FTRNK AND PflE DfVT fROM IOmINTO THE RlffilAtt NOW SOPPo&E VOU TRAILED Tl.lrt By KE Jtt OlO 6U. TRAUUM, Too TOLLOW THLM &PTH To THE WTH OOLLtTi FLf IMC 'HI CHitf Of rtTCCT-.VCi CnCO XCiTCSPAl AN TWtT KC UXKiNC FC A yA) T1 TO UAtND THE A.P FETE 7 ' ' ' nOH AxlHf THATS Just vgHERC In Coin' now m r HOUSE , AND Ai .Soon A.S THEY HEARD YOWR FOST STE.PS, STAIR WAT WITH YOU A,T THClR HCtLS FIRiMC AA1 AT "HE M K(OF, WHERE HEt OOCk BEHiHD a cmrmti and stat ret'-jrninc; "tOUR FtRt - TMC- rfonp K.OM Place, to utit wore. SuRHOoiSOEO ON ALA. SlteS- SIX IMCHtS FROM YowR BRAIN . YbO BRAMEL- TRt TO SHOOT BACK But too DtScootR that TOOR tjow IS CMPTT " NOV) VJHAT VOULO YOU 00 f YOO WE.RE tN A "HOCC LIKE THAT ? c I roof - Before i te&SSPT r n '! I J 11 I -- r- . . II WW I1VW . 1b. I r "TjrWft' LJ - ta "V ST lOLC UKE THAT ? V 13 Efed I I C0T Tw I ' LIFE AT TRAINING CAMP Moving Future Commanders of Men Out of Raw Material Glimpse In to Camp Life at fort Uglethorpe the morning without feeling the ' he takes it. structors are selected from, among the most efficient men in the service, and having a particularly efficient man in command doesn't always add to a company's happiness m the begin mug. Especially when it comes to that most obnoxious duty of a sol diers Tife, inspection, is this appar ent. Woe then to the man who has shall find him outand not only that but all the company shall know of it, and comment thereon with freedom and sarcasm. Fine Type of Men Nevetheless, the man in the ranks of No. 16 stands- in -no danger of anything worse than good-natured ragging, for lus comrades are gen ty wen lagged that is to sav. ev-tdav. Tt.s rfrrmvri ka eryboy except the company command-! ured by the company cook better than er, detailed from the reerular armv. : hv a-nvhr. el Robeson county has quite a number r,liV flw& "n aaisy, ai- can count on having perhaps 200 cf fine young men who are in train. "lol.p fle Kes mrougn worK prac- ( meals eaten, instead of 450; but af. ine at ForrOglethorpe, Ga., for their tica."y as severe as any man in the ter that he had better count on at nntrv's service, and the following ranliS- or endurance a regular ar. least 500 to 600 ordinarv meals. special of the 2nd inst. from Chatta- my man nas Hercules backed off the ' The government has been generous Eooga, Tenn., to the Greensboro Daily '. map' I to its future officers, in the matter News will be of absorbing interest At 10 Comes "Taps" of rations, as well as in other things, to many Robesonian readers: j But after dinner there will be a but its greatest piece of. generosity "Advance and thrust! Front pass blessed hour, an entire 60 minutes,' is in the officers it has detailed as and lunge! Re-tire and thrust! Rest!" during which company 16 will not instructors. Company 16 may have Corrpany No. 16, Reserve Officers' have a thing to do except learn a s own opinion about that, for the in- Training Camp, brings its rifles to ew pages of the Infantry Drill Reg the ground, and wipes its streaming illations, the Manual of Interior Guard brows, lamenting. Bayonet exercise Duty, the Plattsburg Manual, maybe is something to test the stamina of a bit of the Signalling Manual, "and hardened regulars, to say nothing of glance at a few other text-books for a collection of college boys, clerks, outside reading. At 1:30 the com merchants, newspaper men, et cetera, mander will take them off to some such as compose the membership of shady spot whjere he will proceed to tIia Fnrt Ocrlpthorno trainiTier rami, find Out how lamentablv little thev and fnr that matter, all the nt.hers. have cathered from this course of , involuntarily carried the careless To stick to the undiluted truth, there "Study, After some tjwo hours of methods of easy-going civilian life in are only 15 companies in the Georgia cross-examination, No. 16 will gather , to camp with him. Verily his sin camp; but let this one be denominate itself together for a hike, a pleas ed No. 16, to avoid personalities. i ant little stroll of six to eight miles At the command, "Rest", an aver- in a couple of hours; or if the lesson age of perhaps 145 of the 150 men runs close to 4 o'clock, the company composing company 16 roll back their will be taken back to the parade sleeves and note with relief that their ground and put through more setting wrist watches register 11:27. That up exercises. After 4:30 there is means that the next command will nothing to do but take a bath be te "Assemble," after which the com- fore supper; but as there is always pany