" ' ' ' RUTH -..-- : - . $2.00 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVA1VCB . M J - VOL. XLV1II LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. MAY 24, 1917. HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT; REGISTRARS FOR ,Mre3 Tomorrow by Lieut. Gov. This Afternoon and This Evening , s kas been stated in The Robeson.; n the Lumberton graded and high'j school will close tomorrow, v ..Till Wr thi . MILITARY DRAFT I Volunteers for Service I lowiyships Met no nave Reached 21 and Are Under 31 Must Register June 5 Under Selective Draft Bill for Mil- Vnc rcises will begin this afternoon; ""'7 M.n hen nnoils of Misses Acmes ,The following men have volunteer- at r n rc!, ed as registrars LADIES ORGANIZE BRANCH OF NATIONAL AID SOCIETY The clos- ir : Yesterday AU; Six Units Formed for Service Re- F"ns rium iiiairman ot umerent Units Will be Received at Meeting Next Monday Reported for The Robesonian. At an enthusiastic meeting of the ladies of the town in the high school auditorium on Monday afternoon it was decided to oreranizA a hranrh nf 1 the National AiH St Gov. 0. Max Gardner will1 quired by the army draft bill (the patriotism and develop national un jjeuL. ' ,j . i first-named in - tnwnsli m Koinn -v.;. n-.T mvc tt1 t tth i-jr. wiii, xj. ij. uuiiuwav, wno was jeciiai 4nii--.iv the literary auuress tumor- . . - uun it at 11 a. m. after which- diplomas1 registrar for that township): J be awarded the members of the' A1 " L ?tReSlstrar t , tttin class. -, Alfordsvilte No. 1)-J. F. Bullock, ,K1..-v.. i cniei. Alex Aiiord. JRARKTQN PARAGRAPHS ft "M?! vZ:iS.tt--Blows Down Trees! Revival Will Bp p.cu:L . . aiove riues and Out-HousesRaiit Church June 3rd M vZtV f" License has been issued for the Brmgj Best of Seasons for Crops the Peonle Movements of ; marriage of James Powell and Ellen FAIRMONT NEWS LETTER NUMBF 'tt BRIEF ITEMS OF LC,aL NEWS -Fmted of MrTWterParhrm ' Corresnnee of Th p k 3?$WNe H. McNeiUand S Finals at Ray's Grove Schools orresPnaence of The Robesonian. McMillan. lom Tht class exercises will take place - if1', Aiex ,Ja- v T -T m mc'-ow (-vening at 8 oVQck. ! Back Swamp (No 2)-W. N. Town- S.1 l .ui:- ; ;r,w?f on send, J. G, Prevatt. rtf exercises. . I Burnt Swam.p (No.3)-J.A.McLeod,J 4'A.MPAIGN NEARS END 4,200 People Hve Attended 59 Meet ines in County in Interest of Great er Food Production j Kobeson's two-weeks' campaign for more food crops and food conservaJ tion will close Saturday. Up to last night 59 meetings had been held and these meetings have been attended by j 4,200 people. j The farmers generally have taken1 great interest in the campaign andj xo doubt the result will mean more ioodstuff raised this year than ever in the history of the county. The only meetings after today will be one at Proctorviile tomorrow night at 8 o'clock and at Oakdale, near Ma rietta, Saturday at 2 p. m. K1NGSDALE LUMBER PLANT WILL CLOSE DOWN Saw Mill Already Closed anjd Plan ing Mill Will Close Soon Corpo ration's Timber Supply Exhausted Plant May be Moved to Florida The saw mill of the Kingsdale Lumber corporation, which is locat ed about one mile from town on the W. H. Adams Britts (No. 4) W. TJ. Pope, W. L. Thompson. Fairmont (No. 5) V. H. Taylor, C. R. Traynham, J. D. McLean. Gaddys (No. 6) J. O. McArthur, J. W. Burns. t Howellsville ( No.7 ) T.W.Maxwell. H. A. M'White. Lumberton (No. 8)-T. A. McNeill, Jr., J. J. Goodwin, C. M. Barker, R. M. Norment. v Lumber Bridge(No. 9) Robt. Mon roe. Maxton (No. 10) J. C. Everett, S. H. McKinnon, W. O. Bennett. Orrum (No. 11) E. C. Nye, J. F. Shepherd. . v Pembroke (No. 12) G. M. Chand ler, D. A. Shaw. Parkton (No. 13)L. E. Hughes, fci. v. Johnson. Rennert (No. 14) Lacy McNair. Raft Swamp (No. 15) J. E. Car. lvle. Red Springs (No 16) J. N. Buie, L. M. Cook. v rtm conservation (Meeting PerJ- rm"' May Mrs. D. A. Blue! Mr. D. A. Regan sold his stock .sonal , - .of Hope Mills is visiting her son Mr. of groceries Monday to Mr. John T Correspondence of The Robesonian. ! sVjSi.L!