PAGE SIX THE ROBESONIAN, MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1916 PROFESSIONAL CARDS I noon, at the court house door, Lam-' berton, N. C, offer for sale und reli. to the highest bidder for cash' NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS j ALCOHOL AND PNEUMONIA I quors lower the individual vitality, SVThX. drink as the rly-Busceptible to pneumonia. R. A. McLEAN, Attorney-at-law Lnmberton. - - - North Carolina Office n Weinsteia building. ' 9-18 Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Counselors at Law LUMBERTON. N. C. ' Practice in State ani Federal Courts Notary Public in Offwe. Offices ver First National Bant DR. N. A. THOMPSON , Physician and Srgeo Office a THOMPSON HOSPITAL LUMBERTON, N. a Specialties' Surges GyneeologFi Ear, Nose a4 Threat 888888888SI!SS888 o K. J. ESXTT 8 8 Attorney at Law 8 LUMBERTON, N. C. 8 Offices over Pope Dm Com c , Will nractice U all courts, V" Pmmftt attention BTM-tO 4U 8 business. " 8 8 88888888 8188 88888 Stephen Mclntyre, R. C. La wren :e James D. Proctor McINTYRE, LAWRENCE & PROCTOR Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business RUSSELL S. BEAM, M. D. Lumberton, . - N. C Practice limited to Eye, Ear. Nose, and Throat. Office hours 9 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. Sundays by appointment, Phone 196 R. G. BOZIER, M. P. " Physician and Surgeon LUMBERTON, N. C. Office McMillan Drug Store Residence Phone S02 Office Phone 75 JOHN KNOX, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 26; Residence Phone 54 : LUMBERTON, N. C. B. Ml Brit W. S. Brite Britt & Brilc. ATTOENBT8 AT LW, LUMBERTON, N, U All business given prompt and tare f ul attention. Ofiiee su.irs Mc Leod building, Elm aad aad 4th Sts. A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varser Jsaius J. Goodwin McLEAN, VARSER & McLEAN Attorneys at Law Office on second floor National Bank of Lumberton building. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA DR. D. D. Dentist' LJMBEKTON, . y tMBcts upstairs in WdnsWlu buiuii-n. DR. R. T. ALLEN Dentist LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA Office in McLeod Building Cor. 4th and Elm "Sts Thos. C. Johnson, M. D. Residence Phone 175 - James A. Martin M. D Residence Phone 167 DRS. JOHNSON & MARTIN Over McMillan's Drug Store Office Phone 47 , tl.k. ,n...: -1 :v-j i j ... ... - 7 . r l""11-' uranua Strong flnnlr n In the Town of Lumberton ' hv SLt 'TJT TP effiTnt MT o Pmmil Tt Tha United States Public Health Ser- . -.i. -"V .,. 'oner by. virtue of -a. decree lately .declares that alcohol in th -hand, vice is a conservative body.- It does V,J iVVJ i w..B7. -i . ?en,aerea. W tft Superior Court of maiden of the disease whichTroduceV not Sg in alarmist propaganda. FtTTilt 5ncou"y 1Vf..c7rt.? '1.cause1t.!,P cent of the deaths fr! I tl ; In.fdlw ng out the line9 of its of-. w. w . o v " j f wii nil - Lnrtin nn n n i ri tr r pnTiri on "i pti orein e . n . m . f.i.i . . i 1 i i . . ircu fcUKe in the edce of saia rirrht' KtanHju-n r.fa nciino r",, ttt . 13 eJUl6Beli.. . , ; . . . , oi way, vte nortneast corner of tne lot et owmu vy the standard Oil Co. and et T. A. McNeill, Jr. H. J. Singleton McNEILL-SINGLETON Lumberton, North Carolina Will practice in ' all courts. Business attended to promptly Rooms 3 and 4 McLeod buildin, cor. ner Elm and 4th Streets II. E. STACY, Attorney-at-Law. Lnipbei-ton, N. C. Practice in State and Federal CovrU Oioe a First National Bank Bsat F. F. WETMORE, XL E. Highways of all Kinds Sanitation Maps Office Weinstein Building ' Lumberton, N. C. 0 P. P. GREENE Tinner SHOP 4th ST. PHONE NO. 1& LUMBERTON MARBLE & GRAN ITE COMPANY. Lumberton, H. C. HOOPER & FLOYE, Manager. Manufacturers of Marble & Granite Monuments, Luili- Ing Stone, Cemeterj Curb, Lai Markers. Etc- WOODBERRY LENNON Attorney-at-Law Lumberton, N. C Offices over Postoffice. FOR AUTO LIVER y bERVlCii Phone or write W. II. M. BROWN Buie, N. C. PHONE 2712 runs wiui tne edge of said rignt of way, south 65 degrees, east 717 ; feet to an iron stake en d ten bank thence about southwest with the various courses of said ditch about 365 feet to an iron stake, on said ditch hank oh the north side of a fifty four foot street, uence with the line of sat street, north 65 degrees west 