THE ROBESONIAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1917 PAGE TRRK1 New Oxffoirds aurad SHioes Several hundied pairs of the t latest and most comfortable styles in Men's, Women's, Misses', Boy's and Children's Oxfords have just arrived direct from the factory. Also a large lot of Work Shoes for Men and Boys. These Oxfords and Shoes were bought before some of the latest advances in' leather and we are going to give our customers the advan tage of it. Make Your Purchases Early and Save Money Hosiery and Neckwear Ladies' Black and White Silk Hose 50c and $1.00 Men's Black and Colored Lisle Thread and Silk Hose 25c and 50c A new lot of the latest patterns in Men's Ties 25c and 50c K. M. BIGGS "CASCARETS" BEST IF HEADACHY, BILIOUS, SICK, CONSTIPATED Best for liver and bowels, bad breath, bad colds, sour stomach DEPARTMENT STORE LUMBERTON, N. C. Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, head and nose clop-e-ed ut with a cold always trace this to tor- pia liver; delayed, lermenting food in the bowels or sour, gassy stomach. roisonous matter clogged m the in testines, instead of being cast out cf the system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this Doison reaches? the delicate brain tissue it causes con gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick ening headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the constipated wate "matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep a 10-cent box from your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet, and your liver and bowels regular for months. HIGH COMPLIMENT TO LUMBERTON CITIZEN A. W. McLean Given High Praise by Rational Chairman McCormick Was Seated Next the President at Luncheon Washington Special, March 6, to Wil- Vance McCormick, chairman of the Of Your System Ds Poisoned xrith acids, you cannot know what it is to be healthy. Acids poison the blood and are the source of many dis eases affectin2 the heart and arteries. 'Avviiui,n, .III tin wl lIlC l j - y EKin ana mucous surfaces, loints and W. W. Marsh, treasurer of the' com-1 Inuscles an the brain and general itteef paid a high complimentoi lJFlJT of-these -dis-National Committeeman A. W. Mc-i ,Rhatism in various ean in particular and North Caro-i t0JCr f,czemfr fmpies, lma m general at today's meeting of th? skm d,1SSeSJ the committee, when he declared tnl??iS STcrofuJa and general blood the other members nrpt tw iuv lr . , , oraer to restore yourself McLean dSlsSfrSS IS a heaIty cndition W t drive 1 . - .1 .v. NORTH CAROLINIANS AT INAUGURATION I Go To BULLOCK'S GARAGE For Automobile Repairs, Auto Supplies and Accessories Auto Livery Service Day or Night L. F. BULLOCK, Owner & Mgr. LUMBERTON, N. C. Night Phone No. 55 : Day Phone No. 231 Loans To Farmers- On improved real estate None too large to handle Write or Call to See GEO. L. THOMPSON Trust Officer PLANTERS BANK & TRUST; CO. LUMBERTON, N. C. -I GET OUT A POLICY and do it now. Fires are dis astrous and delays are dan gerous. You can't bring back what is consumed by fire. You can, though, BE REIMBURSED ON YOUR FIRE LOSS if it's one of our companies. Premiums on doubtful policies is money thrown away. Be sure and insure with us. C. T. WILLIAMS Lumberton, N. C. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Farm Lands Desirablyl Located. EASY TERMS. WRITE OR CALLJONUS. THE MUTUAL LOAN & TRUST GO. H. M. MCALLISTER, President THOS. L. JOHNSON, Sec-Treas. FIFTEENTH SERIES Robeson Building & Loan Association NOW OPEN DO NOT PUT OFF UNTIL TOMORROW What you ought to do today. Take stock in this Series and begin to plant that NEW HOME that YOU have wanted so long. Build your home with rent money. INFORMATION CHEERFULLY FURNISHED v C. .V. BROWN, Secretary. Senator Overman Rode in Carriage With President Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLean at White House Lunch eon Washington Cor., March 5, Wilming ton Star. Senator Overman was the most conspicuous brave North Carolina man in connection with the inaugu. ration of President Wilson today. It was the junior North Carolina Sen ator who prepared the plans and made the arrangements for the sec ond inauguration of Mr. Wilson. It was Mr. Overman who called at the White House promptly at 11 o'clock today and escorted the Presi dent to the Capitol, where h-3 took the cath of office and mads the in augural address. It was Senator Overman who rode in the same car riage with the President from the Capitol to the White House and saw to it that he was given proper pro tection. At White House Luncheon Senator Overman and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLean of Lumberton were among those who were invited and participated in the luncheon given at the White House by the Presi- dert and Mrs. Wilson immdeiately after the President's arrival at the White House from the Capitol. North Carolina did not have as prominent a part in the great parade tcday as has been the case on for mer occasions. The absence of Gov ernor Bickett and his staff was a dis appointment to his many admirers here in Washington. The Governor wired R. H. McNeill, president cf the North Carolina Society of Wash ington ,that he could not come to the inauguration without neglecting his duties as Governor. He does not pro pose to do this at any time during his 4years administration os Governor not even to see a Democrat inaugu rated President