THE ROBKSONUN. MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1916 PAGE THREE DISLOYALTY ACTIVE "Summer? I Don't Dread It!" "BOOKING will be a real pleasure this summer on my New Perfec tion Oil Cook Stove for the kitchen will be cool!" Why cook over a hot range in a hot kitchen when you can be cool and comfortable. The New- Perfection Oil Cook Stove, the stove with the long blue chimney, works like a gas stove. The long blue chimney gives a perfect draft, assures a clean, odorless heat and lasting satisfaction. The fuel cost is only two cents for a meal for six. New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are made in many styles and sizes. They are sold by most good dealers who will gladly show them. Look for The Long Blue Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in Oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washington, D. C. Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE MD. 'its the long Charlotte, N. C. Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, S. C. BLUE CHIMNEY" JJBSZSSESmi We are Caught at this Late Hour with Almost a Com plete Line of Oxfords On Hand In all shapes for Men, Women, Misses and Children that we are selling at reasonable prices. Just received a fresh shipment of Tennis Oxfords in Whites, and Blacks for Men, Women and Boys.' STRAW HATS AND SHIRTS Nice Panama and Straight Brim Straw Hats for Young Men. Wear one and keep your head cool. Prices to suit you. The latest styles and colors in Sport Shirts for Young Men and Boys. A large assortment of Men's and Boys' Dress Shirts in staple and fancy colors. And it Must Be Absolutely Crushed, Declared President Wilson in Flagj Day Speech Foreign-Born CitU. zens Are Trying to Levy Political; Blackmail ! A charge that foreign-born citi-1 zens of the United States are trying' to levy political blackmail and to ) undermine the influence of the Na" ! tional Government was made by ! President Wilson in a flag day j speech in Washington on the 14th. ! ins assertion sounaea me Keynote oi one of the foremost issues on which Via will fret hafnra tho mimt-rv fnr rp- election, and touched upon a platform aeciaration supmiuea Dy tne Aamm- tstration to the bt. Louis convention. Thtt Prooirlont cnnlro hafrtra a rrnwH of thousands gathered at the foot of the" Washington Monument, arter ne had reviewed for five hours a great preparedness parade at the head . of which he himself had marched down Pennsylvania Avenue. He declared that not since the Civil War had it! been tested as it now is being tested! whether the Stars and Stripes stood! for any one united purpose. "There is disloyalty active in the United States and it must be abso- lutely crushed," declared the -Presi- dent, speaking emphatically. "It pro-j ceeds from a minority, a very small! minority, but a very active and sub'j tie minority. I "It works underground, but it also! shows its ugly head where we van see it: and there are those at this moment who are trying to levy a -species of political blackmail, saying 'do what we wish in the interest of foreign sentiment or we will wreak our vengeance at the polls'. This is the sort of thing against which the American Nation will turn with a might and triumph of sentiment which will teach these gentlemen once for all that loyalty to this flag is the first test of tolerance in the United States." The President's words were taken as an open challenge to foreign-born Americans, who, he has learned from foreign language . newspapers and other sources, are opposing him for reelection. - Officials close to him said he was outlining his stand on what he has determined to make a predomin nt issue in his campaign. While the Democratic convention was being opened at St. Louis Mr. Wilson devoted the entire day to the flag day and preparedness demonstra tion. Carrying a large American flag he walked from the Capitol to the White House at the head of more than 50,000 marchers, including many high Government officials, Civil War veterans, employes of all the Govern ment departments and of the local business houses, companies or caaets and National Guardsmen. Union and C.rTf oHorat.A Veterans and Sons of Veterans marched close together and were constantly cneerea. The Sons of Conieaerate veterans, inr1nHincr rommands from Virginia and Maryland, were grouped with the smithpm societv or wasnmE'ion as the "Sons of the South" and com nncod a Hivisin.. of more than 1.000.1 They included Senators and Repre sentatives and otner men oi prom inence. Ernest W. Baldwin of Ro annlro National Commander-in-Chief of the' Sons of Confederate Veterans; W. W. Olds of Norfolk, Dr. iarence J. Owens, past commanders-in-chief, anA Vverett. R Mann, commander of the