seven of the sub marine crew are missing. In Egypt LJriti -h airmen have dropped bombs on the Turkish encampment near the border while a French cruiser, the lire of which was directed by a sea plan, has been throwing shells on the Turks rear El Arish, where the army for the invasion of Egypt has its headquarters. These' operations were undertaken presumably to harrass the Turks, as the Turks have not .shown any m- tention of attacking the British smcc their repulse along the canal. In the Carpathians there has been fighting, but no battle to be com pared with those which the arrival of spring brought to a close. The Austrian report that they have re pulsed Russian attacks southeast of Lupkow Pass, inflating heavy lossjs on their adversaries but elsewhere (onip irtive calm prevails. The? French again have been active in the Vosges, capturing an important heigh near Metzeral. The British, too,, have attacked the Germans in the neighborhood of Yprefi, where fighting was still in progress when the last report was dispatched. It again is stated that German ef fort.; to brin gabout an agreement between Austria and Italy have fail ed, ". report which, if confirmed, is likely to magnify in the eyes of the; the frontier incident which in en! re J ye derby. According to the la'e.t reports the Austrian who v.w T' i ;ng over ltali-in territory actually who rer HTi'l i I in il up()n Tt.'unn troops I them, and in return 1 into Austrian territory. i n U i ii :r of the Greek steam ontos b ya st-bmariiie off the' c" t H likely -to bring about between the Greek anil Oer rveniments. The Ellisponlos sic Oi.l! we; d-d.roycd while en a voyage (Vein Y'liuden, Holland, to Montevi deo in ballast. BRETHREN, VOTE FOR US I'hee Are They That Have Come Over From the Side of Hesitancy and Are Running for the Office of Town Commissioner. It looks now like before the time arrives when folks must stop plac ing their hats in the ring for town .commissioner, which will be Friday mo-lit midnght of ths week, the town will be running over with candidates not exactly running but would rtvva if nominated and elected. It is understood that both Messrs. Geo !,. Thompson and L. T. Towmsend have reconsidered and will be in the race to succeed themselves. Mr. M. N. Fclver will have his hat in the rimr; Mr. Amos King will serve if nominated; Mr. W. S. Wishart is n candidate; and D. B. McNeill is leavirg the matter with his friends. Cerhr-i: others will "come out" be fore Friday night It looked for one hil (eat'nobody At all wanted this ih'ir.rr .tide position, but at last the fe ver rr.n begun t rage. The primary will ta' o place Tuesday of next week. col- A. B. Andrews, Vice President f Southern Railway. Dead. Col. A. 15. Andrews, vice presi dent. , f the Southern Railway, died eit his' himc in Raleigh f Saturday night, after a brief illness. He was 71 ycir.s old. The funeral will be con duclr ! from tho Go.od Shepherd I'hi'rch in Raleigh this afternoon at 4 o'clock, at which time every train on the great Southern Railway sys tem will come to standstill. Also every wheel in the hundreds of ma chine shops in the South will cease in turn and every employee, from the highest official to the humble track walker, will lay aside his duties for . nerod of 3 minutes to pay a si lent and last tribute. When in Doubt Play Trumps. "I'm a little afraid to plant eith er cotton or tobacco this year, but i m not afraid to plant corn and oth er things to eat," were the words of a Robeson county farmer recently. good plan is to plant less of the things you are afraid of and more of the things you are not afraid of, Plants and Fruit Not Injured by Cold. "Plants of every kind and fruit have been hurt the least by the cold this soring that I ever noticed." was the ta--markv of a farmer one day recent-p- Te reason is. he thinks, be cause all the while it has been cold, which had kept the sap from rising. Free Seed. Congressman II. L.