pacisec THE ROBESOMA.N THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 111115 Nou Well Thedrord's Black-Draught U the best all-round medicine lerer used," writes J. A. Steelman, of Pattonville, Texas. "I suffered terribly with liver troubles, and could get no relief. The doctors said I had con sumption. 1 could not work at all. Finally I tried PROFESSIONAL CARDS BLACK-DRAUGHT and to my surprise, I got better, and am to-day as well as any man."Thedford's Black Draught is a general, cathartic, vegetable liver medicine, that has been regulating irregulari ties of the liver, stomach and bowels, for over 70 years. Get a package today. Insist on the genuine Thedford's. E-70 tL A. McJLEAN, Attorney-at-law amberton, - - - North Carolina Otficn n Weinstein building. . y-18 4 L. Johnson E. M. Johnooa JOHNSON & JOHNSON Uf.ifWys nud Counselors at L .---'-Lum.bert0o.-N. :ncvxv iu Stat tea ueuerai uqutim. ;-viry Public in Office. Oiflce over r,t National Bank. . TUOS. C. JOflNSON, M. D. file in my said office as provided by hoM Na 17S 01Be Vho f n Testimony Wnereof, I have here No 7. to set my hand and affixed mv off ic : - ial seal at Raleigh this 11th day of b. jiuLus, uctooer, a. u., laia. . Civil Engineer. ' J. BRYAN GRIMES, Cotton Mill 'Office Building Lnmh-r. 10 4thurs Secretary of State Ion, North Carolina. and-Clay and Gravel Roads, pave ments. Bridges, Sewers, Drainage and ieneral Surveying. OR. N. A. THOMPSON, Physician and Surgeom. Office at THOMPSON HOSPITAL. Lumberton, N. C. irialties 5 Surgery. . . Gynecology, Ear, Nose and Throat. 1217 11 f. : New York dispatch, 5th: At least 3500,000 has been expended in car rying out alleged German plots in -i this ; country ; is . an effort to prevent ' war munitions from "reachm" the Al lies, according to a statement today by one of the officials investigating the cases of Robert Fay, who claim ed to be a German army lieutenant and five alleged accomplices. Tokio dispatch, 5th: Yoshihito, Em peror of Japan, : and 22nd head of che Japanese imperial house after the first emperor, vJimmu, whose reign began 2575 years ago, left To kio today for Kioto to make his state entry into the capital of his fore fathers and theref ormally accede to the throne of the Empire of the Ris ing Sun. The monarch was to have been accompanied by Empress Sada- Jio, but the nearness of the period when Her Majesty is expected to give birth to another heir prevented her from participating in the ceremonies. Break Between President and Bryan. "Washington Cor., 5th, Greensboro News. The long anticipated break between President Wison and former Sec retary of State William Jennings Bry an came today when the latter gave - ut a statement here-denouncing the President's proposed defense plans ;ai "false philosophy" and as aiming at a "complete reversal of the na tional policy." With the issues now squarely drawn between the two foremost men m the "Democratic party, it may be expected that the fights in Congress over the defense program will be bitter. And while the Administration has every confidence that the sentiment in favor cf better defense will prevail, there is equally good reasons to believe that Mr. Bryan's course will cause more than ordinary dissentions in the dem ocratic party and give the Republi cans a chance to make political cap. ital out of their unfortunate position. Washington dispatch,' 1st: Upon the complaint of a cook in a Bisbee, Arizona, restaurant the Supreme Court today annulled as unconstitu tional, the Arizona anti-alien labor law. enacted about a year ago by the vote of the people. The statute Tequired employers of more than five persons to employ not less than 80 per cent quaiineci electors or cui zens. Mike Raich, an Astrian cook, upon being notified he would be dis- t harared because of tne law, appealed to the courts, and when he won the State took the case to the highest tribunal. 8 8 88 8 8 888888888888 8 E. J. BRITT 8 8 Attorney at Law 8 3 LUMBERTONj-Nj-C 8 8 Offices over Pope Drug Com-. 8 8 pany. Will practice in all courts. 8 8 Prompt attention given to all 8 8 business. 