5 PACK EIGHT THI EOBESONIAN THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 11. 1915 II Pictorial Review Patterns, 1 Wonderful Bargains in La-1 I Most Reliable on the Mar- I f ket 3,000 in Stock, $ Ready-to-Wear Garments I Stock of. Tlse Ueioii Shoe C0 off Uisloai, So Go, BotagM by Us at StarMf Sale : AmwmtMg to Abort $l,gMMM) ' -.1- An opportunity like this was never offered the people of this section before. Now is your time. Winter is here, this stock now on sale. Many of the most popular and best makes known are represented in this stock, such goods as the "Walkover, Edwin Olapp, Hamilton Brown & Company, Brown Shoe Company, &c0, Five thousand pairs. We cannot go into details, quoting and describing each line, it would take too much space. Also 'tis not necessary. We ask that you come and see. DAMAAMAi WE ARE ALSO OFFERING OUR UP-TO-THE-MINUTE LINE OF LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN READY-TO-WEAR GOODS, COAT SUITS, CLOAKS, SPORT COATS, AND EVERYTHING IN THE LINE AT UNAPPROACHABLE PRICES. MAKES NO DIF FERENCE WHAT OTHERS SAY. DO NOT BE MISLED. ALL WE ASK IS THAT YOU COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF, THEN IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED IT HAS COST YOU NOTH. ING TO INVESTIGATE. IF WE DO NOT SAVE YOU MONEY, WE DO NOT ASK YOU TO TRADE. NO PROPOSITION COULD BE MORE REASONABLE. ' WE OFFER THE BIGGEST LINE OF WINTER. UNDER WEAR TO BE FOUND IN THIS COUNTRY AT OLD PRICES, BASED ON COTTON AT 6 TO 8 CENTS, SEVERAL HUNDRED DOZEN FOR MEN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS. A LINE OF COTTON GOODS SUCH AS CALICOES AT 5c, GINGHAM AT 7c, NORTH CAROLINA PLAIDS AT 5c. OTH. ER GOODS IN SAME PROPORTION, ALL AT THE PRICES WHEN YOU RECEIVED ONLY SIX TO SEVEN CENTS FOR COTTON. THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT EARLY; WE GIVE YOU THE ADVANTAGE. WE CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR LINE OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. A BETTER AND MORE ATTRACTIVE LINE HAS NOT BEEN SHOWN IN LUMBERTON IN A LONG TIME. Special attention is called to the "Mackinaws"' if or; , Boys. The smaller sizes have Cap and Leggings to match. 'They are very pretty and of course serviceable. .... r Grocery Department We desire that you do not forget the advantage to be gain ed by patronizing our Grocery Department. We buy in Car-Load Lots for Cash; You can buy in Retail quantities at about Whole sale Prices. Ten thousand pounds Tobacco, all popular brands, at 25c pound. The Celebrated "BJLOCKS CRACKERS" at Wholesale, best crackers made. Coffee, Sugar, Flour, Ship Stuff, Star Lye, Mendleson Lye, Red Devil Lye, All Kinds Baking Powders, All Kinds Canned Goods. Extra Special A good Iron Safe, some Show Cases and Store Fixtures at a Bargain. These Goods from the Store of the Union Shoe Company, 10 nn ill T LET M l I We resort to no Catchpenny methods, a Square deal to all, Every day bargain day, Every sale a bargain sale, every customer must be satisfied WMHTC Y7 Jl J i J I J 1 T7 11 lib II l W Original and Greatest Bargain Givers I Hundreds House Dresses and Child's school Dresses for less than you can buy the goods Young Lady and School Girls, you need one of the New Silk Sweaters.