THE ROBESON! AN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER J, 1915 PAGE SEVEN FURNITURE To Fit' tie House loth Hrtisiic -M lorable The latest things in Art S quares, Drugget, both Floral nd Art designs, prices $2.50 to 8.00 Good assortment of Mattings and Rugs at all prices. Substantial Dining and Reception Chairs, prices $3.75 to 112.00 per set. Just the thin? you need to rest in, in Rockers for Ladies, Gen tlemen and Children, prices 50e to S5.00. Corn Liciporsl Uso "Gols-irandSciilo! Oonit Coma Eight 0& Clean and Quick I You HoexH't Limp, or Fust 7ith Year Cons Any Moral . What's ths vmt of spotlina; s rood tlm for yoursalf by limping- around with flere corns? It's on of th aaUat thing la th world, bow, to t rid of tbtm. "Qota-Jt 4oe it 70 "Tkaaa Con Camm BhAft Off. Oaa Am a - J Bed Springs, stout and limb t, wide and narrow, $2.00 to $5.00. Good Mattresses to suit all, $2.25 to $12.50. 3 Pieces Solid Oak Room Suites $15.00 to $50.00 Iron, Brass and Oak Bedste ids and Cribs, prices $3.50 to $20.00. Good Assortment Chiffonie s, Sideboards, Kitchen Safes and Din ing Tables. Dozens of other article? in the House Furnishing line not mentioned here. In tact tor anytmng you want in the Home Furnishing line, see us before you buy. K.M. BIGGS v DEPARTMENT STORE 403 ELM ST. LUMBERTON N. C. WE ARE NOW OVER NINE YEARS OLD We have a "competent corps of nurses to go out and do private nursing at reasonable prices which we offer to the public who desire to employ competent under graduate nurses. We solicit your patronage and influence. We will appreciate your kindness 4 if you will remember us when in need of a nurse or have sick friends who need moreattention than , can, be . given in the home. We promise you the very best attention that can be given by an up to date hospital, right here in your own community. We ask you to be the judge of what we are capable of doing by investigating our records and looking over our equipment. We will take pleasure in giving you prices as to hospital and treatment fees for both medical and surgical cases, as well as for our nurses doing private d'uty outside of the hospital and guaran tee to make prices as reasonable as any other hospital for such services. Thanking you for past favors Thompson tflospita Sir ' A Ford on the roaj for every car of another make. More than 900,000 now in use everywhere. This could not be if the Ford car had not, and was not proving its superiority every day, in all parts of the world. The sturdy, light-weight, econom ical Ford car, useful to everybody, saving money for everybody at a price within reach of every body. .Runabout $390; Touring Car $440; Town Car $640, f. p. b., Detroit. On sale at ROBESON AUTO CO. PHONE 223. J. H.FELTS, Jr Mgr. A Chance to Save Money Beginning Wednesday, Augus 25 I will close out my stock of dry goods, notions and shoes at ftreatly reduce, prices. Good3 all new. It will pay you o get my prices before buying. I. H. WARWICK, ORRl.M, N. C. Waartla, by Vumm 'CataJtT the new way. That why "Gets-It" bu beoome tbe corn remedy of America, the biggest elllns corn remedy In the world, preferred by million. Do you remember that too eating salvo you tried, that sticky tape, that toe bundlin? bandage, the gouging you've done with knives, razors and scissors? Well now, forget them all. Mo mora fussing, no more pain. Whenever you nse simple, easy "Gets-It," the corn is doomed, sure. So is every callus, wart or bunion. Never cut corns or calluses. It makes them grow that much faster and Increases the danger of blood poison. No cutting Is necessary by using "Gets-It," Use It tonight and end your corny existence. "Gets-It" is sold by all druggists, 25c a bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence A Co., Chicago. ouiu in Lumberton and recommend ed as the world's best corn remedy by Pope Drug Co. NATf ON.AVIDF; EXAMINATION DAY Cheat Feature of Annual Tuberculosis Week. Bulletin State Board of Health. One of the chief features of the annual Tuberculosis Week which will be observed this year, December to 12, will be a nation-wide Medical Examination Day. This announce ment has just been made bv the Na tional Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis, which association believes that the next great step in the prevention of diseases