- Godwin has sent The- Robesonian a full supply of the following1 kinds of seeds: corn, lettuce, muskmelon, onion, radish, fttyssum, kochia, na.5turium, petunia, ponpv. These are government seeds and Robesonian readers can get them free of charge by calling at the of. fice. - Dr. C. T. among" the morning. .Poole of St Pauls visitors in town was this Meeting in Interest of This All-Im-ortant Question Will be Held Thurs- i day Evening at Court House W'o-1 men and Children Invited to At-; tend. i A mass meeting will be held at j the court house Thursday evening, beginning ?.t 8 o'clock, in the inter- j est of a township high school forLum- j herton township. Good music and speaking will be a part of the pro-; gramme. Ushers will be in attend-; ance r.rd ladies and children are not only invited to be present, but are ; urgad to attend this meeting, which has for its object the giving of the i child with small means a chance. 1 This is a matter of no small impor. ; tanee and should be attended by a : large number the town but of people the entire net only of township. ORRI'.M OCCURRENCES Orrum Defeats Boardman Com mencement April 27 and 28 Great Time at County ' Commencement Personal. C'-rre 'pondenee of The Robe? mian. drum, April 1( Misses Beulah T tiViUe and Lillie Oakley snent '::y : ml Tuesday at -Board 'nan vi -iting friends. Mr-. A. J. Surles .was a business vi"itov in Fairmont Friday. Boavlman crossed bats with Orrum Thurs i.iy afternoon on the latter's dia vl. .he score being 21 to 0 in fa v( r of Orrum . Mrs A; M Floyd and daughterr. j,?x- i'-y- ' Miss Cora, wei-e" b'u's'fliess vis no "Ms Barr.esvillo Thursday a. m Mr ::pent and Mrs A. C. McCullen Friday in Wilmington on bus. mess. " i Miss Flora Frink spent the week-j end at Pdadenboro with her parents, Mr and Mrs J. M Frink. i I lie- ifiu lici. ulMl ri'niciiin vi in. Orrum high school arc very Insy prcna ring for commeneement whii h will be the 27th and 28th of April. T.tis nmnisc'S to be one of the best commcir-entonts in the history of the Scho.d. ():! sihi-ol was well represented at the coun'y c mnvence-nent in I.uin h.erton last, week and they report, the hes time ever. Mr. Stephen Powell of Lvmberl.on 'sr-eet, ;l few days her" this week with his mother. Mrs. Olive Powell. Yadkin R'.ver Power Co. to Build Plant at I.atirinburg. Lam inburg Exchange. For a lon" while Laurinburg hn carried on a negotiation with the Yadkin River Tower Co.. with a v:w of having them supply the town and its various manufacturing enterprises with electric power. A contract has been sie-ned and plans put into ac tion ' that not onlv means we shall have the power for local use, but that Laurinburg is to be the distrib. uting point for the company in this territory. A reduction plant will be bu'lt here immediately which will re quire an expenditure of $50,000, and nower will be furnished the town, the cotton mills, the McNair Phos nhate Co., the oil mill, all the va rious manufacturing plants here, as well as at Maxt0n and Lumberton. We are informed that it is the purpose of the comnany, as soon as the business in this territory will iustify it, to build an auxiliary steam nlant here, which will increase their investment in Laurinburffto a quar. 'er of a million dollars. Recorder's Court 90 Days or Slan der. Wii' gate I.awson of the Princess Ann section was before Recorder E. M, Pritt Saturday charged with slander of the character of Nancy Fowler, of the same section. The evidence vis tnat i.awsen got man with Mr. McD. Walters and entered i suit against him for fornication and ad'.dtry, bringing the Fowler woman I into the charge. This case was heard i by Recorder A. E. Floyd of Fairmont land dismissed. In the slander case Recorder Britt gave a sentence of 00 days on the roads to begin when he has served a sentence of 12 ninths recently imposed by Record er Britt for shooting a man. Lawson appealed to the Superior Court in both cases. The trial drew quite a number of people from that section. Barnesville News Batch. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Barnesville, April 19 Miss Fronie Kendall is spending a while at Mr. William Walters'. Misses Alice Floyd and Walter Pae-e visited at the home of Mr. T. C. Barnes last week. Quite a number of the Barnesville folks attended the concert at Bloom in gdale Friday night, and report an enjoyable occasion. The Barnesville Baptist Sundn school will render a missionary r- -rram Sunday1 evening, April 2" ;,gmninr at o eiocK. itA-eryoo . is ordialiv invited to attend. The Barnesville band f ished music for a commencement at Hin on' Cross Roads, near Fair Bluff, pril 13. They report a grand time. Notices of Card of New Advertisements. thanks E. E. Page and family. "Perils of Pauline" at Pastime twice a week . Program at Star theatre. Good horse and mule for sale at bargain Jno. T. Biggs. Cow and calf for sale Dr. L. E. Ricks. Fairmont Cook's Improved seed cotton for sale- D.'Fl" Lowrejy Raynham. Young man wants position. , :$,- ", ." Clean-Up Day Suggested Death Little Ruby Floyd Personal Men. tf.on. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Fairmont, Apr. 16 Miss Lillian Baker of Ncrth Fairmont, who haj been in the Ilighsmith hospital in I ayetteville for some time, returned home much improved. Mr. A. P. Williams left W'edncs !y afternoon to visit his father who lives in Halifax county. The old gentleman is suffering with pneu nionia and is about 08 years oi l. Ruby, O.year-old daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. Graddy Floyd, who live out about three miles from town, died en Friday, the Pth ins: , and was Juried in the family cemetery ()n Saturday afternoon. Rev. .Mr. Stan field conducted the funeral service. ! R .by was a bright litt! i will be; greatly mis.-ed e girl We vi-i'od Rowland on .Monday. :ti:e 12th. for a short while. The re .ce'M. fir; made quite a chancre in the' appearance of that part of town.. I lo.ibtless in the near future bri !: 1 'stores will take the pla-es (,f the ; "'odern buildings destroye.1 and then, i Main stree' will be mare city-like tfot'i formerly, ! Or, .1. P. Bi'ewn went to Fayette-, vi'le on Friday last to return with, , Mr- Brown, who h;'d been in the' , !lii;-bmit h hospital fur isoms 'time' ' fr treatment. j, Mrs V. W Willi, is in bad health: i '"-' -bee- for ome time Hone he may stfon 'r feltiver and be her1 former self again. We noticed on our streets Friday Mr. F. M. Stephens of Boardman anH lipv. .T -T Spm't nf (Irrnnr so Mr. I'j. V. Nye, Mrs. Shep Oil- er or Marietta and Mrs. Met artnerpredicted a better clay t Oaddysville were here one day last i week. j Why not have "clean-up day" in !Fiirmont True, towns can be found, doubtless, in vvi-rse condition than this, but conditions could be great-. Iy improved, if everybody here would :" the ' ;ng must bo done. Trash' or different kinds accumulates be-' l-'e eie re ard will be s "summer retort" for thousands of flies. None n-eil to fear flies nn:l bu.'.ards. in' thv years j.-one by they were regard ed a; i.eee-sary seaveugers of filth, but ta-day they should be regarded as unfriendly neighbors more to be dreaded and feared in ahis country thi famine. ; Then about living premises, tin j ans and the like left standing sol as to catch and hold water will serve as breeding places for mosquitoes. ! Remove every worthless thing from j the home and let the toads have full j sway in the yard to devour the trou blesome insects and then you can lie ciown and sleep in peace, provide-' yecr conscience is right with your God and your neighlnr We say deliver us from the song of the mosouito when we are sleepy and tired. If he would take his sup ner and sav less about it we would stand his invasions better. Let us clean up any way. What do you say? w. w. w. Hopes to sented See Robeson Well Renre. -at Baraca-Philathea Con- vention. Cerrespondence of The Robeson. Rarnesville, Apr. 19 Dear Baracas and