9HE SOBKSOMIAN THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1917 ; ' THE SEASON FQR STRAWS - The most delightful season of the year is now here and it is time for you to pull off that old felt hat and put on a Straw. We are showing some of the latest styles and colors in Panama & Straw hats for young men and boys. - The prices are much lower than they are in other towns. Come in at Your Earliest Convenience & take a Look EC. M-. BIGGS DEPARTMENT STORE LUMfcERTON, . . . N. C. PAGE SEVEN iKAUNED RAILWAY MEN TO ADVERTISE LIRTTOTV t h a v VVII.T. dp cuvt it-oaxt nu.wvuai, LlBJUtlY LOAN First American Troops to be Sent to France Will be 9 New Regiments of Highly-Trained Railway Men The New Forces Will be Volunteers Washington Dispatch, May 7. Nine new regiments of army en gineers, to be composed exclusively of highly trained railway men, will be the first American troops to be 'sent to France. They will go "at the earl iest possible moment," the War De partment announced today, for work on communication lines, but specu lation as to exactly when or to what points they will be. sent is forbidden because of the submarine menace. me new iorces will be volunteers, The Unfathomed Possibilities of the United States Mail Are to be Dp veloped to Bring Home to Every Person in the Country the Need of ouoscMDing to the Liberty: Loan Washington Disoatch. Mnw 7 The unfathomed possibilities of the United States mails as a medium of governmental publicity are to be de veloped to bring home to .every per son in wie cuuntry tne need of sub scribing to the Liberty Loan. Every letter of the many millions that pass daily through the mails soon is - to bear . a special cancellation stamp of striking design to notify all nersons , receiving mail, that the nation is call- raised at the nine great railway cenf or l"T$ ters of the country. Each regiment iue, me Dig Dona will be commanded by an engineer, Every letter box of the hundreds colonel of the regular army, aided by!0r thousands in the country in hi an adjutant. AH other officials will ; placarded S&SSSl beT?llWpT-ii0ff icialS' ft0 and the I for coSbutionl! The expedition will have a total Everv nosofficp tn Hiei9w w strength of between 11000 uA WSiSS men, each regiment being composed 's t0 the issue v "ia"u" LtW0 attalions of three companies Every one of the 60,000 vehicles op each. Every branch of railway erated by the Postof f ce Department, workers necessary to the building or, from the 0ne-horse buggy of the operation of lines wiU be represented niral carrier to the powerful mail in the ranks and the War Department tmrVs in th n,-nm-n.i " expects a response to the call that will permit a careful selection to be exercised and insure a force already n nm twinyDii cat PmtCTiows Summer Colds Weaken They are even more danromua tv colds, for they hang on so long that they be come chrome catarrh. Heat .and dust ag gravate them, cause the infected surface to spread, and fill the body with systemic cat- rr. ixegiect costs neaitn and energy. PERUNA EXPELS CATARRH Jl?068 mre---t bufldsup the weakened system, regulates the diges tion, removes the inflammation, overcomes the poisons of catarrh, and ml Liquid or tablet form, whichever is the more convenient; The Peruna Company, Commons, Ohio proclaim in large type from posters' on its siaes tnat the Liberty Loan 5 nnpn tn snhscrintimit! r-nA fVni. ; the minulp, .an army of ;a At nf 0i.. ,-4-; .-u to suDscnDe. livery letter carrier m every city is to have a card to stick in his cap. More than that, everv letter carrier and everv free -delivery trained to experts in railway operation Recruiting for the regiments and the organization of each force will be j directly under the colonel of each reg military necessity fnr food supply of the nation, I hereby vuKe myseu to ao my bit as fol lows: "I will use only those amounts of food required for adequate nour ishment. I will endeavor to control the waste and to live simply. I will begin now.' " . A T 1 T 1 -i iiiio. vuarence uonnson, tne new president, and Mrs. Bickett, are thor oughly in accord in this enterprise and what they can do for Raleigh win be a great deal. Mrs. Johnson as the club head is expected to keep tne state actively in sympathy