1 JrlJjj ' ( L II I 1 ESTABLISHED 1870. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH $l0 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCE VOL XLV1I LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1916. NUMBER 1 WHERE NEW ROAD IS NEEDED ' pponl. of Globe Swamp Section Need! a New Koad and a Bridge to Re- lieve Isolated Sit uation County Commissioners Will De reuuoneu to Build Bridge - Mr. . R. M? Phillips of the Globe tors ullown yesterday. Mr. Phillips tors -in- iuj. r iiPB in a section which is cut off by water from the balance of the world. If he rides to, his nearest postoffice the distance is 9 miles. If he trav els a nn hliv road it is 13 miles. There are 12 families that live in : j.ui : n,i;of cortinn Thev can . f " ru"":Xv0 Vrow n the Creek road about Mt. Eliam, but. there is! Lumber river to cross, to get to tnat! road, and no bridge, 'it would only! require two miles of new road, about 1-2 mile oi tnat mruugu a '"""'n and a bridge across Lumber river to put the people of that section in com- muhi cation mznrxae ou wwc w ir TV, - -la nf that. KflPElOn 1WUU1U ,r ,r" ...v,; . miles f? tnen jje orouguc w' ""I n rural route anu a icicpiuiiv "" and the distanceto Lumberton be reduced 3 miles. They could get to a railroad station at Orrum by traveling 6 miles. . , . ' The people of that isolated section Tvould be willing to cut out the road, yes, glad to, and put. it in traveling condition if the county would put a bridge across the river at the Jum per island, a place where a bridge stood many years ago. The county commissioners will be petitioned con thia marl at an earlv date. That these people need relict ct ?- :-r . 1 ' - i Five Hams Stolen From Wagon m Back Lot' S. An Indian whose name has hot been learned brought five hams to town to sell today and left them in his wagon back of Messrs. R. D, Caldwell & Son's store. When he went back to get the meat it had dis- T'Viq ntfinara llWH" nilt WlSe Ind began to look around for the I 6 wu Mlmsn .toe S . ! of ' Thnmnsnn went into the stora Mr .i . A . Branch he learned that JVlr. Branch had just bargained with a negro ,boy to buy the hams. How ever, the negro went out and left tne -.nams raying he would come bacK and get his pay. Up to 2:30 this aiternoon he had not shown up for his pay, however. The four nams were recovered by the owner. Tne iiitii ham is still unaccounted for. Tuesday Morning Coldest in Over 5 While Tuesday was not the cold est oay tnat ever happened in this part a the country, it was the coldest experience T V-Vf' 19x0, accorumg xo ui-ir-T V.TT y Mr. a. iu. r ,r: fc . 1) Tl MmttJ cviOHCl 1 II .""N . uathnr observer. On that date the thermometer registered 15 above ze ro, the same that it registered lues day morning and yesterday morn, in". On December 16, 1914, it reg istered 16 above zero. On Febru ary 9,, 1907, it went as low as 11 above zero . There is a decided change in the weather today, how ever, the local weather station re porting 22 above zero this morning. Interest Growing in County Fair for Next Fall . inb in BTowini m the move made by . the Kobeson Poultry Asso- Son to have a big poultry exhibit ciation io nave a u.is r j a county fair- next iau. 4vii4ny wc . p" rtsh and "par ! up fiv rrru list fin farmer has put in tarm prouuets. ,.!'" . s Tha nraminm list -ii l rrntrpn out ai 811 tiaiiy vaw. auiiik maa " " " -" - : T? vu wish to offer a prize and A. Raine. Mr. Barker acted as IL Committee fails to call on you,; his own attorney in the case and pro St make the fact known to Mr.!Ceedcd to put Mr. Rame through f1ust maKe tiib x .rtnn The!o trvino- rross exam nation. It seem- exhibit held here last December was and no doubt a h h .rreeniiiii ui uu." much bigger occasion next fall. Will uc utivi VirP This Afternoon Cotton Burned ; Thp f re company was called out nt 2 o'clock C S ayfterrtoon when it at & otiocK u toicavofi of WttO J ' . . in the lot baciC was discovered .tnat lour iu White & Cough's and A emstem . stores were burning. : ..Ihe cotton be longed to. Mr. Frank Gough. All four of the bales were burning all " ...v,n innvprpd. The damage tivci "-'- -.,., mi.hlvi :50. The origin of the fire is un - known-r ' : : . . v.