1 THE ROBESONIAN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1915 PAGT THREi Over $6,000.00 Worth of MERCHANDISE To be Sold A- Over $6,000.00 Worth of MERCHANDISE To be Sold The Entire Stock of Merchandise of the Late JOHN P. loKeold-at-Bi mms&sty. Nov. 11, 191 McMEILL g Sale -Begiiiiiisig T Mrs. Emma M. McNeill, admx. of the estate, has decided to close out the entire stock of goods and rent the building, hence this Big Sale. ; Over $6,000.00 worth of Merchandise to be sold, much of which will go at give-away prices. This Sale will be a Great Money Saver to the buying public. u B 3 Watch The RoLesonian for Further Information, and Remember the Sale Will Begin Thursday Nov. 11. 191S. "jijWMti " 1 - 2k 3C JJ . I Have Opened up a Nice New Stock of I FRESH, FANCY & HEAVY GROCERIES in one of the'McIntyre New Stores on Chestnut' St., opposite the Court House. I will be glad to serve all who will give me a Yours to serve M. N. FOLGER USE "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS WHEN CONSTIPATED When Bilious, Headachy, Sick, for Sour Stomach, Bad Breath, Bad Colds Get a 10-cent box. A MONU31ENTAL PROPOSITION Daughters of Confederacy Propose to Convert Face of Stone Mountain in Georgia Into a Great Confederate Monument. Charlotte Observer. The Observer hopes the Daughters of the Confederacy will succeed in .tbft- JM!0WMfci vnn w sure v fpp c-rpnt hv morn- tt VWiieueraie Healthy Old Ag- Brings Happiness ww..,-. jj.-rwi.v.-.. niiirr niiiBif ff i E 83322 WOOD & COAL IS ALWAYS FOUND AT PHONE NO. 220 LUMBERTON WOOD 1 COAL YARD hi you will surely feel ereat by. morn mg. You men and women who have headache, coated tongue, a bad cold, are bilious, nervous, upset, bothered with a sick, gassy, disordered stom ach, or have backache and feel all worn cut. Are you keeping your bow els clean with Cascarets or merely forcing a passageway every few days wth 'salts, cathartic 1 pills or castor oil? . - Cascarets i m medi atel y cl eanse an d regulate the stomach, remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off the con stipated waste matter and poison from the bowels. Remember, a Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning. A 10-cent box from your druggist means healthy bowel action; a clear hed and cheerfulness for months. Don't forget the children. H. M. BEASLEY, Proprietor. YOU ARE INVITED to visit the N. Y. Cafe and Lumberton Kandy Kitchen next door to the Express off ice. Everything new, clean and san itary. Fresh candy made every day. Fancy fruit. Meals serv ed at oil hours. Fresh Norfolk Oysters Received Every Day AEROPLANE MAIL ROUTES monument. . Last week's issue of The Literary .Digest copied trom l he Atlanta Constitution dtails of what may be considered the most daring departure in me plor'ial Jwork yen Conceived. The proposition is to hew the monument on the fact of the mountain, a unique geological structure, in itself a single, huge bculder with a perpendicular face 1,000 feet in height. The pros pective plaiHs-terransfornrthisolid stone into a hall with columns hewn from the face without any resort to the builder's method of placing stone on stone. The facade will have three colosssl figures, the central one being Gen. Robert E. Lee, who will be flanked by "Stonewall" Jackson and Josephus E. Johnston. Two wings of an army in action will come from the east and west, behind the two figures, making a splendid array of horse-and-foot-soldicrs, exhibiting all the struggle, anguish, and death of battle. The curtain formed by the mountain is 3.000 feet across and Simple Remedy Promotes Health By Overcoming Tendency to constipation V&Atinc VPnrs imnair t.h oi-tinn De me period or greatest Happiness, hut good health is rfecessary. Con. stipation should not be tolerated it is often the direct cause of ill health. Headache, belching, biliousness, bloat, drowsiness after eating and oth er symptoms of constipation can be readily relieved by the use of a sim ple laxative compound sold in drug stores under the name of Dr. Cald well's Syruo Pepsin. .Mr. J, H. Bris tol, 1412 Geddes. Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich., who is 83 years old, says "Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the best remedy I ever used for constipation and I always have a bottle of it in the house to use when I feel the need of it; it never disappoints." Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a mild laxative preparation, positive in its effect, acting easily and natural ly without griping or other pain or discomfort. For over a quarter of a century it has been the standard U$ It? V i Mr. J. II. Bristol homes. Druggists everywhere sell it for fifty cents a bottle. A trial bot tle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin can be obtained, free of charge, by writ ing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 454 Wash. household remedy 'in thousands of : ington St., Monticello, 111. HO, FOR CAROLINA! - - Si -j i ., ---T ii :-over l,000-in height, andnn this Plans Made and Mail-Aviators Could. wiU be depicted the story. The prop b; Used in Case of War. - I f ,.sri k., tit. co. The -.work of planning and map-1 Venable, has been donated' to the ping the first aeroplane mail routes , Daughters of the Confederacy, and ' Cook Stoves, Ranges, Coal and