THE ROBESON I AN, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1916 THE BOBESONIAN Office 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1916 LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE - Seaboard Air Line. Train No. 19 west-bound lvs 7:15 am Train No. 14 eastbound Ivb 10:15am Train No.' 13 westbound lvs 6:19 pm Train No. 20 eastbound lvs 9:45 pm VA. & CAROLINA SOUTHERN From Hope Mills Train No. 79 ...... arrives 9:10 am Train No. 64 ...... leaves 10:25 am Train No. 65 ....... arrives 6:20 pm Train No. 78 leaves 8:20 pm Raleigh & Charleston Train No. 1 ....... leaves 10:20 am Train No. 2 arrives 6:15 pm BUSINESS PlEDERS CHURCH NOTES Preaching at Episcopal This Even ing Rev.' J. S. Moody of Fayetteville will preach at Trinity Protestant Episcopal church here this evening at 7:30 o clock. The public is invit ed to hear Mr. Moody, who is pas tor of the church. B. V. P. U. Ihe'.B. Y. P. U. of the Vnsl Barist church held its rJi;r?iar meeting MonJay evening at 8 oViock M? Fnlie TiA'nsend was group l'"d cr for tha cvtning. The subject was "fh Church and its Minister", whi.h was very ably discussed by Miss Ja- nn Ctllyie. Another special lea tin", .for the evening was a piano ao lo, rendered by Miss Christine Gowsr, BUGGIES AND WAGONS ARE going up, better see W . I . Link haw, where you can get the new est styles and best grades before the advance. WANTED 50 HEAD FAT BEEF cattle. Top market price paid. A. H. Hinds, Lumberton, N. C. FOR SALE KEROSENE OIL tank in good condition. Have no use for it and will sell cheap. Apply ' Robesonian office. EAST LUMBERTON BRASS BAND ,, ,, wilL (f urnish music for schools, pic? T ' nica, and- other occasions,; Charges reasonable. . J. C. Odum, Band Master, (East) Lumberton, N. C. FOR SALE ONE SOUND YOUNG mule, 11 hundred Ids. Cash or time. Apply to H. J. Wessel. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUY. ing your buggies and wagons from W. I. Linkhaw, before they ad vance. - EASTER SUNDAY MUSIC Special Music Sunday at Chestnut Street Methodist The choir of Chestnut Street Meth odist church will render special mus ic next Sunday morning at the 11 o'clock service. Following is a pro. cram 'Of the service: Processional The Day of Resurrec tion Tours . Voluntary "Awake Thou That Sleepest" Malser. Hymn. Creed.' Prayer. Response.1 t ' : J Psalm; . Gloria. , Offertory "The Magdalene" (quar tet) Warren. Sermon. Anthem "Halleluiah! Christ is Ris en" Handel-Simper. Hymn . E-)xology. 4 SEASONABLE FRUITS. SUNKIST California Naval Oranges, Virgin ia Winesap and Albemarle Pippin Apples, Florida Grapefruit, delici ous and jucy. C. B. Redmond, Phone 113. FOR THE BEST AUTO SERVICE see T. Jasper Rowan, or call the Thompson hotel . FRESH VEGETABLES ARRIVING daily. New Irish Potatoes, firm ripe tomatoes, green Cabbage, Head Lettuce, crisp tender Celery, sweet Beets, green tender" Snap ' Beans. Phone 113, Parlor Grocery, C. B. Redmond, 4th St. SELECTED COTTON SEED Brown Texas Wood and Simpkins' Lat est Improved . Both grown and selected on Cobb Farm two years ago. Second year seed give you vigorous plants. $1 per ou. F. O. B. Lumber Bridge, N. C. L. E. Blanchard, Red Springs, N. C, At First Baptist Sunday Morning Organ Prelude. Doxology. Prayer. Anthem Early in the Morning Shelley . , . , Hymn. Scripture and prayer. Hymn. Announcements . Offertory Trio "Still, Still With Thee' Hagedoon. Sermon. . ' Hallelujah Chorus from "The Mes- siah". Benediction. Organ Postlude . Sunday Evening Organ Prelude. Anthem King All Glorious Barnby. Hymn. Scripture and Prayer. Hymn . Offertory Soprano Solo. Sermon. Double Quartette Christ is Risen Weber. Wymn . Benediction. Organ Postlude. Two New Shipments SPRING HATS :1 Just Received Miss Josephine Breece LUMBERTON N. C I PERSONAL , QUARTERLY MEET- ING Ml. ELIAM SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE YES. YOU WILL FIND ALL KINDS of garden seeds" of the very best varieties, also seed oats, rape seed, onion sets, seed Irish potatoes, etc, at L. H. Caldwell's "everything store , Lumberton, N. C. IF IT'S BEEF REMEMBER A. H. Hinds handles it m a sanitary manner. 