8 888888888888888 888 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND North Carolina, Robeson county Under and by virtue of the power oi sale contained in a certain mort F. R WETMORE. CV R. gage deed executed to t'se under. n,-Qio o wgiieu dv Highways of all , Kinds Sanitation Maps uitice Weinstein Building Lumberton, N. C. ' L. E. SMITH, Electrician. Electrical Wiring and Fixtures. West 4th St. , 'Phone No. 61. P. P. GREENE Tinner SHOP 4th ST. -PHQNENflLJ& H. J. SINGLETON Attorney at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Office with E. J. Britt over Pope Drug Store. Prompt at tention given to all business. '.,. itphn Mclntyre, James D. a. C. Lawrence Proctor. Mciatne, Lawrence 4 Proctor, Attorneys and Counselors at Law,& LUMBERTON,- - - . U PritctiM in State ancVFederal Court. Prompt attention givea to all business. M. BriU W. 8. Unit Britt & Britt Attoensts at Law, LUMBERTON. N. C. AIL buainetts given prompt and cert' ful attention. Office upst-irs Mc Leod building, Elm and and 4th Sts. LUMBERTON MARBLE & GRAN ITE COMPANY. Lumberton, j. C. HOOPER & FLO I D, Managers. Manufacturers of Marble & Granite Monuments, Build ing Stone, Cemetery Curb, Land Markers, Etc.. LUMBERTON PRESSING CLUB W. N. SMITH, Prop. Dry Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, La dies' Work a Specialty. All WORK i Homptly Done. st Fourth St. Ph'one No. 94. FOR AUTO LIVER Y SERVICE Phone or write . rtr,: V W E. M. BROWN Buie, N. C. PHONE 2712 A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varser Junius J. Goodwin McLEANVVARSER& McLEAN Attorneys at Law Office on second floor National Bank of Lumberton building. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA i. a. McNeill, jr. Attorney-at-Law Lunibertcn, North Carolina. 'fi ill practice in all courts. Business attended to promptly. Rooms 3 and 4 McLeod building, cor ner Elm and 4th Streets. K. E. STACY, ' Attorney-at. Law. Lumbeton, N. C Practice in State and Federal Court ' jieu iu First National Bank thug W. E. LYNCH Attorney at Law ROWLAND, N. C. Office next to Farmers & Merchants Bank , WOODBERRY LENNON Attorney-at-Law . Lumberton, N. C. Offices over Postoffice. t. a. mcneilu Lawyer. Land titles and law of executors nd administrators special attention. Jmcc, Fifth street, west of rirst national Bank. Practice in all Courts. Lnmberton. N. C RUSSELL S. BEAM, M. D. Lumberton, . - N, C. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Office hours 9 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. Sundays by appointment. Phone 196 - R. rT. ROZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon LUMBERTON, N. C. Office McMillan Drug Store Residence Phone 302 Office Phone 75 I you go just whera you enve straight, sure, in all weathers when you equip with United States "Chain Tread" Tires W. Reean and wife, Annie McLean Regan on the 28th day or Decsmber.-ialzr and record ed in the office of the register of deeds of Robeson county in book 28 at page 2Io, the undersigned mort gagee will on Saturday, the 20th day or November, 115, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court-house door in Lum berton, county and state aforesaid offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described lands lying and be ing in Kobeson county, North Caro una, in Howellsviiie township, and defined and described as follows, to' wit Containing two hundred and nine acreaancL adjoinme the lands o Joseph Regan, W. M. Willis and oth ers and is fully described in a deed from N.A.Regan dated about the year 1906 and a deed from Mrs. C. J.Smilh dated about the year 1910, to C. Yf Kegan, party of the first part, to which reference is here made tor a full and particular description of the lands hereby conveyed, baid deeds being now on record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson county. Th:s 13th day of October, 1915 JOHN F. McNAIR, Mortgagee. RUSSELL & WEATHERSPOON, Attorneys Laurinburg, N. C. 10 21 4thurs MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF TOWN LOT Under and by virtue of the pow &Z efr sale -contained in a certain Mortgage- Deed from Reuben Stew art to W. H. Humphrey. C. S. C. dated Aug. 30th, 1910, registered in Bool; of Mortgage Deeds No. 22, page 182, in the office of Register of Deeds of Kobeson county, N. U, State of North Carolina Department of State rrUTTrrm tp nr mcem ittiav T All tft wi-nvi Ths.a vyea Mo,, will on Monday, the 6th day of De Come Greetine-: ' J cemberr 