"V: THE ROBESONIAN t MONDAY, NOVEMBER, . 1915 tAoe four ri IiE KOBESONIAN Published NDAYS AND THURSDAYS By . PVM)MAN PUBLISHING. CO. SltARPE Pesident OlfK U7 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20 -' ikottred as second class mail matter t postoffice at Lumberton, N. C. ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES iM Year ............. $1.60 Months .75 are Months .45 MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 1, 1915 The Robesonisn has published the proclamation of Governor Craig, set ting apart November as Moonlight School Month in North Carolina, also a letter from State Supt. Joyner to teachers explaining fully the plan of the campaign for teaching adult il literates.. Mr. J. R. Poole, county superintendent of schools, says prep arations are being made to open1 moonlight schools in several sections of Robeson. It is understood that Supt. R. E. Sentelle of the Lum berton graded school is going to open a night school for adult illiterates in this township soon. This is a noble work that should engage the earnest ..attention of all who are interested in helping those who have not had the chance to learn to read and write. It is work that should not be left en tirely to the teachers, who are will ing enough and have volunteered in great numbers for the work but who are already overworked, in many in stances. Many who cannot read and write are excellent citizens. They simply never had the chance. And thereould be jicthingj iner thanto be the instrument in striking the scales from the eyes of these unfor. tunate ones and thereby opening up for them a wonderful new world. o i At the clase of his lecture Sat- urday night Dr. Albert Marion Hyde of Brockton, Mass., platform mana ger of the Chautauqua held here last week, said that on his Chautauqua rounds he had visited forty-two towns -since last June a.rA that T.umhertnn "has more of what we aHi live, I, Editor Sharpe will allow, most any , x, . 'cne spac- in the columns -of his yal- j.'in'xesiHve spine man any onerjrH p3T)er to exnress tbolr thoughts town" he had visited in North Car-, along this line, for I believe he will olina. By which we are persuaded.be right with us along this line, es that Dr. HvHi. is a ma- w.n irnnra ! pecially if he knows the condition of that Dr. Hyde is a man who knows a good thing when he sees, it. Dr hyd also complimented highly Mr. F. A. Crabtree, manager of the Thompson hotel, and said he hoped a Icrger and finer hotel would be giv en him to manage. And it is not ' fctrange that Dr. Hyde- discovered further that Lumberton needs a bet ter hotel. ... o : - The esteemed Lumberton" Roojsun ixn is an optimist, it sights the rift in-thedouds. It denies thac the sixih congressional dstrict, whicn ha-, staged many thrillers, including a series of fake conventions, is longer known as the "bloody sixth". It hails it as the "balmy sixth". But why not the palmy sixth, estimated by the incessanf and vigorous handshake ? . Wilmington Dispatch, ; Very good, let's call it the "palmy" sixth until after the next primary, when at least four good men and true are going to get kicked down stairs; and then The Dispatch may rename it. - o Friday, November 5, has been desig. nated by Governor Craig as official Arbor Day to be observed all over North Carolina in schools for planting trees, shrubs, etc. Schools that fail ed to observe North Carolina Day and Community Service Day last week might well ombine ithat program with Arbor Day. , o Recorder Carpenter Turns the Joke Maxton Scotish Chief. Lonzo Lowry and Link McMillan, Indians, cf Smiths, were before Re corder J. E. Carpenter last night up on the charge of stealing cotton seed from Mr. D. Z- Stewart. They con fessed to taking the seed but claimed that they did so to play a joke upon another Indian. The recorder turn ed the joke on them by sentencing Lowry for eight months and Mc Millan six months on the public roads Chairmen of both the Democratic and Repbhcan national committees have issued calls for meetings in Washington to select cities for the coming national conventions. The Democrats will meet on December 7, and the Republicans Decembjr 14 Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAI. APPLICATION'S, as th cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh la a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take in ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surface . Hall's Catarrh Cure is not m quack medicine.