THE ROBESONIAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1917 PAGE FIVJS THE ROBESONIAN tit . 1 1. rij. a Telephone No. 20. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1917 CHURCH NEWS NOTES MASONIC MEETINGS ct lbans Lodge No. 114, A. F. & A. M. everv lst and 3r( Tuesday evcr.'r.s?- Lumberton Chapter No. 77, R. A. M. pverv and 4th Monday evenings. Lu'vlcnon L,napter u. xj. o. u. u. every 4th Thursday evenings. VISITORS WELCOME LOCAL RAILROAD SCHEDULE Seaboard Air Line. Train No. 13 westbound lvs 6:19 pm Train N'o. 20 eastbound lvs 9:45 pm Episcopa' New Pastor and Wife Will Arrive Saturday Rev.- and Mrs. H. A. Grantham are expected to arrive here Saturday from Rome, N. Y., and will make Lumberton their home. Rev. and Mrs. Grantham will live at Mrs. Es- feie i.vicjL.ean's boarding house, Elm street. As has been mentioned in The Robesonian, Rev. Mr. Granth am has accepted a call to the pastorate of uie episcopal cnurch here and at Red bprmgs and . Maxton. Lumberton giaaiy welcomes these newcomers Mr. urantnam will preach at the Episcopal church here Sunday at 11 a. m. The public is invited to attend xne services. Presbyterian, Dr. G. E. Moorehouse, banbath school every Sabbath morning at 9:30. Classes for all ages, men, women and children Tram No. 14 eastbound lvs 10 :0o am bke his eocd deeds, can nevv rii 15 he Latest Inspiration tomorrow. 10 cents. Mask". Prices all the week 5 and Satun-lay the "Purple and development of dressy and Sport Hats can be had at MISS JOSEPHINE BREECE EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY STORE Elm Stree -:- -:- :- Lumberton, N. C jit. and Mrs. H. n. Pittman, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Jenkins and Mrs. E. J. Iittman of Fairmont were among u;e stoppers m town yesterday. VA. & CAROLINA SOUTHERN From Hope Mills Train Na T9 arrives 9:10 am Train No. 64 leaves 10:25 am Trsin N'o. So arrives 6:20 pm Train No. 78 leaves 8:40 pm Kaleigh & Charleston Tra'n No. 1 Train No. 2 He who has grown like a cedar in Lebanon will, like a cedar, long af ter it is cut down, send forth a sweet fragrance.'' Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Ser mon theme: "A Paradox: Goodness and Perspfntinn Porcointimi nrwJ leaves 10:20 am ; Blessing." amves b:lo pmj Evening worship at 8 o'clock. ! (Please note change of time). Ser mon theme: "Blowers of Trumpets." A sermon for the times. Midweek serice Wednesday, 8 o'clock. All who have no regular church . affiliation in town are cordially in vited to share with us all the ser- ; vices of this church. You will be cordially welcomed, and we will try to do you good. All Presbyterians residing within reach of this church I are urged to attend all its services. ! You need thp church, and flip rVmrfli SILVER MEDAL LOST. IN SHAPE i needs vou. Ther is nromisp nf of maple feaf. "L. B. H. S. '17'' blessing to those who forsake not ate and even unchristian utterances IN iSOCIAL CIRCLES of seme ministers as reported in the J Reported for The R0boniT, papers. But he does think that se- . n , , ' ! K0D" onian. rious attention should be triven to the ! , ! , ,el cNamara entertain momentous events now taking place, I "v iuonaay at the home and that the Christian interpretation ! , ,ner felstev Irs- John Knox. The u- ,v, -u : -, . .aoie was most, attractive with Mirht-- Mr. J. II. Amnions of R. 4 from i.umoerton was in town yesterday. For baby's croup, Willie's daily cuts ana bruises, mamma's sore throat, Grandma's lameness. Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil the household remedy. 25c and 50c. now in process of making. Does the i "l ,ca";'i ina yellow shades, violets great war indicate the collapse of Christianitv? Does it mark the fail ure of the church ? Is America jus- ana yeiicw jasmine being used in the decorations. Those nrpnr raw Miss Vashti White and her L-uestc; C5 " BUSINESS DUUDERS on it. r lncler please return to Wal ter Rice, Lumberton, R. 4. CANNING OUTFITS FOR SALE. Frices $3 to $17. Can all kinds fruits and vegetables. Greater de mand for canned goods now than ever. Now is time to prepare to can all surplus products. See or write J. S. Thompson, Lumberton, N. C, for particlar. the assembling together of the saints. Revival Meetings Continue at Gos pel Tabernacle Correspondence of The Robesonian. The revival meetings are still in progress