TUB BOBESOKLAJf THURSDAY, NOV FMBER 23, 1315 PAC mi THE ROBESONIAN Office 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1913 LOCAL RAILROAD .-SCHEDULE Seaboard Air Line. Train No. 19 west-bound lvs 7:15 am Train No. 14 eastbound Its 10:15" am Train No. 13 westbound lvs 6:25 pm Train No. 20 eastbound lvs 9:55 pm VA. & CAROLINA SOUTHERN From Hope Mills Train No. 79 arrives 9:10 am Train No. 64 . . ... . leaves 10:25 am Train No. 65 ....... arrives 6:20 pm Train No. 78 ... leaves 8:20 pm ' Raleigh & Charleston Train No. 1 Train No. 2 leaves 10:20 am arrives 6:15 pm FOR RENT ONE TWO-HORSE farm and one one-horse farm five miles from Lumberton. K. M. Biggs, Lumberton, ,N. C. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN ONE bay mare, 7 years old. Gentle and will work anywhere. Cash or easy terms. Apply to Bullock Broth ers, Lumberton, N. C. MILK COWS, MULES & HORSES. A fresh shipment of Milk cows, fine mules and horses, at Carlyle's Stables. See me before buying Ira Bullard. FOR SALE AT BARGAIN MEIS ter piano, in good condition. Ap ply to Alex Dawkins, Lumberton, N. C, Route 2. BUGGY ROBE ONE SIDE BLACK, other yellow spotted, taken by mis. take Saturday from Britt grocery store in Lumberton. $l reward for return to store. TO GET MILK AND CREAM CALL Cedar Grpve Dairy. Phone No. 2505. Bottles sterilised every day. Frank" Wattsp proprietor." ' . ' FOR SALE FORD TOURING CAR in good condition at a bargain. Apply to T. C. Lewis; St. Pauls, N. C, R. F. D. No. 3. STORE BUILDING FOR RENT Mrs. Emma M. McNeill. CANE MILL I HAVE INSTALL ed for the convenience of the pub lic a Cane Mill on my farm one J - 1 1 :i. ... . T tin)... ana a uaii iimea nasi i ton, near County Home,. Prompt .An ana gooa service. cane havTit o.nd' into good symp. J. D. Ren. - IF ITS BEEF REMEMB.ER A. H. Hinds handles it in a sanitary manner. 'Phone No. 53 for pork loins, fresh pork sausage liver and sliced ham. GO. TO L. H. CALDWELL'S FOR onion sets, fall cabbage seed, Abruzzi seed rye, N. C. seed rye, Annler. Winter Turf. Red Rust Proof Burt and Fulghum seed oats, Crimson clover, rape and turnip seed. HOLD YOUR COTTON FOR 15 cents the pound. Store it in the Farmers Bonded Warehouse, Lum .berton, and borrow money on it. IF ITS FRESH FISH, REMEMBER the Britt " Grocery Company has them every day. Everything in the grocery line at prices that please. Rowland Britt, manager. Phone 215 IF YOU WANT THE BEST PRICE for cotton "and cotton seed, go to John T. Biggs. FOR SALE ONE H. P. Fairbanks- Morse Gasoline Engine. In good condition and capable of good ser vice. Have no use for it as we have installed electric motors. Will sell for $17.50 f. o. b. Lumberton. TV PiKoonnian T .nmKpT- nuuivu - " ..w-. ------ ton, N. C. FARMS FOR RENT STEPHEN Mclntyre, Lumberton, N. C. TAKE NOTICE BLACKER BROS, Lumberton, pay the highest prices for all kinds of furs. You will find them on Chestnut street on block of" Farmers Bank. & Merchants FURS I. J. MOORE PAYS HIGH eet price for furs. . CHICKENS, CHICKENS YES THE pure-bred kind. No doubt we .will have some of the finest ever shown in this part of the country on ex hibition at Lumberton Dec. 2, -3 and 4. Ringlet Barred Rocks and Brown Leghorns. Be sure and see them. Mr. E. M. Paul of this place will be there and answer any questions and will be glad to take your egg orders. Thank you. The Fancier Poultry Yards, T. M. Brock, Prop., Pembroke, N. C. WilY NOT GET THE BEST 'OUT of vour piano.' Ask for Iko -ointed Tuner to the Southern Presbyterian College & Conserva tory of Music, Red Springs, N. C, to call and give you a price for tun ing or repair. Charges consistent with high class work. Distance no barrier. Three years' apprentice ship in one of London's (Eng.) best and largest factories. Nine " years out-door experience. Testi ' monial from. Dr. C. G. Vardell. Writ to F. t. Fuzzer. Shannon, I DUSfflESS I m ' ' : I KEEP SABBATH DAY nOLY TOrd of Sermons by Rev C. 1. Greaves On Ten Commandments Best Way to Keep the Day Holy is to Spend it in Serving God and Doing Good to Onr Fellow Men How Jeus Spent His Sabbaths Auto Riding On Sabbath. A large congregation heard Sun- day evening: the third