-116 ? Bis.'., ?e has not yet decided what instrumental in formine this .organ ization, was elected general chair man arid other officers were elected as follows: treasurer, Mrs. R. E. Lewis: secretary. Mrs. A. H. McLeod. There were alsovgix tmits formed, ob xuiiuwa; iaiimug, wun xars. Hi. 1. Pool as. chairman. The obiect of this unit is to can all surplus food. Then irr case of scarcity of food next win ter, to be distributed among the poor and needy. Knitting, Mrs. W. L. Daugherty, chairman. The object of this unit is to .knit sweaters, wrist lets and mufflers for our navy. Sew ing, Mrs. C. V. Brown, chairman. The object of this unit is to make hospit al garments and tcomforts basrs. High school girls' sewing unit, Miss Anna Neil Fuller, chairman. The object of this unit is to make hand kerchiefs and simple garments for our suffering allies. First aid and surgical dressing, Mrs. H. T. Pope, chairman. There was also " a unit formed to administer to the comfort and needs of the soldiers stationed in our own town, with Mrs. H. M McAllister as chairman. There will be a meeting of this so ciety on next Monday afternoon at 4:30 in the high school auditorium when all the chairmen of the differ ent ntmits will be requested to re- Parkton. Mav 9tw m ana son W?, and Mr. A. he will do. Mr Walter riuW VST Wed,! SlSffiS Sm'S " gf L" P.earl Cari, daughter of nesday night accompanieid by Mr. J Mweek Mrs ; Nan S a thi3iMr- J. C. Carlyle of Rozier, will go D',GffiSbr0Tth,er-in-law of ceased!! er? Francfs, a?e spendTne a whUe"1 Mo"d.ay Charlotte to take 'a courfe ard Mr. B. J. Miles, sergeant of the' with Mr avd Mrs P R tUJI 111 Kms iness college. JnUPWegUf i Wele taken tol -Mr. Meade mKm K' , Mr- M; Johnson rSurned Mon ham a Im MA- P"J, for Wilmington, where he gtooTl & day .froin Asheville, where he attend ftMifc1 wVf deceased ! naval examinationMr. and Mrs. P.! eJ.nS StaJe. meenff of the Baraca KoL cS?' ays ,hat leased had; R. Floyd, , Mr. and Mrs. E Fisher P.lathea Umon. He reports a splen b?eA,se?Wa? Police for 22 months and diehto. Gce r i ! thd se hii aH !i d never miIs5d a single sPrings Sunday, where they took in drill, and alwavs rpsnondpri nn t n-i.- t I, v. fLf t J,' , T -""""c"vciut at riora mcuonaia j v. iCv'lu .was aDsoiuteiy clean college and hesvas held in the hie-hpst PstMm by his Jmany friends and comrades; auu a wmu oi tne esteem was shown by one of the handsomest designs, four feet in diameter, and was pre sented":by the Dupont guards and cost $40, and was placed on his grave by bergeant Miles. The local Ma sons also presented a handsome pil low of beautiful flowers, hence the iioraioiienngs were most beautiful ueeeasea was taken suddenly ill with pneumonia and went to tha Tina. pital Sunday for some medicine and A revival meetiner will beein at the Presbyterian church the first Sunday in June, beginning 3rd and lasting through 10th. Synodical Evangelist William Black of Charlotte will hold the meeting. Mrs. V. H. Taylor, wh0 has been visiting her mother at Bellamy, has returned home. Mr. C. R. Traynham and two children left Tuesday for Virginia to visit his parents. They will make the trip through the coun try in Mr. Traynham's car. Mr. L. P. Andrews of Wilminerton is sneiid- T-he aOCior found him verv swrk anrtlinrr a -Fa Awe -irrH-u he entered the hospital and died TuesJ N. T. Andrews. Misses Mary Belle j J hick, oiuy mree kicks ana sarah and Carrie Floyd, days. .The funeral has been previ- students at Meredith college, returned ou reposed. to their homes Tuesday night. Miss Tej closmg exercises of Ray's Zulia Passmore of Raleigh is visiting uwy5 suiuw, mues nortn oi our, her sister Mrs. O. 1. Flovd. Rev Le- roy Williams and Mr. L. B. Flowers town m Cumberland countv. took place Friday evening with appropri ate exercises by the school. Mrs. I with Mr. H. H. Baily. Miiss Chat W. ILi-McKinnon was teacher and' Ratley spent Wednesday in Red V1?,, cMdren recited and sang and Springs. Miss