Wood Heaters, Oil Cook Stoves and Oil Heaters, Grates, Etc. L. H. CALDWELL'S HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Get the Building And Loan Habit No matter if we do start on the right road to somewhere, we'll never arrive unless we keep on moving. - This is especially true of savings in a building and loan asso ciation. It is your duty to begin now to regularly place aside a portion of your savings for a definite purpose. Consult a di rector or the secretary of the Robeson Building and Loan Asso ciation and let him. give you advice, how to "KEEP ON MOVING" Robeson Building & Loan Association C. V. BROWN, Sec. At National Bank of Lismberton to be instituted by the United States Pestoffice Department has, been com pleted, according to Albert Bond Lam bert, St. Louis aviator and balloon enthuiast, and ranking captain of the United States Aviation Corps, says a dispatch to the New York Times. Two routes of 60 miles each hn-e been planned. one entirely in Missouri and the other takiner in "arts of both Missouri and Illinois. The inter-State route will start at Peruque, Mo., cross the Mississippi r'ver to Gold Eagle and Brussels, 111., detour westward to Beechville, on the Illinois shore, and thence back to Peruque. The Missouri route will crop's a country without railways. This plan, fathered by Postmaster General Burleson, now awaits con gressional appropriation to put it in to effect. ThQ service is to be a peg upon which to hang aerial pre nnrednoss for war. It is planned to place in the government service be tween 200 and 300 aeroplanes in a short time after the aerial mail routes are started. The aviators will he trained by the crovernmeit; all will be list?d in thP Aviation Reserve Corps and must serve in case of war. D is. planned to establish aerial mail routes in the Middle West, the they have enlisted the services of Outzon Borglum, the sculptor. His idea is to make the figures from 35 to 50 feet, and he is quite safe in the assertion that such a memorial "would stand alone In monumental work in the world." It would cost $2,000,000 and Borelum says electri cal machinery of the most modern tyoe would have to be requisitioned, "the workmen hanging in steel cages from the brow of the cliff." As to the plans for raisiner the money, Borglum says each State in return for a cchimn in the temple dedicated tn it will b asked to subscribe $25, 000. The United State Government will be asked to donate a large sum to make a national park at the foot of the mountain. One man in New York has volunteered 'to subscribe 510.000 and to find nine other men to do the same. The Daughters of the Confederacy, with subscriptions already in hand, are to undertake the completion of the sum. The Obser ver would throw out no hint calcu lated to jeopardize the success of this monumental Georgia plan, but some-j hody fa sure to sugfpst that as this! State has a Stone Mountain almost! similar to that in Georeia, we mr?ht t r pculntor of our own and give to Wherein North Carolina Leads All the States. v urecnsDoro pjews. Wa:t, a:;, t!e East. A cil it the.; posterity a twin to the Georgia menu rotors "cj'l brin theso niT. trmn- ment. ed to f'y under nil topographical and weather cenditions. into the servic: North Carolina leads all the States in the r umber cf cotton mills and fac tories; in the amount of raw cotton consumed; and in the manufacture of chewiner and smokine tobacco, Our State ranks below Massachu setts alone in the value of manufac tured cotton products. In the num ber of spindles, the State is outrank, ed by Massachusetts and South Car olina. North Carolina ranks second in lum ber, timber and wood-working estab lishments. North Carolina is the best develop ed industrial State In the South, in number of plants, in variety of man ufactures, in the distribution of cap ital employed, and in the use ofhome produced raw material. Our rank in the census year in the old South, 13 States including Ok. Hhoma, was first in the number of establishments, first in the number of persons engaged, first in primary horsepower employed, first in total electric power used, first. in number of females over 16 and children un der 16 engaged, first in the value of cotton mill .products, first in fur niture making and in wood-workine industries. We are second in total waterpower used, second in total capital employed, second in the val ue added by .manufacture, second m the number of producing spindles, HOW TO AVOID PNEUMONIA' of the country. The men are to hf shiffen from prial rovte to aerial. route in order to give them this ex-j ietung, died of kidney trouble at h;s perience. ' pome 'n New York Monday. He Congress, according f.o Captain was h: years oil. Mr. Kiaoer wns Lambert. w"ll be psked for $5,000,000: of the most conspicuous Grmm- for the furtherance of these plans. American citizens of the United The monev is to be -use in building : States in the newspaper publishing un thP fiviat'on corns of th Nation-j business and in politics s! (iurn nrn extending national ae rial preparedness in generalv. The aviators will carry the mails m peace and when not engaged in manuevres. Herman Rider, former treasurer of the Democratic national committee ! gnd fifth in the total value of man r" publisher of the New York Starts, ufactured