PAGE FIVE ) 4 '..ft 1 V I i f; the robesonian! .CHURCH NEWS NOTES Office 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. . THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1916 LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE Seaboard Air Line. Train No. 13 westbound Ivs 6:19 pm Train No. 20 eastbound lvs 9:45 pm Train No. 19 west-bound lvs 7:15 am Train No. 14 eastbound lvs 10:15 am VA. & CAROLINA SOUTHERN From Hope Mills No. 79 ...... arrives 9:10 am Train No. 64 leaves 10:25 am Train No. 65 arrives 6:20 pm Train No. 78 ... leaves 8:40 pm . Raleigh & Charleston Train No. 1 . leaves 10:20 am Train No, 2 ....... anives 6:15 pm I FOR SALE ONE CHATTANOOGA No. 12 cane mill and 9 foot evap orator. Also 100 gallons syrup. Apply to Riley Chavis, Lumber ton, N. C, route No. 2. : t .North Robeson Sunday School As- f sociation Meels at Ten Mile July OA - lhe second meeting of the North . Robeson Sunday School Association ( will be held with the school -at Ten I June Sunday, July 30. iv:w a. m. .Praise and Seng Service R. A. Martin. 10:20 a. m. Meeting called to order oen. bupt. Spurgeon Jones. 10:25 a. m. Address of Welcome Rev. J. L. Powers. Response T. W. Maxwell. 10:35 a. m. Address "Our Purpose in LifeU-J. V. Blackwell. 10:55 a. m. Roll call of schools, and reading of minutes H. T. Kin law. 11:15 a. m. Address "Training Chil dren," E. J. Wilkins. 11:30 a. m. Admission of new schools. General discussion for . good of Sunday School. Collection for Thomasville Orphan age. . ,-. -r DINNER 1:30 p. m. Children's hour. Duet Mary and Annie Kinlaw. Duet Elizabeth and Lula Kinlaw. 1:45 p. m. Naming place for next meeting and remarks for good of Association. ! 2:10 p. m. Singing contest. The program will be. supplemented with quartets, duets, solos and mus 1 ical specialties from all schools. . J. It. KINLAW, R. A. MARTIN, D. W. PARNELL. Program Committ?e 1 PERSONAL WANTED TO BUY SEVERAL hun- dred yards second-hand bog Vire for iencmg. Apply to W. B. Kozier, ou raui, in . j. . . N. C. STRAYED OR STOLEN BLUE Beagle hound, bench legged, wart on leit tmgn. Keasonable reward for return. S. W. Phillips, Lum- oerton. peavine hay. n. J. Wessel, Lum terton, N. C. GET YOUR TURNIP SEEDS FOR tall planting at L. II. Caldwell's everything store". NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT ..Irish potatoes for a fall crop. We have ttie seed. L. H. Caldwell's "everything store". FRESH FISH SHAD SEASON IS over but we still have fresh fish every day. When in need of gro ceries of all kinds, vegetables and .country produce, 'Phone 215, Britt Grocery Co., West Third St. Missionary Rally at Saddle Tree 4th Jsunday Correspondence of The Robesonian The Ladies Missionary Society of saddle Tree church will hold a ral ly the 4th Sunday in this month at 3:30 n. m. The public is invited to attend. . First Baptist Rev. C. L. Greaves will return from Rowland, where he has been con ducting a meeting, and -will occupy his pulpit nere bunday morning and nignt as usual. Services at Trinity Episcopal Tomor- row Evenintr Rev. T. P. Npe of Wilmington will conduct services at Trinity Episco pal church Friday evening at 8:15 o clock. ESTIMATE OF FLOpD DAMAGE GET YOUR SEED PEAS, SOJA beans, velvet beans ano? other seeds from L. H. Caldwell's Everything Store; - - --, - THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER IS borrowing money on his farm for a long period of time at low rate of interest and becoming independent. Call on or write A. T. McLean, Lumberton, N. C. MR. LANDOWNER! WHAT RATE of interest are you paying on your farm loan ? Possibly I can save you some money and also give you better terms. A. T. McLean, Lumberton, N. C. Damage in States -of North and South Carolina, Virginia and Ten nessee Placed at $15.000.000 Two Thirds of Loss in North Carolina Thirty-two persons dead ad at least 10 others missing, and property damaee estimated at at least $15, 000,000 was the known toll yester day morning of the