V - THE ROBESONIAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 191C It BNSMOOTH COURSE OF LOVE tn Af two On of th "Honeymoon .Girls- Does Ko Un up to tne rirv-nwiwn -Honeymoon" Wcrth a Cent Hus uA rt Two Dits' SUndinc Fol lowed Her to Lumberton But Left Without Her One of the chorus girls with the "Honeymoon Girls who played at Pastime theatre Monday ana Tuesdav nic-hts. married a man Wam;njrton"one day last week. t. staving with her husband jiys she decided she had rather stay 4.h the show than to stay with him. Making that decision, she left her husband and came on to Lumberton With th? show. The bunch that com Ttsed the show came in Sunday- af ternon. Early Monday morning the young man who married the chorus irl arrived in town. He went to a drug store and while looking over . l some postcaras ne neara a cercam Lumberton man telling some boys ibout the affair. Of course the man who was telling about the affair had not dreamed of the husband being present. All were enjoying a good laugh at the expense of the poor grass widower. After listening to the tale of his misfortune for some -moments the young man walked ur to the man who was telling about thr aff a" or and asked "Where did you -vret your information? I happen to knew something about that affair! in fact, I'm the man - who married the woman". 'This stonoed the ?torv and the lau) was then turn ed from the m9n in the same o tW mm who was telling about the af fair. -, ' --- .T' man then declared - tint he would spe to it. that Vis w'f did net play with the show tht nieht. How ever, .aftf th two hd to fpfhrr and talked th matter over the younp- roan left with the hops of is wife vnning nm n about two weeks. It is 8'd that she to'd hi" that she would file notice to the ef feet' that sVe wold au't the shew in two weeks .nd go and live wit hj;?Hvl. ljs2irt that hjtold flreensbov at the .exDirat:on of the two wreV. . as the fihew would nlav . W fiTnsoro - Tt, hs ben 'arned that tVe ow will not go to Greens V" at all. The vounr man had enly know? the v'r a port time, it is said. He yemed to have plenty of love for tus newly-wd. but she didn't seem to care much for him. . "Where love leads many will fellow. ROSUN NEWS NOTES Singing Convention at Parkton Sun- day Bible Question Personal Correspondence of The Robesonian. Parkton, March 22 We had a fine sermon at Rslin Sunday at 3:30 o'clock by" Rev. J. L. Jenkins of Lum ber Bridge, also some excellent sing ing by our trained choir, Mrs. Alice Munn presiding at the organ. We have some sickness in oui neighborhood at present, but no se rious cases. -.. Our school is progressing nicely with Miss Gertrude Fisher of Rock fish teacher. , Let everybody remember" the sing, ihg envention at the Parkton graded school building on next Sunday af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock. ' Roslin and Parkton choirs will give some good music. Among the greatest selec tions will be a solo my Miss Janie Carlington, principal of Ray's grove school. Rev. J. L. Jenkins called at the home of Mr, Fleet Culbreth Sunday afternoon. Mr.' Archie Culbreth, who holds' a position with the A. C. L. Railroad at Bennettsville S. C, will return home the -'last of this month, to the delight bf his many friends. The choir practiced at Mr. Mar shall .McLean's last Sunday evening. We are informed that Rev. Mr. Fairley of Fayetteville preached an able sermon last Sunday at Ray's 3grove. They also had good music by Mr. John Wright, Aungish Jour mican, Willie Calhoun, Misses Janie Carlington, Ada Edwards Ncla Ev wette organist). . I wonder what has become of Hap py Jack. (He's on The Robesonian staff. Editor) . - I -Dl ask a Bible question? Where find when did God recognize his son Jesus for the first time? "CASCARETS" FOR A COLD, BAD BREATH OR SICK HEADACHE Best for Liver and Bowels, for Bil iousness, Sour Stomach and Constipation :, -Get a 10-cent box now.- Furred Tcngue, Bad Colds, Indi gestion, Sallow Skin and Miseisbl Headaches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowel;, which cause your stomach to become filled with undigested fcod, which sours and fer ments like garbage in a swnl Lir rel. That's the first step to unt!d nvscry indigestion, foul ga3u, b-'d breath, yellow skin, mental fears, ex. u-ything that is horrible and nau seating. .A. Cascaret tonight will give your constipated boacl a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning. They work while inanity does not apply to vyoman the inexorable law that it doeavto man. This may arise from misconceived sentimentality; it may arise from the deep instincts of the race. , In saving the woman on purely senti mental grounds.it was necessary to save the man, who was considered no more guilty than she. , . . CENTER DOTS Weather ' Delays Farmers Scnool Closes March 31 With Concert- Personal : , Correspondence of The Robesonian, Center .