?AGE FOUR iTHE ROBES OMAN Published MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS ' . By BOBESONtAN PUBLISHING CO. f. A. SHARPE President THURSDAY, MAY 1", 1917 Office 107 West Fourth Street Telephone No. 20 Entered as second class mail matter at the postoffice at Lumberton, N. C. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year $-.00 Six months 1-0 Three months ........ 50 I bond issue for school building. The Interned Germane Will be Sent- to f Ten Mile-Barkers consoliated school Western Part of North Carolina district voted bonds for a school Washington Cor., May 8, Greensboro building the other day without anyi Daily News. -. If trouble. Just as soon as the people More than 3,000 interned Germans become convinced that the money will now being detained at Ellis Island, I be used to build good roads and will'N. Y., will be transferred to a de- ? hot be used to build up a apolitical ! tention camp at Lake Kanuga, near machine, just that soon will the vote Hendersonville, N. C. The first con- I vr.r? -ffir wnnH rnnits inat as frelvi sisrnment of these Germans-prisoners as they vote bonds for school houses, of war will be started from New York "Lemons Beautify! Strain lemon juice well before mixing and massage face, peck, arms, hands. and special tax for schools. ROAD BONDS DEFEATED Overwhelming Vote Cast Against Bond Issue for Roads BurntSwamp Only Township in Which More for Bonds man; camp some-time this week and others will! Here is told how To prepare an in follow as rapidly as they can be tak-' expensive lemon lotion which can be en care of by the railroads. It is used to bring back to any skin the probable that more camps will be, sweet freshness, -softness, whiteness established in the western part of the. and "beauty. State. -The excellent climate in the; The juice of two fresh lemons. -mountains of North Carolina won the strained into a bottle Containing three secretary wiison saia toaay ounces atf orcnara wnite maKes a Votes Wot Cas . . i . 1 . 1 1 1 i T t i t i . . . Against Members of Koad Board mat nis assistants naa visitea iNewj wnoie quarter pint oi tne most re Elected How Townships Voted England, New York and North Caro- markable lem.on skin beautifier at The Clark road bond issue was de-;lina, and easily decided that the cli-. about the cost one must pay for a RESULT OF BOND ELECTION Nobody who wa9 informed at all .as to the situation is surprised at thei result of the election in Robeson this -week for a bond issue for roads. It we refer of course to the election Tuesday under the Clark act, as the election Monday does not. count so fax as registering any verdict as to Ixmds is concerned was about as ex pected. . : The Robesonian sees no . reason to 3bB discouraged by the large vote cast otgainst the proposed bond issue. That rote does not mean, we are quite sure, that the intelligent people of Robe con are opposed to a bond issue for good roads or that they do not want pood roads and are not willing to pay for good roads. It was a sting ing rebuke, rather, to those who have wasted road money in the past in this county and have used road funds as a political football. It was a vote of lack of confidence. By that vote the people said that they are not will ing now to vote a larger sum of money for road work because the are not satisfied that the road funds have been wisely handled in the past. And you can't -blame the peop for taking that view of the matter. The Robesonian believes tnat view of Che matter is wrong, that it would .have been wise to vote bonds now -and put it up to the present road board to build good roads; but we are content with the verdict of the people. The matter is up to the. present road board. If road funds are spent so wisely during the administration of the present board as to disarm criticism, the attitude of the people toward a bond issue will be entirely different. So settled was everybody in the conviction that it would be impossi ble to carry an election for bonds just now that no organized campaign was attempted, and even many who are heart and soul in favor of bonds took no interest in the matter and let things drift as they would. Under conditions like that it would be im possible to carry an election for bonds at any time. Ex-Judge T. A. McNeill says that the way boryls were snowed under Tuesday was not a circumstance to the way Robeson county defeated pro hibition the first time the people of the county voted on that question. That was back in 1881. Judge Mc Neill says that he and about ten oth er people were about all who voted