SJ PROFESSIONAL CARDS Backache Miss Myrtle Cothrum, of Russellville, Ala., says: "For nearly a year, I suf fered with terrible back ache, pains in my limbs, and my head ached nearly all the time. Our family doctor treated me, but only gave me temporary relief. . I was certainly in bad health. My school teacher advised me to TAKE I took two bottles, in all, and was curcjL I shall always praise Cardui to sick and suffering wo- I Tnen lfroTTsaff er fronr pains peculiar to weak women, such as head ache, backache, or other symptoms of womanly trouble, or if you merely need a tonic for that tired, nervous, worn-out feel ing, try uraui. e5 R. A. McLEAM, Attorn ty-at-law jamberton, - - - North Carolina Office n Weinstein buildinav 9-18 in 'richt of .... L. EL SMITH, ci.-. unun.MiL - i west 4o leet to a EWtrieal Wiring and Fixtures. ; f.TJn ,ot NT Ned Floyd's cor West 4th St 'Phone No: 61. ,aA cd pl4' lne south fTf . tC cei stake m Dewey street; thence as Dewey Btreet sbuth oibm L. Johnson E. M. Johnsoa JOHNSON & JOHNSON attorney and Counselors at Lr Lumberton. M Practice in State and Federal Court Notary Public in Office. Office ovei 1rst National Bank. DR. N. A. THOMPSON, Physician and Surgeon. Office at THOMPSON HOSPITAL. Lumberton. N. C Ipedalties : Surgery. ..Gynecology, r, Nose and Throat. 1217 P. P. GREENE Tinner SHOP 4th ST. . PHONE NO. 18 j 'Z teet the beginning corner, 6J00 square feet. ! rru- t J- W. KEEL, Trustee I This Nov. 15, 1915. I 11 18 4thucs L.LMHEUION MARBLE & GRAN 11 JS COMPANY. Lumbenoa, a. C. HOOPER & FLO f D, Managers Manufarturpra nf Marble & Granite Monuments, Build lag stone, Ce meter: Curb, Land Markers, Etc. 888888888888888888 8 E. J. BRITT 8 Attorney at Law 8 LUMBERTON, N. C. 8 Offices over Pnn Drmr Pom 8 Danv. Will nractice in all courts. 8 8 PromDt attention e-iven to nil R 8 hnsinpsR ft . 8888 8 8888 8 88888888 H. J. SINGLETON Attorney at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Office with E. J. Britt over Pope Drug Store. Prompt at tention given to all business. LUMBERTON PRESSING CLUB W. N. SMITIL Prop. Pry Cleaning, Pressing, Dyeing, La dies' Work a Specialty. All WORK riomptly Done.. st Fourth St. Phone No. 14. FOR AUTO LIVER Y hERVlCJ!; Phone oi write W. U. M. BROWN Buie, N. C. PHONE 2712 AUTHENTIC DATA Turners Almanac For 1916 Sustains Reputation as "An Authority ' Since 1828'! , Showing a marked improvement over any previous issues, the 1916 edition, of Turner's North Carolina Almanac is out. It is neat, concise, r,i gwreu ub, ana is a fit desk mate for any North Carolina busi ness man. Also, it la 9 fivaHirnkfA successor to its predecessors which occupied that peculiar. vniKu sition at the corner of the mantle over the family hearthstone. The new Almanac i i ;,, i - , , ; - in tiiLuia" lion DriO-nt nnrl parlvr Tf .. . " j . luutama all the USUal notes cnnmnimi. . vuw,. jJUlt UCAb 7P Br C - x j . i j - u uuuvuvuiitai cveiiis ana men some, as a Worth Carolina manu ai it bci ves . rnp nnrnnso wail ... tvt-w rCH, taming data prepared by the State Departments at Raleigh Tr,a "a VIM notes compiled by Mr; C. Rt Hudr son of the Department of Agricul ture are of special interest rim ing irom a man who knows what he is laiKiner aDout tney are taken in earnest and do not in tno lonof the ear-marks of hanhaznivl atom iypea "iarm notes" lound m many publications that nurnwt to ha nf agricultural value. There are some tun 'ijiiatj Goqk Stovei,, Ranges, - Goal and Wood Heaters, Oil Cook Stov s and Oil Heaters, Grates, Etc. L- H. GALD WELL'S HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Get the Buildincr And Loan Habit WILMINGTON'S CORN SHOW Jl AVas a Great Riieeeaa A farh.n ing of Sme of the Evidences of Toith Carolina Fair Association LUMBERTON, rganizea to Have Exhibit o:i Larger Scale Next Year Wilmington Star. The lesson we have learned from . U l . 