81.50 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANC1 VOL XLVH LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY, MARCH 20, 1916 NUMBER 10 COUNTRY, GOD "AND TRUTH .1 ROBESON COUNTY OUT OF DEBT For First Time in Many Years Coun ty Owes Nothing Except Bonds Which Sinking'' Fund Will Take Care of When DueCounty in Fine Shape Financially This Ought to Hold Wild Political Talk- era for Spell For the first time in many years Hobeson county is out of debt. , Covm, y Auditor f . M . Mcuauum say - Jtbat every iwte held against the cooa of Robeson haa been paid. . . i --. Of course, the $75,000 in bond . i.y4 JnrW th mars of 1907-1809 ; for ttepnrpose ' pf building a coirt ivouse and jail have not been pail .. . M 11 4 AOf 1 , Tiney are'nos. aue uuu o i iu 1939.However, up to thia. time the amount already - collected for r! aink- ing fund to pay these bonds,: wouiJ reduce them to less ' than $55,000. The 3 cents levied for this purpose will easily pay off the bonds by the -time of their ' maturity. : Mr. McCallum says when he was appointed county auditor during the month of June in the year 1913 the county owed $?8,000 for borrowed money for general county purposes :and roads : combined. This has all 'been paid and there is plenty of mon ey in the county ' treasury now to pay all expenses of the county chain gangs until June , 1916. It has "been the case for many years that several thousand dollars had - to be borrowed to finance the county . be fore that time of the yearT Mr. McCallum says under the pres. ent read aystem he does not know the .J5ZZS$!L I townshin road trustees at the pres ent time as 'they are required to re port only twice a year and they are nllowed to borrow money themselves for road purposes. However, as a whole he is sure there is enough road, money in the treasury to pay off all the indebtedness .of the townships, were it appropriated for that purpose.- The total amount of road fund on hand is $6,569.07. v : Some have been telling for po litical purposes that the county was $100,000 in debt. This is not true, aays Auditor McCallum. The only thing the county owes is the bonds, and they would not now amount to more than about $50,000 if the sink ing fund were applied to them. This statement from Auditor M, Callum. Vho is in position to know ought to stop the political argument -that the county is all tied up in debt . and getting worse. The fact is. the couflty "is In fine hspe financ'ally . MEET IN LUMBERTON MARCH 23 Robeson County High School Teach ers Association T Correspondence of The Robesonian. There will be a meeting of the Robeson .County High Schooi Teach, ers' Association in the Lumberton graded school building at 11 a. m. Saturday, March 25. The morn'i g session will be devoted to a discus sion of "The Discipline of the School lis a. Whole", and the Bfternoon ses-J r.ion -to disjussions of "Methods of: Teaching the D ff erent High School ( Subjects". I Following the program,-there-will, be a business meeting . cf the asso-! ciation at which-'"t!me . officers fu-, the ensuing yeaKwill be elected The members of the senior class of the Lumberton high school will serve d'nner to all who attend. Each mem- ber cf the association Is urged ti , be present and tc come prepared to j both ask and answer questions on the topics to be considered. EFFIE NEWTON, Sec. of High School Association. AIR RAID OVER ENGLAND "Nf.ne Persons Killed and 31 Injured in Raid of German Seaplanes Ov er East Coast Xondon Dispatch, March 19. Nine persons were killed and 31 "injured in a raid of four German seaplanes over the east coast of (- 'Kent today it was officially announc-i ed tonight. A- British . airman brought down one raider over the sea, the uerman observer being killed. The official . statement on tne raid states "As far as ascertained 48 bombs were dropepfl altogether. One bomb fell on the Canadian hospital at Ramsgate, causing damage but no casualties. No material damage was donsLSeveral houses, the hemes of artisians, and cottages were wreck. ed The Wicked Flee When No Man Pur :aueth . - . Recently an order was passed by "the board of town commissioners -whereby all who fail to pay their light and water bills for the previ- ous month "be -cut off after' the 15th of the folowing month. Tuesday af 'ternoon the water was eut off for the purpose of perfecting a iob in connection with putting in the fil 'ter plant being installed y hetown. Monday'sRobesonian to the effect that the water would