with I will begin lmeiltv TheCruitie5 ?in.tS nVbe! carrier is to be a bureau of informa New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Boston, tlon as to the termg of the isgue Pittsburg, Detroit, Atlanta, San Fran cisco and Philadelphia. Brotherhoods to Co-operate Officials believe the great railroad brotherhoods will co-operate, throw in? the steneth .of the unions be- nma tne recruiting eiiorts. ine ran- featUres probably will be added lat wav comnames already are so orean.l -. i This part of the nationwide adver tising campaign was decided upon to day at a conference between Robert W. Woolley, publicity director for the issue, ond James B'akeslee. fourth as. s'stant postmaster general. Other Bullock Bros. Auto Livery Double daily service between Lumberton and Fairmont' SCHEDULE Leave Lorraine Hotel Leave . Passenger Station 8:30 a. m. 10:15 a. m. 3 p. m. k 630 p. m. Rotrnd trip $1 or 50 cents one way. Repair Work & Auto Supplies Phones 231-221-18-55 LUMBERTON, N. C. ized under the Council of National Defense that their vo-operation is. as sured, er. In the meantime, other methods of bringing to every citizen of the country a realization of the nation's needs and his opportunity to help are The decision to send the engineers! under consideration. Among these is understood to have grown out on conferences here between government officials and members, of the French and British war missions. One of the and to live simply, now."' The Greensboro News remarks that "it is a gluttonous waste,. this eating of refreshments at off-hours; and moreover it is a positive task except for those piggish persons who Pie always hungry and never happy except in the act of deglutition. 'Re fresh ments' should be at regular feeding time or not at all." And that's true, too. Eating the refresh ments no matter how nice they are, this movement and 4,000 of the most 153 ? positive burden to many people energetic club women can do a creat deal for the food problem. uut of this movement will doubt nd the amount of waste can hardly be estimated. But it's the stvle ard most society folks would rather less grow a bisreer one. an enternrise be dead than out style each tries tnat mav resn t m vmitina. f a me uuiw, anu so it, troes. n large number of women from countrv '1 now becoming fashionable to leave .1 1 T , i anu town, uy organizing tnem in every county by the hundreds it is possible to make the food problem felt in terms of millions and that's what some of the Raleigh women have in mind. The club women in fed eration have taken the lead. ave the uses to wh?ch electrical -ad vfertising signs can be used. In addition, Secretary McAdoo has under consideration a speech-making greatest problems of the war has been; tour in interest of &Tbiff issue that of mabitaininff adequate supply lines, and the railroads are the vital element of the system that feeds men, shells and food toward the lighting front from channel ports and from France. America is pre-eminent in the field of railway engineering and the best talent and experience the nation can nrovide in that line will eo into the new regiments, each of which would be able to undertake all or any part of the work of building or operating a whole railway system. While the regular engineer troops of the army are among the best drill ed in the service, it is improbable that the new regiments will be subjected to any lengthy military, training. They are only for the sake of greater mo bility and efficiency. The administration's action means mr. mcaqoo nas received numerous invitations recently to speak in the Middle west. Responses to the offer of the bie issue have been extremely gratifying thus far, Mr. McAdoo announced tonight. GET OUT A' POLICY and do it now. Fires are dis astrous bnd delays ; are : dan gerous. ' Yon can't bring back what is consumed by fire. You can, though, BE REIMBURSED ON YOUR FIRE LOSS if it's one of our companies . Premiums on doubtful policies is money thrown away. Be sure and insure with us. Q. T. WILLIAMS Lumberton, N. C. 4,000 Club Women of This State to Enlist' in Food Conservation Raleigh Cor. Greensboro Daily News. The Raleigh club women returning trom the federation m Durham Saving the Waste Statesville