Philaheas: This week we are nat urally more interested in the com- ina- State convention, which is to be! held in Raleigh the latter part of i the week, than we have been at anyj previous time. It is especially im.j PTtant .that just as many of us at tend this convention as possibly can i There are several very important ouestions. Or problems, that will like-! Iv be acted upon. As possibly most f us know, the progr am is one of i tv-" ni-t excellent ever arranged for; a State convention in North Caro- 'inn. In short, the trip will be well ! worth the time and cost, and will be something worth while. i Hoping to see Robeson county ful-j Iv represented, by seeing delegates! from each and everv class, also dele-i gates to renresnt the Courtv Union. I BOYD WILLIAMS. SWAT THE FLY" Flies and Mosquitoes Discussed at Meeting of Farm Women's Club. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Back Swamp (Lumbertonf K -i), Anril 17 The United Farm - Wom en s L,luo oi nacK ftwamti was en tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs D. H. Britt Sr., on Wednesdav aternoon. April 14th. all the club being present, flies andj -osouitoes being the subject under! SI'' ssion interetiiirr am' instructive ' ry flies were read by W. N. Town-end and Will T- wis; on mosniites bv Mrs M. M. " ngletary: and Mrs. John T. Sin Hetary read a very practical . and 'nast interesting paper on "Methods id Cost of Screen-- " After a gen eral discussion of the papers read, a social hour was pnent. most delight ful music being furnished by Miss Angusta Britt; and last, b;t not least, delicious refreshments served by Mrs. and Miss Britt. Those present not members of the Hub, were Misses Flora and Dora Thompson of McDonalds and Mrs W. R. Tyner and Miss Flora Carlyle of Lowe The club held a mosjt interesting and enjoyable meeting and all went home more than ever determined to "Swat the Fly." of Debate and Other Exercises at ("lose j of Successful School More Diver j Mf'.'d Farming Than Ever Before Tobacco Plants Small. Correspondence of The Rebesonian Gaddysville (Fairmont, R. 1), Apr. ,15 Wednesday night, April 11. was an eventful night fur G iddvsville at the close of a mo-a successful school ; taught by Mr. O. R. Mclnt.yre, whose 'efficiency and skill have won a great li-tinct'on for him. In fart. he can ' numbered among the best teach.. its in the State. The cNercises consisted of two readings on "Truth" and "Selfishness" i v Mi -es Neva Ga.ldv and Viola P.ul- . re.-pectivcly. Tr.ev were gems act. the best we ever heard. If i ; dvi'-e riven in. the-'e excellent pieces was taken by ever body to heart there wo:. Id be a change in the 1 ra, oi l wot'l'l. A donate was gtv renrest -native- of- toe Philo--ia n Literary Club. The query d was, "Resolved. That th of Suffrage Should N: be Re- 1 on Ace unit of Sex " The af- mat i! ebat Re hf o t icte.l fi i mat i v .."'.'lies ; n :'ati. W V !'!!! ; th-.ei.' i ( I y . pr.iial i csui ,12'e Special- 1 was hooter was ( :i ;.n.a. oil I e I iv uph 1 1 l.y Me P.aUoek. -srs. the srs. I o. 1 Don nded d (Ira 11 y rbo es Me SI..), c r t nemse lit. itivi ei Intyre has do;i" himself n the skj.ll aa persevering he ha- s'roun jo our school. menti.n is deserved in, the -horoMieji co .operatioii hi' has shown in our club; He has heipetl to make it what it is We had the pleasure !,,f shaking Beloved Jno. Warwick's hand, he being one of our judges. We can never forget F. M. Barnes T VVr!rn-iL- frr tfipi. nnrt done by Gaddysvalle. Mr. Parnes not far in the , future. Mr. Warwick came and or. a literary society and helped gtinied to build us a lasting reputation. He and Messrs. Barnes and Mclntyre de- serve special credit ter their praise worthy deeds in behalf of Gaddvs ville. ' The farmers are abr.ut through planting corn and some are plant ing cotteii. There will be more di versified farming than ever. Less 4'e . tilier is being used. To prove it, -iv.' filler,.' used 27 tons in 101! and in l'H") 1 -2 tos of cheap stuff. Tobacco plant. are very small for the time of year ard .