will be marched back to bar- a formidable waiting list at the bath racks to wash up for mess, which in houses, it sometimes becomes an ex. this case would be dinner, at noon, citing race to get back before 5:30 A paragrapher on one of the Chatta- when mess call sounds for. supper, cooga papers recently pulled one to At 7 the whole regiment is gathered thA pffprt that this -will h "no wrist, together and somebody makes a watch war". Obviously, he had not speech "general cefcrference," it Us been to the officers' training camp, called, and often it js the most val or he might have observed that that uable part of the day's work. After is precisely what it will be in so far the conference, it is study more books as th equipment of the men is con- until 9:30, . when tattoo sounds; and cerned. . The reason is simple, but .at 10 comes taps, sufficient. The wrist is the only con- Decidedly, it is no life for a Syba venient place for a soldier to wear his rite; and yet you might make a long watch. With the cartridge belt on, journey without finding a more the watch pocket just below the cheerful place than company 16 bar waist hand of the trousers is ex- mcVs, That- is. tjou mic-Tit. unless vou tremely difficult to get at. To wear had chanced to visit it on the day af-tnan any other trade-y-three teachers, the watch in the shirt pocket means ter the company had been given its an., architect, a biologist recently en that it is almost certain to be smash- second shot of the anti-typhoid se-; gaged in research work in a govern ed the first time the company is or- rum. Then you would have found a mem moratory, several Associaiea dered to advance by rushing, which, congregation of misanthropes of the;Pres telegraph operators, a college deepest dye. All the world was processor entiueu w wear naii me ai wrong that day. Company 16's arms ' phabet behind his name, and an eth. 9phoH' ia heads nrhertr Its hacKS . uuiugisi, juax, icmiucu xxum a s ,j " - --- av. wuiuttiiv J- J iLi-CKiiio w tiicnv mc ca in y tllllo LcU men. in STJlLfi sxram, ana company 16 came in pret-1 take interest in life again the third! of their uniform courtesv to indi viduals, are not greatly impressed with the body of student officers, as a whole. Compared with the math ematical precision of a regular -regiment drill, the formations of the "Boy fecouts" are pretty ragged. But they , are getting better every day. There is a little mere smoothness of alignment, a little more snan. a lit tle less hesitation, every time com pany it) iorms. The company com mander almost daily expresses his wonder that anybody should ever have suspected the members of the company of ability to be ..lj- i . i . come . soiuiers, nut down m his heart he is getting a little spark of pride in his men in spite of the seasons of despair that- occasionally seize him. For there is one thing about the training camp that counts enormous ly, although it may not show in the beginning every man is working- his hardest. After all, these men mean Dusmess and it can be seen more plainly every day. The college songs and the laughter, and the end less joking, are only the effervesence of youth. Down at bottom nobodv forgets what the gathering means for a moment. The parade ground where the com panies do their daily drilling is Snod. grass field, the comparatively level have destroyed the Federal army. They knew it, and the fury of their repeated assaults' is attested by the fact that when the fight was over their dead were so thick on Snodgrass hill that a man might have walke! from, its foot to its top on their bod ies. The companies' that are now form ing at the foot of that hill are made up of the grandsons of the Confede rate dead. They lack the military technique, but they know who they are. None of them pretends, to be much of a soldier as vet, but they can learn, and it would be little short of treason to America to doubt that hey have the spirit that carried the gray lines time and again up Snod grass hill in that hopeless? endeavor. telemen to a man. Here again the dis. ! space at the foot of Snodgrass hill, crimination of the examining officers the eminence that General Wilder is proved, for a finer type of roan than the average student at the offi cers' training camp America does not produce. Collegiaris of the years 1915-16 and 17 predominate, but ev ery profession is represented every profession, that is, except medicine, for the doctors need" no training of the sort given at Fort Oglethorpe. One man discovered in the course