THE ROBESONIAN, MONDAY, JUNE S, 1916 FAGE FOUR THE EOBESONIAN Published MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Bj EOBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. g. A. SHARPE President MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1916 Office 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 26 Entered as second class mail matter t the poatoffiee at Lumberton, N. C SUBSCRIPTION RATES year $1-60 Months 75 Months .40 "We had forgot, until it came to hand under a pile of clippings, that Col. Barker of The Scottish Chief let out some yells a time ago because we trod on his ties, slightly a some ref erence to his hero the great and good Col. Bryan. Col. Harker wrote quite a piece, the burden of it being some thing to the effect that Col. Harker and the editor of The Robesonian, be long to different . schools of democ racy (which we are quite willing to admit), that Col. Bryan js the only and original "friend of tho people", and that many who shouted for him aforetime rise up now to revile, not because the brain of the Great Com nooer has lost its cuteness or his fceart its loving kindness, but be cause from their lairs in wicked great cities of the North malefactor- f groat wealth have passed down the word to squelch Col. Bryan. Too bad that it is so. Why, we have it from Col. Bryan himself that he is always right, that when he says a thing is thus and so there is no use arguing about it and that all opposi tion comes from downright wicked ness and a desire to put something ever on the people, whose dear friend and defender he ever is. Our hero might exclaim with the late lamented Prince of Denmark, "The time is out of joint, 0 cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right" only Col. Bryan enjoys the task. One might imagine the Colonel weeping because lie was not allowed to nail on accord ing tc is notion some star that he might swear was set awry in this brave ; o'erhanging firmament, . but never, that he could be mistaken as to the need for changing the work of the Creator. But we are not going to quarrel with Col. Harker about Col. Bryan. We are content for Col. Barker to worship Col. Bryan in peace. It is nice and comfortable to have a hero who can never make a mistake and not to admire whom means that one must be cast into outer darkness . RIGHT OF WAY Some correspondence and other matter intended for Thursday's paper had to be held over's paper So much political advertising had to be set at the last minute for the last issue before the primary that there was neither time to put in type nor space to put in the paper news let ters frcm several of our highly-priced correspondents. Whenever the let ter of a correspondent of The Rob- esonian fails to appear in the next issue of the paper after it is receiv- ed that correspondent may put it down af a certainty that it was be cause of circumstances which the li tor could not control. We make it a rule to side-track everything for news letters from our correspondents al! ovfr the county whenever 't is possible to do so. They have right of way; but once in a while it hap pens, in spite of all we can do, that holding over a news letter for the next issue cannot be avoided. The legislative policy of the An Saloon League will ask the next General Assembly to carry out is as .follows: Prohibit clubs and other pub lie places from storing or keeping liquor for beverages purposes; pro hibit the advertising of liquor in any way, even to the sale of papers that do advertise it( a regulation which is not necessary so far as North Caro lina papers are concernecl, for no North Carolina paper, so far as we know, carries liquor advertising) ; pro hibit the sale, or manufacture for sale, of wine and hard cidar; prohib it the deliverv of limmr Kw hnMi' - - .j . ' J J U MI1L carriers and receipt of same; make it unlawful for any one to have in his possession more than half a gal lon of spiiitous liquors; provide for the smurc and the confiscation of any prooeity automobile, wagon or niYtl'i!:g tire used in transferring liquor for i'.'f.ral puipo.-pp. The Anti-Saloon League seems to be entire ly within reason in believing that if this program is carried out it will i.iean a death blow to John Barley torn. Qu'.e so. We have only one fault to !md with it: we join the Statesvilfc I andmark in calling for a !aw to nalf it a hign crime and mis demeanor to take a drink in the State. o We have received a cute little book let telling rbout the peace rcord of Co'onel Lcohevelt. And we saw the other day wher Kaiser William of Germany is the fleetest peace lotr that ever happened. To be sure. The Color pI and The Kaiser are as peace loving as r couple of Tomcats tied together by theix tails. o $100 Reward, $100' The readers of this paper wilt be pieasea to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has teen able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Catarrh being Rreatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture In doing its work. The proprie tors have, so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list ef testimonials. Address: F. J CHENEY CO.. ToU4o. i Ohio. Sold by all DrosrteU, HcT 1 The Scottish Chief of week before last carried a Robeson county supple ment of eight pages chock full of in teres ting reading matter about Rob eson county and some of its thriving towns. It was Well illustrated and printed on heavy calendared paper Most of the matter was prepared by Mr. D. P. Waters of Lincoln county for The Chief. In this connection we desire to correct an error into, which the. Fayetteville Observer fell in its reference to this supplement The well-written history of Robeson coun ty was not the work of the editor of The Robesonian but. of Mr. Jas. D. Procter of Lumberton, who wrote it 'for the special edition which The Robesonion issued a year ago last month and whjch was reprinted from The Robesonian in this special sup plement of The Chief, as . was duly acknowledged. Mr. Proctor deserves the. credit for that excellent history of the county. o The Charlotte Observer, detecting a repoicing note in a news item in The Robesonian in regard to many fly liap& large ones being placed about town, said .traps catching mil lions of flies each week, rises to re mark that it would be a vain thing to depend upon fly traps, et cetera, to exterminate flies while neglecting the breeding places. Right you are, neighbor, and we hasten to assure you that the breeding places are being attended to so vigorously that, with the aid of these large traps scattered about town Lumberton is going to be practically a flyless town. It could lay claim to that proud distinction last" summer on account of its ex ceptional cleanliness, with the friend ly aid of traps; and the same devoutly-to-be desired result is going to be: attained this summer. MOTHER'S LIFE WAS HARDLY WORTH LIVING Says Mattie Butts: Three Bottles of ' Tanlae Has Her in Fine Shape Now" ., . ' ' M X i "My mother, Mrs. W. H. Butts, had been a great sufferer from indi gestion, stomach trouble and rheu matism for years. She was troubled a good deal with pains in her back, shoulders and arms, which made? it impossible for her to get any - work done. Every food she ate would hurt 'her. Nervousness . followed these other ills and se did not rest at nights." The sneaker was Mat- tie Hurst of Cardin, near Durham. : "Constantly she was fagged out Life was hardly worth living for her in that dreadful condition. We eot remedy after remedy for her . but none of them did any good. ; Then we cot Tanlac. . "Three bottles of this wbrfderfu medicine has her in fine shape now. Not only can she eat anything she wants to, but she ean enpoy every meal and good restful sleep. Tn the moraines she is refreshed and roes tfcroueh the da without any effects of nervousness." Tanlae is so'd in Lumberton by the Pope Drug Co.: Rowland, Rowland Drug .Co.; Pd Spring". Red Snngs TVue Co.: Maxton. BarnM .Bros.: Vsirmortt. Finno',t Dni" Co.; RHnt PfMil. Grutsm Tlmr fX; Bladen boro. Bladenboro Drue Co. GOOD ROADS CONVENTION REDOLENT THINGS . FROM RED SPRINGS "No. more corn and meat from the West" is the word that comes from The Robesonian's correspondent in the God-blessed Philadelphus section. People of that section have learned how to live at home. The farm-life school in their midst has been a great help. People in other sections of the country should not forget, however, that this is a county institution, and it is worth while for folks in all sec tions of the country to visit their in stitution at Philadelphus and see what is being done. : 0 Old Spanish Coin "Uncle" Leonard Peppers, an old colored man, brought to The Robeson ian. oltice Saturday an old Spanish coin with the date mark of 1783. He says one of his children found the coin while chopping cotton on the farm of Mrs. T. N. Higley, near town, one day recently. The coin is 133 years old. On one side of the coin is a head and the inscription "Carolus te III Dei Gratia", on the reverse a crown and coat of arms with the inscrip tion "Hespen et Ind. Rex et Imp." The coin is silver and about the size of an American quarter of dollar. "Uncle" Len says he would like to sell the coin if he could get the right sort of an offer for it. !vew York, Junes 1 Dr. Arthur Warren Waite was today sentenced to die in the electric chair during the week of July 10, the penalty for the murder of his father-in-law, John E. Peek, of which he was convicted. When Dr. Waite was presented to the bar his counsel moved that he be-;.',granted a new trial . This was denied by the court and sentence was then imposed. Earl Cotton, who 7 years ago was convicted of the murder of Dock Smith, a Richmand traveling man, .Raleigh in March, 1909, and was sentenced to 30 years in the' neniten tiary, was killed last Monday night while trying to escape from convict camp near Graphiteville, McDowell couBty. BAD TO HAVE A COLD HANG ON Don't let your cold hang on, rack our system and become chronic when Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey will help you. It heals the inflammation, soothes the cough and loosens the phlegm . You breathe easier at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is a laxa tive Tar Syrup, the pine tar balsam heals the raw spots, loosens the mu cous and prevents irritation of the bronchial tubes. Just get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey today, it's guaranteeed to help you. At d nig hts. ,.