pAge six THE R0B1SS0NIAX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1916 PROFESSIONAL CARDS r. a. Mclean, Attorney-at-law Lnmberton. - - - North Carolina Office n Weinstein ' building. -18 Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnson JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Counselors at Law LUMBERTON, N. ,C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Notary Public in Office. Offices over First National Bank. ooflsKR88888888888 E. J. BRITT 8 & Attorney at Law 8 s T.TJMBERTON. N. C. 8 o tv Pnni Hmtr f!nm- 8 8 pany. Will practice in all courts. 8 8 Prompt attention given to all 8 a husiness. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Stephen Mclntyre, R. C. Lawrence James D. Proctor McINTYRE. LAWRENCE & PROCTOR Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given to all business A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. S. Varser Junius J. Goodwin BlsLEAN, VARSER & McLEAN Attorneys at Law Otfiee on second floor National Bank of Lumberton building. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA T. A. McNeill, Jr. H. J. Singleton McNEILL-SINGLETON Lumberton, North Carolina .Will practice in all courts. Business attended to promptly Rooms 3 and 4 McLeod buildin, cor. ner Elm and 4th Streets E. E. STACY, Attorney-at-Law. Lumberton, N. C Practice in State and Federal Conrtc Office in First National Bank Bid t. a. McNeill Lawyer Land titles and law of executors and administrators special attention. Office, Fifth street, west of First National Bank . Practice in all Courts. Lumberton, N. C. , J. ED TYSON Plane Surveying and Leveling LUMKEKIUJN, N. C. WOODBERRY LENNON Attorney-at-Law Lumberton, N. C Offices over Postoffice. RUSSELL S. BEAM, M. D. Lumberton, . N. C. Practice limited to Eye, Ear. Nnsp. nd Throat. Office hours 9 to 11:30 a. m. 9. in R n m. Sundays by appointment, ' Phone 196 '' P fS. Rf7TFI? Til fl Physician and Surgeon . T.tTMREPTnM M , Office McMillan Drug Store Residence Phone 302 Office Phone 7E , DR. D. D. RING Dentist LUMBERTON, N. C. Ofices upstairs in Weinstein building. DR. R. T. ALLEN Dentist LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA Office in McLeod Building Cor. 4th and Elm Sta Thos. C. Johnson, M. D. Residence Phone 175 James A. Martin M. D. Residence Phone 167 DRS. JOHNSON & MARTIN Over McMillan's Drug Store Office Phone 47 - . JOHN KNOX, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office Phone 26; Residence Phone 54 LUMBERTON, N. C. F. F. WETMORE, C. E. Drainage Surveys Highways of all Kinds Sanitation' Maps Office Weinstein Building Lnmberton, N. C. FOR AUTO LIVERY SERVICE Phone or write W. H. M. BROWN Buie, N. C. PHONE 2712 STEPHENS & BARNES Funeral Directors and Embalmers LUMBERTON, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Robeson county. By virtue of the power--of sale contained in a certain deed of trust dated the 1st day of August, 1915, recorded in book 34, page 239 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson county, from John. M. Mc Donald to P. Rv Cappelle, trustee, to secure the paymenlrof the indebt edness therein mentioned, default having been m?de in such payment, the undersigned will sell at public auction for cash, in the town of Parkton, county of Robeson, State of North Carlina, on the 8th day of September, 1916, at 12 o'clock, m., the following described real estate: Lying and being in Parkton town ship, in said county and State, on the south-west of Little Cole Camp Creek and including the place where Newton's saw mill was located be ginning at a pine stump in the road, oak pointers, Henry Williams' cor ner in or near Cpwan Deans, f or merlv Musselwhites line: runs with that line N 6 degrees W 15.75 chains to a lightwood stump near where the mill was located ; thence N 30 degrees W 10.13 chains to a maple at the run of Little vole Uamp; thence down the run with the van ous courses thereof about 29 chains to a stake in Gum Pointers, Henry Williams' corner; thence with said Williams' line S 38 degrees ' 11.50 chains to the beginning, containing 26 acres, , more or less, being the same tract of land conveyed to Cora Lee Brigman by John H. Biggs and