Grace. Inman of Mrs. E. I. Poole, chairman of the canning unit of the local National Aid, wants all who already have en rolled in this unit or will enroll ttf meet her at the Lorraine hotel at 4 p. m. Saturday. A room is wanted for canning work, by the canning unit of the local National Aid society. Any one who has a vacant store room can render a public service by offering it for this purpose. Mrs. E. I. Poole is chairman of this unit. . People living about 3 miles from town on the Fairmont road say an airship passed over that section Mon day night about 11 of the clock. inose who saw the ship say it was making a terrible noise and was head ed towards Lumberton. The Epworth league of Chestnut Street Methodist church will give a social Monday evening, 9 to 11, at the Lorraine notei, in nonor of all the of Lakeview, S. C, spent Tuesday fw ' i8 and P?vates, with Mr TT w pntr M3 pi, f located here. Members and fnenda of the league are invited. Misses Sadie Ray Pope and Mil- n wT, n 'V ; P"ri weir acuviiies oi me weeic. n , armed s in a very creditable manner. WhiteviUe, who has been spending a area Williams arrived home Tues- c jii S0Ck'v' L McTCa4lum; a1! alsi asked Jhat every .ne. bnngev. 3i Jenkins, pastor of the1 few davs in town, returned to her!day "ght from Meredith college, badaie iree ijno. i) j. r$. wara, their dues, which are as- follows: Bantist charph of nnr town HAlivorod v. tvw Ralein. where t.hev wprp ct.nHn.t i . - - . x -- ' " x. t v. x iiuiiic xucouav iiiui mil t i?xi . ti uiiii - j ..-w W. H. Powell. St. Pauls (No. 19) J. S .inl ynorl Tiqo n ezat Anion anA TO.lllJ. -LientZ. w.vv.. - , 0 ... xt nr T t i j o oiuuiis i-xu. .j)u. u. o tew cm,, tiety, you are requesiea to pay one r.. w. waiters. Sterlings (No. 21) John H. John son. Shannon (No. 22) Geo. Klarpp. Thompsons (No; 23) H. S. Mc Lean, D. H. Britt, Jr. White House (No. 24) W. M. Ol- and thus cause. service aues, zo cents; or it you Butler,; wish to become a member without r joining in the activties of -this so-. not be operatea any more, ine log ging force stopped work Tuesday. The planing mill will be operated until the lumber now on hand has been dressed and made ready for market. The mill closed down on account of not having any more tim- nnA tVio iver, ts. I lempie. -mill will be moved to some point in . W,lsharts No- 25) J- c- Stansel, Florida at a later date Rowland Mercer, Jr. This mill, which it takes about 150 L above-named registrars met men to operate, was built in the! here yesterday and were sworn m year 1910, after the old plant located; and given instuctions for registering. at Old Kingsdale, 5 miles south 0f , .,w"'yrii i s TnWn-n wna hnmA. Th first I instructions. All agreed to serve ! without compensation. As has been stated in The Robe sonian, the date for registration Is June 5. All persons between the ages mentioned above must register regardless, of color or physical con? Lumberton. was burned. The first plant was "built about 18 years ago md this corporation has cut many thousands of feet of timber during that time. DENS EVERYWHERE, dlon Everybody Has a Garden and Back Yards Are in More Sanitary Condi tion Than Ever Before Sanitary Officer F. A. Wishart knows more about the conditions in back yards in Lumberton than any other man in town. It is his business PREPARING FOR VETERANS Mr.. Z. V. Tolar, rural letter car rier of r Tar Heel, and Messrs. . S. M. 29 MILES ON A GALLON OF GAS .McDonald and Ward, brother-in-law of Mr. Tolar, spent a while in our Result of Test of-Maxwell Touring ! townjSunday afternoon. Mr Tolar Care One Car Made 2? Miles and j reported his father.m-law, Mr. Jos. Another 19.8- . Allen, ; quite ill and wired his sons I m ueorgia tne conamon oi tneir iatn jer. Miss Ruby Council of Flora Mc Donald college came home Monday quite sick. - Right much sickness in our town at present. Master Dono- van Williamson, who has been quite sick for a week, is reported much bet ter. fMr. ;J.