430 feet to an iron stake, the south east corner of lot No. 6, as laid down on tha official map ' of "Frenciimore", thence as the line of said lot No 6, north 25 east 150 feet to the north east corner of said lot No. 6, thenc along the north line of lots Uo. 0-5 4-3-2-1, as laid down on said map of "JTrenchmore , north 65 west dUO feet to the line of a fifty foot street; the north west corner of said lot No 1. tfcence with the line of said street north 25 degrees east 103 feet, to the southwest corner of the lot owned by the Standard Oil Company, thence with the line of said lot, south 65 degrees-east 150 feet, to the south east corner of said lot, thence as the f . 1 1 J.a. . - nr? . -A oi taia lot, norcn a aegrees east 100 feet to the besrinnm?. Lx cepting however from the above boun daries the following lands which have hertof ore been sold, and being de scribed in the following deeds, Geo, G. French to wester rurcell. see book 6F, page 153, deed from Geo G. French': to Add i a Clark, book A page 49,1, office of the register of deeds of Kobeson county, which are not intended" to be sold. - Second Tract: In the tovn of Lum berton, lying and being on the south side of the Raleigh and Charleston Railroad Co. right of way, beginning at an iron stake in the south edge of .aid right of way, it being- the nbrth'ast orn o: ; H; Dun can's lot, and running in an eastward- ly direction along . the line oii said railroad right of way 43 feet and six inches, to an iron stake, then south 181 feet to E. A. Boney's north east corner, then west with Boney-'s line 43 feet and 6 inches, tc an iron stake, thence north 181 feet to the beginning. , This 16th day of February, 1916. DICKSON McLEAN, Commissioner of the Court. 2 21 4mon J. ED TYSON Plane Surveying and Leveling LUMBERTON, N. C. F I RE! Has des troyed oth ers. You may be next. Insure be fore it is too Late S. H. HAMILTON SEASON -FOR- Fire Insurance, Every day in the year. Better insure now R. H. CRICHTON Phone 9 and 161 SALE OF LAND UNDER MORT. GAGE -Under and byirtue of the pow er of sale contained in a mortgage deed executed by Luther Smith and wife, Etta May Smith, and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Robeson county in book No. 34, page 430, default havincr been made in the payment of the debt secured ; thereby, , the undersigned will offer ; for sale for cash at the court house ( doer in Lumberton, N. C, on Mon day, the 27th day of March, 1916, I at 12 o'clock m., tne rollowing- de scribed tract of land, situate, lying and being in Lumber Bridge town fehip, adjoining the lands of Mary McDonald, J. J. Beard and others, on the south side of Gum Branch: Beginning at a stake by a pine stump, McEachern'8 corner, and runs with the McEachern line N. 52 1-2 W. 15 chains 50 links to Lula Smith's corner thence N. 42 E. 8 chains , and 80 links to a stake in Gum Branch, Mary J. McDonald s corner; thence as her line S. 49 E. 15 chains 60 linksto.'her corner; thence S. 42 W. 8 chains 20 links to the beginning, containing 12 3-4 acres, more or less, being the same land described in deed; from J. J. McDonald and oth ers to Luther Smith, which deed is of record in Robeson county, . in book 6-B, of deeds, page 635. Place of sale: Court House Door, umberton, N. C. ' . Time of sale, 12 o'clock M- Marc.t 27th, 1916. Terms of sale: Cash. Thia February 24th, 1916. T. A. LYON, Mortgagee. 28 4mon SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES TATE -r v , Under authority of an order here tofore rendered by the Superior Court of Robeson county, North Carolina, in an action therein pending, enti tled B. W. Townsend et al v3. P. A, Troutman and wife, and in ac cordance, with the directions of said order, the undersigned commissioner wilL ciiJIondaylhe3rd day lAcril, 1910, ofter for sale for cash to the highest bidder at the courthouse door in I.nmherton. Ttfnrfh flarnlina at 19 o'clock m. the following described, the river to H. D. McNeill's eor indard Life Insurance Company, .ation.