: X THE ROBESONIAN. MONDAY, JULY S. IMS -:-! MUSICAL CONCERT Thursday Evening at 8 :30 O'dock SUr Theatre At the Star theatre as abovo fcot ed, there will be given ' a musical concert, by artists of rare ability, y olin.voice and other instrumental mus icThis concert is to be given by mem bers of the Faculty School For Girls of Salemburg, N. C, for the bene- tl rt that CfVinnl t : ...... .,MAm annrifn ttot tV? entertainment will be of the highest . . ... order and that all music, lovers will miss" a fine treat if they fail to at tend. , It is well known that Pmeland School for Girls is rated as one of the very best 'preparatory schools for girls in the State. New Wholesale Grocery Concern for Lumberton i Reported for The Robesonian. The Robeson Grocery Company has been chartered with paid-in capital of $7,000, authorised capital $50,000, and will begin business at once in the Caldwell brick warehouse near the V. & C .S. freight depot The business will be under the management of Mr. H. J. Sawyer, a young man of sterling character and good business ability, having had a well-rounded experience in tha job bing business through a prominent position with one of the largest con cerns of the kind in Newbern, from which j: ity he arrived, with family, Friday afternoon. Mr. Sawyer will td hv Mr. C. C. Nelson, al so from Newbern, who comes with ine repuiauuii w "'is, iu . good name for himjeff in business i and without. 1 il !.!. . t Va1mm ' MOiia ' o It is the purpose of the concern toj conauct a morougmy up-iu-uaic uuo- mess and to enlarge its capacity ior serving as fast as conservative bus iness methods will permit. , The following officers have been elected: Mr. M. Guion Lee, president; Mr. C. C. Nelson, vice president; Mr. H. J. Sawyer, secretary-treasurer. Question Arises as to Abolishing. Of fice of County Treasurer -It seems that there is some ques tion about the Legislature having the power to abolish the office of coun ty treasurer, which thing the last Legislature did for Robeson coun ty. Mr. M. G. McKenzie, present incumbent, says the constitution of North Carolina provides that there shall be such an office in each coun ty and only a two-thirds vote of the people can abolish the office. He has some attorneys investigating the matter. The law passed by the Leg islature Abolishing this (office and placing the duties of said office in the hands of the sheriff says that not more than $900 per year shall be paid for this work. Mr. McKen zie thinks, too, that the sheriff can not perform the duties of that office, as the constitution provides that no ATie man shall hold two elective of fices. As no man was nominated in the recent primary it is not known who would hold the office in case it is found that the Legislature did not have the right to abolish the office. MatW of Paying Premium On Bond of Treas. McKenzie Before Com missioners ' County Treasurer M. G. McKen zie filed a bill with the board of coun ts -nmrnicsinnprs tndflv askinc that the ypay the premium on his bond. The premium amounts to around $600. It will be remembered that af ter Mr. McKenzie was elected at the last election the security companies refused to make his bond and the of fice of county treasurer was closed till after the Legislature had met and changed the law so Mr. McKenzie could make an individual bond. The county has been paying the bond when tHe security companies made it, but when Mr. McKenzie arranged an individual bond the board thought that the county should not have to pay the premium on same. The mat ter was deferred till court and the judge will decide whether or not the county shall pay the premium. Among the Sick at Thompson Hos pital Mr. I. F. Hilburn, Bladenboro, who was operated on for pus appen dix two weeks ago, is getting along well. Mr. Worth Rogers who . was ope rated on Saturday week for appendi citis is doing very nicely. Miss M?ry G. McNeill, who was operated on last Tuesday is getting along very well. Mr. Lee Kelly, St Paul, who was cratM on for appendicitis two weeks ago today, has practically re covered and will go home this week. W. O. W. Social at Raft Swamp Fri day Afternoon - i c rotIkv of the Buie sec- - t ut visitor Satur- tion was 8 liumuciwn - j -m. Ron-lew Ravs the Kail '":- - w'-n.W. will have a warn p camp - -:r .,, a social gathering at the hall at a u..v Vridav after- Kalt Jswamu . . f w week. All members of ihe camp are invited and all who v 1,e rream freezers are urged Iloc - to take them along. r-oV.n-ol1 who holds a &t'city. Point, Va, .rnved Sef r- dav ana is speiiumn - - , the hefme of his parents, Rev , and Airs K. N. casnweu. . v Mr Richard Gregory of .Lumber ton. R- i Lumberton visitor to; dMr B. C. Todd of Bellamy is among the visitors in town today. Mr J. M. Townsend of Buie, R. 1 is a Lumberton visitor today. . 