- t;,.,.o r ' . . ,,. in ct The farmers' lnsiuute u Paul's Tuesday was aueimeu uj - T?nVifsoni an reporter and a repori, was i nrcount of the great amount of couri-' ffcor respondent that had to be set ' fir tHs iue this is held over for j l?Lws naoer. Farmers' and worn-, n u. on institutes are being held ati Limhor lindee toaay ami will be held at Floral College, near Maxton, tomorrow. . Tobacco Plants Killed by Cold Mr B. L. Sutton of route 4 irom I i-mberton was among the vb.-irs in town yestreday. Mr. Sutton suya -lie recent cold weather has killed the tcbar.-o p-anU down his wa?. S' me co,- i too late to the Uds over, while others say it is not. Mr. Ernest Grant Mick, of Weaver ville, Buncombe county, is the winner of the special prize of fifteen volumes of "Modern American Law," award 3 Tnctira Walter flark to the applicant for law license in North! was inquiring about a suit case which orftlina who should stand-the beotihe claimed he had lost. It is ex- Carolina who should examination before the Court. Supreme FUNERAL OF MRS. G. M. D. HOW- Conducted From Great Marsh Bap. tist Church Tuesday Afternoon , jt,nd Came Suddenly Tne funeral oi Mrs. G. M. D. Howard, Dr.ei mention of whose deatn was pu Dili tied in Monday's Robeson- ton, was conducted irom Great Alarsh church, near St. Paul's. Tues- baptist cnurcn, hear St. Paul's, Tues day aiternoon at 3 o'clock. . The ser vices were conaucted by Rev. J. A. fanow, pastor oi tne church, assisted uy Kev. it. faenteae.oi tiUmDer- ton, a irmer pastor oi tne aeceas- tu- The large church building was filled to overflowing with sorrow- inends and relauves Interment: mau , " , twh Tho fiiwni ground, near the church The floral j "iie,r B V day morning about 8:30 o clock, fehe, hid- been in ..the,,bestof. .healthy ap pjirentiy for several months and ate ia heartv breaktast Monday morning Thre was no one at the home with r . ., j , the Sia Heart faUure ,0awn,,nPrl thp 'immediate! o , , . , . ' r V MVf vv Among those who attended the funeral from Lumberton were Messrs. K. M. Biggs, Frank Gough, J. S. Thompson, Jasper Rowan, F. Grover Britt, G. E. Thompson, Miss J'ean ette Biggs, Mrs. G. E. Thompson and Miss Pearl Howard, the two last named being daughters of the de ceased. " , Deceased was a ntue more man lii.. Rev .... and Mrs. E. "D. John- V r i ... !' ,1 U lnw Vtlia- son. one , is survivtu uj " " Wand' and 10 children" six sons, Messrs;"" Cr H . , W r D .r A. E TEu- he and J. R. of St. Pauls and lw- A. of Rockfish four daughters, Misses Clyde hnd Lelia of St. Pauls and Pearl of Lumberton and Mrs. G. E. Thompson;:of Lumberton. De ceased was married to Mr. Howard on November 24, 1874. a number of years be ne naa ior l if Unnn n -- om hflT of Great Marsh Baptist church and took great interest m all cnurcn work". She was one who never tired in serving other.fi, She did not live for herself alone. Her greatest pleas ure was .administering to the un fortunate. She was of a lovable, sym pathetic !&5positiionT-anij this with her kind deeds won for her the friendship of all with whom she be came acquainted. Truly she lived a model life. THE FINAL SUMMONS , Wingate Lawson Lived Near Barn ppville " : : u Winccat? L. Lawson, aged 65 years. aua t th- Thomson ' hospital yes- j nf ,Pr f'V III U I I 111 1 U CI Is 1 v wvv I - r-' v.j -MWah ..hont 3 months of a 6-months' jail sentcn -e for shooting a man when taken to the hospital a week ago. The remains worn tnkpn to the Lawson home, near Barnesville, yesterday and in terment was made , in the family burying ground today. RECORDER'S COURT Mr. Prentiss Barker Livens Up the Court Lawrence Davb of Long Branch On Good Behavior Press ing Club Thieves ' Mr. Prentiss Barker was before Recorder E . M. Britt Tuesday cnarg u0i.; cnppd limit eu wnu . with an automomie. juuKmcin, a.pVded "upon the payment 0f he ,ef n.nifn amounted to $9. itlB fnsf wn wn amuuuieu vu :'";." 