- We have known for a lonr'lv the general publi: a fact which al., plaintiffs, vs. D. B. McNeill, time that indulgence in alcoholic li-' wil1 bear endless reptltlon. The lib al., defendants ' the undersigned . , - : - ' I crol end continuous user cf alcoholic ft . . .4 wm oiier lor saie at punuc auction,', Tbe Court of Uat. ReBOrt : for cash, to the highest bidder at the- : - Aro,Jnd the 6t of tL cross roads court house door m Lumberton,- N . grocery is the real court of C , on the 10th day of April, 1916,! ortfor il' fSl S at about noon of sa:d day, for the , others. Chamberlain's rwh Rm! dy has been brough before this court purposes of said decree, the follow ing described lands, to-wit: ;.- 1st 'Tract: Situate in " the county of Robeson, State of North , Caro lina, in Lumberton township and Back Swamp township, beginning at a pine stump on the south side of the Harleesville,. about 100 yards west of the Red Springs road, a corner of J. H. McNeill's, formerly Enoch McNeill's land, thence south 60 1-2 j west xu.9U ciiains 10 a ngniwooa stump and short leaf pine; thence south 12 1-4 east 15.96 chains to a pine stump; thence south 60:1-2 de grees west 43.21 chains to a stake and pines; thence south 19 3-4 de grees east 17 1-2 chains to a TEake and small oaks; thence north 84 de grees east 20.31 chains to a stake, pine stump and small oak, E. S. Mc-f Neill'a corner of a 93 acre survey; thence with that line south 11 '1-4 degrees east 33 chains .to a stake. maple and water oak to the run o? a 93 acre survey, and runs up the run -of sa d swamp to a big cypress at the mouth of Live Branch; thence with the run of Live-Branch to the run of Little Jacob Swamp: thence down the run of Little Jacob Swamp to the Watson line.; thence with his line north 4 1-2 east 4.77 chains to his cornerr thence with " Watson's line, formerly Thompson's, south 85 3-4 east 60.50 chains to a stake by a lightwood stump, J. T.l Watson's and John Hooper's corner, near Hoop- .place ;: and , just : east of - the swamp: thencer 'with Hooper's--line north 66 degress west 40.50 chains to a . stake, -his corner thence with and beyond his line crossing Big Jacob bwamp north 37 degree east 62 chains to a stake thence crossing Gum Swamp to and with Mrs. L. O. Carlyle's line north 62 1-2 east 62 chains to the run of the road, D. B. McNeill's and Carlyle's corner; thence as their next line north 66 3-4 east .6.68 chains to a stake; thence as their next line south 23 1-4 east 6.50 chains to Isaac Floyd's line; thence as their line ncrth 61 3-4 east 9.50 cha'ms to the Warwick ine; thence as that line north 43 west 10 chains to D. B. and J. Mc Neill's corner; thence west 88 W 27 cha nsto a stske and sweet gums; thence north 23 1-2 west 44.25 chains to a stake. Barnes' comer; thence north 74 1-4 west 15.66 chains to a stake and pines; thence south 9 I-.2 chains to a stake; thence south 55 west 7 chains to a stake; thence along a line of stakes, Ste phen's line, north 29 1-2 west about 68 chains to Lumbee river, thence up A r'.-rra xiAW A ... Tl - X. J .1. r .. mg, particularly at this season of the - yeir when the gruesome death toll from nneumonia is being doubled. Keep Your Bowels Regular A. Al.A1umjk IrnAnrS f V I. 1 ' 4 l sewerage svstem of the hnrlv nnrl if 4c move oriu each dav. If vour how- els become constipated, take a dose in almost Tevery cross roads grocery in this country,: and has always re vet veu a zavoraDie verdict. It is in the country where man exnei-ts tn receive full Value for his mnnptr that iof fThamprlnin'a TaKloto it this remedy is mo?t appreciated. Ob-' ter supper and they will eorrect the tamable everywhere. , . . - : I disorder: Obtainable everywhere. 1 1 ... r - II GET A TOWN DIRECTORY "SOTJ ARE THOROUGHLY ARMED against ruin by fire if you carry one f our policies uf fire insurance. tVithout one you at the mercy of blaze all the time. TIRE INSURA NCE IS A DUTY s well as a benefit. Your wife and t aniiiv are entitled to a sure home ana you as their protector are in duty ! ound to Drovide it. Have us issue vmi nolicv todav. both for the; sofstv and vour own peace of mind The cost is trifling, 'he protection ab- solute. , Q.T.Williams, Agent LUMBERTON. N. C. m , RobesonUn Want Ads Ar Popular. Everybody Red Tbem. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY HOME Notice is hereby give that the Board of Commissioners, offers tor sale the County Home property lo cated about one and one quarter muea: of the town of Lumberton, and con tains - about 38 acres of land and nine buildings. This property will be sold on easy terms, and iniorma- ion as to details may be had ironi the undersigned committee or from E. J. Britt. county attorney. lBe numose of the sale is in order to r. il T T Tnrrchase a gooa-iarm-ior-tnei iom and put the Home on a better basis. Bids may be rued witn J . sic- CaHum, county auditor. This the 2Cth day ol re, laio. C. B. TOWNSEND, -J. F. McKAY, 9 09 fimnn Committee. tract cr parcel of land, viz: In North Carolina, Kobeson coun ty, Lumber Bridge township, begin, ning at a stake by two pines, A. L. Shaw's corner and runs south 44 1-2 east 41 chains to a stake in the Gil christ or John Blount land line; thence with lis line north 34 1-2 west 28 chains to a stake and pointers; thence as Shaw's other line south 41 west 7 chain? to the beginning, contain ing 97 rcres, more or less, being the same land deeded to P. A. Trout man by B. W. Townsend and W. N. Gibson January 1st, 1914, refer ence to which deed and the registry thereof is here made for full under standing. Place of sale courthouse door Lumberton, N. C, time of sale 12 o'clock m. Monday the 3rd day of April, 1916, terms cash to the high est bidder. This March 1st, 1916. T. A. McNeffl, Jr. 3 6 4mon Commissioner. TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of the authority vested in the undersigned by, a deed of trust from E. W. Kinlaw and wife record ed ub book of mortgage deeds 31, at page 226 in the office of Register ef Deeds of Robeson county, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at pab- li e aacnao. at the court bouse door in Lumberton, North Carolina at 12 o'clock noo on Monday March 20th, 1916; the following: described tract of rand", te-wit: , m Lumberton townshar and u the town of Lumbertorr in that section known as- Frencfamore and' more par ti en Tarly described" as follows r An and singaiair rot No. 48 as shown and designated on map of Frencbmore made by B. M. Gasque which said map is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Roe eson county, North Carolina in book of maps 1 at page 23, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description. See also book 5-R at page 599 in said office. This 12th day of February, 1916. - STEPHEN McINTRYE, 2 14 5mn Trustee. THE RQBESONIAN, THE PRO gressive Farmer and The Iouse wife, all a whole year for $2.10. ner. thence with his line south 31 east 12 chains to the beginning, con taining 1425 acres, more or less. ' 2nd Tract: Situated in the afore said county and State, in the fork of Back Swamp and Jacob Swamp, adjoining the lands of Frank How ell et a I., beginning at a large pine stump, Howell's corner, and runs south 16 east 27 chains to-the run of Jacob's Swamp: thence up the run of said swamp to the Harlees-i ville road; thence up the road to the1 old Rockingham road, thence wren that road to the run of Big Swamp; thence down the run of Big Swamp to Frank Howell's corner; thence with his line south 42 east 30 1-2 chains tothe Harleesville road, thence with the road to the beginning, corr taining 113 acres, more or less. 3rd Tract: Situated in the afore said county and State, and! being all that lot or parcel of land! situate in the town of Lumberton, on the west side of Main or Elm street, Which street runs from the passenger sta tion of the Carolina Central railroad to what is known as thelSbrth Lum berton Proctor Park, bemring at a tak on the west edge; of Elm street and runs thence in a westwardly di rection along the edge or 15 street 215 feet to a stake, tne southwest corner lot of No. -666"; thence in a northerly direction albmr the west edge of lot No. 666 one hundred and .;4t f t to a stake o the west of a street runntfig parallel to Elm street; thence in an- easterly direc tion parallel with first line Zi9 feet to a stake orf the west edge of Elm street, thence in a southerly airec tion with the west edge of , Elm street 108 feet to the beginning, con taining one-half acre, being lot No. 666, according to a map of Lumber ton and North Lumberton, made by J. E. Purcelle, surveyor, and adopt ed as the official map of the town . t nwihprtoTi on the 2nd day of cT ions Raid man hnvine been nnJ!MTDi hv tha Mavor and TnoA rnmmrssioners of sata townr and being same lot conveyed: by Mrs. K. P. McLeod