'Miss Pearl Howard spent the week- cud with home folks at i-au UnTNeck arrived 1 Saturday Vnd will I ana cl. Vor Ron-in- spend spmeume E law ana aauKuuci, - L Holloway, Chestnut street Mrs HoTloway's brother Mr .U; White head of Scotiana iNec., o"- i dav here. PARKTON PARAGRAPHS Events in Honor of Lumber Bridge Company The Death Record Baseball Plenty of Peas Vege tables Plentiful Feurlh at Fair mont , Correspondence of The Robesonian This week has been a week long to-be remembered. In the first place, heroism was manifest by the members of the Lumber Bridge Com' pany readily offering their services for their country if necessary. Wed nesday morinng was a red-letter day 'unfit I.iimWo YriHcro anA Parktrtn. fiA the towns met on half-way grounds nnH nnraAcA tn Lumher Bridtre nam- bering several hundred waving flags tint the nnrnrfo kondpd hv the Park' ton band in a decorated wagon drawn bv two of Mr., A. J. Garris' fine mules. The great interest shown the boys of Company L was very encouraging indeed. This scribe was present at T?pH Snrin trs when the town of Red Springs gave one of ithe largest banquets we . ever witnessed, the greatest supper ever served " in the State ox Kobeson. ana in aaanion to everything that could be mention A tn t. iff cream was served un limited. Some very enthusiastic speeches were heard, but we specially . . i J 1 T mention me one aenverea Dy. ,ev. Mr., Dixon, which was full of zeal fa rift nflf rintlsm. On Tuesday even ing at the auditorium at Lumber Bridge we heard some more fine onH the ladies of the town served refreshments at the armory which was a treat Thev Parkton band was present and rendered music which was greatly appreciated. The try : nrog mtion mother, father Li 1 1 1 T ,T ...... ' - for brother or sister must say good- . bye at the tram, not Knowing wnai bve at the tram, not Knowing swna. the f uture may bring forth, but we the hAtter. Mnd Mrs. Chas. Pate, who live a mi e from town, nave uie uhuc n.i9iw nf the town and' commun n i the loss of their vear-old baby, which died Monday evening at one o'clock. . ,. . j Mioa T.illw 'Reirister died Thursday evening at six o'clock at her home one mile east of town ana was Dur ied at the Parkton cemetery Friday evening at 4 o'clock. Miss Register wit nhmit 4K vears old. The funer al services were held at the grave by Rev. H . a ; rorter. we, exiena sympathy td the bereaved family. ... The Fairmont baseball team play ed two . games on our diamond this week. Fairmont won the first game 6 to 7 and Parkton won in the second game 1 to nothing. Fairmont says this was the first, shut out game they have nlayed this season.- The game was the best ever witnessed in our town. Fairmont is to have a great Fourth of July rally, and the Parkton band is to play for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cash well and (small daughter left Fricy morn ing for an extended visit to their daughter Mrs. Martin of Mullins, S. C. Mrs. C. A. Hodges and daugh ter Miss Addie are on a visit to Mrs. Hodges' daughter Mrs. A. D. Thnmea of Wscram. This is to certify that this day, July 1st, this writer has picked a full peck of peas for dinner and one plum red meat Kluckless sweet mel on. We will never be short of peas until frost as we have them all ages and varieties, Mr,-1.-J , - Lancaster reports a mess of peas about a week ago, but you must remember he is always first. Vegetaoies nave Deen extremely plentiful this season, but when we Vegetables have been extremeiv pienuiui mis eeasun, uui, wueu. reach the time when you can pick I neas everv dav that's what I call living. " ' Well, the fourth will be just a little dull with our town as most ev erybody that can get away will go to Fairmont, as our local, team plays there that day and the band also.Fair mont has a strong team and so has Parkton. TEXAS RANGER Ilia Racks? he Gone Just how dangerous a backache, sore musHes. achinc iomts or rheu matic pains may be is sometimes re alized only when life insurance is refused on account of kidney trou ble. Joseph G. Wolf of Green Bay, Wis, writes: "Foley Kidney Pills re lieved me of a severe backache that VaA KrtheTMl m for several months." Take Foley Kidney Pills for weak lame back ana weary sieepiess niguia Sold everywhere. A. i vtM 1 s- ,i WW 1 V'v- N , v , - . . 