THE ROBESONIAN, MONDAY, MARCH, 13, 1915 . THE BOBESONIAN Office 107 Vtesl fourth Street. . TYlppSione No. 23. MONDAY, MARCH 1$ 1916 , , LOCAL RAILROAD fjCIIEDI'LE - Seaboard Air Une. Train No. 19 west-bound Ivs 7:15 am Train No. 14 eastbound lvs 10:15 am Train No. 13 westbound Its 6:25 pm Train No. 20 eastbound Its 9:55 pm i VA. & CAROLINA SOUTHERN ' From Hope Milla Train No. 79 arrives 9:10 am Train No. 64 leaves 10:25 am Train No. 65 ....... arrives 6:20 pm Train No. 78 leaves 8:20 pm Kaleirh & Charleston Train No. 1 leaves 10:20 am Train No. 2 ....... armes 6:1 pm WHY WOMEN WRITE LETTERS To Lydia . Pinkham Medi- cine Co. DUSliSS PpiLfiERS PHYSICIANS AND LAWYERS Are trained for their professions." "We want a man to take a course of in struction on the SCIENCE and ; ART of WRITING LIFE INSUR ANCE with the view of taking charge of Robeson county. No ref. erences asked for, just state your present occupation. C S. Alston, General Agent, Volunteer State Life Insurance Co., Charlotte, N. ' c. . .. FOR SALE A ANDEVEK'S Heavy- ; fruiter cotton seed. Largs boll, small seed. Forty-eight ooita will make pound. Hands pick per day 7!!T-ajL.of pQier, ,fcindi.,i;fl "fuI!asse(t''prutfveeSf,:f$l per bushel. G. W, Lennon, Lumber- ; tCn,' N . C. W-r--,-" -rr-v Women who are well often ask "Are the letters which the Lydia E. Pinkham Medians Co. are continually publishing', genuine?" 'Are they truthful?" . .Why do women write such letters ? In answer we say that never have we published a fictitious letter or name. Never,', knowingly, have we published an untruthful letter, crone without the full and written consent of the woman who wrote it . ... . The reason that thousands of women from all parts of. the country write such grateful letters to the Lydia E. Pink- ham Medicine Co. is that Lydia E. Pink' ham's Vegetable Compound has brought health and happiness into their lives, once burdened with pain and suffering. It has relieved women from tome of the worst forms of female ills, from dis placements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, ' nervousness, weakness, stomach; troubles and from the blues. It is impossible for any woman who is well and who has never suffered to realize how these poor, suffering wo men feel when re stored to health; their keen desire to' help other women who are suffering as they did. llllj ' CHURCH NEWS NOTES - FOR RENT TWO SMALL COT tages on Seventh street. Apply to Robert E. Lee, City. I AM BACK FROM THE NORTH ern markets and have a nice line of millinery and dry goods, and will be glad to see all of my cus tomers. Miss Lena Albrecht, Pages Mill, S. C. FOR SALE GOOD PEAVINE HAY, baled, at $1 ner hundred pounds, , Apply to Frank A. Bond, near Moss Week. . - - FOR SALE 6-ROOM RESIDENCE, First and Cedar streets. One ; " quarter acre lot. Apply to (Miss) lula Bryant, City. 1YES, YQU.WILL FIND ALL KINDS ' "nt . trarAo-n needs of the verv ' best varieties, also seed oats, rape seed, onion sets, seed Irish potatoes, etc. at L. H. Caldwell's "everything etore", Lumberton, N. C. FOR GARDEN SEEDS OF' ALL i kinds, seed oats, rape seea, seea ' Irish potatoes, onion sets and fer- tilizers go to L. H. Caldwell's "everything store," Lumberton, N. ; C. FOR THE BEST YIELDS YOU must plant the best seeds. You will find the best seeds ; of all kinds at L. H. Caldwell's "every 'thing store' Lumberton, N. C FORFRESH MILK AND CUEAM .call 'phone No. 2505. . WHEN YOU NEED AUTO SER Tice call Bullock Brothers. Phone " Nos. 55 and 231. Service day or night. IF YOU WANT THE BEST PRICE for cotton and' cotton seed, go to John T. Biggs. ' IF IT'S BEEF REMEMBER A. H. Hinds handles it m a sanitary manner. 'Phone No.' 53 for pork loins, fresh pork sausage., I iTer and sliced nam. Happenings of Interest at the Va rSrrrtaof lumberton- Miss Gladys Laney of Monroe," a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs H. 