- It was prescribed by one of the best phy iclans tn this country for' years and is regular prescription. It is composed of th best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the flocous surfaces. The perfect comblna iion of the two ingredients Is what pro duces such wonderful results In curing tarrh. Send tor testimonials, free. W. J. CHENEY A CO.. Props... Toledo. O, . Sold by Druggists, price 75c i Hall s rum.Hr nils for sonstlpatloSx THE WHITEVlLtE ROAO "Texpayer" Thinks This the Sorriest ( Much-Used Road Robeson Bad ly "Neglected Ditscnssion of Impor tant Subject Invited. " -. - ,, V To tfc Editor oi. The Roheson'iani;? Wilt you please allow m; space in vointrl nnncr to exnress a.fiw -vvui v - lr - - . , 7 "a1"' Imi'iiMi n Rouason county.? .AS vc'u.and the readers of your paper knew, it's a little unusual subjzet to bring up thrc-ugh the newspapers, yet it is a very important subject.. . First I want to speak of .the road leading out from Lumberton to Fair mont. Well, no one coold hardly peak cf this road in any manner Txcept to say. it's in rood condition. Second, the road leading out to Row nd and Pembroke. These roads are ft ecod conctitfon. ' Third, -the road Pdf'iPT out to r.iizaotTiiown ' Vi"il h v the ihlin irr.) the' chain gr.ritf, w Ui soon be one of the best roads In th i county Well, look at al! ether, roa'U leading out from Lumberton aaJ you will -fmd every one in fair condition except oae. ' This is the road leading out to Whiteville, Bladenboro, Clark ton and many other places which it runs-near--DyrmaKing-ii-inenearcav route to travel, this rOad being irwn as the Whiteville road. wis, tn sav this road is th sorriest road throughout Robeson county that is used as mucn as tnis, me wnue- v:lle road, is usedc This road is kept up fairly well down about one mile from town. It just stays by it self so far as work concerns there on. wny aoni u Ret wumeu Drn't the teon!e through this sec tion pay any road .tax? " Are they not enuueu io me ucucj.iv i m tax money, or at least a part of .it? If so, we would sure be glad to get our road looked after better-than it is. If the money that is paid each year by the people throughout this section of the county could be used on the roads through the same sec tion, as it might be, we would have better roads than we ever .had. There we are helping to keep up the chain ganjr to biyjrMn other sections of the county but fet no benefit ofj it ourselves. We all know this is unfair. Will you show me one town ship in Robeson county, except Wish arts, that's never had the use of the chain gang in no way? We pay our road tax, but that't all; we certainly don't get any roads by it. I was just reading the Morning Star an item entitled "Drowned in a Mudhole," where one Mr. Esdras El more, a " well-known farmer of Le noir county, was drowned Jn a mud hole in the road Saturday afternoon. This paper stated that when Mr. El more was returning home from La Grange, he had an epileptic fit and fell from his buggy i na mud hole in the road and later was found drpwn ed. Well if such an awful thing as this occurs in Robeson county you lust as well say it occurred on the Whiteville road for there are many nlarea suitable for it' on this road. I would like to have the sentiment of the people through this section nn this rmestion. I am sure Mr. this road. . a TAX PAYER. Lrmbcrton, R. 5. Oct. 27, 1915. , We shall be glad to publish com munications from any who want to discuss roads. This is an important subject that ought to interest every tax paytr. Editor. WAR NOTES Germany Will .Submit Terms .of Peace Ldon Dispatch, Oct. 26. A Reuter despatch from Madrid says that Prince von Buelow, former German Chancellor, will shortly sub mit to President Wilson and King Al. nso of Spain an outline of the con ditions on which Germany might be disposed to discuss peace terms. The dispatch gives as authority Prince Camporeale an Italian nobleman, and brctherin-law of Prince von Buelow. Claim Made That Allies Have Attack ed Hospitals and Ambulances. Berlin Dispatch, Oct. 26. A statement issued today by the Overseas News Agency says the Al lies have attacked Turkish hospitals ar:r ambulances, in violation of inter national law. The latest attack is said to have been made by an Allied aeroplane August 27 on a Turkish hosnital on Gallipoli Peninsula. The statement says onft person was kuls l and three injured. - Washington dispatch, 25th: Condi tions throughout Mexico are showing marked improvement, according to an announcement today by secretary Lansing. The Secretary was able to cive an optimistic report of the sit uation to George Bakhmeteff, the Russian Ambassador, who made in quiries today preparatory, it is be lieved, to advising his government concerning recognition. The British and French Ambassadors recently made .similar inquiries and it is be ! evedmany of the European pow rs will in the near future recognize the Carranza government. New Store Bui'ding at St. Pauls. St. Pauls Messenger. The Howard Grocerv started work this week on a new brick store build ing on the lot next to the Bank of 8t. Pauls. We are glad to see work ;cf this kind so steadily kept up. Get Rid of Those Poisons in Your System! You will find Dr. King's New Life Pills a most satisfactory laxative la releasing the poisons from your sys. tern. Accumulated waste and pois onseause manifold ailments unless released. Dizziness, "spots before the eyes, blackness and a miserable feel ine trenerallv are indications that you