of half an hour's investigation half a dozen lawyers, a score of newspaper men f or some unexplained reason the fourth estate has contributed, in proportion to numbers, perhaps more held in September, 1863, when Wild er's superior, Thomas, by his stand was saving the remains of Rosecran's defeated army during the battles of Chicamauga. If the Confederates could have taken that hill, they might necessitates falling -to the ground at the end of the rush, and falling quick, at that. Consequently, there are at least 10 wrist-watches in the camp for every one of the ordinary sort. It will be a wrist-watch war by a huge maiority. The Day's Routine What the paragrapher meant, of course, was that it will be no war for mollycoddles, and in that he has the hearty and unanimous indorsement of the officers in charge of the training camp. The training, especially for tne urst live weeks?, has been so de signed that there will not be a weak ling left among the future officers at the end of that period. It speaks volumes for the discrimination of the examining officers that after the Iirst two weeks of trruellinc work on ly 50 men out of the 2,500 at the camp navf, succumbed. To understand what that means, iet us return to the mythical com pany, 16, now back in the companv street and dismissed. Thev turned out at 5:15 in the morning, and at ached; its commander was transform ed from a pleasant, if unbending, gentleman, into a monster of mcred. years' tour of the world, made in an endeavor t oprove that Egyptian civ ilization had declined before a mulat- ible viciousness; and the kaiser was to Pharaoh ascended the throne. He sure to win the war. Anti-typhoid serum is powerful stuff, especially the second dose, which is the worst of all. It is the essence of. gloom, a distillation of despair; and the man claim's to have proved it. But the college boys . predominate, It is the youth of America that is go ing out to try conclusions with the kaiser, as is proved by the innum- i ,-o.,i4.Qi a rno-n heroft erabie meetings' oi aiumni ot every of friends, a man with no joy m nie.j wucge i me uuw own,co, uiU v. His last doer is dead. One Blue-Eyed Doctor The reputation of the serum went before it, and many and various as autumn leaves were the excuses that company 16 had framed up before its visit to the hospital. Few members there were so lacking in ingenuity that they were not provided with what was, in their own estimation, a perfectly legitimate excuse to pre sent to the doctor for not taking the dose. But company 16 did not know what it is to, go up against an army ran: 5:25 fell in for the first time. The! surgeon, especially a surgeon with tKbUll U .AX V0O I A ftJ&AgA&V Wiu " J Z occasion was nefore breakfast a strenuous 15 minutes in itself. Breafast earnest 6, in the mess hall opposite the com pany barracks, for each- company is a separate entity, eating and sleep ing t0 itself. After breakfast, the company street was "policed", that i? 10 say. cleaned up from end to end tfeds also were maria tin and the bar racks sweDt out. At 7 e Hav's work started and it was a continuous drive from that moment on. Tha moraines are given over to drill in squads, pla toons and companies, to bayonet and gnalling exercises and to instruc tion in thft use of small arms. Not Hercules himself could go through blue eye, . but withal the most in credulous, the most skeptical, the most sophisticated blue eye in the world. Alas for company 16! The blue eyed doctor had heard each and everv one of its 150 excuses so often that he could have repeated them as easilv as the multiplication table; and his answer to each was the same a jab of the needle and a dab of iodine. Company 16 went to the hos- nital with hirii hopes; it came back in a mined community. But fortunately 24 hours sees the end of tha worst of the anti-typhoid treatment, unless? there is something radically wrong with the man before FEWER PEOPLE GROWING OLDER The Public Health Service reports that more people live to the age of forty years to-day, but from forty to sixty years mortalitv is increasing from degenerative diseases. Thousands of well-informed men and women to-day are learning the true .value of OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL as a powerful blood-enricher and strength-builder to ward off the headaches and backaches that mean weakness. SCOTT'S helps fortify the body against grippe, pneumonia and weakening colds, through its force of medicinal nourishment. t . Refuse Alcoholic Extracts That Do