COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of a certain . . . J J 1 ChMII. cecree lateiy renaereu j m .surl ier court of Robeson county in suit therein pending1 wherein W. M. Pate is plaintiff and Mrs. M. W. Bostick, -administratrix of J. T. Bostick, de- .ceased, et al, are defendants, the un .denimed commissioners will expose ior public salfl to the highest bidder lor cash at the Court House door in .Lumberton, North Carolina, n the 15th day of November, 1915, at about 12 o'clock m. for the purposes of said decree the following1 described tracts of land. 1st Tract: In St Paul's township, said county and state, adjoining- the lands of Archibald McNeill, H. McL. McNeill and D. Brown McNeill, be ginning at a short leaf pine in short edge of Raft Swamp west of the -bouse formerly occupied by James McNeill and about 7 1-2 chains from the Lumberton road, and runs north 20 degrees west 26.70 chains to a stake by a gum and maple in II. McL. McNeill's line, and also in" A. Mc Neills line and runs as their line south 87 degrees east 3 chains; thence as the western edge of Mixey Branch south 76 degrees east 7.60 chains to stake in the south edge of the Lum berton road; then south 86 degrees -ast.70-chams;-thenceH,Jorth-7G Je jrrees east 2 1-2 chains; then south 87 degrees east four chains to a stake by several small pines; thence south 16 degrees east 33 1-2 chains a DbflJLC My a 1 1,1 van, CSUVUb chain above the avenue leading from the homestead to the Lumberton Road; thence as D. Brown McNeill's line south 70 degrees west 22.70 chains to a stake about 25 yards east of . the graveyard, and 15 yards be low to the public road, containing 3-10 acres, being a portion of the lands bequeathed and devised to J. W. McNeill by his father, William McNeill, and transferred to Archi bald McNeill by deed dated Match 1, 1895, registered in Book 3-T, in the Registry of Robeson county and conveyed by Alexander Baxley and -wife, Martha Jan.e to J. T. Bostick, December 16, 1907, by deed registered in Robeson county in Deed Book 5-J, page 101. 2nd Tract ANrertain parcel of land in Burnt Swamp Township, ad joining the lands of Alonzo Smith, James Prevatt, Hardee Baxley's theirs and others, and beginning at a stake by a pine in a small bay, the corner of Mrs. Ainsley 150 acre sur .vey, and in the line of a tract of 150 acres conveyed by one French to A. A. McPhaul and runs thence as Ansley's line north 23 west 27 chains and fifty links to a stake; thence . A. 1 art 1 . Ml . 1 1.1 V Blue line of the 100 acres to the run of Rich Land Swamp; thence down the run of the swamp until a line running north 61 east direct to the 'corner of John Blue's 100 acres Sknown as the Wiley Place; then with owuwj Itf TIVJV TTIVH ailU UCIVIIU LUC lltlUi the line or that tract north 61 east 22 chains and 73 links to Ausley's corner; thence a direct line to the beginning, containing 123 acres, being ine same lands deeded to C. C. Gib fcon by L. G. Hursey and wife, Ada Mursey, December 1st, 1910, and by C. C. Gibson and wife, to J. T. Bos- titk and B. W. Townsend, and B. deed book 5 Y, page 4 and 6 and 6B, '.mtre 633) The above lands having" been ad- trtised and offered for sale on Oct. '21 1915, the sale having been con tinued until Nov. 15, 1915, On account if lack of bidders. The interest of J. T. Bostick at the time of his death in said lands will' be sold and purchaser allowed fwenty days if de sired to examine title before.-paying for same, but a cash deposit may be Tequired by commissioners to insure g-ood faith. T. L. JOHNSON, . ' I DICKSON McLEAN, Commissioners. Oct. 58, 1915. 11 1 2mon NOTICE OF SUMMONS "North Carolina, Robeson County. In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. D. S. McLelland, admr. of Duncan itLellan, deed, vs.' Mrs. Julia Mc Lelland and others. The defendants, John E. McLel land and wife. Minnie McLelland and I. C McLellan, in the above entitled action, will take notice that they are Tewuired to be and appear before the Court of Robeson county, N. C., on the!5th day of November. 