4 v I ) Calomel Salivates ! It Makes You Sick and You Lose a Day's WorkDodson' , " Liver Tone Acts Better Than Calomel and Is Harmless for Men, Women, Children Read Guarantee! v Every druggist here, yes! your druggist and everybody's druggist has noticed a great falling off in the sale of ralomel. They all give the same reason. Dodsoh's J-iver Tone is taking its place. " "Calomel is'dangerous and people know it while Doclson's Liver Tone is safe and gives better re sults," said a prominent loeal druggist". Dodson's Liver Tone is personally guaranteed by every druggist. A large family-sized bottle "costs only 50 cents and if vou find it. doesn't take the olace of dangerous, salivating calomel you tor your money back. T)ndinn's Liver Tone J5 a nleasant-tastinp. nure- ly vegetable remedy, harmless and adults. Take a. spoonful at teeiing nne; no sick neaaacne, , - REDOLENT THINGS -FROM RED SPRINGS (SNYDER) Correspondence of The Robesonian.1. Red Springs, June 30 In. the good nlA Hvs of TltflTtpl Hill, hpfnrp the war, Hoke Smith's father was pro fessor of French. He ' also taueht Sunday school. On one occasion he was t.Aarhincr the class linw to nro- nounce the names of the prophets, pronouncing them, "Isaiahah," "Je remiahah," "Zechariahah" and so through the whole catalogue. The boy who was up 'before his desk, blurted out, unconsciously, . "hellfire- ahj ine professor, seemea 6tunnea ior a moment, but that species oi pro a moment, but that species of pro- nunciation was never heard of after' wards. You all have no doubt, heard of the anecdote of the preach in old Kirk of Scotland, who was so much given to exaggeration in his pulpit exDositions that the session exDOS- tulated with him about it -He.ac- knowledged his fault and promised to be more careful in the future. He mediately under the pulpit, to notice yvucii-jic cAaggciawu m mt mpnta to remind him of it bvsCOUi?h- inir Tho tsvt. of Viia npvt RPrmon '"B" " " was about Sampson and. the foxes. He began by, stating that ther foxes had tails twenty feet long, then he U 1 L l. eiJ in ttl.ca rfavs hPv would (he fifteen Ion?: xu ' 1 a t.u .,v pv V10 .. - . .. . - . -r. x r: "- ..-x- continued in f -r . , Measurements of those days . with measurements of these days, we will say they were ten leek long. Then he heard another cough, then leaning over the pulpit, he said, you may cough and you may cough 1 Hoot man, would you have them with no tail at all? but I will not fall another foot. The recent conference of our law yers at Wrightsville developed some new ideas about the procedure of our courts. We have often thought that some "radical changes should be made, but how can it be done when the whole bar unites to feather their own nests. If it were possible to have a judge who is not a lawyer, something could be done. We notice recently where the finding of a jury was set aside by the judge. In one of the President's latest speeches, he stressed the importance of all the people ruling you will find that not only in the nation, but in every little hamlet, there is al ways a small bunch who think them selves the only ones competent to rule, and they generally look with contempt upon any man from the country who dares to express any opinion opposite 10 meir uh-iuhuumm know-ans we unu on jr Pnnsevelt to a township consiaDie. The more ignorant they are, the more assertative tney necome little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not, the Pierian spring". t .i. tima w9. o-oes to the press ffir will be over. We suppose the country could exist without eitner 01 wrcm. test has been very bitter and has not . i flavnr nenind It. Things were said , and done that had better mn unsaiu r 'C' There was no principle behindtne con&st, but simply a contest between personal ioibies anu iutojuv..