THE ROBUSOMAX, '.THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1916 AMONG TRANSGRESSORS MOONLIGHT SCHOOL CLOSING HOWELLSVILLE HAPPENINGS fHE R0BES0NIAN Published MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS By ROBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. J. A. SHARPS .......... President Office 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20 Entered as second, class mail matter at the postoffice at Lumberton, N. C SUBSCRIPTION RATES nn. ar 1.50 8ix Months Three Months ' THURSDAYAPRIL 20, 1916 Who hit Judge Carter? is the ques tion now before the people of North Carolina. o Don't let the first of May slip up on you with your poll tax unpaid. If you do, you will not be able to vote this trip.- , ; o : . The editor takes this method of expressing his profound appreciation of the expressions of sympathy -from correspondents of the paper on ac count of the recent death of his moth er. There will be nothing to fight ov er to any great extent at the county convention to be held in Lumberton Saturday' of this week.' It will no doubt be an entirely harmonious meet ing and resolutions no doubt will be adopted endorsing President Wilson in the strongest possible terms. o If the worst comes to the worst and Germany forces the United States into war, certainly no one can accuse President Wilson of not exer cising extreme patience. While praying and hoping that Germany, will recognize the justness of the position of the United States as set forth in the final note sent by Pres ident Wilson and will henceforth avoid acts that will force severance of dip. lomatic relations, the people of the United States are with the President in his final stand . . o ' From Washington, whence comes all startling news of a political na ture concerning State politics, comes, via the Greensboro News correspon dence, word that the progressive el ement of the Democratic party will make an effort at the coming State convention to elect a chairman who is considered more responsive to the will of the people than the present chairman, Mr. T; D. Warren. War. ren is said, according to this source of information, to be merely the mouthpiece of the Simmons machine. The idea seems to be to get v. man from the piedmont or western part "f the State, the main idea beine to be certain that whoever is selected is rot tied up with any particular machine faction. Which is publish ed for what it nay be worth mere lv a" part of the political dope of the times. The Robesonian has not been hon ored with a notice to that effect, but from other papers it is learned that the Robeson county Republican exec utive committee willmeet in Lumber ton Saturday of this week and has issued a caii lor alt RepuDlicans to join in their deliberations, 'ine call i i-t.-ii.ji to remark tnat now is tne time lor ail good Kepuoucans to rouse txenue.vis and unite m a . mighty ef fort to throw off the yoke ot the jjcraocrats, who nave oppressed the iople, according to this call, wit.i burdens of high taxation, unnecessary oflices and extravagance in tne use cf public funds. Well,- well! and th; ounty a-moving right along from plory unto glory, from one stage of prosperity to a higher plane, under t.'.e Democratic rule it has enjoyed fcr the p3st eighteen years. It does cost money to run a great county like Robeson, but most of the coun ty officers are being paid less now than ever before, one office has been abolished, and it is hard to see where much shaving can be done along that line except at the cost of efficiency except in one office, and that will no doubt be shaved . But we shall be able to get nearer to what our friends the enemy propose to do af ter their meeting on the 22d inst. o Recital at Rowland Friday Evening The music class of the Rowland high school will give a recital at the school building tomorrow evening, beginning at 8:15 o'clock . A most interesting program has been ar ranged. . Catarrh Cannot Be Cured 'with LOCAL. APPLICATIONS, as thej cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure it you must take In ternal remedies. Haifa Catarrh Cure ia taken Internally, and acts directly upon th blood and mucous surface . Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best phy sicians in this country for years and is regular prescription. It is composed of tba best tonics known, combined with the fcaat blood purifiers, acting directly on the nocous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two Ingredients is what pro ucs such wonderful results in curing ssttarrh. Bend for testimonials, free. K J. CHENET CO.. Props.. Toledo. O. fMA by DrurrUta. price 75c BaJl's ramUj PUU for onatlpatto Charlie Smith Charged With Rais. ing Rough House and Running His Parents Out Doors Must Leave County for 2 Years Charlie Smith was before Record er E. M. Britt Tuesday charged with being drunk and obstructing an of. ficer. He plead guilty of the charge Prayer for judgment was continued upon payment of cost, judgment to be prayed if defendannt is caught in Robeson county within a peripd of two years after yesterday. The evidence was that Smith raised a rough house at the home of his parents Saturday night just after midnight and ran his father and mother out of the house. An officer was called and Smith was taken to jail, where he remained un til the trial. Henry and Holt Parnell, Will Nance and Carl Sessoms were given a hear ing before the recorder on the charge of being drunk and disorderly. The evidence was not sufficient to convict and the cases were dismissed. Meeting in Interest of Mission Home Society (Colored) Correspondence of The Robesonian. Alaxton. Apr. 19 The mission held a meeting at St. George church (colored) Sunday for the benefit of the Missionary Home Society, which was recently . incorporated with no capital stock. The meeting" was conducted by the president, Rev.A.A. I. Davis. A charter was read by Rev. W. M.. Wells, pastor of the church. Prayer was led by Rev. D. D. Davis. Song by the congre gation. Rev. A. L. Ormond, pas tor of the M. E. church (white) was introduced as speaker for the evening. His subject (was "Love and Keep the Commandments". John 14:15. He impressed upon his hear ers the need of standing by each other and to stop spending money in the theatres and to put it into this instituion. $30,000 Bonds Must be Advertised Again The town commissioners met in called session Monday night and or dered that the $30,000 bonds issued for the purpose of putting in a fil ter plant and changing the town s lighting system be re-advertised. Ths was fmade necessary Ibecause of the fact that at first only $25,- 000 in bonds were issued and later $5,000 additional were issued . As (has been mentioned in The Robesonian, a temporary loan of $25,000 was secured till the bonds could be sold in order that the work might go forward. The $5,000 ad ditional bonds were (issued Jn .or der to put in equipment so in case of an accident of any kind to the lines of the Yadkin River Power Co. the town could furnish light. Democratic Executive Committee and Delegates to County Convention From Thompson's - At the precinct meeting for Thompson township held at McDon. aid Saturday, the following were elected members of the Democratic executive committee for that town ship: A. L. Hall, W. M. Bridgers, Scott Stone, S. McLean, Dr. G. M, Pate. Mr. McLean was elected chairman . The following were elect ed delegates to the county convention which will be held in Lumberton Anril 22: A. L. Hall, J. A. Mc Millan; alternates, Scott Stone, Roy Stone. A resolution was unanimous ly adopted endorsing W. M. Bridgers for county commissioner. Indian School at Old Prospect Will Close April 28 Correspondence of The Robesonian. Maxton, R. 5, April 17 My school at Old Prospect, district 1, Indian, will clcse the 28th of April. The program will consist of djialogs, speeches and drills. Also on Thurs day night, the 27th, there will be a debate. The query is, "Should the United States adopt the policy of greatly improving its navy". Those who will argue the question are: af. firmative. E. B. Bullard, C. H. Moore, H. B. Bullard; negative, L. W. Moore, W. B. Bullard, A. N. Locklear. G. G. LOCKLEAR. Centenary School Closes April 26 Correspondence of The Robesonian. Rowland, April 17 School closes at Centenary Wednesday, April 26th. We intend to carry out a little pro gram in the afternoon. Mr. Henry A. McKinnon of Maxton has kindly consented to speak for us at this time. We are sure that he has something good in store for us. The night following there will be a short program. Everybody is cordially in. vited to attend bth in the afternoon and evening. J. B. PAGE, Principal. Famous Hoke promised County Case Raeford Dispatch, 18th. Superior Court for the trial of civ il cases convened here yesterday pre sided over by Judge Frank A. Dan iels. The case of D. McN. Ray and Brother versus J. F. McMillan and G. B. Patterson was compromised and settled.' It had been tried twice and carried to the Supreme Court. A new trial was granted on both sides. The title to several thousand acres of land was involved. A