PACE SIX THE KOBESONIAN, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1916 PROFESSIONAL CARDS'. R. A. McLEAN, Attorney-at-law,, Jomberton, - ' - North Carolina Office n Weinstein building. Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Counselors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts, Notary Public in Office. Offices over First National Bank. WOODBERRY LENNON Attorney-at-Law Lumberton, H. C Offices over Postoflice. 88888888888888888 81" ii J. iwvii a. j, Attorney at Law 8 t LUMBERTON, N. C. 8 8 Offices over Pope Drug Com- 8 8 pany. Will practice in H court3. 8 Prompt attention Riven to all 8 business. 8 8888888888888 88888 Stephen Mclntyre, R. C. Lawrence James D. Proctor McINTYRE, LAWRENCE & PROCTOR Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business j RUSSELL S. BEAM, M. D. Lumberton, . - N. C Practice limited to Eye, Ear. Nose, and Throat. Office hours 9 to 11:30 a. m. 2 to 6 p. m. Sundays by appointment. Phone 196 pine stump, m field, thence S 75 W 28 chs.near MtTabor road.thence S15 E 15 chs. to a stake in Buie's line, thence as Buie's line to the begin ning containing 35 acres. The above being a survey of lands, devised to W. A. Smith by Samuel L Smith, ex cepting1 50 acres within said bounda ries devised to D. McC. Smith. From this conveyance is excented out of the above boundaries the 50 acres devised to D. McC. Smith by a. Li.- bmitn, and also 65 acres con veyed by W. A. Smith to Charle3 Terry and J. D. McMillan, leaving a Daiance of 120 acres now owned by said W. Ar Smith and conveyed tnereby. This 10th day of July, 1916. P. C. WHITLOCK. 7 13 5thurs Trustee. BAD HOUSING, BAD HEALTH R. C. ROZIER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon LUMBERTON, N. C. Office McMillan Drug Store Residence Phone 302 Office Phone 71 i in A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varser Junius J. Goodwin McLEAN, VARSER & McLEAN Attorneys at Law Otbre on second floor National Bank of Lumberton building. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA T. A. McNeill, Jr. H. J. Singleton McNEILL-SINGLETON Lumberton, North Carolina Will practice in all courts. Business attended to promptly p Rooms 3 and 4 McLeod buildin, cor ner Elm and 4th Streets K. E. STACY, Attorney-at-Law. Lumberton, N. C Oflice in First National Bank Bid JOHN KNOXc M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 26; Residence Phone 54 LUMBERTON. N. C. . DR. D. D. RING Dentists LUMBERTON, N. C ices upstairs in Weinstein building. DR. R. T. ALLEN Dentist LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA Office in McLeod Building Cor. 4th and Elm Sts D. Three Times as Much Sickness Bail Homes as in Good State Board of Health Bulletin. "The houses that people live in have so much to do . with their he&ltb," says the State Board of Health, "that the housing question is coining to be a health problem which the average town will soon be called on to handle along with its milk and water supply and sewerage disposal." A recent investigation of livm&r conditions m Cincinnati to de termine the cause of her unusual hi?h death rate from tuberculosis which -;V2S twice as ftieh as that of her si'-ter town, Pittsburgh, showed that it was not factory conditions, overwork, etc., the cause, but that it was her bad housine, overcrowding and poor living conditions. It was found that in the tenement district of this city that there was just three times as much sickness from tuber culosis and other diseases as where there were better houses and better living conditions. The home of tne average wage earner was found to be far less sanitary than the av erage factory and workshop. Con sequently, Cincinnati is now in the nroeess of home-building that takes into consideration the (health and FIT AND NOT FIRE Thos . C. Johnson, M Residence Phone 175 vcuea n ui , u , i ----- ' . , , Residence Phone 167 the comfort of tne people wno are vo DRS. JOHNSON & MARTIN live lnwe nomeg. t Big Companies Find it. Cheaper to Fit Employees Rather Than to Fire Them Stata Board of Health Bulletin. For the reason that every disease nas a start and tnat every disease if fixated in its early stages can be tureu or cnecked, In