-omo very un r ivisable kite planting will take place. j SHANNON NEWS NOTES j Death of Rev. M. B. McLaughlin School (loses Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Shannon, Apr. 14 We are sorry to report the death of Rev. M. B. McLaughlin of Effingham, S. C. which occurred at a hospital in Flor ence, S. C, on the 5th inst. Rev. Mr. McLaughlin was a son of Es quire D. B. McLaughlin, who lives on the rural mute from this place. His remains nvere interred "in tho cemetev at Antioch chuch where the funeral was conducted by Rev. V. R. Gaston, assisted by Rev. J. J. Hill, D. D. of Red Springs and Rev. Mr Brown of Raeford. Rev. Mr. Mc Laughlin is survived by :i wife and three small children, an ag;jd father and seven brothers. We extend our deepest sympathies to the bereaved ones. Mr. Marshall Cobb spent last night here with relatives. We were glad to learn of little Miss Kate Currie winning the prize as best speller in the grammar j radec at the county commencement. Miss Kate is one of our brightest! pupils and has many friends here wh: rejoice in her victory. j We are glad to report Miss Mary I Morgan, who has been sick with gr'o. ' omewhat better and hope she will con be out again. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mcl'hHl and; children of Red Springs spent San-! ay at the home of Mr. and Mr.;.! D. O. Currie. . ! Mr. and Miss T. J. Conoly of j ic tetord spent fcunuay at tne nome of Mr. Conoly's mother, Mrs. Sal lie A. Conoly. Shannon .school closed on Wed nesday of last week with no com mencement exercises. Baraca-Phr.lathea Convention In Ral- eight This Week. From Baraca-Philathea Headquarters, Greensboro The Baraca-Philathea convention in Raleigh this week, beginning Thurs day evening, April 22nd, is creating widespread interest among the voung "Clrsu ' people of the Sunday schools of this members oftr.4.r . n. .-'Late, ul ao l i(tit:Mcui ueo-jmiiiu- tion. Over 700 regular delegates have enrolled at Baraca-Philathea Heal- ! ouarters, Greensbeiro, with several idays ahead for those who lopnen to i be late in deciding 'o go. I la addition to the regulcr dele j gr.tes. several hunred visit-r ; will . r.ttend the convention. csr.-eMlIy on Sunday. Wilson and I lender 701 cr f er.deavorinf to secure an r't-ndance fficient ta run speck.' trati for i 'he Sunday meeting-, wh:!r the Charlotte delegates, acronty r.ied bv a. ujmber from Gas)nia, will go in a 'pecial car. It is well understood that lo cal committee on homes in I'l have secured plentv of he-r.aj the delegates at $1.00 each Drr day. two in a room, and tho.-e w'u pre fer hotel entertainment will lack nothing in the splendid hotels of the Capital City. Mr. W. L. Townsend cf Rowland is in town today. Mr. James A. McNeill of Red Springs Died Yesteruay. Mr. James A. McNeill, a leading merchant of Reel Springs, died at hi home there yesterday morning at 1 o'clock of apoplexey. Mr. Mc Neill was 78 years oil. Tiio funeral will be held in Red Spring., this afternoon at o'clock by his pastor, Kev. II. C, . Hill. In terment will be made in the A Noway cemetery. Decease, was a member of , the Red Springs Presbyterian church 'and' took an active part in all chur n work. He is survived by his wife, three daughters Mrs W. E. Gar rett, and Misses Mamie and Carrie McNeill, all -of Red Springs and one si ter, Mrs. M. E. McKinn(,n of Max ton . I T.V F.RAl. Or MRS. E. E. PAtiE Death Occurred Thursday Nielit at Home Here Remains Interred at White Pond. The funeral of Mrs I E. Pare. whose death occurred the northern part of night at 10 o'clock. at her home is town Thar- lav was conducted iy Rev. io'-pel W. D. Combs, p:istor ef the Tabernacle, from tlie T.aber- "wlc, Saturday miirmn' at f o cloek. The remains were then taken to White Pond, in the southern part of the county, where a second funeral wa conducted by Mr. Combs from the White. Pond Gospel1" Tafrehiacle, nfw 'T "which interment ' was made in the family burying grounds near the church. The pall bearers were Messrs. M. W. Floyd, G. B. McLeod. R. E. Lee, I. V. Hooper, E. B. Freeman, H. H. Redfern and J II . Floyd. Large crowds attended the funeral, both here an, at White Pond land the floral efferimr.