i ) t t it S3 13 3 I nr. TZZ COmONL&lf MONDAY, NOTEMBES I. MS PAGTTI i Mental erne nt o yif AT stoire The Thrill of the Century, the Sensation of Modern Merchan dising The Opportunity'of a lifetime will greet you from now until January the First. A $75,000 Stock ta select from, conceded to be the Greatest collection of General Merchandise in the two Carolinas. This is no hot air we are giving yoii. The Goods are in our Store and Warehouse to back up theassertion, and at prices that are simply paralyzing to all competition. We don't have spells'of Bargain-gixiiigIth-u it is an every day occurrence, You can come from far and near, with the absolute assurance that our ad speak only the truth, ' . -: '..,....:.."'-'- t - :- ?'.-, ; ...'' , :- . ; ' ' - . . '- Again we call your attention to the Safety and great advantage of spending your hard earned dollars with the concern that pays the Spot Cash and sells the same way. It "doesn't take a Solomon to readily see that this method of doing business is to the advantage of both buyer and seller. All we ask is that you give us the opportunity to show you. The result will take care of itself. : - : : : : : - " YARD GOODS ,! This includes all fancies, staples and everything we measure by the yard. ' ' ' . Ccttoh has advanced higher and higher. - Of this we are glad, being large- farmers ourselves, but, we assure you our prices have not advanced in keeping with the price of Cotton. "We are sell-' ing our Merchandise at prices - existing - when Cotton was 8 cents and even less per 'pound. : iWv:. Thousands cf yard3 Calicoes 5c North Carolina : Plaids . . ................. 5c Yard wide Sheeting, good smoothMerchandise, worth .7 l-2c for 6c In the Finer Goods, don't fail to see our French and Storm serges. 0,ld pricey prevail while every one knows these goods have ad vanced twenty per cent.' , YARD GOODS V - Fine Lustra Silks yard wide 49c Scotch Mixtures for Skirts, Broad Cloth and Repellents, all col ors, worth. 25 per cent more; than our prices. v ; Velvets and Corduroys in all popular "colorsr 5 Silks and silk trimmings, Brocades, Plaids and stripes, Messalines, yard wide goods- many will ask from ?1.25 np, our price 98c LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S READY TO WEAR We receive almost daily by express Ladies' Coat Suits, Coats and all the new things as they come on the market. Nice Fur-Trimmed Suits -in serges,, Poplins and new fabrics. $9.98 up. . Every Suit up to the minute in. style. ' "-, " Ladies' Coats in . the new sport length; new fabrics, fur trimmings, - hair-line plaids,-alt sizes, great array of the things'newand in greatest demand. Prices lower than elsewhere or you need not buy. y;y . v ' : SPECIAL. We have some suits slightly out of style in very fine goods, many easily changed to the up to date cut, prices were from $12.50 to $25.00. YOUR CHOICE while they last for only $5.00 r . ... LADIES' SILK WAISTS the newest things on the market. See the waist of silk Scotch plaid worth $1.50 for only 98c. An elegant line of Middy Blouse 49 and 98c. ! " " ' .. - "' SPECIAL." Misses Middy Blouse . Dresses, the things you have been wanting, made in Storm and French Serges. Very Nobby, sizes 12 to 17. :'- V FUR MUFFS AND SHAWLS We have the best line ever put on the market in this part of the State. The Genuine Goods, no imitations. Ladies, Misses and children can be supplied. ' ... MISSES AND CHILDREN We" were never in better shape to take care of you. Nice Coats fcx the little one in Cloth, Astrachan &c, prices 98c for sizes up to 8. ' . " CHILDREN'S SCHOOL DRESSES .... ................. . 49c These are most wonderful values. . INFANTS WRAPS. If you are looking for that which is beau tiful, see our silk wraps for the little ones, both long and shcrt. Infants Bedford Cord, lace trimmed wraps 98c Infants Cashmere Wraps that will please, you. - MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We have already sold more Millinery goods than we did the en tire season last year; there is a reason Prices and Styles. You an buy the same goods of us at about half. what you pay else where. It costs you nothing to see us before buying. Special attention is called to our line of 'Infants Caps. f l) t) O 4 n hi 11 fi Men's iottiino, Men's uriiishings, Boys- & Children's Supplies I Men's Suits, latest Mixtures, Invisible Plaids, Blue Serges, Pin Strips, &c. - Our prices are lower han others. ' In Children's and Boys' Suits we have a better line than we have ever shown, Suits with two pair "pants -worth $3.50 for $2.49. Blue "Serjre. Suits to fit Beys from 3 to 20 years, with knee pants, Juv enile Suits in the new "Oliver Twist',' styles. BOYS Mackinaw Coats with Cap, and Leggins to match.- Boys' Knee Pants. See us before you spend a dollar. . .7 MEN'S AND BOYS' SHIRTS, OVERALLS, WORK PANTS, JUMPERS," &c Regardless of the General Advance in -all goods in this line, we are still selling those good 50c work shirts fbr 39c. All other goods cn the same low level, The best Dollar. Shirt for 79c. Agents for the well known Arrow Brand Collars for men and boy3. Men's Wool Top Shirts 98c ": ; UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS Ladies' Double Stitch heavy Bleeched Vest and Pants 49c, Ribbed Goods for 25c, Bleeched Union Suits 49c, Children's Union Suits 25 to 39c, Boys' Heavy Flat Fleeced Union Suits 49c. Men's Fleeced Shirts and Lvawers Fifty Cent Goods for 39c. Haynes Shirts and Drawers 50c Garment, best goods made for the price. Haynes Union Suits for men 98c. All sizes. HOSIERY FOR THE FAMILY THE SOLDIER BOY AND BUSTER BROWN, NONE BETTER True Shape Fibre Silk, best 25c Goods made. Line of Cotton Hos iery at prices based on 7c Cotton, 1000 pairs Ladies Hose 5c. SHOES IN AN INDESCRIBABLE ASSORTMENT Our line "embraces the well known makes of Brown Shoe Company, Endicott Johnson & Co., "May Manton" Ladies Fine Shoes, "Skuf fer" Styles for lasting wear. A bargain Counter of Odds and Ends; you "may find what you want at less than hulf price. One counter goes at 98c. ' . ' . " LADIES, TAKE NOTICE We are agents for the Celebrated PICTORIAL REVIEW PAT TERNS, a stock of more than Three Thousand n hand, Fashion Books, new Patterns as they come out, Monthly Fashion sheets free. You all know these to be the most popular patterns sold. See us for your patterns. Mail Orders receive prompt attention. Patterns 15c. , ., t GROCERY DEPARTMENT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL You can buy of us at retail and get wholesale prices. We have recently completed a big" warehouse; we are in shape to handle large quantities. Buy your groceries of us. 10,000 pounds tobacco all well known brands, 25c pound. We Have a Few 50-Gallon Syrup Barrels For Sale For years we have been the people's friends, have Saved them Thousands of hard-earned Dollars, the liberal patronage we have enjoyed is thoroughly appreciated. We shall continue to be the gBargam Head quarters for those who appreciate a Real Bargain, and those who have profited by our method of Money Saving appreciate our untiring efforts by letting no. catchpenny methods draw them from us. ONLY AND ORIGINAL BARGAIN GIVERS - f I " . :!!: , if w riA