wife, September 10th, 1908, deed to same being recorded in dook ou, page 274 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson county. And is the same tract of land that was con- Indigestion and Nervousness re overcome by Mrs. Joe Person's Remedy which parities tbe blood nl tones up the system Mrs. Mary Amanda Xasli, Lumlerton. fi. C., wa: n severe sufl'erer from acute fiidiuestic n, whict brought on extreme nervousufiss.sufierinijdailj irltb catarrhal headache. Mrs. Joe Terson'! Remedy relieved all these ills and she audorscf it as tbe best medicine In the world. Give Nature a Chance Mrs. Joo Person's Remedy purifies the blood and permits nature to repair the damiKC of the ills brought on by impure blood Indig-estioa rheumatism, scrofula, eczema. Get the bluoa richt and most ills are cured. Your druggist should have Mrs. Joo Fersou'? Remedy. If be hasn't, send us bis name and one dollar for large bottl" REMEDY SALES CORPORATION CHARLOTTE, N. C. Mrs. Joe Person's Wash one. nection with the Kcmedyforthecure of sores and the relief of inflamed and congested sur faces. It Is especially valuable for women, v4 should always be used for ulcerations. HE COULD HARDLY WALK Deranged kidneys cause rheuma tism, aches (pains, 'soreness, stiff ness. Ambrose Gary. Sulphur, Ok la., writes: "I was bothered with kidney trouble ten years and at times could hardl walk. I began taking Foley Kidney Pills. I got re lief from the first but continued till I had taken three bottles. I feel like a new man.'' Sold everywhere. rr r LOANS NEGOTIATED ON IMPROVED FARMLANDS (Robeson, Scotland & Hoke Counties) $2,000 00 to $50,000.00 .FIVE YEARS ..... 5 1-2 Interest A. T. McLEAN . Lumberton, X. C. E 15 chs. to a stake in Buie's line, thence as Buie's line to the begin ningcontaining 35 acres. The above being a survey of lands, devised to W. A. Smith by Samuel L Smith, ex cepting 50 acres within said bounda ries devised to ID.' McC. Smith. From this conveyance is excepted out of the above boundaries the 50 acres devised to D. McC. Smith by S. L. Smith, and also 65 acres con veyed by W. A. Smith to Charles Terry and J. D. McMillan, leaving a balance of 120 acres now owned by said W. A. Smith and conveyed thereby. This 10th day of July, 1916. P. C. WHITLOCK, 7 13 5thurs Trustee. Hail Insurance Protect Your Crops Tobacco $50 acre $2.50. Cotton, Corn and small Grain $40 acre $1.70. Rates lower and higher ac cording to value. S. H. HAMILTON SEASON -FOR- Fire Insurance Every day in the Better insure now year. R. H. CRICHTON Phone 9 and 169 TRUSTEES SALE . Under and by virtue of authority conferred on me by that -certain deed of trust executed by W.A.Smith et als, dated May 6, 1912, and record ed in mortgage deed book No. 26, page 536, of the office of the reg ister of deeds of Robeson county, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured, and demand having been made upon me by the owner and holder of I the note evidencing said indebtedness, I will, on Monday the 14th day of August, 1916, at 12 o'clock m. at the court house door of Kobeson coun tv. offer for sale, for cash to the highest bidder, the following de scribed land, lying and being in said countv and State: Beginning at a light wood stump in William McMillan's line and runs S 45 chs. to a large stump in pond ia west edge, thence west 43 chs. to a pine by 2 pines in field, thence N. 45 chs. to , a stake in Buckhorn, thence due east 45 chs. direct to the beginning containing 200 acres. Second tract, begins at a stake by 2 Dines. North corner of Arch Buie est and runs N 15 W 15 chs. to a pine stump, in field, thence S 75 W chs.near Mt.Tabor road.thence S15 R. D. Caldwell & Son (Incorporated) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. EMBALMING Odlest Undertaking Establish V.ment in this community. ... Our equipment is good and when called we render satLs factory service .Day Telephone 119; night, 82 or 312 or 226. veyed .- by Cora Lee Brigman to John M. McDonald, by deed that will be found recorded in book 61, page 280, in the office of register of deeds of Robeson county. This 1st day of August, 1916. P. R. CAPELLE, Trustee. Thorne & Capelle, Attorneys. 