(Lumberton, R. F. D.), March 21 Rev. W. R. Davis filled bis regular appointment here Sunday and Dreached a good sermon. - The weather has been so unf avor able until the farmers ' arund here are making very slow progress to wards planting. . .Mr. M. Mclntyre attended preach ing at Iona Sunday. Mrs. R. R. Prevatt and children wmi rlMn a 10 rent Knv frnm tinnr fit thtt RArk Sw9mn Mrtlon ftnent the dmpgist will keep you feeling good I week-end at the home of her par- a . , . . r 1 r nr T I 11 for months. Millions of maa anl women take a Cascaret now and then to keep their stomach, liver and bow els regulated and never know a mis erable moment. Don't fcrget the chil dren their little insides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. Ida Bell Warren and Sam Christy Saved From Death in Chair Governor Craig Tuesday commuted to life imprisonment the sentence of Ida Bell Warren and Sam Christy, who were to die in the electric chair in the Slate prison on the 31st inst. for the murder of the woman s hus ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Atkinson. Among those who attended preach ing here Sunday from a , distance were Misses Ethel and Katy Taylor of Lumberton, Miss Polly Smith and Mr. Shelton Prevatt of Back Swamp. Mr. and , Mrs. Tom Smith of Fair, tnont. -' - Mr. S. B. Atkinson is ali smiles: Electric r- a gin. - Mr. and Mrs. Neal Smith and Misses Kosaoeu ana Lizzie jenKms 01 Faiimont were visitors in this s.-tion Sunday. ' Mr. Elmer Hedgpeth was a cat!r in Fairmont Saturday nights The school at Center which is be ing carriert on under the. manage band, G. J. Warren, in Winston-Sa- ment ot 7or- .'r ?cllwe11 ijn.a hm nearly two years ago. The case Mss Maude Bullock, will close Fn attracted nation-wide attention and day. night, March 31. with a concert, many petitions were sent the Gov-. Everybody is invited to attend. . .. erne r to save the woman. Since the Mr. , Adrian AtKinson attenaea nardon manv have pomrratnUtAd t.hn praper meeting at Back iswamp bun. Governor, and at least one criticism d'y night. - : " L:, t1 of bis action has been received, a tel-t - Listen or the wedding "bells . - eeram from Rev. J. C. Styers ofi - ,,... " W4Rtnemn-whichhe-minierk--Esse3e'::rJ a iZ-M-vtd ne said, "I am sorry to learn that your Kr0 hanged himself with a rope ' in backbone -was too weak to support s ham near Pittsboro last Wee the decision of the courts." Gov. -nesday,',. Ill;, health, and mind not Craig "was satisfied of the woman's' r'&nt.- , "iS "'I .; LET US SHOW YOU "But as the Governor of the State a Pe remeuy .uw w umereni iiu of North Carolina it is not my judg- any other. ment that the majesty of the law de mands that this woman shall be put to death. I cannot contemplate withj approval that this woman, unworthy, and blackened by Bin though she be,' shall be shrouded in the cerements of ' death, .dragged alcnr the fata' corridor and bound in the chair of death. The spy has in all countries been punished with death. Germany executed the woman spv; Eneland did not. The action of the military governor of Belgium was condemned by the conscience of the world. The killing of this woman would send a shiver through North Carolina, tiu RHEUMATISM ARRESTED Many people suffer the tortures of lame muscles and stiffened joints because of impurities in the blood, and each suc ceeding attack seems more acute until rheumatism has invaded the whole system. To arrest rheumatism it is quite as im portant toimprove your general health as to purify your blood, and the cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature's great blood- maker, while its medicinal nourishment strengthens the organs to expel the impurities and upbuild your strength. Scott's Emulsion is heloinar thousands everyday who could not find other relief. JLeluse tne alcoholic substitutes. . TRAOS MARH PILE REMEDY . . is used both externally and inter nally. Guaranteed to give relief from any form .of piles or money refunded. Sold only by us, 50c and $1.00. POPE DRUG CO. . Lumberton, N.