large array of counsel appeared. CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MOXFY DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address, clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for bronchial couehs, colds and croup: Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold everywhere. Successful Work at Piney Grov Indians Have Profited Greatly by Means of Moonlight Schools To the Editor of The Robesonian; Please allow me space in your pa per. to say a few things about the n:oonlight school work at Piney Grove vhich closed last Thursday night, April 13. Tne moonlight schools have met the ipproval of all who are inter esten in tne advancement and up building of humanity in this dear old State of ours, and I am sure great good has been accomplished by the establishment of the moonlight scnoo.s throughout the State. This has tern a great opportunity to the grown-up illiterates of the State in general, but I think it has been a greatei oj.portunity to the Indians of ivobeson than to any other race in the State and some of them have shown ther appreciation by availing tnemselves of the opportunity and I can truthfully say that the moonlight school at Piney Grove has been one that there has been great interest taken in, by both teacher and com Invnity; and there ' is no do'jbt but it was a grand success in everv Dar tirulsr. Those who witnessed the closing exercises given by this school, on the date mentioned above, will have to agree with me in saying that ti e Piney Grove school, especially the moonlight division under the efficient management of Miss Eliza Oxendine, has been one of success. As this is u new feature of the school work of North Carolina this entertainment at the close of the moonlight school was also something entirely new to mc, for I have not even heard of anther incident of this kind any where; so I will give it to the pub lic, as a model for others to follow. The entertainment began about 7:30 or 8:00 o'clock p. m. by singing and prayer, after which there were some very amusing and very appro priate recitations given by the pu. pils of the moonlight school. Then a short talk was made by-the writ er cn the helpfulness of the moon light school and the importance of becoming interested in reading.- Then came a debate, nicely handled by some of the school pupils, some of -which I am informed never had appeared before the public before to make any kind of a talk. The subject debated was, "Resolved, That money is more benefit , to a person than friends." The debate was won by the negative, and this closed the exercises, and the audience passed out into the beau tiful moonlight where a long table had been prepared in the afternoon and in a short time there had been placed on the table delicious cream and cake, and everybody was enjoy ing the occasion to the fullest extent. The weather was ideal, and the re freshments being served out in the moonlight were very appropriate to the occasion. After serving refresh ments the people left for their (nomes highly pleased with the entertain ment. May this grand work continue un til illiteracy is eliminated from this good old State of ours. J. W. SMITH. Lumberton, R. 1. ' April 18. ' ' REEDY BRANCH NOTES Residence Burned Church Personal Rally- Correspondence of The Robesonian. Reedy Branch, April 18 Mr. D V. Morgan had a misfortune Friday night of losing his residence by fire, cf unknown origin about 2 o'clock. The fire when discovered was too isr advanced, as the wind was yery high at the time, so very little was raved out of the house.1 It did take very brave work to save his barns His loss is very heavy. There was a church rally Saturday night and bunday at Reedy Branch It was given in an effort to gain an honor list of the work. J. W Biggs. B. A. Hunt, James Jacobs, Casrel Hunt, Dan Oxendine, L. W. Jacobs, Mrs. Sabery Biggs, Arey M. Jacobs, Mary Hunt, Margaret uxennine were the winners. The contributions were very good. As the committee has not completed its report we cant state the amount, There was a collection of eee-s Sat urday night which was amusing and they are not returned yet to the treasure. Rev. J. E. Hunt preach ed at Mt. Airy church Sunday at 11 o clock and at Deep Branch at 4 o'clock and Sunday night at Reedy Branch. Little bit cool today, but king cot ton is u aoout planted Mr. Joe Hunt is very sick. Sor ry the' choir can't meet with Mt. OI- iv next Sunday as Mr. B. W. Ja cobs is on the sick list. D. HUNT. Notice of New Advertisements Top-dressing talks, Arcadian sul- phte