THE ROBESONIAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1916 PACE SIX RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment That's the surest way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is HUSTAN ummtn Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc Good for your own Aches; Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc & 25c 50c $!.- At all Dealers. WINTER DIET PROFESSIONAL CARDS R. A. McLEAN, AttoTney-at-law iiombeitDn, - North CaroTlrre Office n Wetnsteln building. 9-18 tain L. Jokasen EL M. JoniftOa JOHNSON & JOHNSON Aiteneya aad Ceeaeelera at Ly Leerte. K. C. fBactice i Stake a ad Federal 0r Nry Pualia m OSee. Office tret frksat Natioa! Baak. I ....... P. P. GREENE Tinner SHOP 4th ST. PHONE NO. 18 LUMBERTON MARBLE & GRAN ITE COMPANY. Lnmberton, N. C HOOPER & FLOYD, Managera. Mar.n facta rera of Marble & Granite Monnments. Boild htg Stone, Cemetery Curb, Land Markers, Etc DR. N. A. THOHPSOW, Phyaiclaa tad Barge, Offlee at THOMPSON HOSPITAL, Ltmeerte. N. C. nxlalUe Surgery. ..GfMetety, Cr. fcea ad Throat. t17 Hot to AtoU CoTitatiea in Win ter Suie Esard ? -lleaitk Bulletin. "1'lcase tell me what to eat to &vc.d uow whea fruits itr.u vs.'i,xlabiej are scarce," writes .if. anxwus inquirer to the State iJoni of Heakfi. lie raises an im .oruuit nucstion. Constipation is orrruti-.j the most common single ail. iaeat ve- have today. It is very fre quently at the root of many head- aci.ii, biiu ciJniexr6nsrfou''lreanis,T' led "stornacn trouolos ana m- f.:chtiun," dull sleepy feelings in the iny t me and restless, uncomfortable nights as well as dark brown tastes in the morning and other uncomfort able ailments leading to more serious troubles later. Our f.rch enemy constipation can be attacked from , several different angles. The question of diet is per haps the greatest. As a rule we eat too much, especially of meats and concentrated "foods with little resi due and not enough tfruits, vege tables, and coarse food that leave but l.Ule for the lower bowel to dis charge. Fruits and vegetables are excellent but rather expensive and diffiiuit to get in winter. Perhaps the best single bulky food available to everyone -winter ; and summer is whole wheat or graham flour or bet. tcr still ordinary bran. ,' Bran can be bought from almost any miller or feed store for from one to two cents a pound and a pound will last a person from a week to six weeks, depending on the amount needed. Bran can usually be purchased at the - better grocery- stores in - pack ages not unlike breakfast cereal. In fact it forms a very agreeable break fast food with sugar and cream or combined some other favorite i cereal. Usually from one to four or five' table' spoonfuls will be found to give satisfactory results if taken once a day, or oftener if necessary. If desired, bran may be used in many other forms. Bos:des proper diet one should not neglect taking plenty of exercise" every day in the open air and drink- mg plenty of water between meals 888 88888888 8 888888 8 E. J. BJtlTT 8 S Attorney at Law o LUMBERTON. N. C. 8 8 Offices over Pope Drug Com- 8 8 pany. Will practice in all courts. 8 8Prompt cttention given to all 8 business. 8. 8888888 8.8-8-8 .8.8 8 8 8 8 FOR AUTO LITER Y JsEKVICE Pkeae or write W. H. M. BROWN Baie, N. C. PHONE 2712' J. ED TYSON Plane Surveying and Leveling LUMBERTON, N. C. H. JrSINGLETON Attorney at Law V LUMBERTON, N..C. Office with E. J. Britt over -Pope Drug Store. Prompt at tention given to all business. wscrAen Melntyre, J.. C Lawrence Janes D. Praetor. Attoraoya and 0n6elcr at Law.H ijjrrsECtivN. ...... n, Praetiee in State and Federal Court, 'r.uect attention riven to ail fcaeinea. Z. U. Britt W. 8. Britt, Britt & Britt. ATTOaNITS AT LAW, - - LUMBERTON. N. C. JJ1 bualnosa given prenpt end ciif ful attention. Office upstairs . Me- Ld bad ding, Elm ui and 4tk St. A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varser Junius J. Goodwin McLEAN, VARSER & McLEAN Attorneys at Law Office on second floor National Bank of Lumberton building. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA i t. a. McNeill, jr. Atteraey-at-Law LKMbcrtca, Nerl Careliaa. ill practice ia all court. Buslaew ntveacted t preatptly; Rooms 3 and 4 McLeod building;, cor ner Elm and 4th SLets. Jieart Disease lakes first nanit Its Causes. ". That 'heart diseases kill more peo ple in the . United States than tuber-, chiosis, pneumonia or any . other dis. ease, is the statement given out by J Director Sara L. Rogers of the Ba-; reau of the Census, Washington. Thej aea'Ji rate for this disease has in-1 creased from 123.1 per 100,000 pop-! ulat:on i 100 to 150.8 in 1914. The increase raises this disease from its rank as third or fourth in the list of diseases with high death rates, to first place. - The figures are based on the vi tal statistics reports of the regis tration area of the United States for the year 1914, which reports em brace about two-thirds of this coun try's population. But the greatest significance at- iacnes 10 me iact mat neart diseases are now causing more deaths than any other disease is, according to the State Board of Health, the ne cessity for regulating daily living habits. 'Over-eating, bver-drmking, over-playing and over-working are pointed out as the ckief causes of this disease. In other words, heart i Kl'.sease is the result of improper living and is after all very largely a matter of personal cygience. Health 'experts declare heart disease to be merely the effcts of fast and im proper living and the inconsiderate .treatment given , the human body. K. E. STACY, AUwaer-at-Law. Laserte, C. Practice in Etato and Federal Court id First National Bank Bid) WOODBERRY LENNON Atterney-at-Law Laaieertoa, N. C Offices over Postoffice. T. A. McNEILL, Lawyer. Lend titles and law of executors ad adrxiiui8tratore special attention. 3cc, Fifth street, west of First ..-: io5al Bank. Practice in all Courts. Lamberto. N. C. RUSSELL S. BEAM, M. D. Lumberton, . - N. C - Practice limited to Eye, EaF, Nose, and Throat. Office hours 9 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. Sundays by appointment. Phone 196 Other Places Want Flora MacDonald' . College j College Notes in Red Springs Citi. ! , ' 7(n " j It '-really begins to look as if Red; Springs may have to "wake ud wide' nd quit her dream" inj order to I ke.?p tbe college here. Other places' irf cognizing that the growth 'and' 'ever-growing prestige of Flora Mac-1 Donald College, is making it a most valuable and desrable asset, want: , this institution very much. The chamber of commerce in a near-bv, town was ready, two years ago. to; raise 5100,000 to secure this college; when th?re was a pottibuity of add ing the trainin gschool for Christian worker. R. C. ROZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon LUMBERTON, N. C. -Office McMillan Drug Store Residence Phone 302 . Office Phone 75 JOHN KNOX, M. D. Physician antf Surgeon Office Phone 26; Residence Phone 54 LUMBERTON, N. C. DR. D. D. KING Dentist " LJMBERTON, N. C .ces upetiirs in Weinsteia buildiag. DR. R. T. ALLEN Dentisi LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA Office in McLeod Building Cor. 4th and Elm Sts vVir.