at the Gospel Tabernacle. Services are being held each day at 3 and 7:30 p. m. The services for Sunday will be as follows. Sunday school at y-.di). Preaching at 11 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning subject, SMALL FARM it u- y Ghost ; evening topie. If miles from Row. "a' "g ' Ioun PeP e,TS. eetin.S the lands of Mr. R. ?; ; ToPlc. "Missions m raiestme. i ou are mvitea to at- FOIl SALE ONE one and one ha hind, adjoining twDO r..i ! tend all these services. ri.x: Miiv ij'iito iiviii iciiivi, adjoining the lands of Mr. W. F. Bullock, Mr. C. B. Cox and others. Apply to Clyde McCallum, Hert ford, N. C. FOR RENT 2 STORE ROOMS 15 x 60, within Hotel. Entrance from lobby, facintr Front street. Hich ceiling, beautiful interior. Well suited for barber shop, drug store or gent's furnishings. Call or write Hotel Wilmington, Wilming ton, N. C. WE HAVE PURCHASED A KEN tucky Jack for service. If inter ested write J. W. Bryant, Rowland, N. C. BIG SHAD EVERY DAY BRITT Grocery. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands m Robeson county at five per cent and on any time not exceeding ten years. Chicamauga Trust Co., John H. McNeill, Agent, Lumberton, N. C, McLean, Varser & McLean, Attorneys. "Christianity and the World War Will be Pastor Greaves Subject Sunday Night On next Sunday night at the First Baptist church the pastor expects to preach on "Christianity and the World War". Mr. Greaves does not think it proper to use the pulpit to preach war, as is being done in some quarters, and laments the intemper- MONEY TO LEND WE HAVE sev- tified in taking her place with the!JS e ,T 01 iuIsa' kla-' aTld warrinsr nations? Can we be Christian I t i ,rlennof Chattanooga, after the war is over? These areienn-' and Miss Epsie Fuller ami some of the Questions that' serious- VT. Jiiss tle1en liilman of minded people are asking-, and it is to serious-minded people tnat the ser mon will be addressed on night. Sunday Edgefield, S. C. At the Pastime j The Pastime theatre is showing a , .-plenum variety program today, a Robeson Baptist Pastors' Association ' feature of which is tiie inauguration The Robeson Baptist Pastors' as. of President Wilson. Tomorrow Val sociation will meet at the First Bap- 'rien'' ril?-5110"68,3, D,f wltz' wilbe tist church in this city on Tuesday, ! IfpV 1?en Valley", a delightful April 17th, at ten o'clock. All Ban- j Stne, Gold. Rooster play in five acts, tist pastors are cordially invited to!he, st0 !.s of a young divinity stu be present. A very interesting pro-! den,t' who ffor saken .y his f mancee, eram has been prepared in which , s,eenTd, eiusiIOF ms sorrow m Mia many ministers will take part. Lunch eon will be served at the church. PERSONAL Mr. J. M. Paul of Bule was a Lum berton visitor yesterday. State Senator Frank Gough spent yesterday in Raleigh on business. .Mr. Stephen Wilson of R. 7 from Lumberton was in town Tuesday. Mr. Sam Smith of R. 1 from El rod was-, a Lumberton visitor yester day. Mr. M. C. Britt of R. 1 from Or rum was a Lumberson visitos yester day. Mr. Geo. Atkinson of the Oakton section was a Lumberton visitor yes terday. Mr. Scott Stone of R. 1 from Rayn ham was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. Asbury Rice of R. 4 from Lum berton was among the visiters in town today. Mr. Richard Humphrey of the Sad dletree section was a Lumberton vis- Some banks This bank solicit only large accounts. eral thousand' dollars to lend on itor yesterday. good real estate immediately. Six' I Lumberton this week. I Misses Minnie and Eva Avant of FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE Cot spent Tuesday here visiting on Fourteenth street. W. H. Hum-f the home of Mr' and Mrs' K' M' Mr. P. C: Whitlock of Charlotte is AT- A J J . .1J per cent interest. McNeill & Sin-i among tne out-oi-town attorneys in gleton. den Valley. Duriner a festival lie is astounded at the sight of a beautiful white girl captive who is to be sac rificed. How he lifts the valley of its arid curse and rescues the girl is shown in striking form. Mrs. Ver non Castle, the best-known, best- dressed woman in America, will be seen at the Pastime Thursday, April 19, when the first episode of Louis Joseph' ' Vance'te great preparedness serial, "Patria", will be shown. At the Lyric At the Lyric theatre today will be shown the 18th chanter