PAGTTH2E& MATTERS POLITICAL re THE ROBESONIA.V, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1916 V Facts GET the facts on the operating cost before you buy any automobile. Find out the truth before net after. - And don't be satisfied with hear say or a salesman's' claims.'; The price of gasoline is high; so is oil and there is surd to be an increase in the cost cf all tires. So, what you want is the car that will give, you most miles per gallon of gasoline, per gallon ofoil and per set of tires. vHere are the facts proved by the Mas well stock touring car that recently set the World's Motor Non-Stop Record: Maxwell World's Non-Stop Recprd FacU Miles without a motor stop. . . . . . . . . .22,023 Average miles per day (44 days) . 500.6 Miles per gallon of gasoline. ............ 21.88 Miles per gallon of oil. ................. 400 Average miles per tire. .. .. .. ........... 9,871 . Remember that this was a Non-Stop Endurance Record in orde to prove that the Maxwell taf was, exceedingly .sturdy, reliable and trouble proof.' No attempt was jhade o'f could "t& famlC . to save gasoline, oil or tires. So these fig-' . ures merely indicate what would be possible , under ordinary driving conditions. Right now we have a. Maxwell we can deliver to you, and if you don't want to pay cash, make a deposit " and pay the balance as you use the car. But don't put it off. We know the Maxwell factory can't get half enough freight cars to carry their doubled output. : Later'' on Vwe may net be able to supply you: Eur. we can NOW. Better phone us for a demonstra tion today. Touring Car, $655 Roadster, $635 Prisas F.O.B. Datrolt lumberton Motor Car Company DISTRIBUTORS FOR FERTILIZER r v - . The best you can get is what you want, and while there is no potash to be obtained at prices that would justify farmers paying, you get a small amount of potash in all mixtures made by us with out the cost. There is from one-half to three foui ths of one per cent of potash in our 8-4 and 9-3 mixtures, and we also give in these mixtures 12 per cent lime, which is so highly recommended by the Agricultural Department. The prices for these mixtures are the same, as others that have no potash and lime. In addition to these regular mixtures, we are making 6-4, which is recommended by the State Agricultural Department for cotton. We are manufacturing a top dresser that will meet the needs this season. Owing to the scarcity of Nitrate of Soda, you will need to get the next best top dresses at a reasonableprice. This is our 1916 Top Dresser, 3 per cent Phosphoric Acid, 8 per cent Ammonia. r- Ask your dealer to turmsh you these mixtures for making your 1916 crop. ' Lumberton, March 8thf 1J16. Robeson Mfg. Co., Luuberton, N. C. . Gentlemen: J I have just received the last car of my guano making the 100 tons purchased for this season. This is the fourth season I have used your goods exclusively and have never used better. My crops have been satisfactory. Yours very truly, R. E. LEWIS. Robeson Mfg. Co. LumbcrtonN . State Board of Elections Names County Boards Rules on Senator ial Candidates and on Expense State Board Mil Meet in Raleirhj June 6 and Get- Presidential Vote by Wire The State Board of Elections met in Raleigh Saturday fcr the purpose of making certain regulations in re gard to the holding of primaries, the canvassing of the vote,and appointing, election boards for the 100 counties! of the State. ' i " As regards candidates for the State Senate, the board ruled that when a; senatorial district comprises a sin ble county the candidates shall file .L a.: j a x- - ineir nouceo unu siaLemenis in ex-i penses as all ether county off eers are requirsd to do. When the dis. trict is composed of two or more counties, the candidate for the Senate will run only in the ccunty entitled to name the candidate. If there is dis pute as to which county is entitled to name the candidate, then candi dates shall run in the whole district and notices md statements of money spent in each county shall be filed a3 retired of cfter county officers. The board also decided to meet in Raleigh :again June 6 to canvass the vote for presidential candidates vot ed on in the primaries.; The ccunty boards will "be required to canvass the votes for President and Vice President first and wire the results to the State board. The board passed resolutions re gretting the loss cf services of Sec retary J. B. Underwood of Fayette ville, who retired because he has been appointed postmaster at