THE ROBESONUH THURSDAY, MAY 13. 1915 m PAGE FIVE THE ROBESONIAN Office 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1915 EVERYBODY'S COLUMN THE ROBESONIAN IS THE PRO DUCTIVE ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR THIS SECTION OF NORTH CAROLINA. ADVERTISEMENTS PLACED HERE PAY THE AD VERTISER , A THOUSAND PER CENT OFTEN'. THEY ALWAYS PAY THE READERS BECAUSE THEY TELL WHO HAS SOME THING TO SELL OIVWHO WANTS TO BUY SOMETHING. IFJOU HAVEN'T ANYTHING TO ADVER TISE, READ ABOUT THOSE WHO DFOR A LIMITED TIME,, ALL SUBSCRIBERS OF THE ROBE SONIAN MAY USE THIS COLUMN Tr rrxxrrx I VClTIiTI ONS Ot CERTAIN CLASSES OF ADVER TISEMENTS. ADS OF CHICKENS, EGGS, STOCK OF ALL KINDS, TENANTS WANTED, FARMS WANTED, JOB WANTED, PER SONS WANTED FOR JOBS, AND SUCH LIKE ADS WILL BE IN SERTED FREE. WANTED LIVE ENERGETIC, young business man with capital of his own one thousand up, to invest in an exclusive shoe store backed and co-operated with i by one of the largest and oldest whole. sale shoe concerns in w Strictly business proposition. Aa-j-o qua. Wilmineton, JN. j. BUICK CAR FOR SALE, IN GOOD at a bargain, i. Lewis, St. Pauls, N. C. an A MDG TtON'T FOR KUlJDt.1V SW"" t, IV,., pet that you can have your Rubber Stamps made right here in Lum. berton by the Freeman Printing Company! -Give them your orders. -Sotisfaction guaranteed. Overnight Relief For Constipationl When the bowels become clog ged with a mas, of poisonous stomach waste, sick headache with all its attendent misery .belching of sour stomach gases, bloat and general dicomfort are sure to fol low. A mild, pleasant laxative-tonic that will carry off the congested mass without upsetting the stom ach or griping the bowels, is the combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin sold in drug stores under the name of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin. A dose tak en just before retiring will afford grateful relief next morning, with out unpleasantness or discomfort. , Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the ideal family remedy, especial ly for the women and children and old folks. A free trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 452 Washington St., Montic'ello, 111. NEW STOCK OF Ladies' Cameo Rings AT Boylin's Jewelry Store MISS MILDRED McINTYRE'S RE CITAL LoVely Millinery! Exclusive Models WE INVITE YOU to call and see our lovely millinery. You will be deltehted with the Ex clusive Models we show. Styles for every occasion Come try them on. Ou. reasonable prices will please you. MISS JOSEPHINE BREECE SUCCESSFUL MEN i JOnN JACOB ASTOR America" flmt millionaire, wu a W far M1 mnn. He tfft th! Httl vil lage of Waldorf on the Rhine to come t this country of wonderful opportunities to engage in the business of fllln piano, but he aoon learned that ther was more profit In the fur business. I (rood yara and bad years, he prospered berau!e under all circumstance ha wil a rigid economist and close trader. Ry the cloee of the eighteenth centurr. he was the rl best man In the United Plates. Then, as hi wealth continued; to grow, he did something which nearly everybody thousht was foolUh. ft bought land on Manhattan Island, far bevond the developed section, which to the ordinary vlssm was not likely to b en.rtwu:hed upon by the then little city for K'neratJons to come. The wisest men lr New Tork snUi he was Inviting ruin, tvinit t vnst sums in unproductive land' that m-a,nt nothing but taacs. But he kept on v.ivJng Sar.d. In he dW leaving an mui wnrth over JJrt.l'.o.OOO. An Artistic Program Presented at Meredith College by Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mclntyre of Lumberton. Raleigh News and Observer, 9th. , TKo auditorium of Meredith Col lege was transformed into a beauti ful rose garden last evening upon rh occasion of Miss Mclntyre's re cital, marking her graduation in