THE .ROBESONUV. THURSDAY, "JANUARY 11, 1917 i nvisr IHE ROBESONIAN i YOU CAN'T FIND ANY rrnrnn dandruff, and hair Office 107 West Fourth Street. , Telephone No. 20. ! STOPS CMW, OUT PERSO N A JL THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1917 LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE Seaboard Air Line. Train No. 13 westbound lvs 6:19 pm Train No. 20 eastbound lvs 9:45 pm Train No. iy west-oouna lvs. 7:15-am Train No. 14 eastbound lvs 10:05 am VA. & CAROLINA SOUTHERN From Hope Mills Train No. 79 arrives 9:10 am Train No. 64 leaves 10:25 am Train No. 65 arrives 6:20 pm Train No. 78 leaves 8:40 pm Raleigh & Charleston Train No. 1 leaves 10:20 am Train No. 2 aniyes 6:15 pm Save Your Hair. Make it Thick Wavy, Glossy and Beautiful at Once Try as you will, after an applica tion of Danderine, you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most, will be af ter a - fpw WPplra' 11SP. Whori trrn caa " . . 7 jwm i iiuvviauu new hair, fine ard downy at first ' Tuesday. 2 ovTr tL scalp nair-gr Mr.. I. T, Brown of the Philadel ail over tne scaip. uhus spftinn wn n T.r.haw-,, ti A little Danderine immediately t"a " " " " " viai Mr. H. F. Townsend of Lowe was a Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr. T. A. McCormick of Pembroko was a Lumberton visitor Monday. Mr. A. B. Smith of R. 3 from Lumberton was in town yesterday. Mr. A. J. Holmes of Dunn spent Tuesday in Lumberton on business. Mr. W. L. Willoughby of Wishari townsnip was a Lumoerton Tuesday. Mr. R. F. Shackleford of R. 2 from Kowiand was a- Lumberton visitor "CASCARETS" BEST IF HEADACHY, BILIOUS SICK, 'CONSTIPATED;! i , BUSINESS Dim mlk doubles the beauty of your hair. No cDjlierence how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is im mediate and amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an in comparable lustre, softness ard lux uriance, - the . beauty and shimmer of true hair health. - - Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine tromany drug store or toilet countermand prove that your , hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured tor Tuesday. . Messrs. W. M. and L. M. Oliver of Marietta were Lumberton visitors Monday. Mr. B. L. Lovett of R. 1 from Or- rum was among the visitors in town this morning. Rev. R. L. Byrd of Tolarsville was among the callers at The Robesonian office Tuesday. Mr. M. S. Baxley and daughter, Miss Edna, of R. 1 from St. Paul- were Lumberton visitors Tuesday. Mrs. W. S. Britt returned home Friday from Kershaw, S. C, where she spent some time visiting rela tives. - . Mrs. L. C. Williamson and two FANCY DRIVING HORSES. two of the best horses I have handled in some time, fast, gentle, with more style than anybody's horse. At a bargain. W. I. Link-haw. hv parelpss 'fr.rpnf tt?. A 9K-fpn2 children. TTnllis I have , hair. Sunday nirfit from. Columbia. S. C where they spent some time visiting Best for Liver and Bowels, Bad S DraotF. T?.. ,1 fi.lj. c 8 Stomach Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, coated , : 4-, j i ji -l i . v"i . tongue, neaa ana nose cioggorl uo with a cold always trace this to tor pid liver; delayed, fermenting food in the bowels or sour, gassy stom-, ach. Poisonous matter clogged in the intestines, instead of being cast out of the system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick ening, neaaacne. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigest ed food and foul gases, take the ex cess bile from the liv?r and enrry out all the constipated waste mat ter and poisons in the bowels. .Ai Cas caret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet, breath right, complexion rosy and your liver and boweb regular for . months. ONE HUNDRED TONS AGRICUL tural Lime on hand. See us for best terms and prices. Guaran teed. O. I. Floyd Co., Fairmont, N. C. WANTED 5 OR 6 TEAMS TO haul lumber by the day or " con tract. Apply to R. W. Massie, Jr.,1 Pembroke, N. C. MONEY TO LEND. APPLY TO Mclntyre, Lawrence and Proctor. High-headed black horse, Mrs. F. Grover Britt and small ' " I -J J i 1 . . about 900 pounds, Tyson-Jones ?u&n,l5r. "uxn- returnm .last night springs, driven from jaawena, n i, wnere tney spent buggy, side stables bv Johnnie Boone Jan. 5th. Reward for return to W. B. Beas ley, Lumberton, N. C. Mr. M. F. Hodges of R. 6, Lum berton, was in town this morning. Mr. S. F. Harrell of St. Paul, R. 2, was a Lumberton visitor this morn ing, s Every Successful Life is Built Upon the Proposition ot Preparedness The man who refuses o acknowledge the fact THAT SOME DAY' HE WILL BE IN NEED, is