THE ROBESONIAN THURSDAY. Jir.N'E J. 1$15 31 USE PLATE ICE Made From Pure Artesian Water PHONE 138 And have the "Plate Ice Wagon" leave your daily supply. Prompt Attention Given Mail Orders i M. A. GEDDIE LUMBERTON, N. C. "ASK THOSE WHO USE IT" Spray With Red Devil Lye Makes old orchards produce; doubles the yield of garden and truck. Buy a can at your grocer s, spray and grow prize winners. whuFctBooM. Win. Schield Mfg. Co., St, Locks, Mo. WipKttm If 11 M m m V"' Va "t 'J ' ig3 Ir MEALS ARE NEVER LATE WHEN you're behind with your work, with only a few minutes in which to get supper then the handy NEW PERFECTION Oil Cookstove helps you to hurry. It lights at the touch of a match, and cooks rapidly like a gas stove. It regulates high or low, merely by raising or lowering the wick. It is easy to operate, easy to clean, easy to re-wick. Sold in 1, 2, 3 and 4 burner sizes by hardware, furniture and depart ment stores everywhere. NEW PERFECTION OVENS bake better because a current of fresh hot air passes continually over and under the food drying out the steam, and preventing soggi ness. This is an exclusive NEW PERFECTION advantage. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond Wlke Oil to obtain the best results in oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps. ION ES STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. (New Jersey) (BALTIMORE) Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. i Mi sgr man Newg KAn and Personals From Or- WINSTON-SALEM MAN rum. Correspondence o- The Robesonian. j Orrum, June 1 More rain, mere ; it . I- f rest, mnre rain, mnre rras In A lovrro o .- 7 A f v r U si . si. ntn-,J. 1 ELROD ECHOES F " . T ITC: Tiff ni irvt. . S4VEII KRllM fir ATI! " ' " r IS r LKB ' . , . . . yu '''ln't expect to have a healthy, E. Erwin Says Wonderful Rem- Store BrokM ,nto and Robh-d- -ly or a clear, cheerful edy Brought Him Astonish- Ul'fedhounds Lead to Home 0f """Vi e r)lfl 13 Poisoned Netrro -Personal : J..Z '. ' .l nerr- J. E. Irwin of Y4nston-Silem, NT r , r , " , "-yi"- rne.imamm. scrofula, , ms for a lone time the victim eepondence f The,r.n. , and a host of other .lis brine had the nnartprlv mttnr at H-noo,.;n of serious disorders of the stomach. EIrod, jne 1 Mrs Jim Clark ,ir, ! "ta,,n .ar'd "nn-appines. Mr?. Joe ....... rorr.rj' - . . ri - - . . . aii tie trie, al kinds of lu .met t ana . .V "V" '""""J' 'i..iu nunnei tne Or.e of the greatest features of !t tr, One day he took a dose of with Mr. Clark at Shann: work of 1 . w . . . . ..... Via it a uttoc ' 1 1 .'.u I the quarterly meeting: was the help- Wonderful Remedy and was aston- iui aaaress aenverea Dy iir. u. K. U'ne.l at the results. The hilt, he Varser nf the Lumberton bar. Mr sought had come He wrote: Varser is an able andf orceful ora- "I am satisfied through personal a"- tor. . use ol the lite-savine power.-, o. your Mrs. Anna McCall. who ha, been ' ' irrytr? " " , t- i-nr-" t cvrv Mrs. Mary Hubbard spent Mn-ii'JIt 'r ' bo'l': tones up the ya- tern, and r rives awav disease and i:.iv wun ner niece Mr. Jonn i - mitcrv Mrs ' t I , Rev. J J. Scott attende,! the Won.lerfu! Remedy. You have sav- . fc . Union Meeting at Barnesville Fri.lay e'' n,y llfeV 1 coull have hved but ' P 0 . 'ia few weeks more haf it r.ot been Kev. Mr. P(rter and w . cc.. , remedy. I am enclosing nt,ar whiteville r,asP . th, J-'I V fl ''- nam Fr.nk of list ,f friend sufferers who ought to J " LIZ i 7 k Uanufa-turers for sic here the past ses- have sime of vour" d "Tn en.r'.ute hme Remedy Sales Crp,, anj Saturday of last week. Miss Flora wno taught music here the past ses- have sme of vour Sir.n Of School, is viSltincr hpr Sistpr i Mm-r' W..nlort'lll l!i.moHi' irwrca Mrs. M. Shepherd. permanent results for stomach, liver f Mr. B. T. Frink of Bladenboro and intestinal ailments. Eat as ;'lr- " -icau ana daughter, was in town yesterday much and whatever you like. No Miss Ruby, were in Maxton shop- We are sorry to report the death more distress after eautinf. pressure ping Thursday, of the small Anht in, j 'as the stomach anl aro"nd Among the Confederate veterans from Houston, Texas, and Joe Person' Remedy vci'f .a'.Ie ; jr.ti . : r.fifi- cally prepare,) fr-m purest intrredi ents: n,i hi- beM ,:ed successfully fr-r forty yenrs. V . ' A 1 L ill . from i--iht T,o'.i!i nave it. ir he rii-i i. sen,) name an, ?1 to the a larire bottle .fi,.r f'Ui lnll. I - " ' - v ' ' M null, villi lUiir, other N. C. Mrs. Joe Person's Wash should be used in Connection with the Remedy for the cure of sores and the relief of inflame, ar,(j conireste,) surfaces. It is especially valuable for women", and shoul,) always be used for ul- tUMRMMAN NEWS BATCH iL. 1 f'. U4.4i . . . .i . 