THE ROBESON! AN, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1916 PACT THRE1 mmm You are now giving a great deal of thought to the-matter of Fertilizers for the coming season, and on account of advance in prices on fertilizer materials gen erally, and as Kainit and Potash are not being furnished by fertilizer dealers at all, the public has been disposed to think the commercial fertilizers, Ammoniated Gu anos, would not be of great help to crops the coming season, but good reasons and ofi rnnrlusions. The facts are the most competent authorities state mat with a reasonable application of guano containing as much as 12 per cent plant food, say 9 per cent Phosphoric Acid and 3 per cent ammonia, with favorable season and good cultivation, good crops will be made. We have this statement made by the best Chemists who are experts as to proper fertilizers for producing good crops as follows; .' - IN CONCLUSION Potash is very scarce and h'gh, so scarce that there is little or none to be had and so high that fanners could not afford, to use it if they could get it. The sail fortunately contains more potash than any other fertilizer ingredient, ; and by proper means enough nf it can be made available to produce - good""crcps this year when phosphoric acid and ammonia are applied. Crops have been made without applying , it... ChepiiS.S recommend the use-of fertilizers without it. hose who know agree that good crops can made by proper cultivation and the ' a pplicaticn of fertilizers containing vrmmoma and much phosphoric acid. Therefore, farmers do not get feared or uneasy because you cannot this year get potash but go to work, use good seed, cultivate well, apply liberally fertilizers containing phosphoric acid and. ammonia, and you will make, good and paying crops. We are prepared to furnish farmers fertilisers that we believe will produce . good crops. We can furnish almost any analysis desired but we find that good farmers are buying 16 per cent Acid Phosphate, and Ammoniated Guano, containing 9 per cent Phos. phoric'Aicd and 3 per cent Ammonia that is considered a splendid guano for cotton and corn. li. .... We sell many different grades of Guano, so we can furnish as may be desired.' , '.We are especially well fixed as to good Guano for Tobacco we have a euan 3 containing Sulphate of Potash, which is so very important in order to get fine grade Tobacco; this is "Yellow Leaf oGrwdiAaV-ig.-VTe sell also, "Golden Seal Tobacco Guano" made by G. Ober & Sons" which has given such good satisfaction for rnany years. - ' , . Wfr CALL SPECIAL" ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT WE HAVE BOUGHT 500 BAGS GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO OF THE rSuVIAN GUANO CORPORATION. THIS IS GUARANTEED GENUINE, UNADULTERATED. PERUVIAN GUANO IN ITS NAT URAL STATE Ts WhS DUG OUT OF THE DEPOSITS IN PERU, EXCEPT THE MATERIAL HAD TO BE GROUND, OF COmisI TO PUT. IT IN CONDITION TO BE APPLIED AS WE APPLY FERTILIZERS. ; WE SELL SEVERAL DIFFERENT- GRADES OF TO P-DRESSERS WHICH ARE REALLY BETTER THAN NITRATE- SO DA WHICH ISNOW 0 HIGH IN PRICE FOR PROFITAP UbE UN CROPS. , THT2 BEtfT TQIRKSSER, OR HIGH GRAC MATERIAL TO USE IN MIXING ACID PHOSPHATE AND I 01W SEED MEAL IS THELD RELIABLE ''CEREALITE" WHICII CONTAINS 9 PER CENT AMMONIA AND 3 PER CCNT ACTUAL GERMAN POTASH. .. - WE HAVE GREAT CONFIDENCE IN "CEREALITE" AND THE "GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO" WE SELL, IN FACT WE MAKF PLAIN STATEMENT THAT WE BELIEVE THEY ARE THE VERY BEST FERTILIZERS OBTAINABLE AT THIS TIME. MAKE AAI A ARE SOLD BY US EXCLUSIVELY, YOU NEED NOT INQUIRE OF OTHER DEAL ERS AS TO THEIR MERITS, AS THEY DO NOT KNOW THE ACTUAL FACTS, BUT COME TO.US AND WE-CAN PUT GUAR- ANTEED, INDISPUTABLE FACTS BEFORE YOU. V 1 . '-' IN CONCLUSION WE WOULD SAY THAT THIS IS A YEAR FOR FARMERS TO DO AS THEY WISELY DID LAST YEAR-PLANT SUFFICI ENT GRAIN AND FOOD CROPS TO MAKE HOME SUPPLIES AND TO MAKE ALL THE COTTON AND TOBjCCOPOSSIBLE WITHOUT HEAPING UP LARGE COST ACCOUNTS THAT WILL CONSUME ALL THE INCOME FROM SALES WECASK AND TALK BUSINESS WITO US-WE ARE READY TO DO OUR PART IN MAKING YEW BEUEVEGAT wlTn- APEMSSMUSING PUSH, ENERGY. AND ECONOMY THE YEAR 1916 WILL BE?t! M US YOURS TRULY, LUMBERTON,-NC. &N SEE OUR NEW SPRING GOODS TODAY And Get the Worth of your Money v DRY GOODS -; The latest patterns in fancy dress goods, white goods and ginghams. Several thousand yard3 of the best - bleaching, white homespun and checked homespun at the right prices. READY-TO-WEAR GOODS Fresh stock laides' shirt waists in plain white