is '. the inauguration of an universal period ; i ? icai meuicai examination. Medical Examination Day is set for Wednesday, December 8, and will be the first effort on a national scale to urge an annual physical ex animation tor everyone. Plans for the day include an appeal to induce everyone, sick and well, to see a doc tor and see whether or not they are in .'good physical condition. The scheme includes also the inausrura tion on the part of factories, stores and offices of an annual physical ex animation for all employees. Thous. and of anti-tuberculosis associations: other societies and dispensaries all over the country, are expected to co operate in furnishing free examina tions for those not able to pay physician. Tuberculosis week will end with the sixth annual celebration of Tu oercuiosis sunaav. Last year on Tuberculosis Sunday over 100,000 churches in the United States gave attention to the subject of tubercu losis either by sermons, talks, mon ey contributions or exercises. This year the governors of all the States will again be asked to issue procla mations calling attention to this im portant means of increasing the knowledge of the public on the cause of, and . means of avoiding, tubercu losis. Clubs, lodges and societies will also be asned to consider this subject at their meetings either on Tuberculosis Sunday or at some oth er time during Tuberculosis Week, NAVY'S PART IN BILLION DOLLAR DEFENSE PROGRAM Went to the Hospital C. E. Blanchard. postmaster. Blanchard, (Jal., writes: "I had kid ney trouble so bad I had to tro to the hospital. Foley Kidney Pills com iicvvi y illicit inc iricu auiA WUlliCil testify they banish lame back, stiff joints, sore muscles and sleep disturb mg bladder ailments, bold every where. go just where you drive straight, sure, in all weathers when you equip with United States 'Chain Tread" Tires the famous, popular priced, long-mileage, anti-skid tires. - Ask us the price of the size ; you use and let us show you why "Chain Treads' are real economy tires. People's Garage Lumberton, N. C. nunin a Years it is Proposed to bpend 02.482,2U on New Ships and Aircraft and Creation of Huge Reserve of Ammunition and Guns. Wash.ngton Dispatch, 18th. Official estimates, of the navy's part in th administration's hill ion dollar national defense program were maae public tonight by Secreur-' Daniels. They show that within five rear& it is proposed to spend $502,482,214 on construction of new hins. de velopment of aircraft and creation of a huge reserve of ammunition and guns.... The five-year building .pro- gram - contemplates construe Aotr of 10 dreadnaughts, 6 battle cruisers. I 10 scout cruisers, 50 destroyers, 15 j seagoing submarines. 85 coast de fense submarines, four gunboats, one hospital ship, two ammunition ships, two fuel oil ships and one re pair ship. The last of these vessels will be in commission late in 1924. Un naval aviation it is proposed to expend $6,000,000 during the five years and on reserve munitions $25,-000,000. With the addition of $48,518,127 foF-ompletiorf-ef-ships-iready--auT thorized, a total of more than half a billion dollars will be expended up on the navy in addition to the regu lar budget which appropriates $100,- 000,000 a year. . Secretary Daniels will recommend this winter the addition to the naval personnel of 7,500 blue jackets, 2, oUU apprentices and 1,500 marines, a total oi ll.&uu men With this addition, it isestimated that all battleships not more than 15 years old, destroyers and subma rines built within 12 years, half of the cruisers and all of the gunboats and necessary fleet auxiliaries can be manned and an "adequate reserve be maintained for vessels on the reserve list. To officer ti-e additonal force of marines, th Secretary will recom mend appointment of one additional brigadier general, two colon-u--rrs& lieutenant colonels.' -six majors? one ' colonel and - assistant ouartermaster, 14 captains, 14 first lieutenants, 13 second lieutenants and 22 warrant officers Additional naval officers would be obtained by increasing the number of midshipment at the Naval Acad' emy by not less than 250 men. For the aviation corps, Secretary Daniels will recommend establishment of a special service to which civilian aviators can be apponted, The 1917 naval estimates to be presented to Congress this winter will total $217,652,173 an increase of $67,990,308 over last year's appropria tion. Of the increase $57,003,000 will be for new construction, $8,000,. 