in favor of prohibition then. And yet two years from that time Drohi bition carried in the county by an overwhelming majority. And so Judge McNeill thinks and The Robesonian has no doubt about the correctness of his view of 'the matter that the thinking people or tne county are sorry that conditions- have been such . that thev re luctantly had to vote down such an advantageous proposition for secur ing money to build good roads as is contained under the Clark act. anH that two years from now, maybe one year from now, an election for bonds can be carried easily. Judge McNeill thinks if you'll get tne water out of Robeson county ana Duna good roads it will be the greatest and richest county in the world. If those who want good roads will preach the doctrine rieht on. in season and out of season, it will not taKe long to turn the tide and vote Donus to do both. Other thines that helm! n HHW road bonds were petty jealousies and a groping in some sections -after the will-o'-the-wisp of a new county. But inat is another story, to use Kipling's vuussis pnrase. . o reopie of Robeson may be shy about voting road bonds, because they know road funds have not been wise ly nandied m the past, but they nev er miss an opportunity to vote special tax for schools or to vote a. feated Tuesday by 2,623 votes. The vote for the bill was 351, while tne vote against the bill was 2,974. Many of the townships failed to cast a sin gle vote for the bond issue. The Gough road bond issue was de feated Monday by 2,952 votes, There were 3,009 votes cast against the. bonds ard only 57 in the entire county for them. The followine werA elected mem bers of the road board in Monday's election: District No. 1 Lumberton, Britt, Orrum, Wishart, Howellsville town ships J. I. Townsend, Democrat, ov er J. R. Kinlaw, Republican. District No. 2 Rowland, Gaddy, Fairmont, White House, Sterling townships Graddy H. Floyd over J. B. McLeod, both Democrats. District No. 3 Maxton, Alfords ville, Pembroke, Back Swamp, Thomp son townships J. A, McCorroick. Mr. McCormick had no opposition. District No.4 Red Springs,Smith's, Raft Swamp, Saddletree, Burnt Swamp, townships I. T. Brown, Dem . ioerat, 'over W. K. Culbreth Re publican. District No. 5 Lumber Bridge, Shannon, Parkton, Rennert, St. Pauls townships J. Browne Evans over Robert Monroe, both . Democrats. The vote by townships on the. Clark bill was as follows: Alfordsville for 2; against 50. Back Swamp for 1; against 81. Britt's for none; against 193. (Burnt. Swamp for 98; against 56. Fairmont for" 26; against 183. Gaddy for 5; against 89. Howellsville for 17; against 156. Lumber Bridge for none; against 72. Lumberton for 51; against 214. Maxton for 4; against 107. Orrum for 5; against 145. , Parkton for 3; agains 140. Pembroke for 15; against 156. iRaft Swamp-for none; against 89. Rennert for 1; against 31. Rowland for 16; against 154. Red Springs for 6; against 187. Saddletree for none; against "92. St. Paul for 52; against 149. Shannon for none; against 23. Smith's for 3;against 186. Sterlings for 15; against 79. Thompson's for 2; against 151. White House for 23; against 73. Wishart's for 6; against 158. : As will be noted" above, the only township in which more votes were cast for 'Uian against the issue was Burnt Swamp, which cast 98 votes for and 56 against. ' i mate of North Carolina is the-best small jar of the ordinary cold creams in the country and therefore the Ger- Care should be taken to strain the mans will be placed at the Lake, ! lemon juice through a fine cloth so where they will be afforded excellent no lemon pulp gets in, then this lo opporunities for work and recreation Secretary of Labor Wilson made known also that it is the intention of tion will keep fresh for months. Ev ery woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blem- the govenment to put the German! ishesas freckles, sallowness and tan, prisoners to worK. iney will be used! and ls the ideal skm softener, smooth to cultivate the 500 or more acres of j ener and beautifier. land which the government has rent- Just trv it! Get. three ounces of jed for the camp and others- will be , orchard white at any pharmacyand nirea out ior iarmmg, roaa Duuoing two lemons from the grocer and andJumbering. Prevailing wage scales ! make np a quarter pint of this win oe paiu vne men ior tne wors .sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and thus performed. From News Notes and Personals Baltimore' Section Correspondence of The - Robesonian. Baltimore (Fairmont, R. 1), May 8 Rev. W. S. Ballard of Cerro Gordo will fill his regular appointment here massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands, and see for your self. - - GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. Harvey L. Wilson, half owner, vice president and editor of the Norfolk Saturday and Sunday -and we hope a LpHcpt- n; large crowd will attend. - J popular and successful newspaper mioo i ow' i ih jjuuu Bpcu men oi the south, died at his home last week with Miss Blanche Bullock. Miss Agnes Floyd. Miss Agnes Floyd is visiting friends at Sumter, S. C. Mr. D.