-'es? telephone communication between ships for the transmisFion of orders in movements at sea has ben developed in the Atlantic fleet in the maneuvers off Guantanamo. Succssful wireless telephone experi ments already, have been conducted bv the Navy Department between the Arlington raaio exetion anu Francsico. Signals kave been ex- hinged with Paris. This May InVrert Yon Tf yon anffer with peins in your back or side, st'ff and sore muscles 'o'nt. or raeeiratie ecaee. cr have svmrtofTis r.f kidnv tronble ?nch as mnffv wfll;Tifirs .nndT the. eves or S1.T) fotnrbir? bladder aiinint3. von fVo'ild know that Foley Kidney Pills bavA benefited thot)andS in like condition. Sold everywhere. Thos. C. Johnson, M. D. Residence Phone 175 James A. Martin M. D. Residence Phone 167 DRS. JOHNSON & MARTIN Over McMillan's Drug Store -" Office Phone 47 F. F. WETMORErGrE. Drainage ' Surveys Highways of all Kinds Sanitation j Maps Office Weinsteln Buildinj Lamberton, N. C. ' Constipation When costive or troubled with con stipation take Chambcrla'.n's Tablets They are easy to take and most agreeable in effect. Obtainable ev ery where. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES TATE On Saturday the 12th day of Feb ruary, 1916, at 11 o'clock a. m. tae undersigned will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder the f ol lowing described tract of land, sit uated in the town of Red Springs, place of sale on site of property The property consists of two town lots being a part of the estate of Mrs. E. T. Livermore, deceased The-purpose oihesa!ejs for -divis ion among heirs who will execit title in fee simple to the successfu' bidder. PROPERTY First Tract: In the town of Springs, Robeson County North Cr olina, beginning at Mrs. aAdams cor ner on east side of Spring street runs with her line S. 76 east 100 feet to a stake, then north 14 east 163 feet to a stake on Townscnd street; then with Townsend ,,reet north 76 west 100 feet to Spring street, then with Spring street to the beginning. . Second Tract: In said town, coun ty and state joining the lands of II. McNeill, deceased. S. K. Townsend, deceased, and B. F. McMillan, bt crinning at a stake in Spring streot in the town of Red Springs, Hector McNeill corner - and - runs north 1 4 east 85 feet to a stake; then south 76' east 190 feet to a stake; then south 14 west 75 feet to stake: then south 76 east to the C. F. & V. V. Railroad; thence with the railroad to H . Mc Neill corner of Buie lot: thence with this line direct to the beginning, be- intr the - same land conveyed by b R. Townsend and wile ana oiners, to S. J. Adams and S. J. Adams to IT. McNeill. Terms: 1-3 cash, twelve months balance terms to suit purchaser. Will also offer same for cash. Property will be sold to best interest of own ers. lAts will De sold nrst sepa rately then as a whole. The two tracts adjoin and have" an alley way right. This 10th day of January 1916. R. n. LIVERMORE, for Livermore heirs. T. A. McNEILL, Jr., Attorney. 117 4mon - - Robesonian Want Ads Are Popular. Everybody Reads Them , ' - "' TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND By rirtue of the power conferred , d th 6th day of MarTh iaifi P"- "T f ""V ,rom 72 per upon the undersigned in a certain y l trcj.91! cent ,tlm Pn.c"- Let every farm- Deed of Trust dated the 1st dar of i nn; "-r??. c?u" aou" f? can do so put a deposit in fWnk.r 101? K. Rt-n u t " l. " u J-iumoerton, oi- nls locaL bank, keen po- hi October, 1912, by Stephen B tier, Jr., and wife Emma M. Rozier. Ro-jfer tr " . "ill?" locai oanK, Keeping as big a rn' kn n... -r a v. k;v-4. t!jjr ; v uaionuc o o cuii irorn now unui of Robeson eounty and default harina tMZ. A.JSES ,"5- ."e.. ?Prln be a strange bank iocs, wwa; t t First Tract: Beginning