voice. The program tas carefully select ed and contained numbers selected from the masternieces of vocal writ ing. At the very outset the singer showed herself in absolute posses sion of her powers of interpretation .nd voice and as tne program pro gressed she added delightful color and nuance to her work. Miss Mclntyre's voice nas some thing besides power and correct placement, it nas.. tnat, rate, .mh-- PERSONAL WANTED LIGHTWOOD ON SUB SpSonT Bring to Robes0man office. FIELD PEAS FOR SALE, ALL VA- rieties Worthington & Corey, Ay den, N. C. WHEN PLANNING FOR DINNER remember the Britt Grocery Co. has fresh fish and shad every day. Phone 215. Rowland Britt, Manager. BUY YOUR SIMPKINS IDEAL cotton seed from J. T. Biggs. BETHUNE'S ANNUAL EDUCA tional tour of Washington is con ducted principally for school teach ers and pupils. THE "CASH STORE," ST. PAULS, invites ladies to inspect its line of spring millinery. ' LIVERY STABLE FOR RENT. AP- ply to Stephen Mclntyre. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THAT Educational Tour of Washington write W. K. Bethune, Lumberton, N. C. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE APPLY at Robesonian office. BETHUNE'S ANNUAL Education al Tour of Washington, D. C.,jwill v j i7nr in June. A wees DB mauc j . , to be spent at the Nation's cap ital all for $2.&u. LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PAT. terna for sale at K. M. Biggs. Regular Monthly Meeting of Daugh iT,r rv,nhlv meetine of ine retuioi j nf tne wjiucuwovji , aay1. afternoon at -the home ,oJ the nresii ent, Mrs. presiuci , meetintf was inlc'"1 "r r " riv an ice- Seam supper some time dunng next month Invitations reading as fol; Ks were received by the Chapter: The North Carolina Division United Daughters of the Confederacy invite you to be present at The Laying of the Corner Stone of the Confederate Women's Home Monday afternoon, May tenth Nineteen hundred and fifteen at two-thirty o'clock Fayetteville, North Carolina LlitiL so many v..- r lie today would give much to pos sessit has sympathy and very im portant qualities so often overlook ed by teachers today, whose atten rplv taken ud with VAVSii - - 'J i producing vocal pyrotechnics and not onaiio-h with chnwin? the Dunil what the warm tints 0f the human voice can do. i Miss Mclntyre's diction in r rencn and Hprman were most admirable: and carried the dramatic and V1(i- uant meanings oi her texts siraignu to her audience. Her rendition of! the dramatic Aria, from the opera j Samson and Delilah, was a surprise, I f0r she carried a splendid picture qf the operatic picture with it. . This ; Aria is often attempted by voung i . I 1 14- ViAimn tVPTYl I Fingers wno imu - :ju"u But Miss Mclntyre handled it with surety and contrasting color. In the group of English songs, she carried her audience witn ner i keen enjoyment of the whole after noon of niucn pleasure. in una - roup she wa assisted by Miss Mary Pruette at the organ, whose accom noinmont was svmDathetic and gave a beautiful background to the song "O Dry Those Tears", miss rruewe gave just enougn color to me wgan onmninimint to fill out the or chestral support this song is often heard with, and a creaitaDie point in her playing of it that sne naa trans w.r.nA if ff flip ennvpnipnee nf the violin and piano part, which showed excellent musiciansnip. ine wnoie program was accompanied by Miss Helen Day, who is Miss Mclntyre's teacher, . Miss Day's accompaniments, ar always a delight and the singers know this. R0ses and flowers of all Kinds everywhere, the young ladies of MteroHifh Tollpp-e made a picture for the singer that was enough to in spire her to her Dest enons, ana she felt the applause and encour agement of the enthusiastic audi ence. Miss Mclntyre's ushers were: Miss Hattie Beasley, Mis Louise Town send, Miss Dixie Lamm, Miss Bob Pridgen, Miss Lavice (Jhambliss, miss Nell Covington. Mr. Erwin Walters of route 1 from Fairmont is in town today. Mr. R. C. Odum of route 6 from Lumberton is in town today. Mr. A. R. Lewis of route 3 from Fairmont is in town today. Msl E. W. Bass of route 3 from Lumberton was in town yesterday. Mr Ww R. Ivey of Parkton was among the visitors in town Mon-rlav Mr. Sam Smith of Raynham was among the visitors in town yester- Recorder A. E. Floyd of Fair mont is among the visitors in town trdav Mr N. T. McLean of Rowland was among the people attended court Tuesday. Mr N. A. Ratlev of Fairmont, rnntp L was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr J.-S. Oliver of Marietta was among the business visitors in town yesterday. Mr. F. A. Faulk of route 1 from Fairmont is among the visitors in town today. Mr .T H Sutton nf route 4 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. Miles Prevatt of route 3 from Lumberton was among the visitors in town this morning. Messrs. Rossie and Carl Britt of route 1 from Orrum are among the visitors in town today. Mpssrs. J. Z Stone and Norley Rritt of Mt. "Eliam are among the visitors in town today. Mpssrs H. A. McKinnon and J. P. Wiggins of the Maxtor bar, were here yesterday on legal Dusiness. Mr W. W). Hester, a leading mer chant of Bladen'boro, was among the business visitors in town tnis morn ine. Mrs. J. M. Hamlin and Miss Ruth O'Brien of Durham arrived Tuesday and are guests at tne nome oi uirs I. L Pope, Third street. Miaa Ronnie Barker returned yes terday from Parkton, where she at tended the Parkton commencement. . . i m : t : She was accompanied oy j.uss iiuiM Turnley, a member of the faculty of the school, who will spend some time visiting Miss JBarKef. UNLESS THE BLOOD IS PURE won ran't. pxnert to have a healthv. energetic body or a clear, cheerful mind. Whe the blood is poisoned .prl. indigestion, ner- ous dyspepsia, rheumatism, scrofula and a host of other ills bring bad ht!th nd unhappin.sf. Mrs. Jue f'eron.'s (.Remedy quickly purifies the blood, aids it to resume its work of carrvinsr life and energy to every part of the body; tones up the system, and drives away disease ana Mrs .Tne Persnn's Reme dy is a vegetable compound scientif ically prepared irom tne purest in gredients; and nas Deen usea success fully for forty years. lour dealer snouid nave iu n he hasn't send his name and $1 to thA manufarturers for a large bot tle. Remedy Sales Corporation, rVlorlnH-O M C, Mrs. Joe Person: wasn sno be used in connection with the rem edy for the cure of sores and the re lief of inflamed and congested sur faces. It is especially vaiuaoie lor women and should always be used for ulcerations. READY MONEY Land in New Y0rk made the Astor estate what it is today. Real estate is the foundation of wealth. There are a few men right in our own county who will become wealthy by dealing in real estate, a the present time they are accuraul atmg A SURPLUS IN OUR BANK when offered. They will be prepared for a "snap' them? 38 Are you one oi The Farmers and Merchants Bank, "The Home of saving. Jsfk SOLD BY N. Jacobi Hardware Co. Wilmington, N. C. AFTERMATH Featuring Virginia Pearson and Owen Moore. A modern drama of Error and Atonement, the thrilling story of two souls that emerge from the depths PASTIME THEATRE FRIDAY MAY 14 In 4 REELS MOTION PICTURES one of the greatest pictures. 