'Phone No- 53 for pork loins, fresh pork sausage, liver and sliced ham. WHEN YOU NEED AUTO SER vice call Bullock Brothers. Phone Nos. 55 and 231. Service day or night. IF YOU WANT THE BEST PRICE for cotton and cotton seed, go to John T. Biggs. SHAD! SHAD. WHEN PLANNING dinner remember you an get n'ce shad at Britt Grocery Co., Rowland Britt, manager. Phone 215. FOR GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL kinds, seed oats, rape seed, seed Irish potatoes, onion sets and, fer tilizers go to L. H. Caldwell's "everything store," Lumberton, N. C. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED real estate in Robeson county. Ap ply to Stephen Mclntyre. TAKE NOTICE BLACKER BROS, Lumberton, pay the highest prices for all kinds of furs. You wjll find them on Chestnut street on block of Farmers & Merchants Bank. - FOR THE BEST YIELDS YOU must plant the best seeds. You will find the best seeds of all kinds at L. H. Caldwell's "every thing store", Lumberton, N. C. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUY A new buggy soon you had better see W. I. Linkhaw before the advance. WE HAGE A LARGE ASSORT ment of GOOD buggies and wag ons at the old price, the guaranteed kind. Better see us at once be fore the advance. W. I. Linkhaw. SpMal Collection Sunday for New Church at East Lumberton The opening service will be held in the new Methodist church at East Lumberton the third Sunday in May. It is expected that the building will be completed and paid for by that time, when the church will be dedi cated. Rev. E. M. Eure of Red Springs will preach the dedicatory sermon and Mr, Geo.rF. Brietz of Selma will make an address. Mr Brietz is well remembered here, hav ing formerly been superintendent of the Dresden cotton mill. Mr. Brietz was the first to make a contribution towards building the church. A spec ial collection will be taken next Sun day afternoon at the regular Sunday school hour, at which time it is hop. ed enough monev will be contribut ed to pay the balance due on the building. All who feel disposed to do so are requested to bring or send in their contributions at that time It will be necessary for a few friends to the -cause to send in as much as $5 and $10. All who possibly can do so are urged to attend the Sunday school next Sunday afternoon. Rev. N, L. Seabolt, pastor of the church, who has spent so much time and en ersrv in building the church, will be glad to acknowlege receipt of any amount sent in. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE AT PHILADELPHUS Lectt&e of Interest to All Farmers Night of April 25 on Hog Cholera Correspondence of The Robesonian. Red Springs, R. 2, Apr. 19 At 8 o'clock Tuesday night of next week, Dr. F. D. Owin of the U. S. De partment of Agriculture will give an illustrated lecture at the Philadel phus Farm Life School on "Hog Cholera, it's cause, the manner in which it is spread and it's preven. tion". v Dr. Owin was sent into this State over a year ago by the U. S. De partment of 'Agriculture to assist in eradicating hog cholera from North Carolina. This lecture will be interesting to all farmers interested in the grow ing of hogs. All farmers through out the county are earnestly request ed to hear Dr. Owin. Mrs. M. J. Merritt went this mornig to Elizabethiown, where she will spend a short erne visiting rel atives and friends. FOR SALE SEVERAL HUNDRED pounds seed from seeded ribbon cane. Will grow from two to 500 gallons syrup per acre. . Will sell for 10 cents the pound. John S. Adams, Elrod, N. C. Itching torturing skin eruptions disfigure, annoy, drive one wild. Doan's Ointment is praised for its good work. 50c at all drug stores. ALL KINDS HARNESS, BUGGIES and waeons at the old price at W. I. Linkhaw's. See them before the price goes up. FOR RENT 2 SMALL DWELL ings on Seventh street. Apply to Robert E. Lee, City. Mr. J. S. ' Oliver of Marietta is a Lumberton visitor today. Mrs. W. C. Townsend of Lowe was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr. W. Lennon is spending $e day at Rockingham on legal business. Mr. A. W. McLean spent Tues day in Wilmington on legal business Mr. Frank Townsend of Buie; R. 1, was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr. Ed