of the greatest coun try in the world. Wilmington Boys Here Wilmington sent a troop of militia and Gastonia her famous drum corps of some thirty-odd men. James R. Collie of Louisburg, assisted as one of the chief aid3 to Marshall Line- kin of the Citizen division, and Ed ward Pou, of Smithfield, a son of Representative and Mrs. Edward W Pou, rode with Company B of the Distrct calvary. Young Pou is a member of the troop and served with them on the Mexican border the best part of last year. Aside from these and the very ac tive part taken by Senator Overman and National Committeeman McLean, North Carolina was not represented except bv the hundreds of visitors who came here to do honor to the man whom many believe will go down m historv as one of the greatest presidents the country has ever had. Much Dynamite Discovered . . With the knowledge that the Wash ington police had discovered several hundreds of pounds ol dvnamite stor ed along Pennsylvania avenue and had taken into custodv a number oi crooks whom, they had suspected of havmcr connection with a plot to do bodily harm to the President or prom inent men connected with the gov ernment, every man, woman and child, who could appreciate the situa ting, breathed a sisrht of relief when the President finally drove by tne rpvip-wiTicr stands and entered the east gate of the White House grounds accompanied Dy mrs. vvusuu, ocn- tor Overman and Representative Rucker of Missouri. nrecaution was taken to safeguard the life of President Wil son on his perilous ride to ana irom the Capitol. Not only were an ine secret service men of the entire Umt- Pri States stationed at every point alone- the route, but hundreds of po licemen from practically every city in America had been brouerht here to protect the Nation's President against harm from, purely ordinary cranes, or some treacherous agent of the German government who might be induced to take the President's life. Thp writer has been in Washing ton at every inauguration since Mc kinley's second term. At no time has there been such apprehension for the safety of the President as was to day. At no time have newspaper men taken such precautions not only to assist the secret service men in protecting the life of the President but in making arrangements lor any emergency that might arise. Line of News Men To illustrate: One large press as sociation had a newsDaner man sta tioned on every square between the Capitol and the White House, eacn man having direct telephone connec tions with the contral office of the association here. The White House is 22 squares from the Capitol. tnat he desired the committep tr pt on record as expressing it apprecia te0" of the work performed by the North Carolina committeeman and his assistants in organizing and col lecting a large fund for the re-election of President Wilson. Only four States, of which North Carolina was one, and the other na tional committeeman, Judge Moore of Ohio, reached the high degree of efficiency attained by Mr. McLean in the performance of his duties as na tional committeeman. Treasurer Marsh and Chairman McCormick made speeches to the committee com plimenting this work and assured them both that their services were appreciated, " not only by the party but by the entire country. Mr. McLean thanked the committ tee for its praise but assured them that any success he had made in the campaign work in North Carolina must be shared by Hugh MacRae of wumington; .Lawrence MacKae ol Winston-Salem, and thp other mem bers of the committee in his State who worked with him day ard night these acids from your system ami purify your blood. S. S. S. has been purifying and re vitalizing the blood of thousands foir fifty years. l is a purely vegetable remedy, and is the most efficient agent known for cleansing the blood nwt building up the system. Ask for it at your druggist's, an don't accept a substitute. For speci&l medical advice write to Medical De partment, Swift Specific Co., 308 Swif Building, Atlanta. Ga. A WORLD SCARCITY OF FOODSTUFFS AND THE LESSON FOR THE SOUTH Manufacturers Record. Whether there be war or peace between this country and Germany, whether war be continued in Flnrnnp for another year or two. or whether peace 3hould come, the demand for food stuffs will exceed the supply, uoui m tnis country and abroad ine shortage in the world's food crops last year, taken in connection with conditions created by the war, unngs us nearer a famine situation 'in loodstuffs than the world ha known in this generation. If the crops of this countrv should, hv un favorable weather conditions or by a lessened acreage, be short of a full acreage yield, we would have almost ffeirJrB fcondjkfcms, because we win go into the next crop prac tically barren of food supplies. Nothing less than a bumper crop of grain will save us from exorbitant. V " vA VVA " 1 vll mill ViCAJf C411.1 III tilt. , "I - , After the committee meeting the ly rh. Pnces for wheat and corn embers werp thp lunrhpon crnests "ext winter. It is important that the whole country should understand this situation, but it is doublv important that the farmers of the South should understand it and plant the largest acreage in grain which they have ever had in order to save themselves from having to pay the highest prices they have ever paid for their foodstuffs. Every business man in the South should do all in