need' Dr. King's New Life Pills. Take a dose tonight and you will ex perience grateful relief by morning, 25e. ADVERTISE in The ROBESONI 1 i Mr. William Stubbs of Purvis is 4 lumberton visitor today. Mr. Frank Nye of Orrcm is among thi visitors in town today. - 'Mr Isaac WUkins of route 7 fidm Lumberton is t in town today;' air. iJ . IS among the visitors invtown today Mr. J". B. Humphrey of Philadel phus is a Lumberton visitor today. - Mr..A. L. Smith cf rout? " from Buie was a Lumberton visitor Sator- J I J.T - Mr. II. T. Townsend, of -route 1 from- Buie? was af Lumberton ? visitor Thursday, v ; ,. . "'-. ;- , Mr. J. H. Smith of route 2 from St. Pauls was a Lumberton visitor this morning. - Mr. J;- T. Sanderson, 1 who lives rouie t irom uuie, is a L,umber- Afi-. E. D. Pittman of route 3 from X,unfj:r:on was among the visitors in Jr.. tlii3 morning, .-.-v; , Mr. D. M. McRae, who lives on route 1 from Mixton, waj a .Lumber, ton visitor .Saturday. . ; , . ''-Messrsr-EveTrtt Davis-ani Eiward Lewis, who live cut Bui? way, were Lumberton visitors Saturday. , Miss?s Annie Hpmpni?y end Grace McMillan of the Philadelphus rec tion were Lumberton visitorj Situr day." . - ;v ,-. . Miss Iva Pearson of Dunn, who had been a guest of Miss Lina Gough for a few days; returned home, last night. '. : , .- " ., Mr. and Mrs. Ben Suitt of Durham arrived Friday night and are guests at the home of Mrs. Suitt's mother, Mrs. Mamie Warwick, First street. Miss Kate Warwick left this morn, ing for Thomasville, where she is a matron at the Baptist Orphanage, af ?r spending some time here visiting relatives. t - - Miss , Hilda Weinstcin and broth, er, Master Robert, spent Wednesday of last week in Fayetteyille. Theyi mad the trip in Mr. A. Wemsteins new Overland auto. ; " " ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. Lewis and two children passed through town yes terday en route to their home at Marion, S. C, from Bladenboro, where they spent some time visiting rela tives. ' , ' '- , ' T(fI; Miss Sadie Thompson, studenji. at Flora MacDonald College at Red Springs, spent the week-end at home with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. N . AThompson. She will return to the college this afternoon. ' Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Barnes and children and Mrs . Dorcas Leggett spent yesterday at Barnesville at the home of Mr. Barnes' parents, Mr; and Mrs. R. R. Barnes. They made the trip in Mr. Barnes' auto. . Mr. S. F. Birthwright left Satur day for his home in Washington, D. Cf, where he holds a government po sition,s after spending several ;1ays here visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Biith wright formerly livedwhere and aas many friends who arevalways pleasefl when he comes 'back. 1 ' . .. 1 $. Notices of New Advertisements.' fi - Farm with 6-room dwelling L for sale.- J' f, Legal notice f resale of landT. L. Johnson, Dickson McLean, commissioners.- ' - ' Why not take that policy nowand be prepared LaFayette Mutual Life Insurance Co. ' f Cow and mule for sale. V Big cotton carnival of bargains R. D. Caldwell & Son. Program at Star theatre. -' Entire stock of merchandise of ;late John P. McNeill will be sold ire big sale beginning November 11. f . Furniture to fit the house K'M. Biggs. , How success is attained Farmers & Merchants Bank. I' Have a look at clothing of Town send Bros. Farms for rent K. M. Biggs, . Program at Pastime. ' b How to b e thoroughly arjned against ruin by f ire--Q . T, r- (Wil liams. " . ' An opportunity to buy winter shoes at prices unheard of before White & Gough. Rheumatism and Allied Pains They Must Go j The congestion of the blood in its flow causes pain. Sloan's Liniment penetrates to the congestion -and starts the blood to flow freely. The body's warmth is renewed; the pain is gone. The "man or woman who has rheumatism, neuralgia or other pain and fails to keep Sloan's Lini ment in their home is like a drown ing man refusing a rope." Why suf fer. Get a bottle of Sloan's. 25c and 50c. $1.00 bottle holds six times as muc a? 25c size. - KE H 5 O N A.L, Feel Bilious? Calomel Sickens! Clean Liver and Bowels my way DON'T LOSE A DAY'S WORK! IF CONSTIPATED, HEADACHY, TAKE A SPOONFUL OF "DODSON'S TONE. Listen to me! Take no more sick ening, salivating calomel when bil ious or constiated. Don't lose a day's work! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis tf the bones. Calomel, when it come,, into contact with sour bile crashes into it, break, ing it up. This is when you feel that awful, nausea and cramping. If you are sluggish and "all knocked out," if - your Jli verbis torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, toated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach our just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liv er Tone. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver 'Tone. Take a spoonful tonight and if it doesn't Special Attenti on White & Gough have just made ; purchase at Sheriff's Sale in Union S. C, a shoe. -stock dfi about ten thousand dollars' worths of shoes , being the entire store and fix tures" of tlie "Union Shoe Co". The stock embraces many of the best makes in the United States. These shoes should reach Lumbrrton a bout Thursday, the 4th of Nov. We shall then inaugurate a sale such as has nev er been known in this part of the State. An opportunity for everybody to buy their Winter Shoes at prices unheard of even in the hardest times. WHITE & GOUGH, INC LUMBERTON, N. C. Box Supper at Rennert Correspondence of The Robesonian . Kennert, Oct. 30. A box supper will .be given in the auditorium of Rennert school building next Thurs day night, Nov. 4, for the benefit of the school. Various kinds of amuse ments, are being planned in order to give air a good time. The public is root-; cordilaly invited. - Slight Changes m Local Seaboard and V. & C. S. Schedu'es. A slight change the local Sea board schedule went into effect yes. terday morning at 12:01. Train No. 20, east-bound, which has been'arriv ine at 10:15 n. m., now arrives at .9:65 p. m. Train No. 13, west-bound, which has been arriving at 6:30 p. m. now arrives at 6:25 p. m. ' v. Beginning last night, Virginia & Carolina Southern train No. 78 will leave at 8:20 p. m. instead of .8:53 p. m. This is the 6nly change made n the schedule. . Mr. Neil McNeill's Condition Int- proved. - r St. Pauls Messenger, Oct, 28. f We re glad to report the condition of Mr. Neill McNeill who was se riously hurt in an auto accident two weeks atro. to be much improved. The physicians in cttarge hope that Mr. McNeill will be entirely recov ered in a short time. Locating the Trouble When one is suffering from back ache, rheumatism, lumbago, bilious, ness, sharp pains, sore muscles, and stiff joints it is not always easy to locate the source of trouble, but nine times out of ten it can be traced to overworked, weakened or diseased kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills have benefitted thousands of suffer ers. Sold everywhere. . , ' v WE DO JOB PRINTING- SLUGGISH, LIVER straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous by morn ing I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medi. cine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and con. stipated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bot tle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harmless; doesn't gripe 'and hey like its pleasant taste. . eJ - of - - J J I " The best place to hide money ' ia where they have vaults for safely protecting it. Every week we see newspaper accounts of people having been robbed. Sugar bowls, rag-bugs under the carpet, behind pictures and' all xf those other places where people conceal their money, are -well kowii to burglars. Hide it in OUR ilAXIC, then you know you enn get it when you want it. s , Do YOUR Banking With US. First National Bank Under Control United States Government LUMBERTON, N. C. , Star Theatre Monday Four rels" of high class pictures All features together with 2 -.acts cf vaudeville each day afternoon r.nd night. v Monday , Tuesday & Wo have secured for the opening DAMS BROTHERS who are con. fddered ur press and public the otvt enu highest class entertain ei. ci the road. We have bacn cxteplionally fortunate in secur ing this act, which , we know will be a treat to the people of Lumber ton. Watch the Star Theatre lobby jeach 4iay 'for the phctoj an description of the acth. MONDAY - ' Phillips Smalley and Lois Weber in "A Cigarette That's All", a 2 reel feature. "Animated Weekly," the news told in motion pic tures, 14 items one or two of the features being 1, the electro cution, of Chas, Becker for in itigat ing gambler's murders and Gov. Whitman at Sing Sing prison; 2, Liberty Bell arrives at World's Fair, San Francisco, Cal; 3, cartoon i by the world famous cartoonist Hy Mayer of Puck. Eddie Lyons and Victoria Ford and Egypt Ma lone in a Nestor comedy. , r r - -; TUESDAY Elsie Albert in "Refuge", a great Western drama in 2 parts. Billie Ritchie in "Hello Bill" a great L-Ko cornedy. -"To Frisco via the cartoon route", "a whole re er cartoon by Hy Mayer of Puck. . . ' -,r.-:,.-. WEDNESDAY v - ' A Joker comedy, "A Dip in the Water," featuring1 Max Asher; .. Violet Mersereau and William Garwood in "Driven by Fate", 3 reel Imp feature. . ' MATINEE STARTS 4 P. M. Prices for each Performance - 5 & lOc Mr. Bennie Harris of Wilmington will play the Piano Theatre opens under, a new Manager, F. X. LeBeau. . SS! TEME OFFERS The famous U FAS THE COMMANDING OFFICER The Famous Players Film Company's stirring photo adaptation of the noted military romance. One of the best features pf its class On the Paramount program. The Southern Trio Will also be presented in Com Jdy and Harmony Singing, present- ing Popular and Classic Songs. Prices - 1 6 and 1 5 cents after 6 o'clock. - - - THE ROBECNIAN t - J j OF THE 1 Wed. Nov. 1, 2 & 3 T THEATRE TODAY military drama Subscription 1.50 year. ? Nov V:-