sermon of the f.eiies Rev. C. L. Greaves, pastor of the First Baptist church, is' preach- has been mentioned in The Robe soman, Mr. Greaves is preachig a series of sermons on the Comamnd inents, one each Sunday evening. He will preach next, Sunday evening o;t the Fifth Commandment "Honor thy, father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which Je hovah thy God giveCh thee." In beginning his sermon last Sua dav evening on "Keeping the Sab bath Day Holy" the preacher declar ed tnat this commandment was the at;veg only ceremonial one of the ten, ah , f ' ,-. . . r.. the others dealing with morals. "It ..Mr- Ge0- T- Graham of Proctor was, wrong to kill, to steal or to; Vll,e was among the visitors in town xnmmit ndnltpfv hpforp the command ! jesteraay, fluents were, written, but ant !1 God. commanded man to keep the Sabbata' day h fly it was not a sm to work on: that. dav. There is none but God who can change this ceremonial aw." The preacher brought out very forci bly .the fuct that not only was man Tcmniat.csed to keep the Sabbath da" holy. Lut he is r.lso iortm:uulca to see tf- ic that no one in his house hold, not even the stranger, breaks this holy day. While we are commanded to make it ;i aav of rest, that does not mean f hut nro tn mnke it idle rpst. but a day on which we are to do service, ai God. to whom the dav belong:?;1 a day to worship God and do gorl to our fellow man. "Chnsp declared, m his teacnings mm tne oaDoatn). was made for man and not man for the sabbath, tnereiore, it is not aj way urraeii w r dav for blessine others." The speak er showed that it was lawful to do rmyth-mg on the SafJbith da-'thati vu3 juuu iui man. Jesus spent his Sabbaths going to church, teaching and 'healing. When we go on all-day excursions, picnick ing, and spend the day for lustful rdeasure we are not keeping the dav as Jesus kept it, and laid down the plan for our keeping1 it. While the preacher did not condemn an auto mobile ride after a man and his fam Uy have attended church services, re, declared that to use the whole day f or ril ing over - the -country r f orget 1inp the church and God, was break ing the Sabbath day. Can a man ppend the Sabbath dny boat-riding, pirnickinc or on the beich and at nirrht fold his hands and sv Lord, I have worshirinpd Thee todny. be cause I have walked close bv thy side? Tf so then, it is all right to snond the dav in that manner. "While I do not believe it would be a sin to pull an ox out of the ditch ' that would mean a good sum of monev to vou. I do believe it is a -,- --- - - tv -fnllo n to have an old ox that f alls in the ditch every Sabbath day, and one U -T PU" U SJ oth T to pieces ' Jesus helped oth- tiful wav to spend it. While Jesus wer.t into the fields on the Sabbath he. didnt go there for the purpose of seeing how his -crop was growing, or to plan his work for the next week. About the onlv way for a farmer not to plan on the Sabbath day is to stay away from his grow ing crop on that day. The Jews kept Saturday the sev enth dav to commemorate the comr pletion of the God's work in creating the earth. The Christians keep tne first day to commemorate the rais. ing or Christ irom xne aeaa in speaking of the value of the Christian Sunday. Mr. Greaves said that man needs it both spiritually and phys ically that's why God gave it. Sta tistics show that !in the sections where the Sabbath is the least ob served there are more inmates in the lunatic asylums. The Sabbath is of great value indeed. Don't make business trips on Sun- day. The more oi uoa s aav you i-a for business, the more 'the .world c'.emands you to take. To have a r.inrere desire to serve God on tlie Sabbath dav is worth more than rules. You can do any deed of mercv rn the Sabbath day and not break Speakinir further of the Sunday nr;to ride, the nreacher said: "Frank ly I do not believe there is any harm in taking a ride after you have at tended your church services. It is ret any more harm to take your family out for a wide than it is to lonve vour wife at home to worry with the children. But to go out r.T-d stay out all day, missing your "burrh services, then if you run