of ammonia. The careful man's advice First Na' Com-'tional Bank. Talk that appeals to economical people Lumberton Bargain House. Joy-bringin Easter novelties New man's... YoUng mule for sale H. J. Wes sel . Program at Pastime. E. L. Holloway announces candi dacy for town commissioner. Dr. R. S. Beam announces can. didacy for town commissioner. Mr. R. S. Revels of R. 2, Lum berton, was in town this morning. Why Constipation Injures The bowels are the natural sewer ape rystem of the body. When they bfcome obstructed by constipatin a part of the poisonous matter which tiev should carry off is absorbej in to the system, making you feel dull and stupid, and interfering with the digestion and assimilation of food. Tnis condition is quickly relieved by nainoeriam s Tablets, everwtere. Obtainable School Will Close April 21 Personal Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lumberton, R. 7, April 18 Plant, ing cotton seems to be the order of the day with the farmers now. Quite a number of young folks attended a singing at Mr. J. C. Howell's Sun day afternoon. There will be a box -upper at Regan's school house Wed nesday night.. Mr. Rowland MWhite was a caller in this vicinity Sunday . m. Mrs. Jno. D. Buoyer and children spent Sunday night at the rme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, ?. C. Howell. Sorry to report the illness of little Miss Maggie Bell de Vane. We hope for her a speedy re covery. Rev. Mr. Joyner preached a fine sermon at Regan church Sunday a. m. Mr. Harvey King filled his regular appointment Sun day afternoon. School at Regan will close next Friday, April 21. Mr. Leon t-dge spent yesterday in L.u.mperton. 1 'John B fcurrie Dead Mr. John B. Currie, an inmate of the Soldiers' Home who was at home on a furlough, died at the home of bis nephew, Mr. C. D. Smith, at Kowiand last Sunday while he was sitting in a chair, On Saturday Mr. Currie was on the street talking to friends. He" was taken very ill on Sunday morn The body was sent to Carthatre and buried m the family plat in the Pres. byterian cemetery on Monday. Mr. Currie was well known all over the State. He was a man of great intellect and was loved by all who knew him. He was very popu lar at the home where he will be greatly missed. During the war he was a member of Company A, Thir. tieth North Carolina regiment. He entered the home January 21, 1903. He was 76 years of age. She Preferred Her Home Town Jail Katie Blount, an aged colored wom an, who was convicted of retailing in the Federal Court at Laurinbursr recently and who was sentenced to spend six months in jail, was trans ferred from the Laurinburg jail to the Lumberton jail Tuesday. She was brought here by U'. S. Deputy T. Leak Smith. Kitty's home is near Lumberton and she seemed very hap ov indeed to get back to Lumberton. She only served 20 days of her sen tence in the Laurinburg jail. It cost Kitty several dollars to get transfer, red. Many ills come from impure blood. Can't have pure blood with faulty digestion, lazy liver and sluggish bow els. Burdock Blood Bitters is recom mended for strengthening stomach, bowels and liver and purifying the blood. ANNOUNCEMENTS COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a can didate, for. the office of county coin. missioner subject to the action of ths Democratic primary. J. F. McKAY. For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner .of Robeson county for the four-year term, subject to tie action - of the Democratic primary. A. V. McKfcNZlfc. For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself a candi date fcr the office of county com missioner subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held June 3d. I assure you that I will serve to the best of my ability. 'WALTER M. BRIDGERS. For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of county com missioner to succeed myself, for the four-year term subject to ithe ac tion of the Democratic primary. JOHN W. WARD. Rowland, N. C. For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of County Com missioner, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held June 3, 1916. J. A. McCORMICK. For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself a can Kidate for the office of County Com mirsioncr, to succeed myself for the four year term, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. 