almost sure to find himself in fin ancial distress when he least expects it. The great trouble with many men and women is that they live from day to day with na thought of tomorrow. Much of the worm s poverty is due to the neglect of cultivating ths habit. EVERY MAN WHO EARNS SHOULD SAVE. road to financial PREPAREDNESS. We rarely stop to think how helpful the bank is until we need assistance. But it is much better for you to have money in the bank when you need it, than it is to have to borrow the money from the bank. Join the list of saving- and thrifty men and women by start ing your account with us NOW. Our services are at your com mand. , - saving This is the several days visiting at the home of Mrs. Britt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J..T. Hamilton. Mr. E. L. Thrower and son, Master PI q it vF T O -F-w 04- T1 . j LIGHTWOOD WANTED. ONE r' 'v tti - J " vZll" load, stovewood length, at once,. on to Maxton to visit Mr. Thrower's subscription, onng to xvoDefcoman moth Mrs. Rutl, Thrower. Thev Planters Bank & Trust Co. v. LUMBERTON N. C. PHONE 71 FOR THE BEST BREAD in the city, delivered for 5c per loaf, DaBois Bakery. FOR SALE 140 acres of land on the public road between Fairmont and Rowland. This property has a good house, and can be bought theap. If not sold witnin two weeKS will entertain a proposition for renting same for iyi7.' or further information ap ply to McNAIR & PEARSALL WILMINGTON, N. C. SMALL IRON SAFE FOR SALE. Robeson Grocery Co., Lumberton, X. C. FOR SALE 2 FINE POINTER Pup pies 9 mos. old, unbroke $20 pair. One handsome pointer dog 2 yrs. old retrieves, A-l, price $25. J. H. Collings, Red Springs, N. C. WHEN ORDERING YOUR GROCE ries remember Powell & Prevatt. Phone 64. Try our Belle of Wil mington flour. Best made. MULES, MULES; FRESH CAR load just arrived. Look them ov er. I will save you money. W. I. Linkhaw. - WHEN YOU NEED AUTO SER vice call Powell & Prevatt. Phone 64. SEND TO US FOR Tobacco Plant Bed Cloth, Tobacco Plant Bed Guano Tobacco Seed. R. D. Caldwell & Son TWO AUTO TIRES LOST. ONE smooth tire for Cadillac, other non- skid, both United States tires, both 4 1-2 x 36. Reward for return to Robesonian office. BUGGIES AND WAGONS. HACK- ney's and standard makes at right prices. W. l. ljinKnaw. I AM MAKING LOANS FOR FIVE years on improved farm land3 in Robeson, Scotland and Hoke coun ties in amounts sz.OUO.UU to sou,- 000.00, bearing, interest at the rate of FIVE PER CENT. Call on or write A . T . McLean, Lumberton, N. C. FOR RENT GOOD TWO-HORSE farm. K. M. Biggs. MONEY TO LOAN W. H. KIN law, Lumberton, N. C. BREAK- YOUR COLD OR LaGrippe$-ff fetf apf" bob. DON'T FORGET THE BEST PLACE I to stop hunger is at the Olympia cafe. Elm street, Lumberton. FOR RENT ONE TWO-HORSE farm, near Saddle Tree, with good dwelling and out houses. Apply to Fannie L. Rozier, Fayetteville, N. C. SAVE YOURELF ALL WORRY, ..trouble and failures by having some of those delicious rolls for supper, at DuBois Bakery. Phonff 71. iF YOU WANT THE HIGHEST prices for your cotton and cotton seed sell to John T:-Biggs. GET YOUR CABBAGE PLANTS AT L. H. Caldwell's. BRING YOUR HIDES AND FURS to L. H. CaldweH and get the high est market pricesi HOT ROLLS EVERYvAFTERNOON, delivered to your home, 10c per doz. They are fine. Phone 71. DuBois Bakery. ' WE HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT of cotton mules at the right price, see them. W. I. Linkhaw. FRESH FISH FOR FRESH SEP tember, mullets call on or 'phone the Britt Grocery Company. 108 West Third street, Phone No. 215 TAKE NOTICE WE PAY THE highest market prices for all kinds of furs. Also we buv rubber, cop per and brass, cow hides. Blacker Bros.. Lumberton, N. C. COMPARE MY INTEREST RATE and terms with others who are handling the same class of loans. Amounts $2,000.00 to- $50,000.00; Robeson, Scotland and rHoke coun ties. Rate of interest FIVE PER CENT. A. T. McLean, Lumberton. W. C. J1 f "N HOW'S YOOR STREHGTH? 