Not Contain Cod Liver OU. Scvtt Bwm. BlooBfUU. N. J. . - " EMULSION FARM-HELP PROBLEM man, in turn, reports any deficit or sarplcs to the "State man", who can vasses Ihe situation for the States as a whole and reports to the Depart- -ment of Agriculture, which, in close cooperation with the Department of Lrbor, is charged with the distribTH tion of mobile labor for the country as a whole. Thus each unit in the system acta as a clearing house for its own ter ritory, reporting to the units higher up only when it needs ' help or has help to offer. The plan provides that supplemental reports shall be sub mitted by each community man when ever changes in the local labor sit uation makes desirable further ad justments that can not be met with the material at hand or when a sur plus ef labor develops which he can not use. - A great many retired farmers, of whom there are 700,000 in the coun try, may be available for emergency service under the plan of farm labor mobilization. The plans contemplate also the drawing of emergency labor from the cities under the immediate direction of the Department of La bor, the effective utilization of col- legestudents and school boys, and, singing of cojlege songs everv time more than two or three are gathered together. Somebody garnered tre mendous applause on the first night by perverting one of the college dit ties to such effect that the last lines SICK WOMAN HAD CRYING SPELLS v - - Restored to Health by Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Enhaut, Pa. "I was all run down and weak inwardly. I had female troubles and nervous feelings and my head both ered me. I would often have crying spells and feel as if I was not safe.. If I heard anyone com ing I would run and lock the door so they would not see me. I tried several doc tors and they did not help me so I said to my mother 'I guess "Oh, we'll twist the kaiser's tail And we'll ride him on a rail, Illtf I tit 1 1 I II I 111 till I No Cliques and Castes But it is to be ddtibted whether the promised mahem and indignities vis ited on his imperial majesty were re sponsible for the ear-splitting yell that went up as much as the single word, "Carolina". More than two-thirds of the camp is ready to cheer at the word in fact, just aching for an op portunity. At a general conference the other night a speaker made ref erence to the fact that the medical records of the Confederacy show that 30 per cent of the casualties suffered during the war between the sections by the South were borne by the one State of North Carolina, and the shout that came up must have been heard in Rossville. ' Headquarters, however, is1 not perr ticularly anxious to emphasize any sort of local pride. Great pains has been take nto distribute the men from each State, and, in fact, from each of the principal cities, throughout the camp. If a group of men came m to gether it was a certainty that each of them would land in a different company. Under such a system there is small danger of the formation of cliaues and castes. How it fares with your neigh bor there is no way of knowing, un less he does something so conspicuous as to attract the attention of his whole company, and so to furnish food for erossip. The Tar Heels are by far the biggest men in the camp, take them as a whole. That statement perhaps demands a little modification. The whole company grows lean and lank, as the days go by; but where fat encumbered jir. t. i - jic me men ueiure, mustie is iiviiik place. They are growing hard. Drill on Historic Snodgrass Hill The regulars come over from Fort Oglethorpe and look with a humor ous, not tn sav cynical, eye on the 'Bov Scouts' as thev call the cadets on account of the red, white and blue hatcord. It is not to be wondered at I will have to die as there is no help for aie. ' She got me one of your little books and my husband said I should try one bottle. . I stopped the doctor's medicine and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It soon made a change in me and now I am strong and do all my work." Mrs. Augustus Baughhan, Box 86, Enhaut, Pa. Why will women continue to suffer day in and day out and drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, missing three fourths of the joy of living, when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? If you would like free confidential ad vice address Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Government Pan for Organization of Farm Labor Provision Made for NaMonWde Co-operation Washington Dispatch. Under