-- We aeain thmK tnai; n mode U the best. It don't cost any thing and everybody is satfied with the result. It would be a good thing if we could get along without a leg islator. A GOOD INVESTMENT says M. D. Reynolds Madison, Wis., who states: "I had rheumatism nine teen vears: used three boxes of TAAOI RHEUMATISM POWDERS and have thrown away ' crutches." You can afford to try them. Sold nly by us, 50c and $1.00. ; POPE DRUG CO. Lamberton, N. C r . m m . ClViIEI7 have only to ask to both children night and wake up wiiousness, ague, Sir Roger Casement, Guilty of Trea son and Condemned to Die The Irishman Sir Roger Casement was found guilty of high treason by -a London court. Thursday and was sentenced to die. . The condemned manraddressed: the court, reading his final statement, and said that he did not regard trial ; by Englishmen in an English court as a trial by his peers to which he was entitled lln his address to the court Sir -Roger reviewed recent events in Ireland on! the formation of the Ulster volun-' teers and said: ; I "We have seen the constitutional army refuse to obey the constitution- th first, rintv nf Trishmen was ; to If smair nations to be the first consideration, I 8aw no reason why Ireland should shed any blood for any people but her own- if that be treason I am not asnamed to avowit here. If the tt thou eht would lead to the eood sid?. j knew my record led to the, dark Ride, Both of us proved right. So dock than to fill the place of my atcusers. C1 . v tuoci a. - ' "Self government is our rieht. - It . x,v,; u ;(.v,i.J.i J 3 HU . bLUIg IV IO niyinciu jrom us or doled out to us than the right 0 Jife or light, to sunshine'or spring- flowers" . J- ' . - "' " EATING A PLEASURE when . vou have a normal appetite, that the T nr41tit- indicates Etnmnrh nppd.s to hfl cleaned, sweet ened, and stimulated to health jr at- fciUlk TBAOtt MA TONIC DIGESTIVE is sold for this purpose and guaran teed to give relief. Sold only bjr.os, $1.00. - POPE DRUG CO. ; ' Lamberton. N. C r sour stomach, or clogged bowels. Dodson's Liver Tone doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience, all next day like cajomel. . Take a dose of calomel tonight and tomorrow you will feel sick, weak arid nauseated. Don't lose a day's work! " Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it . next" morning because you will wake tip with your head clear, your liver active, bowels clean,: breath sweet and stomach regulated. You will feel cheerful and full' of vTgor and ready for a hard day's work. - v ' j You can eat anything afterwards without risk of salivating yourself or your children. Get a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone and try Jt on my guarantee. You'll never again put a dose of nasty, dangerous calomel into your stomach. A - . . . i Littleton College A well established, well equipped and very prosperous school for girls End young women. i... ,..". 19167 .' For catalogue, address, " - j. M. Rhodes, Littleton, N. C Oxford College Founded 18SO Oxford, N. C. i i rreparatory and ll Collegiate SPECIALS ' Music, Art, Business, Domestic Science, Pedagogy, Expression. University and Standard College Graduates in charge of Departments. Both Piano and Voice teachers com pleted preparation in Berlin, Germany CHARGES (36 Weeks) t Board and Literary Tuition, $163.00. , Special Care of . Younger Girls Apply for Catalogue, - . F.' P. HOBGOOD, President. C EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina.; '.Every energy is-directed to this one purpose". Tuition free to 11 who-agree to teach. Fall Term Begins September ; 26, 1916 For catalogue and other inf or nation address ' ' ''-?Ti! ' ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President A Welcome Gift to Any House Wife Electric Fan, Electric Iron, Coffee Percolator. Wire Your House. ' Esti mates Gladly Fur lished. L. E. SMITH Sliop 104 4th St. Telephone 51 C. SWARTZ, BIGGEST JUNK DEALER in' North Carolina, pays the highest prices for the follow ing junk: Rags $2.00 per cwt.; Copper "Wire 18c lb.; light Copper 16c; Brass from 10 to ,13c lb.; Zinc 7c lb.; Pewter 20c lb.; Auto Tires 6c lb.; Inner Tubes 9c lb.; Rubber Boots and Shoes 7c lb.; Bones 75e per cwt Buy anything in iron. We, 'make a specialty on Hides and can quote these prices: 18c Green Hidej; 19 l-2c lb. Green Salted Hides; Calslcins $1 to $2.25; Lamb and Sheep Hides from 25c to $1 each; Horse and Mule Hides $1 to $4; Wool, from 25c to 30c lb.; Beeswax and Tal' low;any kind, old sacks, 1c to 5c each; aluminum 25c lb. Write us for quotations on any other junk products. Reference: First Na tional Bank. Come to see or write .C. SWARTZ, DURHAM, N. , C. All prices are f . o. b. Durham. WE HAVE FOR SALE One Second Hand -H ACKNiar WMIOU ... One Second Hand BUGGY JTwo Second Hand ' COMPUTING SCALES - One Second Hand IRON SAFE And We Still Sell GROCERIES Whitfield&Frenchk. Wholesale Grocers 107 East Second Street Prompt Pay Fair Pay Slow Pay Or X How Will You be Rated in The Credit Experience Guide?