1915. and .answer or demur to the petition of the plaintiff which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Su pericr Court of said county; the de fendants will further take notice that the purpose of this action is to have n sale of the real estate belonging to the estate of Duncan McLellan to imake assets; the defendants will fur ther take notice that if they fail to appear on the above date and answer r demur to the petition the relief demanded in said petition will be granted. This the 13th day of October, 1915 C. B. SKIPPER. Clerk of the Superior Court. JOHNSON & JOHNSON, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 10 18 4mon NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LANDS Under and by virtue of the au thority vested in the undersigned commissioner contained in a certain iuf'rment of the Superior "Court of "Robeson count" in the caus enti- lled "John F. McNair vs Chesley Ixcklear and Katie Ann Locklear, and Katie Ann Locklear. admims tratrix of John Locklear, deceased." the undersigned commissioner will, cn the 8th day of November, 1915, at the court house door in" Lum "berton, North Carolina, offer for p"ie and sell to the highest bidder Tor cash the following described lands, to-wit: All that tract of land containing tme hundred acres more or less, known as the John Locklear place near Red Banks, N. C, adjoining the lands of Peter Dial, West Jones, "Mary Locklear, Mill Branch, Patrix "Bay and Nick Locklear and others, this being the same tract of land which is particularly referred to and set out in the pleadings and final judgment in the action entitled "Ka tie Ann Locklear, administratrix vs Pembroke Planing Mills, W. A. Sav- PROFESSIONAL CARDS R. A. McLEAN. Attorney-at-law Bmberton, - - North Carolina Office ii Weinauia building. 9-li tui U Johmaoa . B. If. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON vttoraeys aaJ CouaaelorB at Law Lamberte. . C Tactic in Stat and Federal Court. isUry Public la Office Offleoa V9 rirst National Bank.- -T" " ' DR. N. A. THOMPSON, phy sielaa and Surg eoa. - Ofiea at THOMPSON HOSPITAL. LaWrtm, N. C aclltiea Surgery. . .Gyaecalory, Ear, Noee and Throat 1117 ooooBRS888888888 o . v. I. RRITT 8 8 Attorney at Law - 8 o r TTurRtnnTftN. N. C. 8 -Of f icesover-Pope Dru g Corn-S vrr;i1 ! ! nil ..nfa X pany. win pxacucc in jr 8 Prompt attention given to all 8 s business. 8 88 8888888888888888 H. J. SINGLETON Attorney at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Office with E. J. Britt over Pope Drug Store. Prompt at- tention given to all business. itpnen, Mclntyre, . 0. Lawrenc f James D. Proctor. Xclcrne, Lawrence k Prtcttr, Attorney and Counselors at Law, .U MBERTON, - ' - . , - N.J C Practice in State and Federal Court. rompt attention given to all business 4. ti. Britt. W. S. .Britt Britt & Britt :.v - ATTORNKY8 AT LAW. LUMBERTON. N. C. ill hnainoaa oivfln DromDt and W ful attention. Office upstairs Mc- Leod building, Elm and and 4th Bts A. W. McLean ; Dickson McLean L. R. Varser Junius J. Goodwin McLEAN, VARSER & McLEAN Attorneys at. Law Office tin second floor National Bank Ui AJU1UW. vj 1 1 0 - LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA i. a. McNeill, jil Attorney-at-Law Lumberton, North Carolina, ft ill practice in all courts. Business attended to promptly. Rooms 3 and 4 McLeod building, cor ner Elm and .4th SLeets. K. E. STACY, -" Attorney-at-Law. -Lumbet'ton, N. C Practice in State and - Federal Cowru 0"lce in First National Bank Bida W. E. LYNCH Attorney at Law pnwr.ANn N. c. Office next to Farmers & Merchants Bank WOODBERRY LENNON Attorney-at-Law Lumberton, N. C Offices over Postoffice. t. a. McNeill Lawyer. Land titles and law of executors vnd administrators special attention. )ffiec, Fifth street, west of First rational Bank. Practice in all