0 a,nrn t hv Mr. J. . .....--t, . , ed from the evidence tnat tne two men had had a slight auto collis ion some time recently and both claimed the other was to blame for the accident. It was pronou-nceu uy thwe who witnessed it ns being the most interesting recorder's court, held in many moons. Tnwrffl. Dav 3 was before Re- "WA. with I coroer nni ..!V"V. w tlnA ocoonif wtk dead v weapon, rrayer, frr ruigment was 'continued upon tne edition that thp defendant pay the cost,' which amounted to $23.05 and mv.V.e v bond in the sum of $100 ior v.c hp'nnv;or. He is - also - to, (r;P :wt to the recorder each first. Man- ,-v for (5 months and show crood be- ihnvior towards all mankind, espec-j L-'n.. nc wnlw.ii!. the plaintiff.' tn.n. ct.t.r.ni. nnrl rinvis live ricur j.otn " LonK m ,TT , Uvn joe ana T,,. u-id iiov wnu in ii'lw .v.... bertot., ere before Recorder E - M. Eritt Tuesday charged wpth being connected with the robbery or the Lumberton Pressing-Club some three months ftgo. The boys were releas ed. The evidence brougni out wi that some small boys were playing near the Lumberton cotton mill Sun day afternoon after the pressing club robbery and f ounA a suit case hid under a bush. The suit case was opened by the boys and the clothes, a part of those stolen from the club, were found in it. The boys earned the clothes, to their homes and soon members of the families began wear ing them. As stated in Monday's Robesonian, Joe McLeod was arrest ed while wearing a pair of the stol en pants. It was stated at the trial that a negro was seen at the cot ton mill a few days alter tne sun case was found by the boys and he nected that the negro will be brought into court. RED SPRINGS NEWS LETTER Meeting in Interest of Proposed Wilmington-Charlotte Auto Highway l'lie Maxton Railroad Connection Kecord-Breaking Cold Weather Special Prayers For Mr. , Mc Lean's Recovery Correspondence oi The Robesoniian. iweu springs, FeD. li Uu MCn. day aiternoon a large and entnus- idBtic ineeuns was field 'in Ked springs in tue interest of tne pru puota automoDiie mghway from VVil-mine-ton to cnariotte. Xt was the kviiaM of tne convention that m as j much as tne county commissioners oi Kobeson had agreed that if tne t...: wuld the C0Il. tney would Jbuild the con-j uecting limt oetween Lumberton and ldeal route Ior tms highway would be from Lum- S)' th. ad from Lum. m tJharlctte.. as the road from Lum Ueftd-ff-lo Charlotte, "by this-Toute -is aireadv built. A committee com posed of lr. J. L. McMillan, Messrs. A, l. Mccanum, u. w. lownbciiu, J A. Singleton and Fred . Brown; A, i. MeCanum, c.w. lownsenu, wn like! ws ' ppw """ " " . 1 . - N U A" lib-ai committee irom ljumDerton ana. Raef ord at Pinehurst Friday, Feb ruary 18, and confer with Mr. Tufts with regard to this proposed route. Dr. Whitman, professor of Eng lish in Kutniedge College of JNewarK, N J.. is a Red Sonnirs visitor, tne guest of Col; A. T. McCallum. This county and made hts Home there un isDr. Whitman's first visit to this sec-: til; the age of about 23 -years, and tioii of the South and nej expresses himself as being very much pleased with Ked Spnng3 Mr. Jesse - McCallum, .' Robesons popular and elficient county audi tor, spent the week-end witn home iolKS - near town Mr . and Mrs . K, M . Barnes and children of Lumber ton visited Ked Springs relatives Sunday. Rev. Dr. J. J. Hill, Rev. 11. M. Eure and Messrs. D. W. McNeill and G. R. Depuy represent ed Red Springs at the recent ay- men's Convention at Greensboro. ThtT ronnvt n most Bieasant anu . 