- L. Bullock , and daughter. Miss Cora, spent last Thursday in! JLumberton on business. Mr. Gregory Stephens of the Mt. Eliam section was a visitor-in 'these in Norfolk Surday of cerebral -hem. orrhage. He was 59 years old. Report of the Condition of THE BANK OF PROCTORVILLE ProctorviUe, N. C. at the close business May 11917 Resources - parts Sunday p. m. 7, 3 uiscoums zz,zzt.yy Messrs. Med Mitchell and Worth Overdrafts .secured and Walters attended Sunday school at1 p!01 (1000 Jff 195-38 Nve'a Sundav n. m. i BaJ?tang ouses. $1838,46; .ifurniture and fixtures $1310.12 3,148.58 Due from State Banks and Bankers . ! Cash Items Nye's Sunday p. m Messrs. Joe, Rowland and Charlie Bullock spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. But ler of near Dillon . ' , T ji4-o v "Rolf imAia -frtllre o f the commencements at Marietta andi r.,a coin. . ... Centenarv last week and seem to SlIver com'. deluding have enjoyed them fine. minor coin currency Misses Maggie and Lillian Bullock ' National bank notes and are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Maggie McMillan of the Iona section, this week. - all 797.54 734.00 15.00 other U. S. notes Transit account 301.10 I 608.00 100.00 The mah" with never $ets laid off .aiscnargea Koiey or never lib, If Via h;v m monev in the Bank he is not worried he works belter. !W Total Liabilities of Backbone Capital stock paid in i ourpius iuna I ttj:; $28,127.59 Maxton's Young Men Preparing Scottish Chief. Henry F. McKinnon, Esq., F. G. Everett, Will Ormond and Recorder J. Earl Carpenter went up to Char lotte last Saturday for examination upon application for admisr.on $o the training camp for officers at Fort Oglethrope, Ga. Mr. McKinnon, whose application had been in for some time, was the only one who re ceived his papers. The others could not be examined because of the num ber af applicants ahead, though Mr. Everett s examination was begun. On Tuesday afternoon Messrs. F. G. Everett, G. B. McKinnon and J, E.. Carpenter motored over to Fay- etteville and passed the physical ex amination before Dr. McGougan. Mr, Everett was rrfotifimto return to Charlotte and went up Wednesday accompanied by Mr. Carpenter. Mr. Everett got his papers for entrance, but Mr. Carpenter's application was in too late; owing to the rush no applications were being received at present, except those filed earlier, Mr. Everett returned home Wednes day night, but Mr. Carpenter went up to Raleigh for a trial there. Messrs. Will Ormond and Cap Mc Queen went to Wilmington Tuesday evening via Fayetteville to offer as members of the coast guard. They returned Wednesday evening. We un derstand that Mr. Orro,ord will join the guard as electrician and Mr. Mc Queen as mechanic when mobilization begins. They promised to notifv tnem. Member of Lumber-Bridge Company Has Three Sections Undivided profits, less cur- the Wilmington Star states that what ' ren expenses and taxes was probably one of the most wonder- T-n 1 ful surgical operations ever perform- ls Payal)le ed in this State was the successful eP0Slts J"PJect - operation made Monday by Dr. Wm. im.e certifictes of deposit Spicer, when he successfully removed Savings, deP0Sts three sections of the upper pstrt , of , Ca.smer s checks outstand the backbone of Private Hare of Co. m ' L. Lumber Bridsre. who was a natient' . . in the Spicer sanatorium suffering , . $28,127.59 with a broken back, which hadrrac-i otateof. North Carohna-rCounty of ticallv.paralyzed the voune manVf rom Robeson, May - 1st,- 1917; ' . . A, X. Jb. Graham, cashier of tViA Dr. Spicer was assisted in the' op-' "amd bank do solemnly swear eration by his brother, Dr. Richard at the above is true to the best of $10,000.00 500.00 16.17 2,000.00 6,206.83 500.00 8,870.05 34.54 Btatt of Ohio. City of Toledo. Lucaa County, as. Cheney makee oath tha he lav aenior partner of the flrra of F J alSLS' for a H v113- FRANK J. CHENEY i orn t0 feefore me and - subscribed fermPne8 thl "f Decem- (Seali ' A- WV GLEASON. Hall-a rf, r, Notary Spicer, who is a member of