THE ROBESONIAN MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1916 AGfi TWO A GREAT CONVEN. , . TION IN CHARLOTTE UU-Ulfg!J EM? f MM WOT : We have the rt , for this great laxative. J. d. McMillan & son mi, KtAALL STORE ROAD INSTITUTE important Meeting to Study Prob. lems Connected With Road Work WW be tfeld at Chanel Hill Fh. ruary 7-12 Road Maintenance Will be Given Special Emphasis AU Who Have to do With Building Roads Are Urged to Attend Twl? P 1 Hiv?an 15-The third Road Held at the University of North Car olina, Chapel Hill, under the aus SISL e Stte University, the 5 r?i "'Shway Commission and the North Carolina Geological and Eco nomic Survey February 7-12, inclu sive. The two previous Institutes have proved of great value to the engineers and superintendents at tending them and it is the purpose of the director to make this one of even more practical value. A ...I a. ii ... . . n. ouojeci wnicn win be given spec. i?1 emphasis this year is that of Koad Maintenance, and in this con nection there will be given illustrat ed lectures, instruction in the pa trol system and actual demonstra tions of the Tiseif the foad drag and other implements which have been found useful in themaintenance of puoiic roads. An effort is being made to have all road supervisors, ov erseers and Sunprintondonis 4v tio.. tr --.v nuu itavc I charge of the unkeep of any section I rtf mail tin IVo4V 1: -Ai j' this institutte and receive the bene fits of the instruction which will be given by experts. The road drag seems to be a very simple instrument but in reality, to obtain the best re sults, considerable skill and experi ence is needed in the handling of it. It is hoped at this institute that enough road overseers and supervis ors will be instructed in the use of the drag and other implements for maintenance so as to reach every county of the State: and that the result w'll be that the mcney and free labor which i now being used for the upkeep of the dirt roads will b used to much better advantaee than ever before and the road work or mib win b? on a higher r'ane. T i emected that, there will be "yiS:ts cf rofd machinery, road ma terials and road models wh'h wl'l be of value and interest to all these ntto.t!it. tie 5nst f Questions of interest to road en gineers will be discussed such as lo cation: construction, including rrad ine nd Furfac'nsr, hv force rccunt ing and by contract: rors. frr roH jneiners as to machinery used and its efficiency; bridsre construc tion; relation of superintendent engineers io commissions; county wai a wwvri ill. IS A 1J Lii. THE CiuiA CiiiLD IS BILIOUS, MERISH Look at Tongue; If Coated, Clean Little Stomach, Liver, Bowels Don't scold your fretful, peevish child See if tongue is coated; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liv er and bowels are clogged with sour waste. When listless, pale, feverish, full or cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomachache, indigestion, diar rhoea, give a teaspoonful of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs", and in a few tim-a oil A I A r 1 , ... . uuuiu on uic iuui waste, uie sour bile and fermenting food passes out of the bowels And- von hava a'uroll nr.A playful child again. Children lovel this harmless "fruit laxative", and! mothers can rest easy after giving ; " uccHuse ii never ians 10 make their little "insides" clean and sweet. KeeD it handv. Mothpr! A Uttio given today saves a sick child to-! morrow, duc get tne genuine. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs" which has directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Remember there are counterfeits sold here, so surely look and see that yours is made by the - "California Fig Si'Min fViriniiiT " Vtol? -iontempt anyother fir syrup ; road work and its relation to SUte "jy oaa engineers are invit ed and urged "to hrini j. cussion any problems with which they hayemet during the past year and - ucucvea a iuu discussion of such problems will go far toward effect ing a solution . The University will do all it can to help care for those attending the institute and-will furnish meals at Swain ball at 15 cents rh - tu. university will be able to provide 'uu ior certain number and oth ers will be accommodated at Ihe ho tel and boarding houses Invitations to the institute are ex tended to