Landmark. All over the State the society la dies are cutting out refreshments at their functions and curtailing other unnecessary expense as a result of the war. Club wamen in. many towns Statesville among - others are not only doing this, but some of trem a club m Mooresville being a notable instance are directing the efforts of their clubs to some profitable and practicable work in connection with the war. Mrs. Bick-J ett, the wife of the Governor, it is said will leave off refreshments at social gatherings at the Executive; Mansion. At the meeting of the '. State Federation of Women's Clubs! off the refreshments and maybe this latest lashion will be found so sen sible that it will continue after the war shall have ended. Corns Loosen OK With Magic "Sots-It" 2 Drops Do the Work, Painlessly. "I tell you. before I heard of 'Gets-It' I used to try one thing after another for corns. I still had them. I used bandages and they made my missionaries for food conservation in yumam, tms weeic tne ionowmg, and they begin at once among their . Pieaf!re was circulated ior signa-; 400 members here in Ralekrh. Two hundred and fifty women sign ed the pledge Friday to reduce and to xures : j "In view of the pressing military! Kpce.ssities of conserving the food 1 j-i x T 1 1 1 J create rt the same ime. There are ? e . nereoy pieuge 4.000 rluh wnmor ;t, . sstatn 9nH myseu to ao my dii. i win use omy, , - 1 . I r I thAca for adequate aiourishment. I will in 1 1 t 1 . ... . A . A At - 1 ? 1 on these r-,0 fall tT, worlr of rrrVJ "se amounts 01 looa as requireu : t- . 1 AX. J4. J! that. American troops carrying tne JT- nr. . , v "f!? SSfSr living. -The Iteration received from American flag and m the uniform of w p w, n:.i.ii - i-. French soil. If .lhereJs psychoiogi- MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Farm Lands Desirably I ocated. EASY TERMS. WRITE OR CALL ON US. THE MUTUAL LOAN & TRUST CO. H. H McALLXSTEIL, IWdentTHOS. JOHNSON, Sec-Tre. Annual Confederate Ve erans Reunion WASHINGTON, D. C. June 4-8th. Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co. -ANNOUNCES- GREATLT REDUCED RATES FROM ALL POINTS ON ITS , . .LINES im from nbi of the principal points in -North Carolina and sutk (Jaroiiaa as louows: - Shelby ... - , .. o.vo CharlotU 8-W Aberdeen -.N8.2S Sanford 7-65 Lumberton 8.90 Laurinburg .. 8.85 Apex .. .. T1" Rftleigb .. 0-83 Dillon S C -15 Marion S C -50 FrankUnton 6.30 Norlina B70 oJsto, ,90 WKWboro no. 2?A .. .. '.. .. S.20 WQiniHUa 8.&0 urham :;:: :: :: S5S Mullina S C 9 JO Wales Tot t.10 Hewierson 695 cal value in such a movement, as both French and British ; ., commissioners have urged; it will show .itself with the. arayaLin France of the first en gineer regiment; It will; not be necessary to equip the engineers with the tools of their craft. France and Britain can supply whatever is" needed, probably supplementea Dy an aaaitionai sup I nlv. Recause of this, there will be no need for delay in sending the en gineer troops forward. They will need little but their uniforms, arms and personal equipment before they can be sent .to the front. President Authorized to Use War Bound Vessels The joint resolution, already aHonfprl Tv the Senate, authorizing the President to put into service vessels of the enemy in American ports were adopted by the House of Congress without arecord vote after an all day debate. The measure gives legal sanction to the administration's plan of util w:.rr thA.9fi war-bound German mer chantmen as government vessels and putting them into the trans-Atlantic trade as part of the great commercial fleet i tiled on to break -.he , T boat blockade. Confident that Con gress would approve, the executive branch of the government already has begun repairing the damage .done to the vessels by their German crews and at least two are loaaing now at Eastern ports. After the war Ger many is expected to make the claim that in taking over the vessels the tt'tI coao vinintAd i celebrated UlUbCU UW.g treaty of 1828, but StateDepartment officials believe there is no vauu ground for such complaint. Cashier Thomas Pardoned by Gover nor . , . TVinmaa Thomas, defaultme cashier of the Bank of Beaufort, was par doned Monday byGov.Bickett from the 2-y ears' sentence