rss ccrzccxiAit, monday, November i, iis PAGE SEVEN Drftss Goods Clothing Embroideries Laces - Lingerie Corsets Waists Dry Goods Books Powders Shawls Hosierv 1 CribBfanktes Novelties in Neckwear . Pillows Furs re) o) Shoes Hats Caps Underwear Shirts Sox Collars Ties Pants Over Coats Rubbers IUUU UOctlb Overalls Work Shirts Pajamas Night Shirts Sweaters TKp o Jll Belts Slippers , Braids Coat & Suit -Trimming Linens Garters Hamilton Brown Shoes Ziegler Shoes : Parasols Inks Rain Coats Dresses Suits Cloaks Coats Millinery Hosiery Ribbon Patterns Sweaters Towels Locks Roofing Paints Kichen Ware Stoves ranges Heaters Table Cutlery Seeds Cotton You Will Find the Name of Nearly Everything in the Stock of R. D. Caldwell & Son Around it yoii Will Find . the Articles that Make it the M ml ' "Ml PfhTTA UUfUflVN carnival OF BARGAINS This border represents a stock that is unsurpassed anywhere for wonderful bargains and goods that you can save money on. Nearly every articlej bought 1 in each line represnts a saving from 20 to 25 per cent WHY?-Web o ught when the market was down and in lame quantities; We are the' leaders this Fall in Musical Instru- ments aijriO uiiu itvrvr.jk aavc the hundreds who if attend Gents Furnish- Umbrellas Douglas Shoes Howard-Foster Shoes Linoleums OiLCloths Rugs Mattings Art Squares Carpets Mattresses Comforts - Quilts Sheetings Lap Robes Blankets Trunks Valises Satchels Bed Steads Bureaus Wash Stands Chairs Tables Sewing M'chns Coffins Caskets 'Tires 20 Children Burned to Death Peabody, Mas., Dispatch, Oct. 28. Twenty children, most of them girls, ranging in age from 7 to 17 yean, lost their lives today in fire which destroyed St. John's parochial scioou Another girl has injuries' re garded as probably fatal, while oth ers were less severely hart The 600 children had just entered their class rooms when the fire was discovered. and, although a majority were guid ed to safety by sisters of the Order cf Notre Dame, who were their teachers, panic seized a large number 1 ns they neared the front door .and in the'r rush to escape they lost their I footing ind their bodies blocked the exit. Of the 19 bodies at an under taking shop tonight. 10 had. been identified. All of the fcisfers escaped, (but Mother Superior Marie Carmelita was seriously burned. At the con vent house tonight it was said that hr injuries probably -were not fa tal .although she is prostrated by the disaster and the suffering of her I charges. How the fire started mar never be I known. An early theory that a boil. er explosion caused it having been dismissed, state police officials to- '?ht were of the opinion that a store room in the bailment where gas - meter was ' located, was its source. Those of Middle Age Especially. ... When you have found no .remedy for the horrors that oppress yon during change of life, when through the long hours of the day it seems as though your back would break, when your head aches constantly, you are nervous, de pressea and suffer from those dreadful bearing down pains, don't forget that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ( is the safest and surest remedy, and has carried hundreds ' of women safely through this critical period. Read what these three women say: ' From Mrs. Hornung Buffalo. N.Y. the cotton carnival of Bar gains proclaim it the great est money saying sale . in thehistory of the store. We are not; quoting prices in this advertisement for there are too many to be quoted but our statement to the effect that we have what you want and can save vou money should be convinc inrenouf?h that this is the - U - - placeffor you to (0) Remit to Mr. A. W. McLean Raleich News and Observer. The Democrats of North Carolina who want to spread the gospel of the D&rtv throughout th country and who want to let it be known in the I State? classed as doubtful" whs big thlres for the people the Wilson ad- ministration has aone snouia get w communition with Hon. A. w. mc lm, of Lumberton and make remit tances so as to give to the. Demo cratic National Committee the needed funds to carry on the campaign oil education upon which it is engaged. The BDeal to heln in the cause-ia rrfiade to the individual Democrat I and each who can should help as lib-1 erally as it is possible. ( W.. J, Bryan will speak. itr Char.i 1ntt on the nicht of November 15 under the ausnices of the charity de partment of the Presbyterian hospit al or that city. Bcttaia N. Y -"I am writing to let you know how much your medicine has done for me. . I failed terribly during the last whiter and summer and every one remarked about my appearance I suf fered from a female trouble and always had pains in my back, no appetite and at times was very weak. "I was visiting at a friend's house one day and she thought I needed lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I took it and have gained eight pounds, have a good appetite and am feeling better every day. Everybody is asking me what I am doing and I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. You may publish this letter if you wish and I hope others who have the same complaint will see it and et health from your medicine as l am." juts. a. iiobsuho, vi itanton St, Buffalo, N. Y. Made Me Well and Strong. Macedon, N.Y." I was all run down and very thin in flesh, ner vous, no appetite, could not sleep and. was weak, and felt badly all the time. The doctors said I had poor blood and what I had waa turning to water. I took different medicines which did not heJp me. but Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made me well and stTonflr. and I am recommending it to my friends." Mrs. Faxr Ouy cedpn, N.Y. ; . . , . : . , The Change of Life. Beltbviiab, Md. By the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I nave successfully passed through a most trying time, the Change of Life. I suffered with a weakness, and had to stay in bed three days at a time. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound restored me to perfect health, and I am praising it for the benefit ot other women who suffer as I did." Mrs. W. S. Dutah, Koute No. 1 BeltsvillerMd. : - For 80 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for fe male Ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs. It has restored so many suffering women to health Write to LTD I A KPIirKHaJf HXDICIJTE CO. 1 four letter by woman f COHFIDESTIaX) LTBH, MASS- f or adrice. will be opened read and Answered and held in strict eonnaence. m "yDU go just where you drive straight, sure, in all w e a t h e r s w h e n you equip with United States "ChainTread" Tires the -famous, popular priced, long-mileage, anti-skid tires. . !-. .i.. 1 '' ' .'" . -Ask us the price of the size you use and let us show you why "Chain Treads", are real economy tires. Y Garage - Lumberton, N. C. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS Th largest woman's suffrage pa rade ever witnessed anywhere tooK place in New York Saturday, par. ticipated in by 7 30,000 - women and 15,000 men from every State in the Union and from ZU foreign countries, woman's appeal to place New York jt tlie election on November 2 among lha states which have" given women tr.i r-pht to vote. WEAK, AIUKU CHILD Made Strong- By Delicious Vinol Lakeport, N. H."Our little girl 8 years of age waa in a debilitated, run down condition and had a stubborn cough so she was weak and ailing all the time. Nothing helped her until we tried Vinol. Then her appetite increased and she is ctrong and well, and I wish other parents of weak, delicate children would try Vinol." Geo. A. Collins. . This is because Vinol contains the tissue building, strengthening cod liver elements and the tonic iron which a weak and run-down system needs. Dr. J. D. McMillan & Son Drug gists, Lumberton, N. C. mgs Medicines : Fence WireJ Wagons Buggies . Harness ' Plows Blinds Doors Sash McCormick : ' Machines Guns Shells Building Tools Machinists " Fertilizers Groceries FurnitureSlHarness 1 11 I A Chance to Save Money ' Beginning Wednesday, Augus 25 I will close out my. stock of dry goods, notions and shoes at greatly reduced prices. Goods 'all new. It will pay you 0 get my prices before buying. I. H. WARWICK, - V OR RUM, N. C. i YOU ARE INVITED f to visit the N. Y. Cafe and Lumberton Kandy Kitchen next door to the Erpress office. Everything new, clean and san itary. Fresh candy made every day. Fancy fruit. Meals serv ed at all hours. ' Fresh Norfolk Oysters Received Every Day WOOD &r COAL IS ALWAYS FOUND AT PHONE NO. 220 LUMBERTON WOOD & COAL YARD H. M. BEASLEY, Proprietor. New French Cabinet Formed of Rep reseatntives of A'l Opposinf Fac tions. ,. - - Paris Dispatch, Oct. 29. A new French Cabinet headed by Aristide Briand as premeier and min- ister of foreign affairs, came into existence tonight This is the first time in the history of the French republic that there is a colaition min istry of all the opposing parties and factions. It follows closely on the recent innovation of forming a Brit ish coalition Cabinet of conservatives and liberals. Today's action in forming th Cabi net was the culmination of a deep popular sentiment that at the supreme crisis of the war party division should rive way to united action by all war ties. Becanuse the Cabinet of Rene Viviani was representative of only a few political groups, the ministers presented their collective resignations and President Peincare immediately charged Aristide Briand with the for. nation of a new organization com bining all elements. The new coalition brings together France's elder and younger states men and in personnel represents all the history of modern France since th fall of Napoleon III. The new Cabinet also is notable ia having the ppoular military leader, General Gal lieni, as the head of the war office, and Rear Admiral Lacaze sa head of' the ministry of marine, both of them replacing civilians. Apropos Change of Name to Fl-r -McDonald. Raleigh News and Observer. Commenting on the change of the 11 fi . it t 1 l : Cojlep-f to Flora McDanold College, District Attorney Francis D. Winstanj rrak; the following statement: "Some years a so I was invited tor rnrfress the North Carolina Society of Ncw Yn. The other speakers wsre Aurf.tus Thomas, the great play wright, and Hon. William McAdoo. Mr. Thomas spoke on telepathy and t!, many 'curious things. Mr. Mc Adoo good humoredly took North Cardina to task for its treatment of Flcra McDonald and her husband, lie tr.ld very interesting narrative of a visit he and a friend made to Cana da. They were hunting and fishingr and visited many out-of-the-way places. They came one day upon a small hamlet on a bay and found it one of the neatest and most attrac tive villages they ever saw. On in quiry they found out that every dweller in the place was a descend ant of those who fought under Gen eral McDonald and who had fled from North Carolina after the battle of Moore's Creek. We should send a commission to that place and invite those Scotchman back to Cross Creek." Diversification. Which has done more towards bringing about better times, the ad vance in th,. price of cotton or crop diversification? Well, it's the di versification cf crops that is respon sible any way you put it, for that is even the cause of the advance in the price of cotton. STATE NEWS The number visiting the Cape Fear . rniTAflA.!!! a Tact nroolr . ceeded all expectations and was the jrreatest in the history of the fair. Thursdav, the big day, 10,000 peoplo attended. -