all road officers, includ ing county commissioners, road com missioners, road engineers, road sup erjitendents, supervisdas,, overseers and patrolmen; in fact, to any citi zen interested directly or indirectly m the road work of the State. JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, Secretary of State Highway Com mission and DirectorofN-C Road Institute. . WAS IT LOrs WIFE? One Guess at Answer to Rev. J. M. FlemihffV Puzzling Question Some Observations About Tohnrrn - and Other Things To the Editor of The Robesonian: Have looked over The Robesonian hoping to find an answer to Rev. J. M. Fleming's puzzling question. "Who Was She?", but have failed to. Undoubtedly it was Lot's wife, for the last account wehave of her "she was turned into a pillar of salt fcr looking back." Hope some one will give a . correct answer if I'm mistaken. Isn't it a mystery how people will drink and take the name of the Lord in yain and murder their fellowman and steal or gamble and commit all kinds cf crimes at Christmas times? instead of singing Christmas carols w'th a heart full of love for every body, doing deeds of kindness to make others happy on earth and in heaven, too "for there is joy in the rresenc of God with the angels ov er c-r.e sinner that repenteth." Am eted to see the fields green with wheat, rye and oats, and I wish every farmer would plant every acre of. land in something that man or bpist or dogs could eat or be a ben efit some way instead of the old poisonous weed with its horrid worms. It's a pity to eive tobacco and snuff to sweet little innocent children and have the nicotine all through their system before they know the danger of the usless, expen sivs and. filthy habit,ILJs a. com mon thing to see yountr men and lit tle boys jwith a ciparette in their movitbjana hear them say "I can't oit it". Mothers are to blame for allowing it; Mv tenth son is six tenths old and it would not be good for me to see cne of my boys use tobacco in any way, for I should "beat him with the rod and spare not for his crying". When there are so many calls for money for so many ob jects I think if all that is spent for chewing, dipp'ne and smoking wis given to charitable objects the needs would all be supplied, and if we had the love of God and zeal burnm? in' onr hearts like Paul the whole world would soon be evangelized. May the Lord destroy all the old fh its seed, and bless the Kttftoi- cfnff nnd make 1916 the Ket war of our lives and help us to seek another's wealth and not our January 23-26 North Carolina Con-! t'erence for Social Service Welfare of the Child is Central Idea of Convention . - The fourth annual convention of' the North Carolina Conference for! Social Service will be held in Char lotte, January 23 to 26 This is go ing to be a largely-attended and a very profitable convention. Among the subjects to be discussed will be The Church and Social Service; The Teachings of Jesus as they bear Upon the Solution of Modern Social Prob-! lems; Christianity and Social Prog-' reBs; The School and the Social Wel-j fare, with numerous sub.dvisions of this subject; Current Examples of, Social Progress in North Carolina with several such examples to be dis cussed in detail by different speakers; The State, the County and the Muni cipality and the Social Welfare, with! VaiTOUS BUD-Uivisions nua suur ject; Organizing Society and State, for the Welfare of the Child, with, sneakers On this subpect from the: various standpoints of the Church,) Sunday School, Woman's Clubs, ra ternal orders. Chambers of Com merce," young people's societies, Y M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A.; Organ ized Womanhood and the Social Wel fare, with several items for definite discussion under this heading; Need ed Reforms and Miscellaneous Sub jects of the Social Welfare, such as Public Amusement, Public Health, Constructive Charity, etc. Among the speakers will be JJr. William L. Poteat, president ol Wake Forest Colleee: Dr. Walter Lingle, of the Union Theological Kminrv: Dr. J. Y. Joyner. Sup erintendent of Public Instruction; Dr. Clarence Poe: Dr. E. K. Graham, president of the University of North Carolina; Grov. Locke Craig; Bish nn Thmas C. Darst: Mr. W. H. Swift of Greensboro; Miss Julia Lathrop, director of the Children's Rnmn of th Denartment of La bor of the