- were num. er(lu and beautiful and showed in part the high esteem in which de ceased was held by her acquainted-' Deceased vr- -12 yt ntr? of age ar.d had since gii'lood been a member e.f Hog SVarnu Paptit church. She was a lovable Christian character an 1 this, with her kind acts, w()n the love and admiration of rd! who ksew her She is ur"ivd by her husband and In children- - five bov and five p-irl These are Mes-'s , p.. icjus a1 d V.. E. Jr.. of l,Vr,"on; U. S. Pare of LaGryngo; S M. Paw of Halifax; and Misses Letha, Lizzie May, Nesbit. Edna and Dotsey, who lived with their parents here. REGISTER FOR HIGH SCHOOL BONDS ELECTION A new registration has been ordered for the election on the question of making Lumberton township a high school district, issuiner bonds in the sum of $20,000, and levying a special tax for maintenance. In order to vote in this election it is necessarv to register. The registration books are kept open every Saturday at the court house bv Mr. A. E. Spivev. Onlv two Saturdays remain in which one may reg ister. It will be too late to register if one fails to regis ter either Saturday of this week, the 24th. or Saturday of next week, Mav 1 Fro-'t was rencrted in this sec Saturdiv ard yesterdiy morn- tion 'tigs very light, of-cot rse. -Mr'. W. P. McAllister went Fri- iiv to Kicnmeni. va., wnere sue en-, tercd a ho--nital for treatment. --Material h being placed on the" fro n l for remorli-lin" th" Pastime! thr.-itre. The plans for thu work wi'l brt drawn bv Mr. J. M. Russell. b-al 'jrehitert. The building will b" mad-? leinger. the ceiling will be -lit-e-j an(j an inclined floor wll be put in. The Fayetteville basketball team located the Lumbertort team in a 'am here Friday afternoon by a score of 24 to ft. The g'rli, played fine ball cn both side. This is the oo"ond time that Lumberton has been 4'fead y Fayettevilfn. Lumber ton will meet the Raeford team at Raeford this afternoon and it 's ex nerted that they will come home vic torious. Mrs. B. W. Page and her sis ter Miss Julia R. Culbreth delight 1 the co"gregation at Chestnut Street Methodist church, where Mrs. Pr.go is choir leader, yesterday morn V' with a duet, which was fault lessly rendered. Miss Culbreth, who been a guest at the home of and Mrs. Page since Saturday, " ill ret! rn this evening or tomor row morning to Maxton. where she ': teacher of voice at Carolina Ce.I kge. Miss Rosa Lee Lytch ' among the shopners ef Rowland town to ir d iv Mr. William McLean ef St. Pa among the business visitors ld? in town today Mr. T. L. Johnson ret imed this morning from Richmond. Va., where ighhe spent several days on legal bus fort Iness Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Stacy re turned this morning from Rowland, where -thev spent the week-end vis iting relatives ' Mr. Howard McNLair of Maxton passed through town this morning en route to WThitevill, where he will spend some time on business. Licence ha been issued for the irriage of H J. Pevm and Emma init'an; (imvrr McMillan an,l Ber- liadd Mrs Mai. . Ren (;. r len, where ovd left 'he as !aes in Saturday uramnti her fath- tor 1 t r' on acrou.-,t t . family. -Sheriff R E. Lewis are paying their ' ixes says folks right, along i advertised nice tee line! n.a . ,e lor sale. .no wonder. -Mr. (; S. HarroII of route I from Ueunert, was a Lumberton visi tor Sat .r lay. Mr. Harrellr reports Mr.t's Lightening up arounel Rcn- l:ei Mr. T. T. Walters of roue 1 i i'.arne- v il!e -,v i - in town Katur Mr. Winters reports the far - well up v,,h' work iewo ho. r'1t" .Mi i.lli il" ot. -.1 mi. t t;.a the ti 'llte-l brii ging 9 ') '.