Washington camp, headed that organziation. , The parade started from the Capi tol grounds and as its head passed the White House the President drop ped out and took his place in the re viewing stand. He was joined there by Secretaries McAdoo, Redfield, Lane and Wilson, Postmaster General Burleson and Attorney General Greg ory, who had marched at the head of employes of their departments, and by Secretary Lansing. As soon as the last marchers passed the stand intir the President went to the Monument grounds, where his address formed the principal part of an hour's patriotic exercises. The program began with a Na tional salute of 21 guns and the ma rine band played the Star Spangled Banner, while a huge flag was drawn slowly to the top of the white monu ment, 555 feet above the ground. cn(or,t Tancin cr nresided and in introducing the President emphasized the duty of present-day Americans to preserve unsullied ideals handed down by the founders of the Republic. 4 H)'t"iHh A) OOil Detroit Yapor Stoves and Gasoline Works like city gas HOSIERY- Reduce your Hosiery Bill by wear ing our Holeproof Socks, 6 pairs guaranteed for six months. Price $1.50 in . y . DEPARTMENT STORE LUMBERTON, :-: N.C. Your girl can cook on a Detroit Vapor stove because it s so easy & safe to operate. Simply light the burners and put the cooking on. They am being used a great deal in public cooking schools, to teach girls how to cook. Costs less to cook with than wood or coal. Prices are very reasonable- Come to see them at our store and get ouf prices. - - - " " R. D. Ca!dwell&Soo, Inc. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT LUMBERTON'S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE WILSON RENOMINATED SELECT RIGHT MEN FOR SCHOOL COMMITTEEMEN Marshal, Too, Renominated, But Some Tar Heels Did Not Want to Vote For Him Wild Cheers for Bry an Demand to Hear Him St. Louis Special, June 15, to Greens bora News, by Parker R. Anderson. With the nomination of Woodrow Wilson for another term as Presi dent, the North Carolina delegates are preparing to leave for home on early trains tomorrow. Every Tar TI-.I Jl n - Vova i.nfnrl fn tho neei ueicgave vi, v..- ............ . n - President and Vice-President Mar- good school committeemen are the shall. There was, however, consider- most important factors in the suc able sentiment against Mr, Marshall i cess of a school. The average parent and had they been allowed to vote doesn't consider the importance of their convictions there is little doubt : the right type of men serving on that Governor Major of Missouri, ' the committee, and still fewer corn would have been given a strong North mitteemen realize the importance of Carolina vote. the position they hold. If anyone believes that the Dem- sThe sort of men that should serve ocrats want war they, should have as public school committeemen are . . , , " i iJ man Mhrt havo fh lnt.PreSt Of tne seen the demonstration nere iuuay .u. wha- senator Ollie James of Ken-. whole community at heart men who County Board of Education Appoints School Committeemen First Mon day in July Patrons of Schools Should See o it That Best Men Are Selected To the Editor of The Robesohian: the first Monday; in July is the time when the county board of ed ucation appoints district school com mitteemen. .Next-10 gooa teacners, NORTH CAROLINA GOOD ROADS CONVENTION STATE REUNION CON FEDERATE VETERANS The Robesooian Advertisements Bring Results Veterans Invited to Attend Reunion in Wilmington July 26 and 27 Commander Jas. I. . Metts has is sued the following invitation to old soldiers to attend the State reunion in Wilmington: "Wilmington, June n, iio- "Comrades: "Five years ago you nonorea me members of this camp as well as the citizens of Wilmington With your presence at our State reunion. We want you again on July 26th and 27th, 1916, and as before, we will make this our State reunion of Con federate veterans one that you shall not forget. Our citizens, our com rades, our section of the Old North State will give you a hearty welcome and take care of you all. Those who wish free accommodation will be well taken care of. Reasonable rates will be secured at hotels ana DoarainR houses for those who can come and we will endeavor to make you com fortable and happy. "JAMES I. METTS, "Commander. "L. LEON, "Adjutant". A DOCTOR'S REMEDY FOR COUGHS As a cure for cough3 and colds Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey combines these remedies in just the right proportion to do the most good for summer coughs or colds. A trial will prove the value of this splendid cough med icine. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honev soothes the irritation, stops . youi cough, kills the cold germs and does you a world of good. A 25c bottle will more than convince you ft will stop your cough. At druggists. tucky, defended the policies of Mr. Wilson in dealing with the foreign situation. The climax was reached when the stalwart Kentucky sena tor shouted Without orphaning a single American child, without wid owing a single American mother, lii-ino- a sintrle pun. WoodrOW ) Wlison wrung from the most militant spirit that ever brooaea over a u tlefield, acknowledgement of Ameri can rights." The whole convention of some 10, 000 of men, women and children went wild. They shouted "repeat it," and then the band played "Amer ica, "The &tar opangieu and "Dixie." . ' The applause continued for 11 min utes, and when a semblance of order was again restored the vast audience asked for Bryan. They yelled and shouted for the commoner until Chair man James finally promised that they should have an opportunity to hear the three times defeated candi date for President on the Democratic ticket as soon as he could be reach ed. "Colonel Bryan," said the Ken tucky senator,, "is not m this ha I now. But I promise you that he will be given ample opportunity to speak and you to hear him." The dem onstration that followed was conclu sive evidence that Mr. Bryan is not - Viv anv means, ana that he is yet a powerful influence in the party. While this wild demonstration was rointr on some one In the North Carolina delegation seized the state s banner and marched through the hall. Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia followed and soon the coliseum was a mass of human beings moved as wrlj nf Britton were not able to land him te nlace as perm anent secretarv of the convention. Mr T?rittnns barkers said tonxrnt, i. v,ot ha had heen made "as- HUWCYCli Vlic..' tva Joioo-utca make no effort to conceal ihr feelings with reference to the failure of three o' the dele cts a larce to pttend he conven i: ff. Koino- honored bv the State. Onlv one of the "bi? four' n -oi rrr rtf Durham, is here The other tree ff'led to now ud. delegate from Senator Simmons option said tonit that the delega tion i i" snvthinf but a peaceful Ptt.e of miid over h failur" of the t ottanA "T know of nleitv uilirn ' ' cn-v- - , nA nomnmt; who wanted this honor " he sai. "but the word was nsed alon? that it would never do A tVo orontlemen sheeted Hocause of their hisrh Haces in the Dprno-rptic partv. pnf they wer - lected. But non? oi mem aiwnueu. BTTTTON ADOPTED TVio rVoTvincrntlV Tiotionstl comro't- -1 rftrnwiHwrnn . w M-,in v, "Ainprira First" in bold -d ltter. CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH nnvT mtci! TTTTS. Cit ont this lin. inclose with Kc to- Folev & Co.. ';on Ti., writ'"w to'1 ram' and rloarlv. Yon will receive in ret"TT i trial nelfce rontainini' Fo I'v's Fonev ad Tar Compound for V'wch'',l pon. co'da n croup PJlIa jd Folev Cthar Me TWts. SnociHy comforting to stout persons. Sold everywhere. Some Items of Interest Regardias the North Carolina Good Koads t onvr ntion, Wilmington, Wrigkts tillc Beach, June 2123. Correspondence of The Robesonian. All the railroads are cooperating with, the Associatin in advertisiag th?" convention along their lines. -Beginning June 2oth, Wrightsville Eeach cars will be run P to the sta tion tq meet all trains. Baggage can be rechecked direct from Wilmington to Wrightsville and will be put off at local stations at the Beach near the. boarding house or hotel desired. Among the prizes which are t be offered at the road convention is a silver cup to the owner of the au tomobile which travels the longest distance in coming to the convention. Other prizes are to the county lor the largest number of delegates in proportion to the distance; to the city for the largest number of dt legates in proportion to distance from Wilmington and population; to counties for the best exhibits, in cluding pictures, maps, charts, ete.; c!ii tc parties exhibiting the best photograph. Among those who are to address the good roads convention at Wrights ville is Dr. II. M. Rowe of Baltimore, president of the American Automo bile Association. Dr. Rowe has some itorv in toroaf intr rlnta in TP trfl rti tt the use of the automobile tax in Maryland, and will undoubtedly give us some ideas which will be of very great value to the road cause in North Carolina. Mr. Henry Ford has been invited to address the North Carolina good roads convention, and ha3 not def initely refused. An address from him will be of great interest and val ue to North Carolinians, as the Ford is a very popular vehicle in thia State. Already 4,000 delegates have been appointed to the good roads conven tion, and it is believed that a great many of these will