- M. Johnson, who arriv ed home from Ohio a few days ago, is suffering from rheumatism. Mr. Statrtubbsis 'reported ;.omewhat Tnpsrlnv mnrnintr the address to the school, which was1 O'Gorman was a Fairmont visitor. durmg the last session. Misses Ro- much enjoyed. After the speaking, Wednesday. Misses Amick andi so Wishart, Came Mae Hedgpeth creamy cake and lemonade were' serv- Katherine Jones are spending a few ed to all present and no one slighted, j days in Chadbourn visiting their Mr. Marvin Small went over to Lumberton Tuesday night to the movies. - aoiiar. h is- earnesuy nopea tnati it was all to the good. The Parkton! ui.cle Mr. S. P. Brown, every iaay in tne community will join i band of mne pieces furnished some,, Fioyd and Miss -E'noir encourage ' o wortny a oi xneir Dest music Tweny-r.ine miles on one gallon of pasoline is the record made by one of the Maxwell autos that figured in the. test made by the Lumberton Motor Car Co. yesterday, and the oth er car in the test ran 19.8 miles on one callon. - and Vivian McNeill, also students at Meredith, arrived home last night. Miss Hedgpeth completed the course in pipe organ. Mr. Alford Stephens of Ever green, Columbus county, spent yes terday here visiting relatives. Mr. Stephens won the gold medal offered for the best oration at the closing A Much-Neded Rain--Sorry to Lose exercises at Buie's Creek academy. Kev. j. t . Davis Personal Men- wnere ne was a student, on the 17th PEMBROKE POINTS tion Correspondence of The Robesonian. Pembroke, May 23 A much-need- ed rain fell through this section last' y' mst. Mr. Stephens won the debat ers medal at the same school last' year. He is studying for the minis- The cai that made 29 miles on a gallon was operateckby Mr. J. V. Wil liamson, salesmanfor the Lumberton Motor Car Co., and " belongs to Mr C. V. Brown, cashier of the Nation-r al Bank of Lumberton. The car has: night. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Burks of Hayn es visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCor mick Sunday. Mrs. E. H. Cook re- The county pension board met here today for the purpose of passing on applications for funds to be given by the board of county commission- turned last night from a few days vis-; ers to pay the expenses of veterans it to her sister in Columbus county, Miss Leola McCullers came from OJJXIXA VilC DU1U1UVX nihil ilX OiObbi Mrs. R. Livermore Mrs. Margaret urday for Morehead City. Miss An- who atend .the reunion in Wash ington in June. The commissioners .yill pay $20 tp each veteran who at-' teSd -uic iretsiion for expffcses. All who have not applied should apply been in use for a T year or more InLnie WilJfon left Monday evening Pennington and little daughter Ag-! to either Mr. M. G. McKenzie or Mr icc-i m u.c iui a caiyi muic. attPTiH tni roTmviPTiremMif of Flora & . , 1 TT t a tut- u: the car with Mr. Williamsnn . tomT, r.,wVulTr;1 U1 Ar nes spent the week-end in Hamlet J. a. McAllister. Mr. Brown, Mayor Jas. D. ProctorJ ?S o,ir -Representative J. S. Oliver of Register of Deeds M. W. Floyd, andi f'ZXhr attended the-Mrs. D. V. Montague spent a few Marietta passed through town Tues. t: a -r 1 t, . 11 v conesre monuay meat. : a-,-c loc-t- nmAt -ii,.fi, v.tviq -FriVe ati j v, f 1 Prof. H. W. Doub left -Monday , Selma. Mrs. O. S. Miller and chil-j where he went to attend the -com- Gen. Metts Wants to Know Number! of Delegates Each Camp Will Stndj (n Ratminn TTcnor-! all v AT net tho Mi,mW Wlin 'P,.TrnP-t. Frpa "Rntpr-! Mr. A. C. Johnson, editor of the Lum- ' ' ' - ' -i . ii . ! mi.