TAGE FOUR THE ROBESONIAN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 191S -THE KOBESONIAN Published MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS By ' ''- )BESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. A. SHARPE Pesident Office 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20 Entered as second class mail matter I tita postoffice at Lumberton, N. C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Om Year . ......... $1.50 tlx Months ................... .75 TtiTM Months .45 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1915 ROAD EXHIBIT The road exhibit which the State Highway Commission will have at the county Farm Products, Live Stock and Poultry Exhibit in Lum berton December 2, 3 and 4 will be a great . addition to that important event. ' Reads about over the coun ty indicate that those who have been attempting to build and keep up roads an Kobeson iKive something to learn about road building and maintenance; and it would bs? a marvel if thev hml not something to learn, for even the most cxnert road-builders are contin ually learning. It is to be hoped that every ctizen of the county who is in terested in good roads will visit this exhibt, and -especially that road sup enrisors, county commissioners and - members of tlie Farmers Union will ' make it point to visit it. The coun ly division of the Farmers' Union, by the way, could do nothing better, as The Robesonian sees it, than to take hold of the road problem in Robeson and help to lift it out of the mire -f politics into which it has sunk and put it upon a plane where some effective road work could be done . Efficiency should be the only meas ' aire of road work. A visit to the , Tad exhibt here next week ought beexceedingly profitable. - BEST IS BUT POOR Representative Claude Kitchin has given a statement to the press, ex plaining his reasons for opposing the preparedness plan of the Administra tion. B-ftefly stated. Mr. Kitchin bases his opposition on the irround that the United States already has a Iiavv lare-er than that, nf nation except Great Britaini and it 13 admitted by even advocates of preparedness that there is no need I' r this COUntrv to have snrli a navv as Great Britain has; that the army i3 already being prepared; that the increase in taiPS that, umnlr? ha nan. ersary to provide for the proposed uii.rea.se wouia De Duraensome and tie people would murmur if taxes were increased to that extent. He gives the President credit for being entirely sincere in advocating this program, as he believes the Presi dent credits him with sincerity in opposing, and says that sinca it is not and cannot be a Dartv nroornm because of the very nature of the question, he is at liberty to ODnose if in his individual capacity.' Mr. Kitchin navs his resnects to the New York Herald, which paper has set out MAI 1DI1 IL'fDrn nimn la na V T n .1 it - ... Kiauamn uirciU uui I v Dvxue lauor, & lit That is good news, tru news, that e fertilizer and some seed: n be soread ahronH frnm liwr-: r. Inur.nce Policy for Uncertain can. bo spread abroad from Lumber to now.- Time was when Lumber ton had a rather bad reputation for Cotton Market 1. A home garden for every fam ily to provide vegetables as near as seemingly with the determination of inaKii i:i a worse mnntaunn th:in' nncai i hn .... i .- was deserved and the wonderful rec-U:oiuil ground for a. plot of potatoes, ord that has been made in the: town eithe,r Irish or Sweet, or both. Raise during the past two years .should be' 7IT Te enoUh for tne 8vruP a A,I l.-.,,4 .. i it ... .,uJUu auiuau uiilu everywnrre ne rroduce the corn necessary to lvj,, ouau ur oyiionymoua support tne iamny and the live stock ...vn nu umioiw . n. news ueiu on me iarm ior a vpnr tMh Isewhere in this naoer tells hntv Hnr lnt -ptnintv ing the past two years malaria has 3. Produce the. necessary oats or u.n uui. in tins town anu us oiner small grain to supplement the suburbs by the application of a few corn and food for winter grazing scientific nrinciDleSL Drainacp. re- 4 Proximo onmmh h.n aA moval of tin cans, screening doors to supply all your live stock for a and w;ndowsf and quinine have work- year. In doing so don't forget the w a levuiuuun: ana tne greatest or legumes