imposea Dy juuge gun serving May 10. ine dooh.s uj. the bank showed false entries that covered shortages .aggregating $62, nnn and Thomas entered a nolo con tendere and gave very assistance in straightening out- tne accounts, a big delegation of the most prominent .w.oud nf the Koairrorc . isecuou. VlUAVOd "j. vw I backed by petiions that represented 85 per cent oi the ciuzensmp oi vnc ntv. urced tha nardon. Thomas UotmI'W tb neoDle of his sec tion' as a citizen of exemplary life, and is said to nave prontea nowung K -nv Hnllftp irivovled in the short age, but made the entries in an ef fort to adjust the affairs oi ms xawn- er in his personal accounts ana accounts as county treasurer. ing 4he nowvfamous ietter of "a far mr'.iv'ife".""itt:: which the worker in the country asked-why society persist in feeding- heavily n and expensively people who are not hungry. The coun try woman urged: society to abolish this perfectly foolish and needless waste of costly food. Mrs. Bickett pledged herself to the principle of simplicity and economy in social affairs about the mansion. And the federation put itself on re' endeavor to control the waste in all kinds of .materials in . the household CUT . THIS OUT IT IS WORTH ! i- 3 Money ; f ? DONT MISS; THIS. Cut on, this slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Co. 2835- Sheffieldj Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clear ly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey Corns Drive You Mad? Try "Gets-It" and They'll Peel Rlsht Off I toe so big it was murder to put on my shoe. I used salves and other things that ate off more of the toe than they, did the corn. TA cut and digr with knives and scissor, but now no more fooling for-me. TWO drops pf Grets-It did all the work. It makes fhe com shrivel and set so loose that 'you can Just pick it right off .with your fingers V! j There has been nothing- new dis covered for corns since "Gets-It" was born. . ,Ifs the .new. way the Common-sense, simple, sure way. "Gets-It" is sold everywhere. 25c a bottle, or sent on receipt -of price by E. Iawrence & Co., Chicago. 111. Sold m Lumberton and recommend. cord thus: "In view of the pressing where, and Tar Compound for. coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and ed as the World's best corn remedy Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold every- by Pope Drug Co., and J. D. McMil lan & Sen. aW?ck.eta m en sale or all trains scheduled to stop at S Et?tions June 2nd to 7th limited to reach original starting prior to mid-night of June 21st. Tickets can be extended beWlyT Cth fcy depositing same with SPECIAL AGENT on or 5 i 2l8t and Payment of fifty cents (50 cents), dresa detailed information call on any Seaboard Agent or ad- J0HN T. WEST. Division Passeneer Agent, 5, sZ "Chamberlain's Tablets Have Done "T )ita htm a. sufferer from stom ach trouble for a number of years, T Tiava iised'a. irreat CftUU 1W1AVs, . d number of 'remedies recommended for this complaint, Chamberlain's 'laoiets is the first medicine . tnat nas given anA lasting relief." writes Mn Anna Tfadin. SnenJcernort, N. Y. "Chamberlain's Tablets have done wonders for me and I value tnem very highly." Obtainable everywhere. Ford Service for the owners of Ford cars is a fact courteous, prompt, efficient. Service which covers the entire country, almost as a blanket, to the end that Ford cars are kept in use every day. Drive ' where you will, here's a Ford Agent nearby to look after your Ford car. The "Universal Car" will bring you universal service. Better buy yours today. Touring Car $360, Runabout ?345, Coupelet $505, Town Car $595, Sedan$645 all f.' o. b. Detroit. We sbcilit your order. Robeson Auto Company LUMBERTON. N. C m i 3 RE DUSO 90 11 Hi KM. At AD Dealers Back and Frest-Lae- FOR STOUT FIGURES Make large hip. iPPf; Wky walst-Bsss graceful ; awkward kost-liaes smaller aa4 kavetk SOU Corset ceafert witk fiftt wesrisig Beth and low bust. . $3 so $50 NUFORM Back and Frent-Lace Fr SLENDER and AVERAGE FIGURES Give Style, Comfort and perfectly fitting Gown1 mmmt Economical Price. $1-00 to $3-00 WEINGARTEN BROS, Inc, Now York Chicago San Frandseo i - 1 ..e f i t i r it i 1

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