nninst. a telephone pole and are killed I don't know what would be come of your soul. A man with a Sabbath spirit will , not. have -time to ride-very much, howpver. If you have an automobile that is about to get between you and your God you'd better sell it at once." Rev. Paul T. Britt of Mt. Eliam was amonq- the visitors in town yes terday. Mr. Britt said that ha v ould nrpach at Mt. Eliam this morn rrg. at Broad Ridge this afternoon and Boardman tonight, the occasion nt each church of which Mr. Bntt is nstor, being special Thanksgiving s'TYices. Mr. Jas. A. Grnv and his four children of Winston-Salem have giv- the Methodist Children's Home at Winston-Salem' $10,000 to be used frr the erection of a building as a it mo rial to the wife" and mother, who died 15 months ago. Went to he Hospital C. E. Blanchard. postmaster. Blanchard. Cal.. writes: "I had kid rev trouble so bad I had to fo to hcpital. Folev Kidney Pills com nlnfoly cured me" Men and women testify they banish lame back, stiff joints, sore muscles and sleep disturb ing bladder ailments. Sold every where, i LOST LARGE PINK CAMEO SUR ronnded witH tw""!. Bward for Tiuuironmixw o 0 inftlUOUlYinU 01 fl 5 V 8 V Q jj jj New Line of Hats, Flowers and Fancies Just Received MiSS JflSfiDlllnB BPBRfifi jj Exclusive Millinery Store PERSONAL Rev. W. S. Johnson of St. Pauls was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr. S. R. Fenigan is spending tVin !1 in TVHnn O C nlnifinra .nl Mrs. J. C. Howell of route Lumberton was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. G. B. Allen of route 7, from Lumberton was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mrs. S. F. Jones left yesterday for Dunn, where she will spend some time visiting relatives. Mr. J. P. Newman returned Tues d,'y from a business trip to his form er home at Winston-Salem. Mr. Jno. N. Smith of Rennert rnntp l, was a Lumberton .visiter luescay.' Messrs. N. W. Jenkins and W. B Ratley of Fairmont were among the visiters in town yesterday. Mr j, A, Bracy of route 5 from Maxton was among the visitors in town. Tuesday. . nr atirl Mrs T P Rrnm of Fairmont were Lumberton visitors : WSXe,aay Gen. F. A. Bond of Hunters Lodge, near Lowe, was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr. C. P. Grantham, who lives on route 3 from Fairmont, waa a Lura- rertcn visitor yesterday. Mr. J. F. Raybon left yesterday for Perth. Bladen county, where he will spend several days visiting rela tives.. Misses Maria Nash and Jennie Russell loft yesterday for Kingstree, h. C, whore they will spend two weeks visiting friends. Mr. I. P. Graham, cashier of the Bank of Proctorville, was among the out-of-town necple who attehded the show here Tuesday evening. Mr. I. II . Britt of route 6 from Lumberton, president of the county division of the Farmers Union, was among the visitors in town Monday Mr. S P." Wilson, postmaster t,t Fiurmovit, passed through town ves terday en route home from Charlotte where In spent some time on business Mr. F. M. McNeill and small son, FrM.vJr.7 returned Tuesday to their home at Columbia, S. C, after spend ing some time here visiting relatives. Mrs. T. C. Johnson left yesterday for Whiteville where she will spend some time visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Powell. Mrs. F. X. LeBeau and small daughter. .Doris, returned Tuesday to Wilmington after spending a few days m town visiting Mr. LeBeau, who is manager of the Star theatrt .Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Vars&r and small daughter. Lillie Snead. and Mrs Varser's sister Miss Elizabeth Snead, who is a member of the graded school faculty, left yesterday for Gates county to spend Thanksgiving with relatives. They will return the lat ter part of the week. t sixteen hundred homes burn in this country every week. N. C. In surance Department. CHICHESTER S PILLS J 'jt TIIK 1MAMOND IIRAND. A Ladle Ask : t'hl-cks-teri In Red Hoies- sealed J aba no oloer. If iiv r rn Mrntrar'rt. Akfor'lll-'irKH.TFnS UIAAIU.