1 Mrs. Wi. A. Britt. The remains 1 0 1 11 nere to anen,I tne reunion i cerati0ns were buried near here yesterday Ju7e euaran ee?f not satisfactory Klcmo ,werMr- Mack Patter Mrs. S. A. Johnson, who haAeen SLf wS b. murned. Sat'SfaCtr Mr Welter Bndgers. Mr Pit Bi, ,,,,-ti, va t ' man MiHer an, Mr. John Bndgers. ver, is still unimproved. FAIRMONT DEPARTMENT , T.he s.tofe fJMr J "' P!e wa3 ( Sunday School Quarterly at Lennoi' Mr "Soggy" Floyd of Fairmont " 'uuucu n"e naay was a pleasant visitor here Sun.lavjNewa Notes, Personal Mention and Wt. The robber or robbers car p m ' Comment Movement to Start a r,ed off several pair, of shoes, 0ver- ' Mr' Willis Lawson renorts that! New Paper. alls, dry goods and canned goods. chickens have been leaving his home, By REV. W. W. WILLIS. but he caught the thief Sunday a large weasel. Central was scarcely settled when Mr H. T. Rollins begin his career of postal clerk between Charlotte and Wilmington in one of its mail cars. The 188 miles' journey between the two. places was rather an uncertain It was hard to ascertain the amount Corresnondence of The Robesonian. ot the loss as the goods were Fairmont, May 31 Rev. H. M. -etrewn from one end of the store to Dixon, pastor of the Presbyterian !the other. Bloodhounds were secur- In a Mail Car 36 Years ! church here, is preaching a few days, ed aK! as soon as piacej on the Charlotte Observer. (beginning on Friday night last. sceni iranea 10 a colore, mans The road-bed of the old Carolina j Messrs. Edgar Thompson and nuse not lar tr0m Mrod. lhe man. Bruce Baer are at home Ir0m their Jcnn i.yons, jr., ny name, was piac alma mater. Doubtless it seems 'ed under arrest and taken to Row gO0d to be free fom the study of ' land for a preliminay hearing. If books to enjoy the companionship of there are others implicated in the family and friends. ' case it is hoped that they will be Miss Fannie Thompson came home br()uirht to justice and by so doing Saturday p. m. She, too,, will enjoy avert some of the robbery going on in this community. proposition at that time. It was not unusual for the train to mire in the ' a rest lr0m books and hard study- Mr. Fred Pittman, of Birmingham, mud. On one occasion when this happened in th? McAIpine Creek cut, Ala., is here on a visit to relatives . Everitt, the CapfT-Ti: conductor, made in the 'Old North State" about a Delway, May 2!) The outlook for brakeman feel down an( see if the K' or ten days, s we are iniorm- -.u,,. KtJ.,.:. .... wheel was on the rail or in the mud.l- ' ' he coming year are practically set- Movement tor. New Paper umi. We understand that there is a The faculty, wUn the exception of Wlhen the brakeman announced that it was on the rail, the conductor siir-, naled for the engineer to pull ahead i movement on foot to start another the music teacher Miss Floyd, is al and the train finally got out, but Plr our c.ty, the Wilson Vr new The principal Prof. T 4- r u - nress and fixtures The first issue 'L- B. Olive of St. Paul, N. C, is a it lrt r v. K;r,..t .. ; press a n i nxiures. ine iirst, issue i i r, i miv be evnecte,! in the earlv Dart i man of excellent training and strik- wake ever seen in this country Rol- niii le t!kPlti-d 111 lne eany pan ,h, ,nM ,. , , ... J' ., of June intr personality. A graduate of Wake uns has been riding on the mai carl01 Jinlt- , ' ,, ... , , , , dwi neiurns aieei irap .....i-v iuuvKi .ini ...u c,..i Mr. James Inman who lives 0ut three years of successful experience, continuously for year'.? and he ,,i , : ,. : . ,. u . i ' . ,T'1V1I, u : 1..' 7 lr :!'.::lo miles from here, is the hapnv ' he is wide awake to the situation ...... v,Cm.. m-cui.y it i.e ner . , AI 0v.,p F lppino- nnothr iissi'.