be cut off and who had the idea that it was the 15th, while it was only the 14th, called up Town Clerk and Treasurer! I. B. Townsend -and pro ceeded to give him a "talking" for -cutting them off the line. Those vwho read Monday's Robesonian close-: ly were saved all that trouble. ! Better read The Robesonian and "keep posted on what is going on. .1 VILLA FLEES TO OWN COUNTRY! lie .v&tijp urauc i,piuiv jiiutruiuitrij. .Mexican Scouts Who Know Hid ing Places of Bandits May be Em ployed to Capture Him Washington Dispatcn, March 19. i r 4 i i r Villa, .fleeing with his outlaw fol lowers before the advance of the American expeditionary - forces in Mexico, has reached his own country in the Guerrero district,. where high officers, .of the . army j&aid .tonight he may evade. capture almost indefinitely.- If the bandit chief tain makes a Btand-Washington is satlsfed that the - campaga will quickly end; But if. tfia desirous military author itiea .agree he fan -reach a haven of haveiv of safety in the nearby moun tains in leas than a day of riding. The War Department is anxiously awiitng word that contact has been established with, the bandits and in the absence of official information as to the whereabouts of the outlaws, press, dispatches passed by the mili tary censor with the expeditionary forces were accepted as reliable. Ad ministration officials were deeply con cerned "over the report that Vila had raided American colonies, killing the residents. . . . In the Guerrero district and in4hve country adjacent to Babicora, Villa is at home and if hard pressed of- ficials believe h- might abandon his men, don the garb of a peon and flee so -fart into the south that it would be exceedingly difficult, if not' impossible;-' to apprehend him. : inis - luaon. "y XZ PvU waajetmed tonight has To -meet this situation, General i'ulh6rfty"Winvpioy trusted 'Mexican and other scouts who know the hiding daces and the retreats to which the bandits are sure to take refuge if hard pressed. Upon them may fall the task of trailing Villa to earth. Got Stuck in Big Swamp Near Smith's 1 Bridge ; Dr.. 'and Mrs. W. W. Parker e turned Thursday from Wilmington, vh ere they spent several days, lney n-e the trip in Dr. -Parker's auto Cripg they went by , way : of. B ji-d-man and Chadbourn and found the load that way fairly good. Return ing, Dr . Parker took the advice of the; wrong man and tried to come by; way of Clarkton and Elizabeth town.. After a terrible experience with bad roads they made their way U the Big swamp near : Smith's bridge, the dividing , line between Pladtn and Robesoni. There thoy IXJL ?tuok and couldn't come any T.ear. erQiome. Aftei- a long worry aud much burning of high-priced gaso Lne,' Dr. - Parker managed, to oajk cut and try another road. Dr. Par l.er, like many others, thinks 'hat Smith s crossing needs attention. Woman Killed and Many Persons In jured in RaUway Wreck Near Greensboro Gremsboro Dispatch, March 19. southern passenger tram No. 43 was wrecked at Jamestown, 10 miles south of this city, at a few minutes before 8 o clock tonight. One woman v,-29 dead at midnight and other pas engers of the 'train were reported in serious cond't'on. it A list of 3 3 persons who were of the worst nurt was svailable cerlier, Th other less injured were numerous. The pas senger was crushed by derailed freight cars of regular freight train No. 74, wh:ch was speeding north' ward on a parallel track. The pas senger was pulling away from the station, hardly having gained mo ticn. The dead: Mrs. " M. S. Hiatt, oi High Point, wife a rural mail car rier; . Tourists Find Canoe Trip Down Lum bcr River Fascinating A party of four, three men and one woman, from the State of New York arrived here yesterday from P'ne Bluff, Mcore county. They made the trip down Lumber river in two large row boats. They said they intended stopping at Maxton, but they found the trip so much more interest ing and the scenery so much more beautfiul than Jfriey, expected they came on tc Lumberton. They ship ped the boats ' back to Pine Bluff, where the party is spending the win ter. The party left by rail. , Garden Seed Ready for Distribution The garden seed Senator F. M , Simmons promised to send The Kob esonian r for free distribution araoar its subscribers have arrived. Yon can either call in person and get thera or if you desire The Robesonian will mau thsm. Just make your wants known. Democratic Rally April 14 - ""At an informal gathering of a few prominent