at a stake been made in the payment ef nrinci pal and interest, the undersigned will on Wednesday, the 16th day of Feb-k -ct: aeS:ami ruary, 1916, offer for sale at the "2 t ,.p, r e DeK""unfi: 'corner court house door in Lumberton in , Sinclair'8 180 survey, said county of Robeson, at' 12:00 o'- "u Fu?s as inat survey w 37 U 25.. clock, noon, the following described 50 chains to a stake by"a pine and tracts of land, conveyed by said two black Bums Preston Chavis' cor- Deed of Trust: - ner in the Watering Hole; thence FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a down the n of the Watering Hole stake in S. B. Rozier's line, on the about 60 yards to a stake by two N side of a road that leads from Dr. black fiTums; thence S 7 W 32 chains Rozier's to Woodman, 2.37 chains to a stake in Buie's line; thence as from the middle of Ten Mile Creek; nis line a 70 w 4.60 chains to a runs thence with a ditch N 76 deg. stake by a pine, his corner; thence 50 min. W 38.90 chains to a stnke at S 64 W 28 chains; thence direct to the mouth of a cross ditch; thence the beginning, containing 50 acres, with said cross ditch N 30 deg. . W Second Tract: Beginning at a stake 23.62 chains to a stake in the ditch in John Graham's line, Allen Oxen- on the S side of a road called Bet- dine's corner and runs as Oxendine's sey road; thence with said road N line S 30 W 22 chains to a pine by 88 deg. 30 min. W 6.56 chains to a I two pines, Buie's corner; thence as staice at tne moutn or a ditcn; thence Buie's line S 70 W- 23.50 chans to with Eaid ditch S 2 dear. W 16.04 a stake bv three small nines, thence chains to a stake o the S side of a N 7 E to the run of Watering Hole: ditch; thence with Baid ditch N 76 thence the run of same to Preston deg. 15 mm. w 34.00 chains to a Chavi3' corner; thence as his line N stake, pins .-and-black-jack --pointers; 37 E 11.55 chans to Melvin Lowrey's thence S 73.58 chains to a stake on corner of 3 acres; thence as his and ;n siue oi a ruau, pine ana irum point- raham's 1mA tn tho hpirmn ntf. eon ers; thence S 57 deg. 15 min. E 8.47 tn? 77 nor piie:- PSinS' -ao the lands described in Mort S tn VJIZL , ;"?Uajre deed from Melvin Lowrie and thence N 28 deg. 04 min. W 12.80 W1. L HV,-Xald m, i. a.fu11?- chains to a stake, pine pointer, S. fcnption of which will be found in BRor's-eorneri-thence--with &k Vgi Rozier's line N 83 deg.45 min.E 27.63 ,in ce, ?ffce of ths reS's,ter chains to a stake in ditch on W side Q,eea,s ooeson couniy. aiso an nf rr.A fkot iOQfl Ttr the lands conveyed by Melvin .Lowrie irr'! tn T.nmhortm. it Kamc i? R and wife and Willie Lowrie and wife PnWjs.rnmor. fhonro TOiti Tiia nth tO VV . J. Counsel, a lull dCSCnp er line N 73 deg. E 33.11 chains to tion of which will be found in book the beginning, containing 314 acres, of mortgages 31 at page 430-432. more or less: being tract No. 1 in This the 25th day of January, 1916. lot No. 4 in the division of the S. T. L. JOHNSON, B. Rozier, Sr., property as per re- . n, e. LEE. Pnrier fin! Prnc. No. HSflfi records J U' OtlUK, nf Pnhn ennnhr ff ire rierlr Sii. 1 31 4mon Commissioners, norior Crinrt' sp also rfd f rnm .T . I B. Rozier and S. B. Rozier, Jr.,Jat- TIME,! RICLS 111L WUKbl aA Cont 91 1Q1 9 rao-ifror? in rf . I ' V that will then refuse to lend him reasonable amounts to escape "time prices" in summer. f ice Register of Deeds for said coun- Bank Usury Not Comparable The ty in Book 6-E" page 253 et seq., Kemeay see deed from S. a, Kozier, Sr., Sept. progressive warmer. 