Baxley of the Raft Swamp section is a Lumberton visitor to. day. Mr. E. E. Page is spending the week at Goldsboro and other towns near by. Mrs. Mollie . R. Norment spent Tuesday in Fayetteville visiting rel atives. . Mr. V. H. Taylor, an attorney of Fairmont, is among the visitors in town today. Miss Clara Howell' of Back Swamp was tmong the shoppers in town Yedne?.day. Mr. James Davis of the Raft Swamp section was a Lumberton vis itor yesterday. . Mr. F. L .Smith and son. Master Conoley, were among the visitors in town Monday. Mr. H. C. Pittman of Barnesville was among the business visitors in town yesterday. , ' Mr. ' and Mrs. C. A. Parnell of Raft Swamp are among the shoppers in town today. Messrs. A. ' L., Willis and .Bert Lawson of Orrum were Lumberton visitors Tuesday. Mr. W. G. Marler of Winston Salem spent yesterday here visiting Mr. J. P. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Britt of the Back Swamp section were among the Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Stubbs and small son, of Buie, R. 1. were among the shoppers in town Wednesday. Messrs. N. F. Kinlaw and E. T. Taylor of Lumberton, . R. 7, were among the visitors in town Tuesday. Mr. L. R. Varser left yesterday for Jacksonville; this State, where he will spend several days on legal bus. iness. : Mrs . ' Newman Smith of Savannah, Ga.,' spent Tuesday here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs., O. C. Norment, Sixth street. 1 Mrs. M. N. Folger and sister, Miss Emma Higley, left Tuesday for Richmond, Va., where they will spend some time visiting friends. ' . Miss Dora Parker and little Miss Myrtle Rose Shepherd of Orrum passed through, town this morning en route to Bladenboro to visit friends. Miss Kathlene Stern of Charlotte is expected to arrive tonight and will spend Easter here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Cald well, Elm street. Miss Mary Jane Schaefer left Tues day for her home in Baltimore, Md., after spending some time" here visit, ing Miss Grace Redmond. While here Miss Schaefer made many friends. Miss Ganelle Barnes returned Tues day to Greensboro, where she is a student at the Greensboro College for Women, after spending some time visiting home folks. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Barker and Mr. and Mrs. Ed McKinnon of Row land passed through town Tuesday en route to Fayetteville to see "The Birth of a Nation". Miss Katie Johnston who has been teaching at Saddle Tree, passed through Lumberton yesterday en route to her home at Clarkton . She was accompanied from here by her little nephew Master Claud Johnson. Mrs. H. M. Beasley and infant! daughter and her brother-in-law Mr. W B. Beasley left this morning ior Johnston county to visit relatives. Before returning home Mrs.. Beasley will visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rose, near Goldsboro . Miss Agnes Howard of Pulaski, Va., spent Tuesday here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Caldwell. Miss Howard left yester day morning for Norfolk, Va., where she will spend some time before re turning home. Miss Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, Mr. W. Lennon and Messrs. Robert and William Caldwell went to Fayetteville Tues day afternoon to see "The Birth of a Nation". - m 'if Masters Tobacco Plant Setters Thorough, Efficient, Rapid Each Plant is watered at the came instant that it is planted. Can be used for planting nearly all vegetables. Price $4.00 N. JAGOBl HARDWARE CO. Agents WILMINGTON, N. C Program of Meeting to be Held at Broad Ridge Church April 30 The quarterly meeting- of the Mt. Eliam Sunday School Institute will be held at Broad Ridge church Sun day, April 30. Following is the program: j ' Program " : 10:30 a. m. Praise and song ser vice S. F. Britt. 10:40 a. m. Meeting called to order , . by the president. 10:50 a. m. Address of welcome Ira F. Brit. 11:00 a. m. Response E. B. Stone. 11:10 a. m. Roll call of schools and .' reading of the minutes Ira F. Britt. 11:20 a. m. Admission of new . schools. . 11:30 a. m. Sunday School Address, The Relation of the Sunday School Work to the Church Rev. R. A. Hedgpeth' of Barnesville. 