Decause they produce hay these is quinine. Hear you: two years and also enrich the soil. ago a census of school children in 5. Produce enough chickens and jumoerton revealed the astonishing hogs to supply the meat for the fam fact, one that we Jiated like sin to ily. Increase your other live stock puoi;sn, mat 66 per cent of the school , gradually but insure your meat sun rhildron nA hoA .L.:. J 1 ...Ilk H,,. " children had had malaria durintr the p!v with these year; and the same method brought In other words, produce your liv out a ner centatre of 43 in p r.nm.: ins? first. That-, ia tha hoof -., brtnn TKint- nt iff y IIPO Hlirlnn . , . """ "x " iniif a pui'- ""y- ""'n Hie iiai jcaf yuu were ii I j I inn nr n m nnd M L. ' n I . . nnvKrvi ntr moflti.n Aii v u.vufiu ituv in iaai 1. u n t- , v . j Lavbnaujr an tilt? agri- berton 500 or more had malaria two cultural forces in the country to nro- l l . . I .1.: jraio anu, anu now, accorainor to a lvc mee nungs as an emercrencv. Paris and has onnosed evorhinir : case; there may bs a case or two. that President Wilson has done ex- chronic, here and there, brought ov- cept the preparedness policy, lament ing a short while ago that we have ret a Roosevelt in the White House f'i'vinjr the present stirring times. l!r. Kitchin makes out as strong an nrpument as nn bo rmflo 'ui f.nvnr of 'the policy of drifting along with out linking necessary nrena ration or from last rear: but. for the. poses of this comparison, they den't count. That is a record to be proud of. If Robeson county's whole-time health officer had nothing else to his rrrdit that would be well worth all that his office costs the coun ty. And don't fail to write it i ivn for defense, which is all that the I-on the .tables of your memory that i resident has ever advocated. lis maiana in Lumberton is like "snakes -v It is not profitable for anybody :.io try to interef ere with the disciplin- ; '-ing of pupils at the graded school. That was unmistakably indicated . by the school trustees at the school house Tuesday morning when the trustees visited the school in a body and gave faculty and pupils to understand that they are standing squarely be lrind the faculty in any 'measures they may have to employ in secur icp proper order among the pupils, it is the duty of every good citi zen of the town to stand with the Trustees m this stands One mighty pood way to ruin a child and give mm a good start on a career in vhich he will be a useless, if not a positively dangerous, member of so ciety, is to DacK him up in refus Tng' to submit to proper exercise of aminony upon the part of his teach era. -o rne university News Letter is two years old and its circulation has STOwn to 7.C0O. It is free to all who want it, up to the limit of the money available, anf it is so valuable that "it ts to be toped that more money wiu oe provided, it is a small sheet printed. on only one side, but its edi lors manage to pack into it a vast amount of most useful information. Ike" Univer?.ty News Letter is an institution. ; Or argument would annlv as well to h.iv ing no navy at all and trusting al together to mines and submarines for coast defense. And he puts his own oninion hipii over all. As thp 7?1. eigh Times observes. Mr. Kitchin in his, article which is too long for The Robesonian -to publish in these hnov times seems to say "L-.BEr LIEVE" so and so. is .so; therefore it is bound to be so. There are plenty of experts who say the navy t il. tt:j ri.i : ii ffth place among the navies of the 1J : a. i i ' i wunu, uiBLcou oi Deinir in second place. Mr. Kitehins ideas anout nrenar edness would fit iust as well into ar -rment asramst insunng again?t fire w.fiats the use; No fire is con sumine' niv nronertv now and T don't hoUeve-any fire ever will u therefore whv go to the expense of insuring? The best argument that can be put 'm urainst a reasonable preparedness on the part of the United States is mighty poor. o in Ireland- -not any. inp" ronsists in molrinn the farm self-sustaining whether the casn crop jans or not and whether the market fails or not. To put an Insurance Policy on your business for the year to pro- tect you against uncertainties and risks that you ought not to try to carry yourselves means to produce a living on the farm in the form of t rings to cat so as to be indenend ent cf the market and . protected iiisinsi disaster - How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars ward for any case of Catarrh that -sannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh are. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. the undersigned, have knorvn F 3 aey for the last 15 years, ana believe nim perfecUy honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry ut any obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL, BANK OP COMMEnCi:. Tolf-i!o. C TTall's Catarrh Cure ia Wn l-tma',.v cun aireciiy tfpon the blo.-Ml oii etHis surfaces of ihe systcni T i nt free. PTtre 73 cents Dcr lot; ay all PrugrErlstt. .- That a mo ner and a physician con senting to allow a baby to die rath er than perform an operation that wght fnve the chiM s lif? may be the extression of highest wisdom and 'oye was nriven in Cicro the oth er dv. A. dpfoctiv baby that had no chance to live without, nn imnrn t'on was born at a honital in that city. An-oneratinn miirht hav bv. ed the child, life but the physician unon wnom tne responsibility rested, with the' mother's consent, refused t nerform th ooertion because the child would still be defective in mind an body and would be paved only to a life of misery and most likely shame. Of eonrse there ure peonle wno arjnse tne doctor and the mother and contend l.hst t.h onAratinn bIiaiiM have heen nerformH'. hnt tViaw ,m lipteninp to the mushilv-sentimental side of their nature and not to their reason. o The law reouirine' certified mnVi nd servants for Lnmebrtnn ha nin in force long enough for a oractical test. We wonder if it ha beon K. served? The Lumberton Rofc mieht tell ns how it is working. Charlotte Observer. To be candid abont it. we must. ad. mit that the law has not hen en forced as Ktrirt.lv. as it Bnnnld Vioira been enforced. It. has been in ef fect since .Tnlv 97 md 399 i;.a. have been issued, but not 11 of these have been called for. The law has done some o-ood, though not as much as it would "h been enforced more rigidly, We hoo i" ne ame to give a. hetter account of the working of this ordinance lat er on . A lazy liver loadq tn rlirA;. j. nocia and.const;Tint'oT xvooVen tVp wTiol SVStem. hnin'c P.nlnl. or. "or box) ct miHlv on the Fver and I bowles. At all drug stores. rlw vuivpa man. is not tnis a wu ro 4. m L. i. r i ' saler and surer ni.nn thnn-tA 1-; was revived some months ago, sus- ?n tlJe Pnce of cotton? Is it not bet- penned niitiication again last week.' , Vl "ener ior tne.iarm- Dr. J. P. Brown of Fairmont, who er . . . , Was, a Lumberton visitor vPQtor.la I farmers, having done as well as says that nothing definite has been you 'have undej" he necessity of the Jearns to whether. or -not the ..4 J Rf brought the South per wflrrrrl j?batfdn t .n" far on the road to a self-sus- tamine? agneulturA and inHonainiM INSURANCE FOR FARMERS taming agriculture and independence, are you Coin? tn let. tha nld lomnfn tion to risk all on the price of cot p.. t... it-V I X y -ao an unsafe i.ii iiiauioiiic ruiicy rw ujicenaiB minjr: rnink oefore you act. Cotton Market Produce a' Living I Business Men, don't let yourselves First is the Best Insurance Insure be the cause of disaster by' fixing Against Loss by Doing Safe Farm- your credit on . cotton. Give credit "Jk upon tne farmer's effort to support The Robesonian nnhlinhpd . anma himself unon tha land pr.,u. r r " . .. ! . . . UTint C weens ago a letter bv Bradford casn market for his snmloa fnod ba Knapp, chief of Cooperative Exten sion - Work in -Agriculture and Home Economics, United States Department Of Agriculture. On "Safp Fnrminr" The Robesonian is indebted to Mr. a. w. JicLan tor a copy of the fol lowing letter, on "Insurance" which Mr.' Knann sent, out from Wncdlni) ton under date of November 8, and which makes mighty profitable read ing: ' To Farmers, Bankers and Business aien. in uotton Territory: On October '7th. I smt nut a lot. ter on the subject of Safe Farming. This month T want, tn -nrrita - . v TV A ItA. n vil tne supjecc or insurance. l v - - w nen - n - miaiiipsa - man a a nouse or a store or a stock of goods What does he do tn nrnUxt Kimeoirv Does he carry