1 i . . i i mc cuxn snow ana inaustriai ana ag- n o n . "ten, oiiuuiu Lif Lrit rriMJi ri nT Stephen Melntyre, A. C. Lawrence james u. nroetor. Hclotae. Lawrence I Predar. Attorneys and Counselors at Lnw.Q uaoiiUiUiH, - - W. U, Practice in StAtA and Fariaval Pnnvta Prompt attention givtn to all basineu. S. M. Britt W. S. Britt, MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF TOWN LOT Under and bv virtue, nf-t.W-nnn, er of sale contained in a certain Mortjraee Deed from Ppnhm ct0. art to W. H. Hnmnhrow p c r dated Auer. 30th. 1910. 3 r vfaiuwv4vu in UOOK of Morte'ap'e Dppfl Vn oo : vaiuc. mere are somi mm 189 ; r: ""' bits of humor mmeled with the pnl KL'r; "i."ef?"r I lection of items of real intarert anH i on Monda Jt f .the Almanac, along cember. 1915. at 12 oVlnrl nf w'in cour? caienaars, names of State the court house door, in Lumh I,cers.'. . ?epartinental and executive, N. C, sell for cish at r, 7 fs a 1181 P'Pt t?te organ tion to the h,W h-uVr" To. 'zawons. mere is also a list of im- lowine described af par., . Rortant events from January 1, 1914, v6.6c, One town lot. in the broke. N. C. beino- T.nt. "Kn T in Block G., in said town. Said lot'be- Confederate Women's Home Accepted by state. The Confederate Women's Home inr hnimrfoH i,Vk' i n "i i Ine uomeaeraie women's rtome Sk'2!SdreiSt JS?1 erected at Fayciteville by the State Wpot K, i0.j. " ,V: r " ixonij arouna ior aepenaent wo E aLnttf 1:0111111 -eofConfederatldiers warfor- enlightening us oh broader lines as 10 me of this incompar able region and the great opportun ities that lie in it for us. For years The Star has emphasized the splendid resources and immense possibiliites of Eastern North Carolina, and many have thoutrht US extravatrjant hut tho . fair has more than demonstrated that lew ot us have the slightest concep tion of the magnitude of the advant ages possessed by this section. The exhibits proclaimed them and we have had ocular demonstration of them. They only show us what the possibilities are. and it is for us to develop them along every line made -so plain to us by the great variety ana superiority oi tne products dis played whert we could lay eyes upon xnem. ine lair, although a commun lty improvization, haa been a tre mendous success and we have failed to learn anything from it has not brought US to the contention flint. horticulture and agriculture can be muizea as rare potential factors in the upbuilding of Wilmington and 11 the resourceful counties of East ern Worth Carolina. Strangers who nave visited our fair have been ut. terly astonished. A gentleman who had official connection with the 'f'reat exnosition at K.m l")ipon Pnl- ifornia, this year, unhesitatingly de clared that for variety, quality and superiority ot products displayed, and for the taste manifested in the ar rangement of the exiiibits, our fair surpassed that 'n California's garden spot region. Several visitors to the rprpnt Rtntp fni, . nt T?alpio4v Hprlorp srhat as a productive exhibit the Wil mington fair takes first rank. An expert who says he has taken in the State fair and fourteen county fairs this vear cave the palm to the Wil mington disolay. So did some who have visited the State fair for sever u years out of the last dozen. Several visitors rom