floods which raged in four Southern States Sun dav and Monday. . These estimates may be changed, .in news items else where in this issue of The Robeson ian, but tne following summary pub lished in daily papers Tuesd?v morn ing will give a fair idea of the pro erty damage: N , North Carolina: Asheville Twenty-five industrial .jn.iir I r, A', nn4-4-Rn plains irauueu, uiiiuiuiiK "street and lumber mills, machine shops and' . Mr. L. Brissom of Allenton was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr. Fred Prevatt of Orrum was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Mr. F. F. Purvis of the Oakton section was in town yesterday. Mr. T. W. Maxwell of Tolarsville is among the visitors in town today. vr. j. k. raiK ot aiaxton was among the visitors in town yesterday Misses Lessie and Saliie Odum of Lowe are among the shoppers in town today. Mr. Jetter Pittman of Fairmont, R. 1, was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. J. D. McLean, a leading mer chant of Fairmont, was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Mr. Mack Fisher has returned home from a .visit of several weeks to rel atives in Georgia. Mr. J. S. Oliver of the Marietta section was among the visitors in town this morning. Mr. II. F. Bissell of route 1 from Orrum was amone the visitors in town Monday afternoon. Messrs. V. If;' Taylor and N. W. Jenkins of Fairmont were among the visitors . in town Tuesday. Dr. F. H. Pittman and Mr. R: M. Mitchell of Fairmont were among the vi:itcr in town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Stone of R. 4 from Lumberton were among the shoppers in town yesterday. Mrs. G. G. French and children have returned home from a visit of several weeks in Gr3hboro. IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Embroidery Club Reported for The Robesonian. Mrs. A. FrWard entertained the embroidery club. Wednesday after noon. After an hour of sewing, a very enjoyable game of rook was played. Mrs. R. E. Lewis made top score and received a lovely hand-embroidered guest towel. Delicious re freshments were served in two courses, Mrs. James Proctor assist ing the hostess. Club members pres ent were: Mesdames R. E. Lewis, James Proctor, A. T. McLean, R. H. Crichton, Charles Brown, John Knox, A. II. MtLeod; visitors, Mrs.' D. W. Biggs. ; MT. ELIAM SOCIAL ITEM Misses Katie and Sarah Stone En tertained Last Evening ?.n Hono: of the Misses Lloyd of Darlington. I S. C. ! Correspondence of The Robesonian. ; Mt. Eliam, (Orrum, R. 1), July 20 The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Z.l Stone was the scene of much merri-j ment last evening from 8:30 to 11 o'clock when their, dauehters, Misses Katie and Sarah, entertained a large i number of friends in honor of Misses j Nannie and Henry Lloyd 'of Darling-1 ton, S. C. A number of jnterestinej games wa3 plaved and refreshments1 were served. Those present from I Lumberton were Messrs. H. T. Hux, W. J. Sansbury. T. Williams. H. N. i Ward and Rossie B. Britt. Quite a number of young people from Ormm and Proctorville were present and as a whole it was a most enjoyable oc casion. The Misses Lloyd are spend- some time in this section visit- Mr. Paul North left yesterday for w,ia; J frionH .,511 . te. ,vu v - Jacksonville this State, where he will spend some time on business. Rev. R. A. McQueen of Dunn was a guest Tuesday nieht of Mr. A. W. jwcean, returning nome yesteraay Miss Viola Odum of Rockingham is v.idting at the home of her cousin Mrs. Dan F. Mclseill, Second street, Mr. Robert Chaff In left yesterday on a business trip to Marlboro coun- VAST DAMAGE TO MILLS It Will Reach Several Millions of Dollars Southern Power Co. Cuts Off More Than 1,000,009 Spindles at One Time ' Charlotte Observer. Julv 18. Not a cotton mill within the flood ed district of the Catawba. Broad or Planters Bank & Tru t Co. LUMBERTON N. C. Authorized Capital $250,000.00 Thi Bank Stand Ready to Furnish Cuttomers Every Facility and BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE Con sistent with Safe and Sound Banking. Commercial Accounts Savings Accounts Trust Accounts We Cordially Invite You to Call at Oar Banking Rooms R. R. BARNES, ' Vrice Iresident W . h. FLETCHER, Vice President C. B. TOWNSEND, President. K. Ail BARNES, Treasurer. O. C. SPAULDIXG, Trust Officer. .J coo uiu munuv I ... . . . .. i . J tv, S. C He will return the last of "vers is in operauon ay XUesaay. Wliilo t Tntnwha vallev suf- Mr. A. B. Mercer left Monday af- f.Li ., Vonvipst. the Hamaire to ternoon for his home at Alma, Ga., the plants on the Broad and Yadkin after spending 3 weeks m Robeson -5ora , o-rpat. swellinfr the to- cqunty visiting relatives. . t0 the point where it reached the .'Misses Inez Thomas of Laurinburg, greatest aggregate ever known i'n Ruby Covington of Rockingham and the history of the textile trade in Ida 'Blake returned Monday from the Southeast. Wrightsville, where they spent a few Some slight conception of the ef clays with friends. feet of the flood waters on the tex- Misa ' T.nla Mnrmpnt. rptnmed Mon- tile situation in this territory may day night from Wilmington, where be gleaned from the statement that he spent some time visiting rela- tne ftoutnern rower company n- tives and friends. , nulled service on all secondary power Mr. Geo. T. Graham of Proctorville contracts yestreday for im mills, not is among the visitors in town today. iv m tne . s .n '"u Mr. Dave Hardin of the Blooming- throught the general terr Uory as : r,.-,v, ;e;f well. This cut off a total more VIOLIN .tlVU WM.m. T.u..w. j tcday, Mr. F. M. Fitts of Rocky Mount arrived this morning and will spend a short time here visiting at the home of his son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Brown. Elm i than 1,000,000 spindles at one time. BIG ANNUAL PICNIC FOR THE TRADE 4 CARLOADS SCREEN WINDOWS AND DOORS Now in Stock. AH Grades and Sizes. 1 CARLOAD DIVERSE CULTIVATORS MASON & IDEAL (big rnouth) FRUIT JARS z25000JtGARDNHOSE,-lCEREANFREEZERS Prices Right, Send Us Your Orders, N. JACOBI HARDWARE CO. WILMINGTON, N. C. IF ITS BEEF REMEMBER A. H. Hinds handles , it in a sanitary manner. 'Photiff N 53 for pork loins, fresh poJk sausage, liver and sliced ham. WHEN YOU NEED AUTO SER vice call Bullock Brothers. Phone Nos. 55 and 231. Service day or night.. J , IF YOU HAVE IMPROVED FARM lands you are entitled to a low rate of interest on your loan. See or write' me if interested . A. T. Mc Lean, Lumberton, N. C. PLANT CHUFAS FOR CHEAP Hog feed. Seed for sale at L. H. Caldwell's "Everything Store". 4- WANTED LIGHTWOOD OF stove wood length at once, on subscrip- ton. Send t Robesonian office. Nolice of New Advertisements Cane mill, evaporator and syrup ioi sale Riley Chavis, Lumberton, R. 2. Second-hand hog wire for fencing wanted W. S. Rozier, St. Paul. Fair Bluff tobacco market will have oneninfir sale Aueust 1. Great 3-day sale begins at White & Cough's July 'Zl. Political sneakine. How Sam White became independ ent First National Bank. Shall railroad waees be determin ed by industrial warfare or Federal inquiry? . Report of condition of the National Bank of Lumberton. Pro cram at Pastime. Constantly broadening service the National Bank of Lumberton. Thompson Hospital Notes Mr. W. M. Oliver, Marietta, is a patient at the hospital this week Little Mary Burton Norment was operated on for tonsils and adenoids at the mospital yesterday, return ins home last nieht. Mrs. T. O Britt, North Lumberton, was admit ted to the hospital yesterday and will undergo an operation Iriday. Mr Fred P. Gray, who had been sick at the hospital for a few days, was able to return home yesterday. CHICHESTER S PILLS L.adlrn! Ask your UruvHat for a ( li.