Courts. Lojmberton, N, C. RUSSELL S. BEAM, M. D. Lumberton, - - N. C Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Office hours 9 to 11:30 a, m. 2 to 6 d m. Sundays by appointment. s Phone 196 . i R. r:. ROZIER, M. D. . Physician and Surgeon LUMBERTON, N. C. Office McMillan Drug Store Residence Phone 302 Office Phone 75 m ,. i - JOHN KNOX, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 26; Residence Phone 54 -LUMBERTON, N. C. Dr. W. L. Grantham, Dr. H. O. Easley GRANTHAM-EASLEY Associated for practice of med icine. Offices in -Weinstein Build- ing, Elm anj Fourth streets a a a DR. D. D. KING Dentist LUMBERTON, N. C Jfflces upstairs in Weinstein building. DR. R. T. ALLEN Dentist LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA Office in McLeod Building Cor. 4th and Elm Sts age et al." lately pending on, the civil issue docket of Robeson county, this being a corrected description of tne lands as described In morteaee from Katie Ann Locklear and Hus band to John F. McNair. J. J. GOODWIN, Commissioner of the Court, mcl an, varser & McLean, Attorneys for plaintiff. 10 11 4mon TTI03. C JOHNSON. 12. D. Jails Answered: Day ar Night. Cesi f Tkaaa N. 17k 02c Tkoaa No. 47. . IRA B. UULLIS, (3rQ Eagineer. . Oattea MH1 Of3ce BuUJljig. Luaber- Taav Norta Carolina. faad-Clay and Gravel Boada, Pave eata. Bridge, Sewers, Drainage aai eacral Surreyiag. F. F. WETMORE, C E. Drainag . ' Surveys Highway .;..r..,.ofill JOoOa Sanitation ' Maps Offlc Weinstein Building - Lamberton, N. C, L. E. SMITH, ZSectridao. , Electrical Wiring and Fixtures. West 4th St. Those No. 51. P. P. GREENE Tinner SHOP 4th ST. PHONE NO. lt LUMBERTON MARBLE A GUAH ITE CQMPANY. ' Lumberton, H. C. " , ! : HOOPER & FLOYD, Manager. Manufacturer of ' Marble & Granite Monuments. Build ing Stone, Cemeterr Curb, - Land Marker, Etc. ""'' LUMBERTON PRESSING CLUB . W. N. SJHrrH. Prop. . Pry Geaning, Pressing, Dyeing, La Jits' Work a Specialty. All WORK riomplly Done.. ..-i nV Fourth St. Phone No. 14. FOB AUTO LIVER r bEUVICiii Phone oi write ' ' W. H. M. BROWN Buie, n. c. :-r;:F-:-' , PH(?NB 2712. i?;-.i'5:.4..-J. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND North Carolina, Robeson County. In the Superior. Court. Robert McLean and wife, Caroline V McLean, vs. Red Springs . Trad ing Company. , Under and by; virtue of authority vested in jne by: a judgment of the superior court and other orders of said court in the above cause, I will, on Saturday, the 20th day . of No vember, 1915, at 12 o'clock m., at the court house door in the town of Lumberton, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the followipg de scribed lands : ' -. - f In St. Pauls township, Robeson county, said State, particularly de mibed as follows :Lying on the north east side of Raft Swamp, adjoining the lands of William MeNeill.-N. A. Mclntyre and others, beginning at a pine in the head of Miery Branch, William McNeill's , corner and runs north 47 east 41 chains to a stake and pile pointers thence north 43 west 35. chains arid : 50 links toV- h stake by three pine pointers, N. A Mclntyre's corner; thence south 47 west 35 chains and 30 links to " a stake, N. A. Mclntyre's other corner; thence south 33 east 35 chains and 60 links to the beginning, containing 137 1-2 acres, and described in a deed registered in book of deeds 42, pace 66. xnis, tne izm aav ot ucioDer, ijio. WOODBERRY LENNON, 10 18 4mon Commissioner. NOTICE TQ TRESPASSERS All persons are hereby -forbidden under penalty of law to hunt or tres pass in any manner whatsoever on any of the lands of the Butters Lum ber Comnay. or to fish in any of the waters running through the lands of the said Butters Lumber Company in Robeson county, ' North Carolina. ; All persons caught violating the provisions of this notice will be dealt with as the law provides. This 5th day of October, 1915. ' BUTTERS LUMBER COMPANY. 