-sn oi a reiumeii sieei nan " which took unto itself wings and graduate of Wake Forest, with suc- the time and has the inclination. It : ...u.,ui I-U..4- " t...i :n lr:"Z" l, : " ..v flew awav Some time airo, a chick- cessful experience, is business man ... I -K1, c r iu,,o.11t-,eI uie ne : He ig a former teacher he CentraTTZo , ZT i, 'L trap hoping to and has already wo the confidence S 'ia,1flr " LmrV,hCe; aPP'hend the thing, whatever it; of the students. t i? I J t7 r T ' JimiU be, and when he returned to' Miss Ruby Catherine Johnson, an ifkiw t rml hnnW fir "" ini.tiLrate results, he found the trp: A. B. graduate of Meredith Col ft 1 f n Pone and "nothing doing" One week lee and formerly teacher of English S?h 11 aRre! later a large owF returned with the- in the Riedsville high school, has the trap properly adjusted to one foot. I English department. Colored Public Sch Ad at Shannon-i "wl w" shot killed and I Miiis Lilie "0Wa:'j teacher (f the Movement for New House ! measured four feet four inches from primary department an assistant in To the Editor of The Robesonian: liP tf of wings. That was a some f the other grade., comes to PuQt. iu, ; J gentleman of the feathered tribe 'the community highly recommended. X Roads Time to Plant Sweet Pq- taties Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Boardman, R. F. D., June 1 Rain! Rain! the heaviest rain of the sea son fell today about noon. It rain ed nearly two hours. The Sunday school rpiarterly held at Lennon's X Roads Sunday was a great success. The day was an ideal one. The music and recitations were good, beyond everyone's expectations. There were many visitors from dif ferent sections Marietta, Fairmont, Chadbourn and Bladenboro. Mr. Frank Koonce of. Chadbourn made a fine address, also Rev. A. H. Porter, who returned from. Houston, Texas, Saturday evening., where he attended the Southern Baptist Convention. Mr. Porter did not stay, as long as he anticipated in Texas. He reported good crops. Miss Sallie Brown, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Luther Ed wards, returned to her home at Halls boro Saturday morning. Mrs. J. Vi. Kelly was called to the bedside of her aunt, who is very ill, at Tabor. Mrs. Ashley Kelly of Fairmont Is spending this week with her mother er, Mrs. Jno. Davis. It is an ideal time to put out sweet potatoes arid they are a very valuable crop to grow good to eat, good for feed and valuable for the market. valuable paper to say a word about :IIe made restitution; but s0me folks She is a student of Meredith College thp nuhlic qrhinl at 9hinnrm ThP don't like to do that. Perhaps he de-! : the public school at Shannon. lhe returning the who has attained excellent success as -j'bhc school of District No. 4, closed 'v- 'V n ireillt Ior returning tne , may n. iToi. j . 11 . lsiey, princi-i" .w-.., j naK rptnrne.l tn bis hnmp at F.iir-I . "n veMiiiui0" The central dining hall, known as Now. that, local, are scarce, will the Alderman dining hall, is an add- the readers of this allow us to sug-; ed feature that meets a long-felt 'est. that in referring to the owl ! need. In this hall all of the students, mont on the 15th. Ethel B. Smith, his assistant, returned to her home - Trt..t I) C T IT T .. 1 J h?c o . ; "I "Ilhisrestiution. etc,-wehavealessonthe teachers and mothers will dine year and all hope they will decide j"f Preat importance when we c0pe , together to return next year. The school cel-!to consider "Restitution" in its j proper ligrn,. w nai is resumuun : It means to replace anything re moved, also, the undoing of what R. Outlook Good for Corn Crop In Bla den. The outlook is promising for the biggest corn crop ever poduced in Bladen and we feel sare in predict ing that our county wi'! for the first time since the days ' our Indian citizens produce as mu;-'t corn as it will consume. Don't neglect a summerT c ld- A bronchial cough causes broken sleep and lovver3 you vitality. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound soothes an,) heals raw, inflamed membranes, ftops tickling in throat and clears stuffy, wheezy breathing. Contains no opiates; children like it; good for all colds, coughs, croup and bron chial affections. Sold everywhere. We do Job Printing. ebrated George Washington's birth day and had a concert and collected money enough to repair the school nrnnertv. such as windownanes i has been lone- s that perfect pump, stove, and blackboards amend., have been made for the act A movement is on foot. t. hnild - . pertormed, 0r the w0rd spoKen school house near Shannon and all desire to see the new house com pleted by next fall. We thank the honorable board of education and Prof. J. R. Poole, superintendent, for their help in making the marvelous success for the school. The enrollment) bf children was Some things can be set right by restitution while others can not. Zaccheous the publican was made willing to restore fourfold to those whom he had fleeced when he came under the saving power of the Christ. Not until then did the Lord say "This day is salvation come un to this house for so much as he al- about 130 and there was not a single S( is 3 SOn of Abraham." Talk about case of smallpox, diphtheria, measles, whocpingcough or any other disease to hinder only the panic W. S. Shannon, N, C. Cumberland County Lawyer Sentenc ed to Roads. Favetteville Dispatch, May 2t. James II. Johnson, lawyer, farmer an,i former Republican member from Cumberland of the State Legislature. not e recalled repentance and complete salvation, if you please, but none are saved without the spirit of restitution first taking possession of the soul o that the subject of grace is made willing to undo the wrong done, whether he is fully able of himself to do this or not. The word spoken, if wrong, is without restitution. "Thou sh;flt not take the- name of the Lord thy God in vain". WThen done the word can- Thou shalt not on appeal from the recorder's e0urtlKI11- man can laKe 11Ie r"n can was found guiltv in Superior Curt ! n,,t ?-wc back llfe- "Th"u shalt m,t here todav of violating the prohibi-j stea1-" Here restitution can be tion law bv selling less than the le- j de hv returning the stolen goods, gal ouantitv of wine and sentenced to "Th"U h?t "0t l,ear faH W'tnCSS three months on the roads, which is!aPainst thy neighbor. WTien this the same sentence imnnseJ in the re- ! l 11 ,1Ke r llale h inscription, corder's court in February last. In May. 1914. Johnson was found guilty in another case of retailing and Judge Rountree release, him "What I have written I have writ ten." In the absence of restitution, where the word or act cannot be re called or undone comes pardon t'o the ,... ...v- 1,1 :r u u under a bnnd of $5D0 with the prom- '""-"V , 1V,1U vv(.,u,u " "e 1 ,u,u ise that he would appear in court!But Pdon f0r a crime doe5 not re twice a vear for two vears and re-!move the ill effects produced, by the . ill- Tu -l j1 crime I'rotanitv is pardonable but port good behavior Johnson failed i.. ' ' . " . r . : r !. 1 1 since the day Peter denied his Iord at the January. 15)15, term a capias was issued for him and process serv ed for this pesent May term. He having been called at th Jar with an oath, men have continued to swear, feeling sure that sometime, pardon would be granted when they would become anxious to receive it, r because Peter was forgiven. Rut many who have taken the rik have passed away too suddenly nary term and failed, on motion of Solicitor McLean ir was adjudged. t,i. ,.,,,, (trrno V , ' , ., ... 'to make amends, and the costs of the suit. Aft'"". this proceeding the solicitor movf V To Seep We in Surnmer that Johnson be disbarred and th? Plight inflammation of the bron- motion was continued. chial tube causes a distressing jcoiigh and makes sleep impossible.' Farmers, mechanics, railroaders, la-! Foley's Honey and- Tar Compound borers, rely n' Dr.4 Thomas' Eclectic 1 15 tons that, annoving tickling and re Oil Fine for cuts, burns, bruises. pieves the racking, tirnng cough.! Shou'd be kept in every home. 25cj;H J;r an cougns . croup an.t Dron- and 50c. cniai aiieciions. aoia every w nere. TOBACCO FLUES Now is the time to place your order for flues. Send us your speculations, giving size of barn and style of dues desired and we will have them made up and ready for you when in need of them EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE OUR SPECIALS: Tobacco Flues, Plumbing, Steam Heat ing, Machinery of all Kinds, Builders Supplies McAllister HARDWARE CO. LUMBERTON, N. C. N V

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