THE ROBESONIAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1916 PAGE VTVE iTHE fiOBESONIAN. OSes 107 West Fourth Street. Telephone No. 20. . THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1916 LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE Seaboard Air Line. Train No. 13 westbound Ivb 6:19 pm Train No. 20 eastbound lvs 9:45 pm Train No. 19 vest-bound lvs 7:15 am Train No. 14 eastbound Its 10:15 am VA. & CAROLINA SOUTHERN From Hope Mills . Train No. 79 ....." arrives 9:10 am Train No. 64 ...... leaves 10:25 am Train No. 65 arrives 6:20 pm Train No. 78 leaves 8:40 pm Raleigh & Charleston Train No. 1 leaves 10:20 am Train No. 2 ....... arrives 6:15 pm I MS1NFSS Builders , A Word From ROBESON COUNTY TOBACCO WAREHOUSE Fairmont, N. C Since our last report prices have ueen sieaauy aavancing on an graaei of tobacco. Never before in the his tory of tobacco growing in Robeson county have prices been so high as they now are on this market. The averages are unprecedented. The prices we are getting for tobacco sold in our warehouse are making farmers smile as they never - have smiled before. "There g a reason It will be to your interest, Mr. To bacco Grower, to brign your tobacco to b airmont and sen it with. " ; Yours friends, E. J ; DAVIS & SONS CHURCH NEWS NOTES J. R. BALLANCE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon TAR HEEL, N. C. BARN FOR SALE- APPLY TO Mrs. N. A. McLean1.-. NOTICE I WISH TO ANNOUNCE to the people of Robeson that I have recently cancelled my con tract with Dodge Brothers of De troif. I thank you for your hearty co-operation during 1916 automo bile season. Leroy B. Martin. , FARMS FOR RENT TO PEOPLE who can furnish their stock and grain. K. M. Biggs. Quarterly Conference of Lumberton Circuit The quarterly conference of the Lumberton circuit of which Kev. N, L. Seabolt is pastor, will be held at Abbottsburg, Bladen county, next Saturday and Sunday. Presiding Elder J. H. Hall will have charge of the meeting. Maxton Precaher Gets Call From Richmond Church - 1 ; Richmond Special, Aug. 7, to Char lotte Observer. The Mizpah Presbyterian church has extended a call to the Rev. W. B. Mcllwaine of- Maxotn, N. C, to succeed the Rev. W. E. Hutcheson, who has accepted an Alabama call effective September 1. Mr. Mcll waine recently preached, it was learn ed today, and made a fine impres slon. He was graduated from Union Theological Seminary here in 1910 Trinity Episcopal Services every Sunday at Trinity Episcopal, 11a. m. and 8 p. m. The public is cordially invited. IN SOCIAL CIRCLES MONEY TO LOAN FROM $500.00 upwards on real estate security. See Mclntyre, Lawrence & Proctor. FOR SALE FINE BUGGY AND farm mare at a bargain. Apply to Mrs. F. J. Barnes, Lumberton, N. C. Route No. 5. FOR SALE ONE SECOND-HAND mower and rake, good as new, 1 one-horse wagon and 1 two-horse wagon all in good condition. K. M. Biggs. FRESH FISH SHAD SEASON IS over but we still have fresh fish every day, When in need of gro ceries of all kinds, vegetables and country produce, 'Phone 215, Britt Grocery Co., West Third St THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER IS borrowing money on his farm for a . .long period of time at low rate of interest and becoming independent. Call on or write A. T. McLean Lumberton, N. C. IF ITS BEEF REMEMBER A. H Hinds handles it in a sanitary manner. 