-VU l.ll.M I'll-I.M. for S years known 05 Ik'bC Sfl fest. Al4ys Raliahlo SOLD 3Y DRUGGISTS fVfRVWHFRE Notices of NeW Advertisements. Report of condition of the Bank of Proctorville. Meister piano in good condition for sale. All together now- for a good dree- tory of Lumberton Chas. S. Gar diner. ., Be relieved of pressing troubles National Pressing Club. Milch cows, mules and horses for sale Ira Bullard. Bay mare for sale Bullock Bros. Farms for rent K. M. Biggs. Christmas opening Saturday J. P. Newman & Co. A. Weinstein leaves for New York for another large supply of goods. Program at Pastime theatre. Best merchandise at live and let live prices. Pink cameo lost. Reward. 1 roar Vtugglti for i I ltlamoad BraaaV n.l Vald irietaUkVVy with blue Klbbon. V VP ANNOUNCEMENT! CMsf mas Opening SATURDAY, NOV 27, 1915, 8:30 A. M. a full and complete line of Holiday Merchandise for old and young J. P. Newman & Co. Successors to O. H. CARTEK A CO. 5, 10 & 25c Store car riiDTCTHic Tninp 11111101111.13. I ttAUfi EhnSt. Rowland Will Campaign. Launch Advertising Rowland Dispatch, Nov. 22. At a meeting at which practically every business house of the town was represented it was decided to in augurate a vigorous advertising cam paign for the town. The week be ginning November 29 is to be iel aside as a trade extension week an I called Prosperity Trade Week. Dur ing that week a special effort is t II j I ri. m riff a ie-of the county living within a reasonable distance of Rowland of the town':, a.l- vantages a trading center: In spite of the fact that Robeson i" full of small towns, Rowland is al- ltady the trade center of a larg sccton of terrtory. The bu?ness men of the town fco!, however, that the town and cne surrounding county are entering upon such an era of pros prr.ty that Rowland's., volume of business can be greatly in:'re.'sod if the people of the adiacent country can be acquainted with tho advant ages whioh the town has to offer who desire to buy or to sell. Methodists in North Number 4,033, 123 New York Dispatch. Nov. 22. The membership of the Methodist Church in the North numbers, 4,- v.iJ,i23, according to official statis tics issued today. The net' increase in membership last vear was 164.000 The report shows that Methodism is losing membership slowly m New England, holding its own in New York district, and growing most rapidly in Philadelphia. Chicago. )maha and Minneapolis. The Meth odist Church now has 4.497.000 Sun day school children, a gain last year ot 6is,nw, tne largest increase in its history. There are 30,000 minis ters. Methodist property in Amer ica-is -worth - $327,34.1, 000 The- an nual expenses of the Church are $40, UUU-,000. The next annual session of the Western North Carolina Methodist Conference, which closed in Reidsville Monday, will be held in Main street chrrch in Gastonia.' Wilmington Star, 24th r The en i-agement of the Right Rev. Thos, C . Darst, bishop of the Diocese of Fast Carolina of the Protestant Epis copal church, to Miss Lauriston Har din, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hardin of WHmlneton. was an nounced last evening at the wedding roception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chase Emerson. Out of a class of 47 applicants on ly 18 were successful in passing the examinations of the State, Board of Pharmacy in Raleigh last week, the results of which were announced Tuesday. . . GENERAL NEWS ITEMS ' Because at the age of 16 she at tempted to elope, with a man of whom Ler' father disapproved. Grace Mar. Mini, it is alleged, has been kept a pr'goner in the home of her father, Frank Marshal, and his wife in Bal timore and a warrant has been is sued for them based on the technical charge of kidnapping. The young woman, now 28 years old, is said to wtif h only 57 1-2 pounds. Marshall is said to have admitted that the step mother is the only person who has seen the young woman during the past 3 years. He claims that she was crazy and that he was not able to send her to an institution. At the Movies The Pastime theatre is running to day "The Turn of the Wheel." 