Democrats fram va rious sections of the county mst be fore The Robesonian went to press this afternoon it was decided to have a Democratic rally in Lumberton on April 14. Further notice of this eting win be given in liter issues. Box Supper at Orrum Tuesday Nirht There will be a box supper at the Orrum school house tomorrow night. After the box supper, either fruit or oyster will be served. The pro ceeds will be used for the benef iit of the school. The public is in vited. ' .. Mr. A. JR. McEachern of St. is a Lumberton visitor today. Paul CHURCH NEWS NOTES ft' Illustrated Lecture at Methodwt 0 This Evening Rev. I. W. R;dlIn, field secre tary of the Epworth League of the North Carolina Conference, will' give an illustrated lecture on African mis sion work at Chestnut Street Meth odist church this evening at 8 o'clock. There will be no charge for. admis sion and no doubt those who hear Mr. . Medlin will be richly piid, as he is a most Interesting and forceful speaker. .'r The public is invited,. :.' 'I Fairmont .-Messenger;. i7ttu The people of the Baptsiti church; are-exr peet;ng their new paator.toYber here next Sunday. - Rev. R. E. Sen telle; superintend ent of the Lumberton graded school, preached. Saturday and yesterday at - Great ' Marsh Baptist Txhurch, near St. PauU This church" and three others comprised in a ' group St.' Paul, Ten Mile and Tolarsvilie "are looking . for a paster to suc ceed Rev. J. A . Snow, who resigned to accept work in another field ' re cently. " The mission study class of Chestnut Street Methodist church will meet at the parsonage tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. R.D. Caldwell left- this morn'ng for Winston.Salem to at tend the State meeting of the. Bap- tist . Woman's Missionary Union. 1 Mrs . Lizz:e G. Proctor and ;Mispi wattie uee rntman win leave to- teacher. m., also Drs. Stamps of Lumber morrow morning to attend the meet-l Closing Exercises of School at An- Bridge and Currie of Parkton, be ing. Mrs. Chas. L. Greaves' , and i 1 tiorh Marrh 24 ciVm lnts nf ofhra from a distance. nmlMhte day . for Sanford to visit reiatwesf Mrs; Greaveirwill go on to WlhSton Sftlem to attend the : meeting, which will open tomorrow and close Thurs day. Autos Collide Damaire Not Serious An automobile collision occuiredt at the corner of , Elm .and Fcnrth streets late" Friday afternoon, when a large Hudson Six, driven by Mur- fihy Jacobs, colored, of Fairmont eol. ided with a Ford belonging tj Mr. R. R. Flowers of Pages Mill, S. C. . The Ford was being driven by &ir. Ishmajel Flowers?, son of the owner. The front axle of the Ford was badly bent and the front of the Hudson was slightly bent up. .Tne fact that both autos were running tit slow speed was , the only thing tnat savea tne occupants, no aouDt. Mr. Flowers swore, out a wanant f tr the negro., and 'Tie was given a hearing before :A: Recorder- E. M . Br'tt immediately. . The ca$a,i was di&missed,"asTtheevidence .shoved that ' one was in fault, as inuch ps ;the other. : The Hudson car be longed to a Mr. Calhoun of Fair- Directors Meeting of LaFaycll Mu- tual A meeting of the board of direc tors of the LaFayette Mutual Life t. r uu i 1,. office of the company here the fol- Pe fofthtmf ei nK a v"?"??1 low'ng directors being present: W. b f t the hotel with whc.m Mr. Brady JBlattie, Jr., of Hope- Mills,.811 cation Thursday. , E. A. Pope and Dr. Seayy f.TtfleKfMaRxton Scottish Chief says Highsmith of Fayetteville, A , J. Mc-' Mr .Brady was assistant .agent Kinnon af Maxtcn, O. L. Clark of or the Atlantic Coast Line, at MaxT riXfL, v M Ramp? Dr W - ton when a young man and married Kiw L E E Lol Miss Mollie Smith, eldest daughter hmberto 8g of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith of tu. fi. 'r.J Maxton, who survives, together with Sf , nil S 3tWee children. They have lived in m.ri lon all W. I As the president, W. J." Beattie, Jr"wlli be absent in the North for th next six or nine months, Mr K.M. Barnes was elected active vice president to handle the president's duties during his absence. Recorder's Court 60 Days for Steal ing Rooster James L. Bundy, a young white man who livH at St. Paul, was irivJ " ' J e- -1 pn fllPAriiff Hp for p RArnrHor RutW one day last week on the charge of,: stealing a white rooster. He is now drew a six-month sentence, was taken serving a sixty-day sentence on the to chain gang No. 2. Recorder Britt roads for "taking" the rooster. (decided one time after the trial to Med JohnsoA