United States, Washing ton. D. C; Mrs. Thomas w . mgie, president of North Carolina s edera tfon' of Wtoman's Clubs; Miss Ella P. Crandall, executives- secretary of the National Organization for Pub ic Health Nursing, New York; ur. W. S. Rankin, secretary or the State Board of Health; 1-. J. l. FfMist-. Dresident of the State Nor. mal and Industrial College, Greens boro; Dr. L. B. McBrayer, superin tendent of the State sanatorium; ut. Charles W. Byrd, Greensboro; Hon. Heriot Clarkson, Charlotte; Mr. A. W. McAllister, president of the Con ference; Dr. Melton Clark of Greens boro, and a number of other speak ers of ability and reputation. The central idea of this conven tion is going to be tne wen are oi th i-hild. and the Buroose of the convention will be to set forth cer tain nronacranda and a defiite pro. gram on this subject and to nrovide means whereby such prop- aganda can go out to an msuuviuns and organizations throughout the StAt that can contribute anything to the welfare of chilhood and to se cure adoption by them of such a program, inis convention wui ras art anoch in the orosrress-of the wel fare of childhood in North Carolina. The value oC this convention is go intr to denend largely upen wheth er or not the representative earnest thinking people of the State attend its opssinns. It will be an educa tion in community service. Charlotte s making elaborate preparations lor the convention It promises to be tho. Inrtrpst and best convention that the Conference has ever held. All who are interested in commnuity progress are Invited. FOLEY KIDNEY PHIS 'op RACK ACH E KIDNEYS AND BlA DP EJL Copyright l(l , A JxjT Nft by R. J. Reynold. Y t J SsTobacco Co. , 'sy Prince Alfeert is suck iiiendiy tobacco that it just makes a man sorry he didn't get wind of this pipe and cigarette smoke long, long ago. He counts it lost time, quick as the goodness of Prince Albert gets firm set in his life! The patented process fixes that and curs our bite and parch 1 Get on the right-smoke-track soon as you know 'how! Understand yourself how much youH like f.itSMEl! the national joy smoke Watch your c;2p! It eay to chango the thnpo and color of unMlabla brand to imitate the Prince Albert tidy red tin, bat it is impoitibla to imitate the flavor of Prince Albert tobacco I The m i patented process protects that! It stands to reasc- doesn't it, that if men all over the nation, all over the world, prefer P. A. that it must have cU r the qualities satisfy yourfondestdesires? Men, getus right onPrince Albert! We tell you this tobacco will prove better than you can figure out,' it's so chummy and fra grant and inviting all the time. Can't cost you more than 5c or 10c to eet vour bearinesl Bay Prmem Albert mowywhm tobaecm la Bold in toppy rwJ &a, $ et tidy tmd tint. 10c f ' handiommpoandand hal.ptm tin hamidortandin thmt elatty eryttal.gla pound humidor with Mpongm-moUtmnmT top that ktmpa thm tobacco in taeh groat trimt R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Win.ton-SaIem,N.C KEEP SCH00LH0USES CLEAN, The North Carolina Insurance Com missioner Is of the opinion that dan ger of costly fires could be reducea if schoolhouses, at the end of each term were left in a good, clean condition. In' a statement for the press just issued by Commissioner Young, he says: "Very frequently an Investigation has shown that schoolhouses are not in good condition during the vacation period. It seems to be the ideaut schoolhouses should be put In order and cleaned up, etc., at the beginning of each term, hut at the close of the term it is all right to leave scattered about in the building, piled up in corners and stored in closets any kind of material, such as we used in the exercises and has accumulated during the session. The result is frequently a fire, started from spontaneous com bustion or other causes. "All school committeemen should adopt the rule of seeing their buildings are throughly cleaned and put in or der at the close of the school term. In this way many buildings will be saved from burning. DISCIPLINE. Wn MRS. -P. F. TOWN SEND. Lumberton, R. F. D. 6. J"an. 12, 1916. Bad Cold Quicklv Broken Up Mrs. Martha Wilcox, Gowanda, N. V wrfos? "T firse used Chamber. inin!! fniKrh Pptnedv about eirht years ago. At that time I had a. hrd cold and coughed mot of the f;ne. It proved to be just what I reeded. It broke up the cold in a few days, and the cough entirely dis appeared. I have told many of my friends of the eood I received through using this medicine, and all who have used it sneak- of it in the highest terms." Obtainable everywhere.