- I on the e:hi.g !i . Thi is 71 e -I'll i new nigh the Euro- i'.,r Wa -Red Mr:. J:l Tit rigs asp Mr (In 1 1 ;y,en i'e U! Mr. aid -ved to St. i mui wnei-e .nr i.i-p hold ; a ug pos-(,'om- ion w 1 1 ,t ham t.i"tv in trial tiau' -a -Rev. L. L. Na-h, D. I)., evange list of the oith iroliaa Conference, pa sod thr-jujh town Satur lay en route to St. Pauls, where yesterday ii-Msftnu at eyi)f ro wtings. - Tobacco farmers, a gouel many of them, say that notwithstanding the cold weather and late spring they will get out lots of the weed this week if they can get a season. Mr A. E. Spivey received thin morning from S. M. Art, recruit ing officer at Charlotte, the follow ing telegram: "A member of the re esii'ing party v. ill arrive tomor row." . In giving the names of the win re rs of the prize.-; in the athlei ie con test at the county orn'-'iencement April !', the t,:ni: of McRao Purvis appeared as the winner of 410-yard lah. The name should have been A-hian B of the Purvin choc I. The public s'-hos! a? Raft Swamp W! .e fhursda,' o. week. lodging was pi.1 from the programme, which lished in Thur-dav's Robe- son i a n. both the day and night ex- eiaises will he well worth attending. Ques.-de Prevatt and Anna Edgerton are the teachers. A change has recently been made in the time for closing mail for Seaboard train No. 20, west-bound, due at 10:05 p. m. The mail ha formerly been closed at 8 o'clock, but will not be closed till 9 o'clock in the future The time of closing mail for V. & C. S. train 78, which leaves at 8:45 p. m ,'has been chang- ed from 7:30 to 8:15. Those who attended the closing exercises of the Long Branch public school Friday night report a credit able entertainment that showed th children had been well trained. The" session just closed was declared by the patrons as being one of the very best in the history of the school. Mr. N. C. Long and Miss Eupheirm Tyson were the teachers. Mr. J. W. McShaw, a hard-work-,i-' farmer of - the Long Branch se- ' ya, was in town Saturday. Mr, .'!'-S,haw bought about $10 worth of "toeerics and clothing and left it :n v. wagon for a short time and n returning to his wagon found that ',mebo!y had stolen the whole lot. it don't pay te leave things out where folks can pick them up. Mr. J. Thomas Thorndyke, who had been spending some time here visiting friends and relatives, went Friday night to Escanabi, Michigan, where he will spend the summer with friends and relatives, after which he will take up his duties with .the Goodrich Steamship Company as wireless operator. Mr. Thorndyke was formerly a non-commissioned of ficer of the United States Marine Corps. The piano contest which haf been going on at Cartee'g 5, 10 and 25 cent store for the last six months, closed Thursday night with Miss Letha Page of Lumberton as wi. ner of the piano. Miss Page receiv ed 14,910,703 votes. Miss I0la Ivey stood second in the contest, receiv ing rl,(J64,530 votes. JShe received a 20-year Elgin watch. Misses Mar garet Fenston, Laura Prevatte and Lula Johnsejfi also received watches. A brick wall has been erected on the south side of the old cemetery near the union station. When the treet was cut down for paving re- utlv several graves were cut into, vd in some instances bones and parts f burial, fixtures were fojr.d. The raves were so old that no one here ht.d an idea who was laid to rest in them. The wall was constructed . keep the side from washing dur !r,g heavy rains. Mr. W. J. Dubois s..d(i Friday ta Mr. C. C. Stophel 'of CKadbourn th" ;tock and fixtures of the Lura bei .0" bakerv Mr. Dubois has n(it !.! d where he will locate. t! th .-. and Mrs: 'Dubois have made many friends since they came to Lumberton. who will be sorry to learn that they will leave town. Mr. Dubois is an active c Inarch worker rnd will be greatly missed in many ways. Mr. Stophel is an experienc ed baker and no doubt will conduct the bakery on a high seale. (

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