was before Recorder turn McKethan loose, but later de E. M. Britt Saturday on the charge) cided to let him serve his six months. oi .cruelty to animais. iraycr xor judgment was continued upon good' behlvior and payment of cost. I Frank Bethune was also given a hearing on the charge of being drunk! and disorderly on the public highway.' Prayer for judgment was continued cn' good behavior and payment of cost la his case. I Old Alexander Humphrey Homestead Hurned 1 Tfc AUvanAo HnmnMw' lomestead, near Saddle Tree church; was burned Tuesday of last week.' No one was living in the house at the- time it was burned.' The build ing caught from some burning pods. The less is estimated at $600 with no insurance. The 'building was in the care of Mr. F. P. Humphrey. A number of treasured shade trees near the house were also ruined by the fire. One of the trees, a beaa- tiful oak, was set out by the late Alexander Humphrey about 65 years' ago and was held while being set , by Mr. J. W. Humphrey, who now resides at Point, Texas. Mej. A. J. McK'non of Maxton ii among the visitors in town toilny. Messrs. J. S. and D. J. Oliver ol route 1 from Marietta are Lum berton visitors tcday. Gen. F. A. Bond of 7' iters' Lodge, near Lowe, is a k: .erton visitor today. SCHOOLS CLOSING Ro.mcrt School Closes Friday-Rev. " . C. L. Greaves Will Make Literary) Address-Play and B Concert and Other Exercises . Rennert public school, Prof. Chap.' pell Wilson principal, will close Fri- day of this week, March 24th. Rev. C. L.4Greaves, pastor of the First Baptist r church of . Lumberton, will deliver the literary addr which the cUng prram will be treat. i vi:.- i....:. t' A. 1. . , '. - t . J. , i UUHIC iMIM W WW WUMUH: isacner ox .xzns scnooi . ine ena- a nee this year has been" excellent,1 including about all the children in the district, and the school has been, gooa. - are unknown. He leaves s wife Broad Ridge School ' Friday Night who was Miss Bettie McGeachy, five The Breed Ridge public school children, also his mother, Mrs. Rich will close Friday of this week Ihe'cf Laurinburg. Mrs. Northrop and School will give a concert at night, f Mrs. Rich were with him when the which promises to be very entertain-' end came, also several friends. The ihg. The teachers of the school are ' immense crowd that gathered at Prof. Eliott Graham, principal, Missithe grave showed to some extent the Nina Bryant assistant Beulah School Thursday Box Sup : per. Correspondence of The Robesonian. I Boardman, March 18 The Beulah School w:H close Thursday and there will be a box supper at the school (housev Miss Mary Wetmore is The;"-":" '3. l Lumberton. R. 5. March 17 The school at Antioch, near AUenton, will have the closing exercises jby the pri mary grades next Friday ffiorjfing at L0:30, -and the exercise by the gram mar grades at 7:30 p. m. There will e two prominent sneakers at the morning exercises Exercises at Buck Horn School Clos- j" ing March 24 Correspondence of The Robesonian. I Parkton, March 16 Buck Horn sen col .will close Friday, March 24th with a Very interesting program by tfre children at 3:30 o'clock. At 8 o'clock' two plays, "That Rascal Pat" a)nd Too Much of a Good Thing", and a d'alogue, "Two Lunatics," by the larger pupils, will be given for the - purpose of raising morasy to naint the school building. This pro. gram is fun from beginning to end ii t. t ; a. ... and well worth the admission, twen- ty cents. ,... J W Brady, Formerly of Maxton, Murdeted in Greensboro J. W. Brady, manager of the Stag hotel at Greensboro, died Friday as the result of wounds, inflicted with a1 razor in the . hands of some un known person when he was attacked and robbed on his way home from the hotel late Thursday night. Three negroes were arrested Friday and are ueinir iieiu peiuiuiK mvanK uuu. u l: : l: i Greensboro, for many years. Negroes Begin Road Sentences Re corder Repents of Remitting Sen. tence :..r .-r"L Bethel, Press an.4 Thorney Couser, the three negfees who drew a quarter oi a century 6n the roads for beat iiitf tin Rural tolieetrian L. H. Townsend at St. Paul rntiy, men- I"?. ms' ? V?VrXr Mr tion of which has already appeared1? .to Y8t,hs brother Mr in T. PKoai AiwMtovuiHiij nwc VdlKCU WA t . 