'Bcyd, sang at the Epworth league service at ' Chestnut Street Metaod'st church last evenine and delighted an audience .that filled the school room to Overflowing. Members . and others 'who . attended the -services at this church' last Sun day were Charmed with Miss Laney's singing and,, considered themselves fortunate m having this opportunity of hearing her again. She has a voice of rare sweetness and sings with the ease and entire absence of affectation- that delights discrimin ating music lovers. . Miss-Laney also sang a solo-; at the First' Eaptist church last even ing. Mr. J. P. Russell made an excel lent talk" on "Athletic Strength" at the League service last evening. Sunday school and preaching ser vices had to be omitted' at' the Pres byterian church yesterday on account of the- bursting of - a - water pipe put t:ng the heating plant out of commis sion. AT THE MOVIES . Arcade Theatre "At Bay" today with Florence Reed, cne of the most popular ac tresses of the screen. ; Pay us a vis it and crive us "the unce over". Open ft 2:30. Tu?sdav. March 14, "A Bolt from the Sky" with Jacki. San Hers. A three aet photoplay of mer it. "Luke Lugs Luggage" is . one of the funniest comedies ever de vised. "The Iron Claw" will short, ly, start at the Arcade. It will run on Wednesdays. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED real estate in Kooeson county. i ply to Stephen Mclntyre. TAKE NOTICE BLACKER BROS.. Lumberton, pay the highest prices for all kinds of furs. - You will find them on Chestnut, street on V block of Farmers & Merchants :; Bank. ... -' "i -V SHAD! SHAD. WHEN PLANNING : dinner remember you can get n ce shad at Britt Grocery Co., Rowland - Britt, manager. Phone215. PILLS BEST FOR "LIVER Because they contain the best liv er medicines, no matter how b'Uer or nauseating for the sweet sugar coating hides the taste. Dr. Kings New Life P"a contain ingredients that put the liver working, movo the bowels freely. No gripe, no nausea aid digestion. Just try a bottle of f)r King's New Life Pills and no See how much better you feel. .25c at all druggists. ' MAZDA LAMPS 15 watt 110 volt 2Tc 25 watt 110 volt 27c 40 watt 110 volt 27c 60 watt 110 volt ... 36c 100 watt 110 volfc C5c Lamps deliverea -any amount L. E. SMITH - '-Telephoner 81 -" Pastime Theatre K The Pastime theatre offers today a show that will please all who can tfVe advantage of the onoortunity of sesinor good pfctrires. Mary Ful ler will be presented in a 3-reel Vic tor feature entitled "The.Ttle of the C." and a single-reel comedy will be run to make up p. four-reel show. Pes:dps the regular program a 3 reel "fairy", picture will ba run for the little folks. The show will open at 3 o'clock. 5 and 10 cents. To morrow te "Jnugernaut", one of the trreatest V, L S E fentures yet ex. hibited, -will be offered at the Pas tiirip. Tn this picture will be seen Anita-, Stewart and Earl Williams, both of whom made themselves Lum hrton favorites wle appearing in "The Goddess". The show will open at. 2j o'clock tomorrow. The ereat rpiVod wr?rk p?ene in "Jucrger t"nt" is a thr'ller. cosfn? a large fnwuTit rf. money to produce. A Mtiiyn date has been secred for "My Id Dutc." rernly shown at the Ptime. fwinsj such snt'sfnetion that Tvtroiei of tv siiotv psked that 5t"be roeated. It will be here April 7th. Mr. R. C. Lawrence spent yester !v in Chnrlotte. Messrs. L. C. and Ambrose Da vis of route 1 from Buie are Lum berton visitors today. Health and Happiness may be had by keeping the blood pure, nd allowing it to perform its life-giving work to tbt iuuesi extent, indigestion, nervous dyspepsia rheumttism anfl other sources of miserv th- follow from poisoned and impoverished blood quietly vanisn witn tne use or LOVELY MILLINERY Opening Tuesday to Saturday, March v 14th to 18th. EXCLUSIVE MODELS You Will be Delighted with the Style We Show for every occasion. Our reasonable prices will please you Miss Josephine Breece LUMBERTON, N. C. I RFPflDT ru TUC rnMniTirtu sr THE FARMERS S MERCHANTS DANK lumb?:i;ton, n, c. - -At tne Close of Business- December. 