the government plan for the organization of farm labor, the de tails of which were announced by the United States Department of Agri culture this week, provision is made for nation-wide co-operation in the The work of organization already , j, has been started in about 40 States ' women ana giris xorarai s3 and it is expected that eventually ev- connecxea parxicuiany wiui leeoong cry cemmunity in--the United States and canng for harvest hands or other will be reached. It is believed that extra labor, or with farrn canning ot the resultant utilization of emergency frying of surplus perishable products, labor will begin to have an apprec- In. other words, the plan contemplates iable effect on the farm labor situa- supplying assistance not merely for tion before the season has far ad- eld operations, but to farm women vanced. Meanwhile, the immediate during their season of heaviest do and acute problem of supplying labor mestic duties. for the harvests, now beginning in' the southwest is being handled, so far , as the United States government's , 3 1- XT services are concerned, mrougn me existing employment service of the U. S. Department of Labor, which will continue to handle Such prob lems of mass mobilization under the new plan as it has in the past. j The plan is based on close co-operation on the part of the U. S. De.' partment of Agnculture and the U. S. Department of Labor with State committees on national defense charged with labor matters, with the State agricultural colleges, with thej J x 1 AT. - I county agents anu wuu me local or township labor committees or representatives to be established in every locality. The Department of Agriculture will represent the Fed eral authorities in determining farm labor needs and in assisting in organ izing all available farm labor in the rural districts. The U. S. Depart ment of Labor will devote its atten tion to organizing labor in urban communitaies- and industrial regions, and will co-operate with the farm la bor forces "where necessary by ob taining extra labor for the populous centers. The plan provides for strictly local handling of all labor probems that can be adiusted locally. The funda mental unit of the organization is the "community man',' who, with the assistance of such committees as he may appoint, canvasses his own neighborhood, finds out what farm ers need help, and what men are available for supplying the local need, and effects such adjustments as can be made locally. Ifi after all local adjustments have been made, there remains either a deficit or a surplus of labor, he reports to the "county man" whose business it is to effect, ... . it i 5,000,000 Corns Lifted Right Of? ! i Try 2 Drops of Magic "Gets-It." . There's a'wonderful difference be tween getting rid of a corn now and the way they used to try to get ridi of it only four or five years agok "Gets-It" has revolutionised corn history. It's the only corn-remedy. Sect Jnat 2 Drops of 'Geto-It.' Nov Tomorrow I'll Just Peel That Coxa Sight Off and It's Gone I " today that acts on the new prin ciple, not only of shriveling up the corn, but of loosening the corn off Co loose that you can lift it right off with your fingers. Put 2 drops of "Gets-It" on that corn or callus to night. That's alL The corn is doomeo sure as sunrise. No vain, or trouble, or soreness. Yon do away once and for all with toe bundling bandages, toe-eating salves and irresponsible what-nots. Try it get surprised and lose a corn. "Gets-It" is sold everywhere. 25c a bottle, or sent on receipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago, III, Sold in Lumberton and recommend, ed as the World's best corn remedy adjustments between the several com-' by Pope Drug Co., and J. D. McMil munities in his county. The county lan & Son. l CiilllsJ Back and Front-Lace ' llll VV I WSlK FOR STOUT FIGURES ' 1 Rt jlIJ vpl I I lffli WW Make large hip. dppemr; bulky waUtnro tft&HU fw3 I VmI WWW I eraceful; awkward butt-line smaller and have the Xfy.?fcHl 1 IKQ fl THH I 11 1 Old Corset" comfort with first wearing. Both . IWSHM pD I 1 II J - medium and low bust. 1 1 J 1 I V J I Vffll NUFORM KWM 1 -ktiJ Back and Front-Lace jJynZ-1 fcssssWn' ' J For SLENDER and AVERAGE FIGURES Ml I flO &rk7Q3-S150 I Gtw Style. Comfort and perfectly fitting Gown' 1 W.B.Nnform, No.929-gJQ I " "" :M at BBoat Economical Price. laMBBssBSsnsBBSssssBBmssM I ' , 1 , $l-oo f 3- I Aft AD Dealers ' WEINGARTEN BROS-, In. Hew Yosk Chicago San Frandico j

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