0n the Paramount Program Show opens at 2 o'clock, ri s ata 10 cents until 7 o'clock. After that hour 10 and 20 cents. The condition of Mr. Ben G. Floyd, who has been sick for sev eral days," is thought to be improved today. ' Reception at Yarborough Followed Recital. Raleigh News and Observer, 9th. One of the most charming social events marking the closing of the .oot titQ hpi, at. the Yarnorouen Hotel last evening. Miss jviimrea whose successful gradua tion recital was held in the after noon, entertained a large number ot the students and teacners at dinner. A superb menu was served and the whole evening 'was given iover to the most delightful reception. Be sides the guest, wha were mostly from North Carolina, the company included Miss Carolina Nite, of j Pittsburg, Pa., and Miss Margaret McMurray of New York City. Among the other guesta were: Laviece Chambliss, Carrie White, Hattie Rpaslev. Louise Townsend, Margaret McMurray, Dixie Lamm, ;Mary Privette, fcunice unit, Ionian Howell, Beulah Bailey, Bob Pridgen, Nell Covington, Mrs. uay, miss Ger trude Royster, Mis, Helen Day, Miss Rosa Paschal, Mildred Mclntyre, Dr. and Mrs. Mclntyre, Albert Mildeji .berg. The out of town guests will remain iover for the Meredith College com jmencement and from the plans now in preparation this year's commence ment will be a Danner year. Whooping Cough "When my daughter had whooping cough she coughed so hard at one imu-that. ri had hemorrhage of the i lungs I was terribly alarmed about Iher condition. Seeing Chamberlain's ' Cough Remedy so highly recommend ed, I got her a bottle ana it reiiev- ' . . , T- r -.1. . ed the cougn at once, neiore had finished two bottles of this rem edy she wa entirely, well," writes Mrs. S. F. Grimes, Crooksville, Ohio. Obtainable everywhere. CHURCH NOTES Prnirram nf Entertainment to be vo- " Given by Junior League. The following programme will be rendered at Chestnut Street Meth odist church by the Junior League 0f that church Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock: Snnc? Subject: A Day's Work at a Time Memory verses: 2 Timothy IV Y, Matt. XXV 21. Solo Viola Edwards Lesson Illustrations: 1 Walter Lee Jenkins 2. Regan Floyd Prayer Piano solo fcisie inompson League benediction. Leader Hubert Stalvey. Miss Mollie Bell Hollowell is lady leader of the League. The public is cordially invited to attend the exercises. At the Movies. At the Pastime. ' TKo PpHtyip thpntre tolav i run ning the l(5th episode of "The Per ils of Pauline," which will be thrill ing in the extreme. A two-reel Es sany showing "G0lf Champion Chick Evans Linko with aweeaie, a ioi ine comedy will also be shown today. Tomorrow "Aftermath," leaturing Virginia Pearson ana uwen jiouic. 0ne of the Paramount Programs fpatures. will be shown. Mrs. Whitley has been engaged w sing tomorrow night and all who have heard her will want to hear her again.- Show opens at 2 o clock. Prices will be 5 and iu cents u. 7 o'clock, after that hour 10 and 20 cents. . . The Star theatre wisnes to an nounce to it- friends and tne pupuc v. i.o7 chMilH nnt fail to eet their codv of The Robesonian next Mon- . . - e : ..rill onnpav day, May n, ir ". "rr the story of the great serial story the "Master Key" which they begin running at the above theatre on Thursday, May 20. This story will ap pear every Monday in ine ruuU"- ian ficture new episuuc jl tre' every Thursday after, above date. Do not fail to read story anu wu Most thrilling mystify ing serial ever seen in your city. Tomorrow tney win uo way of Montana" ?n 3 parts, a dra- r.nrthu7PRt. from the book 'Ucl Ul lyWC itv.v... r by Wm. McLeod Raine wh0se works are well known, oaiuruay x comedy and thrilling drama. Always and 10c. STAR THEATRE Cool and Comfortable Remnninff Thursday May 20th. o - Greatest serial photo play ever realeased TOMORROW "Ridgeway of MonUna" in 3 parts. Drama of the Great North west from the book by Wm. McLeod Raine. 5 big reels every day, every one a feature. Yes, our pictures mme from CITIES! 