Western North Carolina declare that Wilming ton's improvised fair was a revela- tlun tn thpm Thpw orova pntnneiaa ..w.. w - - j 't'ic ovei it, because they little dream ed that we had here the resources upon which to draw for such an ex hibition of the possibilities and op portunities of this rarest of sections the premier part of the Nation's Garden spot. We have for once mar shalled some of the evidences of one of our vast resources and certainly xnere should be no halting after we have shown and seen what we can do when we only half try to do it. Organization of a regular fair as sociation plainly suggests our duty to as. We must go ahead on broader lines, for in such displays of our mag- nuicent resources lies the completer development thev need. They give us the opportunity to make a great er wumington ana a ereater East ern North Carolina. We have blaz d the way and we .should be faith, ful. earnest nd zealous workers in a field of the most inconceivable po tentialities. Our great opportunity 13 nere; A-tTOftNirrH A T.iw" LUMBERTON. N. a. AH business given prompt and ear iui attention, umce upsUIrs Mc Leod building, Elm and and 4th Sta A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varser Junius J. Goodwin McLEAN, VARSER & McLEAN Attornpvn at Law Office on second floor National Bank of Lumberton building. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA x. a. McNeill, jr. Attorney-at-Law Lumberton. North Carolina. will nractice in all court. Bualnaaa attended to nromotlv. Rooms 3 and 4 McLeod building, cor ner cam ana tn JSUeets. a E. STACY, Attorney-atLaw. Lumberton, N. C Practice in State and Federal CoarU Office in First National Bank Btdf WOODBERRY LENNON Attorney-at-Law Lamberton, N. C Offices over Postoffice. Land and Improvement Co inis Nov; it'tl97ff. C. B. SKIPPER,. C. S. C. Successor and Assignee of W. II. Humphrey, C. S. C. Mortgagee. 11 4 4thurs St. Paul's Graded School Enrollment f asses 300 St. Paul's Me$,f.pno-pr, The enrollmert at the St. Paul's graded school had reached, at the rlose of the second month, a total of 270. This has been increased to SOI students. New students continue to nter each week so that the enroll ment this year should pass the 350 mark. Some few of these students however, have dionped out. Eighty Tive per cent of the students on the rll are present each day, varying from 75 per cent in the first grade to 91.5 per cent in the tenth grade. Arbor day and North Carolina day were celebrated together Friday af ternoon, the 12tH of November, with the planting of flowers and shrubs nd with appropriate exercises. For any itchiness of the skin, for Vkin rasheschap, pimples, etc., try TJoan's Ointment, 50c at all drug stores. t. a. McNeill, Lmwver. Land titles and law of executors nd administrators special attention. Lfuico, jiuin street, west of First National Bank. Practice in all Courts. Lamberton. N. C RUSSELL S. BEAM, M. D. Lumberton, . -N. C. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Office hours 9 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. Sundays by appointment Phone 196 1 R. 6. ROZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon LUMBERTON, N. C. Office McMillan Drug Store Residence Phone 302 Office Phone 75 JOHN KNOX, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 26; Residence Phone 64 LUMBERTON, N C. DR. D. D. KING Dentist LUMBERTON, N. C 3flces upstairs in Weinatein building. DR. R. T. ALLEN LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA wmce in Aicteod Building Cor. 4th and Elm Sts TlfOS. r If