all the risk of loss him- BClI l I O. IT ne ia a 1M Kitamass man he pays what they call a prem ium fee to Some Insiironro P.nmnonw and puts an Insurance Policy on his property or his business so that in case of loss he has something to fall back on . Is not that a nrettv eafa ml tn follow? If an. whv nnt fnllnw f in farming? What is the present situ ation? No one known wlint mil ha the price of coton next spring or next iau. inere is no use in plunging On an uncertaintv. Nn nna Imnn what will happen to the market if the war continue or if it closes. I pointed out in my letter of last month that it ia not safe to gamble '6r take a chance on the future nrire Vif cot ton . Then, whv not nnt a n icy on your farminar business and . - - - -wi "Ul Mil feed crops and livestock. You will get wnat is coming to you if you will only heln him to "nl.iv anf a" k,t io ning to Insure against loss by doing oaie r arming. Verv trulv vonrs BRADFORD KNAPP. Chief. Report of the Condi tion of. THE BANK OF PROCTOR VILLE Proctorvillo. V r ' at the close of business Nov. 10, 1915 uesources , , . Loans and discounts $15,161.28 wveru rans secured ana uh- secured ; 65.07 ranking Houses ?1,838.46; furniture and fixtures $1,275.82 uemana loans Due from National Ranlro Cash items Gold coin Silver coin, including all minor coin currency . 1 National bank notes and other U. S. notes Transit account 3,114.28 200.00 2,470.50 60.65 185.00 197.71 3,230.00 20.75 Total Liabilities Capital stock paid in Undivided profits, less Current expenses and taxes paid Deposits subject to check Savings Deposits Cashier's Checks outstanding 24,705.24 $10,000.00 ' 318.03 9,721.07 4,521.18 144.96 have something to fall back on. in) State of North Carolina. County of Case Of loss on thp rnttrm marlratl Here is the Insurance Policy I am talking about and all it will cost is Cured Boy of Croup Nothing fnVhtena a mnttiei. than the loud, hoarse cough of croup. Labored breathing, stranggling. chok ing and gasping for breath demand instant action. Mrs. T. Neureuer. Eau Claire. Wis., savs? "Fnl ' ' J ' ' J .vs ey and Tar cured my boy of croup aiier oiner remedies tailed". Rec ommended for coughs and colds. Sold overywhere. Robeson, ss I. I. P. Graham Toen wMua& VI WIG above-named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ia trim ft the best of my knowledge and belief. ,. I. P. GRAHAM, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 22nd day of Nov. 1915. i K. ATKINSON, j Notary Public. ; My commission expires Jan. 30, 1916. trrect Attest: , W. R. SURLES, J. P. PRICE, Directors The be&t nlaoe to hide moner 1m haye vaults for safely protecting it. TSverv wee k we -see newspaper accountsof people having hcvn robbed. Sugar bovlst rafr-biss under the enrjet, behind pictures and all of tjoso other places where people conceal their mouev, are well kown to burglar. Hide it in OUlt HAXK, tli u you know yon enn get it when you want it. Uo TOUR Hanking With US. First National Bank Under Control United States Government LUMBERTON, N. C. OUR OFFER TO LEND -ON GOTTON is Still Open We Want You 16 Get a Fair Price for your Cotton The National Bank of Lumberton LUMBERTON, N. C. A. W, McLEAN, Pres. C. V. BROWN, Cathier. 4 per cent paid on Savings, compounded quarterly. Get a coupon and begin saving now INVESTIGATE OUR Community Thrift Plan Be Relieved of Pressing Troubles Don't be bothered with things .we can do for you. It's easier for us to call regularly for your your clothes, clean, press and re. pair them, than it is for you to be troubled thinking about it. We positively guarantee satisfaction. A trial will be the test of our statement. , NATIONAL PRESSING CLUB W. K. FAULK, Prop. PHONE 155 W " ii " LBll'riminiii nr-ilw m i nmw iiininmnif ;jMf. iinn inarm PiraagaiiufflBMit'JlMlttUU ff.HL. j jjj ujni-wutnf n . liwuipiwiiij The Clogieg tall Sale 1 1 At the Store of the Late JOHN P. McNEIILL Sale began cn Thursday, Nov. 1 1 tb, and will continue till Saturday, Nov. 27. Every day a sales day. Goods are going , i : - ' . - Former Prices Cut all to pieces-Come & see-goods must go 1L (Mrs. Emma M. McNeill Admx of the estate has decided to sell out goods and rent the store. Hence this Sale) . i. .

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