1 Ai,i.jr y jt profitable meeting. . Rev. J. H. Hall, presiding elder of the Rockingham district, occupied the pulpit of the M. E. church here last Sunday . at both morning and evening services and on Monday held quarterly conference for this church. Mr. W. A. Blue, general super intendent of the A. & R. Ry., was a recent visitor in the city. ' The long cussed and discussed Max ton connection seems to be somewhat improved, ', as we actually . get our Charlotte Observers about three times a week .the day they nrrntpH and from out-4 best information the fault lies, with the S. A. L., whose trains we are told are usually from a half hour to an hour late. ' We do not like to fuss with the railroads because they are our best friends, but it does seem that there .should be some remedy. Red Springs railroad officials are a clever bunch of fellows Toon is al ways on the job, likewise Cooper and Pearsall. A. C. Hugglns, our city ticket agent, also Southern Express Co. agent, always greets you with smile and never seems to lose his eanilibrim. He is very popur with the traveling public as . weir as the local patronage. Judging other railroad officials by' ours, we are bound to throw over railroads the mantle of charity and believe the eq uation at Maxton will be relieved as speedily as possible. ...," , Capt. M. A. Buie of Jonesboro, Fla., ib shaking hands with his num erous Red Springs friends. Mr. Ray mond Corbett is spending this week at Ivanhoe on business. Col A T. 'McCallum informs your correspondent that yesterday rooming his thermometer registered 16 decrees above zwo, which was a record-breaker for this section, AH of Red Sprines and surround ing country join with Lumberton es npriallv fmd the State at lartre m re i01sw that a kind Pr restored to us all Hon. L?n, Special i prayer f mw n nil of ed Spn Providence nas A. W. Mc- services were of TJed Sprines churches I'm Mpfan'e extreme illness. ,n h Denan ana an tkw-kv uw jg panted their petiticis F. B. . Among the Sick Mrs. Sue McJLeoa leic tm "v- in? for Richmond, Va., to be with her dautrhter, Mrs. Bethea, who has been, in" a hospital there for; some 5m.. Mrs. Bethea's condition is nfit nn v worse. 't r Jnrnson Ls still -con rir T r. .Johnson is sun fned at his home on North Elm street with grippe. There does not seem to be much improvement in his condition. The conlition of County Treasurer M. G. McKengie, whose illness has been mentioned in recet issues of The Robesoian, is somewhat improv ed today. The condition of Mr. A. W. Mc Lean, who has been confined to his room for two weeks with pneumon ia, continues to improve, his condi tion today being the most favorable it has been since he was taken sick. Odd Fellows Install Officers At a special meeting Monday eve nine newly-elected .officers of Lum berton Lodge 425, I. O. O. F., were installed as follows: J. M. William son, noble grand; F. L. Prevatt, vice grand; F. A. Crabtr.ee, secre retary; W. O. Edmund, treasurer. Mr. L. R. Varser, lodge deputy, pre. sided. Refreshments were served , The next meeting will be held to morrow evening and a large attend ance Is urged. PARKTON PARAGRAPHS Death of Mr. J. M. Williamson at ! ins home in Florida Series ofi Meetings Postponed Personal' .nent.on ' j Correspondence of The Robesonian. "-.ParKton. -Feh. 15-Rev, L. Smith ot tayetteviue preacned at tne; 11 e&oj tcrian cnurea luuin.ng, preaching a nere Sunday rn&dt excellent, ivbv, J. L. Jenkins, pastor of the ii-pubi cnuich nas been cnosen oytnrotwf tu sm. nana ...usons ox tooutnpori to deliver f . " "'"uai -y ceiewa-j t.oi fuw , B .rT. ' u , i-uiw.v4w.vwwu. iiC u, uu.u.,.,. LastFriU.ay nignt at 11 o'clock Mers. a. b. and C. D. William- sun received a Uiegram stating tnatj ueir orotner, 'Mr. J. M. Waliain-j son died it ms nome near Uriar.do,; sBdueniy- at :nooTiancr-woOT ie Uurneu at. Orianao Sunday at 1 in. Air. a. li. Williamson left ou tnam Jo. ao, wnicn passes rarnvun main ixo. oo a, 1:i5 a. p. at ck Mr. VV . IS. Allie, our , J f , ... .. cicvwi- vpcrucox, w r"""""" ui neuaauarttrs ior tne - aoove Urougn iram to stop and thereby Mr. Williamson was enabled to reacii his destination Saturday night and attend his brother's funeral and re. uii-ii nome Monday at noon. De- ceased was born in cumoertana went to Georgia and neid a position ns hcokkeeDer for a turpentine firm in Dupont for a few years and then went to Florida and purchased a track of land and set an orange orc&ard 'and was a successful orange-grower until his death, . He was taken suddenly and remarked to his wife that his