5 d 10 cent, six days a week. 4:30 to 0:30 p. m. We originate, other, follow. I I WIS? v. & At the First Baptist. On next Sunday Pastor Chas. L. Greaves of the First Baptist church will be out of the city. His pulpit will be filled by Rev. R. E. Sentelle both morning and evening. Mr. Sentelle is a good preacher as well as a good school man and will have, messaces well worth hearing. it is hoped that the community will turn out and give him a good con gregation at botn services. Mr. Greaves goes to Murfreesboro, M n where nn next Sunday morn ing he preaches the bacculaureate hefore the Graduating class f Chowan College. In the evening of the same day he will deliver the missionary sermon before the facul ty an rl students of the same insti tution. He will return some time rext week. kTP try Ella HalL Garage Repairing Let me take all the, Carbon out! of your cylinders with my: Oxygen Car bon Remover. Stops over-heating and that spark knock that every au tomobile driver dreads. All Kinds of Automobile Springs in Stock T. A. RAMSAUR 107 Second St Quarterly Conference at Smiths Church May 17 The second quarterly conference for St. Paul circuit will be held at Smith's Church Monday, May 17. There will be services at 11 o'clock bv Dr.- Hall, presiding elder for this district, followed by the communion of the Lord', supper. Dinner will be served, on the grounds followed by a session of quarterly conference. All the official members of the above charge are urged to be present. A. J.. GROVES Pastor. The youngest leading star in the mo vies, 17 years old playing leading mlp in ereat serial "Master Key," beginning next Thursday, May 20th, at the Star theatre. TV,p -nnHitinn of Mrs N. A. Mc- T Ann ' M.Vist a a wn3 TP norteH in recent i-sue's of The Robesonian, developed a case of diphtheria while attending a meeting of the uoioniai Dames at Wilmington last week, is greatly im- Droved. She was aDie to return home Tuesday. Infection in the Air. Medical authorities agree that colds are infectious. In some cities children with colds are Darrea irom chools. Spring's changing weather brings many colds. The quickest and safe way to stop colds, coughs, and croup is to give Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Sold everywhere. Haillnsurance Say, Mr. Farmer Do you expect to make a good crop this year? Are you investing your time, money and labor in that crop? Suppose it is de stroyed by HAIL in June. Can you afford to stand the loss? Better let me write you a policy - " THE NATATORIAL CLUB in The Home Insurance Company of New York Cash asset, over $35,000,000.00 Q. T. WILLIAMS, Agent Lumberton, N. C. How To Give Quinine To Children. n ..t I .4 a M.rV nam vimi to SO tiLroved Quinine. It UTtels 9ynip. plea- act lO UK iwhwi bv. " . - " : Children Uke it and nerer know U ia Quinine. Also especially adapted to adulta who cannot Uke ordinary Quinine.Doea not nanseate nor eaanerounesiiorrlnrinf in the heal. Try rr.JT . . nnlninc for any pur- . . -w in. iinivf onitu package. TM nose. Ask lor Jounce oncinai pacuv. 1" lOfi, Natatorium Is Expected to be Ready for Use by Wednesday of This Week Rules. Reported for The Robesonian. a kiwinpui mpetinc of the Nata torial Club was held Thursday even ing with Mrs. R. K. Larlyie. The following rules have been in force since the club was organized last year. . Rules or the natatorial tiuu i riniv mfmhers of the club are allowed the privileges of the nata torium except sisters of the mem bers and sisters Must be chapercn ea by their sisters, who are members. 2 Age limit or memoeramp teen yeaTS. 3. No les3 than tnree memuers oic allowed to use the natatonum at the same time. This is fop protec tion. . . , 4 Huse guests oi memoers are al lowed the privilege of the natator ium , 5 Temporary citizens and members of non-tax payine families are not allowed membership. t Vr, married ladies are allowed to join the Natatorial Club. 7 There is an lmiauon ire $3.00, payable before entering the natatorium. 8. No boys shall be permitted the use of. the natatorium unaer j consideration and their presence as spectators will be looked upon as an intrusion. . A 11 llVv . 1 . open and ready for use by Wednes-

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