THE ROBESONIAN. MONDAY, JULY A 19:8 PAGE SEVEN 1 ( r- . v the national joy smoke ' flgg " ' - NV. -XrOU'LL And m ebtmry howdy-da mm imp nm T'rIlttTr "tLliiill! 1 i 1 -iJ til' LLijjIIIjlj L! ' J - p..thMt ,11. tobacco I Thmtoppyrmd 13 K ii!iij'iiWl!hi II! I liMm fll V MM pounrf and hMlf pound tin lf : httmidorm and (n pound 1 1 tSu mpontB-tnoimtanmr top IJjl. SSw" - I f ' vS ' - bcco in ancA E! W"" III your If, Prince Albert gives smokers such delight, because it flavor U so different and to , delightfully good; it can't bite your tongue; it can't parch your throat; you can smoke it as long and as' hard as you like without any comeback but real, tobacco hap piness! ;. V: ; On the reverse side of evety Prince Albert package you will read: PROCESS PATCNTCD , - ' JULY 30TM, 10OT'" That means to you a lot of tobacco en joyment. Prince Albert has always been . sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to five quality I , OopyrlcMlMI ky R. J. Remolds Tebaaa Cm. in goodness and in pipe satisfaction . is all we or its enthusi astic friends ever claimed for it 1 V i It answers every smoke desire you or any other man ever had! It is cool and fragrant and appealing smokeappetite that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time ! ; Will you invest 5c or prove out our say so on the national joy smoke? R J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO C0 Winstoti-Salem, N. G SO to i unl I I , ill i TC2ACC51SPRI TCRMbKERStt3ERtHE. PROCESS WSCOVEREDIII mKMG EXPERIMENTS I KiHTTUL AHD WHO JTT. EOS 1 WWW HOW WAR BEGAN IN 181 Thornton's Men Ambushed m Troop era Were at Carrizal From the New YorkJIerald." History yesterday repeated itself, and the existence of a state of war, with Mexico appears to be a stern, stubborn fact , In April, 1846, a squadron of dra goons under Captain Thornton was sent by General Taylor up the Rio Grande to obtain information regard inr a force under the Mexican Gen- eral Torrejon which had crossed the river, the American and Mexican forces then being within a few miles of each other, but both countries still being at peace. -Captain Thornton's command entered He corral of a ha cienda, whan the gate was closed and they found themselves ambushed. At tempting to escap?, Thornton wai wounded and 16 officers and ' men fell dead or wounded before Captain Hardee, whd succeeded to the com mand, surrendered. This began the Mexican War 70 years ago, some weeks before Con gress knew anything about . the de cision that the gods had forced upon the country. What happened 'yesterday at Car rizal appears to be somewhat be clouded, but enough is known to in dicate that the American- troopers of the Tenth Cavalry were ambushed as "Thornton's dragoons were and practically annihilated with conceal ed "machine guns. This was done by Carranza troops. The Mexicans report many wounded and many pris oners. It will encouraee the Mexi cans, who will profess to believe that the American troops are easy to beat. It should inflame the patriot ic ardor of this country, which has not heretofore been very enthusias tic at the orosDect of war with Mex ico. Boots and saddles! No waiting more! U. S. HAS ABSORBED I MUCn OF MEXICO'S AREA Tfcb h nwwn dim el . FHacAl!Mrt tidyrwi ti. Rm4 thfa PUa44 Pmcm" mit te-roa4 raaliaa wfcat II mm hwUM PriacaAOMitMaMMlr to jra KkhMf. Mr. Green Will Attend Next County MeeUne Mr. P. firover Britt. secretary- treasurer of the RobeBOn Division of the Farmers Union, has. received a latter from Mr. J. Z. Green.. State or- crAnixer- lecturer of the Union, .that he will attend the next county, meet-ino- of the Union at Ten Mile, Wed- npsdav. Sentember 20. 'He also states that he expects to spend week or more in Kobeson at ina nme uuuig some re-organizing worK. , Dr. Goldbereer, a Federal health officer, claims that pellagra is cans aA Vnr a nna-aided diet too much BV rup, cornbread and fat meat and not enoueh milk, eggs, lean meat, beans and peas. - ' rliuElrMlitiE MEANS $$ TO YOU Men,' be prepared to Keep Cool 'during the approaching hot months of July, August and September. We can help yon to keep cool and comfortable at a very small cost. Just received a new ship meat T of Palm Beach - and Mohair . Suits in Solid Grays, Gray Checks, Blues and Black colors . Prices , only about one-fourth to one-third for what you pay for other suits. ' 1 is1' i Odd Coats and Pants A Nice Ixt of Men's Odd Blue Serge Coats and Pants in light weights, prices $2.50 to $5.00. Also a large assortment of Odd Pants for youths and boys.' -. , Make Our Store your Head quarters for Clothing V lUli. DEPARTMENT STORE LUMBERTON, :-: N.C. $21,300 Paid to Stockholders The First Series of Stock Issued by The ; Robeson Building & Loan Association . Has Matured Books Are Now Open at the Office of the Secretary for ) Subscription to Stock of THE FOURTEENTH SERIES :WHICH BEGINS: July First Nineteen Hundred and Sixteen Don't Delay. :-: Do It Now ASK THE SECRETARY . -- C V. BROWlf, See. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Real Estate 6 PerCent Interest PLANTERS BANK & TRUST CO O. C. SPAULDING, Trust Officer One Million Homes Have Leonard Cleanable Refrigerators ii ii i J fit' lt'i ;V 'I PH v ' LIKE A CLEAN CHINA DISH More "Leonard" Clean able Refrigerators are sold every year than any other make. Lined with one piece of real porce lain enamel on steel . Keeps food in ice-cold, fresh circulating air. , Awarded 1st prize at San Francisco exposition. Can be cleaned in five minutes. -Best in the world.. Call and see them at our - store. LUMBERTON FURNITURE STORE First Partition. Made 7ft Years Ago Carolinians Are Few Who Know Extent of Mexico's Possessions Prior to 1845 , Charlotte Observer. It's a very food time now to look up yonr, history on the result of our war wiui iiexico seventy years ago. How many people in the Carolinas actually .know that seventy years ajro, a!mcst to a month, we made war upon Mexico under circumstances of dis order and revolution quite similar to those that exist today? How manv Carolinians know that it took us two years to ret thinsrs in shape in Mexico. after we had crossed the Rio Grande and after we had captured Vera Crux ? How many readers of The Observer are aware that we took from Mexico as the indemnity for our bill of costs, the territory which is now the States of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona and California, in addition to the rreat State of Texas, into which ou could place all of the New England States and still have room to "pare.' We had annexed the State of Texas, it is true, but not without home bloodshed. The territory we took from Mexico has an area of 918,000 square miles. Just think of it. And the present area of Mexio is 765,000 square miles. According to these figures the we took from Mexico by arms and con quest more than half her original territory. Even omitting the State of Texas from these calculations in 1848 we virtually split Mexico in two and took one-half her territory as snoils of war. Just look at the con dition, , as a comparison, of the half OI Mexican ixeniury we vw men and the half that remained for Mex ican rule. Look at the advancement in civilization, education, schools, the fine arts, home culture and a thous and other thinirs of nrimarv import ance in our conquered half of the original Mexico great civiled States In whirl, law and order are and ever will be supreme. Here is prosperity, liberty, security, personal happiness, comfort, even luxury ana-inaepeno-ence. Every where one sees happy homes and a contented people. Then gaze upon that country we left to Mexican rule. A blood-soak bA land ct famine. Dovertv. unhappi ness and desolation, where human life is scorned as valueless and brigands sweep through towns and. villages at ni'crhf with torch and run and lay to want; tihe work of many men, for generations. Under Mexican rule this land of the cactus and shifting sands has been given up to the spoil er .llitpracv. novertv and riot. In dustry lies nrostrate even those utiirtpd bv outside capital labor is unpaid, there is no demand for anvthin? more tangible than ra tions for today. The Mexican motto is "let tomorrow take care of itseli Mexico has gone back to the dark ages. It no longer bears the slight est resemblance to a nation of the twentieth century. Looking at these two pictures and comparing them, who among you can truthfully say that conquest and annexation have not proven blessings far greater than the price it cost us seventy years ago? And be not unmindful of the 9 Good Looks are Easy with Magnolia Balm. Look food a your city conmn. Na matter if yon do Tan or Freckle Magnolim Balm will surely clear your skin inAaatly. Heals Sunburn, too. juat put little on 'your face and rub it off again before dry. Simple and sure to pleaae. Try a bottlo to-day and begin - the tmproTement at once. White. Pink and Roeo-Red Color. 73 cents at Druggist or by mail direct. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFC CO, 40 S 5taSt,BrUra. N.T. fact that scores of Carolinians lost their lives by Mexican bullets. A WORD OF WARNING Tho Hoy to Health I- Pura Blood. Get the blood pra and all the Dla thit follow from Impoverished or tainted blood, alien aslndlreaUon, nerroua drapepala. t Mtritia, rheumatism, eczema, aero fu la, etc, will disappear, leaving the body healtur and th mind olear. CflS. JOE PERSON'S REMEDY la a real blood purifier," according to hundred? of testimonial from people who have used t luocessrallr during the last forty years. It putt the blood right, then builds the body back Intc health and energy. "ForelKht.or ten years I was subject to severe attacks of eczema. Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy made a perfect enre of me." Writes Mrs. J. II. WilkJns. Bessemer City, N. C. Your druggist should have It. If he hasn't send us his name and one dollar for a large bottle. REMEDY SALES CORPORATION CHARLOTTE N. C. Don't Stop Working Crop Too Soon Crops Are Growing Fine Where They Have Ben Got'en Clean and Are Kept Stirred To the Editor of The Robesonian. Farmers are very busy in this section, fighting grass, but when we can get our crops clean and keep them stirred regular the crops are growing fine. It is ideal weather for crops to grow. Old corn is need ing some light rains. A, word of warning here might not be out of place. If farmers will think about it right, after we have had much rairi and the ground has been packed we should be very cau tious not to stop plowing corn ; and cotton too soon. I am fully con vinced that we would make at least 1-6 more cotton and corn and other products in proportion if we would exercise prudence along the line of our last work in hilling our crops. We must not stop work too soon. R. J. LEGGETT. St. Paul, N. C. , June 29, 1916. ! ! . . ' ( Ifews From Raynham Correspondence of The Robesonian. Raynham, June 27 We are having some fine weather now. for our crops, and they are looking fine in our section, considering so much rain. Mr. M. A. Ransom saw his first cotton blossom yesterday. He has some fine cotton. We are going to have an ice cream supper Saturday .night. We praise Mrs. Alice Ransom for her earlv green peas. She eathered green peas today for dinner. We had much rain Sunday after noon. ' Opening of Anson County Sanatorinm July 4 The ' Anson codnty sanatorinm at Wadesboro is sending out invitations to the opening of that institution on Tuesday. July 4. The program starts off at 9:10 a. m. in the operating room and operations take up the time till 3 p. m., the following doctors being on the program to operate: C M. Strong, Charlotte; U. Ernest Stokes, Salisbury; J. W. Long, Greensboro; Addison Brenizer, Char lotte; H. A. Royster, Raleigh; G. Wr Pressly, Charlotte. - From 4 to 7 p. m. papers will be read and dis cussed. At 8 p. m. there will be a general reception -to doctors and the public at the hospital. Mrs.JOe Person's Wash J11,0;;1 connection with the Remedy for the core of 'ores and tie relief of Inflamed and congested surfaces. It Is especially valuable for women, and should always be used for ulcerations. T A HACKING COUGH WEAKENS THE SYSTEM Don't suffer with a hacking cough that has weakened your systemget a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, in use over 40 years, and benefitting all who use it, the soothing pine bal sam with tar heal the irritated air Siassages soothes the raw spots, oosens the mucous and prevents rack ing the body with coughing. Dr. King's New Discovery induces nat ural sleep and aUs nature to cure yorJ. ' ,4 ' -.1 '- . .an. Nr- There's a reason why there are mora than one million three hundred thousand Ford cars in use today, and th at reason is based on the matchless service and economy of Ford cars. Universal ser vice is the m ost conclusive evidence of genuine value. That is one good reason. Bay -today -Touring Car $440; Runabout $390; Coupelet ?S9t); Town Car $640; Sedan $740, f. o. b. Detroit On sale at - ROBESON AUTO LUMBERTON,) N. C. J. H. FELTS, Jr, Mgr. ,- Phone 223 . ICE! ICE" ICE!!! The season is now on for the free and abundant use of Ice. Your needs I am prepared to fill with the "VERY BEST AND PUR EST ICE FROM DISTILLED WATER" that it'a possible to offer. Service the best. To the County trade. I am prepared to serve your needs. , Mail, Telephone and Telegraph orders receive prompt attention. The City trade will please remember that the city laws forbid the delivery of Ice on Sundays after ten a. m., and it is very neces sary that orders for Sunday come in EARLY. We are on the job soon and late and will be pleased to serve you. , PHONE NO. 120 Eoward Morrison ollefferson Standard ILife Insurance Company GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Assets. , $ 6,331913.0; insurance m force .... ..... 45 5u,i).'IiD0 Surplus to Protect Policyholders -0807459.09 Keeps your money at home and, at the same time, offers the best insurance that can be secured. Policy Contracts Unexcelled. currie & McAllister General Agents a LUMBERTON, N. C

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