000 for munitions reserve, $2,000,000 for aviation and the balance of the to tal appropriation go toward continu ing departmental expenses. Five-Year Building Program The building program to be ree ommended for the five- year period is AS I OHO W8 ! For 1917 (authorized in 1916) Two dreadnaughts, $15,560,000; two battle cruisers, $ll,158,000j 3 scout cruisers, $6,900,000: 15 destroyers, $10,500,000; five fleet submarines, $4,425,000; twenty-five coast subma rines, $5,750,000; two gunboats, $760, 000: one hospital ship, $1,250,000; one fuel oil ship, $700,000. Total, $57,003,000. (Only part of total cost of vessels appointed the first year). For 1918: Two dreadnaughts, $26,. 580,000; continuing work on two bat tlescruisers, $11,921,000; one scout cruiser, $6,350,000; ten destroyers, $16,900,000; four fleet submarines, $5,577,500: fifteen coast submarines, $13,950,000: one eunboat. $1,140,000; continue work on hospital ship. $1, 200,000; continuing work on fuel ship $65,250. Total, $84,273,750. For 1919: Two dreadnaughts. 537,- 600,000; one battle cruiser. . $17,500,- $8,650,000 ; The Perfection Completes Your Shaving-Outfit TOUCH a match the Perfection glows in response. In five min utes the bathroom is as warm as toast . Why endure cold, damp and chilly weather when this inexpensive little portable fireplace is always ready to make .things coxy and warm in bedroom, bathroomall over the house. The Perfection is dean, convenient, eas ily carried wherever you want it " Ten hours of comfort from a gallon of oil. Jlsmokeless an ingjshen not in use but is always ready to make your house the Jvme of cheer. Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond White Oil to obtain best results in OA Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) ! BALTIMORE Wbioftm. D. C Norfolk. V. Richmond, Va, Look for the Triangle Trademark. Charlotte. N. C QrlMo. W. Va. MMIOTV 0 V. I I Trademark. JiP(y Sold in many J J 1 ---tylMij.u at all Tiardware AUI X and general Aj y I sV" stores, and v jV-" wherever you X 1 V JT see the Perfec- y 7 1 T tion Coxy Cat f X t Poster. V Y& 1 5 f mi i"is.yiji tins 000: two scout cruisers ten destrovers. $10,100,000: two fleet submarines, $5,437,500; fifteen coast Taxing system or tne Male is uui submarines. $9,740,000; competing I cf Date and is Committing gunboats, $380,000. Total $90,767,-J Wrong That ia Without Excuse. 500. ' i Charity and Children. For 1920: Two dreadnaughts, $37,- North Carolina in her taxinjr sys 600,1)00: two "battfl-e cruisers. $17,- tem is not onlv clean out of date, 118,500: two scout cruisers, 58,b5U,- but is committine a wrong that is 000: ten destroyers, $10,300,000; two without excuse. Her method of rais- fleet submarines $4,215,000; fifteen mg revenue is not" only bungling- coast submarines, sy.75u.uou; one it is positively immoral, me inequal TAXATION IN NORTH CAROLINA that has eome under our observation: A concern that is doing a tremend- ammunition ship, $799,587: one fuel oil shin. $700,000. Total $89,133,087 For 1921: Two dreadnaughts. $37,- 600,000; one battle cruiser. $23,460.- 500: two scout cruisers. $10,000,000; ten destroyers, $13,600,000; two fleet submarines. $3,400,000; 15 coast sub marines. $9,750,000; one eunboat. $380,000: one ammunition ship. Si,- 766,000; completing fuel shin. $655, 250; one repair ship, $1,175,000. To. tal. $101,786,750. The $6,000,000 aviation uppropna- t;on would be divided $2,000,000 ro the first year and $1,000,000 for each vear thereafter. The Teserve muni tion nrogramme would be divided $8,' 000,000 the first. $5,000,000 a year for three succeeding years and IZ 000,000 for the fifth year. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS The Chinese Government rejected on the 1st the proposals of Japan, Great Britain and Russia for po.T.