of '"Liberty and A Coward of Conscience", featui ing Kathlyn Williams and Wheeler Oakman. This is a thrilling 3-reel drama of the gold fields. A one reel picture will also bs shown in which is seen the soldier from the time he enlists in the United States army until he is the finished fighter. In addition to these motion pictures President Wilson v;ill be shown in red, white and blue and a new set of army slides. Tomorrow will be Paramount day. "Rdeeming Love," featuring Kathlyn Williams and Thomas Holding will be the offering. Miss -Williams will be seen today and is equally the bank of the laboring man, the me chanic, the business man, the house-wife, the child or the man of leisure. All accounts, large or small, will be given the same treutment. We are a bank for the people tind extend to you a gJQfJg The Fowler has no Ions teeth to destroy crop roots. It scalps me Buriace iute a noe, ana manes a percect oust mulcB. wita one male yon can cover eignt or more acres a day. The Fowler Cultivator establishes a new principle of culti vation it works above crop roots and makes such a per- iect maicn uiai muse who use it oon t care Wnetner K rains or not. l alK about prize acres I You can make every acre a prize acre, just as good an aero as if yon noea it by nana ana . also cut your nsual labor cost in half. We guarantee that if the Fowler and the nrinciole it teaches do not increase your crop yield your money wui be reiunoea. Get our book. It tells the whole Story. irs ree. bena a postal today. UNCLE SAM Sara: "It roots a.r hnw ken. the Blant will produce other root. but at the expense of Vthe vitality and food suppjy. tor retaining moisture a loose mulch ?J 22 or 3 inches thick - snouid be maintained. phrey, City. LIGHTWOOD WANTED ON SUB scription. Stovewood length. Bring to Robesonian office. SHAD.. WHY SHOULD YOU WOR- ry about what to have for dinner when you can easily 'phone 215 and get a nice Shad at the Britt Groc ery Co., 108 West Third St. TIRE CASINGS MADE PRACTI- cally good as new, and the cost is only a fraction of the cost of the new ones. Make me prove it. Ed J. Glover, Lumberton, N. C. WANTED BEEF CATTLE. High est market prices paid. A. H. Hinds, Lumberton, N. C. I AM MAKING LOANS FOR FIVE years on improved farm lands in Robeson, Scotland and Hoke coun ties, in amounts $2,000.00 to ?50, 000.00, bearing interest at the ?te of FIVE PER CENT. Call on ?r write A. T. McLean, Lumbtrton, N. C. SEED IRISH POTATOES OF ALL kinds, Maine grown, at L. H. Cald- well s "everything store . WANTED EVERYBODY THAT thinks of having any lightning rod work to see me. I sell for cash or on time and sell straight. Satis, faction guaranteed. H. G. Web ster, Lumberton, N. C. MONEY. TO LEND IN AMOUNTS $500.00 and tjd on lone time on im proved land in Robeson county. Ap ply to Mclntyre, Lawrence and Proctor. COMPARE MY INTEREST RATE and terms with, others who are handling the same class of loans. Amounts, S2.000.00 to $50,000.00: Robeson, Scotland and Hoke coun ties. Rate of interest FIVE PER CENT. A. T. McLean, Lumberton. IN. C. WANTED MERCHANTS AND farmers to bring us corn to grind, We have purchased the M. A. Ged- dy mill and are grinding six days to the week. Give ua a trial, and if you are pleased with your meal tell your friends, but if you are Bisrers Mr. John G. Proctor, who is a stu dent at the State University, Chapel Hill, arrived Tuesday to spend a few days visiting home folks. Mrs. S. P. Jones left today for her home at Richmond, Va., after spend ing some time - here visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Martin, East Fifth street. She was accompanied by Mrs. Martin and small son, J. A. 2nd, who will spend some time at Richmond. Miss Vashti White and her guests. Miss Elise Berry of Tulsa, Okla., and Miss Kate Nolen of Chattanooga, Tenn., left yesterday for Lynchburg, Va., to resume their studies at Randolph-Macon college after spending a few days here visiting at the home of Miss White's parents, Mayor and Mrs. A. E. White. Robesonian Ads Sell the Goods "Please stop my ad. I have sold the mule," was the word which, came to The Robesonian after an ad vihich was ordered to go twice had been run one time. The ad was inserted in the penny column and only, one insertion sold the mule. Robesonian advertis irg sells the goods. PASTIME TODAY Inauguration of President Wilson TOMORROW Valkyrien (Baroness Dewitz) N. JACOB! HARDWARE CO. Agents. Wilmington, N. C SmartShoesforMen in A lazy liver leads to chronic dyspepsia- and constipation weakens the ieu your inenas, out u you rc whole system. Doan's Regulets (25c not, tell us. Robeson Gro. Co., 1st box) act on liver and & Chestnut Sts., Lumberton, N. c- bowels. At all drug stores. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELI stock in any of the Lumberton cot ton mills or banks, address P. O Box 386, Lumberton, N. C. EXPERT KODAK- FINISHING. Send us your films. Dixon Art Studio, Lumberton, N. C. f- IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL real estate address P. O. Box No. 3S6, Lumberton, N. C. FOR SALE CLEVELAND BIG holl eotUn seed $1.50 per bush?. J. C. Mclntyre, Wmgate, N. U. BLOW-OUTS VULCANIZED Reas onably, with satisfaction guaran teed. Ed J. Glover, Water street MONEY TO LEND ON EASY terms. See Geo. L. Thompson, trust officer, Planters Bank & Trust Co. DON'T FORGET THE BEST PLACE to stop hunger is at the Olympia Elm street, Lumberton . F YOU WANT THE HIGHEST prices for your cotton and cotton seed sell to John T. Biggs. ANNOUNCEMENT The Ice Business of Mr. Howard Morrison has been purchased by the undersigned. I will in future con tinue the sale of Ice in Lumberton and surrounding territory irom my ce Plant, now m course or erection in northeast part of town on V. & C. S. R. R. Plant will be equipped with most modern machinery, using artesian water. most sanitary methods throughout, and operated by my own sunsrrision. Your continued patronage will be appreciated and given very best and most prompet attention. KesnecmiiiT. M. A. GEDDIE. Phone No. 138. Down Town Station, temporarily, Morrison Ice House. NOTICE T have sold m.v icd ecruimnent to Mr. M. A. Geddie and am not in tlie ice hiiRmess anv loneer. All out-stand ing tid:eLs will be accepted bak at mirchase price, rnone au orders w M A. Geddie. Phone 138. HOWARD MORRISON. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE COM mencine the fir?t week of April Dr, !S. Dietz, dentist, wl be at Lum bfrton Wednesdav. Thursday. Fri day and Saturday of each week nights and Sundays by appoint ments. Office on first floor wa T If l A HOVl'SYOUR STRENGTH? NOTICE AIR AND SQUARE ,0 a great exUt your finan cial strength cWportds upon your physical rigor and your daily well being is controlled by the foodstuffs eneounUred by your digestion. The moral of all of this is. buy your groceries at the Fair and Square store, and youll be satisfied with life. Mden Valley' PATHE GOLD ROOSTER Play In 5 Parts Dr. Jas. A. Martin, who has been associated with Dr. T. C. Johnson in the nractice of medicine, wishes to announce that on and after April lst h will nccunv the office Tacated by Dr. R. G. Rozier down stairs in tne tinnai T?ov T nmWtAn Vinildintr rear of McMillan's drug store. Office Entrance on Third street. Phone 75. J, H. W1SHART PHONES 1 and 207 THEATRE W. S. WISHART, Manager. TODAY 'LIBERTY 18' and 'A Coward of Conscience' featuring Kathlyn Williams and Wheeler Oakman TOMORROW Paramount will present "Redeeming Love" featuring KatWyn Williams . and Thomas Holding Prices 5 & 10c Boy den In the following leathers, Kangaroo, Russia Cof'divan, Russia Calf, Vici and Gun Metal bu ilt on all the leading lasts at $8.00 Crossetts In all leathers and lasts $4.50 to $7.00 Ralstons In all leathers and lasts from $4.00 to $6.00 With the above three lines of goods we believe we can please you both in style and quality. Selby Shoes for Women In all the leading, leathers, styles and lasts $3.50 to $6.00 Kewpie Shoes for Children Built on the full and broad roomy last spring heel strap baby dolls for the girls, four hole laced oxfords for the boys black, tan and white . Paf f Shoes for Infants White canvass, Vici and pate nt leather baby dolls and pumps l's to 5 from 75c to $1.25 Specials for Friday and Sat-urday-500 yds. of Ribbon In moires and taffetas, 5 to 6 in. wide all colors worth 35c spec ial at 25c L. H. C aMwel Bullock Bros. Auto livery Double daily service between Lumberton and Fairmont ?l- l;rv i-K SCHEDULE Leave Lorraine Hotel Leave Jones' Garage 9 a. m. 11 a. m. 2:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Round trip $1 or 50 cents one way. Repair Work & Auto Supplies Phones 231-221-18-55 LUMBERTON, N. C. (I