the med ical corps of the Second reeiment. ard Tuesday informed a reporter that the patient was getting along nicely and he bad high hopes of his per manent recovery at an. early date. Dr. Spicer stated that he had never before had any operative patient dis play such wonderful nerve as did young Hare. The case was the result of an ac cident which befell - Mr. Hare while he was bathing in the river nearGolds- boro following a high -dive into the water. CHICHESTER S PILLS W . THE 1HAUOND BRAND. K J-BIi-! AsL v uur lnicUt for AV ('M-ches-tei'! lMamond BrnndAX I'lllg in Kel id iiold meU-llicxV boxw. seale 1 vfii) Blue Ribbon. V Take no other Buy of Tour " VrnsiriHt. A'k f. CII KCI: i- ITER'S yearskno-nsEest,Safest.A.wtv: Reliable SOLD BY ORUGIilSTS FVERVWKfRE A S my knowledge and belief. I. P. GRAHAM. Cashfpr Subscribed and sworn to before me. 4-1 ? M riil. J j t r r ' una g,n uay oi May, lyiv. . K. ATKINSON, . . Notary Public. My commission exDires Jan. 28, 1918. Correct Attest: K. BARNES, J. P. -PRICE,. W. R. SURLES, Directors, TROUBLE ENTIRELY DISAPPEARED Knudt Lee. Wannaska. "For several years my daughter had ? . c,nroiuc cough, wot until we iriea roiey's Honev and Tar did any imng produce any great relief. In a few days the trouble entirely disao peared and has never returned." Con. xams no opiates; a safe, reliable, rem edy; children like it. Sold every Where. - Fairmont-Town Officers Elected J. D. McLean Elected Mayor Special to The Robesonian. Fairmont, May 8 In regular town election held here yesterday J. D. McLean was elected mayor over J. P. Brown by a big maority. A. N. Mitchell, J. H. Pitman, J. D. Andrews and J. E. Anderson were elected commissioners over F. H. Pit man, A. L. Jones, C. Brice and M. B. Floyd by a big majority. - Frank R. McNinch was elected mayor of Charlotte Tuesday and Ar thur H. Wearn and Horace Moore wex? .lected commissioners to serve with him in Charlotte's first experi ment with the commission form of government. VIRGINIA GIRL Gained 15 Pound. By Taking Visal vK I"""1 mSeied 'rom ner. In? xkJ?d d waa very thin. Nothing I toofc teemed to help me til one day a friend told me about . " va oia WbbiCB Mitt have gamed fifteen pounds; have a good ! Xik Denninq, Norfolk, Va. - JCm?x i8 a , constitutional remedy with Its formula on every bottle. It creates an appetite, aids digestion and makes pure, healthy blood. Try it on pur guarantee, " - J.jJt m Dr. J. D. McMillan & Son, Drug gists, Lumberton, N. C. Our customers all wear the "smile that won't come off." That is because a real grouch can't exist when one's car is working to perfection. There is only one way we know of to be sure of aroiding car trouble that is to put and keep your car under our expert care. Think it over. ' Buy a MAXWELL, CHALMERS OR DODGE And HE is the man who gets PROMOTED. The man with money is "looking" for the man who SAVES. He knows that th man who can take care of his own money-is the man to TRUST. Saving money ls the true test of reliability. . It's good common sense, too. Be wiseJtoday. Open an account with the money you have in your POCKET. Put YOUR money in OUR bank. Wepay 3 per cent, interest. XX United States Deoositary H. M. McAllister, Pres. Chas. T. Pate, 1st. V. P. .T. L. Johnson, 2nd. V. P. R. McA. Nixon, Cashier w . iv. c. MCMuian, AssL-oashier H D n i WE HAVEilSUBSCRIBED FOR $5,000.00 Liberty War Loan Bpnds We have been authorized, by the Secretary of-the Treasury to receive subscription for these Bonds and we urge our friends and t customers to aid the government by sub scribing liberally. . YOUR COUNTRY EXPECTS YOU TO DO YOUR - DUTY THE NATIONAL BANK OF LUMBERTON A. W. McLEAN, President, C. V. BROWN, Cashier. LUMBERTON, ::1 N. C. A STATEMENT I DESIRE THE FARM OWNERS OF ROBESON COUNTY TO KNOW THAT I AM STILL MAKING LOANS ON IMPROVED IF ARM LANDS AT j FIVE PER CENT INTEREST THE RECORDS IN ROBESON, SCOTLAND AND HOKE COUN TIES WILL SHOW THAT I HAVE PLACED -MORE MONEY ON FARM LANDS IN THESE THREE COUNTIES DURING THE PAST, TWO YEARS THAN ALL OTHER LOAN AGENTS COMBINED. THE REASON IS THAT I AM GIVING A BET . TER RATE OP INTEREST, AS WELL AS SETTER TERMS OF PREPAYMENT . OF LOAN. - I AM THE FIRST PERSON WHO OFFERED ' MONEY ON LONG TIME TO THE FARMERS OF ROBESON COUNTY AT FIVE PER CENT INTEREST MY DEALINGS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FAIR AND SQUARE AND THERE ARE NO "STRINGS TIED" TO MY LOANS. IF YOU WISH TO OBTAIN A LOAN, SEE ME. GET MY RATES AND TERMS, THEN GET SAME FROM OTHERS. THE RESULT WILL BE THAT YOU WILL PLACE YOUR IX) AN WITH ME. A. T. McLEAN LUMBERTON, N. C. I