14th. 1912. cnofirming report ef Twelve per cent a year is too Commissioners. much to pay for money; 10 per cent SECOND TRACT: On the SW side a year is too much to pay, and to of Ten Mile Swamp; beginning at a have 72 banks in the South outside stake. Samuel Wuhs' (now Arch, or Texas and Ukianoma, and ti in Willis and S. B. Rozier, Sr.) cor- these two States averaging 10 per ner. and runs N 21 deg. E 29 1-4 cent on their loans this shows the chains to a stake, with black gum need for reform. pointers: thence N 83 deg. E 27.75 And vet the shameful, damnable chains to a stake in the ditch on the fact faces us that credit at even 12 SW side of the Lumberton road; ner rent would seem like a veritable thence N 73 dee. E about 30 chains 1 tm1 send, avritahle deliverance from to a stake in the middle of the run heaven, to the thousands and thus of Ten Mile Swamp; thence down anjg 0f gtruggling men and women me miuuie ui uie iuu ui who now bear tne burden ol our ac Facts Abont the Churches Charlotte Observer. The forthcoming Year Book, to be issued by the Federal Council of Churches, will containe some statistics of much interest to the ecclesiastical world. It wll show a Church mem bership in s the entire country, (in cluding Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish congregations of 39,375, 271, out of a population of 100,000, 000. The gain in membership dur ing the past year was648,193, which is a loss of 131,083. "The Roman Catholic strength in this country is now 14,049,068, a gain the past year of 259,428. The Baptists South num ber 2,705,121, a gain of 122,804. The figures for the Baptists North are 1, 252,633, gain 14,310. The member ship of the Quaker church remains stationary at 120,712, while the mem bership of the Lutherans 2,434,188 shows a loss of 10,788. The Meth odists North have a strength of 3,- 657.594. indicating a again of 54.329, while the showine for the Method'sts South ia 2,072.035, gain 66,328. The membership of the Presbyterians South is 332,339, with a gain of 21, 737. United Presbyterians, 153.651. cairi 5.431." The rnernbershinroll-of-th Protestant Episcopal Church is 1.040,896. the grain being 25,648. The Reformed in America has a member, ship of 126,847. gain 3.704: Reform ed in United States 320,459, gain 7,779. The Universalist is the smalli est Church with 55,000 and the Uni tarian comes next with 70,549. There are 16,000,000 Sundnv school chil dren and 500,000 officers in the United States. - swamD to tne upper line oi cursed crop-lien and . "time-prices" Rozier's (now Miles Baxely s Upton) rgtem of Southem States, a sys 100 acre tract of land: thence with ,.,i,;v, r,v,; io, thc-n n Hia. . vyims -ana a. -u. f t any people who call them, r.tlxence S IX degWl J j g dvilied ess christian. ;o a small sweet , 00 UnrB vf 4& t-tf Hf?':if-?V T ( YOU ARE THOROUGHLY ARMED against ruin by fire if you carry one of our policies wf fire insurance. Without oni you .re at the mercy of a blaze all the time. FIRE INSURANCE IS A DUTY as well as a benefit. Your wife and family are entitled to a sure home and you as their protector are in duty bound to provide it. Have us issue you a policy today, both for their sofety and your own peace of . mind. The cost is trifling, the protection ab solute. Q. T. Williams, Agent LUMBERTON, N. C. ECBE3SB SEASON -FOR- Fire Insurance Every day In the year. Better insure now R.H.CRICHTON Phone 9 and 169 235223 FIRE! Has destroyed oth ers. You may be next. Insure be fore it is too Late S. H. HAftETON that line to Arch. Willis and S. B Rozier, Sr., corner.i cnams ou nnxs to a niui Mr. Williams denounces banks that gum oy u " V s X average 10 per cent on their money, .1fe.SfS rSTkfiES H f" h! doe, we!, but ,vh , ., 5m-ill red o.k by t. pinej nd two to .comffir. th. cha rj ol even the .a