ACT THXlfr' .ri HI Pif n r U U Hi w t-4 THE ROBZSONLIN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, U15 ill 1 - f n V LI J y wu Liu L Li w I TIT I 1M We Will -Give Special Medtaced Prices on All Lines ofemitiare-jgor-Cash Our prices on furniture are as cheap as Furniture can be sold at in Lumberton. We guarantee this to be true and there is no secretabout why we are able to do so. Here is the reason: Weare in the Furniture business exclu sively, therefore ye purchase all lines in large quantities, many lines being purchased in car-load lots; and we get the benefit of lower prices than any one can obtain who buys in small quantities. This benefit we pass along to our cus tomers. Just give us a trial and see for yourself. If we cannot save you money on Furnituie we will not ask you to purchase from us. In addition to our regular stock, we have on hand some Furniture purchased at a Bankrupt Sale. ; All this Furniture is new and as good as the best. We bought itxheap and can cheap, in many instances lower than wholesale price: Take advasbge of this .opportunity & saw money: V- This Special Cash Sale from now until Christmas will be the opportunity of years to secure Furniture and House Furnishing goods at extremely low prices. Whetner it is a single article wanted or the furnishing of the house com plete the saving in buying from us at our reduced cash prices will be a big thing to you. Take advantage of these Greatly Reduced Cash prices and prepare for your comfort and needs by purchasing Furniture now. Below we quote a few prices and illustrate a few of the many articles we have for sale. Prices on all lines compare with the low prices quoted. C-airs ... Rugs 20C $ilv00 10c to$7Q0 Art Squares . $0 Ti to $5fl 00 wU JUU'J Bed Springs Mattresses ... $: W $700 m 1 -1500 -' hiVi '-if Stoves and ranges from the cheap est to the very best Foster Bros. Ideal Guaranteed Iron beds and crib3 from . . . . ",150 15.00.- Also Foster Bros. Guaranteed Brass Beds at all Prices. Red Room suits $ 1250 to the very best. Dining room suits 'complete, all prices. ugs-aricl v ft A tuoienisis O JL uiality In selecting cur Rugs and Linoleums we have given our first and most careful attention to picking qualit'e3 that will give the best satisfac tion for the money. Each one of our Rug and Linoleum patterns was selected for its indi vidual beauty and harmonious colorings. An inspection of our offerings will prove that our Rugs and Linoleums combine Style and Quality. We have a big lot of wicker chairs at attractive prices Baby Carriages and Sulkies at allprices Entertaining Grandma Young and old find con tinual delight in the music of the Victrpla It satisfies every age and every taste with its variety of selections. "You ought to have a Victrola to help educate the children and entertain the grown-ups. i We'Jl gladly play any music you wish to hear, and dem onstrate the various stvles ($15 to $200). Terms to suit your conven ience. - We Garry A Complete Line of Undertakers Supplies Furniture Delivered Any where in Robeson. On all purchas es zmoimtirg lo $20 cr mere we vill pay freight to any place ia Robeson Co. Give us a Trial, Come to our Store when in need of anything in the Furniture line. Our prices will interest you. tlttlD ert on'.-rum D. W. BIGGS, Proprietor itur e Store