'Phone No. 53 for pork loins, fresh pork sausage liver and sliced ham. WHEN YOU NEED AUTO SER vice call Bullock Brothers. Phone Nos. 55 and 231. Service day or night. IF YOU HAVE IMPROVED FARM lands you are entitled to a low rate of interest On your loan. See or write me if interested. A. T. Mc Lean, Lumberton, N. C. WANTED AT ONCE BY a YOUNG lady, a position in a dry goods store, as bookkeeper, assistant bookkeeper or clerk. . Can give ref erence. "Bookkeeper," care Robe- sonian, Lumberton, N. C. TO THE PEOPLE OF LUMBERTON and surrounding country: We give notice that we have opened a green meat business in the Caldwell build ing, Elm St. We have spared no cost " to prepare nice sanitary ' quarters and we ask the pepole for a share of their patronage. ' We propose to not offer anything ' for sale save the best stock that ! can be had. We buy the stock for cash and uor terms for sale will be the same, so please don't ask us to charge. Phone us the or ders and we will send you the goods. We buy everything made on the farm and pay the highest market prices. We thank you in advance for co-operation. Atkin son & Culbreth. " j FOR SALE ONE GOOD, CHEAP horse. K. M. Biggs. - B. Y.'P.-U. Enertai-ned by Miss Mary Lee Caldwell Reported for The Robesonian . The B. Y. P. U. of the First Bap tist church was entertained by Miss Mary Lee Caldwell at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Caldwell, on Caldwell street, Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. The guests were welcomed at the door by Miss Caldwell and introduced to the re ceiving line, which was composed of i 11 1 r 1 T Mr. aim mrs. ivianiey u. uec. mi. B. M. Sibley, Miss Margaret Pit man and Mr. Rexford Stephens. They were then ushered into the hall by Miss Mattie Lee Pitman, where by pinning name of some ani mal to each guest's back, the magic hand of Miss Annie Ruth Caldwell transformed the large company in to one great menagerie, which was the means of much social merriment. After . this the party assembled on the front porch and were marched through the hall past a table on which was arranged a (mfedley of articles. In the narlor Miss - Louise Townsend provided each guest with! pencil ana papernn wmcn w wnw; down the various articles seen in nassinp. At the conclusion of this, dainty cards were given out on which were printed some verses on" A T Proposal" th alternate lines of which ended ellipitically and with the syllable "ty", and which were to be filled out by each guest. Miss Annie Ruth Caldwell then delighted the young folks with several selections, vol Wine Miss Caldwell's readings, lit tie Misses Rosa and Loi3 Caldwell and Amanda Allen served ice tea and sandwiches. All were then in vited out on the lawn, which was beautifully decorated with Japanese lanterns, where watermelon was serv Pfl. In the first contest Miss Drina Hedgpeth received as prize a box of handkercniefs. in tne seconq miss Margaret Pope received a nice box of candy. Mr. Manley G. Lee pre sented the prizes with appropriate remarks. . At a late hour the guests reluct antly departed, about seventy-five having enjoyed Miss caiaweii s nos- pitality. 1 PERSONA L Mr. Eugene Hood is spending the aay in bu rani on business. Mr. M. J. Merritt is spending me uay in rvnmingion on business. Mrs. G. T. Holmes of Dunn is visiting her father. Mr. S. F. Jones Mr. E. D. Pitman of Back Swamp a L.uinuerion visitor yesterday. mr. James Smith of Lumberton, R. 6, was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. jnr. u. b. Alderman of Scotland county was a Lumberton visitor Tues day. Miss Lucile Burckheimer of Wil mmgton is a guest of Miss Rosamond waaaeu. miss oertrude Morris returned i uesaay night from a two-weeks' vis it at juoerty. Air. Willie Albert Sh hv vumt m i J "-. i uesaay to Kadm, where he has ac cepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Britt will leave nday for Wnghtsville Beach to spend a lew days. Mr. John Meares returned last night from Wnghtsville Beach, where ne spent a lew days. Mrs. J. A. ThomDson went vas. terday to Myrtle Beach where she win spend a few days. Messrs. Leon Edge and A '. R. Gra ham of Lumberton, R. 7, were Lum berton visitors yesterday. miss fcrlene Floyd of Barnesville is a guest of Misses Dorcas and Loula Williams, Seventh street. Mr. Robert Carter of Lumberton. R. 4, was among the callers at' The Robesonian office Tuesday. Miss Ruth Clybourn of Kershaw. S. C, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Britt. Mr. Herman Hood returned ves- terday from Badin. where he has held a position for some time. . Mr." and Mrs. Andrew Freeman re turned last night from Wrightsville ceacn, where they spent a few days. Miss Nina and Mr. Ben Pitman and little Miss Mildred Barnes of Back Swamp are vistors in town to day. Mrs. Alfred Smith and daughter. Miss Folly of the Back Swamp sec tion, were Lumberton visitors Tues day. .. 