1915, at 12 o'clock, m., at Whereas. It aonears to mv satis- the court house, dpor, in Lumberton, faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent ef - all the stockholder de posited in my office, that the Robe son Soda Water Company, a corpora tion of this State, whose principal of fice is situated at No. street, in the city of N. C. sell for casn, at pubi:; auc tion to the highest biddar tlm fi lowing described real estate convey ed, in,. saidJMortgage, One town lot, in the town of Pem. broke, ' N. .C, being Lot No. 7, in Block G.. in said town. Said lot be- ..V . I : 1 1 ,1 4-U Trnnt- V.. D.tLnoJ 1, UheStnUt I uuunucu un nic luaou vy naiuuou Lumberton Afreet, ana on tne iNortn, aoutn ana county of Robeson, State of North "West by lands of the East Carolina Carolina (T. F. Barnes being he agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with .he re quirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," pre liminary to the issuing of this Certif icate of Dissolution: " Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimesr- Secretar3rof - State of - the St3te of North Carolina, do hereby Land and Improvement Co This Nov. 4th, 1915. C. B. SKIPPER, C. S. C. Successor and Assignee of W. H. Humphrey, C. S. C. Mortgagee. 11 4 4thurs North Carolina Leads in Demonstra tion Work, Washington Cor,-Charlotte Observer, For the fiscal year 1915-16 North certify that the said corporation did, Carolina will have more money ex on the 11th day of October, 1915, file pended in its borders for home dem in my office a duly executed and at tested consent in writing tc the dis solution of said corporation execut ed by all the stockholders thereof. vhich said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on ft. .-1-. ! - YOU ARE THOROUGHLY ARMED against ruin by fire if you carry one of ourl polities of fire insurance. Without onft you are at the mercy of a blaze all the time. v 17TPK- IMClIPAMrW TC A T1TTTV as well as a benefit. Your wife and ketin 3'000 family are entitled to a sure home and you as their protector" are in duty bound to provide it Have us issue you a policy today, both for their sofety and your own peace of mind, The cost is trifling, the protection absolute. onst ration work than any other State of the Union. This information is shown in the allotments of funds, by projects for co-cperative provisions of the Smith-Lever act. Only five other States will expend more than North Carolina for boys club work. Only three States will expend more on county agents. Only one will ex- nend more on livestock work. North Carolina will exepend more on dairy- in2 demonstrations than any other State and is one of the five States that will pay attention to marketing. The total amount to North Carolina from allsources. State, Federal and local, under the Smith-Lever plan, as published in a final report of the budget as arranged by directors of extension work, is $192,154. This is the fourth largest sum to any. one State in the Union. The detailed plan follows. Administration, $3,200; pub. lications, $2,795; county agents, $98. 300; home demonstration work, $43, 265; boy's club work, $10,525; live stock, $9,180; dairying, $13,280; agronomy, $3,3UU; norticunure, 500; plant diseases, insects, $400; ag ricultural engineering, $2,400, mar- Q. T. Williams, Agent LUMBERTON, N. C. JOHN KNOX, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 26; Residence Phone 54 LUMBERTON, N. C. DR. D. D. KING . " Dentist L JJIEERTON, N. C j j -ee upstairs in Weinstein building. DR. R. T. ALLEN Dentist ' LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA Office in McLeod Building Cor. 4th and Elm Sts SEASON -FOR- Fire Insurance Every day in the Better insure now year. R.H. CRICHTON Phone 9 and 169 the famous, popular priced, long-mileage, anti-skid tires. Ask us the price of the size you use-rand let us show you why "Chain Treads" are real economy tires. People's Garage Lumberton. N. C How to Prevent Croup It may be a surprise to you to' learn that in many cases croup can; be prevented. Mrs. II . M. Johns, ! Elida, Ohio, relates her ex.perience as follows: "My little boy is subject! o croup. During the past winter Ij kept a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the house, and when he began having