8 10 4thurs iimUMyWhiJiiniHiil ill I! Ill Hill i li i 6 just where you drive straight sure, in all weathers when you equip with United States "Chain Tread" Tires the famous popular priced, long-mileage, anti-skid tires. Ask us the price of the size you use and let us show youwhjr "Chain Treads" are real economy tires. People's Garage THE ii i m S4mericasCreatesthtSixn PEOPLE'S GARAGE DISTRIBUTORS LUMBERTON, - - NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE Under and by virtue of a judg ment of the superior court of Robe son county, made at the December term of said Court 1915. in the ac tion entitled M. G. McKenzie, Treas., ei ai., vs. u. s. McKenzie et al., the undersigned commissioner, will, on Monday, the 4th day of Septem ber, 1916, at 12 o'clock, m., at the court house door of Robeson county, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing tracts of land lying and being in the county of Robeson, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: First Tract: In the town of Lum berton, and in that section known as Lindell, the lot hereby conveyed be ing more particularly described as follows, a part of lot No. 524 as lo cated and designated on the last of ficial map of the town of Lumber- ton, made by J. E. Purcell, civil en gineer, dated Nov. 1, 1904. The por tion of said lot No. 524 hereby con veyed being described as subdivision "C" and D of said lot No. 524 as located on a map of a portion of Lindell, as subdivided by F. F. Wet more, civil engineer, dated Jan. 20, 1908, and duly filed and recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Robeson county In book 5-J, page 188. to both of which maps refer ence is hereby made for a more par ticular description artd being the same lots conveyed by A. W. McLean and others to G. S. McKenzie, by deed dated Jan. 28, 1908, and duly re corded in book 5-J, page 251, office of the register of deeds of Robeson sounty, North Carolina. '. Second Tract : On the north side of the Harrell road, adjoining Cald well lands and others. Beginning at a stake in the edge of said road, at the grave yard, S. C. Boon's corner and runs -with his line north 15 1-2 west .19.42 chains .to the . Caldwell line; thence with said line south 78 3-4 east 3.11 chains to a stake; thence south 15 1-2 east 18.03 chains to a stake in the edge of said Harrell road; thence with said road to the beginning, con taining 5 acres, more or less, it be ing understood that about one-fourth of an acre is excepted from the tract for grave yard, and not hereby con veyed, and being the same tract con veyed by J. A. Boone, Sr., to Mar garet B. McKenzie by deed dated July 31, 1909, and recorded in book 5-0, page 400 office of the register of deeds of Robeson county, North caronna. This the 2nd day of August, 1916, E. J. BRITT. 8 3 4thurs Commissioner. The North Carolina College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts Young men seeking an education which will equip them for practical life in Agricultuie, and all its allied tranches; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering; in Chemistry and Dyeing; in Textile or other industries, and in Agricultural teaching will find excellent provision for their chosen careers at the State's great technical College. This College fits men for life by giving . practical instruction as well as thorough scientific education. Four years' courses in Agriculture, in Chemistry, in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, and in Textile industries. Four year, two year, one year, and summer Normal courses in Agriculture. ... Numerous practical short courses. Entrance examinations held at each county seat on July 13th. For catalogue, and entrance blanks write . -'E. B. OWEN, Registrar, West Raleigh, N. C. pnuuinnininiiifiw S3 3 DONALDSON MILITARY SCHOOL FAYETTE VI LLE, N. C H Offers to boys of character the completest moral, mental, 3 social, and physical development, preparing them for any college or university and equipping them to meet H the responsibilities of life. H With its expert instructors, small classes healthful g location, superb equipment, and atmosphere of culture, s there is no better school in the South. s Site of 47 