1 ,Mr, and Mrs. Irvine Prevatt and daughter, Miss Lessie, of Buie, R. 1, were among the shoppers in town yesterday. Mr. J. L. btone and daughters, Misses Katie and Sara, of Mt. Eliam, were among the shoppers in town yesterday. Mr. w. L. Farham returned this mormg trom Wilmington ana Wrightsville Beach, where he spent a few days visiting relatives. Mrs. D. D. Hilburn of Bladenboro arrived yesterday and is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hines. Miss Elizabeth McConnell, who had been visiting Miss Flora Wishart, re turned Tuesday to her home at Kob-erdell. Mr. J. L. M'White and sons, Messrs. Hal and Gilbert, of St. Paul, R. 1, are among the visitors m town today. Mrs. H. H. Redfearn and four children are visiting Mrs. Redfearn's mother, Mrs. James Billingsley at Peachland. Mr. Luther Yates of Rockingham KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL Health is Worth Saving, and Some Lumberton People Know How to Save It Many Lumberton people take their lives in their hands by neglecting the kidneys when they know these organs need help. Weak kidneys are responsible for a vast amount of suffering and ill health the slight-: est delay is dangerous. Use Doan's Kidney Pills a remedy that has helped thousands of kidney suffer-; era. Here is a Lumberton citizen's : recommendation. j Mrs. S. E. Rogers, cor. Third A: Chestnut Sts., Lumberton, says: "I; suffered terribly from inflammation! of the bladder and for a week at aj time I was confined to my bed. My; kidneys were sluggish and I had such awful backaches that I could hardly endure them, in fact, I felt miser-! able in . every way. Nothing did mes any good until I procured Doan's, Kidney Pills at McMillan's Drug! Store. The first box helped me won derfully, easing my back and reg ulating the action of my kidneys. Three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills cured me and I have not had any trouble since." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same tbat cured Mrs. . Rogers. Foster- Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. A SURPRISE MARRIAGE Miss Clara Prevatt Becomes Bride of Mr. Ed R. Smith A, surprise marriage took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pre vatt, Water street, Monday after noon at 5:30 o'clock when Miss Clara Prevatt became the bride of Mr. Ed R. Smith. It was a runaway affair. Justice F. Grover Britt performed the ceremony. Only a few intimate friends witnessed the marriage. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Prevatt and has many friends hereabouts. The bride and groom left on the 6:19 Seaboard train for Kings Mountain, where they will make their home. In his haste the groom forgot his suit case and clothes at the home of the bride's parents. However, he seemed to be content that he had the girl of his heart's desire in the place of his clothes. r Planters Bank & Trust Co. LUMBERTON N. C Authorized Capital $250,000.00 This Bank Standi Ready to Furnish Customers Every Facility and BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE;! Con sistent with Safe and Sound Banking. , - - Commercial Accounts Savings Accounts Trust Accounts We Cordially Invite Yon to Call at Our Banking Rooms R. R. BARNES, Vice President. W, h. FLETCHER, Vice President. C. B. TOWNSEND, President. K. ' M. BARNES, Treasurer. 