its progress, many of our greatest industrial -establishments are requiring physical examinations of all their employees a? a means of conserving the health of the employees and the efficiency of the company. Among the institu tions doing this are the National Cash Register Company, the Akron Rubber Company, the McCormick Reaper Company and the Ford Auto mobile Company. These no longer say "do your work or get out" but on the other hand they "fit" instead of "fire". They find it cheaper to protect the health of their trained employees than to break in'new men and continually get . round pegs in square holes. At the rord factories in Detroit last vear 11,845 new men were em ployed and at the same time were tiven thoroueh examinations. Con sequently they were given work tbati was not detrimental to their health. I Verv few applicants were rejected j because of their physical condition. The American Medical Journal says of this feature of health work: "In the industries in which health'; examinations' are made, there hasi been an increase in the morale of the plant and tne operating euicien-; cy. The employees are kept in good ; physical condition, and there is lessi loss of time of trained men ana hence no disruption of the organiza tion. The long, bitterly fought war against typhoid,, malaria, tubercu losis and the other communicable dis eases has resulted in a great vic tory." . . . WANTS TYPHOID INVESTIGATED Practice in State and Federal want . -CTa, Vne same TessZS3nciiinati' Jfcs- recently learneu mat hiuuuji , F- F- WETMORE. C. E. ine-lv. Washineton is going to dem I ft'. 9 ' ".. . . 1 Drainage Surveys on strate to the worm tne reiauon- Highways o all Kinds .smD. oeiween Poou ""uo"' "V" V" Sanitation Mans t. a. McNeill Lawyer Land titles and law of executors and administrators special attention. Office, Fifth street, west of First National Bank. Practice in all Courts. Lumberton, N. C J. ED TYSON Plane Surveying and Leveling LUMBERTON, N. C. Office Weinstein Building Lumberton, N. C. FOR AUTO LIVER r bERVICE Phone or write W. H. M. BROWN Buie, N. C. PHONE 2712 Hail Insurance Protect Your Crops Tobacco $50 acre $2.50. Cotton, Corn and small Grain $40 acre $1.70. Rates lower and higher ac cording to value. S. H. HAMILTON health. Congress has enacted a law to go into effect July 1. 1918. accord ing to whicih all the alley dwellings in the District of Columbia must cease to be used as dwelling pur Meanwhile, there' will be Vmilt "houses that will be not only sanitary and provide an abundance of light and air. but houses home like and attractive architecturfllv." These are to be known as tne iMien Wilson memorial homes. The August Woman's Home Compan ion . In the August Woman's Home SEASON -FOR- Fire Insurance Every day in the year. Better insure now R. H. CRICHTON Phone 9 and 16t deed, under and by virtue of the pow er and authority vested in the un ciorsicnen inistd n eoM trust . thp nnHoK mi t nmnnmon. nrimaniv a.iituuu num- , H.uw.Miguu m uaicc Willi ' i i j. ii , c offer for sale at public auction, for ber, is the first installment of a cash, to the highest bidder at t.h- story called "Billy Foster and 'the court nouse door in the town of Snow yueen Dy utnmm "'' Lumberton. Rohpsnn .r,r.f w.a Brown. It ffives an unusually inter- y - vvuitL. iiui lii . . Carolina, on the 5th day of August eftine description of Mexico City un-J?16,-it-being- Saturday, at about der the de facto regime and forms - " - I 1 1 1 . f 4- L. 1- i ! i r i A r nnrl noon on said day, for the nurnoses R striKing siuuy oi .tue aumnca .au For a short storv canea "ine rics n " hir VnnniP KPTT. - 1 1 1 US LTil L1UI1S hnve been made bv R. M. Crosby, F. Graham Cooes, James Montgomery Flagg and Clarence F. Underwood. None of these artists knew that any o the others was to illustrate this story and the four conceptions are ted toe-ether. Anions; the other r.trries and serials are "The Rising Tide" . by Margaret Deland, "On the Pnrd to Youth" Dv a reaericK , m. Smith, and "The Blue Envelope" by .iinhin Kerr. Arnono- the special articles are "All Kinds of Bovs and the Club Spirit" bv Charles Stelzle, and "Ninety-Nine Girls Out of a Hundred." by Kathe- rine