Fayettville. W. J. Davis, Republican of- the board ' from Henderson, retired be. cause cf ill health and like resolu tions were passed relative to his retirement- "Another resolution that will in terest all candidates was one that -aiandidates must report 'in their ex- . IJljienseraocouJits all ot the money tn at they cr their friends .have spent tor tham,- whether the money was spent before or after the said . candidates file notices of candidacy with the State Board of Election. Three men were named to consti tute the boards of elections in every county, two Democrats and one Re publican. The following boards were appointed for Robeson ard sor-e rV -r counties in this section of the State, the two first named being Democrats and the third a Republi can: Robeson Board W. S. Britt, Lumberton! McKay McKinnon, Maxton; E. G. Johnson, St..( Pauls. Scotland. E. H. Gibson. Laurin burg; W. N. McKenzie, Gibson; O. H. Graham, Laurinburg. Hoke. R. J. Baucom, Raefcrd; P. G. McMillan, Raeford, R. F. D.; J. B. Long, Raeford. , Harnet. H. T. Spears, Lilling ton; E. R. Thomas, Dunn; J. W. Wilson, Dunn. Bladen. J. A. Lyon. Elirabeth town; T. B. Melvin, White Oak; S. Meares, Clarkton . Cumberland. Jchn W. Judge, Fay ptteville: Jack W. Hall. Autryville, R. F. D. 2; D. N. Geddie, Fayette ville. Columbus. C. D. Koonce. Chad, bourn; R. C. Powell, Vineland; S. L. Smith, White villa. VETERANS REUNION 26th Annual Reunion Will be Held in Birmingham May 16, 17 and 18 Maj. Gen. James I. Metts, com. mander of the North Carolina Di vision of the United Confederate Vet erans, has issued eeneral orders per taining to the 26th reunion of the veterans which will take place in Birmingham, Ala., May 16, 17 and 18 and which many Wilmington and North Carolina veterans are expect ed to attend . It is stated in the order that the railroads will give the usual rate of one cent per mile to all persons, whether veterans or other visiters, who may attend the reunion. The lo cal agents will advise as to the fare from each station. This is the third time the citizens of Birmingham have had the pleasure of entertaning the men who wore the gray during the conflict. No camp will have a vote or voice in the meetings of the reunion un less their annual dues are paid be. fnw th first of April and each vet eran who has not paid up is urged to . - . ..i . If A send his per capita to mi. n. a. London, at Pittsboro, N. C. Details of the arrangements for free entertainment, for horses, etc., will be given out bv the various com mittees in Birmingham later. Godwin Will Devote Month of May to CamDaiemine Washington Disoatrh. Congressman Hannibal L. Godwin, who has five or six candidates work ing actively in his district to de feat his renomination does not ex pect to be ble to get to his district to lay his own claims before his folks until about the first of May. He will go to his district then, however, unless conditions in Con gress are such as to make his pres ence here an absolute necessity and campaign right up until the primary cm, jTurig 3.. : - "IP expect-thento go all througn the district," said Mr. Godmin today, "makine four or five speeches in each county." , " - 1 C HAIR TONIC is sold by us on a guarantee to be a reliable preparation for keeping the scalp and hair in a healthy condi tion. Let us explain it3 merits to you. Sold only by us, 50c and $1.00. POPE DRUG CO. Lumberton, N. C EL D. Caldwell & Son, Inc. LUMBERTON'S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE "CASCARETS" BEST IF HEADACHY, BILIOUS, SICK, CONSTIPATED " . Best for Liver and Bowels, Bad Breath, Bad Colds, Sour Stomach " ecutive Usi a lw-cern, uu. - Sick headache', biliousness, coated tongue, head and nose clogged up wita a cold always trace this to tor pid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the be weU or sour, gassy stomach . Poisonous matter clogged in the intestines, instead of being cast out of the system is ne-absorbed; into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion and that dull, throbbing, j sickening headache. Cascarets im mediately cleanse the stomach, 're move the sour, undigested food and j Will foul gases, taice iiw from the liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and pois ons in the boweU. a ra,.arot. tonight will surely straighten you out by rnorning. They work while you sleep a lu-cenv dux from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet, breath . right, complexion rosy and your liver and bowels regular for monwis. INDIAN MASS MEETING AT PEMBROKE