- THE ROBESONIAN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, ltlS (EDM Msmsmi News . - 3 1 I - 7 Here For ift ffl R u i" v- im fiiii; am , m - I! Ladies' Coat 3 htffl HH&BsijSS 11 ' ' fil Don't forget the importance of our money sav ing bargains, the large stock to select from and your -ability- to pick out-whatever yoiL want from the large assortment of patterns. Con. sider ' T A KEN 0 T I CE ! There Will Be Special Sale Days Each Day Next Beginning Monday Nov. 8th, each day will bring out the most wonderful values in prices nowhere to be duplicated. J3IG BADEN AND WHITNEY PLANTS SOLD Aluminum Co. of America Buys: Properties at Narrows of Yadkin and ill Resume Development. Charlotte Observer. -PerhaDS ilhe hiccest sinele deal ever "negotiated in North Carolina property is that which has just been concluded whereby the Southern Aluminum Company has transferred title to its Badm and Whitney hold injr to the Aluminum Company cf America, with headquarters in Pitts burg, Pa., the amount involved in the transaction, it is understood approx imating $10,000,000. The negotiations were concluded at a conference par ticipated in by officials of the French Syndicate and the Aluminum Com pany of America at the Ritz Carlton .rfotel in New York on Saturday, Oc tober 23, and definite information is just transpiring. It is stated that Kbt development work will move rapidly ahead and that the plans of the original designers will be carried h.jx "with only very slight modifica tions. The outstanding feature of this anouncement is that the several thousand employes formerly given work -on this development will be returned just as soon as the details of transfer can be consummated and arrangements perfected for the re sumption of operations. This will probably require several weeks and maybe a month but it will be forth coming within the very near future. The announcement of this trans fer and the information that work will be resumed within a short time is one of the most important to the business and commercial interests of this section that has been made in a long-time. The Aluminum Com panv of America is a monster cor poration with big plants at Massena, N. Y., Pittsburg and various other places throughout the country, i The i ennesse piarn. is me one mm, i nearest to the latest acquisition of the company. - The work at Badin and Whitnsy was undertaken several years age when the French Syndicate acquired the, holdings of the original Whitney toripany, then owned by Pittsburg Interests. The plans of the original company were changed and a new development mapped out, the power ;te being located nearer the foot of the narrows of he Yadkin river mid a great aluminum plant being proposed for Badin the , new town to be built. lhe money was pro- "vidtd by French bankers ana war. movine splendidly ahead when iht treat war came on. A magnificent little city had been almost finished, the immense buildings to house the -Cured Boy of Croup Nothing frightens a mother more than the loud, hoarse cough of croup. Labored breathing, 6tranggling, chok ing and gasping for breath demand n stan t. action. Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wis.,' says: "Foley's Hon ey and Tar cured my boy of croup after other remedies failed". Rec ommended for coughs and colds. Sold vtiv where. For the Economical Buyer and What Constitutes the Earnings one Can Make at R. D. CaMweE Soil's iflCoitooJinMM In the Hundreds of Items which Constitute this Gigantic Sale of Special Importance are the Savings you Can Make on That important news is you save 20 to 25 per cent. We want that thoroughly impressed on' your mind. We can quote figures naming prices you like to see but figures do not alone tell bargains; it's the quality that counts-that's why we want you to see them and you will be thoroughly convinced our statement of be ing 20 to 25 per cent cheaper is positively true. We are receiving daily and espec ally for Saturday a large consignment of Ladies' Coat Suits and Men's Clothing. These come direct from the manufacturer in the latest designs. Our offer to pay cash gets us better prices and we give you the benefit We have better suits from $10 to, $15.00, better materials better styles-better workmanship and last but not least better than their prices. We will offer for Saturday the best bargains in boys' clothes at $2.19 you ever saw. It is one of the many bargains we have, there are others ranging up to $5.00 that can't be duplicated anywhere. Come in and see them. ' ' THE WEARY WAY Daily Becoming Less Wearrisome to Many in Lumberton. With a back that aches all dav. ' With rest disturbed at night, Annoying urinary disorders, Tis a weary way. indeed. Doan's Kidney Pills are especially for kidney trouble. Are endorsed by Lumberton citizens. Joseph Prevatt. retired farmer. 