31, 1913 PERSONAL 1 Mr. R. G , McCormick of Elrod was a Lumberton visitor Friday. Messrs. W. S. Wishart and Jas. L. Williamson spent yesterday in Charlotte. Mr. J.. G. Bundy of route 1 from Rei,aert was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mrs. M. A. Stephens of Ever green was among the shoppers in town Friday. . : Mr. John N. Regan of Lumberton, route 2, was among the visitors in town Saturday. Mr. G. M. D. Howard of the St. Paul section was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Misses Sudie Johnson and Ethel Melvin of St. Paul were Lumber toa visitors Saturday. Prof. JUdar Bunay, principal of the Glennwood ' school,' was among the yisitor,sJn,Jtown,.Saturday . .' ' 'Mr. , T. R. Robertsof Maircn," S.' C, passed through town Friday af ternoon en route to Charlotte. Mr. W.. S. Fall! s,, chief engineer of the State Highway Association, spent Saturday in Lumberton. - Prof. Chas, H. White, principal of, the Barnesville high school, was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Messrs. J. B. Barnes, and M. L Bullock of route- 2- from Fairmont were Lumberton visitors Saturday Mr. Lawrence Parker spent the week-end at Laurinburg visiting rel atives end friends. He returned Uis mornng. . Mr. J. M. "Russetl left Saturday :or Kingstree, S. C, where he will spend some time visiting relatives and friends. Mr. Robert Mclntyre, who is a student at Mars Hill, arrived Sat urday night to spend a few days rt tyie home of his parents, Mr. an! Mrs . S , Mclntyre. ' ' - i IN SOCIAL CIRCLES ; Lnmbee Research Club Reported for The Robesonian. - Thursday afternoon, March 9th, at 4 o clock, Miss Mary G. McNeill, was hefctess to the Lumbee Research CI jb, at her hospitable home corner of Elm and 9th streets. .The subject of the month was Ire land.and the following interesting program was rendered with ability: Reading from Bay View Magazine Home Rule and Political Leaders Mrs. N. A.. Thompson. Sketch Thomas Moore Mrs. W. L. Grantham. Music An Irish love song Ma rourneen" ( Lang) ) Mrs . R . R . Car lyle. "In Shamrock Land" reading from Bay View Magazine Mrs. S. F. Caldwell. v Round table discussion. A large number of members was present and responded to roll call with quotations from Lalla" Rookh. Several matters of business were pVesented by the president for dis cussion. . .aftr which delicious refresh ments in two courses were served. . . The club adjourned to meet in April with a Shakespeare program which promises to bs interesting. Resources Loans and Discounts $86,938.60 Overdrafts, secured, un secured , 693.27 Banking houses, furni tre and fixtures 3,671.31 Due from Na tional banks 6,341.45 Due from State banks and bankers 452.29 Cask iteau 1,176.03 Gsld Mis - 62.60 Silver eeia, in cludisg all miser eein curremcy 415.50 National bank notes and other U. S. ' notes 1.830.00 " 11,707.77 Total $103,010.95 liabilities Capita! stock paid In $20,000.00 Surplus fund 2,000.00 Undivided profits, leas current expenses and , te Pl 232.40 Bills payable ----- 6,000.00 Deposits sub ject to check$49,099.47 Time certifl stee ot de. posit 20,107.66 Savings deposits 6,237.49 Cashier's cTcs outstanding 333.93 ToUl 75,778.55 $103,010.95 State of North Carolina, County of Robeson, ss: I, K. M. Barnes, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge iv. ai. BAKista, uasmer. WOMAN 81 YEARS OLD Hade Strong By Vinol Greenville. S. C.." I want othera ti know of the great benefit I have de rived from Vinol. I am 81 years old and Vinol has eiven me .strength. , a healthy appetite and overcame nervous ness. It is the best tonic recon structor I ever used." Mrs. M. A. Hutchison. Vinol,, is a delicious cod liver and iron, topic without oil, guaranteed to overcome run down, weak, devitalized conditions and for chronic coughs and colds. !)r. D. McMil'nn & Son, Drue- gists, Lumberton, N- C. Meeting cf Alfred Rowland Chapter- Mrs. Sue Rowland Gives $10 to , Chapter . Resorted for The Robesonian. Ths Alfred Rowland chapter, Chil dren of tne Confederacy, met wrh Mrs. L. T. Townsend Thursday at ternoon at 