and colors. Big assortment of ready - made dresses for women,-misses and children at prices that will suit everybody. MEN'S SHIRTS Complete assortment of spring shirts that will make you open your eyes. All colors and pat terns, come and see them for yourself. NEW OXFORDS The latest fads in new Oxfords right fresh from the factory on Monday. Slippers for men, women, miss es and children in all kinds of leathers at reasonable prices. Remember our 6tock is new and fresh . MEN'S HATS Some of the latest styles and staple colors in Stetson, Ches terfield, Essex and Raleigh hats. ; All of them fresh and new. FERTILIZERS AND FARM SUPPLIES We make a specialty of fer tilizers and farm supplies. We handle reliable brands and are well prepared to furnish your wants in these lines. Prices in line with other high-grade goods. Terms cash or credit. See us before you buy. Make Our Store your Head quarters When in the City nn DEPARTMENTSSTORE LUMBERTON, . :-: km N.C. tor t Forget to Take Stock IN THE EVERTIAWYOUR GARMENT SCORCHE0T" . NAT HERE We never" burn, scorch or gloss anyone's clothes. We press vwth hot dry steam, sterilize your clothes and make them look as good as new THAT'S SERVICE Cleaning Repairing Altering CALL US WE'LL CALL ' NATIONAL fKESSLNG CLUB W. K. FAULK, Prep. PHONE 155 Head The RobesonianV Adv mts ! Robeson Building & Loan Association . NEW SERIES , 'January 1st, 19 1 6 All stockholders in first series should take new stock in new se ries because the first series will mature before another series opens. - BEGIN THE NEW YEAR RIGHT STOP PAYING RENT AND OWN YOUR OWN HCME BY PAY ING FOR IT WITH RENT MONEY CALL ON C. V. BROWN AT THE NATIONAL BANK OF LUM BERTON, who will cheerfully give any information you-may de sire on this subject C. V. BROWN, Sec & Treas. NEED PUBLIC HEALTH NUftS- ing -v-v Opinion of Miss Crandall, Noted Ex pert Touring South State Board of Health Bulletin. Miss Ella Phillips Crandall, see retary of the National Association of Public Nursing of New York City, in her address at the Yar borough House in Raleigh recently, made all North Carolinians, the cit izens of Ka'c:gh in particular, feel that they are yet far behind inpro- gressive health measures in that so few public health nurses are at work in the State. ' According -to Miss Crandall and other health workers, the public health nurse -is accomplishing more for individual and family health, better living con ditions and practical educaton along all health lines than any other sin gle agency now engaged., in health or social uplift work. Speaking of the nurse as a nav ing investment; Miss Crandall said GOOD FOR COLDS 'Honey, Pine Tar and Glycerine are reconized cold remedies. In Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey these are com bined with other cough medicines in a pleasant syrup. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey quickly stops your cough, checks your cold, soothes irritation of the throat. . Excellent for young, adult and aged. It's one of the best cough, syrups made. Formula on every bottle.' Youknow just what you are taking and your doctor knows its rood for coughs and colds. Insist on Dr Bell's Pine-Tar.Hotiey. Only 25c at Druggists. VILLA RAIDS UNITED I flnlf AT A i mi ivc STATES TERRITORY "V"1 ni MULL! J TONGUE WHEN CROSS, FEVERISH AND SICK TROOPERS INVADE MEXICO J 16 Americans hiiied at Columbus, N. Al. and ifuiidatgs' Fired Troop ci 13ih V. S. Cavalry Fol ic UatiJi ihto Mxko Villa Had 500 Me.--S.ore of Invaders fcl-in z$c' Djjpfpyn" Hies Sour, Gas sy, Lpst Mo.naci.s in Five Minutes if ivhnf irn.i ;,., . UM JUOb UUJ ,a gourifte on Columbus N, M., Di&pat;h, March -9. itsmach or lies like a lun of Francisco Villa, outlawed Mexican f''V :, d,?"i' or belch Ci L.i T .LI w .- t . bandit, rakled United States territory lood, or have a leelV 0t dizz.nT i 1 11 .t I- , .-v r t 1 " 4 Still totiay. vvim ouu men ce aiiacKeu riuurn, -iuunes, nausea Lad Columbus, killed at least l(i Ainer- -in mouth and stomach Iiead- -cins ana fired many buiknngs be- ac.fte, you can surely get relief in fivo i'ore he was driven back across the ,n,mj s- international border. i Aik TOI"r Pharmacist to show vou Not less than 250 trocpers of the , 'ft SJ?? Piain'y.Printeo! on thesa iom umiea laies cavairy louowea than i i . the Villa band into Mexico. ,. Reports J2Siey? ,T I1. "?,e,?' wh J- to Col. II. J. Slocum, commanding K8 iht must go. n. c.... 1. .u. :.r ana wny it relieves sour. nt-fAr.. Ute today stated Ihat Villa had 2j?a cl)fp" ? f1 st". five min. made a stand 15 miles south of the i".' .a?e,fi,.D,apeJp3lT "harm- border where spirited fighting en. dose' wlFJit anrprere for' .sued. In this engagement an un- Bimnntinn ?.prJepa.Ce.,ror aucu. m inis engagement an un- Bimiiatifin ui 1 .. , . named private was killed and Capt. Jo' llh ,00d George . Williams, adjutant of ti. to the Ute t?th a TLhJ l.itti cavalry, was ; wounuca tite; but what will please yoq moVt The small detachment of troopers js ti)at you will ' feel that yJS stom under Maj. I-rank Tompkins and LI- flch and intestines zri ViJ Unsley, fighti (mounted, freshf an win not e a datermmcd stand against ths, sort to laxat;vpi r n... T n , ,wed V:lla attack, and at last -j bd'usne' a were holding their ground. This city will have manv "Pin'. he raid on American territory j DW cranks, S Itopll ,-ed cost y to the bandit chief-; w II calPthpm ht Jr. rl ta n. The bodies of 18 bannits, m- thustic nbout this j-pfendid stom clcd ng Pablo Lopez, second in com- cch preparation, too, if you ever take mand, had been gathered and burn-f it for indigestion, gases, heartburn ed before nocn and troopers reported sourness, dyspepsia, or any stomach MM tiHlAfAVnAVAl flllWlhAW t P ft a O ft Brill I WlnA. Get fome now, this minute, and rid yourself of stomach misery and indi geston in five minutes. - an undetermined number of dead still lyine in the brush. Led to the at tack under the slogan: "Death to the Americans", Villa's followers fought with desperation. Just before dawn they crept along ditches skirting the United States cavalry camp and rushed the sleeping town, firing heavily. - ir. Answer to JLrs. Towwend'a Wble Puzzle CorrespQndence of The Robes'onian. . Buie, March 8-Ance to Mistrea P troopers into almost instant action. F Townsend Bible Puzzle i think it wnue a poruon oi uie ramera en-4 was adam wife-for it Teads lika thia gaged the cavalrymen, others began . j the garden was made a verv applying the torch and shooting, pretty mad as ever was seen in the American civilians who ventured from morning she was made a wife the the buildings. Lights in homes and first day of her life & died before public buildings immediately became he was bornd Now Miss Town targets for snipers posted at Vil-j stnd some men have taouirht it la's direction. Other bandits -creep-, would ben wise if she could of died ing' close to American homes, entic.jthe first day she was mad you un ed a number of civilians into the. der stand that ' she was made out open with English spoken invitations 1 0f a bone & Misa Townsend you. A number of fatalities are attributed -under stand that a woman is like to this ruse. .in U ginney all waise chatering Miss Stores were N looted, oil was pour-J Townsend you now a woman is hard ed upon frame structures, and the, to guest a man cant hardly iret a match applied by still other bandits.) long with her & he cant hardly ret The-Tostoffiee was raided, furniture a long without her Now M'ss smashed, but the looters secured only i Townsend i would of ben Glad if one small registered packag-e. j you would of told what it took to Many civilians barricaded them- made a wife now Misa townsend you selves in their homes and fired at. was savin g somDthini?' a hnn Moxxans as thev darted through filthie weed i guest you Know hnn the the streets. The fighting in the. made the weed after the 6 days town ended almost as suddenly as it. work was don the captain said all bogan. tnan two nnurs aaerj was verry good -& Miss Townsend ihc iJrst-shot was-heardVill's -bucr-yousaid-fiompthing'-a-bout-whiskey lers sounded the retreat and the raid-J you now what the B. says a bout fTi hnsran i discrdered fliirht, close-, what the child is gnaped in all rite ly followed by American troopers. J then Mis3 Townsend woman place Mrs.-. Mud Hawlc Wright, an, to "shape the child rite before the American woman who said she was ( child is Bornd what do the most of heM captive by Villa for nine days the woman want theair husband to and was liberated in the midst of t get one gallon but now i guest the today's fightine declared todav that, can put up wiht a Quart now. miss Villa announced c-n March 1 his in-j townsend if you can get in line with tention to Attack Clumbu and pro.jthe mishonary woman to dopt a law reeded north under forced marchefthat now woman wil a low a noth- to f"rry out his purpose. I er Quart to go in to her house these His men. with scant puddH?s of water and meat suffered severely, she sa'd, and many dronped from their horses on the march to Boo boys & girls wil not be shaped in this half blind taerer stuff when lit tle Johnie or. little rofie is 1 or 2 