iCTVBnxi w n lenee 'Phone No. 175. Office Those No. 47. IRA B. MULLIS, CirU Engineer. Cotton Mill Office Building. Lnmber Tea, North Carolina. land-Clay and Gravel Roads. Pave- tenia, unages, Sewers, Drainage and Geral Surveying. mally . turned over to the , State Thursdav nitrht. . TVip nrpopnntinn .r O " . . was made by ucl. James A. Bryan of Newbern, chairman of the direc tors ot tne home. . The acceptance by the State was by Lieut. Gov. nau.llf.i1nn ft a - - C i ir j ... . I wnu vvaa (jreventeii irom aikenuinK. under and bv virtnp nf tha nD i.. x. l. OI Sale COntainprt in a novfain AA I . A.! I ; uccui resseiuauon i reception was Kiven Dy of trust executed to me, the under- the board of diiectors and members cirrnoH c4- U.. T tt i I - . . . . . . .. ..uokc, vy a. n, umpnrey of the advisory board. An offer of ?u oil t Jara J ilumphrey,-on Mrs-W-Mr Creasy of Wilmington, j r . t ) "ijr,, uiu, re- recoruinp secretary oi ine u. u . corded inbook 34, page 6, Robeson to place in the home an oil portrait j crs' A"c Vul,c ouu "i ivirs. w . iu. rarsiey, lounaer oi fault having been made in the pay. board of directors. The board also Him! 1. ill .nil KHmp I Tin 1 1 An lnr.n I 1 . 1 . i ' . . i . . i , - - uu TTcuiics-i u tsaeu resolutions expressing special dav. npoprnhpr- IKtli 10.1K . o 1. 1 ii i. i. it.- T-ii. V. is. ' . zi "v;l ow utiucs manKS 10 m iNorin Carolina uivis. n. m. nt. thp i.nni.1 htnoA a. t i . . ... t . i t i . . , i .v-Mi w uUUoc uwi iu jjuiu- ion oi tne uniiea uaugmers oi tne nprt.on. RnhaaAti ftAnnti. VTn-u.k i I . i . m . i . . .. . 1 vv vWJV,, huiui iaro-i vonieaeracy ior tneir patriotic ln- TT T , k"" euu" veieat in ine nuine. aim to rars, xiunt- lie auction to the highest bidder the er G. -Smith of Fayetteville for her I ? ut 1UI ux. a to-wit: i wise loresignt in proposing such an Contained in a pprtain man :..t:tni:.. i. A xl- tv . , - - --- .u I...... iiic.ui3i niaHiuuuii tu uic uauKUicis ui viie by r-age & LaBruce, C. L.. which map Confederacy and pressing its claims . - . ui tue oeiorrj tnat crpvnization ana in urij- MlKlBbBl - OI - IffiHIN nr HAMBIAn rtni.n I i . n n xn.xa 9 .. I .. : - v -wuii- hut ujatLri w its xiuai success , . v : " - "isiTOre iui upuu tne vjeneiai Assemuiy. toe which is hereby made for further de- presentation exercises and the receo- Rrnntmn I . . , : . . I 1 uon were attenaea dv many people tJefinnnino at n otaim on nnrtli h'lAa I n tw. tv... . iv e... I . 7 r . ..v. v. a.vt I ui IF& V1I11I1C11.TJ lit tlirj UC UL tllC OtaC.I Or Iiavaw efAAf- T? If o i.t i I mt t . . 1 j ' I '- " . ii. uuiibuDi xiie uuuie in a uaiiusuuiv anu coin- icorner of lot No. 4, and runs as herl fortable building containing 36 rooms, llltA nntf h O .n.f 1 Afi i .11 I i . . . twi xw ieet to a staKei witn one wing incomplete on account I 1 1. . e 1 A 1 . nn x I ut lacn. oi iunuN. auuui ou inmates I lean be accommodated. A consider able nart of the furnishing of fhp 1. L l ' .1 . noma, nas nppn mane nosain ip nv on dowments bv individuals and chap ters of the Daughters of the Confed Afflpv A m An nr tno . V.o nfave tViot have made endowments are those of Lumberton, Ked bonnes and Max ton, thei last-named being in honor or ur. james croom Bladen. Sampson and Johnston Re lpasprf From fattlp Onarnntina Announcement has been made bv the Federal Government that the counties of RlflHpn. RnmnaAn nnH Johnson will be released from cattle wnicn has been in effect YOU ARE in..nn ouarantine. against ruin by fire if you carrv ifn these counties for quite a while oi our policies of fire insurant I ine