2-reel Essany: "Whose Husband", Vitagraph one-reel comedy, and the 28th episode of the "New Exploits of Elaine," making a 5-reel show. Tomorrow a thrilHng Paramount feature will be offered entitled "Captain Courtesy," featuring Dustin Faroum. This is a story of the Mexican occupation 1840 40 . This is a production which all should see. Distress in the Stomach There are many people who have " distress in the stomach after meals. It is due to indigestion and easily -nrnodied by taking one of Chamber ''''n's Tablets after mea3. lrs. Henry Padghan, Victor, N. Y., writes: "For some time I was troubled with headache and distress in my stom ach after eating, also with constipa f'on.. About six months ago I be. tran taking Chamberlain's Tablets. They regulated the action of my bow l's and the headache and other an noyances ceased in a short time." Obtainable everywhere. SUCCESSFUL MEN MjL. IP S U C nils HAMy js interested in your success, is anxious to be yrfhr depositor' for your savings. Our, success is largely dependent upon the success of Our patrons. Open your SAVINGS ACCOUNT with us NOW. and consult us about yoar business affairs. We have aidxi others and can be of service to ()V. . . The Farmers and Merchants Bank, The Home of Savings" Watch Holmes Jewelry Company To My Friends and Customers The demand for big bargains in winter goods has been so great that I am compelled to go to New York again Sunday, Nov. 28 for another large supply. I expsct to cloap a $25,000 deaj, and on my return to Lumberton will have the best stock of up-to-date goods ever offered, and at surprisingly low prices. Give us a trial and let us dress you from head to foot with the latest style clothing, shoes, hats, etc. Xmj,. iJiiSS Your for Bargains, ' -'- ' ! i ITeinsfein's DEPARTMENT STORE LUMBERTON "The Romance of Elaine" In order that we may complete this great serial picture before New Year we will run The Romance of Elaine twice a week; show ing it on itt Tuesday and Thursday "Dustin Farnum" one of the foremost stars seen on the Paramount Program will be presented in v, 'Captain Courtesy' TOMORROW Positively one of the best Paramount features we have offered Prices P ASTIME Pellagra Remedy The Wilkins Pellagra Remedy is proving satisfactory to all who give it a trial. For sale in Lum berton at McDonald Drug Co., and Baxley & Flowers grocery store, Jennings cotton mill store; for sale at Pembroke Mercantile Co., also at Maxton Drug Store at Maxton.N.C. Try it. It will prove for itself. Price per treatment of 2 bottles ?3.00 and one bottle $1.5 H. P. WILKINS, Lumberton, Route 2 Locating the Trouble When one i3 suffering from back ache, rheumatism, lumbago, bilious ness, sharp pains, sore muscles, and stiff joints it is not always easy to locate the source of trouble, but nine times out of ten it can be traced to overworked, weakened or diseased kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills have benefitted thousands of suffer Sold errrwh'". , - JOHN ROACH. John Koach warn born In Ireimi of jxwn psrntii, a.xl at rhu n?e of fiftwn wa "fit to Amrrtra, and lartdl in Tfrk without lister, (rif.a'iit ot trajv lie workM his w iv iv?r into Jcrssy. rut cur1 a inn with tn Ifcwol Iron Work. Ten ye;?r wnt by ami ha bad brom an iron Wnrkcr. in ftrat hfiMnem venture va.i mid with arm other workmen of tb foundry. Thy t;.rtl irAH taun-irv anl railed ' It th Aetna. Jn Wfrkj. which for v ral yoars pf5Tl remarkably. But on day tho holier In thm onuin room exploded, and In an minent liuach w4 mails a poor mnn aain. Nothing dnnnted htm, howTtr. Tf ohtalnml crsdlt and rturfrnnliftd. th com pany whleft spcwttlr grw. In ma ho wai th lowoAt bMdr and oWiUnpd a rontrart to build. th treat Iron draw-bridge, plera and afl, war th Itarbnn Rtvpr. Smaller awlortna: brldgaa bad ben built, but nothing Ilka thla on kad ever bwn attempts. Ha went to work and when ha flnlshad tha brldga it waa aalit thera twtver waa a mora com plete auccsa in Iron work, maaoary, aa4 cnKlneartni;. Tha foundation of Roarha tnrM waa hard work and thorough knowtedga af anything ha undertook. CESS SfN0MY7 N. C. 5 & 10c THEATR E Do yon Want One? CANE MILLS Horse or Belt Drive. EVAPORATORS, SU GAR KETTLES, FUR 1NACE DOORS & ; GRATES, ETC Quick Shipments From Factory. Write, Wire or Phone us N. JACOBI Hdw. Co. WILMINGTON, N. C

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