1 iham XT t CAfnAM A XJ lurninif tO HIS nOITie. ein their terms. Will McKethan. who' Oo4 . . . , St rt Broad Ridge Again, " 'V tr o- n v r j p Jv Ar. H- Bisfe of the Broad R,,dSes.ectl.f was m town Saturday Mr Bissell says a certain animal must be some relation to the ,Gloe swamp monster, has recent ly been prowling around on tho "Ejde'' S "thin", w,h.ich loo.ks" a makes a worse-looking noise Sems to P'ay about a certain cema epy ' ni?hts. MrL Bisse"'If "aVuT I , j , . tco. What it is and what it wants are two things, the folks have not been able to learn. Store Robbed at Proctorville The store of. Mr. W. R. Surles at Proctorville was robbed Monday night of last week. A number of pairs of shoes and overalls and some sardines and other edibles were seized TCo arrests have been made. This was the second time the stere had been robbed in a short time. County Commencement IN LUMBERTON APRIL 7TH. i ST. PAUL NEWS PACKAGE Ur- "hP Man Who V ill JMlTdi;Dcath, StV' Hed&peth-Personal Mention Correspondence of The Rcbesonian. . St. Paul, (March 15 Our hearts Were mads sore to hear of the death 0f 0ne of our most highly respect- ed cifcxens and friends, Dr. T. L.; Northrop, which occurred early Monday . m March 13th, about 4 w a aantorium in Charlotte, ago fof treatinen Dr Northp uft on" hiirh." It seems stranre'aiui r.... u-'! m ' .1 ... , L . j I. . . - . . . .. in US MW ID1 OK BU HBVIUI BBOUia t Uken away, bat no doubt was needed for greater work in - that "land of cure delieht". where weak ness and pain and death and sorrow wide esteem in whicn ne was neia. The floral offerings were beautiful. "Just as gently as spring leaves come, or sncwflakes whiten the jod, passed he out from our earthly home into the hme of God." Drs. Luther and Frank McMillan of Red Springs attended the funeral here Tuesday a. ;'V Mr rand Mi4-JKb. Joe-r-f,pttri town are wearine a broad smile, a .little daughter has come to stay with them Miss Jane McBryde is spending a few days with Mrs. Northrop. Miss Ethel Cobb, who is teaching at Rex, spent Tuesday a. m. here. Miss JoseDhine Evans of Wade came up .Friday evening and spent the week-end with home folks, re turning to her work Sunday even. ing. . Miss Maggie Wilkinson, and Mrs. "Bess" Wilkinson attended Dr. Nor thrcp's funeral here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher will return home today. Mrs. Steve Hedgpeth died Mon day a. m. sometime between 12 and 1 o'clock . The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon. We feel so scr- rv for the young husband in the loss of his beloved wife,; and to make it saddest cf all, she left a tiny babe. and 2 small children. Surefv God'n will is best. tho'.. Mrs. Hedgpeth was a Miss Brsson before her mar riage. We extend symnathy to the bereaved ones, in this sad hour. The Misses Poole spent the week end at Raeford with homefolks. Messrs. McGoogan. and McArthur and also Misses Rhodes and Fisher soent a few hours in Raeford Fri dav eveniner. Mr. NeiH McFachern of the A. flnd-M.' College. Raleigh, came home to attend the funeral of his cousin Dr. T. L. Northrop. Mr. McEach. em returned th;s a.m.' Rev. Daniel Patt McGeachv made a flving trip thro' here on his way to h's home, Louisville, Kentucky. RAYNHAM NEWS NOTES Hurrah for County Commencement! School Will Close Last of April With Concert Personal Correspondence of The Robesonian. Raynham, Marea If Plowing seems to be tfc order round her ..w tt-A-uajA. : .. . . Mr. Eddie Stephens of Evergreen, Columbus county, spent Thursday night with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Joel Ivey. He left here J . KteptienS 01 JL,umoerton oeion Stenhens of Lumberton before re Mrs; Uaston Prevatte and daugh ter Miss Quessie of Back.. Swamp pent Wednesday with Mrs. Pre- vatte's father Mr. Joel Stone. Mrs. Walter Bridgers of Purvis spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Stone. Mrs. J. D Tolar spent Tuesday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joel Ivey. Mr. CM. Townsend was a Lum. berton visitor Friday. Misses Naomi and Alma Ivey and Bertha Hall spent last Sunday in Gaddysville section visiting Ijjgi Misses Ivey 8 aunts. Mrs. S. C. Stone spent last Sun day p. m. with Mrs. J. H. Britt. Mrs. H. J Stone speut last Tues day afternoon with Mrs. H. K. Ivey. Messrs. W. C. Britt and Early Burchett spent last Sunday in Raft Swamp section at the home of Messrs. Harvey and Luther Town, send. Messrs . Theory Britt and Hubert Atkinson of Center were pleasant callers in this section last Sunday p. m. Misses Mamie and Pearle Hall spent Sunday aftgrncon with Mr. anJTrirs . NeaTRiy. . . v The school here will close the iast of April with a concert. They- are expectng to have a nice one, consid ering the small crowd. Later the daet will be published. Look for Jie date and come. Hurrah! Hurrah! for the 7th. We will be there for another grand day! (County Commencement). J. Mr. W. H. Bullard of Broad RiJge Ls a Lumberton visitor today. Come to Lumberton APRIL 7TH. ft a gy ! 