1 prom ise a faithful service if elected. C. B. TOWNSFND. Apr. 10, 1916. For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself a candi- d:ilr for county commissioner subject to tr eviction of the Democratic voters at the coming primary. If nominated and elected I pledge myself to serve the people of the county to the best of my ability. M. L. MARLEY For County Commissioner I hereby announce myself a can didate for county commissioner sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. Your support will be ap. predated. E. E. PAGE. Lumberton, N...C. For Town Commwsioner I bereby announce myself a can didate for the office of commission er of the town of Lumberton, subject to : the action of the primary to be held April 25, 1916. E. L .HOLLOWAY. For Town. Commissioner I hereby announce myself a candi date for commissioner of the town nf Lumberton subject to action or town primary to be held April 25. RUSSELL S. BEAM. x7 if i "... km .'-.''ffiraal Q A .A. (I &0 j&AVOUV THE "BOSS" KNOWS THAT THE MAN WHO IS PUTTING MONEY IN THE BANK IS NOT WASTING TIME SPENDING IT. HE MUST BE ON THE JOB, HE KNOWS THE VALUE OF HIS JOB AND HIS TIME-HE DOESN'T LOSE EITHER. . HE KNOWS TIME IS MONEYfHE WANTS MOHEY. WHEN HE GETS I T HE PUTS IT IN THE BANK. IT IS SAFE THERE. IT HELPS TO HAVE A BANK BOOK- HAVE ONE. BANK WE PAY H PER CENT INTEREST. First National Bank LUMBERTON, N. C Strength, Security, Service Capital- Stock $100,000.00 Surplus & Profits 30,000.00 Resources (Including Stock Liability) ....... $670,000.00 The Directors of this strong Bank aie successful men and they are Directors who DIRECT. The officers are men of experi ence in all branches of Banking. They are anxious to serve you. Look for the Bank with the big white columns. "BANK WITH THE BIG BANK" THE NATIONAL BANK OF LUMBERTON A. W. McLEAN, Pres. C. V. Brown, Cashier. For Town Commissioner I hereby announce myself a can date for town commissioner. W. W. PARKER. For State Senate I hereby announce myself a can didate for the State Senate subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary to be held June 3d, 1916. FRANK GOUGH. For Sheriff I hereby: announce myself a candi date for renomination to the office of Sheriff of Robeson County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary of June 3rd, 19lb. Thanking you for any support that you may give me, 1 am, Yours truly, R. E. LEWIS For Sheriff I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Sheriff of Rjbeson County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary, T. LEAK SMITH For Recorder Lumberton District I hereby announce myseit a can. didate for Recorder of the Lumberton district, Robeson county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held June 3rd, 1916. I have past the "threescore and ten" in life's little raceTand living on the "Perchance". I iave had a large, long experience as Magistrate, Coun ty Commissioner and Mayor and if elected will discharge the duties of the office the very best I can wIElP out fear favors for or towards any one ,and no man will be more thank ful for your vote. M. G. McKENZIE. Recorder Rowland District I hereby announce myself a can didate for renomination for Record er of Rowland district, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. A. T. McKELLAR. L WITH US For Register of Deeds Fellow Citizens: I hereby announce myself a can didate for renomination for Regis tar of Deeds for Robeson county, subject to the action of the Demo, ciatic Primary Jme 3rd. Thanking you for your support and . also for tne kind treatment f have received while serving this my first term, I aitj. Yours very truly, MARCUS W. FLOYD. For Chief of Police I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Ohief of Police of the town of Lumberton, subject to the action of the town primary which will be held April 25. Your vote will be appreciated. F. A. WISHART. For Mayor of Lumberton To the Voters of the Town of Lum berton: I announce myself a candidate for the office of Mayor of the town of Lumberton, subject to the action of the town primary to be held April 25, 1916. I. J. MOORE. April 1, 1916. For House or Legislature To the Democratic Voters of Rob eson County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for the lower house of General Assembly subject to action of Dem ocratic primary. G. B. SELLERS. Mhxton, N. C. For House of Legislature I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination as Representa tive from Robeson County in the next General Assembly, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. If nominated and elected I promise to serve all the people of the county to the best of my ability. J. 5. UUVLK. April 12th, 1916.

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