400 Third St., Lumberton, says: "I used to be bothered a great deal by sharp ains through my back and at times I was laid up for several days. Morn ings I could hardly get out of bed, my hack felt so lame and stiff. Hearing Doan's Kidney Pills highly recom mended, I got a box at McMillan & Sen's Drug Store. They relieved me from the first; my back became stronger and my kidneys acted reg ularly. Since then I have always tak en Doan's Kidney Pills whenever I have noticed that my kidneys have not been acting just right and a few doPs is all I need." Price, 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy p-et Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Prevatt had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. aluminum works, of steel, concrete and the very best material, were well on their way to completion and the great hydrd-electric develop ment where approximately 100,000 of electrical horsepower was to be generated, was being vigorously prosecuted. Just at this moment, the work h?d to be suspended on ircount of the convulsion abroad in which France was so deeply involv. ed. There were conferences at which Sme arraneements were perfected for the holding in suspense of the work and this has been the status ver since. No active work has b':en prosecuted since the. war broke oat save such as was necessary to pre vent any depreciation of the prop erly. Fayetteville dispatch, 1st: Reve nue Officers Smith and Tcmlinson and Deputy Sheriff Monaghan this af ternoon raid?d a moonshine still near Spout Springs, north of Fay etteville. Several men about the plant n off. One negro advanced on Tcmlinson and was in the act of braining him with a large lightwood knot when another officer shot the nevro in the back on the right side, inflicting a dangerous wound from which he may die. The officers cap tured a still of one hundred gallons capacity and three gallons of whiskey and brought the still and negro to Fiyetteville. The negro was placed in a hospital. Beware of Cheap Substitutes In these days of keen competition it is important that the public should se that they get Chanmberlain's Cough Remedv and not take sub stitutes sold for the sake of extra -fit. Chamberlain's Cough Ren: edy has stood the test and been ap proved for more than forty years. Obtainable everywhere. - -j i 1 -.Tj-r - n-. ,a -w-Jl?-r r nits aind Meal's OdtfoMi LLENTON NEWS NOTES School Begins Plant Less Cotton and More Foodstuffs Bountiful Crop of Potatoes Good Crop of Corn Butters Lumber Co. htarts Work Everybody Should Take The Robesonian Persbnal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Allenton, Nov. 2--School opened at Antioch yesterday with Miss Gusaie Cameron and Miss Ethel Covington as teachers. .,t Everybody seems to be busy pick ing cotton. They are in a rush to get it out and get it on the market while the price is up. People are making ready to plant more cotton than ev er before another year. But that is where they are making a great mis take. They should plant less cotton and more corn, peas and potatoes than ever before. ' ' Glad to report Mr. J.' A." Taylor, who was taken sick Sunday night, able to be out again. Mr. I., F. Taylor and family spent Sunday at the Jennings cotton mill visiting rel atives. According to all reports there must be a bountiful potato crop this year. A certain man in this com munity stated the other day that he only dug a row about 50 or 75 yard3 long and got a whole peck of po. tatoes. That's what I call digging them some. If he has many rows, and they come like that he will get r. bushel. Mr. George Smith of East Lumber ton has accepted a position with Mr.i Arelia Smith. Miss Effie Phillips and Miss Bertha Phillips of the Globe Swamp section were visitors at the home of Mr. J. F. Taylor Sunday. Rev. W. R. Davis filled his regu lar appointment at Antioch Sunday. Mr. Johnnie Baxley of Chadbourn came over Saturday to spend a few days visiting Mr. W. F. Baxley. Mr. Frank McLean of Lumberton spent Sunday night at the home of Mr. J. A. Taylor. People are having tfine weather to gather their crops which most of them are making use of. There must be a good crop of com, from the corn shuckings there has been in this com munity for the past three or four weeks. I know those chickens have been faring bad during this time. To hear tell of so many corn shuck ihgs indicates that the panic must b about over, which I hape it is. The Butters Lumber Co. has start ed up its logging again for the first time in several mooths, which means "that there will be work for a good many men to do. hverybody should take The Robe. onian. It gives more news than any ther paper in the countv; Once any one ever takes it it is hard for him to get along without it; in. fact, I don't understand how he does get along without it. CASEY JONES. 