right side was paralyz ed and a physician was quickly sum moned, but he died before the doc tor reached him. He was in his kqi vnnr Hft is survived by his wife who before her marriage was Miss Fannie liray oi r lonua, w brothers and three sisters C. D. and A. B. Williamson of Parkton, Mrs. Z. T. McMillan and Mrs. Sal lfe Butlfr of McMillans, and Mrs. A. G. Tolar of Fayetteville, R, 7. Deceased while in North Carolina numbered his friends by his acquaint ances, and we are unable to recall a more consecrated and upright Chr stian gentleman. He was con verted when a young man and join ed the M. E. church and died a tri umphant Christian. Mrs. Amanda Toon and daughter Miss Annie of Chadbourn, came up Saturday and are visting at tne nome of Mr. and Mrsr Collier Cobb and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs., A. C. McCormick, and children and Mr. C. S. and Clarence Mc Arthur mo tored over to Laurinburg Sunday for a brief visit to relatives and friends. The evangelist Rev. Wm. Black's meeting that was to have commenc ed at the Presbyterian church here on the twentieth has been postponed and probably will ce some time in (April. Wfi reDort several fine, fox racej and several foxes captured. Pa ton now boasts of the finest and safest packs in the State and they make music worth while. Mrs. Justin McNeill and small daughter, Helen Marie, of Lumber- ton are on a visit to reiauvea m town. Mrs. W. S. Bramble of of Cumberland county is on a vis it to her sister Mrs. J. A. Cashwell. Mrs. J. D. Gillis and son Master Clyde returned today from a visit to relatives at Galatia. Misses Ma rie McMillan and Annie Williamson spent the week-end in lower Cumber land county with relatives and re port" a fine time. We are sorry to report Mr. E. V. Johnson on the sick list, also Drug-rist H. C. Jones. Messrs. N. H. Perry and G. W. Bollard snent last week in Wilming ton and Southport and Fort Fisher, sight seeing, and report a great time. Mr. Bullard served for a number of years in the navy. Mr. t wrs it. was interesting to him to see the navy boys load and fe-j I ln-:fl iboce hutre cannon and many t, mni.nrpr? ton numerous to mention." ". They motored to Wil-j minffton in Mr. Kerry s car. jir.j Mr.; Bullard returned Friday night while Mr Perry returned Sunday momme with his car, hiving left Wilming ton Saturday afternoon at 4 o clock and arrived .t Elizabethtown at 8, spent the night and arrived safely at home Sunday at noon. A couple of cars loaded with town sports left Sunday evening for an outing to Montrose but only got as far as Raeford, as the storm and rainfall prevented their trip, and returned .home safely after the rain. . ,, Hon. J. A. Brown of Chadbourn will deliver a Sunday school address at the Presbyterian church here on next Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Full Exoneration for W. C. Hammer Washington Cor,, 15th, Charlotte Observer. - Senator Overman had a meeting with Attorney General Gregory to day and was informed that the charges against District Attorney Hammer regarding allecred election frauds in Randolph county had been investigated by representatives of the department and that the discov ery had been made that the charges were not sustained by the evidence. The findings, it was statel, fully and thoroughly exonerate Mr. Hammer. MT. ELI AM MATTERS Literary Society Doing Fine Aurk' -Box Supper at Beulah School House Marriage of Miss Ea Brttt and Mr. Oscar Hinson-Per- sonal Mention ! "fence?f ' The Robe.r.ton. j vJ!f! 1 '. x cu. -iiic cuiu wave vviiicn uX.n here last night is the severest 'we have had this winter and the folks lITAIlTlH KftfA know i-wlo mM more cover on their tobacco ocas to i - a-' 4k.: i.k I 5..i t rv . cold. It h been arm s0 lon- 1 plants were doing fine. 0ur schcol ia progre88in)f. nicely 'ander the management of Prof. L. ! L; Phillips. Our literary society ii, doing fine now, we are glad to say,' with E. L. Phillips president and Forest Y. Stone secretarw W havel a good debate every Tuesday night.! We invite ail the boys and