-hr-U-r' lMamon J Hrmid I'lll. It. nd Uold Iii-t..llicV bo, snled ith Due RiIIhjB. Take n (her. KuvofToup Krucclnt. Avk f. II'H'I? US-TEH'S ll.ilM IIKA.NU -ILt fur H years known s Ptst. Safest, Always Kelltble SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE coal and feed yards. Sixty residences in the lower part of the city wash ed away and 400 persons homeless with 1,200 out of employment. Pow er and gas plants out of commission Llkin Small , hotel, . farmers' ware house, three stores, three machine shops and two livery stables carried away, Monbo Monbo cotton mills de molished. East Monbo Cotton mills dam aged and $50,000 worth of cotton destroyed. Alexander county Alspaugh Cot ton Mills washed away. Liledoun Cotton Mills damaged. Buncombe, Henderson and Madison counties Many mills damaged and hundreds of persons out of emplo-- ment. Iredell county Brick plant de stroyed and Long Island Cotton Mill nearby destroyed. , " ' Catawba county Cotton ware house with 1,500 bales of cotton car ried away. In this county as well as in Iredell and Alexander, great damage was done to crops and small mills. Biltmore Many persons driven from their homes , and mills and crops in surrounding territory dam aged. Marshall Fifty-three homes de stroyed. Jonesville Many homes flooded.- Henderson ville Two dams wash ed out, damage to mills and crops in Henderson county, Lexington Several lumber mills in surrounding county carried way, stock killed and crops destroyed Cleveland j county Dravo Power Dam near Shelby destroyed; crops in county damaged. Five highway bridges, three in Mecklenburg, one near gtatesville and another near Moresville are known to have been washed awa", while at least six railway bridges were destroyed. The Southern Railway lost a bridge near Mount HoMy, another near Rock Hill, another near States ville and another near Belmont.. The Seaboard Air Line bridge above Bel mont is gone as is the Piedmont & Northern electric line bridge nearby. South Carolina: Crops badly damaged throughout Piedmont section and several rail way bridges, including the Southern bridge at Alston, washed away. Portman Southern . Power Com pany's plant shut down cutting off power to Greenville and many cot ton mills. Gjaorgetown Warehouses and stores on water front and two lum- Miss Katheryhe Shute of Monroe will arrive this evening from Wil mington and will be a guest for a few days at the home pf Mr, and Mrs. Jno. S. McNeill, 111 Caldwell street. I Mr. and '. Mrs. Terrell Poole of Will be Held at Lakview Park, Near Red Sprinis, Aiienst 5 To the Editor of-The Robesonian: TTia Hnkp countv Farmer' Union will mept with the Chapel Hill Local TTnion for the big annual nicnic on Saturday. August 5th. at Lakeview Pp"k, near Red Springs. , Dr. Temnleton, vice president oi the State Farmers' Unic. "d our own classic orator. Rev. II. M. Dix Kockinjrham arrived this morning and nn. will be the sneakers. will spend some time here visiting xe extend to each Local Union, at the home of their son and daugh- 8nd everybody else in Robeson, an ter-in-law, Prof, and Mrs. J. R. Poole, urp-ent invitation, trustine that you Elm street. will all come. Don't f orcret the date, Mr. L. W. Baxley was a Lumberton nor the "well-filled" basket visitor for a short while yesterday C. E. ZEDAKER, on his way to his home at Bolton Chairman Com. Arrangements, from a short visit to the home of Red Springs, his father, Mr. W. W- Baxley, on July 18, 1916. R. 1 from St. Paul. . J . . Messrs. Julian Price, Guy and Earl Guardsmen Fired Upon by Mieans Townsend and H. N. Ward of Mc- El Paso Texas, D.spatch July 18 Donald were Lumberton visitors yes- ;A party of mounted Mexicans ex terday afternoon. They came over changed fire with L company of the to witness the ball game between N.mth Mssachusetts Infantry near Lumberton and Laurinburg. here. According to report tre guaras- , i" 1..U in. me were dome outpost duty when i Fi nJ.. IrMav Pearl of the 'Mexicans rode up on th..oppo- LSrSgEaeda ef T SZj& MO NET T O LOAN On Improved Farm Lands Desirably Located. EASY TERMS. WRITE OR CALL ON US. THE MUTUAL LOAN & TRUST GO. H. M. MCALLISTER, President THOS. L. JOHNSON, Sec-Trea. the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mcln