f AGE TWO THE ROBESONIAN, MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1916 ,THE ROBESONIAN Published MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS By ; -. ROBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. J. A. SHARPE President MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1916 Mr. H. C. McNair discussed the load problem in a communication pub lished in Thursday s Robesonian. we is right, of course, In saying that no road law of itself will build roads. He might as truthfully have said, too, that the people are not going to build roads under a law that allows tax themselves for for buildine roads to be frittered away in oilinir a political machine. Mr. MacNair seems to .have the right idea about employing experts to super vise road work. We judge that also he might favor getting advice from men who have made a study of build ing roads on what sort of law is best suited for Robeson. Time and time again has been tried in Robeson the plan of calling together the people to tell their representatives wnat sort of road law to draft, and always it lias resulted in confusion and in a law that failed to bring the desired results. The Robesonian believes the people would approve their represent atives learning from men who know what sort of law ought to give best results in this county and passing such a law, -..'.'. . : -o- : v Some newspapers are giving the hnnorahle mavor of Charlotte hard mayor knocks on account of the way he spoke at the May '20th celebration when folk? were impatient to hear Presi dent WHson. The mayor , spoke 30 HELP FOR WORKING WOMEN Some Have to Keep on Until They Almost Drop. How Mrs. Conley Got Help. Here is a letter from a woman who had to work, but was too weak and suf fered too much to continue. How aha regained health : Frankfort, Ky.-" I suffered BO mnrfi with female weakness that I could not do my own work, had to hire it done. I heard so much about LydiaE. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound that I tried it I took three bottles and I found it to be all von claim. NovIfeeIas well as ever I did and am able to do all my own work again. I recommend it to any woman suffering from female weakness. You may pub lish my letter if you wish." Mrs. James Conley.516 St Clair St , Frankfort, Ky. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose hope until sne nas given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etaDie compound a lair trial. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigoratorof the female organism. All women are invited to write to the Lydia E.Tinkham Medi cine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special aa vice, it wui be confidential. SADDLE TREE TOPICS i 1 ii, . ... 4 " ' Chopping Cotton and Harvest in? Grain Marriage of Miss 3allie Baxley and Mr Edgar Lowe Per' sons! Mention CorresponcWce of The Robesonian. saddle Iree (Lumberton, R. 2), aiay ji t armers are very busy now. oince me rain mucn grass Has come. Chopping cotton and harvesting small grain is the order of the day. Miss Annie Belle Humphrey spent a iew aays last weeic at Kennert vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs red Xolar. Messrs. Ernest Smith and Angus McRae of Maxton visited friends here during the past week. Miss Mary Regan of Lumberton spent Sunday with home folks. She was accompanied home bv th two little daughters of Mr. and Mrs bhelton McKenzie. Rev. G. F. Davis filled his-regular appointment nere Saturday but was unable to fill his pulpit on account of tne extreme illness of his brother. Mr. R. A. Powell spent Sunday ai nea springs. Mr. E. G. Sipher of Lumberton made a business trip to Saddle Tree last Tuesday. Miss Maie Powell, who was a stu dent at Red Spnners this vear. re MS IE - ME If MHEMUS MOL New Discovery! Dodson's Liver Tone Acts Like Calomel But Doesn't Gripe, Salivate or Make You Sick Don't Lose a Day's Work Harmless Liver ' Medicine for Men, Women, Children Read Guarantee! Ugh!. Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug: tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Lalomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes in- viwiv w Ahu ujjxiuKa tills year, rc-i . ,i , . . turned home Sunday, to the delight to contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking- ii. u j. nils is wnen vou. tee that awfn and cramping-. If you are sluish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated, or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a apuumiu oi narmiess uoason s L,iver l one tonight. Here's my guarantee Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you ed to her room for some time. She doesn't improve fast. Miss Mag Phillips and Master Ted were anions' the truests at Mr r.on Lennon's Saturday night. Mrs. James (Kelly from Fairmont is Visiting ther son Mr. Livey Kelly., Mrs. Minerva Shaw, who was in feeble - health 'for nianv months, d,.. minutes, if we mistake not, ana me; parted this lite Sunday, May 28. She President spoke 18 minutes. Maj.M3 survived by a number of children. H. A. London of the Chatham Eec-rnJ;roPsFe looKinff Rod snce the, j? i tv.