1 Qfllnlna That Does Not Affect The Hart Becau -f its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BkOMO QUININE la better thaa ordinary Quinine and doea not cauae Derroaaneaa nor i inioc in head. Remember the (nil name and look tar tha Bignatur el K. W. GKQVX. lie Bargains What it takes to make good shoes we believe the Ziegler Shoes for worn en, W. L. Douglas and Howard and Foster Shoes for men have it on them all for quality and price. Th y have the wear in them. You can Count on every, pair being reduced in price. Q1W Week its own line and at GIRLS! HAVE WAVY, THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Save Your Hair! Double Its Beauty i In a Few Moments Try This! If you care for heavy hair, that glistens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable soft ness, .and is fluffy and lustrous, try jDanderine. ' Just one application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it im mediately dissolves every particle of dandruff; you cannot have nice, heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a feverishness and itching iof the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast. If your hair has been neglected and is thin, faded, dry, scaggy or too oily, get a 25-cent bottle of Knowl ton's Danderine at' any drug store or toilet counter; apply a little as di rected and ten minutes after you will say this was the best invest ment you ever made. We sincerely believe, regardless of everything else advertised,- that if you desire soft, lustrous, beautiful hair and lots of it no dandruff no itching Bcalp and no more falling, hair yxu must use Knowlton's Dan-1 derine. If eventually why not now? SMYRNA NEWS NOTES School Begins Wedding Expected Mary Had a Piece of Gum Per sonal Correspondence of The Robesonian. Smyrna (Lumberton, R. 4), Nov. 2 Our school opened yesterday with Miss Lucy Stephens of near Fair mont as principal and Miss Dora Mc Cormick of Rowland assistant. Mr. C. L. Lamb spent last Sun day visiting his aunt Mrs. John Calk down on Big swamp. Mr. Dave Cox spent Saturday night visiting friends and relatives of Lumberton, route 1. Messrs. Edmund Rowan and S. D. Lamb spent last Tuesday at Hamer, S. C on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. M'Wfoite and two children, JYil ma and Jess Willard, of Lumberton, route 1, spent last Saturday night and Sunday visiting in this commun ity. Messrs. Francis M'White of Lumberton, route 6, and Henry Mc. Natt of Maxton were pleasant callers here Sunday p. m. It was reported that there was to be a wedding pulled off somewhere near here last Sunday, but it did not happen; but it may be expected at any time. . Mary had a piece of gum She .chewed it loud and slow, And every place Mary went The gum was sure to go. It followed her .to school one day, -Which was against the rule; The teacher took it away from her AndichewedJfrafter achooL ..i-. Copyright Hart Scluffner fcaUra ne MONDAY WILL BE SHOE DAY TUESDAY WILL BE TRUN.i AND SUIT CASE DAY WEDNESDAY WILL BE BLANKET AND COMFORT DAY THURSDAY, STOVE AND H ATER DAY k FRIDAY, CHILDREN'S CLO VK DAY SATURDAY, Ladies' and Men's Suit and Millinery Day Mil DO NOT COME IN AND LOOK AT OUR SUITS AND- OVER COATS ON OUR ACCOUNT. BUT ON YOUR OWN. YOU OWE THIS TO YOURSELF: YOU WANT TO DRESS WELL FOR LESS MONEY. WE WILL SHOW YOU HOW. WE'UE COT THE PATTERNS: WE'UE COT THE STYLES: WE'UE COT THE "SIZES." IF YOU'UE NEUER BOUGHT YOUR CLOTHES FROM US JUST COME IN AND "HAUE A Lumberton, PHONE The State Federation of Labor, which claims to be 30.000 strong, ad journed its session in Raleigh Tues day after selecting Wilmington as the next meeting place. Among res olutions passed were: declaring for free text books for public schools; against allowing labor union organ izations from other States coming into this State to organize or in any way interfere with affairs of the la bor union in this State; inviting the State Farmers' Alliance to affiliate with the federation; calling upon the next Legislature to provide for the examination and licensing of plumb ers; and endorsing equal suffrage. Mrs. Lydia Van Wyche Hoke, wid ow of the late Gen. R. F. Hoke, died at her home in Raleigh Tuesday af. r long illness, 76 years old. She is survived by two sons ' and two' daughters, Dr. Michael Hoke, of At OUTFITTERS XLS (J n i fi i v3 i b. n ii v Mwm X X , -1 - - . i u v n - MX. 7 BY ALL MEANS HAVE A LOOK AT OUR CLOTHING LOOK ANYHOW. N. C. 141. lanta; Van Wyche Hoke of Raleigh; Mrs. Alexander Webb of Raleigh, and Mrs. W. D. Pollock of Kinston. She is also survived by two brothers, Judge Augustus Van Wyche and Judge Robert Van Wyche, both of N.3W York City. f , :ns Old Soras, 0Ur PemaJiaa Won't Co fiie wor?tcoeB, no matter ol how long: fttandii , r : cured by !he vm:Jerfnl, old rl(able I'. , Porter's Antisepi'c Heaii ? Oil. IP reliei vii and Heals at tiir eme i..te. . $ , Cheaper Than Home-Made You cannot make a good cough med icine at home for little as you pay for Foley's Honey and Tar, nor can you be sure of getting the fresh, full strength, clean and pura mate- nais. li m yuu ever near lu nuiuc- . made cough medicine doing the work. that Foley's -is doing very day f over the country? Sold everywh Vji y