- It appears to be the fact that some men cannot be trained by methods in which discipline is not considered. If you feel that your man Is worth it, then you must discipline him when you cannot reach him by other meth ods. Discipline: Don't clout that man over the head (figuratively). The Jaw bone of an assr is no longer a useful weapon. If you cannot reach that tender spot, you ought not to be the "man on the job." ThiB is the day of human-ltarianism. Have a hrart-tc-heart talk with your man. Drive home the use of that guard. Cite an acci dent the result Bring the lump to his thr"t, the ,tear to his eye. That is the kind of discipline that counts. Safety Engineering. , . it. H&re the telephone number of your fire department in sight over your In truvnjnt. ... Has it ever occurrred . To yu how it would look To go into a store and sea Everybody with a grin on their Face Come to 107 East Second ' Street and see the smile Our force nw carries about Our new store. It's some Store. . And theoods we carry Are all guaranteed good. Our friends from the country Are especially invited. Please call . m ntfield & French, he. Wholesale Grocers Phone No. 4 .... . '. The many need for s good cleanser and disinfectant are best Qod DPJt notnicauy tuied by MENDtESON'S LYE go just where you drive straight, sure, in all - weatheVs when you equip with United States "Chain Tread" Tires the famous, popular priced, long-mileage, . anti-skid tires. Ask us the price of the size you use and let us show you why "Chain Treads are real economy tires. People's Garage , Lumberton," N; C. Its full strength cuts grease in a jiffy from sinks and pans and make St Ideal for disinfecting poultry houses and curing cholera in hogs. Its purity and strength makes it the best Lye to use, while the extra quantity your money will buy makes it the cheapest. Twenty ounces of Solid Lye for a Dime instead of Sixteen. . , One ten-cent can enough to saponify eight pounds of grease, making mora soap than any other 10c can of Ire en the market will make. The pound can makes fifteen pounds of soap. Three Forms solid, granulated and ball. Two sizes 1 0c and 1 5c Also sold in bulk for making compost. Insist upon Mendleson's Best Lye ';r j ' r- -g ITmendlesoJISJ AkAS)VfH,X.I Hl! REUMAhsm ruWDERS rre muue lor a bingle purpose, Rheu matism in its, various forms.. If trouuled with rheumatism, try them tn our guarantee. Sold only by uii, G"c and $1.00. , POPE DRUG CO. Lumberton, N. C. ROBESON COUNTY Central Supply Co.; Lumber Bridge WHOLESALE DEALERS N. C. R. C. Birmingham Gro. Co., Lumber-John W- Ward. Rowland, N. C xt n M. L. McRaem. Maxton. N. C. Whitfield & French, Lumberton, N. P"8 & Weiters, Pctorville. N. C- A. B. Watson Co., Rowland, N. C. N- c- . Xt n Birmingham & Co., Lumberton, N. C. J- H- Wishart, Lumberton, N. U Lumberton Cotton Mill Store, Lum- Thomas Bros., Pembroke. berton N C J. F. Roberts, Lumberton, N. L. H. CaldweH, Lumberton, N; C. m- H; Is7ael. Lumberton, N. O. RETAIL DEALERS J. A. & E. T. Boone, Lumberton Rowland Hardware & Supply Co.. N. C. . ' . Rowland, N. C. A. C. Bullock, Fairmont, N. C. Howard Gro. Co., St. Pauls, N. C.J- S. Oliver, Marietta, N. C. J. F. GilmQre, Rex. N. C. .Elho.Cashwfll... Rex, N. J, B. Regan, Howellsville, N. C. R. French, Lumberton, N. C. J. C. & B. II . Stansell, Allenton.J- fowers, fet. rau , n -- N. -C. J. rJ. tiilmore, UimDerton, rx . v,. owiand Mercer, Allenton. N. C. M. Nif Folger, Lumberton, N. C. The McLoin Co., McDonald,. N. C. J- Eullock, Lumberton, IN. . I. D. Odum. Red Springs, N. C. PemDroxe Merc. Co., LumDert, n. Garrett & McNeill. Red SDrines. N. C C. W. M. Smith, Wakulla, N. C. T. W. Maxwell, Tolarsville, N. C. McQueen Bros., Maxton, N, C. F,. C. Nye & Co., Orrum, N. C. N.. A. Andrews, Fairmont, N. C. Marietta Supply Co., Marietta, N. C. J. C. Turner, McDonald, N. C. D. II. Britt, McDonald, N. C. John P. McNeill, Lumberton, N. C. Jno. M. Brown, Red Springs, N. C. J. B. Regan, Howellsville, N. C. J. C. & B. H. Stansell, Allenton. N. C. 'I

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