111111 V I immPfirmOnf LUUUV wmmClitClliClll : BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCAL NEWS WS Messrs." R. D. Caldwell A Son . " Z yvv warn mna f.mms JfthniA I . Messrs. WhiU A Cough are moving the stock of shoes recendy bought from Messrs. Townaend Prothers into their store. Elm and Fifth streets, today. A meeting of Clybornville Lo cal of the Farmers' Union will be held in the court house Wednesday afterncon of this week at 2:30. All members re urned to attend thia mee tin g Also those who wish to join are invited. Mr. J. F. Meares of R. 6, Lumberton, about 7 miles from town, was a Lumberton visiter Friday. Mr. Meares' wife has been a suffer er with rhumatisnv for the past 20 years and her condition has appar ently gotten worse recently. Mr. S. Gardner Worth will ar rive tomorrow from Clinton, N. C, tc be with his brother, Mr. W, Y. Worth, -njansTrer-of : timrArsacte the atre. Mr'. Worth will play the pi ano at the theatre, which will put on orcnestra music tomorrow nignt. Mr. R. S. Bond and family ex. f eet to move some time next month rom Rowland to Lumberton. They will occupy the house on the corner of Chestnut and Third streeta for merly occupied by the late Miss Fan nie Peterson and willed by her to one of Mr. Bond's sons. Jailer A. H. Prevatt was called out one night recently by a white man from the country. When Mr. Prevatt asked the man his troubles, he .said, "I want you to take yonr man-chaser . and trail up 'a negro. I. gave a certain negro $1 to get me a pint of liquor and he never re turned". The other day a boy riding a bicycle on sidewalk ran against 5.year-old girl. If children cannot walk, on sidewalks without being sub jected to danger of that kind, where may.. they walk 7 Skating, too, on side- walks on some streets is getting to be a nuisance. It is a privilege which some of the larger skaters are bua- Mr. K. M. Barnes was confined ti his home at Chestnut street from Thursday till this morning with grippe. He is able to be out to day. Grippe has given Mr. Barnes' family" quite a siege. Two of his children, Edna and John Rhodes, are still quite sick. The condition of others of the family who have been sick is improvng, Mrs. J. Q. Beck with returned Thursday evening from Wilmington, where she attended on the 15th as a representative of the Lumberton Civic Association the reciprocity meeting of the ninth district of the Federation of Woman's Clubs. ; The Robesonian hopes to-publish an ar ticle by Mrs. Beckwith on thia in teresting meeting Thursday. MrJfj Worth, 0ne 0f the pfftbrietori of the Arca4 theatre. was the victim of a painful accident day, last week. While arranging some scenery" at the theatre an ?Toa, bar became unfastened at one end and swinging down caught Mr. Worth on the right side of his head, giving lim a severe blow. It came near knocking Mr. Worth out for a while nd he has - since had to wsar his head bandaged.""'"" Mr. A. H. Hinds, who has eon ducted a meat market in Lumberton for many years, has recently in stalled the latest sanitary refrige rator show cases in his market on Chestnut street. The refrigerator is right in the center of the cases and is covered 'over with white stone. Thi3 with some other changes makes the Hinds market look like a big city market. It is by far the most san itary arrangement ever installed in Lumberton, Mr. .brank A. Turner, who re turned the middle of last month from Constantinople, where he had been since the beginning of the European war, has been a guest since Saturday night at the home of his uncle, Mr. J. A. Sharpe, East Fifth street. Mr. Turner had been in Greece, Bul garia and Turkey for three years representing the Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. and expects to return to Constantinople in May or June. His brother Mr. Sharpe Turner, who travel North Carolina for the Amer ican Tobacco Co.; arrived yesterday snd is also a guest at the home of auu tfira. ofisipr. i:jc, will 1 . . rl mi ... leave tonight, for Wilmington. Mr. G. A. Pittman of R. 4. Lum berton, is among the visitors in town . tcday. ,Mt elasses were fitted hv Irr Parker, the only specialist in Lumberton licensed by State Board Examination for this iA.portant work.. HIS RVICE SATIS FIES --