APRILM5 Indians Reqoested to Meet and Draw Up Plans for the Erection of a Suitable Monument to the Memory of the Late Col. Hamilton McMil lan Correspondence of The Robesonian. The Indians of every township of Robeson county are requested to meet or send a committee to repre sent them at a meeting to be held at the Normal school building, Pem broke, Saturday, April 15. The pur pose of the meeting will be to draw up plans for the erection of a suit able monument to the memory of our late friend and benefactor, Col . Ham iltcn McMillan. ' a pi Anon that the- Indians of the county will be well represented on that day' ANGUS CHAVIS One Small Notice Exhausted the Sup. ply Seed all gone. A week ago Monday in The Robesonian an .item was published to the effect that Senator F. M. Simmons had sent a quantity "of vegetable seed for distribution among its subscribers. Many folks came in person to get a supply and num erous, were trie requests that came through the mail for the seed. The calls have been so numerous that all who have not already called are tco late. When a thing is adver tised in The Robesonian, it moves. The last package was called for Mon day," exacted one week from the day the notice was published. MASS MEETING OF DEMOCRATS do not Democratic Voters of Lumberton Township Called to Meet at Court House April 15 Mr. H. V Stacy, cSairnrMi o' the Democratic executive committee of Lumberton township, has issued a call for a mass meeting of all the voters of the township to be held at the court he use at 2:30 p. m., Saturday, April 15. The call is as follows: Notice to Democratic Voters of Lum berton Township Pursuant to call of Democratic ex- HOT BMII CHILD BEII ww 7 ever receive tne proper oaumcc i w to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown in eo many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and Jack of ambition. ' Por all such children we say with unmistakable earnestness: Tbey need Scott's Emulsion, and need it now. It possesses in concentrated form the very food element to enrich their blood. It changes weakness to strength; it makes them sturdy and strong. No alcohol. 8cottaBowme.tootria.W.J. 1HK ROBESONIAN. THE PRO- gressire Farmer and The House wife, all a whoU year far S2.10. 1916 SPRING 1916 New Spring Fashions in Suits and Millinery Our display of the advance Fashions is not extremely large but for that very reason it especially recommends itself to women of taste and discernment who prefer to make their selections from limited assortments of exclusive styles. The new styles we will show you are un mistakably the Fashion-Trend for Spring. The Correctness is undisputed. We believe that you will find this display highly interest- committee of Robeson coun m. for the purpose of electing 1 a new executive committee for the township, and for the purpose of electing delegates to' the county con vention to be held in Lumberton Saturday, April 22nd, 1916. H. K. STACY, Chm. Dem. Ex. Com. ty, the undersigned chairman of the Democratic executive committee of this township hereby calls a mass meeting of all the Democrats of Lumberton township to meet at the court house on Saturday, the 15th day of April, 1916, at 2:30 o'clock p. flmm iilEit 33 Per Cent Protein Fat 8 Make Hogs Grow Faster and Bigger Worth twice as much as Shipstuff as a feed ing comrucdity. Price just a little higher than shipstuff. All we ask is that you try one bag. We have Shipstuff, ; Sucrene, Dairy Feed," Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls for Cows and Hogs. No. 1 Timothy Hay, Country Hay, White Feed Oats and the Best Country Corn at low prices. When in Need of Anything in the Feed Line See or Phone Us. Phone No 80 Free Delivery nn Ml DEPARTMENT STORE LUMBERTON, :-: J In) Djn require breaking-in, but are easy and comfortable the first day you wear them. You never have the desire to "let it out" while wearing W. B. NUFORM CORSETS. W. B. NUFORM, STYLE 440. (See large illustration). For average full figures. Medium bust Double hip construction gives more than good value. Smooth fit. Long wearing. CoutiL embroidery trimmed, $2.00. W. B. NUFORM. STYLE 419 (See mall illustration). Medium low bust: elastic inserts. Splendid wearing Cou til ; embroidery trimmed. $130. Other W.B. Models. $1.00 up. W. B. BRASSIERES, worn with W. B. Corsets give fashionable figure-lines and add to gown fit. 50c up. AT YOUR DCAXEHS Smni lot Fnm iUiracntwl (oUar to Vsiassstsa Brea Ufc. Nsw Yacs. Qucac. Sa Fi N. C 1 7fl W.B. NUFORM No. 440. $2,00