that croupy cough I would give him one or two doses of it and it would break the , attack. I like it better for children than any other cought medicine because chil dren take it willinely, and it is safe and t reliable." Obtainable every where. . ev ' , - Advertise in The Robeeoniaik FIRE! Has destroyed oth ers. You may be next. Insure be fore it is too Late S. E HAMILTON The Pembroke Crossing Cfarlotte Observer. The Observer has secured borne inside information in regard to the situation at the JfembroKe crossing, the traveling men have heen raisine- such a row, and it be- liovoa that, within a snort time re litvf will be forthcoming. We have at .no time held an idea tnat tne oor noration Commission was not on . .... i il X nia the job ana wnen me i.ti.a ;,ron thf nu h hp itwill be iouna tnui the Commission has been close be ,iA v,o citnntion all the time. The matter-was supposedly near tne poini. of a satisfactory adjustment several weeks ago when both the Coast Line and the Seaboard promised new schedules. The new schedules came on all right, but still no connection. Meantime, each railroad party to the perpetuation of this irmaung' : r, frr itself mere or less future trouble in both jury box and legisla- v,oii it is oniv one oi me many vavs some railroads have of doing that. The Youth s Companion caienuar ior Ik? nWisiiPr3 of The Youth's rv,v,nknion will, as always at this season, present 10 eveij uuw whose subscription is paid for ,191b, a calendar for the new year. It is a gem of celandar-making. The deco rative mounting is rich, but the main purpose has been to produce a calen dar that is useful, and that purpose has been achieved. Chamberlain's Tabts Thin is a medicine intended espec ially for stomach troubles, bilious ness and constipation. It is meet ing with much success and rapidly gaining in favor and popularity. Ob tainable everywhere. I Cook Stoves, Ranges, Coa! and Wood Heaters, Oil Cook Stoves and Oil Heaters, Grates, Etc. L. H. CALDWELL'S HARDWARE DEPARTMENT IT SI. U J'W,' ir.EHJgf m1 w Get the Building And Loan Habit- No matter if we do start on the right road to somewhere, "well never arrive unless we keep on moving. This is especially true of savings in a building and loan asso ciation. It is your duty to begin now to regularly place aside a portion of your savings for a definite purpose. Consult a di. rector or the secretary of the Robeson Building and Loan Asso ciation and let him give you advice, how to "KEEP ON MOVING" & Loan Association C. V. BROWN, Sec At National Bank of Lumberton Building WE ARE NOW OVER NINE OLD We have a competent corps of nurses to go. out and do private nursing at reasonable prices which we offer to the public who desire to employ competent under graduate nurses. We solicit your patronage and influence. We will appreciate your kindness if you will remember us when in need of a nurse or have sick friends who need more attention , than , can be given in the home. We promise you the very best attention that can be given by an up to date hospitaILjight here in your own community. We ask you to be the judge of what we are capable of doing by investigating our records and looking over our equipmsnt. We will take pleasure in g ving you prices as to hospital and treatment fees for both med ical and surgical cases, as well as for our nurses doing private duty outside of the hospital and guaran tee to make prices as reasonable as any other hospital for such services. Thanking you for p tt favors YOU ARE INVITED to visit the " N. Y. Cafe and Lumberton Kandy Kitchen next door to. the Express office. Everything new, clean and san itary. Fresh candy made every day. Fancy fruit. Meals serv ed at all hours. ' , Fresh Norfolk Oysters Received Every Day A Ford on the road for every car of another make. More than 900,000 now in use everywhere. This could not be if the Ford car had not, and was not proving ts superiority every day, in all parts of the world. The sturdy, light-weight, econom ical Ford car, useful to everybody, saving money for everybody at a price within reach of every body. .Runabout $390; Touring Car $410; Town Car $640, f. o. b., Detroit. On sale at ROBESON AUTO CO. PHONE 223. J. H.FELTS, Jr., - Mgr

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