products, For baby's croup, Willie's dailv cuts nd bruises, mamas sore throat, CrnHma's lnmeness. Dr. Thomas' Tii0Pf;P rvi he household remedy '25c and 50c. CHICHESTER S PILLS .!. l.nill. .. At yonr vrnexxtt lot a I i-i -k- ,. i,,,e.i,t. a kfic i.i. Ff. H.rrn ' C .V i,;Ni l:aAM J'(U.I,fcrK I .EX tnkanm5lN.S5i.rt,'wviRIli People who use Peruna Mrs. T. Freeh, R. R. 1, Hickory Polnt.enn writes "I am happy to tell you that I am cured of catarrh. Having been afflicted with catarrh and stomach trouble for seven years, and after having tried four different doctors, who only relieved me for a little while, I gave up all hope of being cured. I was induced to try Peruna, and to my great surprise I am now entirely well. My health never was better." FOR INDIGESTION Mrs. W. R. Whitehead, R. R. 1. Pryor, Oklahoma, writes: I am happy to tell you that I keep free from my old stomach trouble; feel n catarrhal symptoms at all. I am able to do my work, eat and drink what I want, and rejoice to know that I found a sure cure in your valuable medicine. I think it saved my life. By beginning In time with Peruna I was cured sound and welL" ' Are Strong and Happy The Peruna Company. Cohimbua. Ohio. Those who abject to liquid mvdlclnea can now procure Peruna In tablet form. Wisconsin on 8.555.000 acres pro- ''p?r crops worth $135,000,000, but North Carolina on 5,737,000 acres produces crops worth $128,000,000: which is to say, on an average of cne-third smaller, we produce crop values nearly as great. These facts and figures are compil ed from the 1910 census reports for the North Carolina club, by M. H. r?.nnrV)lph t Mecklenburg. A proud exhibit, in the main. The University News Letter adds that the corn crop of the State was worth $5,560,000 more than Wisconsin's crop. The ern erowinc' records of our corn club boys and demonstration farmers cannot be eoualled in Wisconsin with any kind of high-bred seed or any kind of cultivation. "Wisconsin's leading crop is hay, and her ten-year averaee is 1.49 tons per acre;-but North Carolina's ten year average is 1.38 tons per acre. even with the trifling attention wei give to this crop. "When we really try out the hay possibilities of our soils and seasons, we raise from five to six tons per acre, as eight farmers have done this year in Forsyth, Rowan and Wilkes. "Wisconsin in 1910 had 4 million Principles of Right Living Highly Recommended. Bulletin State Beard of Health. "I am an old man and much afraid of pneumonia. How can I avoid the disease this winter?" Reply: Pneumonia is a germ dis ease and is usually brought on by the lclgmnt of pneumococcus germs in the membranous tissues of the throat or lungs. It a person is well and strong these germs are not like ly to hurt him seriously. A slight cold may be the result. But if he is run ilown, dissipated', or if he in any way has a weak constiution his chances are not so slight. It is not difficult to guard against pneumonia if one will avoid unreas onable exposure and at the same time will practice the rules cf personal hvoiene or right living. Workintr too hard or excessive ex ercise with extreme exposure is a common factor in preparing the way for pneumonia. Overeating, particularly if thre t an excess of meat in the diet, is an other thine which often injures the body and lowers its vital resistance to disease. Alcohol, in whiskey, patent medi cines or otherwise, is one of the most pow-rful allies cf the pneumonia germ and even moderate drinkers gh'nw a much higher death rate from this disease than abstainers do. But bad air is, of all bad influ ences, nerhans the most important in its effect on colds and pneumonia. People who live much in the open air, who never close the windows or -ir sleeping rooms in winter, nnd who b3the daPy, almost never catch colds, or if thev do. the eclds are slight ones and do not run into pneu monia. WINSTON-SAI.EM M AN SAVED FROM DEATTI J. E. Erwin Sav Wonderful Remedy Brought Him Astounding Relief J. E. Erwin of Winston-Salem, N. C., was for a long time the victim of' serious disorders of the stomach. He tried all kinds of treatment and had many doctors. One day he took a dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy and was aston ished at the results. The help he sought had corned He wrote: " "I am satisfied through personal use of the life-saving powers of your Wonderful Remedy, You have saved my life. I coyM have lived but a few weeks more had it not been for your remedy. I am inclos ing a list of friend sufferers who ou?ht to have some of your rem- foA'ls on her farm's more than we had! in North Carolina: but in North Car- , Wonderful Remedy gives olma we .raised from our poultry nent results f or stomach .liver stock nearly 5 million fowls more PeV . 1 . , V r. w;c; iBA cM r.land intestinal ailments. Eat as much . UUII I? fiMIClU j v v. aii ai,u ly a million more.' Heavy, impure blood makes a mud dy, pimnlv lomplexion, headaches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale and sickly. For pure blood, sound digestion, use Burdock Blood Bitters, $1.00 at all stores. nnj whatever vou like No more distress after eating, pressure of ga3 m the stomach and around the heart. Get one bottle of your druggist now ana try it on an absolute guarantee if not satisfactory money win e returned. , -