men .to- COme and join. The query for next; cigarettes have destroyed more lives! than strong drink." , ! . , Messrs. White & Gough bought It was our pleasure last" Friday yesterday the stock of jroods of the night to be at the box supper at the' late John P, McNeill. The Ptore has Beulah school -house. Mr. Will Bui-' h'eh conducted by fMrsj. McNeill lock, who has just moved into that since Mr. McNeill's- death, section sold the boxes in a very, Mr. Lindsay Norment of Pur tasteful manner. The next thing vfs was among the visitors' in 'town was a voting contest on the the pret-: vesterdav, !lfr tiest girl present, in which Miss Idaf folks about Purvis are making prep .Britt was the lucky one; which was j aration for the meeting of the Rob- saying a - ioi, ior .r.erc ware, good-lookmg girls there. , Mr. Uscar Jimson and m:ss va Britt were married Sunday p. m, at thehome of the bride, .who is the highly esteemed daughter of Rev. P. T. Britt of Mt. Eliam. Mr. Hin- son is a popular young man of Board man. They will make their home at Boardman, where Mrr Hinson holds a nosition with the Butters Lumber Co. We wishthem a long and, nappy marrieu nie. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hilburn of Bladenboro spent Sunday and Sun day night with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. P.'T. Britt; and, by the way, Mr. Hilburn preach ed for us Sunday p. m. on missions. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Britt and Mr. and Mrs. JY W. Bullock, all of j Ijumberton. spent 'bunaay on i.xne Mount visiting relatives They came down on Mr. Bullock's car. Miss Minnie Stcne of Oakton was on the Mount Sunday. . Messrs, Bruce N.ye and Toone Britt of Orrum spent Sunday p. m. in thia section. Sorry to report Mrs. J. Z. Stone find ilso Mrs. E. B. Stone sick with colds. The Bible puzzles given by Aunt Becky and Mr. Fleming are interest mg and helpful. SHANNON NEWS NOTES ' - . Series of Meetings Grippe Victims I mprovin g Personal Correspondence of The Robesoniian Shannon, Feb. 16 Miss Bessie McMillan, who has been visiting at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Klarpp, has return ed to her home at Dundarrack. Rev. J. J. Hill filled Rev. Mr. Dixon's appointment here on the first Sunday on account of Mr. Dixon be ing sick. JIis sermon was very in structive and much enjoyed. Rev. Thomas C Delaney of Ab erdeen conducted a series of meetings at the church here last week, be. ginning on .Monday night and clos ing Saturday morning. Mr. Delaney is a very able preacher and all of his sermons were very earnest and in structive and much enjoyed by all fortunate enough to hear them There were a number of professions and we hope much good was accom plished. . Rev. Mr. Delaney made many friends during his stay here who will always be glad to welcome him here at any time. Mrs. Delaney and her mother, Mrs. Levin, came over , Saturday and spent the day here, returning with Mr. Delaney to Aberdeen that afternoon. While here Mrs. Delaney and Mrs. Lovin were guests at. the home of i nnrl Mrs. John r . waiters. Li.ttl ! from i tw f0n is on the sick list but is improv mg Uv Kcpn much S CkneSa 1 UtiC llt0 - - , . . the la3t six! e Miss Mary Laura iiinson .Wj r oo.. tv-e ick list. Mr. James luac-i 'vff ... .... an came back one day last week toward tneir compatnots operating FnHand wrtr ne went auut cfc,iiv v.-w - - ,T5 but most of InT victims i Notice of New Advertisements -h t ' T r.s. a!! sizes, guaranteed; genu- ar Detterno . . . SDrinesiine Ford repair parts; place your or- MrV D O ffirrie 'ler for Ford cars-Robeson Auto Co. wa sthe guest of Mrs. V. u. u"'- . , y. . . . SASJtt ibout aambe-i Ffty acres of good land for sale low Shannon. We hope they may -ave a pleasant stay among us. There Jhave been many visitors here since our last writing, ome of which were Mr. Ed Gaitley and little daughter Catharine of Allen dale, S. C, Miss Clara Cobb of Statesboro, Ga., and Mr. A. i. McLean and Miss Annie C. McLean of Rowland. Mr. J. M. Broughton, Jr., of Ral eijrr.t," superintendent cf one of wthe leading Sunday schools of the State, the Raleigh Tabernacle Baptist Sun day school, has been elected chair man of the executive committee of the North Carolina Sunday School As- nrint.ion Adj. Gen. Lawrence R. Young of the State National Guard is being boosted for assistant Secretary oi boosted for assista ntSecretary of War. BRIEF IIEM3 OF LOCAL Nfirt License has been issued for the marriage of Au3!ey Kinlaw and Marv Quick. 