- ii. j. j, i lainmem auu iAiJti.i lw luaiin - , . " " , . . -----, eveniner. ne win teacn at ADeraeen; j :: i a4-i,' -i. i- xt r, t Knrn a record OI iy.8 miles DelonsrS'tO Mr.l n T4. i l . Ulel' visiui iciauycj, uuuiu, meucement oi me otate wormai coi- to know. He has to visit them andi ".w" , Toc T . , H H Anderson and was operated C fieems i 2 1 Carolina. Mr. J. L.Thaggard was a 4egJ. Mr. Oliver's daughter Misa pertain their condition. And Mr. Major aGenel g W.T Recoils maPchfnt next term & nGW faCUlty for Lumberton visitor Mondfy-Mr and Helen . graduated at the Normal this Wishart savs he never saw the like vising eacn camp oi i,onieuerite vet j the next term. . . Mrs. Tester Ston visited hom folks, war. Mr nA Mrs w. M (Miwr iwho expect to march. A letter to tached to each car and each car was;cannin wag ver helpful and should I--J-. . -r i j tt:h a TTut- nnpratpn frnm that, trn lion tank- nnt.il . i j j j. ... i. . i i-i ...... .i .. i i oenoma tns hi mnw wnn pyneKt itarv condition tnan he nas ever iouna "---- ..---f,-;- 1,0i. vMo inct. a Qn o v. " v. j i. i v : tree entertainment ana tne numoer J u o -- job for some years. Heretofore the most familiar sight in back yards was tin cans and weeds. Now it is different. The back yards are clean of grass and rubbish and vegetables are growing:. -And the women are cultivating the gardens in many in The speaking was strictly alone theiV much. Misses Ollie Mclnnis and food line. Mrs. n.uDanks' taut on p-i cuOT,nrii nriA Mr. Zeh Beaslev "rt - the following : '"I find a very general desire here among the veterans of the District of umvaiLiiK Hie Kaiixciio III many. I , . . . , , r, t?nces. Mr. Wishart says when he Columbia to Je m the line of march. toes to a front door and fails to be ?Me to make anybody hear, he goes J' round to the back yard and there, usually, he finds the lady of the house ultivating her garden. A town of gardens .it is. No mean distinction that, for any town. And there are some as fine gardens here as you will find in a day's j'ourney. BARN STRUCK BY LIGHTNING Last nie-ht the members of my camp were drilling like a set of boys in the streets; and supposing that this Sunday afternoon Gen. Metts from Hillary A. Herbert, operatea irom inat pnon wns uniu , heeded by every one- present grand marshal, ot Washington re-; " - rLTsX fl. So far as we have been .able to; There was quite a crowd at church questing wus uuuiiuauvu, "V" i::: 7I. 5ri. i ?' not an. acre ox mie wnu.con Sunday nieht to hear Kev. J'. r . La V .xiT I 1 T i ii De louna in mis county, anu, ueiieve carS tuineu witnuut e.iacn.iiiK speeu , the soji : cultivated SO far. Nev- Tuesday's Raleigh, News and Observer carried a complimentary spent a short while in Laurmburg. account of the aTinuai concert given or changing: gears, and back to Lum berton.' Mr. Brown's car ran back to Lumberton, to between Sixth and Seventh streets on Elm, before its gal lon was exhausted. The spedometer spirit will prevail generally among! registered even 29 mles, both sped Fecdstuffs. VehiclH and Farmine Im plements Burned When, Mr. J. Ed Tyson Lost Barn . As a result of being struck by light ning rbout 5 o'clock yesterday morn 'ng, Mr. J. Ed Tyson's barn at hi3 ?arm about 2 1-2 miles east of town "wa-j burned, together with its con tents. Besides the bam, Mr. Tyson lost l."00 bundles of fodder. 20 bush els of peas, his buggies, wagons and ill his farminer implements. Around 3,000 feet of lumber and a quantity of ffment and rubber roofing which a. nfar the building was also burn Cf!. TliG loss was around $1,000, with 100 insurance. t f 1 1 rt xt- 4. u our comraaes irom ine ooutn, me march will be as short as practicable. "Every' necessary refreshment will be at hand for those who may be in the march, and at the end of the grand--parade refreshments such as lemonade, coffee, bouillon, sand wich es, etc., will be served by our devot ed women, at a convenient place. Bv order of the commander-in- phief one carriage, or vehicle for ometers being placed at zero, of course, before the start was made. The road was good for the most part. The difference in mileage was due to the fact that Mr. Anderson's car is nearly new, while Mr. Brown's car has been in service for a year or more. er in our lives did we ever see peo pie work so faithful and true. Mr. McKinnon says if you haven't a pig, better hurry and get one or two and feed well. "That's right. Last