tyre, Walnut and Sixth streets ber mills damaged. Seaboard Line track washed out for short dis tance. Virginia: Radford Several buildings de stroyed and crops in nearly all coun t?cs damaged. , Four Norfolk & Western bridges hpliVved thev had ki'led one Mexican The shootini? occurred m a isolat ed district about three iles down the Air river from EI Paso. The Massachu setts company was doin? patrol dut" in this section, one-third of the 6j) 1 men being on patrol. , t liiSJ'1,! VCa. si At the Pastime On account of dtemoralized rail road connections5" the Pastime thea tre is having its share of trouble in securino' nictures on time.-but todav on Galax branch one on Little Creek offers the 17th chapter of "The Iron pvtension. Penner hridce near Rad-ICIaw" and the closine chapter of a ,a KriJM nonr Ponr. "The Strange Case of Mary Page". isbur? washed away. Damage in the J1"8 a Pjojam of unusual f earisDure msinct aione esumateu at a million dollars Washout 250 feet long on Vir binian Railway near Eggleston. The small town oi x arrows is re- ported completely suomergea. lennessee: Newport partly inundated and many families forced from homes. Butler. Va., and Southern Railway iridffe washed away. Thousands of acres or corn and peanuts inundated between Chatta- interest. "The Iron Claw" should have been shown last night but was flood-bound and could not get here until this morning, Babvcan have some m CREAM OF AIL ICE CREAMS. It's perfectly safe and wholesome rea3y ore of the few sweets that are digestible and body-building. The ideal summer dessert so cooling, so pure, so easy to serve. Get a quart today from the nearby VELVET KIND" dealer. TakeHomcAQuart "The Velvet Kind" Ice Cream Sold By Pope Drug Company Hay Judge of Court of Claims President Wilson has . appointed Representative James Hav of Virgin- theirl3 iu?e the Court of Oaims to succeed judge oeorge w. Atkinson, retired. Mr. Hay has represented his district in Congress for 20 years and is one of the leaders of the House, being1 chairman of the com nooga and Paducah, Ky., on Tennes- n?1." on military affairs. The judge crop damage ship to wheih he is appointed is a life office and after ten years' ser- see river and much The Tennessee river ' is reported ."n " f" still rising and other damasre is ex Dected to result from overflows at several points, IF YOU are troubled with dandruff, itching All railroads in eastern Tennessee scalP an(l y"r hair coming out, we a?.K you to try Her Left Side Hurt Mrs. Laura Beall, Plattsburg, Miss., writes: "Last April I sot in bad health; my left side hurt all the time- I had symptoms of Bneht's disease. I took Foley Kidney Pills and feel all right now." They quickly relieve backache, rheumatism, aches and pains. Bladder troubles, too. are corrected by this remedy. Sold ev erywhere. . 1 suffered heavily from washed bridges and culverts. out If You Want Quick Relief Men and women who feel their health failing because of weak, ov erworked or disordered kidneys will be pleased to know that Foley Kid ney. Pills are prompt in action and give quick results in the relief of rheumatism, sore muscles, aching nt,s, backache, pains in side, and sieep disturbing bladder troubles. Sold everywhere. KAIR TOXIC SUFFERING AND SURGERY can be avoided by using 1 TRAOC MARK PILE REMEDY Relieve yourself of this ailment at home. Easy to use and thorough ly dependable. Sold only by us 50c ar.a ai.uo. POPE DRUG CO. Lumberton. Ii. C cn our guarantee that it mVi y:. j relief snd satisfaction or mon-; ey lefunded. Soi.l only by us. 50c id S1.00. POPE DRUG CO. Lumberton, N. C. A Welcome Gift to Any House Wife Electric Fan, Electric Iron, Coffee Percolator. Wire Your House. Esti matesjGladly Furiished. L. SMITH Shop 104 4th St. TelephoM 51 fj A S T I M f THEATR j Coolest place in town . offers the 17th chapter of the 'IRON CLAW" and the closing "chapter of "The Strange Case of MARY PAGE" TODAY PRICES :-i 5 and 10ct.