acres, with park of 400 acres, athletiG field", tennis courts, and LAKE one mile long. S Plant made up exclusively of modern briek buildings. heated by steam and lighted by electricity; one-story brick barracks with hot and cold water itt each room. Parents may visit their sons and return in one day. During the present year four Donaldson cadets at West Point and Annapolis. For catalogue,, etc., address John Monteitli McFall, A. M., LU B.,SnpU Box C, I aye ue vine. c rrmtninn-iniiiTniTOiiiiinnffl JUefferson Standard Life Insurance Company GREENSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA. Assets i. ...... .... S fi.354 913.02 Insurance in Torce ................. 45 o'JO.STO 00 Surplus to Protect Policyholders 1,080,459.09 Keeps your money at home and, at the same time, offers the best insurance, that can be secured. Policy Contracts Unexcelled. currie & McAllister LUMBERTON, General Agents N. C. $21,300 Paid to Stockholders The First Series of Stock Issued by T he . Robeson Building & Loan Association Has Matured Books Are Now Open at the Office of the Secretary for Subscription to Stock of THE FOURTEENTH SERIES 5WHICH BEGINS: July First Nineteen Hundred and Sixteen Doii't Delay. :-: Do It Now ASK THE SECRETARY ' : "' C V. BROWN, Sec. Virginia and Carolina Southern R. R. No.79 No.65 7:30 am 4:47 pm Lv Fayetteville :uu am 5:10 pm Hope Mills 8:10 am 5:20 pm Lv Rcslin .... 8:17 am 5:25 pm Lv McMillar.s , 8:24 am 5:30 pm Lv Oakland ... 8:30 am 5:36 pm Lv St. Pauls . . 8:42 am 5:46 pm Lv Roziers ... 8:54 am 5:56 pm Lv Powers .. . 9:10 am 6:15 pm Ar Lumberton t i b a . . . Ar .. Ar . ...Ar . ..Ar , . . .Ar .. Ar . . . Ar . . .Lv No.64 Ar 12:02 11:30 11:20 11:13 11:07 10:57 10:48 10:36 10:25 No.78 pm 10:15 pm am Q-Kft nm UJAl 9:35 pm 9:27 pm 9:20 pm 9:10 pm 9:00 pm 8:50 pm 8:40 pm, am am am am am am am .. No. 7 11:00 am Lv St. Pauls . 12:40 pm Ar Elizabethto Nos 7 and 8 daily except Sunday. No. 8 Ar5:25 pm . Lv 3:4i) pm For additional information, as to rates, schedules, or reservations, call on local agent or write. W. W. DAVIS, Asst General Pas. Agent ' LUMBERTON, N. C. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAIL , WAY COMPANY Hie Progressive Railway of the South SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE MAY 28TH, 1916 V Trains Leaving Lumberton No. 19 7:15 a. m. Train for Hamlet, Charlotte and all intermediate point3 Through Sleeper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for pas sengers at Wilmington at 10 P M. No. 13 6:19 p. m. Train for Hamlet, Charlotte, and all intermediate points Connecting at Hamlet for all points North, South and West. Pullman Parlor Car Wilmington to Charlotte. Thru daily Pullman service Wilmington to Atlanta all steel cars on Fri days thru sleeper to Birmingham. No' 20T9:45 p m Train for Wilmmington and all intermediate point Through Sleeper, Charlotte to Wilmington. Passengers may re main in Sleeper until 7 A. M. No. 1410:15 a. m. Train for Wilmmington and all intermediate point Pullman Parlor Car Charlotte to Wilmington. Thru daily Pullman service Atlanta to Wilmington all steel cars Thru fileeper from Birmingham Saturday. j For additional information, as to rates, schedules, or reservationaT call on local agent or write the undersigned M. BEVERLY, Agent, H. E. PLEASANTS, T. P. A. Lumberton. N. C Wilmington, N. CL JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A, Raleigh, N. C Vacation Excursion TO Eastern Mesoirts .VIA THE Atlantic Coast Line . At the ...folio wing-: : LOW ROUND TRIP RATES FROM LUMBERTON, N. C. .VIA . ' . , ' Virginia & Carolina Southern R R. - to rass ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. $13.25 7 BALTIMORE, MD $12.25 -WASHINGTONrD.C.r $10.25 RICHMOND, VA., ;, vt- NORFOLK, VA., $8.25 7 "T" r VIRGINIA BEACH, VA., Tickets will be sold for all trains on ' Tfiiersday Am. 17. Limited returning to reach original starting point by or before midnight of Friday, September 1st, 1916. For fares, sched ules, sleeping car accommodations and any desired information, cal1 on w. W. DAVIS, Asst. G. P. A. Vfginia & Carolina Southern Railway Co, Lumberton, N. C-

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