go. Letters are constantly being received from va rious sections of the State say'nj that automobile parties are being made up to attend the convention, special Pullmans are being arrang ed for, and in some cases special trains. One feature of the convention which, will be very pleasant for the dele gates is a luncheon to be given by the Carolina Metal Products Co. of which Mr. George P. Galvin is man ager. Mr. Galvin has sssisted in the advertisement of the convention, and is contributing a great deal to its success. .. will take enough interest to look af ter the welfare of all the boys and girls in the district. To be a school committeeman means more than to hold the office or at least should mean more. I very often hear folks say the committee in my district don't seem to care how things go. They don't take any interest in the welfare of the school. All they do is to sign the teacher's voucher. One of the things for which the Farmers' Union stands is a better educated rural citizenship. This be ing true, and knowing that the com mitina Vina nniifVi to do with the suc cess or failure of the school, I take this method of urgine the patrons to see to it that the right sort of men compose the committees in the va rious listricts. Make it known who you want as committeemen. Don't keen silent un til the board has made the appoint ment and then abuse tne Doara. u vou don't make it known who is the best men the board may not be in position to know. You owe it to your children to proviae me v ;ki fm- tnom in the wav of an education then you to them to see that the three men who take the most interest m education anu schools in your district serve as com mitteemen. , ., T.ook after this matter now wnue you have a chance. Don't put it ofr. The State Farmers' Union is mak - io fha fathers of the State at large to be careful in selecting the best committeemen possiuie. nc. the appeal anl act - nTin,-r t. (pKUVClV emu. Sec.-Treas. Robeson County i arm- res' Union. Rank and File Satisfied Raleigh News and Observer. The Lumberton KODesoim is well satisfied with the results oi .l. : , "Whatever the people determine suits us," says the Lum- erton paper, lhis is tne il K a'a hnCmPtJ'J W l.U sua" IS me peupic o I hoM rffifA and when tney nav- j J en their mind, the averase man can -o , How Mrs. Kelly Suffered and Ks overwhelmingly Democratic as .7 i: : r. tV.a nennlp wOUlu Nortn Carolina ' r -: , " . ,.f have little word in the selection of officeholders if the convention prevailed in place of the primary Jlan. The primary is the best, scheme Pvr devis1 to leave the plain folks Fatisfied. Talk about opposition to Pnd dissatisfaction with the onmary, why, if the rank and file of the Dem ocratic party in the State had an opportunity to sav whether or not they wanted the primary, or the con vention plan of nomnatinr officers the vote aga!nt would be the merest Fort of bagatelle. The rank and file of the Democratic patfy in ortn Carolina i sitting in the seat of au thority and it is not they whom you hear lifting a mournful wail bfrause of the inconvenience of the primary. PAINS IN SIDE AND BACK He ShonW Have Won Chritv &r Children. . , Sandv McKinnon was rot in the race long hut he made fast time whil he ran. He i a fine Scotchman, and he State will be aot to call him into high service yet. How She was Cured. jlljll MAKING THE MOST OF JUNE To enjoy the beautiful month of June to the utmost, one must be in good health. Kidneys failing to work pronerly cause aches and pains, rheu matism, lumbae-o. soreness, stiffness. Foley Kidnev Pills make kidneys ac tive and healthy and. banish suffer- inp and misery, w ny not ieei nne and fit? Be well! Be strong! everywhere. Burlington, Wis. "I was very irreg ular, and had pains in my side and back. but alter talcing; Lydia E. Pinkham'st pound Tablets and using two bottles of , the Sanative Wash. I am fully convinced that I am entirely cured of these trou- bles. and feel bettei all over. I knor your remedies have done me worlds of good and I hope every suffering wom&a will give them a trial." Mrs. Anna , Kelly, 710 Chestnut Street, Burling ton, Wis. The many convincing testimonials con stantly published in the newspapers ought to be proof enough to women who suffer from those distressing ills pecu liar to their sex that Lydia E.Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound is the medicine they need. This good old root and herb remedy has proved unequalled for these dread ful ills ; it contains what is needed ta restore woman's health and strength. If there is any peculiarity in your case requiring special ad ri. writ a the T.vdia EL Pink ell ham Medicine Co. (confidential J, , L)Uil iliiHSii iVI uw auinm