Fercuson. The Regular De railments include "The Towrr Room, bv Anne Bryan McCall'. "Embroid- designed by Evelyn Parsons of satisfying the said depd of n,f the payment of the costs of making aim saie as provided ior in said oeea ot trust, the fo lowing. rieanr;K ed tract of land, to-wit: v In said State and rnnnftr and in - wiiu an LumDer Bridge township, adjoining mc laiius ui .J. w. nun w I u HT. Sachem, Smith heirs and others, be ginning at a stake by two pines, J. a. f, tono v and J. w rnnnin' corner in J. II. Mfir-finf'a u and runs north 58 west 6 chains to a M. Ke; tnence north 23 chains and 6 links to a stake by two pines "i me oul eage oi the cow bay trifnce west nine chains to the cor ner of forty acres in McEachern's line; theijce .as that line north 43 east 3 chains and 50 links; thence nwun lucnams to a stake; thence north 73 west 26 chains to Smith's YOU ARE THOROLGHLT ARMEI . m in ' , j against ruin by fire if you carry one . of our policies of fire insurance. Without on you tre at the mercy of a blaze all the time. FIRE INSURANCE IS A DUTY as well as a benefit. Your wife an family are entitled to a sure home anj yon as their protector ere in duty bod to provide it. Have us issue yon a policy today, both for their poiety and your own peace of ' mind. The cost is trifling. he protection ab eoiute. Q, T. Williams, Agent LUMBERTON, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND BY TRUSTEE Whereas, there has been a default in the payment of the interest as prcAidfd for in a certain deed of trust from D. L. Sinclair and wife Annie A. Sinclair in favor of Joenh Baleh. Truste? for the use of The Columbian National Life Insurance Company, which said deed of trust is dated November 13, 1913, and is re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson county in book No. 29, page 373, and on account of said default in the payment of said interest as provided in said trust corner; thence south 51 chains and ev deslfe.a ? 4tJ,yei 1 arsons. G3 links to a stake; thence south fiO "Better Tiabies " "Tne Exchange.' east 26 chains to a stake;thence north l1' F'Im! conducted by He en 32 east 20 chains to the beinn.W Duejv and "The Pin-Money .Club . rm.ninp- nrnnnT n.t 1 .i - 1 ne denartment on - cooKing is cou- Nos. anA R r,j diutecf hv Cora Farmer Perkins. The i-rencn and Thompson land, contain- 10Vor yTln I ire 161 acres, and heino- ih Mm. "The Cheruns" by Olive Rush. "JUy tract of land conveyed bv J A P I Da!'t!" bv Emily Rof!e Burt- A L,t" Conoly and wife to Daniel T. Sir..' tie Boys' Neighbors" by Charles Eu- clair. book K-P n. iio rr. t gene Smith and "The Homemade tlv: register of deeds of Robeson f"!,ir" by Mary Sherburne Varren. coi.nty, North Carolina. In the Picture bect!on is repro This the Kth dav'nf T,,1 iqic duced "The gnirit of Preparedness """" I, , . T T ' 1..L,!.1I i.J 1 JTJSfcfH BALCH, Trustee. r,y awln asnueia. painipu aim nieseniea dv mm to tne .aiionai Fecuntv Leieue at the reouest of Jr.senh H. Choate and b. Manwood Menken Fashions are discussed by Grace Margaret Gould. McLean, Varser & McLean, Attorneys for Trustee 7 6 30d R TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of authority conferred on me by that certain deed of trust executed by W.A.Smith et als, dated May 6, 1912, and record ed in mortgage deed book No. 26, page 536, of the office of the reg ister of dcfeids.of Robeson county, de fault having beeh made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured, and demand having been made upon me by the owner and holder of the note evidencing said indebtedness, 1 will, on Mondav the 14th day of August, 1916, at 12 o'clock m. at the court house door of Robeson coun ty, offer for sale, for cash to the highest bidder, the following de scribed land, lying and bqing in said county and State: Beginning at a light wood stump in William McMillan's line and run? S 45 ch3. to a large stump in pond in west, edge, thence west 45 chs. to a pine by 2 pines in- field, thence X. 4.") chs. to a stake in Buckhorn, thenre due east 45 chs. direct to the beginning containing 200 acres. . Second tract,, begins at n stake . by 2 pines. North corner of Arch Buie 'est. and runs N 15 W 15 chs. to a For Summer Troubles Hay fever afflicts thousands and a.Hhpia sufferers endure torture. Fo ley's Honey and Tar gives relief. It allays inflammation, clears air passages, eases rasping cough, soothes and heals. This wholesame family remedy contains no opiates a bottle lasts a long time. 1 Sold everywhere. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and j Diarrhoea Remedy ' Every family without exception should keep this preparation at hand during the hot weather of the sum mer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is worth many times its cost when need ed and is almost certain to" be need ed before the summer is over. It has no superior for the purposes for which it is :r.tended. Buy it now. Obtafnable everywhere. State Board of Health Called On to Investigate Typhoid Epidemic in Rural Community The State Board of Health was nuA Sft Vesterdavo investigate an . . f . , - 1 LilSdemiC oi typnoia iever m rui "community in one o our Dest coun- ties. A prominent citizen ui mu .vi fWity wrote the Board the follow ing' . . "In nry father's home or from there in the past few years 9 cases o' typhoid fever 'including the fath er, mother, children, ' grand children end cook, with two deaths. Father h down now. There have been num bers of cases in radius of two miles from here. "The water supply has been analy zed by the State Laboratory of Hy giene twice. I understand that the State Board of Health furnishes an expert to investigate such cases and ascertain the source of trouble. Our physician has written you and I wisn to urge you to send us a man as soon as possible. If an investiga tion is needed anywhere I think it is here " The Board immediately responded to the request and made mention ton thnt. this is the first time it has been called on to investigate an epidemic of typhoid fever i the country, not tnat -lypmnu, chiuu,..w in the country are rare or are not worth the time and trouble to in vestigate, but that people in the country as - a rule have been slow to know the nature of typhoid! as well aa to realize the danger that from a common source, i The Board congratulates this com munity on its determination to find and remove the source of their trou ble. . ; . RURAL BABY CLINICS Samnson Countv Health imicer in augurates Ru"al Baby Clinics otnta nnr nf Health Bulletin . Sampson countv lays claim to me first series of babv clinics in North Carolina to be held throughout the Vountv by the county' health officer. Dr E R. Hardin, the health officer inoUrit!illv snerialized on chil dren's diseases before he assumed the Tole of health officer, has been very successful m organizing quite a num ber of babv clinics in trie rural com munities. 'The mothers and doctors in the various fcommunihes are invit ed to meet at some schoolhouse or other convenient point where the doc tors carefully examine each baby for physical defects and assist the moth ers in remedying them and solving various problems connected with tne care and feeding of their babies. A3 a m'o, durinir th course of the clinic or after all the babies have been ex amined individuallv, the health of ficer gives an illustrated lantern slide lecture on the care and feeding of babies and gives each mother cop ies of bulletins and leaflets on that sub-iect. ' The interest in these baby clinics is reported to be increasing by leaps and bounds and the mothers are urg ing that they be established in their respective communities as a regular part of the health work of the coun tv. - ATTRACTIVE SUMMER TRIPS 1916 . TOURS FROM 10 TO 40 DAYS vrtimiMo New York 1 Boston White Mountains The Saguenay Quebec Montreal Lake Champlain Lake George Ausable Chasm St. Lawrence The Thousand Islands Niagara Falls Alaska , Pacific Coast ' Yosemite Valley Canadian Rockies . i ; ,' Lake Louise Vancouver . . Glacier National Park Yellowstone National Park Grand Canyon of Arizona Salt Lake City. Colorado Rockies Los Angeles - AND THE ': ' Panama-California International Exposition at Dan Diego, California Personally Conducted and Chaperoned The very highest class of service, which makes travel for pleas ure comfortable and enjoyable. The tours cover the most ttractive