days o!d what a little todey shapen Grande. Villa, -she doclred, ruled ; shapert that is the reason whiskey them by fpsr and hit officers with; js so hard to get out h is shaped tf fbts of their swords beat tlo sol in this stuff Mr L. E. Tynar told defers into animalfon 'sufficient t-i,me in 1913 that te had never had reach that point where they rested and prenare fr the raid. Tuesday Mr Wright related. Vil lr bandits attacked employee of the Palcmas Cattle Comnanv. enea?d in rounding up cattle, kHlfngr four Americans. Mrs. Wright safd pfr husband. Edward John Wrijrht, formerly of Houston, Tex., and Frank Hayden, a yonth employed at the LaBooker saw mill, were taken from the Wriirht ranch March 1 and presumably kill ed inney whiskey to none of his chil dren & Mrs L E Tynar is not both ered with drunken children b like Mr Walter tynar & wife both get be hind it & push it out the woman was adam wife E Wm Gregory R 2 Box 23 that the school hygiene nurse was of the greatest value in that she caused 84 per cent of defectives , to get treatment and saved besides many repeaters and severe illness from contagious diseases. Industrial organizations employing nursing ser vice did so not as a matter of phil anthropy but merely as a good bus iness policy and that whatever was the cost of a nursing service to a corporation, the amount was many times saved through the good condi tion .it meant to the employees, through the regularity of the out put and through the good will and general health of all. To employ a nurse, she said, was by'f ar cheaper to a town or county than to main tain a charity hospital and the gen eral poverty caused by sickness. Miss Crandall urged the necessity of employing only graduate nurses to go to only standard instiutions for thei'r training. Miss Crandall is touring the Southern States irt the mhlir health nursing. . One Puzzle Answered and Another Asked - Crrespondence of The Robesonian . Lumberton, R. 6, March 8 An swer in vhn i ht that tinldn Inner When she was taken prisoner! lifo in hoi rirrVif Viand and rirhttw anA md forced to ride away wito a de-l honor in her left hand 7: Wisdom, and tachment of Villa's men under Col. can be found somewhere in Proverbs, Nicholas Servantes, she aad a ban-1 DUt i haven't time to look it up with dit ordered her to give iier baby to; my dim eyes. What are we promis- Mexican family. ed f or keeping the Sabbath day 1 noiyT. CATARRH . Why Suffer? Sessom6 Late Discovery tore, quick and permanent core. One bot tl cans worst caw Price $1.00 Write to day. Circular fre. SESSOMS REMEDY COMPANY. LambcTton, H. C . . Robesonian Want Ads Bring Results. . If You Have Anything to Buy or Sell, try Them. I Cent a Word. The Robeson- laa. .... Question Answered, Question Asked To the Editor of The Robesonian! In answer to Mrs. F. P. Town mend's question, "Who was a wife the first day of her life and d;ed before she was born?"': it was Eve. She was never born and she was Adam's wife. I want to ask who was Melchize deck? A. J. JACOBS. Claxton, Ga. Mrs. F. F. oWMsEtffr. Changeable Weather Brings Sickness The changeable weather of March causes coughs, colds, croup and grippe. There is no such thing as a "light cold" none that a person can safely neglect. Foley's Honey and Tar is a safe and reliable fam ily medcine that heals inflamed, con gested air passages, stops coughs and eases brewing. Sold everywhere. Ugh! Calomel is Horrible! It Shocks Your Liver, If Bilious CALOMEL SICKENS! DOXT LOSE A DAY'S WORK! CLEAN YOUR LIVER AND BOWELS WITH "DODSON'S LIVER TONE." horrible! Take a dose of the dan- gerous drug tonight "ana tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel ia mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it ct:nes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, break, ing it up. Thia ia when you feel that awful nausea and cramming. If rou are sluggish and "ali knocked aut", if your liver is torpid and bow els constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Here's my guaranty Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a ipoonfal and if it doesn't straighten .you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying ht sale of calomel because it i real liver r".edicir.e; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and consti pated waste which is clogging your system and making you feel miser able. I guarantee that a bottle , of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is harm less; doesn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste.

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