10 7 lmo " Do You Want a New Stomach? If you do "Digestoneine" will give you one. For full particulars, literature and opinions regarding tlila wonderful Discovery which is benefiting thousands, apply to LUMBERTON DRUG CO. LUMBERTON, N.C SEASON -FOR- Fire Insurance Every day in the Better insure now year. R. H. CRICHTON Phone 9 and 169 FIRE! Has destroyed oth er." You"" may"" be next Insure be fore it is too Late S. R HAMILTON SALE OF VALUABLE LAND UN DEB MORTGAGE Under and by virtue of the pow er and authority contained in a cer tain, mortgage deed executed by W. C. Lewis and wife Lucy B. Lewi to Annie W. Tillinghast, duly reg istered in the office of the Register of deeds of Robeson county in Book 30, page 230, the undersigned will bn Monday,- the 8th day of November, 1915. at the court house door in the city of Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the following de scribed lands, to. wit: Being an undivided one-ninth (1-9) interest in and to the following de scribed lands: 1 - First tract: On the east side of Raft Swamp, southwest of Hollow Branch; being the same lands be queathed to Susan Ausley by Mer ritt Ausley in 1876, beginning at a stake by a sweet gum and small red oak in the first line of a 120 acre survey, 4 chains from the beginning corner of said survey and runs as that line north 35 west 27 chains to thecorner, a small post oak by a red oak, north -of Piney Bay, McNeill' eastern corner of a 25 acre survey; thence with and beyond the line of that survey S. 40 W. 37 1-2 chains to a stake by 3 nines in McNeill's liner thence with his line S. S3 east 32 chains to a small pine- tnence north 30 E. 30 1-2 chains to the beginning, containing 100 acres. - Second tract: On the east side of Raft Swamn. adjoining' his lands and the lands of M. T. McGoogan, be ginning at a stake by 3 pines, Mc. Nair's and McGoogan's corner, and runs with McGoogans beginning cor ner as his land south 17 west 33 chains to a stake in the field; thence south 73 east 24 1-2 chains to a stak in an old hedge row; thence south 50 east 7 to a stake by 3 pines; thence N. 40 east 22 chains; thence North 50 West 40 chains to the be ginning, containing , seventy-three acres. ; ;-- . Thirn tract: Beginning at Ausley's aVcorner and runs South 40 west 12 1-2 chains to a stake dv small gums, Henry Smith's corner in the run of Patterson's Branch; thence up the ...1.1 V.-. U . IV C..,V.n.1 ern corner of N. T. McGaogans and McNair corner; thence South 53 East 40 chains to the beginning, con taining 40 acres mor or less. Time of sale. T2 orclock M. This 7th day of October, 1915. ANNIE W. TILLINGHAST, Mortgagee, Fayetteville, N. C. BROADFOOT' & BROADFOOT, Attorneys, 10 11 4mon " Fayetteville,; N. C. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by "virtue of authority vested In the undersigned trustee in the matter of Jerry M. Sessoms, bankrupt the undersigned will on the 16th day of November, 1915, of fer for sale and sell to the highest bidder' for cash at the court house door in the town of Lumbertn, North Carolina at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described real estate belonging to theestate of said Jerry M.' Sessoms, bankrupt, to-wit: -'. Beginning at a stake in the east, line of Chippewa street "thirty eight (38) feet. from the intersection of tne north line of Wautauga street with the east line of Chippewa street, said intersection being the south west cor ner of lot No. 238 in official map of the town of Lumberton and runs in a northerly direction with the east line of Chippewa street, seventy (70) feet to a stake, thence in an easterly direction ana parallel with Wautauga street eighty one (81) feet to a stake, thence in a southerly di rection and parallel with Chippewa street, seventy (70) feet to a stake, thence in a westerly direction and parallel with Wautaga street, eighty one (811 feet to a stake, being a portion of the lot conveyed by C. U. Spivey and wife to J. M. Sessoms by deed recorded in Book 6 A, page 569 Jn