3:30 o'clock , with a very good attendance, a new member was added, Miss Viola Jenkins." Af. ter the business and program were finished Mrs . Townsend read a very sweet note to the girls from Mrs. Sue Rowland. Enclosed in this note was $10 for . the chapter in memory of ..her.. husband, the late Col. Alfred Rowland, for whom the chapter is -'amed, also for her son John Aj. Rov land'i -The chapter " appreciates this gift very much . . t. RUBY THOMPSONr Sec. q -. - , i . a- Out of the Race When one wakes with stiff back, fruns in muscles, aches in .joints, or rheumatic twinres..he cannot do his best. .-..If you feel out of the race, tired, languid, or have symntoms of kidnev trouble, act oromptly. ' Fo ley - Kidney Pills help the kid neys eet . rid of ; poisonous waste matter that causes trouble. Sold everywhere. Ul5i TJUt rtKSU.TS HtMtUT A sclenUScallr comporraded vegetable remedy wuica us Deen usposuccessruiir roc over lurty years. Its action is to remove all blood lmpurfc ties, energize and regulate all functions of Uie digestive system and feed tlie nerve centers. Vou don't need to suffer 111 health any longer. If your druggist basn't Mrs. Joe Person 'I Remedy, we will supply yon direct. The price of a large bottle is 11.00. Send this amount and your dealer's name to REMEDY SALES CORPORATION CHARLOTTE, N. C Mrf.Joa PirrWTa$h ft connection. wiukiu Remedy for the ear of ores and tsa rfcfcfaflnOamad ar. d eoatatud surface. IMaof facially valuable forwomas, and should aJWayi ba nad far nlcaratlona. A i - W V! V J PASTIME THEATRE THURSDAY, MARCH 14 "Juggermaut" A thrilling V L S E feature pic ture presentin Anita Stewart And Earl Williams and belief . Subscribed .and sworn to before me, this 15th day of Jan. 1915. W. II. KINLAW, Notary Public. My commission expires Mch. 25, 1916. Correct Attest: G. L. THOMPSON, C. B. SKIPPER, M. W. FLOYD, Directors. '. 8 y i t -rr 'n i.rB",f'a'rjj Masters Tobacco j Plant Setters Ikroiigh, Efficient & Rapid ' Each Plant is watered at the same instant that it. is planted. Can be used for planting nearly, all vegetables Price $4.00 . - - - N. JACOBI HARDWARE CO. - Agents , , WILMINGTON, N. C. M Another car load of Mules re ceived trorn St. Louis, Mo., on Tues day, Feb. 22. Fat and Fine. I now have a good assortment of Mules and can sell you the kind you want. Don't fail to see these Mules be fore you buy. . Co Mo FtiIl eF'9 . LUMBERTON, N. C SELLING FOR CASH OR CREDIT Show opens at 2 o'clock FLORENCE REED (PATHEJJ FLORENCE REED In at Bay" at the Arcade theatre today, Monday, March 13. Taken from the great Broadway- -success by George Scarborough. . i We recently read this sen tence: Time is the stuff of which life is made Therefore let us not waste . . .t Why should you waste - time hunting up the other fellow . in? v o.J cj,..i and let us sell you your groctries VJhitfield & French, Inc. Wholesale Grocers Thone Not 4 To All Users of Soda Water 'Sanitation is, ncw-a-dajs, a very popular subject. Only sterilized and twice-rinsed bottles are fifle id oir s'iji " Does this appeal to you? Ask your doctor if sterilization is necessary. Water used in our goods is Arte3iaa and forced through a g era-proof (filter Ask your chemist if this is necessary?. i The public is invited to visit and inspect our shop. Each bottle is inspected before leaving our -plant Ring phone No. 134 for as good a line of soft drinks as can be found. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Robeson Soda Water Co. LUMBER JON, N. C ATTENTION Landowners ! I am till making loans on improved farm lands in Robeson, Scotland and Hoke Counties. .Lhave jhe Jbest loan proposition evf rof fered in this section to owners of improved farms. If you wish to borrow money on long time at a low rate of interest with which to further improve your farms, or buy other lands, call on or write me at once. No application considered for less than $3,000.00 A. T. McLEAN, LUMBERTON, N. C. .-II 'ml' I -A

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