- u ram. farmers m i:is section are ord hands this hot one. making every effort to harvest their It is said that the mayor .of the, wneat We think it-s fi consider. ctiy wore out the crowd by his long-; ing the rain has been go winded speech of introduction, and it j seems took advantage of the oppor tunity to try to : exploit himself, as if the crowd had come there to see and hear him instead of the President. Such a breach of the proprietes of the occasion should not be unrebuked, and it is said that many of his hear ers did try to call him down Chat ham Record." But they ought not to be too hard on the mayor. Always, on such oc casions, somebody has to make a holy diAw nf himself. It never fails. It happened to be the mayor that time He was just the victim of the inex orable law that has decreed that on Boch state occasions some one must do the improper thingr . o BUIE-PHILADELPHUS BATCH Ever hear of a county health com mencement? That Is something new which Bladen county is going to pull off come June 24 next. It is to be the culminaaion of three-months' health campaign that har been carried on in that county and it -will be the first ever held in the country, no doubt. It strikes The Robesonian as a cap- Poor, Stand of Cotton and Crop Will be Short and Late Corn is Fine Mo More Western Corn and Meat Farm Life Schooi is a Great Help Truck to Morthern Markets Personal and Other Items Correspondence of The Robesonian tfuie, May 31 The long May drough caused a very poor stand of cotton., in this section. The crop will be short and late. While there are a few fields of good cotton and good stands through the community, the average is not more than three fourths a stand Corn is fine. We have never had better prospects for a eood crop. of her many friends H w t-v t- T T 1 ... iiirjs. u, b. numpnrey will en tertain her Sunday school class at her hoin next Saturday afternoon from 4 to 6 o clock. Rev. Alexander Miller of Red Springs will preach at. Saddle Tree church Sunday p. m., June 4, at 3:30 o riocK. Messrs.' M. C. Powell and R. I Johnson visited in the Oak Grove sec tion Frnday p. m. - Mr. Edgar Lowe and Miss Sllie Baxley, both . of the Rozier section, were married at the home of Mr. J. L. Humphrey Sunday p. m., Jus tice G. S. Harrell officiating. We understand that it was a runaway affair. " Mr. W. C. Humphrey has accept: ed a position with Mr. Jim McDon ald of the Rozier section. Sorry to .report Mrs. J. B. Hum phrv On the sick list. . Glad to report Mr. W,. II . Powell phle to be out again! after; a -few 'days,' sickness. Messrs. 0. E. and C. A. Shook of Shannon visited at Mr. W. H. Powell's Monday p. m. Messrs. Carson Barker and L. B, Townsend of Lumberton made a Las iness trin out here Tuesday. Miss Addie Prevatte attended the commencement exercises of Flora Mc Donald College at Red Springs last week. right up and make you feel fine and vigorous ! want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine: entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and making you - feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson s Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children It is harmless; doesn't gripe and they like its pleas ant taste. . 1 News Notes and Personals From Smyrna Correspondence f The T?obeonifn. Smvrna (Lumberton, R. 4), May 31 Plowing seems to be the order of the dav now. v Miss Marv Cox spent Saturday night with her cousin Miss Mary Stone of Lumberton . Mr. C. L. Lamb spent few hours in this section Sunday o. m. Mr. Willie, Carter of Chadbourn snent the later pitt of last week with M-. and Mrs. E. McQ. Rowan. x Mr. and Mrs. Dan Britt spent little daughter of Bennettevjlle, S. C, who attended the CarlvLi trial hnve returned to their home at Ben ncttsville. . Mr. and Mrs. Will Olohan of Paw. ctteville spent several davs hri on business. " Mr. Eli Ratley of Norfolk, VaJ who attended the Carlyle will trial has returned home. . Mr, Bunnle. Martin and sisfcer Mi&s ikST end at the home of Miss Lottie Roz ier. Mr. Henry Warren of Raeford spent Sunday at Mr. A. C. Rozier's. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Pitman and daughter, Miss Eureka, and Mrs. J.j M. Fleming and Messrs. Ben Blake and Alex Fleming of Conway, S. C., spent bunday p. m. at the home of ivir. ana Mrs. j. u. uarivle ot Koz- 101'. Miss Lorena Lewis of Fairmont spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. S B. Rozier, Miss Lottie Rozier gave an ice cream supper at her home Saturday night, May 20th. It was enjoyed by quite a large crowd of vounc folks. A nero man who works for ths Xlnp.sdsde Lur.ler Co. had the mis fortune of getting his leg broke in two places. Drs. Nash and McGoo l gn of St. Pauls rendered medical i aid at once. A few days later he 1 was taken to the Thompson hospital at Lumberton . . total of 704 carloads shipped under reingerauon out of this territory this year as compared with 925 carloads last year, a falling off in the neigh borhood of 25 per cent. Prices this year were good and the season was unusually long, lasting six weeks whereas the season last year was less than 4 weeks. ; , Col. Jno. S. Mosby, famous Con federate riader of the Civil War, died at a .hospital in Washington Tuesday. He was 82 years old, death being due to old age. The remains were tak en to Warrenton, Va., for interment today, survivors of his band that macle vivi4 war history acting as pallbear ers' ... v Western corn and hay are not seen in this section any more. Only a few seasons ago one-half the averae-e farmer's annual expense was for grain and feed stuff. Not so now. Our farmers are selling corn and hay to other sections. If Mr. Blanchard i and Mr., Roberts, of the farm life j school, continue their campaign for I hogs and soy beans, before a few ital idea and we hope that county ( not ony se c0 an(J hay 0n the mar. health commencements will become ket but hogs in cor lots to the park as common all over the land as coun-r er? . ty commencements. When all the' The f arm life school has been a ,, oi, , a tha f,t tw in ; great help to our famous Philadel people wake ul to tne tact that in-; l,,- ;4. htl u. t , . . ' pnus community. When the farmers dividual and community health is throughout the country realize that something that can be largely con-i it is Robeson county's farm life school trolled and perfected it will be a nA patronize and support it as every t lamily in this community has, Kobe- sop with its unequaled adaptability of soil to every kind of crop will not only rank first, in cotton growing in; North Carolina but for cultivated area, of intensive diversified farm-! intr and independent farmers Robeson will be not first in No Carolina but the banner county of the South. We invite every one interested in great thing. o : : .i Governor Major of Missouri, who is an active candidate for the nomrj nation i'or Vice Pret.ident on the Dem-' ocratic ticKtt, is breaking the record he ie waging an active ; I "i.il.Wil.il f r 1 4,uf teste . drip tavi wiVl .1 J vfciraL '.n. C in one respect campsJgrt for the nomination and is sending out letters to voters asking hetter farmino' to visit our section of for their support. The editor of The county and Be what we are do" Robesonian received one-of these let- Mr A, Br;tt and Mr, J. A. Town ters the other day and we suppose of j ?end, both rncidnts of Bnie. came course they are being sent to news-! VPrV near "ettinr lno real trouble papers all over the country. It seems ! !he other about their cows graz- . , . . . . , i 'ner on some lots near tne ed?e of to be about as certain, however, that ,town... Ono neio-hbor' got offended your uncle Thos. Marshal will be re- and 'phoned to Red Springsfor the nominated as that President. Wilson rural policeman. He came aown and nr ; settled matters for the present. The ncuws are sun at large i saw mem m Group of girls cf Lumberton graded and high school who took part May-Pole dance M?.v 20, 1910. The picture was' ta'-cen lust after and whare the May-pole dance was given, on the bank of Lumber river near the residence of Mr. J. P. Townsend, between the overflow well and the river. Miss Vashti White, May Q ueen, is in the center of the picture in the rear. Next her, on her right, is Miss Marie Thompson, maid of honor. wi.ll.be the Democratic nominee President. Saturday night with Mr. Britt's moth- j STATE NEWS er. Mrs. Yulia Britt. j The river r.nd harbor bill that pass- Mr. Haynes Collins spent Sunday ed the United States Senate Monday :.. . i ,, . . . go to conterence and DOWN BOARDMAN WAY Death of Mrs. Minerva Shaw Crops Looking Good Church News Per sonal Correspondence of The Robesonian. Boardman, R. F. D., June 2 Rev. J. D. Howell of Clarkton filled his rtgular appointment at Lennon's X Roads Saturday and Sunday, accom panied by Mrs. Howell and children. Our collection on Sunday, being for foreign- missions, was as usual . in May something over $100. Mr. and Mrs. Llvey Kelly spent the week-end near Fairmont with, his lather. Mrs. Tilden Flowers from near Lumberton and mother, Mrs. G. Len rton, were callers Sunday at Mr. J. E. Hill's. Mrs. John Evans has been confin- as I firnvp in town thin mnmino'l hey are still feeding near where they were before the rural policeman come down, and of course this must mean they were giving no unlawful trou ble. Mr. Walter McMillan spent yes terday evening in