- C T WESTINGHOUSE MAZDA LAMPS 15 watt 110 volt 25 watt 110 volt 40 watt 110 volt 60 watt 110 volt 27c 27c 27c 36c 100 watt 110 volt : G5c Lamps delivered any amount. L. E. S M Agent" " Telephoaaf 51 The National Bank of Lumberton SAFE, SOUND, CONSERIW i f 1897-NineteerifersofSa Capital Stock ' . - - , $100,000.00 Deposits - . - - 325,000.00 Total Resources (uciiiiiig;stockhoiw iikba;t;650,000.00 No account is too large or too small to receive our careT ful attention. The officers of this strong Bank are al ways glad to discuss financial problems with all who need advice, ; ; : . : ' Thrift is the Foundation of Success. Begin building your "Success House'- now by saving your money: and making regular deposits in our Sayings Department Ve Pay 4 per ctori Deposits and charge 6 per ct. on Loans - -,.. . r .- , ..- ; . J . 3 v '( ' r. , ... , , -; . -i . .,- ... . - ' ; - , . - We are prodd of our record. If yoii are already one of our TWO THOUSAND SATISFIED CUSTOMERS we thank you. If you are not we cheerfully invite you to investigate our recprd, arid join the throng. A. W. McLEAN,: pres. C. V. BROWN, Cashier Items From Last Week's Red Springs Citizen 1 - fiss Katie Brown, who has been in bad health for a long time, is quot eS be- critically ill by attending 'physicians'. Very litiif; is being , said about town poTt:cs. On the first Monday irt May an election is to be held to lect a asirj'&r and six commissioners. 3imrir.ations are in order. 4Tkere was a be: movement of cct tJa on th? Red Springs market la'st DJondiT. Mr. A. T. McCallum sold 125 bales, at an average of 12 cents for eood middling. This is a knock to the cry of hard times. Eggs for Hatching ' From SELECTED BLOODED STRAIN of SINGLE COMB RHODE ISLAND REDS TRAPNESTED $1. PER SETTING OF 15 Write u$ or Visit us. V Philadelphus Farm Life School Red Springs, N. C. I Mimosa Inn, a popular resort ho tl near Tn-on. Polk county, was de stroyed bv fire last Friday." The loss is estimated at $100,000. Nno in surance. The inn was filled with win ter visitors but no lives were lost. Anna Lee, 5-year-old daughter of "Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Powell of "Wilminjrton in an endeavor to helo ter mother Sunday morninp "tried to start the kitchin fire. Result: she -.V2.e burned lmot fatally, WE KNOW of no other remedy that we can rec ommend more highly than 4 a 4, n ECZEMA REMEDY "The hurninp and itching is quick t stonned and relief results' by per K islently using it. Sold only by us, , ZOr and 91.00. Robeson County Commencement at Lumberton, N C. April 7th, 1916 A.mmf nt the above occasion the Virginia and Carolina Southern Railroad will sell round trip tickets to LUMBERTON, N. C, from the following stations at fare quoted below. CHILDREN OVER SIX AND UNDER TWELVE I lahs ur auo nn.ur iard Airtuiiw inuty-i-. ....... .. .......... u.io ; -90 ... .so . -Hope Mills, -N. C. Roslin, N. -C. . . . . -McMiitans,-N Camnbells. N. C. Oakland, N. C. . St. Paul, N. C. Smith Siding, N. Roziers, N. C. . C. .80 .70 .55 .55 .50 From all other stations regular fare . Tickets will be on sale April 7th for all trains due at Lumberton, N. C, before 12:00' noon. Good to return on all trains due to reach start, intr point before midnight of April 8h, 1916. TICKETS WILL BE SOLD ON TRAINS BY CONDUCTORS FROM NON AGENCY STATIONS - L T-TSSK1 W. W. DAVIS, " As8t..G. P. A; Lumberton, N.-.C m m Lumber ii) oise . - in mm GAN SUPPLY YOUR EVERY WANT IN NEW SPRING 1GOODS "VUR MillineryDepartmcnt ha just received a new shipment of Shapes and VJ we will place them on sale at ridiculously low prices and we trim all ' shapes free provided you buy the shapes and trimmings fsom us.. We have en gaged Miss Owen for our permanent trimmer for this Spring season and she thoroughly unnerstanJs every detail of ths Millinery business. We invite you to call and look through see all the NeWStyles and Shapes and get,: our 'prices. ii $? 0 ?hapes each 69i $2.00 Shapes each 148 $3.00 Shapes each '2.48 $1.50 trimmed hats each no. $3.00 trimmed hats each ;M88 $12.00 to $15.00 pattern hats. $ :S48 Childrens hats 48c to $ 198 $12.50 coat suits made in the $ new spring styles for 998 $25.00 coat suits 19.48 . unn 1 DRY GOODS SPECIAL "Georgiana" crepe in all coN A Q n crs per yard ' HU b Silk crepe de chine per yard QQi auu Chiffon taffeta silk per yard gfjA Military stripe voile per yard 25; 35c Chambra silks all colors per .'yard " ..- Lawns and tissues In all the new spring effects per . yard . . 1 Cn 10 to . IUU 15c mulls per yard 1212 239 Wen's genuine Panama hats $ $3.50 values each Men's suits in all the new spring styles, a perfect fit is guaranteed in every suit $7.48 to $4 1) A Q IZtU Our Shoe Department is now complete with all the nsw Spring styles inShoes ani OxforcU'for Men, Women and Children. WVe want you to call and look them over and get our prices. ! LUMBERTON BARGAIN HOUSE ELM STREET PHONE 6 LUMBERTON, N. C.