night just at 11 o'clock our town was visited by strong winH, vis' last sermon with us. We are very sorry for Mr. Davis to leave us at Meredith college Monday night and made the following mention of a daughter of Rev. and Mrs. I. P. Hedgepeth of Lumberton: "Miss Carrie Mae Hedgpeth, petite and dainty, overcame the difficulties of org.m mastery, which in the height rf ill xxT-rvOM eonf fVl O C f YTlffVl rfc-f 4-tr.A Sunbeam Rally at Smyrna May 27 ( k and varied foot movements Ready to Fight for the Flag Per-, sh; t with th abaildon of C0IU Sonal sfimic omTipt.pTK'P- 'Andante ' from LONG BRANCH LOCALS town was visited by strong wmjd I, Corres pondence of The Robesonian. ' wia gpelndid ef- followed by fine rain,-just enough Long Branch, May 22 We hadifiV, sne Rave wun spemaia f1 xur tue ucst ml Bcaauiiia. xnc Yiinxt blew down scores of fruit trees and shade trees, also all the stove flues of the new Baptist church, overturn the 110 1S!nil hZS at-i -Two large mules belonging to Mr. our pastor Ref. I. P. Hedgpeth, at- g Saddietree section SSS1 .T rTr rad:!rro,eded to run away here yesterday ed several out-houses and unroofed"! " F.nroan war. Mr ' afternoon. A colored man was arv- Tre i. v v a t same. So far no serious damage is re- Britt just returnpd home from Wak lnK e mules ana haa the wagon In tests that have been made of orted. .. Some h&il but little dam-i f est where he has been in school, to. ch they were hitched loaded e Maxwell car at various places at I This nr, inanras a bumnerl ' i a chI w.'vh tobacco barn flues. When the to sponsors, etc.. is line and two for each department commander and for the cammander various spefds and on all sorts of Irsh potata. crop for this section in be allowed in roads. the records range irom is toiWhich there ar several 32 miles to the gallon. acres jn tnis crop. hundred (hh Burived for Killing White a ! TnAam, it Will YL Dr. flrpavps Rev. Chas. L. Greaves, pastor of, that Marshal Joffre. former Pinner the First Baptist church, left this viviam and other members of the mornine for Wake Forest, where to- French mission to the United States. th .Wee of doctor of di- arrived in .Brest Tuesday night ard Members of French War -Mission NATION Al. AID MEETS MONDAY Back in France 5fS8? Wo-n in the Community is Urged to be Freseni--umi inair- 1V11SS KUin l-ODe xetuincu Ottiuiuojr, , ttt x - nieht from Buie's Creek where she l"1 " i "" " has been in school and graduated this yoar. Her sister Miss Leigh Pope attended commencement there. Misses Euphemia and Nellie Tyson Lumberton the driver was thrown from the wag on. The mules ran across the north end of the court house square and were stopped. The flues were scat tered and battered up to some ex- vinity will be conferred upon him by the college at wmcn ne was &x ab ated ,20 years ago. Dr. Greaves has been pastor of the church here for the past three years and he is recog nized as one of the ablest Baptist nf the State. It has been El! Persons, negro, who confessed known tfor some months among his .. 6' .u ...T.:xU,.;Tiria hprp that Wake Forest wouia i honor him .at commencement kr,i. t. - I 'll 1 t .1 J vmul e Kiiieaa lp-year-om .hc jw..-- - ... rri . l- . : . i i i we -a l. n-M nnnrr miiii -i i. t t i iiitiiiviiiv'T . iiopping ner neaa on wim x" - -. x nVi.l ... . , 1 i " . . . i i ... xi. .moT kivt af Vna rTxm TP.OUeSt no PUD- were expected in Paris last night Thev sajled from New York May 15, unknown except to a few officials priA many American newspapers. So well was the secret kept by the vol untary censorship by which American newspapers are cooperating1 with the government that the French commis sioners generally were supposed to be still in Washington. . men Will Report Correspondence of The Robesonian. A general meeting of the National Special Aid society will be held in the high school auditorium next Mon- i J?x 004-V. oX oav aiteniooiu xviay oui, t -x.m. " - . , Every woman in the community is UprduU y .rmted toattend i L-pent xne wces-enu witn xvxiaa ouo. T nri cniiiM Neal Thompson Miss Jennie Iveyj u v V of Orrum ent the week-end with' Mr. I. A. Hmes, who has been Miss Henrietta Ammons. i first sergeant of C. A, N. C. engi- There will be a Sunbeam rally at neers, since the company was organ Smyrna next Sunday afternoon, Mayj ized last August, has been given a 27th, at 4. Long Branch and Broad, discharge on account pi being mar-ty-An ,.T,n toi-fl rQT-t v.vor-phnrlw is' ried. Searet. Hmes is held m the ni'-SC yvxi. uv F"' ' . J ' Li . 