register of deeds office of Robeson county. i This the 18th day of October, 1915 Terms of sale, cash. i GEO. M. WHITFIELD. Trustee In Bankruptcy, 10 21 lthurs 3mon ! NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UN. DER EXECUTION TTndr and hv virtue of certain ex ecutions issued out of the Superior Court of Robeson county upon two portoi- ludirments rendered before J. B. Bowen, a Justice of Peace for said county in the causes entiuea 'T. IT rioUivel nlnint.iff. va Jonn F. Smith," said judgments being duly docketed and filed in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Rnhpsnn. in Judgment Docket K. page 160, and Judgment Docket K, page leu, respectively, me sheriff or Robeson coun ty will on the 8th day of November, 1915, (it being the first Monday of the November Term of Robeson Coun ty Superior Court), at 12 o'clock M. at the Court House door in Lumber ton, North Carolina, offer for sale on j tn th fcio-hpst bidder for cash all the right, title and interest of the said John jr. smitn in ana 10 tne following described real estate, to- ! TTnurollavilln townshin and on the north side of White Oak Swamp, adjoining S. Bnsson ana ssetn omun, beginning at a stake and pointers on the east side of a small branch, the beginning corner of the original sur- vey and runs as tne oia nne nana 50 east ona chain and 70 links to a stake and pointers, thence north -2 east 9.60 chains to a stake formerly a pine, then north 87 1-2 west 28 chains to a stake and pointers, Bns son's corner, thence south 2 west 1.60 chains to a stake and nomters Jn the run of a -small branch; then down the various courses of said k-nn the line of the original sur. vey; then as that line north 70 east about 19 chains 10 tne DegiuinnK. ...t.nini, 57 ctm tie the same I more or less, the interest of the said John F., Smith in said lands being a remainder interest suDject xo tne life estate of Joseph E. Smith. R. E. LEWIS, - Sheriff of Robeson County. 10 11 4mon ADVERTISE in The R0BESONI ' Do you wih to borrow money at a low rate of interest on long time with which to improve your farms or buy other lands? v "'' I am in position to negotiate long time loans for you, provided you have improved lands , in either Robeaon. Scotland or Hoke Counties. '. . - Ody fcproYed lads Ccnsiierei zs Cclhterd to Lcins No application taken for less than $3,000. Call to . see or. write : :, -'. - .' A.; T. McLEAN, Gen. Mgr. - LUyBERTON, N. C A Ford on the roaj for every car of another make. More than 900,000 now in use everywhere. This i, could not be if the Ford car had not, and was not proving its superiority evej;y,day,' in all parts of .the world. The sturdy, light-weight, econom ical Ford car, useful to' everybody, saving "money for everybody at a price within yach of every body. ,Runabout $390; Touring Car $440; Towi Car $640, f. o. b., Detroit. On sale at IN I.. IV A VkH A Alt t M A v a A ' I I .. MMMJW ADIU IU. L PHONE 223. J. H. FELTS. Jr.,' Mgr. ' - 1 1 I- Cook Stoves, Ranges, Coal and Wood Heaters, Oil Cook Stoves and Oil Heaters, Grates, Etc. L. H. CALDWELL'S HARDWARE DEPARTMENT I Have Opened up a Nice New Stock of FRESH, FANCY & HEAVY GROCERIES in one of the Mclntyre New. Stores on Chestnut St, opposite the Court House. I will be glad to serve all who will give me a trial. Call or phone me your wants. Phone No, 88 Yours to serve M. N. FOLGER Get the Building And Loan Habit No matter if we do start on the right road to somewhere, well never arrive unless we keep on moving. This is especially true of savings in a building and loan asso ciation. It is "your duty to begin now to regularly place aside a portion of your savings for a definite purpose. Consult a di rector or the secretary of the Robeson Building and Loan Asso ciation and let him give you advice, how to ' - "KEEP ON Robeson Building C V. BROWN, Sec. At THEROBECNIAN S t ' MOVING" & Loan Association National Bank of Lumberton Subscription 1.50 year.