0. C. S PAULDING, Trust Officer. Woman's Club Will Entertain the Grown-Ups Tomorrow Evening Correspondence of The Robesonian. Fairmont, August 8. The Woman's Club of Fairmont will entertain the "Grown-Ups" Fri day evening, Aug. 11th, from 8 to 11 o'clock, at Dixie theatre. Ad mission 10 cts. FOR THE TRADE 4 CARLOADS SCREEN WINDOWS AND DOORS Now in Stock. AH Grades and Sizes. 1 CARLOAD DIVERSE CULTIVATORS MASON & IDEAL (big mouth) FRUIT JARS 25000 ft GARDEN HOSE. ICE CREAN FREEZERS Prices Right. Send Us Your Orders. N. JACOBI HARDWARE CO. WILMINGTON, N. C FOR SALEI WILL SELL AT A bargain 2 good road horsse and 2 2nd-hand buggies. Both horses are . at the right age and in good con dition for road or farm work . One buggy has ball bearing axles with mohair top. Outfit good as new. Will sell worth the money. J. M. O. Denmark, St. Pauls, N. C. When baby suffers with eczema or Feme itching skin trouble use Doan's Ointment A little of it goes a long way and it is safe for children. 50c a bpx at all stores. Mr. W. F. French returned this morning from iWrightsville Beach, where he spent a few days. . FOR A SEASON OF TORTURE SOME Hay f ver causes untold misery to thousands. Asthma, too, counts its sufferers by the hundreds. Foley's Honey and Tar soothes that raw, rasping feeling in the throat, relieves hoarseness and wheezinsr, makes , breathing easier, heals inflammation, permits refreshing i slumber. Con tains no opiates, Sold everywhere. In Honor of Miss Ruth Jones .or Eureka Reported for The Robesonian. Misa Bertha $amter aeireniiuuy entertained Thursday evening of last week at her home on iMm street, in honor of her guest Miss Ruth Jones of Eureka. Miss Lillian Barker re ceived at the door and introduced the euests to Miss . Bertha Barker ana Miss .Pones. MISS LiUia Mae jonnson led the way to the punch bowl, where Dr. and Mrs. U. U. King presiaea, Mr. .T. P. Newman and Miss Nan then led the way to the lawn which was beautifully dec orated with Japanese lanterns. Al ter a very interesting contest of Pro ofccciiro i-nnservation. delicious block ram nnH rake were served. The time for departure came only too soon for those who were so jrreauy eniovine- Miss Barker's nospitaiuy. All pronounce her a most gracious hostess. Miss Janie K. Wishart left this morning for Bladenboro to visit Miss Johnsie McLean. . Miss Lillian Fereruson left this morning for ElizabYhtowmamJ Whice Lake, where she will , spend several days on business. Buncombe's Loss in Roads and Bridges by the Flood is $800,000 An official report made Tuesday to the county commissioners of Bun combe places the loss to bridges and roads in that county from th recent floods at $800,000. CHICHESTER S PILLS . THE DIAMOND BBANDLf V ' Ladira! Ami your lrarrlt lb a h !-- n-1, IHmalllrMlA I'll!, m Hr4 M fel4 nctllK: bom, teaied with Blue Ribboa. Taaa mw sibcr. Bay of Dninl Askfrrt 111.4 11 DIAMOND BRAND ?ILI.k, foe ta r voar vcan kaowa as Best, Safest. Always R elitblc Vr SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE is spendine a few days here at the home of Mrs. M. A. Mears, Chip pewa street . Miss Hannah McNeill, who had been visiting at the home of Mrs. A. Nash, returned to her home at Buie this morning. Miss Viola Hicks of Worthville ar rived Tuesday night and is a guest of her brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Free. Mrs. W. B. North and -children. Miss Martha Lee and Mr. Paul, will leave tomorrow for Durham, where thpv will RDend about 3 weeks, Misses Maitland Thompson and Lula Norment left Tuesday for Row land, where they will spend a lew days visiting at the home of Mr. Jack Ward, Jr. r, , Mrs. Bessie Cox, who JTSa been spending a few days here the guest of Mrs. A. Nash, E. Fifth street, returned yesterday to her home at Red Springs. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Biggs and family are spending this weeK at uurnam visuinir uus. uv.. er-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Belvin. Miss Flossie Smith returned yes terday to her home at Elizabethtown after spending a iew aays nere vis iting her sisters Miss Leta Smith and Mrs. Groom. . . Mrs. Mollie Norment went last week to Washington. D. C. to visit her sister, Mrs. Sallie McRae. She was accompanied from Fayetteville by her sister Mrs. Fannie Rozier. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Prevatt and Miss Bettie Smith of Rowland pass ed through Lumberton Tuesday af ternoon on their way home from Wrightsville Beach, where they spent a few days. Miss Eva North and nephew Mas ter Ellis Severance, who had been spending some time here visiting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. B. North, left Tuesday afternoon for Laurinburg, where they will spend some time before returning to their home at Lake City, S. C. t Mrs. A. E. Powell and children. Misses Etta Hamilton and Lucy and Master Elmo, Jr., of Whiteville, ar rived Tuesday and are guests, at the home of Mrs. Powell's fcrother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Johnson. They came in an auto with Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Saddler of Whiteville, who were on their way to Charlotte to visit relatives. Just the Thing for Diarrhoea "About two years ago I had a se vere attack of diarrhoea which lasted over a week," writes W. C. Jones, Bu- ford, N. D. "I became so weak that I could not stand upright. A drug eist recommended Chamberlain's Col ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. ; The first dose relieved me and with in two' days I was as well as ever." Many druggists recommend this rem edy because they know it is reliable. Obtainable everywhere; Corolina Realty Company CLINTON, N. C. win bii r.. .- ai i. i , -,- . .. ocu yvu a. is wunout an c asn down, we sen iarms every- Some extra fine farms arou nd Red Springs for sale now. Represented bv W. M. PATE. BUIE, N. C. where. Arfr-TMiAfiTL TrfATa woVTH HAVING- IS- WORTH AN r A MS ' ... " J E are making a consistent and successful effort to se cure the best and freshest foods demanded by a high class pat ronage. Substitution finds no place in our grocery-scheme of things. Out get-the-order-there-on-time delivery makes a trade winning appeal. J. H. WISHART PHONE 1 FIFTEEN DAY SEASHOE'E EM EXCUM OLDER BUT STRONGER To be healthy at seventy, prepare at forty, is 9oand advice, because hi the strength of middle life we too often forget that neglected colds, or careless treat ment of alight aches and pains, simply undermine strength and bring chronic weakness for later years. To be stronger when older, keep your blood pure and rich and active with the 6treogth-bnilding and blood-nourishing properties of Scott's Emulsion which is a food, a tonic and a medicine to keen voor blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and avoid sickness. No alcohol In Scott's. - Scott & Borne, BloomfieU, N. J. Get a Square Meal at Oympia Cafe The Best Eating Place in Town NOW OPEN New Fixtures, Best Cooks, Everything Sanitary, In spection Invited, Satis- faction Guaranteed. Tables For Ladies fjympia (Cafe Elm Street Lumberton, N. C- TO Attlaottic ClUy N.J. Thursday Aug. 16 V I A- Sorthem Railway $IL50 RoundTrip rnu.n all rui.vis. WILSON'S MILLS TO GREENSBORO. IN CLUDING OXFORD, HENDERSON AND CHAPEL HILL STATION .-rinin $11.75 ROUND TRIP FROM SELMA $12-50 ROUND TRIP FROM GOLD SBORO, PRINCETON AND PINE LEVEL TICKETS GOOD FIFTEEN DAYS THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS DURHAM FROM RALEIGH AND MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW SffAMTEACCOHODATIONS FOR COLORED PEOPLE PASSENGERS WILL USE REGULAR TRAIN NO. 131 TO GREENS BORO AND SPECIAL TR AIN FROM GREENSBORO BEST TIME OF THE SEASON TO SPEND SHORT VACATION AMERICA'S GREATEST SEASHORE RESORT AT VISIT PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON; MAKE SIDE TR IP TO NEW YORK ALSO For Pullman reservation9 and' further information ask your agent, or address J. O. JONES, T. P. A, - V ... L' - - Raleigh, N. C ' -jfj