12:15 p. m. Intermission. ,' 1:30 pvmi' Song and praise-service j . A. J. Smith. 1:40 p. m. Location of next meet, ing and any other business claim ing the attention of the Insti- . - tute. 1:50 p. m. Singing contest engaged in by all the schools. It is earnestly desired by the presi dent that each school have its choir present to take part in this service, and if possible have one song by the primary depart . ment. E. J. BRITT. President. '" , :.. IRA F. BRITT, Secretary. At the Movies The Pastime theatre is running to day the second chapter of "The Strange Case of Mary Page." fea turing Henry B. Walthall and Edna Mayo. The regular protrram will Consist of "Discontentment," a' Gold I fipftl FVflf-liro in turn rnola- Animntatl Weekly in one reel, and "When Aunt Matilda Fell," a one-reel Nestor com edy featuring Lee Moran and Eddie Lyons, making a six-reel show. To morrow Hobart Bosworth, an idol of th? screen, will be presented in "The White Scar", a 5-reel Broadway fea ture with an all-star cast. "The Bat tle Cry of Peace" will be seen at the Pastime Monday and Tuesday, May 1st and 2d. On Friday. May 9th, "Hazel Kirk" will be offered. In this feature Miss Pearl White takes the lead. ' NOMINATING COUPON GOOD FORT 530 y QTES IN The Robesonian's Educational Campaign Name Address (Fill out this coupon and mail at once to The Robesonian) Miss Blanche McLean Died Yesterday ft Raeford From this morning's Wilmington Star it is learned that Miss Blanche McLean died vesterday at her home at Raeford. She was a nurse at the James Walker Memorial hospital in Wilmington until about a year ago. wnen on account of her health she had given up the work and return ed to her home. Miss McLean was only 23 years old and would soon have received her diploma, could she have continued her training at the hospital. TTTiBrnTTTMi mTTai in m i't t ' nn I - m I Rev. Paul T. Britt of Mt. Eliam is a lumberton visitor today. Mr. Giles Davis of Buie, R. 1, was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Mr. M. A. Holloway of Salisbury, Md., is spending the day here visit ing his brothers Messrs. E. L. and D. F. Holloway. RUB-MY-TISm Will cure your Rheumatism Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and Barns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in email y and externally price 25? Toe "fi WHITE LINIMENT is a dependable and satisfactory rem edy for use where a good family lin iment is required. Very penetrating. Sold only by us, 25c, 50c and $1.00. POPE DRUG CO. Lunberton, N. C PASTIME THEATRE TODAY The Strange Case of Mkry Page and "Discontent," a Gold Seal feature in 2 reels; Animated Week ly, and "When Aunt Matilda Fell", featuring Lee Moran and Eddie Lyons. , TOMORROW HOBART-BOSWORTH in "The White Scar" A Broadway Feature with an all star ' cast. Show opens 4 o'clock Prices - 5 & 10c Reliability OUR absolute faith in the Max well car is due to two reasons: First, we have known that the Maxwell Company uses nothing in the entire car but the very best that money can buy. We have known that the steel is scientifically heat treated, that the car is built under the supervision of able engi neers, that every car is rigidly tested many times before it leaves the factory. Second, we have known that the big and well established company behind the car is building for the future, that they value a satisfied owner above everything else. Now that the Maxwell has set the World's Motor Non-Stop Mileage Record, by travelling continuously for 44 days and nights averaging 500 miles per day you will under stand the benefits you personally may derive from the Maxwell policy. Did you ever hear of any car going 22,000 miles without once stopping the engine, without any repairs or readjustments, with only one gallon of gasoline to every 22 miles? "There is no reason why you shouldn't have a reliable, service able and economical Maxwell, car. The first cost is low, the operating cost is low and our pay-as-you-ride plan makes the purchase easy for rveryonc. Let us see you about this now, before our allotment is exhausted. . Touring Car, $655. Roadster, $635 Prica F. O. B. Detroit Lumberton Motor Car Company - i i n I I DISTRIBUTORS FOR