3 FAIR AND SaUARE O a great extent your finan cial strength depends upon your physical vigor and your daily well being is controlled by the foodstuffs encountered by your digestion. The moral of all of o - this is. buy your groceries at the Fair and Square store and you'll be satisfied with life. RUB-MY-TISM ANTISEPTIC, RE- lieves Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc BUY YOUR FERTILIZER FOR TO- bacco plant beds from K. M. Biggs. J. H. WISH ART PHONES 1 and 207 i Ml lip R Catarrh means inflammation. Inflammation is the stagnation of blood the gorging of the circulation with impure blood. Oi course you can't be well under this condition. It means, headaches, indigestion, kidney trouble, coughs, colds, etc By assisting nntrltlnii creases the circulation, invigorates the system, removes the waste matter and brightens you up. Over 44 Years Of service to the public entitles it to a place with you. It Makes Good i The Perunt Company Columbus, Ohio You can get Peruna in tablet form . i& for convenience. A lazy liver leads to chronic dys pepsia and constipation, weakens the whole system. Doan's Regulets (25c per box) act mildly on the liv er and bowels. At all drug stores. DIG YOUR DITCHES and BLOW OUT STUMPS WITH DUPONT DYNAMITE or FARM POWDER THE LOGICAL AND ECONOMICAL WAY Information & Prices Furnished. Send us your Orders N.JACOBI HARDWARE CO.. Agents. -Wilmington, N. C. THE GENUINE INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER for constipation, eczema, scrofula, stomach, kidney, bladder, blood troubles and especially female trouble- and changes in life of vouur girls. It's purely vegetable, contains no -opiate, narcotic, iodide of pota sium, nor other minerals. For stile by For sale by Red Springs Drug Co., Red Springs, IN. J. Grantham" Drug Co., St. Paul, N. C. urantnam , Sros., Lumberton. N. C. Central Drug Co., Lumber Bridge, N. C i s; V; Vi ' Pittman Drug Co., Fairmont, N. C. Bladenbbro Drug Co., Bladenboro, N. ClarktosCshStore.r.Claikton Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! Scratch! Scratch! The more you scratch, the worse the itch. Try Doan's Oint ment. For eczema, any skin itching. 50c a box. For baby's croup, Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mama's sore throat. Grandma's lameness. Dr. Thomas Eclectic Oil the household remedy. 25c and 50c. .. SIGNS OF GOOD HEALTH Bright eyes, clear skins, alert brains and energetic movements are signs of good health. You don't have them when digestion is impaired and fer menting, decaying food clog3 the intestines. Foley Cathartic Tablets set you right. Act without . pain, griping or nausea. Too-stout persons welcome the light feeling they bring. U3old everywhere. ' THIS AND FIVE CENTS! DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose five cents to Foley & Co 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clear ly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds, and croup; Foley Kidney Pill3 and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold every where. , IHIASTI IfTHEATR TODAY "A illion for A Baby " Presenting Bryant Washburn and Marguerite Clayton and "The Deluded Wife " Presenting Virginia Norden TOMORROW ANITA STEWART in the 'SUSPECT'-' Prices 5 & 10c NOTHING BUT THE VERY BEST is good enough for Lumberton peo ple, and we have it in Bread, Rolls, Cakes, Pies, etc. Phone 71. Du Bois Bakery. FOR SALE ONE GOOD GENTLE mare and Tyson & Jones buggy, cheap. Owner has no use for them. L. T. Townsend. AUTO LIVERY BUSINESS SER io-Vit. Headauarters McCormick store. See, 'phone or write Walter McNeill, PemDroKe n. c. . -, V . WANTED GOOD , TENANTS FOR 'Pasutarite Theallre Wednesday, January, 1 7th Thursday, u 18th "THE FALL OF A NATION" Sequel to the 'Birth of A Nation' Show , will open at 2 p.Hm. so that visitors from other towns may have' the . opportunity of seeing this grsat spectacular feature in IT I B l I &-&RU. Af(fuP p lm h " i mi MR VERY YEAR you promise yourself that you are going to save up some money for next Christmas. Do you do it? Most ot us do not, or at least we put it off till we have to "stint" ourselves and then do not have enough. CLUB OPENS TUESDAY, JAN. 2, 1917. By saving 10c each week you will save 25c each week you will save 50c each week you will save $1.00 each week you will save We add 3 per cent interest Ask us about this Club. It is a great plan to learn to SAVE; it is a great plan to learn to become acquainted with this Bank and our methods-which will do you lots of good in after years; and it is a great plan to have some money for nextXmas. Money that you SAVE that otherwise you would have thrown away. You don't have to stint, for it. You will have money and not miss a cent, and you will enjoy it so much. If you are dependent, you do not have to ask anybody for money for Christmas, and when you spend it, you can say "I am spending my own mon ey How good it will make you feel. $ 5.00 12.50 25.00 50.00 Come In Now! The National Bank ot Lumberton LUMBERTON, N. .0. inree W v lour two-nute tne '.atternoon it mey preier. . f erred. Call on . W . G. . Gilchri3t, Lumberton, N. C., 1

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