-.iniij Teach Children . Ennobling ., Poetry Those Fetching Photographs- Watch Flora Maodonald College anil Red Springs First Presbyterian Church in This Section By SNYDER Correspondence of The Robesonian . Red Springs, June 2 We predict that there will be a1 bigger Vote cast in the primaries next Saturday tflan has ever' been cast in North Carolina -before. The different candidates have so worked up the people Jthat they will come out in sheer despefs- tiorr. If it will crethe ufmo-i cratic vote 01 tne state to come out it will have done that much; good'. It has been a case of kackoesus loqun di on one side, and of kackoesus scri bendi on the other. The former you could avoid, but the latter was liable to meet you at any time. AnJ 0 the different photographs! Weren't they lovely 1 We haven't been so tak en with some of them since the days when we used to O pshaw! it is bet ter to drop the subject. We had a "get together" meeting the other night at the college , at which Dr . Vardell was host, and we have determined that at whatever costs, we intend to make Flora Mac donald College the foremost institute of the kind in the South, if,not.,in America. , These sound like mijrhty big words, but when men', are inar nest nothing can Btop them. Tjtere were Over 100 men present and near ly all responded to the toastmastier's call.. We expect to have a similar occasion in town soon in honor of- Dr. Vardell, when a like demonstration will ecu; "Watch Red Springs will be the slogan in the future.'1" : -. - The first Presbyterian church In this section and probably the first one of any kind, was a log church on the old McMU!an place, abodtr 5 miles south of Red Springs, the r;uins of which are visible to this day.1 An anecdote is told on its first pastor, a Some of the Interesting Questions That Will be Discussed at Good Roads Convention at Wrightsville Beach June 21 to 23. , Following are some of the inter esting questions that will be discuss- ed at the North Carolina Good Roads Convention which will be held at Wrightsville Beach June 21 to 23: Maintenance , If you are interested in the main tenance of our public roads, you should attend the North Carolina Good Roads Convention ' at Wrights ville. Beach, Wilmington, June 21st to 23rd, and take part in working out a method for maintenance to be submitted to your State and county oiiiciais. The road committee of the North Carolina Division of the T. P. A.'s has endorsed the question of the maintenance of roaas and the erec tion of signboards at all crossroads. These two subjects will be thorough ly discussed at the North Carolina Good Roads Convention at Wilming ton June 27st to 23rd. All T. P. AJs are cordially invited to attend and take part in working out satisfactory solutions to these problems. Automobilists If you are an automobilist, you should attend the Good Roads Con vention at Wrightsville Beach, Wil mington, June 21st to 23rd, and find out what use is being made of the automobile - tax which you pay each year. Are the automobilists getting any benefit from the expenditure of this fund? You should be interested in this. The convention will discuss this question and you are cordially invited to attend and take part in this discussion. : Federal Aid What roads in North Carolina will be constructed, with Federal Aid? Are you interested in discussing this Question? If so, you should attend tr.6 North Carolina Good Roads Con vention to be held at Wrightsville Beach, Wilmington, June 2lst to 23rd. Considerable time of the convention will be given to considering the ques tion of Federal" Aid in road construc- Shall we permit the heavily loaded. narrow-tired wagon to destroy our roads which have been built by spec ial tax or bond issues, when this can be prevented by regulations requir" ing wagons to use broad tires on im proved roads ? You who are paying taxes for good roads should 'fee in terested in the preservation of such roads, and therefore should be 'in terested in the question of brbad tires. Come to Wrightsville Beach, Wilmington, June 21st to 23rd, and take part in the discussion of this question. i-wuvuxa-vtv tU5 tunc Jule Carr Provides Fund for Research Work Raleigh Dispatch. Gen. Julian S. Carr of Durham has established what is to be known as the Jule Carr Research Fund to be used in finding and preserving for future generations relics of-the Con federacy and historical papers relat ine to the Confederacy and other phases of the history-of North nr Mna. 