routes and the principal places of Scenic and Historic Interest throughout the Greatest Country in the World. '. Writes for rates, booklets and descriptive literature. GATTIS TOURS Tourists Agents, Seaboard Air Line Railway, RaleighN. C. " SEASHORE Round Trip Fares From PEMBROKE, N. C. WEEK END EXCURSION FARES $3.25 TO WILMINGTON 15.20 TO ISLE OF PALMS 5.20 TO SULLIVANS ISLAND Tickets on sale for all trains on each Saturday and for forenoon trains on each Sunday from May 27 to Sept 11, inclusive, limited returning to reach original starting point prior to midnight of Tuesday following date of sale. SUMMER EXCURSION FARES $7.35 TO ISLE OF PALMS ' $7. "55 TO SULLIVANS ISLAND $4.10 TO MYRTLE BEACH $10.65 TO NORFOLK . Tickets on sale from May 15 tc October 15, inclusive, limiteJ return ing until October 31. , l ireil stop-over privileges. Schedules and further particulars cheerfully furnished upon appli cation to J O. O. FOWLER, Ticket Agent, PEMBROKE, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South Many ilia come from Impure blood. Can't have pure blood with faulty digestion, lazv liver and sluggish bowelst Burdock Blood Bitters is recommended for strengthening stom ach, bowels and liver and purifying the blood. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAIL WAY COMPANY Hie Progressive Railway of ths South. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE MAY 28TII, 1916 ; Trains Leaving Lumberton . Nc. 19 7;15 a. m. Train for Hamlet, Charlotte and all intermediate point3 Through Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for pas ' sengers at Wilmington at 10 P ,M. No. 13 6:19 p. m. Train for Hamlet, Charlotte, anj all intermediate points Connecting at Hamlet for all points North, South and Wst Pullman Parlor Car Wilmington to Charlotte. Thru daily Pullman service Wilmington to Atlanta all steel -cars on Fri days thru sleeper to Birmingham. i No. 20 9:45 p. m. Train for Wilmnington and all intermediate points -Through Sleeper, Charlotte to Wilmington. Passengers may re main in Sleeper until 7 A. M. No. 14 10:15 a. m. Train for Wilmmington and all intermediate points Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte to Wilmington. ' Thru daily Pullman service Atlanta to Wilmington all steel cars Thru sleeper from Birmingham Saturday. i For additional information, as to rates, schedules, or reservations, call on local agent or write the undersigned, M. BEVERLY, Agent, IL E PLEASANTS, T. P. A. Lumberton, N. C Wilmington, N. C- JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A, Raleigh, N. C Virginia and Carolina Southern R. R. No.79 . No.65 7:30 am 4:47 pm Lv Fayetteville b':00 am 5:10 pm Lv Hope Mills . 8:10 am 5:20 pm Lv -Rcslin 8:17 am 5:25 pm Lv McMillar.s .. 8:24 am 5:;'.0 pm Lv Oakland ... 8:"0 am 5:30- pm Lv St. Pauls .... 8:42 am 5:4f, pm Lv Hosiers 8:. "4 am 5:56 pm Lv Powers i:10 am 6:15 pm Ar . Lumberton ... No.64 No.78 Ar 12:02 pm 10:15 pm -Ar 1 1 ::J0 am 9:50 pm Ar 11:20 am Ar 11:13 am . .Ar 11:07 am . . Ar 10:57 am Ar 10:48 am . . Ar 10:.!6 am ..Lv 10:25 am 9:35 pm 9:27 pm 9:20 pm 9il0 pm 9:00 pm 8:50 pm 8:40 pm No. 7 No. 8 11:00 am Lv St. Pauls 12:40 pm Ar Elizabethto .... Lv 3:4' pm Not 7 and 8 daily except Sunday. - 'I For additional information, as to rates, schedules, or reservations, call on local agent or write. W. W. DAVIS, Asst General Past, Agent LUMBERT ON, N. C. Through PS Car Service TO Charlotte, Rutherford ton, Chimney ' Rock and Intermediate Points Effective Tuesday June 15 th, 1916 VIA Seaboard Air Line Ry Co. Train No. 31 Lv Raleigh 8:45 am Sanford 10:10 am Hamlet 12:30 noon Wadesboro 1:25 pm Monroe 2.20 pm Charlotte 3:25 pm Ar Rutherfordton 6:30 pm Train No. 34 Lv Rutherfordton 7:00 am Charlotte 10:10 am Monroe U:15 am Wadesboro 12:07 pm Hamlet 1:00 p. m. Sanford 3:15 pm Ar Raleigh 4:42 pm The onlv Railroad operating through Pullman Car Service be tween Raleigh, Charlotte and Eutherfordton (Chimney Rock) . The best, cleanest and most satisfactory rervicf JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A. JAS. KER, JR, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Charlotte, N. C.

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