THE ROBESOMAN, MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1916 PAGT THgO Middy Blouses -For- Little Girls 15c n n T Gingham Dress- I es For Little Girls 15c OFPORTUMT Y Paid Us A Visit and Left A Message for You Now you might say, Why, if Opportunity had a message concerning me, it was not delivered direct? We can answer this very readily: as Opportunity gets turned down so often together with the enormous visiting list makes it impossible to give each customer a personal insight as to what opportunity has in store for them, we turn to the pages of The Robesonian and through its columns tell you that opportunity is now knocking as it has never knocked before, and if you wish to get acquainted with Pros perity, you must open tlie door and shake hands with Mr. Opportunity. ' OaFIr? White has just returned froM the great riiarkets f th wrings the message such an array of attractive new up-to-the-minute merchandise has never been shown in Lumberton. Opportunity is with you, gain or loss is at your door. We have no time to go into further detail, the following is only a mere shadowy outline of what awaits you. Read, meditate: the message is simple. It is directed to you. READY TO WEAR READ CAREFULLY , Lidies' fine Taffeta Silk Dresses, no two alike, values $15 to $22.50. Crepe De Chine Dresses and Waists. Ladies' Fine Organdy and Embroidery dresses, $4.50 to $9.50. Ladies' House Dresses, Neatly trimmed made of Scout Percales, Gingham, Chambray, &c, Values $1.50 for 98c. ' - - Fifty New Sport Coats, jus,t received today, the newest styles, everybody wearing theni,"" new fabrics, $4.98 to $12.50. The third shipment of new Spring Coat Suits will arrive tomorrow. This will close our coat suit season. Unapproachable values. See the line of new Spring Skirts. Ladies' Waists, such an assortment not seen heretofore in Lumberton, nor in Robeson county, the very newest things, new faori;-;. new collars, sport styles, wash fabrics, silks, crepe dech;nes, prices 49c to $4.50. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Middys, 49 and 98c. SPECIAL A middy blouse for little girls for only 15c, greatest bargain ever shown. Lad es' silk middy ties, large size 49 to 65c. Misses' and Children's School Dresses, 25 to 39c. Fine Embroidered commencement dresses for misses and children. O - EXTRA SPECIAL. Several hundred child's White Lawn Embroidered dresses for 25c. A full line of Muslin Underwear. Ladies' White Skirts with deep Embroidery 49c. A $1.50 value for 98c. Corset Waists, Brassieres, &c, American Lady Ccrsets, Ladies' Gauze Vests," Cotton and Lisle 10 to 25c. SILKS, YARD GOODS, AC. Taffeta Silks are very stylish, we have the best line to be bought, black and colors, 98c to $1.49. Full yard wide. Silk Poplins, scarce and hard to buy. We have secured an assortment; full" yard wide at 98c. ' Silk Messalires, Silk Pongees, Crepe DeChines, Tub Goods, &c. One bargain counter of silks, values up to $1.50 per yardr great variety. They are go ing and gofhg fast. The price is 49c. Plain and fancy Voilles in cotton and silk, 13c UP- . . Our line of staple and novelty dress goods is by far the best we have ever carried, it would take a newspaper to give description. Come and sue. Regardless of. the daily advancing of prices, we bought the finest line of cotton goods to be had. Cannot describe on paper, the Novelty Stripes, Checks, Plaids, Florals, Dots, in every imaginable and attractive design, Staple and dainty effects, tints. Mercerized Poplins, looks like silk, 10 to 19c. Manville Chambrays, 12 l-2c. Norwood Cheviots, 12c. 36-inch Percales 10 and 12 l-2c. Kiddie Kloth and Bontex Galateas, for the little boys Wash Suits, also for skirts of service. Modette Fancies and Exhibition of White goods, Flaxons, Lawns, Crepes, Persians, Linens, cannot be equaled in this part of the State. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT For this department too much cannot be said, every hat selected by Mr. White and approv ed by Mrs. White, who accompanied him, with great care, positively the latest and best. Pattern hats up to $7.50. Our line from 98c to $3.49 is unsurpassed, for Ladies, Misses, and Children . LADIES' NECKWEAR The most delicate and dainty patterns and designs, Shadowy and substantial effects, from the world's best factory, prices from 10c to $1.98. We make special mention of our line BABY CAPS It would be a difficult matter to collect a more attractive fessortment, several thous and, the prices range from 10c to $1.49. See those trimmed with rose buds," ribbons and laces. HOSIERY AND GLOVES We have added a new departure to out ex tensive Hosiery Department and hope the ladies will, appreciate our efforts to secure what they want. We are showing in large quantities a line of genuine silk hose in black and colors, the values are excellent and prices from 49c to $1.50. Our line of cheaper hosiery is the most va ried and attractive to be had . GLOVES. Just what you want for the Spring and Summer, the new thin g3 in Silks, Chamoise, Fibre and genuine Kid.- MEN'S GOODS We have for years been considered head quarters for shirts. Today we are better than ever with hundreds of dozens in all grades from a 19c work shirt up to silk. The Fer guson McKinney 50c is the best we know of for the money. The dress and Negligee made by "Cluette, Peabody & Company, known as "Monarch", is the best dollar shirt on the market. We have them with com. bination sport and close collar soft bosoms and stiff bands. Beys' shirts of ljk de scriptions. The finest line of neckties in the county. 10c to 49c. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT We invite you to call and see us. A magnif icent line boys' goods, all prices. Boys' pants 19c, 49c, 65c and up to $1.73, SHOE DEPARTMENT Wc are still featuring the celebrated May Manton line of ladies' fine goodn, in high and low cuts, Oxfords, Baby Dolls, Mary Janes, and the tier Bronze Sandal ar.t'i n'lc hose to match. We have an elegant line of white canvass high and low cuts, and our prices are lower than can be found anywhere, or you do not have to buy. IN MEN'S GOODS. We have some specials, . such as will hardly be offered again, Ed win Clapps high grade Oxrords and high shoes. All who know this line knew the price is f 7.50 pair, they cost $3.40 at the factory, our price to close the line is $4.75. Our line known as "Keith Konqueror" every pair warranted new, stock received today, Oxfords, Buttons, Blucher, Old English, Tans, J Gun Metals, Vici, and everything known in the line. Our line of the well known "Buster Brown" goods is complete. EXTRA. We have a Job or Bargain Counter of Shoes fcnd Slippers for Men, Women and Children. These goods in many instanceV go for less than one-fourth the real value. One line of Men's shoes worth up to $5.00 are now $1.98 and $1.49. A line of ladies' goods of like value at 98c and $1.49. Two thousand pairs Tennis Shoes in White, Tan and Black, 49c. About one hundred cases received this day. GROCERY DEPARTMENT We have two car load3 flour, lowest possible prices. Ten thousand pouunds Tobacco, popular bi-ands, 25c. Fancy Groceries of all kind3. Case goods by the car load, wholesale prices oa all. We have never opened a Spring business in better shape to supply your every need and at prices lower than the other fellow. We do a Cash business only, and this alone will convince you that we can save the cash buyer money. We are always grateful for your liberal patronage "WHITE PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS Original and Greatest Bargain Givers Silk Bargain Counter Goods Value up to $1.25 for 49c LuimbertoB, N. C.