et ai. to Mrs. Emma McNeill by deed recorded in book 4-Y, page 249. office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson coun ty. ' ' - ; , This" the 10th day of March, 1916. DICKSON McLEAN, THERE SHOULD BE ONE IN EVERY BUSINESS HOUSE AND HOME The new Town Directory of Lumberton has just been completed and many copies have already been delivered. You can get a copy at ' THE R0BES0K1AN OFFICE FOR $5.00 . The new Book contains . - 4 BOOKS. UNDER ONE COVER 1st AN ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY fiving the name, occupation and address of. the citizens of Lum erton ' - ; - - v 2nd. A STREET GUIDE giving the names of streets in Alphabetical order together with the house number and householder's name, and denoting all bus- . mess place3 .. .. ., 3rd. A BUSINESS DIRECTORY 'A-)li8ivl-.y; trasinew and professional Interests of LumJ 4th, A MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT " giving detailed information-In regard to City, and County Gov ernments, churches, fraternal orders, societies, etc." The Next Issue of The Bell Directory GOES TO PRESS SOON - Every Bell subscriber, almost without exception. Is able to buy the goods advertised in this directory. Reserve your apace today. Ask the Manager for rates Supplements your other -advertising but does not conflict with other mediums. Changes and correction in listings should be made at once foi the new book. Box 192 Raleigh, N. C. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAIL WAY COMPANY rhe Progressive Railway of the South Trains Leaving Lumberton Ko. 19Tdi5 A. M. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte and all Inteiimedtt poiatH Through Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for pas. sangers at Wilmington at 10 P M. -No. 13 6:2J P. M. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte, and all intermediate - points Connecting at Hamlet fo, all points North, South andi Wet xt PHniatt Parlor Car Wilmington te Charlotte. No. 209:55 P. M. Local for WUftington and all intermediate peiaU Through Sleeper, Charlotte to Wilmington. Passengers may re Main in Sleeper until 7 A.M. No. 14-10:15 A. M. Local for WUmington and all intermediac point. -Pullmaii Parlor Car Charlotte to Wilmington. For additional formatkn, as to rates, schedules, or reservation, can on local agent or write the undersigned M. HEVERLY, Agent, H. e. PLEASANTS, T. P. A. wumberton. N. C. Wilminirtaa. N. C. JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A, ' . Raleigh, N. C NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF TOWN PROPERTY Under and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Robeson coun ty, in the Special Proceedings enti tled, "Lee M. rrencn ana iiowara Morrison vs. Berry -Godwin French and Margaret French, the undersign' ed Commissioner will on the 21th day of March, 1916, at 12 o'clock, Do You Want' a New Stomach? If you do "Digestoneine" will give you one. For ul 1 particulars, literature and opiniens regarding this wonderful Discovery wh:..l b benefiting thousands, apply to LUMBERTON DRUG CX. LUMBEHTON, N. C Commissicner and Substituted Trus- "" tec. Tirre of sn'e: 10th day of April 1916, at 12 M. Term3 of sale: Cash. -McLEAN, VARSER & McLEAN, 3 13 4mon Attorneys. No.79 No 65 . 7:30 am 4:47 pm Lv Fayetteville If thing3 "went wrong" today, if you sufered from indigestion, sick headache,' biliousness, bloating, bad breath, or other condition caused by delayed bowel action, take a Foley Cathartic' Tablet now and tomorrow will be a better day. This wholesome physic acts without pain -or nautea. Sold everywhere. Virginia and Carolina Southern R. R. 8:00 am 5:15 pmLv Hope Mills b:iu am &:25 pm Lv Uosiin .... 8:17 5:30- McMillans S:24 5:36 Oakland ...... 8:30. 5:43 - St. Pauls 8:42 - 5:54 Rozipr'a .., 8:54 6:06 Powers .... 9:10 am 6:20 pm Ar Lumberton 2te4- Ar 12:02 am Ar 11:30 am ... 11:20- 11:13 , 11:07 11:00 10:43 10:36 ....... Lv 10:25 am -N0.7S. 10:15 pm 9:45 pm 9:34 9:25 9:17 9:10 j 8:58 8:46 8:20 pm No. 7 " - .11:00 am Lv St. Pauls 12:40 pm Ar Elizabethtown Nos 7 and 8 daily except Sunday. No. 8 : Ar 6:30 pm Lv 3:45 pm Fer additional information, as to rates, schedules, or call on local agent or write. W. W. DAVIS, Aast General Pass. Agent seservationa- 'X