Lumberton. . Miss Katy Buie spent the week end at the home of Mr. D. A. Buie. Mr. Paisley McMillan spent a few days at Greensboro the past week. Miss Kitty Jones spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McKay. Great quantities of truck are pass in? here from the South for the Northern markets. MAKING THE MOST OF JUNE To enjoy the beautiful month of June to the utmost, one must be in pood health. Kidneys failing to work properly cause aches and pains, rheu matism, lumbago, soreness, stiffness. Foley Kidney Pills make kidneys ac tive and healthy and banish suffer ing and misery. Why not feel fine and fit? Be well! Be strong! Bold everywhere. Do You Want a New Stomach? If you do "Digestonelne" will give you one. For f ul 1 particulars, literature and opinions regarding this wonderful Discovery which :t benefiting thousands, apply to LUMBERTON DRUG CO. LUMBERTON, N. C ' with his mother. Mr. King Lamb spent Sunday in this section. . Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Williamson of Lumberton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Williamson of thig section. We would be glad to hear from "Aunt Becky". We understand that one of our bus iness farmers is going to quit the business and take up another trade. Misses Estelle and Mary Lamb snent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. E. Z. Lamb. RO.IER NEV S NOTES Good Seasons Negro's Leg Broken Social and Personal Correspondence of The Robesonian . Rozier, May 31 The 'aimers through here are blessed with rood seasons at last. It looks like "gen eral green" is going to make sore bolv pet busv. Mrs. II . II. Hae and snail son Hpnrv of Potnona, Fla., who had b?en visiting relatives here for several weks. have returned home. Messrs. Ros. Tolar and Walter Waton of ppnnrt spent Sunday n. m. in this vicinity . " ' Mr: and Mrs. Dennis RitW and To the Publi- "T hav be" usinp Chtrhorlain'"? Tablets for ' indiVstion for the nast six rionthsw :vi it affords me pleas ure to spv I have never user! a m edy hat d?d me mu gAd." Mrs C. V.. Pilev. Ulion, N. Y. Cham' beilnin's Tablets are obtainable everywhere. ana will new be agreed to, carries $1,000,000 for the inland waterway from Norfolk to Beaufort, continuing the improve ment. Other items for North Caro lina include $83,000 for the Cape Fear river above Wilmington, completing improvement and maintenance, and $135,000 for Cape Fear river at and below Wilmington, completing and maintenance. Novella Chase, 13 years old, start" ed more than a score and a half of fires in seven days time recently in the home of her father, T., W. Chase, a farm tenant living near Kin- ston, and burned down the home of a brother-in-law living near by. The origin of the fires was puzzling for a while. She has been placed in the Caswell Training School, State in stitution for the feeble-minded near Kinston, and will undergo treatment for the mania which impelled her to attempt to destroy with fire every thine around her. The last 3 carloads of strawberries that wfll be shipped this season from the Wilmington district were loaded Tuesday two cars at Mount Tabor and one at Chnrlhrmm making a -i... t w 17 b i w a r- 1 1 1 I III I .- w va. I I I I S X I I HI Let the other fellow experiment. You want to III HI know what your prospective car will do. The Iml HI record of Ford cars in the service of more than HI a million owners is the best evidence of Ford reli- HI ability.economy in operation and simplicity in hand-1 ll HI ling. Average two cents per mile for operation l 1 HI and maintenance. Touring Car $440; Runabout. A III $390; Coupelet $590; Town Car $640; Sedan $740, III ROBESON AUTO CO. J. H. FELTS, Jr, Mgr. I I CUT THIS OTTT IT IS WORTH MONFY DON'T MISS THIS.- Cut out this alin, incloee with -c to Foley & Co.. 'Jhicajro, TJi.. writ'"r yo"" nam and address dearly. You will receive in ret.'im i trial nocVsre ,ontainin" Fo ley's Wonev ad Ta Compound for nroncb''! coughs., colds and croup: Folev Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathar !c Tablets. Sp?lly comforting to stout persons. Sold everywhere. Build a Home With ' Resit Money OTHERS HAVE DONE IT. SO CAN YOU WE VILL TELL YOU HOW Robeson Building & Loan Association C V. BROWN, Sec. & Treaa. The Seaboard Air Line Rail- way Company extends to you a cordial invitation to the annual convention of The North Carolina Good Roads Associatn WRIGHTS VI LLE JJEACH, N C Fare from Lumberto.-i .'. $2 . 40 Tickets on sale June 19-20-21-22. limited returning midnight June 2'jih 5000 VISITORS EXPECTED AT THIS GREAT MEETING Special rates via the Seaboard Air Line Railway Company COME , COME COME " The water is fine For information apply JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A. H. E. PLEASANT, T. P. A. Wilmington, N. C Raleigh, N. C.

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