worK 01 tlck eradication has now Without J progressed to such a point that it i a blaze all the time. now considered safe to allow cattle i lata INSURANCE IS A DUTY 1 10 De sn,PPeu out 01 these counties as wen us honati- v .... . i . ., w x uur wiie anal family are entitled to a sure home an!i '. ....... you as their protector are in dSy PNEUMONIA - " ifrovme it. nave us issue you a nolirir ttaw ku u .Ti - . j , uvw iur tneir solute 1,118 Protection ab- Mb lit lem of ttKMModt. GOWAlrS r rabr AKATlON ' UUl pDcgxaoAla by d strorinl the conmtkm and '""""t Onlck relief forcoldi,croap, coaiht, f rippe. F. F. WETMORE, C. E. Drainaee c H!ghways of all Kinda SaniUtion M.. Office Weinstein BuDding Lamberton, N. Q Q. T. WilUams, Agent LUMBERTON, N. C. SEASON -FOR- Fire Insurance Every day fa the year. Better insure now R. H. CRICHTON Phone 9 and 169 paint and torenen In lanM and thmat. lJfL tni aanakn. All dtuuista. 91, W, 50c, 2X, F I R E! Has destroyed oth ers. You may be next. Insure be fore it is too Late S. H. HAILTON SOUTHERN COMMERCIAL CON GRESS 14.85 CHARLESTON 44 5 For the fthnvp nwnBinn tha Atlan tic Coast I.inp will pll cvmninn tilr ets from Pembroke to Charleston at $4.85. Tckets will be sold for all trains on December 11, 12 and 13, limited returning point to midnight of December 22, 1915. Proportion ately low fares will be made from all points on the Atlantic Coast Line inis is a convention of the great est importance to the South's com merciai, manuiacturing and agricul ural advantages, and will be an onen ing wedge for its opportunities at this time. In recognition of its im portance the United States Govern mpnt nrnnnsAS to spnH nix. Kotflo. J ...... Hv . ... l.lll. UU.V.V ships to Charleston and in addition mere win Dt a large number of cruis ers, tornedo hoots and KiiKmai-inao there for the inspection and pleasure of tne large number ot tne south's rep reser.tative citizens who will be pres ent. For-schedules and further infor mation, call on O. O. FOWLER, Ticket Agent, Pembroke, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South Chamberlain's Tablets This is a medicine intended espec ially for stomach troubles, bilious ness and constipation . It is meet ing with much success and rapidly gaininsr in favor and popularity. Ob-j tainable everywhere. rector m'g 'bSZ' ' 1 "KEEP ON MOVING" Robeson BuiloW fc inm. Accnfn- r V RphuM e . yuv.UllVI I V. OKOWN. Ser Af M-: l o , . ' " "wuai oanK or Lumberton WE ARE NOW OVER NINJE YEARS OLD desire to employ competent under graduate nurses. We solicit your patronage and influence. Wo will annreW your kindness if you will - remember ns when to S of Tnurst Tn&lZ Wh m- thantn g . W Pro y th. very, best attention that eon b iriv.. we ask you to be the judge of what we are capable of data. . . W. will tok, pleasor. ,n gMng you p,i, t. ho.pit.r and ervices. ThaEg TorTslfiyorf7 iot 80th Thompson flospif a YOU ARE INVITED to visit the N. Y. Cafe and Lumberton Kandy Kitchen dp 'the ?Pmf f"Ce- , dean and ,.. ST.; JtJT-." "cry day-FMC7 Me"s ". " Fresh Norfolk Oysters Received Every Day jjarr,'lBB'- Performance vs Possibilities. Ford cars are giv ing satisfactory service to more than 900, m owners representing all classes in business and professional life, on the farm and for pleasure it is "The Universal Car." Sturdy and reliable, easy to understand and drive, and economical to ope rate and maintain. Prices lower than ever. Run about ?390; Touring Car $440; Town Car $840, f. o. b. Detroit. Why pay more? On sah at ROBESON AUTO CO. PHONE 223. J. H.FELTS, JrH Mgr'