his power to uree upon Southern farmers the planting of grain and the raising foodstuffs of all kinds this spring and summer. It is hardly possible to predict what may happen to cotton. The price, judged by the world's demand, ought to be high, but in view of the uncertainties of conditions here and elsewhere, a large cotton crop might members were thp luncheon eruests of President Wilson and Mrs. Wil son at the White House. McLean Next to Wilson Mr. McLean was given a seat next to President Wilson ,and it is said by some of those present that the North Carolinian and the President were in earnest conversation for quite a time while the other members were discussing general matters. Later Mr. McLean reluctantly admitted that he had talked with the President about "many Snteresting ("subjects" and that he and the President dis cussed quite a number of important matters relating to North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. McLean left for Lum berton tonight. P. R. A. PRELIMINARYCOMMENCEMENTS WAR RELIEF WORK PRAC TICALLY UNINTERRUPTED a Channels Remain Open Funds Con veyed by Cable and Wireless Reports From War Relief Organizations That the channels for the distribu tion of war relief funds are open as formerly, notwithstanding the break with Germany, and that they are ex pected to remain open, is the report made by the war relief organizations, according to a statement made by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, which, since the early part of the war, has con ducted a campaign to stimulate war relief gifts, especially through the churches of the country, to the van ous relief committees. Inquiries from nous relief committees. kaahii.lliil all parts of the country, it is said, show that many are overlooking the fact that gifts for war relief are chiefly in the form of cash and that this is sent by cable and wireless. The American committee for Ar menian and Syrian relief reports that nearly all its aid is financial and is sent by cable and that funds are sent funinterrruptedly rto Armenjtfis in. side and outside of Turkey. The American Red Cross continues its work without change in most of the warring countries. The B. F. B. per manent blind relief war fund says there is no slackening in work nor in receipt of funds, nor in remittances to the other side. The commission for relief in Belgium says that the latest cables confirm earlier reports that the work for Belgian relief is continuing and is expected to con tinue. The fund for starving children states that funds go as formerly to children in Po land, Belgium, Armenia and oth er countries. The joint distribution committee, representing three Jewish relief committees, reports that the work of collection and distribution i5 Tvrnrt.ip&llv normal. The Polish victims' relief fund continues with out interruption to send lunos to Poland by way of Switzerland. The worV of the Serbian relief commttee proceeds wthout change. The same situation applies to the work of the American Huguenot committee which aids Protestant churcnes in r ranee prove a misfortune by forcing prices below a fair profit. ihe South mght raise too big a cotton crop for its own prosperity, but it cannot raise too big a grain crop nor too much livestock. Every available acre should be put into the raising of foodstuffs, into gram, m to vegetables, potatoes, and as much attention as possible should be giv en to livestock, and even to the rais ing of chickens and to dairying, for the purpose of meeting the home de mand for foodstuffs. It will be almost a crime for any Before County Commencement in Lumberton April 6 Preliminary Commencements Will be Held Before the final county commence ment which will be held in Lumber- ton Friday, April 6, preliminary com mencements will be held at Fair mont, Rowland, Lumberton, Red borings and St. Paul. The date and schools to take part in the various piei:minary commencements f.ilow: (Regular County Commencement program to be used). Fairmont District At Fairmont. March 27th. at 11 o'clock. . Schools assigned for this district are as follows: Fairmont High School, Baltimore, Gaddys, White Pond, Orrum High School, Proctorville, Oakton, Bloom mgdale, Oakdale, Marietta, McDon alds, Iona, Pleasant Hope, Center, Fairmont No. 3 (Oliver School), Bethesda, Nye, Barnesville. Rowland District At Rowand, March 30th, at 11 o'clock. Schools assigned for this district are as follows: Rowland High School, Centenary. Raynham., Purvis. Elrod. Alfordsvilli I Student's Hope, Hillside, Mt. Moriah, daemon, Turnout, Uak Grove (Max ton No. 1), Alma, Pembroke, Mc Leod's. Lumberton District (Schools will only send contestants) At Lumberton March 31. at 2:30. o'clock. Schools assigned for this district are as follows: Lumberton Graded School. Lum berton Cotton Mills, National Cotton Mills, Jennings Cotton Mill, Raft bwamp, Oak Grove, Long Branch, Mt. Eliam, Smiths, Tabernacle, Bak er's Chapel, Ten Mile. Meadow. Civ- bourn, Back Swamp, Beulah, Antioch, bmyrna, Broad Kidge, Glennwood, Saddle Tree, Bethany, Cedar Grove, Sand Hill, Regan's. Red Springs District At Red Springs April 2nd, 11 o' clock. Schools assigned for this district: Maxton Graded School, Red Springs Graded School, Floral College, -Wakulla, Philadelphus, Harmony, Lum ber Bridge, Mt. Tabor, Shannon, New Southern farmer not to provide, dur ing the coming spring and summer, i Home. for