- ponement of the decision whether a monarchical form of government is t bo re-established. It appears that ruimph of the monarchical idea in the elections now in progress in China s almost certain and it is reported That the charnre in the form of go- r.mpnt will be announced before tno eni cf the year. . t was formallv announced Monday th White House that the mar ines cf President Wilson and Mrs. mman Oalt will take place npar cne c'o'se of Dpcembpr, that it will be a ry simple ceremony, quietly ppr- formed, at the home of Mrs. Gait I'at no invitations will be issuer ni that the only nipst' will bp mem rs of the two fanilie?. For any itchiner skin "trouble, piles. -'"ia. salt rheum, hives, itch, scald hemps, scabies. Doan's Oint is highly recommended. 50 a v at all stores. ities and injustice of the present levy havp been pointed out a thousand times. It is no secret everybody knows it, and yet nothing is done to correct the evil. A few of our citi zens make honest returns of their property the great majority do not make honest returns and they are the ones most able to pay. Thus the State lays its heaviest hand upon its weakest children. The "robber bill" has been lambasted for fifty years and our political leaders have told, us that no such infamy has been im posed upon any people as this meth od of taxinethe many for th bene fit-of the faw; and yet no tariff how ever unjust orwicked has wrought half the harm and injustice mat tns method of taxation now in vogue in Nmh Carolina has inflicted on the patient people. To be sure, the peo ple are themselves to blame for this inequality. They had the opportun ity to correct the evil in the lamented "taxation amendment" which they huried under an avalance of votes. Since the dear people chose to reject the best means of securing justice m this matter that has ever been offer ed them they are in poor shape to m3kc complaint when the Corporation Comm:?sion adds to their burden and gwes tlem a stone when they ask for bread. The chairman of this able body was largely responsible for the defeat of the amendment and insl-j'id of trving to equalize the burden cf taxation simply, adds from 5 to 30 per cent to the load already so heavy. It is too much to hope that the next legislature will take hold of this tax ation problem in an intelligent way and distribute the burden more ouallv. Our lawmakers are afraid of j the question of taxation. It isa wavs loaded. It 13 sore subject. But f we could only assamble a body of lct'isf&tors who do not care a copper whciljer they eversee Raleigh again or not, - they could perform a service for the State that would make them ous business makes a return of $15. 000 on its property. Another with about the same capital makes a re turn of $45,000. Such an inequality should never be permitted to exist and the addition of 15 per cent on the tax ot levy of each, does not touch the trouble at all. We must adopt an honester method of rais ing our revenue. SANATORIUM SUPPLIES TUBERCULIN Another Progressive Step Taken by State Sanatorium. Bulletin State Board of Health. Sanatorium, N. C, Arrangements have just Wen completed whereby the State Sanatorium, Sanatorium, N. C, will be able to furnish free of charge," to any physician in the State a sufficient amount of tuber culin for the Van Pirquet diagnos tic test for tuberculosis. The tuber culin will be kept in capillary tubes, each tube t hold enough for one test, and will be sent by mail, one cr more at a time, to any physician in the State who will report to the Sanatorium, within a week, the re sults of the test. Complete direc tions for making the test will be sent with each tube. This test for the presence of tuberculosis is also call ed the skin test and is done much like vaccination or . smallpox, except it causes no sore on the arm. To supply the physicians of the State with this tuberculin, free of all cost, is another effort on the part of the State Sanatorium to help physicians at this paticular and important point to make early diag nosis of tuberculosis. The people themselves, however, are thp real beneficiaries, especially those suf fering from the disease and those directly exposed to such sufferers. Locating the Trouble When one is suffering from hack- ache, rheumatism, lumbago, bilious ness, sharp pains, sore muscles, and "stiff joints it is not always easv to locate the source of trouble, but ninV times out of ten it can be traced t-- overworked, weakened or disease I kidneys. Foley Kidney Pill have benefitted thousands of suffer- Subscrrib to THE ROBSONIAN. immortal Here is a case of taxation ' ers. Sold everywhere.