1 . x- 1 X urged to be present-and prompt., J Messrs 3ert, . ""deu,r! Unit chairmen will be called-upon Ivey of Proctorviile -attended chu-m. axe after he had stunned her with a blow, was burned by a mob near Mpmnnis, Tenn., near the girl's home, Tuewlay. Persons was taken from the sheriff's Hpnnt.ps hv a mob -'hich met the train aboard which the iKl'To was hpinc taVen to Memrihis Jrom Nashville, where he had been Mo" for safe keeping. Mrs. Minnie woofls, mother of the dead girl, iden tified the negro and urged the mob t 'urn him, though she refused to aPply the match to the funeral pyre. Persons implicated two other negroes ii nis dying statement, but one was lie time. j? i. xv:. o.tiTri,c f,nrino! here Sunday, a I think our people are Mrnhprsln-n hlanks will be distri- and waiting to hear the hntfid. all members enrolled, and an- I nual dues collected. Service dues 25c ' t ;x x Cn.olu frmrt mention was maae oi it ir-' u...' a v mm,WSwn dues $1 it. is exuecten mat octuim vc i . : , , r . of the 2-weeks' term of civil court Trill The high school girls m Miss An Hose this afternoon. All this weekna Neal Fuller's unit are cordially in Refreshing Ran ' a n.TiAft-lfid ram fell through out Robeson county Tuesday night. While the drought was only of two weeks' duration, young plants were beginning to need rain very badly. A hard wind visited the Lumber Bridge and Parkton sections, blow a mm a Tiiimber of barns and . i.-.oAS A small amount of hail UUl'llvuovii a , was reported in some sections, but "'"' iiiK otatciliciit, uuv wilt " , . Wnrvia rra rf.lc,i x j jx xot.j nnt pnoucrh to do any damage - ill uiiue au it was Bwvtu v - that the other would be released. crops. has been taken up with the case of the Parkton Mercantile Co. et al. vs. Josephine Johnson. It is thought the c'ase will be completed this afternoon. Court will adiourn when this case had been finished. There are 15 is- vited to attend. New plans will be discussed and each girl given an op portunity to work for her country. - MRS. E. L. HOLLOWAY, Chairman. Mr. and Mrs. J..C. Bodenheimer J i highest esteem by the members of Messrs. Bert, Junfi nnd Furmanl his company and as a token of their respect ior mm me memueis vx mc company presented him with a beau tiful present. Mr. Hines and his fam ily expect to leave tomorrow for their old home at Wilmington. They have made many friends since coming to Lumberton -who will be sorry to see thorn go. Mr. Hines says he has learn ed to like Lumberton ana its peopie all ready call to arms and fight for Old Glory; or at least that is the talk. The Robeson Auto Co., which I T TT 1 XI TIT 1 ni.MAV:lA nas pamifQ tne ruru auiumuunc . , . . , j xx hre for nearly 2 years, will not sell : and that he is very sorry indeed that 4t, T., fnttiro Tho KY.rri.IJe IiiUSL icavc. At f'"r agency ft this ofon has b-, tak- q jWJgSS ft Xoe mH- 'B&S SSiSSS o'l Exchanse it is learned that Mr. c. K?t lnt0 some bra" of the P. Osborne of Laurinburg will come,l-e- Knre areinTthirafoTinto their to ,ton to Jook after the Ford, M -TSInd two a mortgage. The defense is puttinsr', new home on- W J S Zam (rf VRotasw Auto Co, daughters, Misses Nora and Katie, up a nfeagof insanity on the part of ave been rooming SYSSttlSa what his'ofR. 1 from Orrum, were among the. the defendant wnen uie- mortgage ' mnfin will do. was signed. . 8xrewfc - - " ' shoppers in town yesterday. . V.i 1 r

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