WonV -lOPL-o- thPTirO N IVA flfiCMI viuuua.uaimo'Hm. '"- small uitn-e Jvrtc " I t i . ti t : t W 10 chains and 50 links to a stake made unaer our nrae-prices. sys by two pines; thence S 60 deg. W 26 tern, we are reminded of the impu -t.'i?. tk i5t.Vo n. fho Kpfrinninf?. font fivlv made by young King Ke containing 125 acres. hoboam when the people asked that 't: MrrcA w R --R. he lighten the tax burden imposed pXSrftTrffiff.'j bv by his father, Solomon: "My little deed dated July 28th, 1905, registered finger," he replied, "shall be hick- in said office in Book "O-ii" page er mm my . .no j v.. c rt Pnvtar-.Tr. to littlfi fincer of the time-prices Vmr.-,, MQW Rnzier. bis wife, bv deed crop lien is thicker than the loins oi , . , A X 10,1. 1010 var,icf0raH Va 1A rmw nort VnUpr! in book "5-S" page 63; to which said As a matter of fact, it will ne deeds and to the report of the Com- seen that few bankers in the South missioners herein before referred to, average even 10 per cent on their reference is hereby maoe ior lurmer loans, and wnne we neueve we iuui. dscription of the lands hereby convey. .nist in a fieht to compel all banks ed. to obey the legal interest laws, the Telms of sale Cash. important fact .to remember now is SOUTHERN LIFE & TRUST CO., that the banker offers the surest lrusiee By A. W. McAllister, President. D p. FallU Wth Everyhody? 1 17 4mon An irritable, fault-finding dispo- NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE j "J l- .V'll 1 J .m.bTW under ana oy tne virtue m uu- . . . - . permanent certain mort- : v. n k,i;' ToK f Februarv. 1915. recorded in book - , "l-k" tnority containea m a " hnefitted bv Chamberlain's Tab W.?5 " Met- after years of suffering. Thes of mortcapes No. 82. page 178, " in the office of of the Register of Deeds of Robeson county, said mortgage being made by Julia Blackman and husband, William Blackman, to the undersigned mortgagee. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on Thursday, the 24th day of February, 1916, at 12 o'clock, m., at the Court House door of Robeson county, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfv the terms of said mortgage.the following described tract of land lying and being in the coun ty of Robeson and in Britt's township. and bounded ana aescriDea us iui lows, to-wit: On the South side of Jacob Swamp and known as lot No. 4 in the di vision of Alex Thompson's, Sr. Be ginning at a stake and pine the 3 corner of lot No. 3 and runs that line S 35 W 12 chains to a stake on the ditch bank, thence S 54 1-2 E to the corner of lot No. 5; thence with that line N 35 E 27 1-2 to a stake; thence N 54 1-2 W 1 68-100 chains to the corner of a 50 acre survey; thence with that line S 42 1-2 W 15.15 chains to a stake and cypress in a pond; thence north 54 1-2 to the beginning, containing 11 acres, it being the same land convey ed by Alex Thompson, Sr., and wife, Renny Thompson, to Julia Blackman, one of the parties above, of the first part. Deed dated Nov. 11. 1911, and recorded in book of deeds 6-F, page 291, in the office of the register of deeds of Robeso county. . This the 22nd day of January, 1916. A. L. STONE, Mortgagee, E. J. BRITT, Attorney. 