all the foodstuffs which his fam-1 st. Paul District ily will need for the next twelve I At St. Paul April 4th, 11 o'clock. months. Anything short of that, Schools assigned for this district would be ignoring every con dition which this country and the world confronts in the lack of food stuffs, and in the certainty of high prices. Business men, State govern ments and the national government owe it to the farmers and to the wel fare of the country to stress these points with all possible emphasis. The South can become independent for foodstuffs by quick and vigorous ac tion this spring and summer by its farmers, and if it fails to do so, it will be drained of hundreds of mil lions of dollars for high-priced food stuffs, which should have been rais ed at home, and there will be pov erty in many homes where there should be abundance. OAK GROVE LEAFLETS YOU CAN'T FIND ANY DANDRUFF, AND HAIR STOPS COMING OUT Save your hair! Make it thick, wavy, glossy and beautiful at once. Preparing to Have Concert at Close of School Personal Correspondence of The Robesonian. Oak Grove (Buie, R. 1) ,March 6 Mr .and Mrs. Oliver Prevatte of Clybornville spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Mrs. Pre vatte's father, Mr. H. Parnell. Messrs. Martin Powell of Saddle Tree and Roy Lee Johnson of St. Paul were callers in this vicinity Sunday p. m. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Paul and two small children spent Sunday with Mrs. Paul's mother, Mrs. Prevatte. Sorry to report William, small son of Mr. Roy Tyner, is very ill. Mr. Archie Britt of Roziers and Misses Mary Humphrey and Mary Regan of Saddletree attended pray er service at Oak Grove Sunday af- tPTnnnn. Our school is still progressing, we are preparing to have a concert at the close wnich win pe in Apm. nvRnpnsia is America's curse. To restore digestion, normal weight, pood heath and purify the blood, use Burdock Blood Bitters, boia at au drug stores. Price $1.00 The name Doan's inspires conti dence Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney ills. Doan's Ointment fo rskin itch ing. Doan's Regulets for a rr.i'd lax ative. So' it all dug stores. Try as you will, after an applica. tion of Danderine, you can not find a single trace of dandruff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most, wm ue after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at ursi yesbut really new hair growing oil aitOV A little Danderine immediately jmc. Vippmtv of vour hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The ellect is immediate and amazing your hair will be light, lluliy ana wavy, um have an appearance oj- auuuuii.c, an incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. Get a 25-cent bottle of Knowlton s rinnrlprino from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or injured by careless treatment. A 25-cent bottle will be double the beauty of your hair. FOLEY HIDNEY PILLS FOR BACKACHE KIDNEYS AND BLAD St. Paul Graded School. Rex, Oak Grove, Roziers, Rozier's Siding, Mc Millan's, Tolarsville, Centerville, Parkton, Rennert. WORK OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY The House passed Friday the man nicipal bill providing machinery for city government under the constitu tional amendments. The Housp ta bled a bill by Rav of Chatham for two emergency judges. The Senate passed a bill to prohibit Iquor adver tisements in this State; the Tor rens lard title bill; concorrence in the House amendment to the Austarlian ballot bill apply to Buncombe, Hen derson and Madison counties. The McNider ouster bill passed to apply to a number of counties in cluding Buncombe, New Hanover, Brunswick, Robeson and Mecklen burg. Bills to amend the constitution passed the Senate Friday in rapid succession, subiect to ratification by the people. They were the Scales bill for initiative and referedum; the Governor Bickett measure to exempt from taxation notes and mortgages to the amount of $3,000 when given for purchase of farm homes, and the Oates bill to amend the constitution to assure six months schools for ev ery county. One other, that to limit State officers to two successive terms of office and county officers to three terms, another Governor Bickett prop osition, went to the table because passage was useless since the House had tabled a duplicate. A Senate bill to remodle the South port court house died in the House Thursday and a House bill for an election between Southport, Supply and Bolivia for the county seat and for $60,000 bonds for a new court house. died in the Senate the same day. Bilious? Feel heavy after dinner? Bitter taste? Complexion sallow? Liver perhaps needs waking up. Doan's Regulets for bilious attacks. 25c at all stores. FEWER PEOPLE GROWING OLDER The Public Health Service reports that more people live to the age of forty years to-day, but from forty to sixty years mortality is increasing from degenerative diseases. Thousands of well-informed men and women to-day are learning the true value of OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL as a powerful blood-enricher and strength-builder to ward off the headaches and backaches that mean weakness. SCOTT'S helps fortify the body against grippe, pneumonia and weakening colds, through its force of medicinal nourishment Refuse Alcoholic Extracts That Do Not Contain Cod Liver OiL Scott & Bowne. B loo infield. N. J. 18-1