'This money has been placed at the disposal of Col. Fred A. Oids famous ' throuehout the State as a collector of relics and of historical papers. Colonel Olds has done fine work for the Stat 'on? tis line, as te Stat4, fine Hall of History, rwill phw. The ' "nd tvoviH '.btt .G'n. eral Carr will enable Colonel .. Olds to cover the entire State nr1 devote ! A V 1 .1 t m- mto fw, iiaH "I nis time to tne worn ne loves and couldn't speak the Gaelic lan- i t. . .i i. ii i . j guage, ana tnougnt tnat n ne couia speak to the people in their native tongue he would be more acceptable. So taking lesson under a Gaelic teach er for some time he felt that ; he would be able to give them a Gaelic discussion. Giving out an appoint ment to that effect, he took for 'his text the Gaelic words, hig agus shagh (come and see). He floundered so b3dly in his Gaelic, that a certain Mc. couldn't stand it. so rose, up and blurted out, "Quat it, quat it, Mr. McRay, you canna make it oot". Crossing the Bar Sunset and evening star, Tennyson And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea. But such a tide as moving seems asleep, Too full for sound and foam, When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns again home. Twilight and evening bell And after that the dark! And may there be no sadness or fare well, When I embark. For tho, from out the bourne of Time and Place The flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar. There is a sermon in these lines from Tennyson. Instead of learning to recite dogjrel, how muc hmore el evating and ennobling if we would always teach our children to memo rize something refining and elevating like the above lines. Colel Olds will be ble to render valuable assistance to Dr. D.H. Hill, who has bxn chosen to write the historv of North Caroline from 1861 18fiK. Doctor Fi'l will have of with r-olonl Olds in the State Historical Commission's quarters. A Welcome Gift to Any House Wife Electric Fan, Electric Iron, Coffee Percolator. Wire Your House. Esti mates Gladly Furiished. L. E. SMITH Shop 104 4th St. TelephoP 51 A statement issued by the French War office on the night of June 1 states that German aeroplanes drop ped bombs on the open town of Bar-le-Duck, killing 18 persons, includ ing 2 women and 4 children, and wounding 25 persons, of whom G were women and 11 children. CLEAR SKIN COMES FROM WITH IN It is foolish to think you can gain a fjood clear complexion by the use of face powder. Get at the root of the trouble and thoroughly cleanse the system with a treatment of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Gentle and mild in action, do not gripe, yet they relieve the liver by their action on the bowels. Good for young, adults and aged. Go after a clear complex ion today. 25c at your druggist. For Sale 100 Bbls. Sensation Self rising Floor. 100 Bbls. Ever Ready Self rising Flour. 200 Bbls. Stock's Best Patent Flour. 100 Bbls. White Swan Flour. Two cars Standard Middlings . One car Horse & Mule Feed. One car Dairy Feed. Two cars White Oats. Also full line Groceries, Fruits, and Produce. We are prepared to make prompt shipments and you will find our prices extreme ly low. Try us. The Wishart Company, Ina Wholesale Grocers PHONE NO. 195 Wo Sell to Dealers Only . HERE'S h FACTi THE MONEY YOU SPEND NOW IS MANY TIMES THAT MONEY, BECAUSE IT IS CHEATING YOURSELF OUT OF THE PROFIT THAT MONEY WOULD EARN FOR YOU -SOME DAY. ' " ' : " " IN OTHER WORDS, YOU ARE THROWING AWAY THE "FOUNDATION" ON WHICH YOU COULD BUILD A FORTUNE YOU ARE CASTING AWAY THE SEED WHICH WOULD BE" -COME A TREE IF PLANTED. PLANT SOME MONEY IN OUR BANK. WE PAY . PER CENT INTEREST. First National Bank LUMBERTON, N. C, fStrengtb, Security, Service Capital Stock'';. Surplus & Profits Resources (Including Stock Liability) $100,000.00 .. 30,000.00 $670,000.00 The Directors of this strong Bank aie successful men and they are Directors who DIRECT. The officers are men , of experi ence in all branches of Banking. They are anxious to serve you. Iok fpjr.the Bank withjthe big whit "BANK WITH THE BIG BANK" THE NATIONAL BANK OF LUMBERTON A. W. McLEAN, Pres. C. V. Brown, Cashier. This Bicycle is sold by the LUMBERTON CYCLE CO. only, at 105, West 4th St. and is one of tho best bicycles on the American mar ket today. .The prices on the I ver Johnson bicycles are the same as others, so why buy an imitation, when you can yet the original at saire price? .Sold for cash or installment. See us for bicycles, and supplies. LUMBERTON CYCLE CO D. C. Bullard, Mgr.'.'' COUPON GOOD FOjl TEN-10--VOTES IN THE ROBESONIAN'S Educational Campaign CANDIDATE VOTED FOR NOT GOOD AFTER JUNE 15th.

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