1 24 4mon tnbMs strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere. Radium $9,000,000 a Pound Washington Dispatch. More than $9,000,000 a pound would j be-the price asked for radium were j.that'-quantity-. of the valuable metal available and for sale at one time. Late in 1915 there were sold in this, country one and one-tenth grams of radium (element) at the rate of $120,000 a gram, according to a re port issued today by the United States Geographical Survey. The entire out put of the United States last year, however, was only six grams, or about one-seventy-sixth of a pound, avoirdupois. The European war caus ed a great slump in the Production of radiumras in 1914 there were 22.3 grams produced. A most unique funeral took place at Rehobots Beach, Georgetown, Del., Sunday. Mrs. Bertha Bark, er, known as Countess von Oberkamp, died at her home there last week and in accordance with her wish her body , was taken to Philadelphia and cre mated and the ashes were brought back to . Rehoboth and scattrred to the winds in front of her cottage on the shore. TiTE ROBESONIAN, TOE PRO- gressive Farmer and The House wife, all a whole year for $2.10. tro cvrc.ine by Mrs. .Too Pr won' 'm:i, l't which purtlici C,f hi-'. and to..,s uf tft.srs:M Mrv Mary- Arnan.ia !sMi. I.Ua)orU.n, .S. t". i s-v(ro vtifl 'i tT from nemo lo.lijwth n. wn'cli 'nmKlitou extreme tiPTousness, Miflrinr iln'.j riUi OHtarrUn! .lit'jflaoln;. , Mrs. J,m PtT.vm'! Fiptnwl jf rclicvod J1 ihf,e !;is nd be. suduisw i ti me tnjbi moflicuie in lue world. M. Joe P,o'S Ufinetlv cnrifle tim Mmvf r.d lwnaliM nitturo to ropnir t:io U.iiKe of tlie lils broiisM on by Impute blootl lmi;rtfi)n rh-uaui!.lsm, scrofula, eczpma. Get the bluod tlntaoud most Ills are cured. Ywtr drmrcitt RhouUl have Mrs. Joo rrr.'ion'f 3?iiie!r. If lie lnnn't. send us hla nmt jiu dulUr for largo botti SSfKCOV OCfDiSIATION SfrVX&LOTTC. w. c. jiciiAAi viiUi ih fi heure cr sores AXKi theli.iinHim4 jr;i wxefMf5 sur face. U in ow&ilty itl4e ir v-wi:'n, Uli r-hoti u!e-& i-r .. j . .... b I ea Mm min mmmm.y-.r.n t- Seaboard Air Line Railway The Progressive Railway of the South Trains LeavingLumberton No. 19 7:15 A. M. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte and ell intermediate ' points Through Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for pas sengers" at Wilmington at 10 P M. No. 13 6:25 P. M. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte, anj all intermediate points Connecting at Hamlet for all points North, South and West. Pullman Parlor Car Wilmington te Charlotte. No. 20 9:55 P. M. Local for Wiltnington and all intermediate points Through Sleeper, Charlotte to Wilmington. , Passengers may re main in Sleeper until 7 A. M. No. 14 10:15 A. M. Local for Wilmington and all intermediate points Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte to Wilmington. For additional information, as to rates, schedules, or reservations, call on local agent or write the, undersigned. . M. BEVERLY. Agent, H. E. PLEASANTS, T. P. A. Lumberton, N. C. Wilmington, N. C. JOHN T. W EST, D. P. A Raleigh, N. C Virginia and Carolina Southern R.R. No.79 No.65 , No.64 7:30 am 4:47 pm Lv Fayetteville ............ Ar 12:02 am 8:00 am 5:15 pm Lv Hope Mills Ar 11:30 am 8:10 am 5:25 pm Lv Roslin 11:20 8:17 5:30 McMillans ...... 11:13 S:24 5:36 Oakland y:07 T3fj T43 St. Pauls 11:00 8:42 6:54 Rozier's 10:48 8:54 6:06 .Powers 10:36 No.78 10:15 pm 9:45 pm 9:34 9:25 ' 9:17 9:10 8:58 -- 8:46 9:10 am 6:20 pm Ar Lumberton .i... ., Lv 10:25 am 8:20 pm No. 7 r No. 8 - 11:00 am Lv St. Pauls Ar 5:30 pm 12:40 pm Ar Elizabethto irn Lv 3:45 pm . Nos 7 and 8 daily except Sunday. : MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of a judgment nf the Superior Court of Robeson county rendered at the December tprm. 1915: in a civil action therein pending, wherein E. D. McNeill was j For additional information, as to rates, schedules, or reservations, the plaintiff and Melvin cowrie ana can on local agent or write. othera were the defendants, the un- W. W. DAVIS, Asst. General Pass. Agent

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