3 Mr. Grady Hayes has accented a position with the Carol na Tafw tor -Company. - ' -auor- D. A. Sineletafv h centerf . .:.;. , Messra Bollock Lt1 ta store Brothers grocery . -VliSS J03Dhine Rrft 511 1 ... - v. v mil ichvh .uonnay evening for tfte Northern. km purhaie ?rin d LV.L vr. ner store on Elm S: canyon or Martha Black- wl'ow' in u-year-oid colored woman WT Bnt "om ambush some ;w, Weeks &K not very favorable toda . Mr. D. R. Shaw of Wilmington ha3' accepted .a position in Grantham 'Mothers drug store. He began work" her9 'oon a f son -county Baraca.Philathea Union which will be held there Sunday.- -vn,, Tj T .t. i.. '. held a position as clerk at th Wat .... . ..acv kicoavmn, w liu Hail postoffice for more j;han three years, has resigned, her resignation , rotor into effect yesterday. Miss Sessoms is succeeded by Mr. Leon McGill of Lumberton. Miss Sessoms was ever arcommodatir!f to the public and her mnny friends will miss her from her accustomed place Mr. N. J. McRimmon Thinks He Will Offer for State Senate Again The Fertilizer Question r Mr. N, J. McRimmon, who lives on rural route 3 from Rowland and -tarms exteniively, is inclined to he- heve farmers would be better off if mey Knew now they could' not get any commerciaii xeruiizers at an. As it is they are undecided what to cio and find it hard to break away from dependence upon commercial itrtil zers, upon which they depend too much, Mr. McRimmon thinks. He quoted a man who remarked recently tnat three-fourths of the merchants of thid section who fail do so on ac count of bad fertilizer debts, indi cating that it is not always so easy J. to pay for fertilizers when they are bought with the progality with which they have been purchased in ! former years. ; I Mr. McKimmon was a candidate I for the State Senate two years ago and gave a good account of himself in the primary against the success ful candidate, Mr. Geo. B. McLeod. When in Lumberton Tuesday Mr, Mc Rimmon was asked by The Robeson ian man if he would be in the race this year and he said he thought it very likely that he would be in the race again, that he had been urged by many friends to offer again. Russians Capture Turkey's Chief City in Armenia Press Summary. Ezerum, Turkey's chief city in Ar menia, .is in the hands of the Rus sians. Heavy assaults by the Rus sians against the long line of detach ed forts protecting the city, lasting pver a period of five days and de scribed by Grand Duke Nicholas, tha Russian commander-in-chief, as "un precedented," have resulted in the capture of the fortress. Unofficial reports early in the pres ent month said the German Field Marshal von Der Goltz, with 80,000 men, was beseiged in the city with provisions for only a fortnight. The capture of Ezerum is consid ered of great strategic importance. From it rad:ate roads leading in all directions. Over those to the south- ceed south toward Bagdad, to the re- M-pf.rf the Bnt:sh bottled uttm kut- m'i.ntndia, vii tuc ouauuow iagaaa, or rent u. v. numpnrey. . Residence for ren, rr ! - XT . ! 1 T 1 . t T i wo 6rares ixaiioiiaj dhu. vi liuui. berton stock for sale. Best home-made molasses M. N. Folger. Great vanetv of new fresh groce ries M. N. Folger. Fostoria Mazda lamps will save mnnAi. en t-rmr 1 LrVlt. billfl L. iim'.iij v. - II . Caldwell. Good 8-room dwelling and large lot on Pine street for sale. Prosrram at Pastime. Leal notice of re-sale of land H. E. Stacy, oemmissioner. ...My glasses were fitted by Dr Parker, the only specialist to Lumberton licenced by State Board Examination for this Important work.. FIES . HIS SERVICE SATIS-